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BoD Daily Update

John Cena Update

Going forward, it is expected that Cena will be wrestling on all the upcoming PPV's and there will not be an injury angle in his match against Del Rio at Hell in a Cell

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Road Dogg Moving up in the WWE?

Apparently Road Dogg, real name Brian James, has taken over the roles previously held by Michael Hayes, who was pulled off the road several weeks ago. He has been backstage at all the TV tapings and is spending a lot of time in the office. Apparently, Hayes is still with he company but committed a violation. One of his stipulations was that he did not drink while on the road with the company.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Damien Sandow Update

Sandow was told by the company that he is to no longer sing or use the cartwheel in his matches. Apparently, Vince believes that if someone on the main roster is using a similar gimmick of a wrestler in NXT (Aiden English sings) it makes the guy on the main roster look like an amateur.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

Ken Shamrock Claims that he is Blackballed from Pro Wrestling


  1. Cena: So be it.
    Road (agent) Dogg: Hayes can be an idiot. End of story.
    Sandow: Um... that sounds downright ass-backwards. And another potential feud goes SPLAT!
    Shamrock: Yawn. Your time has passed, stiff one.

  2. "Road Dogg Moving up in the WWE?"


    I didn't know.

  3. With all his time on the road, it has been reported that even though Cena wanted to be tested for HGH and Steroids, he simply didn't have the time. Cena was quoted as saying, "I'm a star, would a star use illegal drugs?" WWE officials are reportedly fine with substituting the testimony in place of an actual blood test.

  4. Good thing they told Sandow to knock off that singing, because otherwise he'd have to be punished by being taken off the PPVs and jobbed in literally every match until he was a complete joke.

    Oh, too late.

  5. And Randy Orton is all like "Why didn't I think of that?! STUPID STUPID STUPID!!"

  6. It will be unfortunate one of these days when Cena is rushed back, and cripples himself.

  7. I didn't realise he sang to be honest.

  8. Maybe William Hung can be his manager?

  9. WELL YOUR ASS BETTER CALL SOMEBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Anything that makes Sandow less reminiscent of the Genius is a good move.

  11. Great, now we're going to see Sandow get more "intense" aka drop all the interesting aspects of his character and talk in a monotone voice. Worked out well for Swagger and Miz when they won the titles.

  12. A wrestling company doesn't want to take a chance on a 50 year old washed up Ultimate Fighter that's taken numerous blows to the head? Clearly blackballed.

  13. I think booty calls is what got Hayes in trouble...

  14. It's so funny that Michael PS Hayes, from Badstreet Atlanta, GA (baddest street in the whole USA if you weren't aware), who was the anti-establishment, the rebel, the party himself, somehow transformed into this corporate guy... but flashes of the old Hayes still show up from time to time.

  15. Sandow must have absolutely no political allies backstage. The guy has worked for the company for most of the last ten years. Learn to make friends dude. See also: Ziggler, Dolph

  16. I mentioned earlier in the comments of Scott's NXT review that I had read a rumour that Hayes has been suspended for supposedly offering Rosa Mendes alcohol after she had just come out of rehab and that the two of them have some kind of agreement which explains why she still has a job. No way of telling how true this is but it really wouldn't surprise me considering this is the guy who asked Mark Henry to be more of an N****! Stay classy Freebird!

  17. I'm confused about the Sandow story. I don't recall him ever singing on a regular basis and I don't believe he's done the cartwheel in a while, because didn't he only used to do that after winning a match? Which he hasn't since MITB as far as I believe.

    Also does Aiden English do cartwheels at all? And since when would the more veteran wrestler on the main roster get a talking to instead of the developmental guy?

  18. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 10, 2013 at 8:55 AM

    "Once a Freebird, always a Freebird."

  19. Hey, no spoilers, but it looks like we're in for a Green Lantern version of Megapowers Explode in a few months. Winner gets the World Leadership of the Green Lanterns. So, who you got? Stewart or Jordan?

  20. The Sandow thing makes no sense. How would 99.9% of the Monday Night Raw audience know that an NXT guy sings???

  21. Don't forget spinebusters!

  22. I want Sandow writing formulas on a blackboard.

    "(175IQ+245lbs) X 85 (or however many days as MITB holder)=1 Cena Down!"

  23. So because Aiden English sings, the guy who has had the gimmick longer needs to stop.
    How's about we *team* the two similar guys?

  24. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 10, 2013 at 9:07 AM

    What I want to know is if The Road Dogg is allowed to...ahem..."tell Owen stories" while on the road.

  25. So is Cena going to be told he has to drop his gimmick since Bo Dallas is doing the same thing?

  26. English's entire gimmick is that he sings his entrance theme and is a "Broadway star"-turned- wrestler. Sandow I believe has "sang" twice --- mocking Orton's theme song and when he and Cody were mocking the New Age Outlaws' entrance. Not exactly major gimmick infringement there.

  27. Nice. Was Hogan legit 6'8, because he looks huge here and Hansen's a big guy?

    Also, Hansen is scary as fuck.

  28. That's not how the Henry thing went.

  29. Cena: Oh, OK. Yawn.

    Road Dogg: Seems like he has a good mind for the business and is sober now. Good for him.

    Sandow: As long as this is the extent of the neutering, it won't hurt a thing. That being said, the neutering will probably get worse.

    Shamrock: Always found him quite underrated. He did well at what he did. That said, he's a steroid user who has been beat up and knocked out quite a few times. Blackballed? No. The opposite of what the WWE wants to hire? Yep.

  30. I'm talking about the cartwheels and effeminate behavior like the Genius had. This guy Sandow is supposed to be a title contender.

  31. Dok the Bounty Hunter should just quietly go away. Who the hell does he have naked pictures of that he can fuck up his job, plus be a general shitbag and still stay on the payroll?

    Wait, this is wrestling. He's a made guy, and probably has naked pictures of Kevin Dunn. *shudder*

  32. Wtf are they doing with Sandow. He was gold when he debuted and the only reason he's lost any luster is because they've buried him. This is a great gimmick and the guy is doing amazing with it and he was/is absolutely over as a heel. Great look, money promos, and in the few matches he's gotten more than 4 minutes for have been good (ex the 18 minute match with sheamus on raw last year). I just don't get it.

  33. He's probably just a yes that kisses vkms ass. I don't know why but I've read many times where that's what Vince wants in his top guys so he's probably just hesitant to break in another sycophant.

  34. Triple He's cronies will be in power soon enough. But God damnit, that's not any better.

  35. Yes, so make him boring. Makes perfect sense.
    Muta did cartwheels. Was he a title contender?

  36. I'd bet that, like most people, at some point he grew out of 'smoke weed everyday'.

  37. I really don't get it, either. Guy nails most of their wish list:

    - Home grown
    - Good size and look

    - Strong talker
    - Good enough worker in the ring

    You are right, he needs to find an ally stat.

  38. I don't think it's a gimmick infringement issue, but more of a "the guy in the bush league does this and you do it too, you look bush league".

    Equally as stupid, though, for sure.

  39. That's what I remember reading. Too bad because Hogan/Gordy could have been great as well.

  40. Nobody in the front office is questioning how the hell John Cena routinely recovers from his injuries months ahead of schedule?

  41. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 10, 2013 at 10:17 AM

    What's all this weed stuff? I was honestly talking about Owen stories. I assume he is not allowed to tell them anymore out of fear that Martha Hart will sue.

  42. I thought I told you to get rid of those sideburns, Mattingly.

  43. Question are for sheep, not sharks, and Vince will forever be the Shepard of a great herd of sharks.

    And maybe he's only at 75%, but they're panicking and telling him to come back.

  44. I have this match as part of a compilation tape I bought from John McAdam (remember him?!) back in the day. Fun, fun match...

  45. No but if/when he ends up dead in a hotel room in his early 40's the wwe is in no way at fault.

  46. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 10, 2013 at 10:36 AM


  47. "there will not be an injury angle in his match against Del Rio at Hell in a Cell"

    SPOILER ALERT, man! Geez!


  48. I think Sandow has friends backstage, it's just that the WWE does not book it's heels, except for the very top ones, strong. I do agree that Ziggler does need to learn to make more friends and keep his mouth shut more often.

  49. That's what I remember I read about that story but I'm sure it was something along the lines of Hayes being outdated and trying to put a point across using non-pc language.

  50. Michael Hayes is more of a JR guy isn't he? Eventually we are going to see those Vince and JR guys pushed back for the group that HHH wants to bring in. It's his show and he wants his people in certain roles. Understood.

  51. That's a bet I'd have lost any day:

    Who's taller, Hansen or Hogan? I always thought Stan was 6'8" - 6'9", at least a couple inches taller than Hogan.

  52. Michael Hayes is such a racist scumbag--i don't know how he keeps getting so many chances. He is a vice president AND he goes ahead and recommends Rosa Mendes get drinks with him--which she did. Rosa is someone who was was JUST released from a months-long rehab facility due to alcohol dependence--of course she's vulnerable. He also has sway behind the scenes and even if she didn't want to go, she may have felt obligated due to the political pressure. I'm glad this company finally did something (likely a PAID suspension again though) but holy shit can't someone really reprimand this Freebird and fire him already??

  53. And even sadder a good portion of the fans and IWC will celebrate that. I hate the sob, but don't want to see anyone get crippled. Well.....maybe Orton but just maybe.

  54. Axe Bomber vs. The Lariat. Great stuff here. Hogan always has good fun matches in Japan

  55. I love Sandow but dont get the criticism of him dropping the ginmick. His cartwheels act screams midcard/borderline comedy shtick. While were at it, get rid if the purple trunks also. While not anywhere near hia level, its kind of like how they tried to transition Angle away from the comedy to a more serious performer in 02-03.

    This bring said, I hope they don't mess with his mic work or shtick. That'll completely neuter him and turn him into every other mid carder

  56. I could buy that. Hansen was about that payday. Win or lose he would still be mad over in Japan

  57. Spinebusters for some, miniature American flags for others!

  58. WWE
    But We Gave Him A Briefcase

  59. I read somewhere yesterday (411 I guess) that they intentionally overstated the severity of his injury just so that he could make a heroic early comeback.

  60. In the end it doesn't really matter what he keeps or drops about his act if he loses every single week.

  61. Yea. Ill never ever ever understand why they book the MITB guy like they do? Is it to shock people when they actually win a title? Ill never get it

  62. Let's wait until we get a Freebird DVD set release first or HOF invite. Both deserving IMO.

  63. Shamrock seems kinda dumb and delusional

  64. I remember the write-up, I heard so much about this match years before I ever had the chance to see it. Add me to the list of people who wish Hogan had more stateside matches like this.

  65. Sandow the character is great but in-ring wise, all he has is a russian leg sweep, elbow drop and a few knees strikes. Now he's not even allowed to cartwheel? He could've turned that into the prelude of a new move!

  66. In fact, does Damien Sandow even have a finisher??

  67. That's the story I remember, too, with an added twist. Gordy was fine with it when Hogan was champ (which is when the match was scheduled). As soon as Hogan lost the strap to the Warrior, though, he balked. Losing to the champ was fine, but losing to a guy just coming off a loss (even if it was Hulk Hogan) was not cool in front of a Japanese crowd that saw him as a monster.

  68. Good stuff. Hulk looks old for being 34 here

  69. Thanks for the info!

  70. He told Henry in front of a huge gathering that he is more ni***r than henry. Yeah that's nice. He also has a history of not pushing black wrestlers, and court Bauer told a story of wanting to book a henry vs Ashley feud but the free bird nixed the idea because you can't have a "gimmick vs gimmick match" like that. Yes, Hayes thinks black people are gimmicks.

  71. Isn't it that neckbreaker move?

  72. Except, wasn't Triple H a JR guy?

  73. Yeah, don't steal gimmicks from NXT. You know, unless you want to rip off Kassius Ohno's roaring elbow, which his whole character revolves around. Scumbag Wade Barrett.

  74. Sure, but JR wasn't a HHH guy.

  75. Problem is the two Freebirds I really want to hear from are dead.

  76. quick wuestion to those who can answer it. who are the few before his wwe comeback in the 2000's di hogan lose to clean? I know the list is short, but i am curious to see who the lucky few were besides warrior at wm 6.

  77. I would if he got injured again in suspicious ways (muscle tears, that sort of thing) but he doesn't.

  78. Yeah, they totally need to get rid of everything that makes him unique.

  79. No comparison at all between muta's moveset and Lanny poffo and Sandow. That's ridiculous. Muta was a legit main event player who drew money in two countries. Lanny, not so much. Sandow and Lanny are nice comedy mid-lower card acts but with their characters, not main event level draws.

  80. The Love-Matic Grampa!October 10, 2013 at 11:53 AM

    Not to defend Hayes, but it's not like his line of thinking is that far off from the general mentality of professional wrestling in general. Progressive attitudes on race and ethnicity have never really been the norm, you know?

    My guess that the real difference between Hayes and other WWE management types is that he's just more vocal about what the rest are already thinking anyhow.

  81. Well, he was 36, pushing 37 at the time of the match. Still, I take your point.

  82. He said main eventers can't do cartwheels. I demonstrated that they could. End of discussion.

  83. ... So you're saying Sandow has NO chance of becoming a major player with his current persona? I call bullshit on that one.

  84. Muta's cartwheel wasn't treated as a joke or comedy transition move to get the crowd to pop. IMO, which is still allowed on a blog, Sandow is a comedy character and until he drastically changes it up, he's not going to be taken seriously by fans or management.

  85. I think he needs to tweak his character yes--a lot of the current crop of talent needs to. Comedy only gets you so far (unless you a special case like The Rock). I think if he wasn't treated like a jobber, or actually involved in the Rhodes storyline with the Corporation, it would help him be taken seriously.

  86. Keep trying to change what was said. Maybe some day it'll work.

  87. Yea. The stache and baldness are killing him. The match graphic says said he was 34

  88. Yea, because everything you can do that's unique is a great idea to do as a wrestling performer.

  89. You are a prize Dougie--I now understand the "love" you have from this blog. This is all in reference to A_Wrestling_God's comment that it was a positive for Sandow to eliminate the "cartwheels and effeminate behavior like the Genius
    had. This guy Sandow is supposed to be a title contender." And I agree with him! You somehow twisted that into "You want to make him boring...Muta did cartwheels and was a title contender...."He said main eventers can't do cartwheels." NONE of that is the point that A_Wrestling_God nor I was trying to make--and we NEVER said that. Poffo and Sandow are/were seen as effeminate comedy characters (including the way they do cartwheels!). Muta was never portrayed that way--even though he had a cartwheel. Even Bam Bam had one. Both were main eventers. I don't know why I even responded to you.

  90. Picking his nose in the middle of everymatch would make him unique, should he do that? His mix work and overall gimmick are what makes him unique. Dont be an idiot

  91. Childish name-calling? Seriously? Don't be nieve.
    And you can edit your posts. You don't have to reply multiple times to me. Maybe start thinking this stuff through.

  92. He said, and you agreed, that if he's supposed to be a main eventer, he can't do cartwheels. I proved that he could. Yet you continue to try and twist the argument. You haven't a leg to stand on. Stop trying to run, stick to crawling.

  93. It's weird, but he's looked more or less identical for decades, I swear.

  94. Dude, you steal peoples avatars from wrestling blogs to make emoticons and are on a comic book mailing list and are in your 40s. Yea, I'M childish.

  95. Yea. Hogan from like 35-50 looks identical.

  96. At least we can both agree that you're childish. That's a good start.

  97. Are you everv going to address the avatar/emoction thing or just keep deflecting?

  98. Somebodys getting defensive. Because its fucking creepy, strange, and kinda delusional for someone of your age to be doing it. You would think you would want to give an explanation for it.

  99. Who's nieve? And why would anyone impersonate him/her?

  100. Farva here keeps calling me nieve. I know its not a word, but he seems to think it is.

  101. Hardly defensive.
    If you would like an explanation for something I'm doing somewhere else, you should bring it up there. This is a thread discussing the news of the day.

  102. Which one is the one people like to hug?

  103. I dont believe I did, but if I did I was driving and it waz saved as my autocorrect. Your talking to someone who has gone through more post high school education then the 10 years youve been on that comic book mailing list so yes, I know that naive is how to spell it.

    "Nieve"is an actual word also, guess you dont learn that through comic book mailing lists. So 0-2, keep playing though

  104. Another deflection.

  105. Your post probably would've gone over better if you had used your/you're correctly.
    Man, you are really bad at this.

  106. Charlotte does cartwheels now in NXT and is probably the reason for banning it.

  107. Its funny how you avoid the relevant topic to go back to grammar...its like when a small child just keeps saying "yo momma" after everything. "Yo momma"

  108. You do realize how hilarious it is to brag about your education while constantly making 4th grade errors, right?

  109. Avatars/emoctions!

  110. WWE, where no two people can do the same thing or have the same first name. But everyone can do a superplex.

  111. Yea, because im going to meticulously spell check posts when im typing on my phone at work. Some of us do have jobs Doug.

    Still with the grammar I see. Yo yo momma"

  112. Do Big E. Langston and Big Show count?

    The first name thing actually makes a lot of sense though as it helps keep folks from mixing up the wrestlers, especially with new unestablished guys.

  113. Its hilarious how your self worth is tied to blog trolling, creating other blogs to talk about a blog, and having multiple accounts on these blogs. My amateur psych assessment is you have a terrible/no job, no family or friends, and doing these types of things is the only time you feel good about yourself. Which is pretty pathetic. Hey, ill load an avatar next time I pull up this blog from my desktop just to throw you a bone.

  114. Oh yeah true, haven't seen him use it in a while :/

  115. I think I have figured out a logic to it a few weeks ago. But I'm guessing nobody will read this paragraph, so i'll save it for some other time. :)

  116. Wrong again Sir. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to
    anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this blog is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and
    may God have mercy on your soul.

  117. Driving and texting is dangerous. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY.

  118. Ah, the days of Garrison Cade and Gregory Helms. Good times!

  119. Well, obviously sometime down the road they're going to have a feud over the use of the word "BIG".

    Big Show will win, and E. Langston will have to reveal that his name is Ernie. Leading to fans mocking him and a murderous rage inside.

  120. In WWE? No one. He lost matches but none of them were clean.

  121. along with a tag team partner named Bert

  122. It's amazing Stan Hansen never killed anybody the way he always swung that rope on the way to the ring.

  123. I assume you meant Henry vs Booby Lashley which if so makes sense because I recall hearing rumours that Lashley wanted to be off Smackdown when Hayes was the head writer because he had no interest in pushing him.

  124. That does make more sense plus I don't think the cartwheels did much for Sandow anyway. It was a funny touch to his gimmick at the beginning but don't really add much now if he's to be taken seriously.

  125. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 10, 2013 at 4:54 PM

    *sings the safety dance*

  126. There no part of Kevin Dunn's naked body more terrifying than is ugly 'Bucky Beaver Muthafucka' (Copyright Jim Cornette) rat-like teeth.

  127. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 10, 2013 at 5:13 PM

    they will just downvote it anyways.

  128. But we can still hear from Jimmy Garvin, Little Richard Marley and Badstreet...

  129. A Rocky King tribute DVD would be...something else. Hell a DVD devoted to "underneath" guys (since the term jobber is pretty demeaning) might be kind of awesome.

    A two DVD set could contain 100+ matches.

  130. Sandow wasn't imitating Muta with his, which usually ended up with a flying elbow to the corner. Sandow did the same type of preening around as the Genius. The Genius was a manager after being a jobber.

  131. Yeah, it actually could be a lot of fun. You could include a Ric Flair - George South classic. And Barry "the Winner" Horowitz winning one match in GWF, and then saying how he did it for all the "little Winners" out there.

  132. The man did wear a confederate flag to the ring for much of his career ...

  133. Wait a minute... since when does Sandow SING?

  134. Michael Hayes got drunk at Stephanie's wedding and apparently serenaded Linda and a few others. Seriously, between him and Ace, it baffles me the type of people WWE put in charge.

  135. He's rumoured to be an HHH guy.

  136. I can see that to an extent. TNA was REALLY bad for a bit with two guys with "Storm" in their name, and at least three people with the same first name.

  137. Last time I can remember it happening in WWE was John Cena, John Morrisson, and John Bradshaw Layfield, but of course none of them were ever really called John often.

  138. Sandow's gimmick isn't anything to do with the Genius.

    He's an intellectual fraud who fights like a Southie.

  139. Or how to cut a babyface promo.

  140. Did that (allegedly) really happen?

  141. The Three Second Tan?

  142. Don't worry - he's never making the main roster if the rumors of his training are true.

  143. Hayes serenading Linda.


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