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BoD Daily Update

RAW Rating Falls

This past show drew a 2.7 rating.

Bray Wyatt Article on

New Matches Announced for "Bound for Glory" PPV

The pre-show match on Spike will include a four-way match of Bad Influence vs. BroMans vs. Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez vs. Eric Young & Joseph Park, with the winner facing James Storm & Gunner for the Tag Team Championship later in the show.


  1. Rating, was a tough night, Monday Night Football had 2 undefeated teams, and the MLB Game 163 Rays/Rangers probably stole a lot of viewers as well. I know I chose MLB.

  2. It was also a really crappy show without a hook for watching.

  3. True, but if there wasn't a baseball 163 I would of watched it. I bet a lot of others would of if nothing better had been on.

  4. Im completely ignorant to how ratings are calculated. I know 2.7 is bad obviously, and that the Eagles/Broncos drew a 14.something, but is that a percentage of people watching? Do households who dont get USA count in calculating a RAW rating or is that corrected for?

    And my biggest question, I watched Raw, MLB, The Voice, and MNF all within 8-11 on Mobday, how does that work?

  5. CMPunk is twitching right now.

  6. Are you a nielsen household? If not, it means nothing.

  7. No, so that means only nielson households are counted in the ratings?

  8. I thought that Battleground was the coldest PPV of the month, but I had legitimately forgotten that Bound For Glory was this month until you mentioned it here.

  9. Unless they've changed the system then yes.
    Certain households are given a box which records and submits their viewing patterns and that data is extrapolated to the viewing audience at large.

  10. I think that they used to do it with a diary system too, and not a box. Maybe they still do.
    And there was a lot of talk of modifying the system to allow for DVR, and time shifting, and such. Not sure if anything was actually accomplished that way.
    It's an imperfect system at best, and (unless there have been changes) less accurate as people shift away from appointment viewing in their living rooms.

  11. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 2, 2013 at 12:16 PM

    i've always felt that they need to measure within target demos as opposed to across the tv watching audience in general. i really dont think it matters if a 67 year-old church organist is watching raw

    what matter is, is the wwe universe tuning out of raw? are wrestling fans skipping impact? am i the only one watching ROH?

    for something like sportz entertainment/wrestling, the audience at large is nowhere near as important as the peeps who actually like your product. its like being concerned when hardcore country fans arent buying the latest emperor album (i know emperor is done but i just wanted to use them as the example)

  12. They break it down by demo also.

  13. Bray Wyatt article on
    Stick that combination under WTF for me

  14. I know that they break it down by age and gender, I'm not really sure beyond that. I'm sure that there are people on this blog who are far more knowledgable than I am on the subject.

  15. Anyone going to bound for glory? I'm on stub hub checking out fix. They have some in row 6 on the hard camera side for 180 a piece. I've never been to viejas arena (I once declined a free ticket to see brooks and dunn there) but its only like a half hour drive for me so I'm debating going. But why is bad influence in the pre show? I feel like maybe show won't even be worth streaming, much less going to, but it could be fun

  16. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 2, 2013 at 1:12 PM

    kick ass black metal band

  17. Bad Influence had BETTER win that pre-show, but knowing luck and crummy Bischoff booking it'll be the Mexitypes.

  18. Yeah, because having the babyfaces get their asses handed to them every fucking week doesn't cause people to tune out.

  19. Bryan on top is a shit storyline against the NFL = shitty ratings.

    And its going to continue.

    Super-Cena comes back and saves the day. I'm sure he will be back around week 16 or so.

    But I have said all this before football season started.

  20. $180 per ticket for TNA?

  21. So the 2nd row tickets in the same spot were 560 a pop!

  22. I haven't been to many live shows but $560 sounds ridiculous. I was under the impression that ringside to a Raw was only like $250.

  23. Mexitypes are more of a Dixie project. She's the one that snatched up Chavo.

  24. To be fair you don't watch Impact anymore...

  25. I've done the diary system twice and the last time was about 3 years ago. A pain and the ass and pretty ridiculous since the tech is there to know everything you watch.

  26. From what I've read, the ratings are better than they were around this time last year, when you had Cena as the top face against top heel CM Punk.

    The hero nobody wants to cheer against the bad guy nobody wanted to boo.

  27. That Forbes article is terrible.

  28. Since I figure this is where you dump newz.... Meltzer said that Steph was pissed that Dusty cut her off mid-emasculation, since he ad libs? LOL. Yeah, the evidence that this angle is going to end well continues to pile up.

  29. Just trying to fit in.

  30. Eh, I feel like people just would've watched football. It's not like MLB game did very good ratings. It was a very forgettable Raw, both in the promotion & execution.


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