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        I had NO problem with Triple H's promo last night as long as it leads to the logical conclusion of Triple H actually putting Bryan over clean in the middle of the ring.  I would have Bryan win Sunday and hold the belt till the Rumble when Triple H is forced to bring in Brock Lesnar to take the belt off Bryan.  Bryan would then be free to face Triple H at Wrestlemania in an "I Quit" career match.  Triple H puts Bryan over clean and Bryan is officially labeled A-list

Oh, and then Santa Claus is revealed to be a real person, who then drops down from the sky and gives everyone in the audience a million dollars each before curing cancer and finding a good timeslot for Community.  


  1. I wouldn't be surprised if HHH vs Bryan is penciled in for the Dec ppv to try and give that buyrate a bump.

  2. Well that's...ambitious. More realistically (though not much because Trips), how about Bryan wins tomorrow night, moves to directly feuding with Triple H who puts him in a series of seemingly impossible matches that Bryan keeps winning, until Triple H decides he has to do the job himself and fights Bryan for the belt at Wrestlemania?

  3. That would certainly be a convincing streak for Bryan.

  4. I don't remember...did hhh put his career on the line this year and lose or did he win? I really have no idea anymore. Yeah Vicki was fired months ago and she never left TV either.

  5. The final segment last night made me want to see HHH/Bryan morw then anything else. If they dont have Bryan go over at HIAC, then transition to HHH/Bryan, theyre gonna be really close to blowing this entire angle, if its slready not blown.

  6. They could schedule Community anywhere on the dial, but it'd still be on NBC.

  7. Could happen. Not exactly like that, but some permutation of it could certainly happen.

  8. If Bryan wins, when do you book the inevitable Cena rematch?

  9. Makes sense to me. Not sure where it leaves Punk (Lesnar rematch at WM?), but it'd be a nice ending to see Hunter tapping to a crossface at WM again, and this time be reasonably sure it'd never going down the memory hole.

  10. Id transition to HHH/Bryan for November and December. Have Bryan lose to Cena at the Rumble, and then have Cena heading into WM with the title.

  11. Thread jack: Holy shit, does Jerichos new show look awesome!

  12. Sarcasm aside this fantasy booking sets up the rumored lineup for mania from a few months ago before people thought the Rock was getting involved.

    HHH/Bryan to blow off the grudge match (with Vince involved somehow)
    Cena/Undertaker (because they can)
    Punk/Lesnar (for the title)

  13. Sets up a wicked promo for the night after Raw too: "Hunter, a few months ago you said you'd never stoop to wrestling a nobody like me. Well last night, you not only got in the ring with me...but YOU TAPPED OUT."


  14. This guy forgets it.

  15. I would say Bryan then calls up the "YOU TAPPED OUT" chant footage from SummerSlam against Lesnar to really drive it home, but I don't ENTIRELY want to deal with the realm of fiction, lol.

  16. Heh, I was mostly just ribbing the people who didn't like Triple H's promo last night.

  17. Ive come around alot on Big Shows involvement in this angle after initially hating it. Hes stayed over, hasnt overshadowed Bryan, and has been pretty good in general. My question though is WHY Big Show? I know hes hurt but Henry would have been great in this role. Why not use a guy like Barrett, Dolph, etc. Is it really that imperative the role is filles by a "giant"? Wouldnt a Dolph superkick be just as effective as the KO punch?

  18. It'd certainly tie a nice red bow around it, for sure.

  19. "Sid was going to go over Hulk at Wrestlemania..." While I believe Scott, and believe that might have been their intention at a point, Im gonna go out on a limb here and say that had ZERO chance of ever happening. "Thats not gonna work for me brother."

  20. Holy Shit, I agree!

  21. I do not know how to subscribe to the "Action" network.

  22. Why would you do Face vs. Face? Surely there could be a transitional champ. Unless Dbry brings the ratings.

  23. Why not? They did it at SS and neither is turning.

  24. IMO hhh was 100% shooting when he said he only works with stars (obviously both db and punk fit that bill) and he probably only deemed big show enough of a name (if punk was sitting this angle out). Ziggler, Barrett, etc are probably not worth it to hhh. He can get more heat staring down big show than Kofi or whoever. Also tbf the role show played was kinda pathetic so you could have damaged a younger guy and you probably need a vet with some "acting chops" to pull off the angle (IMO its dumb but big show has been fine for wrestling acting)

  25. There is no frigging way on earth that was even a remote possibility.

  26. According to Kevin Nash's Timeline '95, Vince wanted Sid to be the next top babyface a la Hogan but Sid just wanted to be a 'big vicious heel'. But who the hell knows...

  27. I don't think it's out of the realm of Hulk agreeing to such a thing, but his track record of going back on his word on as little notice as possible that throws the monkey wrench in all of these "this guy was going to go over Hulk" topics.

  28. You've gotta love a guy about to take 11 months off with the balls to say, "Yeah Vince, fuck that. Lets to a double DQ. Oh and I think we're gonna go ahead and close the show too."

  29. Hogan wasn't jobbing--nor was there a chance that he'd be asked--in his "farewell" match and they needed to keep Sid strong because he was going to be headlining house shows against the Warrior. It's as simple as that.

  30. I sincerely doubt he will beat HHH tomorrow night on Main Event!

  31. I don't get how Sid was ever going to be a face. Sid was an awful face. He was perfect as the big vicious heel.

  32. The writers really like Arrested Development, apparently.

  33. The plan was for him to be the top face originally. Heel plans were never part of it until the injury.Then they changed gears as they wanted him to be the top heel. This all according to Sid. Take that for what it's worth. Neither really worked out.

  34. Definitely the Rumble. Cena is HHH's last attempt at getting the belt off Bryan. He plays off Cena's insecurities about no longer being the face of WWE and how his career in now on a downward swing. Cena loses, does his fake dejected thing, and you can set up Bryan vs. HHH for the WWE Title at Mania. Cena opens the RAW after Rumble by announcing that he'll have a major announcement concerning his career later that night. The Undertaker just happens to be on the show to announce his Wrestlemania prospects but before he can speak he's interrupted by Cena. Cena says that Hunter was right: Cena's career is a downward swing, and he knows he doesn't have much left. Because of this, he's been contemplating his career and acknowledges he's done everything you can do, multiple times...except beating the Undertaker at Mania. And he doesn't just want it, he needs it. He needs it to cement his legacy as the greatest WWE superstar of all time.

  35. especially when they had a show closer on the card

  36. No way in Hell was Hogan losing his supposed "last" match at WrestleMania nor should he have. Considering what happened with Sid right after Hulk should have gone over clean anyway.

  37. Sid saying "I don't give a damn about Hulk Hogan" in his promo at WrestleMania VIII always makes me laugh because cursing was not tolerated back then.

  38. No way should Bryan not have the belt at (or be fighting for it) at "WM" - if the whole point is to make Bryan the newest star, then you don't take him out of the title picture.

  39. I'm still kind of surprised Vince didn't bring Sid in repackaged as an evil softball player. He could have been called The Underhander, and they could have built him up for an epic clash with the Undertaker.

  40. I'll tell ya what's not good for business: losing to the Giants/Vikings game by 9.5M viewers. And losing audience throughout the show. I was one of them.

  41. Henry has been injured for the last few months. Other than that, yeah, you're right, Big Show's role could've absolutely been better served with getting a younger guy over.

  42. Lombardi could've busted out the Abe "Knuckleball" Swartz character a couple of years earlier and been Underhander's manager. Like, he cheats to help Sid win a match...

    Gorilla: That's a really underhanded move!
    Brain: Whaddya expect? He's the Underhander!
    Gorilla: I can have you removed, you know.

  43. Didn't he job to Yokozuna in his 'last' match?

  44. I recall a lot of "Damns" from Piper back in the day, so I think some people got a pass (at the Royal Rumble regarding Da Mountie taking his integrity, Piper replied "I GOT no damn integrity! How'dya think I got this far?"). Heenan also hollered out "Dammit!" when Flair came out #3 in the Rumble that same year.

  45. That always blew my mind in retrospect- they set up a huge thing with Sid Justice & Warrior, only for Sid to leave almost immediately, then Warrior's feud with Papa Shango went nowhere, and then Warrior was gone before Survivor Series. I mean, as a kid watching the shows, I was intrigued by this big new heel Sid, only to have him disappear from television and not be mentioned again.

  46. In the Sid match, he was basically taking time off or retiring or whatever, so didn't want to leave on a downer. In the Yoko case, he was basically being shoved out the door. I think he had less of a choice, or gave less of a shit by then.

  47. I think Bryan will lose at Hell in a Cell and still feud with HHH. Esp if Shawn turns on him. I don't think a loss by Bryan at this stage to Orton would hurt him.

  48. Perfect opportunity for HHH to make a lot of people eat their words, and I think a HHH/Bryan match could be great... doubt it'll happen though.

  49. Sid's peak through the curtain and posing with Hogan at SummerSlam 91 is one of my favorite moments. It's so goofy but it would have been awesome he turns heel there and Powerbombs the shit out of him.

  50. His face run in 1996 was pretty good, but outside of that he was def a better heel.

  51. How do you know that? What is your source?

  52. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 23, 2013 at 6:27 AM

    This is good, but it leaves the door open for Cena/HHH.

  53. Ouch a 2.7 up against that shitty Monday night game. Well hhh never was-much of a draw

  54. Yea. Whether you think he "buried" RVD, Jericho, Edge with his comments, or think it wasn't a big deal, there is no doubt that's jow he truley feels about them. Same with his "I only fight stars, because they want to fight me" comment

  55. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 23, 2013 at 7:17 AM

    This has nothing to do with this thread but like most people I'm sure I despise dreaming about work. But last night was at least interesting...I dreamed that The Undertaker was part of our sales team and had 25 years of experience and was thus very respected and intimidating...He made one co-worker cry. Not sure what the dream means but I thought I would share it with the blog.

  56. Setting the tone for the Garden enjoying the ever loving shit out of Sid from then on out.

  57. It has been reported many times that Sid signed with the WWF because they guaranteed (in writing) the WrestleMania match vs. Hulk Hogan, which is partly why Hogan/Flair was never happening.

    If Sid's version is correct, which I doubt, that would've meant a passing of the torch face vs. face match a la Warrior/Hogan.

    But I don't see that happening and I don't see why the injury would've changed that, unless it gave them cold feet.

  58. Watch the Great American Bash 1989 or Survivor Series 1996, Sid got more face heat as a heels than most faces ever do.

    Sid = CHARISMA. And the Master and Ruler of the World.

  59. Isn't it a wen show?

  60. You know, Scott, you and the rest of the internet felt the same thing ten years ago, about how two small guys with indie cred would never be positioned as the absolute stars of the company because HHH wouldn't put them over cleanly. How did that WrestleMania end again?

  61. Was I the only person who loved Sids WWE music?

  62. With HHH main eventing the very next wrestlemania?

  63. With two guys who wound up being transitional champs celebrating.

  64. Benoit was a lame duck champion, but transition is a strtch when he had the belt for 6 months.

  65. What do you mean, it was clearly Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho's fault!

  66. As a fan of horror, I loved the Sycho Sid music... as a fan of Sid, I liked all his other music as well.

  67. Not when his feuds were treated as less of a deal then HHH-Michaels part 20.

  68. That fits lame duck perfectly.

    "Transition" needs a short (less than 60 days) reign, which Benoit passed. 5 months and a day is not transition by any stretch...

  69. Fair enough. My point is really that he was never positioned as the 'absolute star', even with the title.

  70. Those guys were never gonna be positioned ws the face of the company. It was a nice moment but they were treated and booked like D Bry is now: as a main event place holder thatll never be "the guy" in the WWE. Look at Punk, as over and as how great hes been the last three years hes only been the focal point of the show when he waa working with HHH and John Cena.

  71. Considering HHH's shitty past, I'll bet he could get plenty of heat staring down Kofi... or Darren Young. For a company that is all about 'real' media exposure they flushed him down the toilet. I say this not knowing if Darren asked that he not be used in such a way.

  72. "WILL YOU STOP!?"

  73. Sid's promo following the WM VIII press conference is probably one of the better promos he cut throughout his career.

  74. Those two guys were back to the midcard within a year and are both dead now.

  75. So if Hogan shouldn't be losing his last match, why the hell should Bret Hart be forced to?

  76. When you think about what wrestlers should have never been turned face, Sid is near the top of that list.

  77. I'm not arguing that the fans didn't want to cheer him, they clearly did. But that was when he was murdering people as a vicious heel.

  78. So funny that this question was posted...I was just watching some of the pre-WMVIII build-up on YouTube, including the SNME tag match where Sid bailed on Hogan. Sid was such a great crazy heel...

  79. Outside of Bret Hart's mind, there's really no comparing the importance of Hulk Hogan and the importance of Bret Hart.

    But also, different era, Hogan's not immediately jumping to WCW, and there's no title going with him.

  80. Could you imagine the promos with Sid and Warrior as the two top guys?

  81. I don't doubt that hhh is extremely high on bryan and punk. He obviously realizes they are both about as over as you can get. I also think hhh is wrestling "nerd" like many of us, in so far as he places a high value on work rate (as does Vince IMO). So he obviously also recognizes that they are both amazing workers.

    I just think he sees an extra hot act and can't help but insert himself in the angle and leach that heat. I think he would do all this weird undercutting shit with any act. Cena, rock whoever. Its his m.o. Look at the lesnar feud. He was the face right? Most of his promo work was with Paul e and does anyone remember that bizzaare promo where he and Stephanie just buried heyman, talked about his kids, said he'd never be as great as Vince etc etc. This is just what he does.

  82. Meh, I'm glad Sid never amounted to as much as he probably could have in the long run. Outside of being amused by his "I have half the brain you do" comment to Nash, I was never a big fan of his.


    Sid screaming at the "fat, bald-headed little oaf" interviewing him was funny, too.

  84. It was a shitty game, but it was a shitty game that featured a team from the nation's largest media market.

    I think everyone (the WWE, the fans, the critics) is just going to have to learn to accept that the NFL is a steamroller. Last week, a Sunday night game between a mediocre Dallas team and awful Washington team blew away playoff baseball. There's a lot of people who will watch the NFL game - even between two crappy teams - over anything else, including wrestling. I don't think they're going to get those people to watch RAW no matter how good RAW is or how bad the MNF game is.

  85. Oh, I don't think there was any chance of it happening either.

  86. I was going by an RF shoot interview with Sid from about 99, which apparently contradicts a totally different shoot interview he did, so it's likely he's full of shit on all accounts. In no way do I believe that Hogan would ever lay down for him, either.

  87. Only way it could be better is if yoy threw on Scott Steiner. Imagine a Steiner, Sid, Warrior, promo. BEST. THING. EVER.

  88. He beat John Cena and Randy Orton clean back-to-back. If Daniel Bryan isn't a-list he isn't going to be.

  89. I'll take it a step farther and say that the label "transition" only makes sense when a guy is only given the title for the purpose of moving the belt from one guy to another when they don't actually want to have those two guys wrestle each other for it (Backlund-to-Hogan via Sheik, Morales-to-Sammartino via Stasiak, e.g.)

  90. I've always had a soft spot for Sid. He gave great coked out 80's promos and his stuff LOOKED vicious.

  91. This is not a sarcastic question: how many people have claimed that they were supposed to beat Hogan only for Hogan to go back on it?

  92. Fair enough. It's possible they fed Sid some bullshit, but it's more likely it was Sid feeding the interviewer the stuff.

  93. Good question, I turn this over to the BoDers...

    Funniest shit ever was when he claimed he wanted to turn heel for the Warrior WM match

  94. Sid + Warrior + Steiner Math = Gold

  95. Well...let us list....

    Sid Vicious

    Shawn Michaels
    Randy Savage (I assume Savage taken at least once against Hogan, if there were not confirmed cases)
    Kevin Nash (same as Savage)
    Sting (same as Savage)
    Triple H (losing the Unified Title to Hogan HAS to be a Hogan power play right?)
    Billy Kidman
    Ric Flair (I'm sure it happened once at least)
    Jeff Jarrett
    Bret Hart

    These are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head, and many of these aren't even confirmed, but I just can't imagine that Hogan hasn't pull the rug out from under them at least once.

  96. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 23, 2013 at 12:12 PM

    You forgot Rick Rude

  97. I'm not sure why people don't get it, but NOTHING beats the NFL. Nothing has beaten the NFL in like a decade. I think only like the Oscar's or Emmy's beat the NFL.

  98. Wrong on the HHH point - Hogan popped crowds, there was a bit of mainstream media interest and there was a brief upturn in ratings after his return. WWE were striking whilst the iron was hot.

    Besides, they were about to give HHH the WHC and the reign of terror.

  99. Did HBK say Hogan agreed to go over and then didn't? I'm not talking about flat-out refusing to job, but going back on saying he would. On your list I'd say Sid, Jarrett, and Bret. Hogan jobbed to Sting (irrespective of how you feel about it), HHH had more stroke than Hogan in '02, and I THINK Hogan jobbed to Kidman.

  100. I think Michaels said Hogan did the ol' "You job to me first brother, I'll pay you back later", and then retired again or something.

    I'm not even saying my list is remotely right. I just wanted to get a list going. My list contains people I believe that Hogan politicked out of doing a job. I can't imagine that Hogan didn't get out of a job against Sting. But I can imagine Sting not making a big deal out of it.

  101. Those three joining the Wolfpack, going after Hogan?

    BWAHAHAHA! Maybe Hogan would've been humiliated into retiring then.

  102. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 23, 2013 at 2:24 PM

    Sting beat Hogan at least twice. And I've never bought the idea that Kidman was supposed to beat Hogan. That would be fucking stupid even by 2000 WCW standards.

  103. Bret Hart was fine losing his last match, just not to Shawn after Shawn said he wouldn't do it if the roles were reversed.

  104. I thought Kidman DID beat Hogan.

  105. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 23, 2013 at 2:49 PM

    He did? I don't remember that, but WCW was such a clusterfuck around that time that I have trouble remembering what the hell was going on. For instance, I swear I remember Hogan doing the "pin me, pay me" thing and laying down for Jarrett at BATB2000, but a quick glance at Scott's rant shows it was Jarrett who jobbed, and was then awarded the title back the same night, only to lose it to Booker T.

    Actually, a quick Google search shows Kidman did pin Hogan once on Nitro, after Mike Awesome powerbombed Hogan through a table.

  106. Hogan laid down like that for Sting at Halloween Havoc 1999.

  107. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 23, 2013 at 3:11 PM

    That was also as far away from a clean job as you can get.

  108. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 23, 2013 at 3:12 PM

    That must be what I was thinking of.

  109. You know how when a UFC fighter wins a big fight the company puts him over as awesome. Wideman beat Silva so he is a big deal? The most basic promotional tactic.

    WWE doesn't understand that and has all but swept that Cena win under the rug. He is still treated as someone who needs to prove themself. The storytelling is ass backwards.

  110. Ah, but that's the crux of it--no one is allowed to be scripted as smarter then HHH, so Bryan doesn't get to argue back

  111. I think they really DID want to push Eddie, he just flaked out. Benoit on the other hand, that was just a gold watch.

  112. I thought he just didn't want to lose in Canada? Because he goes back and fourth on whether he refused to job because it was Shawn or because it was Canada. Either way it's just unfortunate that he was willing to job to anyone at anytime except for the guy he was asked to job to at the place he was asked to do it. What are the odds?

  113. I think Bret could've been convinced to lay down for Shawn had the 97 Survivor Series been held in the USA. Bret probably could've also been convinced to job to any non-Shawn wrestler in Montreal. The combination of Shawn in Montreal, however, was a no-go.

  114. He did. I don't recall what show, but he did get a win over him

  115. Because god forbid Hogan should lay down for Booker in the year 2000

  116. To this day, I feel deprived. We never got Sid vs. Warrior. The promos....the promos.

  117. From anywhere he damn-well pleases

  118. If the steroid shit wasn't hanging over them, the logical progression should have been:
    Flair vs. Hogan at Wrestlemania VIII
    Hogan vs. Sid at SummerSlam '92 (Sid turns on Hogan right after Mania to set it up)
    Sid vs. Warrior down the road.

    But by fall, Hogan, Sid, and Warrior were gone and Flair had just months left in the company. Oh well, sometimes fantasy booking is just fantasy


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