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Grut at NYCC

Just wanted to update you about the wrestling stuff from New York Comic-Con. It wasn't too much and the big WWE panel with Kane happened the day of my brother's wedding so I wasn't able to attend, but I took some pictures of wrestling dolls and figured maybe that'd do.

Things I missed: The Sheamus signing at the Mattel booth. The Sunday WWE Studios See No Evil presentation with Kane. I did not take my picture with Greg Valentine, Tito Santana, Brutus Beefcake or some other guy who was there. I tried to take their photo but a woman came jumping into the way to prevent lookie-lous like me from getting a free snap. She earned her money. I did not talk to Sgt. Slaughter who had his own booth on the main floor. All of them, except for the woman, looked like hell. I guess Sarge seemed to be in pretty good shape. Is he hard up for money? I thought he was working for WWE. Why is he doing cons like this? I understand Hulk and Brooke Hogan were there. I did not see either of them.

Things I did not miss: I snapped a picture of a kid wearing a Macho Man outfit.

I took pictures of the wrestling stuff at the Mattel Booth. Here’s a taste.

I saw a kid in a FIGHT STEEN FIGHT shirt. That was about the end of the wrestling stuff.

That's all the wrestling stuff from New York Comic-Con this year! Next year it'll be even better maybe!


  1. Grutman was there in official press capacity representing the BOD, so he's fulfilling his reporting obligations here.

  2. We need more Grut articles!!

  3. No Virgil sighting?


  5. You couldn't take 5 minutes to format these life altering pictures?

  6. That's so crazy that it just might work.

  7. I'm a big Dustin Rhodes fan, but this book is awful. He glosses over everything. If he didn't want to talk about his life, they shouldn't have written the book.

  8. I'd like to think Dusty didn't know how truly sick Terri was because he comes off like a complete prick in that story. OK you didn't like the woman but you don't talk to your son for nearly 5 years over a skipped golf game to be with his wife in her time of need?

  9. Did Virgil show off his hose or give somebody the finger because that person didn't want to pay Virgil's usual outrageous fee for a crappy photo?

  10. I hope I never have to read the phrase "fruit of his loins" in the same sentence as "Dusty Rhodes" ever again. Thanks for the nightmares I'll be experiencing tonight.

  11. I agree. I blame the writers though. Take a book like the Tony Atlas one which was written Scott Teal. I'm ure Tony wasn't all that detailed in giving his story , but that book is one of the top five books out there. These wrestlers need to stop wasting time with WWE writers and use other qualified companies who actually know how to write bios.

  12. I just want to say that I nailed you being an alcoholic after the DX review and I got a bit of heat for it... I genuinely hope you can get yourself some help.

    This review was mostly fine, though the book sounds like a waste of time if he is just going to half ass everything.

  13. I watched Sgt. Slaughter put the guy dressed as Macho in the above photo in the Cobra Clutch after the guy paid for a photo.

    The whole place was filled to the brim with people, seemed like a lot more than last year.

  14. Scintillating.

  15. You're there to attend Comic-Con NOT Flashdancers! :P

  16. Of course I'm awesome at whatever I do! Picard just doesn't realize it!-Q

  17. Obvious Troll is being obvious.

  18. Show him how it is done!

  19. Package Piledrive Everyone

  20. Even better is that the character he played in the cartoon was for all intents and purposes Q in another universe with the same power set.

  21. In addition to the Sad Sack, I grabbed a "Daily Planet" T-shirt, with the logo on the front and "PRESS" on the back. God forbid my own newspaper do something like that.

  22. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 22, 2013 at 9:45 AM

    I wish I had more money because the Star Wars shirt with the 7 day forecast of Alderaan on it was hilarious.

  23. If he had the ponies play Robin Hood, I'm in.

  24. The best part of any comic con is the women in costumes. Went to the one in Toronto in August and some girl was dressed as Poison Ivy and left nothing to the imagination!

  25. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 22, 2013 at 3:17 PM

    ...does the miz have a big right boob or something in the pic (next to cena?)

  26. No overt Star Trek references, but someone did make this:


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