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Surreal Moment of the Day: Batman Meets Jerry Lawler

One of the most surreal things you will see on a wrestling show.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is indeed THE Adam West as Batman at the studio in Memphis TN having a war of words with 'SuperKing' Jerry Lawler.  West may or may not be slightly intoxicated during this verbal exchange.


  1. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 1, 2013 at 3:06 PM

    who is mickey yarber? O_o

  2. Wrestlemania 30: Adam West & Dirk Richter vs. Super King & The Scoutmaster

    The kids will want to see the original Radioactive Man. Make it happen.

  3. I think that Memphis in the 1970's would have been awesome.
    Like, for a visit.

  4. I didn't want anyone to recognize me because I didn't want DC Comics to sue for copyright infringement

  5. Beat me tom it...

    Who the hell are these johnny come latelys getting posting rights?

  6. How many write for the blog now? 10

  7. You may not know me, but I've been around here for years.

  8. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 1, 2013 at 4:03 PM

    there was a wrestler in the pittsburgh area in the 60's called the battman, i believe

  9. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 1, 2013 at 4:04 PM

    'I've been around here for years'

    and just when i was about to call it a comback

  10. idk, there's a new minion every week.

  11. Yeah, I wish that when people post this stuff or send e-mails about it that they would just say where they saw it, especially when it's an awesome place like Cracked.

  12. He had thin skin and didn't seem to understand some people are dicks. So he took his ball and left

  13. He apparently went to write for Place to be Nation, although I havent seen anything from him on that site

  14. It's horrible that people only know this guy as the Mayor on Family Guy.

  15. Mickey is running the forum of doom on behalf of the NWA Classics guys, so I gave him posting ability so he can plug it and do the occasional Promo of the Day type stuff.

  16. He knows about his box...

  17. Spidey Baby doesn't have any f***s to give about this. That or he's just sitting there...procrastinating!

  18. Yeah, basically Caliber was getting WAY too high maintenance for me.

  19. Any more e-mails you want to share?

  20. And now we wait for the BoD Confessional shoot with Sean Oliver

  21. I think Fuji was correct in that Caliber way overvalued his contributions to the blog and how important he was to the site. Meekin has done a great job with the QOTD and I don't think people miss the reviews. A part of me does wonder what match he is inexplicably giving **** too.

  22. I think a lot of celebrities could learn something from Adam West: He enjoyed what Batman brought him, sometimes a bit too much, but managed to age with charm and dignity intact.

  23. This. Especially when you have people like Tina Louise on the other end of the spectrum.

  24. And hey, if not for that incident, we never get the fun weekend of meta-NPP.

  25. Scream09_HartKillerOctober 2, 2013 at 8:46 PM

    It's always weird seeing young(er) Jerry Lawler. He must have been dating 6-year-olds at that age.


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