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The SmarK RAW Rant–10.14.13

The SmarK RAW Rant – 10.14.13

So as noted on the blog, someone hacked my Twitter this morning and followed everyone on my follower list, resulting in a whole lot of excited text notifications that woke me up at 5AM. I culled it down to about 500 people and tried to keep everyone I recognized, but if I unfollowed you and you feel upset by it, please feel free to drop me an e-mail and I’ll re-follow.

Live from St. Louis, MO

Your hosts are Michael Cole, JBL & Jerry Lawler

Shawn Michaels joins us to start, the grey showing up in his beard more and more every week. That’s why I don’t grow one anymore. So he will be the special referee at HIAC and continues to try and get “H B Shizzle” over, but FETCH IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. So this brings out Randy Orton, who immediately heels on the St. Louis crowd and threatens serious violence if Shawn tries any of his screwjobby shenanigans, so Shawn tries to superkick him. Orton runs away from that, but The Miz runs out for the attack, setting up their match tonight.

Randy Orton v. The Miz

So we pick it up after the break with Miz missing a baseball slide and splatting on the floor, and Orton sends him into the stairs for good measure. Back in, that gets two. Orton pulls out the Garvin Stomp and gets two, and hits the chinlock. To the floor for a draping DDT attempt, but Miz runs him into the post and makes the comeback. You know Miz means business because HIS HAIR IS FLOPPY. He might even have skipped his evening shave! Miz puts him down with kicks and goes for the figure-four, but the Wyatts interrupt, giving us the Idiot Babyface Distraction finish off the RKO at 4:41. This was OK. ** I like Bryan Alvarez’s idea of Miz joining the Wyatt Family and growing his hair out to give him a tough guy edge. God knows he needs something, anything, to salvage this dying babyface act.

Meanwhile, Paul Heyman explains to Brad Maddox that CM Punk is a cheater and a bully. So he wants Punk v. Ryback & Axel at the PPV, but Maddox counters with a Beat the Clock challenge tonight for Ryback and Punk, with the winner choosing the stips for the PPV. I really kinda hate these over-written complex roundabout booking deals. Punk and Ryback hate each other, they wrestle in the Cell, how hard is that to book? That’s why I like NXT: It’s booked, not written.

Speaking of over-written, HHH & Steph are out to announce that they’re selling Big Show’s house and bringing him up on charges, and HHH is still the Game. So if they want him to be the bad guy, he’ll be the bad guy. Daniel Bryan comes out to rebut, but Alberto Del Rio attacks him to set up their match tonight. That’s twice tonight they’ve done that bit.

Oh, and even though they have to cut this show down to 90 minutes for Hulu, they leave in John Cena’s inspirational return video.

Beat the Clock: R-Truth v. Ryback

Truth messes with him and wastes time, literally running out the clock as much as possible, but Paul Heyman interferes and Ryback takes over. Whip to the corner gets two. Big splash gets two. Jerry Lawler invokes one of my pet peeves, as he notes that fans are chanting for Goldberg, and “ironically” the new Goldberg DVD is out. That’s not irony, it’s happenstance. Michael Cole does the same thing all the time too. They shouldn’t say “ironically”, they should say “coincidentally”. Irony would be Ryback selling Goldberg DVDs at the concession stand or something. So Ryback gets the most BORING heat sequence on R-Truth, but Truth makes a brief comeback and Ryback finishes with the Shellshock at 5:44. Well that was 5 minutes too long. DUD

Beat the Clock: CM Punk v. Curtis Axel

Punk beats on Axel in the corner, but gets clotheslined as Axel takes over and this is already more boring than the last match. Punk comes back with a knee in the corner for two and drops the Macho Elbow for two. Axel reverses out of the GTS and gets a neckbreaker for two. Boomerang clothesline gets two. Perfectplex gets two. Another try is reversed into a small package for two, and the high kick and GTS finish at 5:31, giving Punk the stips. ** So he picks Ryback & Heyman v. Punk in the Cell, which hopefully will FINALLY end this feud and let Punk move onto something else. It hasn’t been a BAD feud, but they’ve drawn out Punk getting his vengeance on Heyman about as long as they possibly can. There’s really no more story to be told unless Heyman gets folded into The Authority and brings Punk with him.

Alberto Del Rio v. Daniel Bryan

Bryan attacks in the corner and gets overpowered, before coming back with kicks. He goes to work on the arm, but Del Rio kicks him down for two. Snap suplex gets two and he works on the back and stomps away in the corner. Bryan misses a charge in the corner and we take a break. Back with Bryan missing the diving headbutt, which gives Del Rio two. Bryan gets the Yes-Lock and Del Rio quickly escapes, but Bryan keeps fighting until ADR puts him down with a backbreaker. Del Rio with a superkick for two, and Bryan misses another charge, but Del Rio misses the enzuigiri. This allows Bryan to finally make the real comeback, and he FINALLY hits that damn corner dropkick. Top rope rana gets two. Bryan dumps him and follows with the suicide dive, and back in for the missile dropkick for two. And then the screwjob you knew was coming, as Randy Orton pops up on the screen and he’s messing with the Bellas. Del Rio rolls him up for two off that distraction, but Bryan puts him down with a high kick and walks out on the match at 16:22. Why waste 20 minutes of TV time on a match where neither guy was going to do a job and they were just going to do the stupid backstage non-finish anyway? Why even book the match? ***

And it’s ANOTHER John Cena video. You think he might win the belt?

WWE Tag Team titles: The Shield v. Cody Rhodes & Goldust

The Rhodes’ work over Rollins and Goldust drops a knee for two, and Cody adds a dropkick for two. Low kick gets two. Goldust with the butt-butt for two. Cody gets trapped in the corner and worked over by the Shield, but after some dull action he makes the tag to Goldust, who runs somewhat wild. Bulldog on Rollins gets two. He misses a bodypress and hits the floor, and we take a break. Back with Goldust getting the heat, and after a chinlock it’s hot tag Cody. He slugs away on Reigns and rolls him up for two, and the moonsault press gets two. Springboard dropkick gets two. Dean Ambrose runs in since it’s no-DQ and the Shield beatdown is on. Goldust returns with a chair and cleans house, but Reigns beats him down again. Apparently, you NEVER put your chair down. Good advice. Goldust keeps fighting with a crossbody onto the chair to put Reigns down, while Cody brawls with Rollins on the floor. He gets powerbombed into the railing and that goes pretty badly for him. Goldust keeps going 1-on-2 and tosses Rollins, then clotheslines Reigns to the floor as well. Ambrose attacks AGAIN and Reigns spears Goldust into the apron, then puts him through the railing with another spear. OK, that’s awesome. So Ambrose tosses Cody back into the ring to finish him, but now Big Show joins us and beats the holy hell out of everything in a black vest. And with Reigns knocked out, Cody pins him to win the tag team titles at 19:56. So that one kind of backfired on HHH. **** Won’t last past the PPV, but FINALLY we get a tangible babyface payoff.

The Pulse

Most of the show was an unbearable drag, but the main event was quality stuff, a satisfying payoff to the storyline and a great brawl to boot. Glad to see Dustin has his shit together enough to have this run again and look good doing it.


  1. "Somewhere Dusty Rhodes is crying, Monsoon!"
    "He's proud of his boys, Brain!"
    "No he's not... he's just out of mayonnaise!"

  2. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryOctober 15, 2013 at 11:18 PM

    Waldorf: "That Goldust just gets better with age!"
    Statler: "That's more than we can say for ourselves!"


  3. What's the point of Bryan vs. ADR? A pretty damn good 20 minute match.

  4. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryOctober 15, 2013 at 11:52 PM


  5. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 16, 2013 at 12:08 AM

    monsoon should have replied "be serious! if you weeeelllll"

  6. I survived the Keith Twitter cuts! Now I know how Greg Gagne felt when he survived Slaughter's boot camp.

  7. I'd watch Cody and Dustin any day. They're crazy hot right now, good time to get the belts on em, but should have been on a PPV for the buys. Awesome stuff though... Loving this feud, pretty much skipping everything to get to the good stuff these days.

  8. Will we have a winner? Watch next week's Smackdown to find out!

  9. Greg: "Thank you God for getting me through this and Thank you Nepotism for giving me a push that I am undeserving of".

  10. Big Dick McGillicuttyOctober 16, 2013 at 12:27 AM

    This is completely off topic, but if the name "Hotrod" Roddy Piper wasn't so tied in with wrestling, it'd be the perfect name for a male pornstar.

  11. Big Dick McGillicuttyOctober 16, 2013 at 12:28 AM

    There must be a weiner!

    And then in slow motion, Darren Young eats a hotdog in one bite.

  12. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 12:54 AM

    I think Cult brought this up some weeks or months ago and I fully agree if anyone is to join the Wyatt Family, its either Necro Butcher (as CHOP TOP) or Bo Dallas (as CHOP TOP)

  13. I'd like to see one, at a PPV.

  14. Piper? I barely know her.

  15. That Rhodes/Shield match was INSANELY good- it was your standard whatever match at first, but REALLY picked up in the last few minutes.

  16. Nice to see that Steph and Trips continue to no-sell how paying off someone's mortgage works. Really brings out this titans of industry image they're going for. The board of directors should fire him for blowing a million company dollars on paying off his sworn enemy's debt with no return.

  17. Are you kidding me?

    Do you seriously think that WWE doesn't have a petty revenge plot fund?

  18. Big Dick McGillicuttyOctober 16, 2013 at 3:20 AM

    You should see their legal team. Eighteen high-priced lawyers, and all their names either end in -witz or -berg.

    ...If you know what I mean.

  19. Big Dick McGillicuttyOctober 16, 2013 at 3:21 AM

    No, he shouldn't have.

  20. Goldberg is one of their lawyers? And Barry Horowitz?

  21. I liked how Goldust completely no-sold the Spear of Death through the barricade by popping right back into the ring to celebrate the win about a minute later.

  22. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if Barry Horowitz is their attorney given how many lawsuits the WWE has lost.

  23. Yep. This whole recap made it sound like it was Scott's time of the month or something. There's funny bitching, and there's whiny bitching. This was the latter. Seemed like a pretty good RAW to me personally.

  24. The Statler and Waldorf 'jokes' haven't gotten better with age either.

  25. Nice to see that posters continue to obsess over trivial details.

  26. It was ok. 3 hours is just too long.

  27. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 5:40 AM

    Apologies. Its a very good idea.

  28. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 5:56 AM

    Has anyone checked out the latest Madden rant?

    Say what you want about the guy, but I think he gets it.

    More and more the wrestler of the day has shifted from Bryan to now the Rhodes Bros.

    A couple of months ago it was all Byran this and that and nowadays people don't wanna get behind a "loser". The talk has definitely died down and popular opinion has soured.

    Now everybody is onto the Rhodes and especially how Dustin is making his what (5th?) comeback. Putting him on par with Bobby Eaton and Arn Anderson as a tag specialist (laughable). Don't get me wrong, from all accounts it seems like a great old school tag match, but this about this for a second.

    You have Seth Rollins: GREAT WORKER if anything else.
    You have Cody Rhodes: Who I compared to a young Tully Blanchard 4 years ago.
    You have Dustin Rhodes: Son of Dusty and "tag specialist"
    You have ROman Reigns: Who is capable.

    You have the heat.
    You have the time.
    You have a distinct lack of long tag matches for the past 3-4 years. I mean seriously, when is the last time a tag match went 20:00... on free TV?

    You give any of these guys coming up the same time and booking and im sure they can deliver the same type of match. I personally think it was the right call to pop the crowd after all the mismanagement of Bryan/Orton, because neither of them are any more over than they were 2 months ago. In Bryan's case, I feel he is less over now.

    Getting back to the lack of Bryan on the net, it shows right here on this very blog. There has been a severe drop off of Bryan talk and an upswing of the Rhodes. It just shows that he is being cut off at the knees and his fans aren't backing him any longer, or rather they aren't as vocal as they once were 2 months ago.

  29. WWE should be finding talented people and making them look like Wyatt Family members instead of finding untalented people that look like Wyatt Family members.

  30. I don't do Twitter, can we be pen pals?

  31. So not only did we have two instances of "attack the guy from behind", we also got two instances of "the deadly distraction". And they were done with only two programs (Orton/Miz and Bryan/ADR).

    Other than that, the Wyatt's REALLY need to start actually DOING something - the bloom has been off the rose for a while now, basically ever since there was no follow-up to the Bray/Kane match. Recruiting mid- and upper-carders into the fold (Kofi, Miz) is certainly one good idea. If that's the case, though, I'd like to make a suggestion: Justin Gabriel. I definitely think that he could basically be the Billy Kidman to the Wyatts' "Flock". He's also a very good wrestler that deserves more TV time, and is the kind of "good worker, bad talker" that would benefit greatly from having someone like Bray cutting promos for him. Come on, Vince, make it happen: Put Gabriel in the Family.

  32. They really are going about this all wrong. The guy just got beat-up in front of his girlfriend, and had a bunch of refs calling to save him.


  33. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 16, 2013 at 6:24 AM

    "Oh, and even though they have to cut this show down to 90 minutes for Hulu, they leave in John Cena’s inspirational return video."
    Surprised it wasn't set to the theme from "Superman"
    Also, they jobbed the IC Champ out in 5 and a half minutes and almost treated the Tag Title win like an afterthought. (The match itself was awesome though.)

  34. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 16, 2013 at 6:28 AM


  35. What baffles me is how they're getting Crockett 101 wrong with Dusty *working for the company*. The face DOMINATES the in-ring action and is beaten viciously outside the ring, not just thrown into something. Randy should have broken a limb by now or concussed Bryan after using a weapon. The fans have to see that the heel is a violent monster because he can't do it fairly.

  36. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 16, 2013 at 6:29 AM

    And a shiny new belt to boot.

  37. "H B Shizzle" is up there with "blog otters" and and Tom Brandi as things that will never be over.

  38. Id go "Dick Dangler" if I was ever in the biz. Trademarked

  39. Is that a gay joke?

  40. This is still going on?

  41. You leave Johnny Gunn out of this!

  42. He's enhancement legal representation, not a jobber!

  43. Between that and the Michael Hayes roofie colada fund, I have no idea how they stay in business.

  44. I specialize in sci-fi/fantasy porn parodies under the name HP Shoveshaft.

  45. I feel so bad for The Miz sometimes (well, maybe not SO bad...). When he ran out to attack Orton the crowd painfully just did NOT care at all and gave him such a cringe-inducing mix of tepid cheers & uninterested boos. Smarminess is his game, it's what he does best, and he needs to turn back heel again STAT. He's sort of like Flair in that he can be babyface from time to time, but only when conditions are right and he's allowed to still act like an arrogant prick at the same time.

  46. What, over the last 2 weeks?
    Bryan still seems over from the TV, and 'YES' is very over. I think people are overthinking it somewhat. By Hell in a Cell, Bryan would have been in 4 PPV main events...

  47. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 6:45 AM


    Bray is the guy they are building. He is the one they see with a future. He needs to be protected. the two big guys are are fodder.

    I feel they need a guy that takes an ass whipping so the face Bray is programmed with can get some heat off of while Bray stays protected. There is no better guy in wrestling that can take a better ass whipping than Necro. Bumping is talent. Ask Hennig (...) and Ziggler.

    Plus he looks the part.

    To add, you don't wanna bring someone in that could steal away Bray's heat.

  48. How many times has Axel lost to Punk now? Its sad I remember around Wrestlemania when it came out that Axel was the guy that was getting The Rock and Brock in shape with in ring workouts I thought it was only a matter of time before they did something with him. I don't think this was a good fit from the start. This Punk storyline has been done with since Summerslam. Who knows what the payoff is going to be. I can only assume Brock will be back next month at Survivor Series after somehow getting Paul and Ryback the win in the cell.

  49. You should have gone with the less classy "I told you so" on the Bryan angle. I did this like a week ago and it did not go over well. Felt good though

  50. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 6:47 AM

    You aren't the type of BoD member I'm trying to reach and I'll leave it at that.

  51. Ripoffs of other, more quality material generally don't.

  52. Again, this is Vince we're speaking about in the end. Even if others are coming up with the bits and pieces of these feuds, if Vince doesn't like it, it changes.

    Crockett 101 won't fly in WWE's "Main Event" scene... because Vince didn't create it. But a "bastardized" version, with Vince's finger and footprints all over it... that'll air all the time.

  53. Brock coming down and ripping the door off the Cell a la Kane in '97 would be awesome.

  54. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 6:50 AM

    Nobody likes a smart-ass.

    That's not why Im here. Im here to discuss wrestling, not prove who is right or wrong.

    It may devolve into that, but I like to have the best of intentions.

    Now with that being said, if I can be swayed in opinion, I'm happy to change stance.

  55. It started fairly well, but has dropped drastically in quality lately. Unlike below, where Faux-Monsoon/Heenan is still damn good.

    No I mean seriously...stop. Please.

  57. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 6:56 AM

    God, I hate Blog Otters.

  58. 'Surprised it wasn't set to the theme from "Superman" '

    Thanks for spoiling next week's Cena montage.

  59. Very fair. The support of the angle from the beginning really annoyed me for some reason, not sure why.

  60. Um ok...
    I think people should record RAW and just watch the matches. And stop getting so worked up about how over people are. Bryan is always going to be main/semi main event, much like Punk. Most of the current main event crew aren't going to be around in 2 years time. I'm fairly certain Bryan will be!

  61. Why? It was a main event angle with Bryan fighting Orton, who he has very good matches with. I don't particularly like the way they screwed Bryan out of the title at the last two PPVS, but aside from that, the angle itself made logical sense and the matches around it are good.

  62. His babyface character is awful. He needs to be a snarky heel in a tag team again

  63. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 7:07 AM

    im gonna let you respond to this guy.

    i cant do it, he doesnt get it

  64. That's what's funny. Scott watched the 90 minute version.

  65. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 7:07 AM

    how about this, ill stop replying to you... you dont ever reply to me ok?

  66. SO missed on Monday. Never leave us again.

  67. "I can have you removed, you know."

  68. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 16, 2013 at 7:18 AM

    "Bodysnatcher" theory. Vince kills the original and makes a sanitized clone of it. (a wrestler that uses the "WWE style"/)

  69. I just don't think Axel is very interesting, and he has been in the ring with some good workers. He is probably a tag team only guy again.

  70. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 16, 2013 at 7:23 AM

    He'd actually make a good heel manager. With some of the wild suit jackets he wears, he'd be like the Grand Wizard.

  71. It's the Michael Hayes And Randy Orton Roodie Colada Fund.

    (sees Biscuit getting RKOed on the street)

  72. So you're the son of the owner of the BOD Servers?

  73. It had a real heat segment with wrestlers people believed were a big deal and a logical payoff. That's good professional wrestling.

  74. Dustin Rhodes is a tremendous worker and even better tag-team worker. I don't see how that's laughable at all.

  75. Good to see the people of my city literally hanging from the rafters to celebrate the Rhodes' win with Big Show.

  76. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 7:42 AM

    That's not what Im laughing at. I think he is very good.

    Putting him in the same breath as BOBBY EATON and ARN ANDERSON is laughable.

    MX is my favorite tag team of ALL TIME. Bar none. No question about it. Don't matter if its Eaton/Condrey or Eaton/Lane.

    Arn Anderson speaks for itself.

    You wanna put Dustin Rhodes on the same level as those two?

    Im all for nostalgia and giving a guy his due, but that's reaching.

  77. Under normal circumstances I think an Axel/Heyman pairing would have helped Axel....but because of the fact that the pairing happened just prior to a Punk/Heyman feud, he's come across as a complete afterthought. Like, he's just an obstacle for Punk so that he can get to Heyman....his actual target.

  78. You actually seem a little surprised that they jobbed out the IC champ. When was the last time the IC champ wasn't booked to look like a complete loser?

  79. So does everyone else. I am convinced he is doing it just to be annoying... it makes me barely want to read QOTD honestly.

  80. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 16, 2013 at 7:46 AM

    I'm not surprised. I've actually come to expect it, and that's the sad part.

  81. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 7:47 AM

    if i explained it you'd think im (more) insane. i'd rather just shut up.

  82. I don't know if fans aren't backing Bryan any more - it's just that the angle has gone absolutely nowhere since Summerslam. We're basically where we started - HHH is screwing over Bryan, Orton keeps jumping Bryan from behind, sometimes Bryan jumps Orton from behind. And they can't really decide if Bryan is feuding with HHH or if he's feuding with Orton.

    The Rhodes angle has actually made progress from week to week, and is therefore a lot more interesting right now. Not sure where it goes from here though, now that they've beaten the Shield twice in a row and won the titles.

  83. It started off as a good angle, it just hasn't gone anywhere.

  84. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 7:51 AM

    the thing is, it shouldn't bother me and shit like that i just laugh and press on.

    lately, ive been skipping his shit as well, cuz its irritating and lame.

    Also, i go on vacation in 4 days, so im ready to jump on the plane and get back to my fam for a week. everything is pissing me off lately.

  85. You have seemed a bit cranky, but given your cicumstance it makes sense.

    I think what irritates me about it is that it was fucking stupid to begin with, everyone including Scott said so and gave him better ideas. He agreed they were better... but keeps doing it anyway... that irritates me more than the stupid name.

    BTW even though we agree here... I am still a bigger draw than you. :)

  86. I feel like Krispy Kreme McDonald is some kind of anagram for Jesse Baker.

  87. Yeah. If they let Bryan walk away with the belt, everyone will just blame the ridiculous PPV every three week schedule, as the reason the angle was extended. HIAC should put Bryan over. And Punk should finish his angle. That way, they can start new angles for WM.

  88. I'm no internet-ologist, but I don't think that's how it works on message boards.

  89. I kind of liked the Morrison & The Miz combo.

  90. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 8:01 AM

    With Cena announced to spruce up what is going to be a very bad HIAC number, its gonna be hard to tell.

    But Summerslam was down
    NoC was down
    Battleground's verdict is still in the air i believe, but im sure it'll be down.

    the numbers on TV are down (blame NFL)

    But again, no one wants to back a loser.
    The Rhodes are winners.

    But the thing is, and I am about to burst the BoD's bubble here:

    The Rhodes Bros are a short term thing. Tag team is not emphasized in the current WWE model. So while its good right now... right NOW and everybody is in the throes of elation about the tag match. Once it goes to the Usos or back to the Shield, and Cody is split from his brother all that heat is gone.

    The Usos are nothing in the grand scheme of things, they are a tag team.

    The Shield is a supergroup waiting to be split up and while they are churning out good match after good match, its only a matter of time before Ambrose and Reigns are going singles.

    So now what about Cody? Cody has no heat, because he heat was the family thing with Dusty and Dustin. Dustin aint gonna be there every week. Especially not with WM rolling around. No time. Dusty aint gonna be there. No time. All that heat Cody just got... Gone.

    I will say this. Cody will be even worse off than Daniel Bryan come Feb 2014.

  91. Have i been Baked?
    TBH, not really sure why he's getting so worked up about my posts...

  92. Is it Crockett? I'm sure the WWF did that all the time as well.

  93. AA does NOT speak for himself and that's the problem. Whenever he was by himself he floundered a bit.

    You can like AA more that Dustin and that's fine, but I think you can put them in the same breath.

  94. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 8:11 AM

    You're not even a top commenter.

    I wouldn't even give it thought until you had 500 posts, or even more upvotes than posts.

    like i said, you're good enough to main event a live thread, or one of the C-team's threads. thats about it.

  95. Trolls be trollin?

  96. Eh, I'm not sure it's fair to say that tag team is not emphasized in the current WWE model. The Tag Team Championship has been just outside the main event scene for over a year now. Once Team Hell No won it, the title was guaranteed a spot on every PPV, which is something that cannot be said for any championships outside of the WWE and World titles. When Team Hell No and the Shield started feuding, the title was right up there in the main event area.

  97. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 8:12 AM

    One can try. I figured if i asked nicely... maybe?

  98. Hahaha. Keep clinging to that past glory my friend.

    (How much ammo do you think we provide NPP with these exchanges?)

  99. Awesome Truth was pretty great as well. Miz just works in teams.

  100. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 8:14 AM

    In what universe are you watching Arn Anderson matches?

    Are you serious?
    You have to be trolling me?

  101. Is there backstory between you and Zahid that I'm missing?

  102. The underdog, working-class hero was Crockett's bread and butter.

  103. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 8:16 AM


    They don't talk about me.

  104. He gets pinned by Punk or randomly gets knocked out by a GTS almost every show. Axel was dead in the water when he didn't beat Triple H on his Raw debut as Curtis Axel.

  105. So your drawing power is limited to the BoD?

  106. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 16, 2013 at 8:17 AM

    Didn't matter. HHH threw him back out on the floor.

  107. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 8:19 AM

    yea you could say that.

    I mean what i find is that they copy/paste the more outlandish posts here. Some I agree with, some I don't. But I go over there, defend what I can.

    Some things ain't worth defending.

  108. I agree with this. I could give a shit about Bryan and CM Punk at this point. I found someone who uploaded all of Raw onto youtube and skipped to the tag match. I literally didn't turn on Raw once, I watched MNF. My favorite part about Rhodes / Shield is it feels like a modern day WCW angle. Cody would have been a huge part of WCW if it still existed. Sadly I'm just waiting to see how they kill Cody's heat and good will. He will likely be jobbing to Alberto Del Rio on the next Raw. Again I won't be watching.

  109. That's the problem with the PG Era that heels have had their balls cut off.

  110. I only went the one day when the whole Caliber situation went down and read it for several hours... I found it funny that they get so interested in what we have to say... having said that, I found what people here were saying they say about us to be exaggerated... but I still try to antagonize them when I can because I enjoy manipulating anyone that gets that wrapped up in what other people are doing.

  111. Not that i know off. I generally don't get into personal arguments on internet blogs...

  112. I don't know, I might be the only person that thinks he can be a good face, but the problem is (and maybe he's not even capable of doing it), a good face IMO, needs to be able to show fire and conviction in what he does. Even John Cena, as aloof as he is sometimes, can sometimes convey a very serious attitude edge to his character, however fleeting those moments are. Since the Miz has turned face, how many times has he showed an edge in ANYTHING he does other than what he did against Randy Orton on RAW? The guy has a compelling backstory, and really enjoys wrestling so I give him respect for that, but he needs to show some fire.

  113. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 8:34 AM

    The fact that they were champions wasnt the emphasis moreso than the wacky tag team partners thing.

    They were place holders for the majority of their reign.

    Just like the Shield being place holders for the majority of their reign.

    Only once during their reign on PPV did they defend the belts second from top. The vast majority on PPV they were in the middle of the card, or below.

  114. Eh, Axel is what he is. Not everyone needs to be a top level main eventer, and certainly Axel just doesn't have the tools to be that no matter WHAT the push is.
    But he's fine in the ring, a decent size, so he serves a purpose as a midcarder, ya know? Someone needs to be a live body eating GTSes and Bryan Knees and AAs and such.

  115. Even Show-Miz was all right.

  116. I'm hoping they temporarily blow off Punk/Heyman in the Cell. Have Punk get the win back by pinning heyman, lock Ryback out of teh Cell, and give Heyman the beating of all beatings.

    Heyman gets stretchered out, Punk moves onto a new feud (maybe for the WWE title) while Heyman is out, and then around TLC-time Heyman comes back with Lesnar for the FINAL blow-off match with Punk vs Brock.

  117. Before he actually turned I too thought Miz could make a great face, since A) He's such a fan, and B) Thought he might have that Rock-lite wisecracking personality.

    But no, dude is one of the worst faces I've ever seen. And I really think there's no salvaging the face turn at all— he's been thoroughly rejected by every possible type of WWE fan.

    If I'm WWE, I turn Miz on Daniel Bryan and let Miz take his rightful place as an acknowledged Corporate Stooge. He'd get nuclear heat talking about his corporate appearances on behalf of HHH and Steph, and would serve as good canon fodder for Bryan to beat up every week.

  118. I don't talk about Bryan much on the internet because I'm happy for now with his place in the company (if not the angle in which said company is entangled), and I don't have to bother commenting after every one of his matches, "That match was good/great," because they're always good to great.

  119. That's fair, wouldn't be a bad option for him, but I think there's one more shot at this Miz face turn, and him going against the Wyatt's might be the catalyst to get him more of a real edge to his character. I guess we'll see.

  120. Awesome Truth was almost like a test run of The Shield.

  121. "But you like it. It’s terrific. It’s fantastic. BEST FAKE WRESTLING EVER.
    Honestly, it’s hard to write about fake wrestling right now. I will, however, keep milking the paycheck."

    Yup, definitely not an angry guy with an axe to grind who's pre-disposed to hating everything. OHHH, and he says "marks" a lot so he must know stuff!

    Madden's a gross never-was.

    Yeah I wish they had done things differently with Bryan since Summerslam, but also the dude has won pretty much every match and fight he's been in since then, has never been beaten cleanly, and is still over as fuck. The day after Summerslam pretty much everyone on this blog predicted that the build would be to Bryan winning the title back at hell in a Cell, and that's pretty much exactly what we're on track for. Were the screw jobs at NOC and Battle ground the best way to get there? No. But this whole sky-is-falling-Bryan-is-done meme is complete bullshit.

  122. Dude, the tag team title has been more over and treated better than it's been in a decade.

    Hell No were the most popular tag champs since, fuck, the Hardys? They won a shit load of matches, including defenses at the Rumble and Mania, and held the belts for like 8 months. They fucking main evented a bunch of Smackdowns and Raws. They were treated as a huge deal, and even if their wacky tag partners dynamic was part of it, how does that lessen them? That was their thing and people were into it. And their feud with the Shield in six-mans and regular tags was a big deal coming out of Mania, and The Shield were then dominant tag champs, winning great matches against teh Usos and such. And then Monday night the Rhodes title win was the fucking main event and got over 20 minutes and a huge crowd celebration.

    How is the tag title not been over the last year?

    Were E & C/Dudleys/Hardys ever the second most important thing in the promotion, which seems to be your rationale for whether the tag titles are being treated like shit or not.

  123. I agree. In fact, Axel's dad is a great example of a guy who came in with fanfare, got treated like a big deal initially, and never became a top "main event draw". He didn't need to. He was awesome for many years and is remembered fondly for it. Axel should hope to be remembered on the level of his father when he's ready to hang it up some day.

    I think Bray Wyatt is another like this. I think his debut was cool and his character has tremendous potential, but I certainly don't think he needs to main event right away with it or anything. There is a lot to be said for having great supporting characters/upper-midcarders (Mr. Perfect, Rick Rude, Jake Roberts, etc)

  124. Pretty much anything from Boy Meets World, even though I love the show. Morgan's absence only to be replaced by another older actress, the fact that Corey and Shawn somehow aged 2 years between Seasons 2-3 and Seasons 3-4 while everyone else stayed the same age, the continually updated history of Corey and Topanga when she started out as a flower child...

    I know there are more, but those stand out in my mind right now.

  125. Yeah, he absolutely belongs in the Corporation. It even has some potential down the road, if they insist on him being a top babyface. Miz grows tired of being the puppet that HHH & Steph use as public liaison and talk show shill, says he wants legitimacy, bails on the corporate image and becomes a rebel

  126. But...we have to get those Big Show and Goldust kids over don't we?

  127. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 9:20 AM

    im with u miz can be a good face.

    dont remember the year but he did a injury angle during kotr and the fans were eating it up.

    problem is/was he peaked (or pushed him) too soon. inside of 3 years he won the title and main evented WM with cena alongside the rock... and they abandoned him.

  128. Totally, though I think Miz need a nice 2-3 year run as a heel before they even think about turning him face again. Just let the guy do what he does best, which is act like a duck-faced douche.

    Also, is Miz still with Maryse? if so, they should totally bring her back as his valet. Miz as the corporate suck-up whose constantly showing off his annoying superhot girlfriend? That might get some heat.

  129. The entire Highlander universe has such atrocious continuity that fans have gotten to the point that part of the enjoyment of Highlander is finding ways to make everything make sense... the fan theories get pretty complex and bizarre... but I seriously can't imagine anything ever having worse continuity.

  130. Exactly. The point was it was a really good match, it ended in a way in which Bryan proved he was a better fighter than Del Rio (he knocked ADR out witha kick) but then he was courageous enough that he ran to save his woman at the cost of getting counted out. Oh, and then the heel attacked him from behind to prove that he was heelish.

    Or, ya know, everything is stupid and this sucks and wah wah and such.

  131. Well now I'm gonna bring that back just to show who's the boss.

  132. Hated? Spider-Man One More Day.

    Liked? Kano from Mortal Kombat turning Australian in the games due to the developers being impressed with Trevor Goddard's accent in the film.

  133. I never bothered with anything past the first film, which I still enjoy. Anything that opens with the Freebirds vs The Islanders (ok, may not have been the actual Islanders, but there was at least one of them) can't be all bad.

    Besides....Clancy Brown....fuck me, he was awesome.

  134. Haha. Yea, I dont have it in me either after working an overnight shift. Think itd be the 4th time ive had this discussion him.

  135. What sucks about being aware of continuity changes is that it prevents me from just sitting back and enjoying it on its own merits, because I always keep thinking back to that small difference that barely anybody notices except for me.

    Star Trek the new movies: The technology leap, where things that could never have existed in the 24th century are fully functional in the 23rd century (like the extreme long range transporter that let Khan transport from Earth to the Klingon Homeworld). To be honest, though, I was against having Khan be the villain in the second movie since it was first rumoured. I felt his story had been told extremely well already, and wanted the movies to do their own thing, especially if it was going to be a big action movie. I was really hoping that Into Darkness would be a war with the Klingons, because an all out war has not been shown before.

    Full House: Uncle Jesse's last-name change between seasons 1 and 2.

    Transformers the Michael Bay movies: I accepted 99% of the changes because I was just happy to see the Transformers on the big screen, but Jazz was my all time favourite from the cartoon, and to have his characterisation changed so drastically just annoyed me. And then to have him killed on top of that? I didn't know whether to be thankful that this angry, angry robot voiced by Eddie WInslow was put out of his misery, or be upset that he wouldn't get a chance to be redeem himself in later movies.

    The Hunger Games Movie: the book essentially reads like a film script anyway, but it makes a lot more sense than the movie so it is really annoying when they get characterisations wrong. Peeta is a much stronger character and shouldn't have been portrayed so weakly; Haymitch is a drunk because he's coached years of children to their deaths and doesn't stop just because; the mockingjay pin actually had a logical significance in the book, and not just the worst good luck charm ever.

    Les Miserables: the changed the arrangements of some of the songs, and while it made sense in the film, I wanted to hear "At the End of the Day" being blasted by a full chorus, as opposed to whisper-sung by the workers.

  136. I just went BONZO GONZO!

  137. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 16, 2013 at 9:51 AM

    The tag title has not been more over.

    You are associating the the actual title with the workers, and thats not the case.

    I will prove it to you.

    Without looking it up, Name me who they beat for the title.
    Now, when they won the titles
    Now tell me who they fought at Survivor Series.
    Now tell me when they lost the titles?

    You do all that without looking it up and it would prove to me that the title actually mean something to you.

    Now recite to me the first 10 WWF champions.

    You see where Im getting at?

    The tag titles aren't over. The performers are. They aren't doing anything to elevate the belt. Working 3 from bottom at Mania means nothing, when you are having a 9 minute match.

    But you aren't seeing it like that.

    You see it as Team Hell No held the belt for 245 days. TAG BELTS ARE BACK BAYBEE!

    No they aren't. The quality of the programs make the belt. The quality of the competition make the reigns. That's why Punk's reign was meh at first, but didn't sizzle until after the heel turn. Yeah he was having great matches. Great matches with Bryan to boot, but they werent treated like big programs. the smart fans splooged on themselves. but they meant nothing in the long run. To the majority, the reign really started at RAW 1000 when Punk turned.

    Do you see my PoV? Going back to the tag belts, they are placeholders bro. Right now they are getting some attention, but in the grand scheme of things they will be jack and shit again. Rather soon. As soon as the Usos start touching them. Guarantee it. Because they have no heat.

    But I can agree to disagree.

  138. Meekin, Ive noticed there hasnt been a "blog otter" or any other derivative of it lately. Have you stopped trying to get it over? If so I applaud.

  139. He was always in a tag team. He was a singles guy for like 2 years out of his career? I think the highest ranked belt he held was the TV Championship. I'm not saying he was a bad wrestler at all. But he was unsuccessful in his singles career. Yet extremely successful as part of a team.

    Second, I don't know who you were arguing with as you're the only person to mention Eaton. And actually, You're the only who mentioned Arn.

  140. I'm not sure if this is a continuity lapse or a plot hole, but I've had an issue with Back to the Future Part 3 since I saw the movie in the theater when I was 12. The entire plot depends on Marty not having gas in the DeLorean back in 1885. But there are actually two DeLoreans in 1885: the one that Doc took back (with a fried flux capacitor and a full tank of gas), and the one Marty took back (with a refurbished flux capacitor and an empty tank of gas). Combine them and you have one fully operational DeLorean and no need for Marty to hang about in 1885. But I guess that would make the movie only 20 minutes long, so whatever.

  141. This, regarding Goddard. He was the highlight of that movie, though Linden Ashby was surprisingly solid as Johnny Cage as well. Shame that Goddard has passed on, too. :(

  142. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 16, 2013 at 10:00 AM

    see that a lot of my peeps upvoted this. fuck y'all!

  143. Remembered another: The Legend of Zelda is pretty notorious for having absurd continuity issues. How many Links are there? How many universes are there? Are they parallel to each other? So much confusion...

  144. Fuck it, youre thinking it but ill say it. I miss the Jesse Baker smark recap comments.

  145. 'ELLO BABY

  146. OK, for real without looking it up:
    Hell No beat Kofi and Truth at NOC last year.
    Survivor Series they were in the Dolph-Orton elimination match. Rumble they beat Rhodes Scholars, Mania they beat Team Dolph, and they lost to Shield at Extreme Rules.
    I remember that because Hell No's run was treated like a big deal and was lots of fun to watch.

    Demolition vs Andre/Haku was what, the opening match of Mania 6? Demos vs Powers of Pain were middle of teh card at mania 5. Does that mean that the tag titles weren't over in that era? Does the fact that the TLC matches went on midcard at Mania 16 and 17 mean that the titles weren't over in that era? No, it means its Mania and there's a shitload of big matches every year, and shit goes on when it goes on. Taker streak matches go on 4th from the top some years.

    And yes, the titles are a bigger deal when the guys holding them are treated as big deals, totally. Otherwise they're just tin belts— but that's the same for EVERY title. And what I'm saying is that for the past year, WWE has made a conscious effort to make the tag champions relevant and seem somewhat important. Does that not count as a good thing in wrestling? You seem to be argueing that, "yeah the last year of tag wrestling was good but WHO CARES it's gonna suck now so therefore nothing matters." Or, well, maybe it'll keep being good. Cody/Goldust just won the tag belts on an amazing main event of Raw, and they did it as part of an awesome storyline. That's a great sign for WWE tag team wrestling. Maybe they hold it for a bit and have a nice run. Maybe The Shield win it back and proceed to have some awesome heated title matches, and the SHield tends to do. Maybe The Usos win it at some point and it sucks... or maybe they win it and have an awesome run, because The Usos have shown that they can have some really good tag matches and the crowd enjoys them.

    The tag division has been pretty good for teh last year, and we're coming off two long title reigns by two very over tag teams, and just had a great tag title match in which a new very over team won the belts. So, ya know, maybe that's a good thing.

  147. "But the thing is, and I am about to burst the BoD's bubble here: The Rhodes Bros are a short term thing. Tag team is not emphasized in the current WWE model. So while its good right now... right NOW and everybody is in the throes of elation about the tag match. Once it goes to the Usos or back to the Shield, and Cody is split from his brother all that heat is gone."

    I love how your point is basically "Hey you know that wrestling thing you loved on the show last week and really enjoyed? Well it doesn't matter! Because next week it's not gonna be good! It's all gonna be bad so who cares about that thing that was good!!" Holy shit dude. I get criticizing things here, and we all do it, and there's always lots to criticize... but if you really dislike everything to the point where you can't even enjoy something that WAS awesome because you know it's gonna get un-awesome soon, why bother watching?

    "But Summerslam was down." Yes it was. But was your point there, in equating it to NOC and Battleground having bad buyrates, that Summerslam was a bad show? Because most here would argue that Summerslam was a a great show with two great and one VERY good match, and an excellent build. So is Summerslam, to you, more of what you would want to see, or equally bad, or does it all suck "cuz WWE"?

    "I willI say this. Cody will be even worse off than Daniel Bryan come Feb 2014." So I take it that this statement means that come Feb, Rhodes will be in the shitter because that's where you currently view Daniel Bryan's spot, right? Yeah, the Corporation storyline since Summerslam should have been handled differently, but Bryan is still over as hell and fighting in the main event title match at HIAC. And he's gonna be in one of the top 3 matches at Mania this year. He's a big fucking star, and if Cody is in a comparable position to Bryan come February that's a victory for Cody's career, not a defeat.

  148. Well I'm glad Scott's assessment of Raw mirrored my own thoughts. Whilst I like Mr PG's writing style I find his opinions are really out of synch with the majority of the blog which makes it difficult to take his reports seriously, if anything it is an irritant (he gave Raw 9/10 and said the final 2 hours were some of the best ever, which is ridiculous hyperbole). I know opinions vary but he seems way off the mark on so many issues on a weekly basis which is sad considering he now does the main Raw report. I'd rather read someone whose thinking is on a similar wavelength than a guy who just infuriates me and I believe others too (despite his endearing style).

  149. Agree. Gabriel works, Miz doesn't. Miz will never have a toughguy edge. He'll just look like a poser. The money in Miz is as the annoying jackass who deserves to have his face punched in by rising stars. Outside of Gabriel, Tyson Kidd, and Tensai/Sweet T are the best options for the group. If you want a female, AJ might work given her propensity towards weird bearded dudes.

  150. Axel is not as dynamic as Rude, Roberts, his Dad, etc. He is the very definition of a "mechanic" or a "good hand". Dude has no charisma or mic ability. Axel and Punk should have a cage match on a random Smackdown and never be seen on TV together ever again. He has almost taken as many GTS's as Ziggler has taken Brogue Kicks.

  151. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 16, 2013 at 10:21 AM

    downvoted cause i made a joke that was seamlessly blended monsoon and dusty and y'all buttmunches downvoted me


  152. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 16, 2013 at 10:28 AM

    yay, i'm a two-time loser!

  153. "The problem with WWE is that Vince McMahon surrounds himself with yes-men!" The point of this common complaint is that it's not bad to get another person's perspective of the show.

  154. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 16, 2013 at 10:29 AM

    Shit, I never even thought of that...

  155. I hate it also, but my thought process is that its his thread, I typically enjoy it, and he takes the time out of his day to write something that gives us something to talk about. These reasons outweigh my hate of it, so have prevented me from getting snarky towards it.

    That being said, I hope the phrase dies and never comes back again.

  156. Wow. I need to see that movie again for that.

    Though I have to say if you watch Part 2 and 3 in a row, the 3rd movie is a LOT better.

  157. I agree, I think a lot of the times depending on the movie, continuity can be forgiven. The Dark Knight moves so quickly that you barely have any time to think about stuff, and you're having such a good time, the stuff you do notice, you don't care about.

    The Dark Knight Rises on the other hand, has fifty million little plot holes you'll notice.

  158. I remember that from Boy Meets World, too. I guess it didn't bother me too too much because that episode where Topanga has to move away and everyone gets all bummed is like the most heart breaking thing of all time.

  159. You're a winner in my heart.

  160. I'm sure that this isn't the answer the writers intended, but that gas wouldn't work. Gas goes bad in a matter of months, so it isn't starting a car after its been sitting in a tank for 100 years.

  161. That guy who played Cage was awesome. It's a shame the only other thing I saw him in was the first episode of Franklin and Bash.

  162. I like his reviews

  163. I've never really been bothered all that much by continuity stuff. I honestly can't think of a single time that a continuity issue has lessened my enjoyment of anything.


  165. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 16, 2013 at 10:51 AM

    If Yoda and Obi-Wan's Ghost know that Leia is Luke's sister.....why do they let them make out? Why doesn't Yoda be all like "Ahem...dude, I wouldn't stroke your lightsaber to her if I were you." And when Han is told by Leia that at the end of ROTJ that Luke is indeed her brother, why isn't he all freaked out that he saw them kiss? And why doesn't Darth vader recognize C-3P0 as his droid creation when he was young Annakin? I AM NOT WATCHING THE NEW STAR WARS FLICKS!!
    Well, maybe a peek...

  166. I'm not a big fan of the Faux-Monsoon/Heenan shtick either, but at least PrimeTimeTen doesn't interject it into every single post on the blog.

  167. I shudder at the thought of what a Monsoon/Dusty blend would be...

  168. I would fucking die if Miz started showing up uninvited at Make-a-Wish events to mug for cameras. If only using sick kids to further an angle weren't the worst thing ever, because it would be off-the-charts heeling.

  169. Another favorite is "Only the Sith deal in Absolutes"

    and then Yoda be like "Do or do not, there is no try!"

  170. Opinions aren't universal. I disagree with Scott's opinions a lot, but I enjoy the hell out of his writing. It's OK for people to have different opinions.

  171. "Want someone who thinks like me, I get infuriated when someone thinks different"

  172. That's the current problem with WWE, the guys that should be bad guys in this current angle, aren't.

  173. The TV Title was quite an honor. The champion had to be a mechanic who could make every babyface look good while maintaining credibility. That's a hard thing to do.

  174. Dude, you just outed the hive mind, now everyone's gonna know!

  175. Well isn' that just a hot poker up the ass...

  176. The worst part is how it was such a complete given Punk was winning that the only hurdle the announcers mentioned was the time limit.

  177. He'd definitely be a better manager than wrestler. What unconvincing offense. The "punches" he threw at his hated rival Monday were ludicrous.

  178. One of the main reasons that I stopped reading comic books was that I just don't like history being rewritten, at least not at certain fundamental levels.
    I understand that even with comic book time not being 1:1 with real time, it is not feasible to maintain origin stories from the '60s, but once everything is rewritten, I lose the emotional attachment.

  179. I don't think Uncle Jesse's last name changed, I think his last name was always Catzopolous (sp?) but he used the name cockran as his name for his roach exterminating business, ie for marketing purposes only. (Get it, it sounds like cockroach. Or something like that.) Although I don't know if this was ever stated explicitly or if I pieced this together myself...

  180. It's no more ridiculous than comparing Cody Rhodes to Tully Blanchard.

    Especially since Goldust is a better worker than Cody.

  181. i had this thought as well but an explanation given to me that I accept is that when Doc buried the Delorean in the cave he emptied the gas tank since over the years the old gas could corrode the gas tank. Also there was no reason to leave the gas in there as in 80 years when Marty would find it, it wouldn't be useable. Last, Doc might noe have wanted to dig up the Delorean on the off chance it what screw up the time space continuum.

  182. I enjoy all three movies but in my opinion 2 is more fun than 3.

  183. Actually he would say "Dude...stroke your lightsaber to her, I wouldn't, were you, I was..."
    P.S. I'd be careful mentioning these, lest Lucas have another couple of Special Editions in him...

  184. You barely want to read a post because of two words in it? *REALLY*?

  185. I agree. I went with Superman for All Seasons, then All Star Superman, and was like. Okay, that's about as good as its gonna get for me. Peace out DC U!

  186. Dr. Claw as Shao Khan in MK1 >>>>>>>> Kano.
    On the other side of this, I don't like how the DVD edition changed Boba Fett's voice to have the accent.

  187. I'll have to find the Full House Chronology, which justifies the plot hole.

  188. Oh i agree. But 2 has so many things in it that come up again in 3 that you don't notice unless you watch them in a row.

  189. Kid? I OWN the police!!!!!

  190. The Luke/Leia kiss always seemed like something when they all found out they all made a nonverbal aggrement to never talk of it again. Like "if we all don't talk about it, it didn't happen" deal. And I'm no SW expert but do Vader and 3P0 every see each other in the original trilogy? I can't think of a time when they do.

  191. One retcon I never liked as a kid was when Firestorm became the fire elemental (also, when he was the Blank Slate version come Issue 65). I preferred my FS to be more in line with what I saw on Superfriends, instead of the darker version it became under Ostrander. Though now I've come to accept most if not all versions of the character.

  192. Other than Miz, who else do you think should be the bad guys in this angle? I think turning Orton and HHH heel was the right move, as they're both WAYYY better heels than faces. And having The Shield as the muscle/workrate heels is the way to go.

    I definitely think Miz should go Corporate, and I would have liked Show to end up as the Corporate monster (slash-jobber-to-Bryan), but for whatever reason crowds still love Big Show, so it's hard to nitpick keeping him face.

    Otherwise, who else do you think WWE is missing out on being the bad guys?


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