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Tweet Tweet, Hack Hack

Just FYI, if I suddenly added you on Twitter this morning and you were surprised by it, so was I.  Someone hacked my account for some reason and added everyone who follows me to my "following" list as well, which resulted in a bunch of spam messages in my inbox and nuisance for me.  


  1. And here I thought I was special...

    Oh, and for the record, Scott, you totally should follow me on Twitter. I'm super-entertaining and always tweeting about stuff you care deeply about like American politics, sports, and Maine restaurants!

  2. I too was pleasantly surprised to find Scott following me, despair follows

  3. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 15, 2013 at 7:36 AM

    We are blaming this on Dougie right?

  4. Or they know the difference between Sesame Street and the Muppet Show.

  5. Threadjack: Tanahashi vs. Okada VI is the goods. Meltzer's talking MOTYC, and in this case, deservedly so.

  6. The Rope-walk is designed to allow the practitioner to strike his opponent in a vulnerable place (back of the neck) with an increase in velocity and force provided by gravity.

    While on paper it seems practical to merely knock Taker off the ropes, in practice it's more much difficult, due to Undertaker's enhanced zombie grip strength. If you attempted to knock him over it'd simply keep ahold of your hand and as he tumbled to his doom your shoulder would be ripped out of its socket.

  7. He was still a perfectly good worker. The gimmick at the time was the problem.

  8. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 15, 2013 at 7:42 AM

    Philippe not sure if your joking or not but really it raises the larger point. You have guys like Cena, Ray Lewis, Peterson, maybe Kobe coming back from injury so quickly now...maybe they are taking something illegal but I think that medical technology is so advanced now that it is guess is that while they might be taking some drugs that are on the shady side its all stuff that has not actually been banned or made illegal yet, (the notion that the drugs are ahead of the testers.) I am also guessing that the modern stuff is safer then say putting a needle of testosterone in your ass.

  9. So... We aren't really friends now?.. No... No it's fine.. I guess

  10. Right. It looks cool and pops the crowd 100% of the time. It's a no brainer

  11. That's a future PWG tag name for sure

  12. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 15, 2013 at 7:50 AM

    I agree with you in that their interviews and overall character has gotten stale but when they get in that certain zone in the ring...DAMM are they good.

  13. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 15, 2013 at 7:51 AM

    Guys... guys...

    It was all a clever ruse to add @mrcharisma to his twitter.

    I knew deep down, you wanna put me over.

  14. Yea it seems like Taker was looking pretty good before his WCW departure. His match vs. Lex at GAB 90 kicks ass

  15. It's legit embarrassing to bring this up in a discussion of how great a match was.


  16. Yea, no doubt. I knew Rollins was good but I didnt think he was this good. Im not sure what the buzz is on Reigns as a worker, but hes really really good IMO

  17. Try changing the password.
    It works for me.

  18. He does subtle things well like slam the mat to get fans clapping for the hot tag.

  19. Side note; watched Botch 238 this morning, you fucking rule for adding the Diddy Kong Racing music

  20. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 15, 2013 at 7:57 AM

    Do you want them split up? And if so why not put Ambrose with Orton? Basically sell them as they get along cause they are both out of their minds. Then at some point you split them up turn Ambrose face go from there.

  21. Naw, Id like to see them stay together as heels at least till this corporation thing ends around WM. I dobt have much faith that WWEs creative wouldnt lose Rollins and Ambrose in the midcard shuffle as singles guys. Reigns I think is destined to be a big time player at some point IM0

  22. A downvote isn't an argument against, mouthbreathers.

  23. The Germany blood platelete transfusion shit is the most interesting to me.

    Im in the camp that thinks HGH and stuff like that should be allowed for short intervals to assist in injury recovery.

  24. Thanks ONITA100.

    DKR music is my version of a cheap-pop.

  25. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 15, 2013 at 8:06 AM

    Totally agree with you about the HGH stuff. The Germany blood stuff is what I meant about the advances in medical technology. It's not all drugs.

  26. Yea, amazing stuff considering basic testosterone based, ball shrinking steroids, were the fad 15 years ago.

    The next wave of medical research youre going to see is anti aging shit. Talk about mind blowing.

  27. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 15, 2013 at 8:12 AM

    I'm higher on Ambrose then Reigns but yeah there is potential in both guys. With Dean I see it going one of two ways if he goes out on his own. Either he gets cheered to the point where they have to turn him face or they are able to make him the most despicable heel in the company, which I can see him pulling off. If Reigns is destined to be the breakout guy they need him to work singles for awhile and see what he can do, ala Batista in 2004.

  28. Yea, complete despicable heel Ambrose would be fantastic.

  29. The Fan-fucking-tastics face the Cockers for the PWG Tag Team Titles and a night with their valets the Bushshavers!

  30. The Master Blasters... Hey Kev. Nice to see ya.

  31. TNA: Dumb, Dumber, or Dumberer for "banning" Botchamania?

    Hell, your vids probably get more views than actual episodes of Impact by now.

  32. Add me to the list of folks who were pleasantly surprised to be followed by Scott. Of course, there was the momentary, "Why the fuck would he follow me?" thoughts before going towards euphoria...

  33. He went one further, actually, saying that their series is better than Flair/Steamboat. To be fair, after this match, I'm not sure I could entirely disagree.

  34. He was pretty good in his Singles match a few months ago. Hanging with Ambrose and Rollins has been about the best thing he could have hoped for.

  35. As someone who's knowledge of Japanese wrestling is very limited... just a few thoughts on what I've seen.

    (Will be edited as I watch, 10 minutes into the video now)

    2-2 with a draw heading into this match? 50/50 booking done RIGHT.
    That's a SWEET looking belt.
    (3:50): That's... different. And quite awesome. (roll-call of champions, sadly it was JIP, missing the first few holders.)

  36. It almost has to at this point, no? Nothing else would make sense.

  37. HGH was custom designed to help with injury recovery. I'm totally ok with it. Though I'm personally curious to know what he did. Because I have big doubts that it was just surgery and work ethic, which the little vignette seemed to imply.

  38. Shit. The follow made my day.

  39. So does anyone else think that Hell in a Cell is the (at least temporary) blow off for Punk/Heyman? The feud is starting to run out of steam (Curtis Axel as the centerpiece of a feud will do that) and Punk desperately needs a big feel-good dominating PPV victory, so I'm gonna say yes.
    I could see Punk pinning Ryback, locking him out of the cage or something, and then giving Heyman the mother of all beatdowns.

    Heyman goes away for a few months to sell while Punk moves on to something else, maybe a WWE title feud. Then around TLC Heyman returns with Lesnar, beats down Punk, and sets up Punk/Lesnar 2 for the Rumble or Mania. Sound reasonable?

  40. I was about to say, Scott loves pictures of my beagle that much?

  41. No disrespect but that is a TERRIBLE comparison. Hogan was the personification of charisma and the super hero look.

    Also I'm not saying Ambrose is BAD, but I believe to sustain a long-term main event run you need to bring the goods when it counts in the ring, and I'm yet to see him do that on an individual basis.

    The product is SOOOO different from Hogan's time where you could hide average ring work with bags of charisma and over the top flamboyance. Horrible comparison mate.

  42. Aww, I felt special, too. :( It was a pleasant surprise.

  43. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 15, 2013 at 10:39 AM

    Fuck Twitter.

  44. Fuck, I read this just as soon as I was telling all my friends, "You know who followed me on Twitter? Famous author. No, not Clancy, he died...."

  45. Look at it this way, though: there are three ingredients you need to be a successful wrestler (per Bret Hart, whom I will quote as an authority here because he kinda knows things more than I do). You need a unique look, you need skills, and you need charisma. Dean Ambrose looks like a world-weary street fighter among a bunch of male models. He stands out in that way. And after seeing some of the indy promos posted here, I can safely say he has charisma.

    As for skills? There's a lot more to skill than moveset. It's about timing, pacing, expressions, and storytelling. Ambrose has the pacing and expressions down very well, and given the tight booking of the Shield, he's good with storytelling too. Not everyone needs a thousand holds to show skill -- heck, look at Goludst last night.

    Bottom line? Ambrose ain't Hogan, but he has the tools to be something in this business.

  46. So does that mean you're going to unfollow me now? :-(

  47. But, but....awwww man

  48. Man you are like Hogan in 1993... desperately trying to hold on to the spotlight.

  49. Elvy was my first thought.

  50. Are you part of the Clan MacLeod?

  51. It doesn't damage Woods, but it damages JBL by demonstrating that he has the rhetorical skills of an entitled 12 year old. I imagine this is the plot to bring Woods up to the main roster. I assume Triple H will bring him out; make him apologize for starting the petition; he'll do so but Orton will destroy him anyway; he'll get a match against Orton in which he gets a 30 second hope spot (which will be treated like a huge accomplishment) before hitting a jumping something into an RKO; and then he'll end up on job duty until he starts teaming with R-Truth.

  52. Also, what an odd hack. You break into a dude's Twitter account and then just follow a bunch of people that follow him? It's more a punishment to us!

  53. I think Ambrose could make a good career out of NEVER being face.

  54. He did, but it didn't end well.

  55. Reasonable enough for me. Punk-Lesnar II will be awesome regardless of when/where

  56. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 15, 2013 at 12:51 PM

    I love how at the end of the match the belt presentation ceremony is made to look like a big deal. (unlike how the Rhodes boys were treated by HHH when they got the tag belts.)

  57. And he sells the arm throughout the whole thing!

  58. Bret felt you should "look tough" and wouldn't have rated Ambrose that highly, I'd think. "Unique" Look doesn't hide the fact that he's the least-impressive physically of The Shield.

  59. Yeah, Goldust was actually REALLY GOOD aside from, well, his main push, where he used Memphis Stall Tactics, boring moves, choking and assorted shit to put on the worst matches in the promotion. I can't even THINK of a more boring wrestler in-the-ring. Thank god he nailed that character so well.

  60. FYI I'm gonna leave as many non-spam accounts on the list as I can. Just out of common courtesy.

  61. Was his gimmick that he had zero good offense, choked and slapped, and was out of the ring for 90% of the match? Goldust is the single-worst guy of his era, and it took a few years for him to put some effort back into his work.

  62. It's more the MO of another nutbag named Reshad Ingar who has been stalking me for 15 years or so now.

  63. Seconded. Do you think that Punk will remain in his own little universe though?

  64. Anyone else impressed with Del Rio in ring-wise?

  65. He's one of the best in-ring talents in WWE. Athletic, powerful, uses psychology, and as someone else on here said recently, he makes you believe he really cares whether he wins or loses.

  66. Is the point of the impending McMahon feud for Vince to finally go out on top as a babyface TV character in a WrestleMania match? If so, I'm for it.

  67. I always thought the effectiveness of the spear depended more on who sold it than who delivered it. Jeff Hardy, Rock, Ziggler, etc. can make anybody's spear look lethal.

  68. That look is part of Ambrose's appeal, though. He doesn't look like a monster or a crazy athlete, so he must have something evil up his sleeve that allows him to not only run with, but be the de facto leader of, a group like The Shield. Which he adds to with his creepy voice, facial tics, etc.

  69. I was excited that I had my favorite author following me.

  70. Ive been a Del Rio supporter for awhile...he was at the top of his game though. Working with D Bry always helps also

  71. Definitely a Del Rio fan, but he's a natural heel. I hope they never attempt a face turn again.

  72. You just have this whole secret Indiana Jones lifestyle on the side, don't you?

  73. I still think it puts the emphasis off of the guys who needed it. The Rhodes.





  74. Exactly. Yeah Big Show has the KO punch, but that could easily be a Ziggler superkick (note, I am not saying they should use Dolph as a main-event face...that bridge is GONE). But anybody else would have been superior to him.

  75. JBL being portrayed as a tool is out of his gimmick how? He's supposed to be the lickspittle hypocrite.

  76. Big Dick McGillicuttyOctober 15, 2013 at 11:58 PM

    Speaking of bad themes, Sheamus' is one of the most generic for a main eventer ever.

    It should be I'm Shipping Up To Boston by Dropkick Murphys. Case closed.

  77. Sounds like Scott has crazier stalkers than Danielle Harris.

  78. You know, that's a good question. I think due to Punk's status as a top face and the general anti-establishment nature of his character he eventually HAS to be involved in raging against the machine, doesn't he?

  79. I think the way to get there is pretty straight-forward. Heyman finally gets beat into oblivion by Punk, then crawls into the Corporate fold out of classic Heyman self-preservation. He can be a corporate stooge for HHH and Steph, which draws Punk into the feud on the Bryan/Show/Rhodes side of things. The eventual return of Brock Lesnar makes the HHH alliance interesting and I guess you explain it by saying HHH put aside his battles with Brock in order to stack the deck against the rebels

  80. Thanks for spoiling. Just for that I will say *whose to you.


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