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WWF Prime Time: Money Inc. vs. Natural Disasters

Everything about this match fascinates me:

1) The announcing duo of Jim Ross & Bobby Heenan re-doing commentary at least 10 months after it happened for a Coliseum release.
2) JR making a Shockmaster joke - "Typhoon never trips, right Brain?"
3) JR going crazy on the referee
4) Brain residing on another planet with his commentary 
5) Earthquake playing the largest version of Ricky Morton in history and doing it extremely well
6) And then out of nowhere, a historic WWF Tag Team title change.

Hey now, spoilers, man.

I was pretty checked out of wrestling at this point and I never even saw the original title change, but the notion of the Natural Disasters as babyfaces was always a weird one for me.  Odd as it sounds, the internet scene really rekindled my passion for THIS BUSINESS again when I discovered it in 93.  


  1. I had to include the spoiler. When I watched the first time while messing around on YouTube, i thought the uploaded had cut off the false finish (like it HAD to be overturned).

    Now I want to know why the WWF felt to include this on a home video months after Typhoon left the company. Unless it was just to mock the Shockmaster.

  2. I remember seeing this & thinking how weird it was that the commentary was re-done so far ahead after when it actually took place. JR & Brain also did re-taped commentary for a Flair/Shawn vs Bret/Savage tag match that is another Coliseum treasure, which stood out because JR and Flair were never in the company at the same time at that point.

    Speaking of rarely-seen title changes - does footage exist of Money Inc. beating the LOD for the titles back in Feb. '92? In all the years since I don't think I've ever come across it.

  3. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 23, 2013 at 2:09 PM

    By all accounts John Tenta was a pretty good guy so it's nice that he got a title run.

  4. It doesn't exist. All footage was destroyed (or is locked up to never been seen again) as part of the deal to get LOD to drop the titles.

  5. I wonder if there was any ever footage of it, since it happened at a random house show.

  6. unfortunately no. I myself always was curious to see the Jannetty/HBK IC Title change from Albany, but no fan-cam of that one either. Just a few snapshots from WWF Magazine a few months after it happened.

  7. Good stuff here, thx for posting

  8. Poor Mike Rotunda. Typhoon TWICE clotheslines him in the face. Typhoon reminded me of Stan Hansen or JBL. Clothesline looks good? Who cares where it hits.

  9. I prefer the rematch where Money Inc win the tag titles back and stands as my favorite Earthquake match.

  10. - Said nobody in Japan, ever.

  11. That's the WWF footage that I would second-most like to see, next to one of the Steamboat/Savage cage matches that went around the horn after Wrestlemania III.

  12. I always liked both of these teams.
    IRS in particular was a personal fave. At the only house show that I ever went to he faced Shawn Michaels for the IC title and I was crushed that he couldn't get it done.

  13. Legitimately? Or you're saying this tongue-in-cheek? My apologies, I seem to have left my sarcasm radar at home today.

  14. Some wrestlers just love to cut that weird deal. Flair also lobbied to keep the title switch to Hart off the weekly programming.

  15. The Natural Disasters to me were much better as a team than the individual wrestlers.

  16. Both teams are actually quite similar, too- both are based off of once top-tier acts who were then jobbed out after losing to Hulk Hogan (and others), and to keep them relatively fresh and active instead of stale, hitched them up with what I like to call "Clone Buddies"- DiBiase got a similarly-styled guy in midcard act IRS, and Earthquake hooked up with similar Big Fat Guy Tugboat (who was floundering in the midcard and had mostly failed to get over).
    It's quite a brilliant strategy in my mind- all those years when Kane was the most stale guy on the roster, they could have paired him off with another Big Chokeslamming Guy and maybe gotten something good out of him. Granted, the Daniel Bryan team probably helped him much more in the end, but still.


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