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You Know...

...I was just think that the abeyance situation reminds me of 1998 when the WWF title was held up and they did that shitty non-finish in the Undertaker-Kane match in the October PPV to leave the belt held up, and now history repeats itself again.  But for $20 more due to inflation.

They should have just gone with the power outage as the ending.


  1. To be fair, the ending on that show was actually Vince McMahon firing Stone Cold Steve Austin. Which was actually a payoff to the storyline.

  2. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 6, 2013 at 9:39 PM

    rumor has it that someone on wwe's end caught wind of the finish ahead of time and was like 'fuck this shit' and took matter into their own hands

  3. No surprise whatsoever. Here I thought they would have Bryan win and play up the fact that he would have won the WWE title at 3 consecutive PPVs. $60 for a non-finish. What's this, boxing?

  4. at least the next night's RAW involved Bang 3:16, and Mankind playing Twister with Vince.

    Nothing tomorrow night will come even remotely close.

  5. The moral of the story...NEVER EVER, under any circumstance, pay for wwe ppvs. "Acquire" them in another fashion.

    Lesson learned Vince, I hope you have fun wiping your ass with my money.

  6. I'm shocked that they're not playing up the powerout on and comparing it the one at the Superbowl instead of ignoring it......they love doing that sort of pop culture crossover stuff

  7. And business was hot, not dwindling ratings during football season

  8. Im not echoing any new sentiment but fuck that finish. Yea, we all knew Bryan wasnt going over but give us ANYTHING that progresses the heel turn #7647, a double pin to set up next month, Orton cheating to win to set up HITC, etc. This finish doesnt accomplish anything for anyone involved.

    It seems like theyre just in a big holding pattern until Cena comes back.

  9. The word "shitty" should have been in front of "Undertaker-Kane match."

  10. And again, from a kayfabe standpoint, if you're running a company, why wouldn't you be in the building for a match that determines your company's champion?

  11. because FUCK YOU that's why!

  12. At least the Judgment Day thing led to the Deadly Games tournament. If they had a tournament at the next ppv to determine the next champion, they could very easily create the next Rock or Foley with Ziggler or Rhodes with Bryan playing the Austin role.

  13. Scott, did you watch the show and will we get a rant?

  14. The answer... was no.

    Next, on Behind The Wrestling...

  15. So... what you're saying is... this reminds you of the Attitude Era?

  16. That would involved creativity, following storylines already developed, developing new stars, and lack of HHH and Stephanie. Sooo. Not happening

  17. If it sucks, then why watch it for free? Shouldn't you hold out for a deal where you get paid to watch it?

  18. What if they do a vignette of following Dusty to the pay windah?

  19. They have figuratively strapped the proverbial rocket to the virtual ass of Abeyance.

    Will the go all the way with Abeyance like Brock Lesnar, or will they get fold feet like with Ryback?

  20. You would have been happy with watching it for free?

  21. This reminds me of the attitude era in the same way that a prostate exam reminds me of a shoulder massage or something like that.

  22. They're wrestled hundreds of times. Have ANY of them been good?

    I can only think of a couple that were even watchable.

  23. The Abeyance World Order, or aWo might form as a result.

  24. Maybe the new "Angle has a 7 year turnaround" has been extended to 15 due to inflation.

  25. So if they do a 16-man tournament, who are the 16?
    1. Bryan
    2. Orton
    3. Big Show
    4. Punk (he'll lose a match due to his obsession with Heyman)
    5. Ziggler
    6. Ambrose
    7. Rollins
    8. Reigns
    9. Cody Rhodes
    10. Bray Wyatt
    11. Del Rio
    12. Titus O'Neil
    13. Ryback
    14. RVD
    15-16: Random surprise entries, I'm thinking Kane and Booker T, or maybe Mysterio.

  26. Their WM14 match was good in terms of telling a story.

  27. The series in 2010?

  28. You're paying for the wrestling, not the finishes. That's how I look at it, so I never feel cheated.

  29. I dont get your point

  30. Doesn't the finish count as part of the wrestling?

  31. 15-16: Duane Gill, again! (For both spots)

  32. Does it need to be for us to know?

  33. Im not really paying for armbars or snap suplexes, as much as the finishes and storyline progression/blowoff.

    The best wrestling usually has clean/decisive finishes imo

  34. Wow is the WWE roster thin. What a brutal collection of midcarders that is.

  35. Trade O'Neil for Axle or Miz. I also don't think all 3 shield members would be in there; maybe just Ambrose.
    For surprise entries, I would say cena or big boss manx2.

    Why does it need to be 16? Bryan and Orton get byes into the 2nd round like the deadly games and wm 4 tournaments.

  36. This guy gets it.

    I wanted to write this scathing response as to how 3/4s of that bracket are midcarders but it came out just a tad bit hurtful.

  37. Sooo....was the wrestling any good? You know, the reason why most of us watch this stuff?
    Whining about the booking won't change anything, which is why I never bother.

  38. The Deadly Games tournament happened while HHH was out with an injury. I figure that because he wasn't featured prominently, there's a decent chance that he's never seen it.

  39. Titus oneil??? Im actually trying to think of someone else but cant. What does that tell you about how well the wwe books/develops the midcard?

    Miz maybe

  40. Booo to that. I'd be happy to supply you links to uh hmmm.... yeah....yupp. I think you're a nice blog of doomer, and youre an MD, so I'd be happy to help. Let me know your email

  41. You do realize that the finish is part of the match, which contains the wrestling

  42. Eh, it's a meaningless PPV anyway so I'm not all mad about it. I wonder though if this possibly sets up a 3 way match at HIAC with Bryan/SHow/Orton. Because YA KNOW this means Show earned a title shot for...some reason. Ruthless Aggression?

  43. Well Orton needs to get the helpful heel-like bye so Orton/Cena 1st round, Cena doesnt show up because he cant after a tease right?

  44. That is one shitty tournament. If Del Rio has a belt, why would he be in this tourney too? It makes no sense for Wyatt to job in a tournament.

  45. Thanks. I typically dont pay but my laptop broke a few days ago. Send what you always looking for good options on this front.

  46. I like their WrestleMania 14 match. I legitimately think it's a *** match.

  47. When you rely on the past instead of creating new stars, this is what happens.

  48. Didnt they have a good 3 way with austin at some point? Dont know if that counts tho

  49. Del Rio would be trying to become the Undisputed Champion.

  50. They keep saying Titis is a "future world champion," so I think it makes sense to put him in there.

  51. I like him and all but dont think he belongs in this last at all if theyd book a tourney tomorrow.

  52. That guy doesn't get it.

  53. The more and more I read this shitty bracket, the more and more I wanna lay into him.

  54. Abeyance 3:16 says I just vacated your ass.

  55. This show made you blow a load while your doctor fingered your prostate?

    Hey, we've all been there.

  56. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 10:49 PM

    I sure as fuck think so.

  57. What I do when I watch ppvs is my business

  58. ...until her father walks in.

  59. Then why not just watch ***** matches from the past.

    Wrestling is a very in-the-moment type of entertainment.

  60. Waiit...Booker T, surprise entrant? Just lost me

  61. When I practice gynaecology*, I show the professional etiquette and do it during Raw, not a PPV.

    * = freelance.

  62. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 10:58 PM

    I didn't see the show (had the opportunity to get free tickets but passed, seems like I made the right move), but I'm just wondering how the crowd was. Did the Marine Midland Arena/HSBC Arena/First Naigara Center/whateverthefuckit'scalledthismonth look pretty full? Were they into it? I'm hoping they looked great on camera and bought lots of merch, maybe we can get a non-shitty PPV one of these days.

  63. I don't know ... somebody who hasn't been on TV in a while that would pop the crowd.

  64. Isn't Booker the GM of Smackdown?

  65. After reading this thread, I agree with your statement

  66. 1 Bryan
    2 Orton
    3 CM Punk
    4 Ziggler
    5 Rey Mysterio
    6 RVD
    7 Ryback
    8 Cody Rhodes
    9 Christian
    10 Ambrose
    11 Bray Wyatt
    12 Kane
    13 Big Show
    14 Damien Sandow
    15 Cesaro
    16 Miz

  67. Crowd sucked for the most part.

  68. Doooood...

    It's getting harder and harder not to lay into him.

    I am seething right now with his idiocy. Im not sure if he is just trolling, or if he is just that clueless.

  69. Booker aint coming back in the ring to job in a tournament. It makes no sense. You book semi-credible guys like Kofi, Sandow, Miz, Khali, R-Truth and others to job in the first round. The Shield does not benefit from a tournament either. They are hired guns. Wyatt gains nothing from jobbing in a tourney either.

  70. Couldnt agree more on the shield

  71. wyatts just a jobber waiting to happen though. Throw him in there and just get that phase of his career started

  72. His act is still new and they built him up a lot but man does the act fall apart in the ring

  73. Ricky Spanish would.

  74. I loves me some tournament fantasy booking, even though I know backstage politics say this would never happen:

    First round:

    Bryan vs. BYE
    Lesnar vs. Miz
    Big Show vs. Christian
    Ambrose vs. Punk
    Ziggler vs. RVD
    Ryback vs. Rhodes
    Kingston vs. Wyatt
    Orton vs. BYE

    HHH wants to make sure that neither Punk nor Bryan win the championship, so they go in the same half of the draw as the two monsters, who both get easy first-round matches. The Wyatt Family beats Kingston down before the PPV, which means we get the ever-popular Mystery Opponent. This time, it's Kane; he and Wyatt brawl to a no-contest, giving Orton two straight byes and keeping Wyatt undefeated.

    Second round:
    Bryan vs. Lesnar
    Big Show vs. Punk
    Ziggler vs. Rhodes
    Orton vs. BYE

    Bryan has to OVERCOME THE ODDS against Lesnar. A combination of Heyman Guys costs Punk his match. Ziggler/Rhodes have a competitive match to reinforce that Orton doesn't have to fight anyone who hasn't wrestled at least twice.

    Third round:
    Bryan vs. Big Show
    Ziggler vs. Orton

    Bryan/Big Show is overbooked in the mold of Austin/Mankind from the Deadly Games tournament. Another crooked referee and/or HHH try to rob Bryan, but Vinnie Mac comes back to restore order, and Bryan wins. Ziggler comes as close as humanly possible to beating Orton, setting him up as the next logical challenger to the tournament winner (a la One Man Gang post-WM IV).

    Bryan vs. Orton

    Where Our Hero finally vanquishes Orton, HHH, and the forces of evil.

    That leaves Shield/Usos, ADR/Sandow, and a Curtis Axel defense (against Barrett, maybe?) as non-tournament matches.

  75. But if it's HHH putting together the tournament, there's no way he doesn't put his hired guns in the field.

  76. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:12 PM

    I think he's just clueless. I've never seen him before though, so I can't really say.

  77. He has them make sure Orton wins, not to enter the tournament

  78. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:14 PM

    The Rhodes Family/Shield match was really good, but that's about it. Orton/Bryan looked to be on the way to very good before the no-finish killed any goodwill. I mean, it would be a shitty way to end RAW, never mind a $50 PPV main event.

  79. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:14 PM

    Because the show sucked, or the crowd just sucked on it's own? I bet a lot of fans were comped, they were giving tickets away like crazy over the weekend.

  80. Well I just got sucked into an hour long argument with people who thought the ending was AWESOME and STORY ADVANCING and i'm just a SHITTY IWC SHITHEAD for disagreeing.

    Can we PLEASE get some NJPW in English, WWE is slowly killing me

  81. Unless he wins, which they would be crazy to have happen, it just de-values the belt. It is a stupid decision

  82. He got dumped for Vickie as Smackdown GM. I think the only TV appearances he's made since were to give Big Show a pep talk and some backstage loitering with Mark Henry.

  83. And yet there are people praising the WWE's creative genius for this shocking twist...

    Those same people would shit all over TNA for the exact same stunt, while I'll shit on both

  84. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:16 PM

    My time would've been better spent playing the abeyance chapters in the WWE '13 AE mode. Thankfully, I had the Dodger game going in another window, so I had something to feel good about.

  85. Isn't the story line that he's kind of cooling off on Orton, though? If HHH's thing is he just wants to belt to go to one of his guys, putting The Shield in there stacks the deck. I can see where it makes sense to put just one of them in there except all three, though.

  86. It doesnt make sense to put all 3 of them in there to do the j o b. Theyre bigger then the sum of their parts right now and having them job individually will kill their individual and collective heat...which is dieing by the day

  87. Semi-related: I notice a lot of wrestling fans seem to let the crowd impact their personal opinion of a match/card. I can see where a hot crowd enhances the product (Rock/Hogan, Goldberg/Hogan, etc.), but going the other way, if I like a match I'll like it even if the crowd doesn't.

  88. I see what you're saying, but I don't think Rollins losing one time to somebody like, say, Big Show is going to kill Rollins' heat, or how one loss to Bryan would kill Reigns' heat. Honestly, I don't see how one guy losing one match to anyone would severely damage that guy's heat.
    But what I'd do is have first-round matches be Bryan-Rollins, Show-Reigns and Ziggler-Ambrose. Then just have the other 2 Shield guys run-in and beat down the babyface, causing a DQ. Logic is that HHH assumes those guys would've advanced past the first round anyway, Shield doesn't care about winning individual matches anyway, so this way you get a free beat down that might weaken the faces for later.

  89. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:25 PM

    I totally agree, I loved Styles/Daniels from Destination X 2012, even though you could hear a pin drop during most of the match because the crowd was catatonic for most of the match. I kind of have a personal interest in the case of this show, though. Like I've said, I want to be able to go to a GOOD PPV.

  90. They're already having Del Rio lose non-title TV matches to guys every other week, so what is a late-round loss in a world title tournament really going to do to hurt the WHC?

  91. If that's the series with the depowered Undertaker where Kane actually was allowed to win clean with a tombstone then that's the series I was thinking of. That feud was surprisingly watchable.

    Most other UT/Kane matches I honestly can't stand.

  92. ...Um... to... uhh... prove a point?

  93. Never take the brown acid.

  94. And then immediately after Edge made a total fool of Kane and killed Paul Bearer. Man, they really follow up on stuff well, don't they

  95. That is the one. Vulnera-Taker was enough of a spin too keep it interesting

  96. LOL, where was that? Even the old Wrestlecrap forum which isn't the Wrestlecrap forum anymore seemed down on it, and that's anti-smark country.

  97. Was this argument here or were you just responding to reader e-mails?

  98. It was elsewhere.

    Won't say where, it's not important.

    There are plenty of pockets online where you are crucified if you don't accept everything the WWE does as gold

  99. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:46 PM

    You know who I think the worst wrestling fans are? The people that go on internet websites, especially the newz sitez, and complain about the so-called IWC. Hey, dickheads, IWC stands for Internet... Wrestling... Community! If you're posting something on a wrestling website, you're part of that group. Fuck, that's the very definition of being part of that group. It's like if I started bitching about people smoking weed.

  100. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:49 PM

    What point?

  101. That nobody fucks with the BOD. Nobody.

  102. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 6, 2013 at 11:56 PM


    apparently you left something behind

  103. I've been a WWE homer and apologist since Day One. However, the last six weeks have been incredibly underwhelming and, often times, confusing. I almost wish they'd start booking on the fly again because when the company settles on a main event or championship match months down the line, the writing/booking gets lazy or just complacent. The entire vibe of the shows suffer for it, too. We saw it between Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania this year and again during the last two months.

  104. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 7, 2013 at 12:00 AM

    OK, you've officially lost me here...

  105. If I wanted Wrestling without booking I would watch UFC

  106. I really don't get this company.

  107. I agree. It's like the people that go on TMZ and complain about the paparazzi following celebrities.. That's the reason most people go on TMZ.. how can you complain about it?? Always irks me..

  108. Bryan vs Cesaro
    Ryback vs Big Show
    Punk vs Axl
    Goldust vs Rollins
    Ziggler vs Langston
    Reigns vs Miz

    Cody vs Ambrose

    Orton vs RVD

    2nd round
    Bryan vs Ryback
    Punk vs Rollins
    Ziggler vs Reigns
    Cody vs Orton

    3rd round
    Bryan vs Rollins

    Ziggler vs Orton

    Final Match
    Bryan vs Ziggler (HHH helps Ziggler and he is the new Corporate World Champion)


  109. You need some Pro Wrestling Guerrilla in your life. Best promotion going today.

  110. Yikes, if people are mad now wait til HITC when Orton goes over yet again and it leads to that Big Show feud we all want so bad!

  111. Ziggler does need to be heel.

  112. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 7, 2013 at 6:43 AM

    As a Yankee fan I am rooting to hard for Donnie Baseball to get a ring this year.

  113. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 6:50 AM

    THIS should be a QOTD question: What are the worst fans that you've ever been exposed to.
    I thought it was WWE fans until I came into contact with Manny Pacquiao fans.

  114. This is what we get with a monopolized wrestling business. WWE is the only one the major, vast audience cares about. The business in general is down, as well, since small feds have a hard time staying open.

    But the problem is that WWE is the top dog and has been for...Jesus, has it been a decade already? They can do whatever the hell they want because there's no competition strong enough to turn people away when the product goes to shit. People who, like myself, don't care enough about wrestling in general anymore just stop watching, but that just hurts the business as a whole.

  115. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 6:53 AM

    WWE = Nike. I have family members would rather wear an ugly pair of Nikes that hurt their feet than a "lesser" known brand that is better for them

  116. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 6:56 AM

    I'm wondering on how dependent the WWE is on PPV revenue. If they are not then maybe they'd consider cutting back on their PPVs.

  117. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 6:57 AM

    Other than DBry getting a first round bye I have no issue with this.

  118. WWE Battleground 2013: The WWE Sits in Gum

  119. New York Yankee fans or Pittsburgh Steeler fans are the only ones in the discussion if it is kept to sports.

  120. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 6:59 AM

    As a Steeler fan I both resent and agree with your assessment.
    Sox fans are bad as well are Eagles fans.

  121. HHH will make Big Show pee his pants because that's what's best for business.

  122. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 7:01 AM

    Abeyance 3:16 = colonoscopy?

  123. He was also still a mid-carder at that point.

  124. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 7:03 AM

    Never eat yellow snow.

  125. It's not work if it's something you love.

  126. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 7:04 AM

    ...what are "Things Jerry Lawler would say" for $300?

  127. How can he go over "yet again" when he hasn't gone over yet?

  128. I just imagine you sitting at your computer like Animal in the last Muppets movie. "IN CONTROL."

  129. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 7:06 AM

    No. The champion of boxing is the most boring man on the planet.

  130. Only because he's wrestling guys like Kofi and R-Truth. Wyatt is the real deal.

  131. Boston fans, full stop.

  132. Frank Zappa told me that, but I thought he was joking.

  133. If Brock came out and did what Big Show did to end the PPV, I think people would be losing their shit. They probably should have done Big Show vs Bryan vs Orton at this PPV.

  134. Last night's PPV ending was nothing like the Undertaker/Kane/Austin finish. First off, you had Austin counting a double pin, then declaring himself the winner. Then Vince came out and AUSTIN YOU'RE FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIREEEEED for the first time.

  135. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 7:14 AM

    When someone makes it a point to tell you NOT to do something, people either:
    1.) do it accidentally ("Never get a gremlin wet")
    2.) do it because they don't care (don't wiz on the electric fence") 3.) do it because HAS to be done ("never cross the streams")

  136. I missed the tournament conversation. I love tournaments, WWE is really due for a good tournament PPV (finalists in the cell?). However I thought Dunn hater tournaments and we are likely getting another Bryan / Orton match in a blood free Heck in the Cell.

  137. Oh and on Raw the next night? BANG 3:16! Vince pissed his pants. Somehow I'm guessing HHH won't be doing that angle.

  138. That has worked out brilliantly for TNA

  139. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 7:26 AM

    Replace "That" with "Nothing" in that sentence and I'd agree.

  140. I think he is trying to act like we are the cool kids and we are going to kick him out of our club by banning him... I'm not sure though, this is the longest Satan has gone without making something perverted sexual.

  141. Tessmacher's ass has worked out brilliantly for me

    (This is my 3000th post... I figured Tessmacher's ass was a deserving recipient)

  142. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 7:33 AM

    I have two new .gifs that would really bring this point home...but I am at work. Feel free to remind me later.

  143. You are on the BoD at work?!?!?!?!? YOU ARE A BAD CAPITALIST!!!

    (Note: I am on the BoD at work)

  144. More like an enema.

  145. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 7:55 AM

    ..oh, what the hell:

    Note - This is not one of the two .gifs.

  146. That will push Kurt's comeback well into the next decade! :(

  147. They should try a show of matches without finishes. Maybe Vince can blow a whistle, and everyone can just walk to the back when they're over.

  148. That's a sign of Muta marking his territory. He'll get pissed if you've messed with it.

  149. The Boston fan stuff is getting lame. Sure, they are obnoxious but people like Drew Magary are also becoming worse than them with the constant bashing. And I have been a Boston fan my whole life. Its not like people are getting stabbed to death all the time in the parking lots.

  150. Its not hard to have a decent match with Kofi. Wyatt's style is too methodical and bores the crowd.

  151. The Boston fan stuff is getting lame. Sure, they are obnoxious but
    people like Drew Magary are also becoming worse than them with the
    constant bashing. As someone who has rooted for both Boston and Philadelphia (family lived in both places before I was born, I inherited the Flyers, Eagles, Phillies, Red Sox, and Celtics there's more to the evolution of my baseball fandom but no one cares) I can say that Boston fans weren't obnoxious until the Pats took off. I've never seen a fanbase complain so much about a team that won 3 Super Bowls.

    You want to talk about constantly bashed? Philadelphia fans. They're not as a racist as Boston fans, not as violent as LA fans, not as apathetic as Atlanta fans.

  152. Kofi bores me to tears.

  153. Boston fans as the most racist is the biggest myth in sports. Watch a college football team from the South and spend time with their fanbase. I went to a sports bar in Atlanta with my hat on backwards and was told to turn it around by the bouncer because they "dont serve ni****s here." I watched an Alabama/Auburn game in Alabama and witnessed a bunch of white guys spit all over a black guy when their team lost and was told by the bartender that I better not do anything about that. I was never seen racism like that in Boston in my life


  155. There was also segregation in the South and how is that any better than the busing stuff?
    Also, are fifteen racist tweets by people hiding behind keyboards who might or might not be from Boston worse than fans spitting on someone of a different race because there team lost? I think not.

  156. There are Steeler bars all across the country

  157. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the South wasn't racist (and if you want to get into a history that ties into sports: look at Tom Yawkey, the treatment of Bill Russell, and other things). It was more than 15 tweets, btw. Those were just the worst.

  158. Bill Russell got it worst out of Boston athletes, unfortunately so did a lot of black athletes around the country. It wasnt exclusive to Massachusetts. It was all deplorable but it didnt just happen here like some people like to pretend.

  159. That they are spread all over the place and the fans are so obnoxious.

  160. No, one only needs to look at the Washington Redskins to see that's true. But Boston sports fans have a troubling history with race.

  161. Ah yes. We agree whole heatedly

  162. Not denying that but you said they were the most racist fanbase and that is simply not true

  163. No, I didn't say they were the most racist. I said they were more racist than Philadelphia fans.

  164. Ok, I would agree with that then.



  166. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 7, 2013 at 9:22 AM

    I know, and that kind of scares me. I DON'T LIKE CHANGE!

  167. I don't know about giving away Bryan vs. Lesnar in the middle of a tournament

  168. Pittsburg Pengiuns fans are 98% bandwagon

  169. I cant afford the DVDs :(

  170. Although a toy gun popping out YES! on the banner would be pretty damn funny.

  171. If Brock came out in that role, that means he'd be around more often. Hopefully.

    Also, Brock, even "damaged" after his rounds with HHH, is WAY MORE interesting/better than Big Slow.

  172. Those people are MARKS!.

    (I don't actually know this, it just feels right.)

  173. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 10:36 AM

    Or Taco Bell.

  174. Look at the last tournament they did. They rushed through it on Raw, and then just gave Cena a shot at the winner immediately after... even though he lost clean the night before. No faith in a tournament being good unless booked by Heyman or the guy in NXT!

  175. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 7, 2013 at 10:40 AM

    'I really don't get this company.'

    this guy doesnt get it

  176. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 7, 2013 at 10:41 AM

    haters gonna hate

  177. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 7, 2013 at 10:42 AM

    yinzers are annoying, not necessarily steelers fans.

    there's a difference.

    i'm transplanted, so i'm not a yinzer

  178. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 7, 2013 at 10:42 AM

    those fans out in CA that kill each other

  179. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 7, 2013 at 10:43 AM

    watch out where the huskies go, and dont you eat that yellow snow

    nanook rubs it

  180. Here is what I would do at this point for a 16-man tournament
    Orton d Miz
    Cody Rhodes NC Big Show (Shield lays out both men for the no-decision, thus eliminating them from the tournament and it gives Orton a bye in the next round
    Mark Henry d Jack Swagger (He can return at the tournament)
    Curtis Axel d R-Truth (After beating him, their feud can officially end)
    Ryback d Khali (Short match to showcase Ryback's power moves)
    Ziggler d Cesaro (Have Swagger and Zeb cost him the match and from that you can turn Cesaro face. With the way they are hyping the giant swing, he is going to be a face)
    Big E d Kofi (He needs a win)
    Bryan d Sandow
    Orton gets a bye and advances to the semi's
    Henry d Axel
    Ryback d Ziggler
    Bryan d Big E (Give Big E a lot of offense here. He should turn face soon so another loss wont kill him)
    Orton d Henry (Shield interferes, sets up Show & Henry and maybe Cody to take on Shield down the road or part of Survivor Series then lets you also have Show & Henry feud for the belts)
    Bryan d Ryback (Have Punk cost Ryback the match or help on his behalf)
    Have it take place at HIAC. Orton wins the title with outside assistance. Have the Shield interfere then Big Show and Henry rip off the door offs and goes nuts then HHH comes out and hits Bryan with the sledgehammer. I know this sounds not good at all but at this pointin the story Bryan winning at HIAC will not mean anything because he will either lose it at mania against the heel who wins the Rumble or will lose it back to Orton, probably at the Rumble, so a face could win the Rumble nad the belt at mania. Orton keeping the belt from HIAC to Mania makes it easier for a face to win the belt at Mania. Anyway, Bryan can face HHH (at Survivor Series) with a stip being that he has to beat him in order to get a title shot. Bryan can win and HHH can give him his title shot, he can enter him at the Royal Rumble and make sure that he is #1. Bryan wins the Rumble, overcoming the odds, and takes the belt at Mania.

  181. Power_of_Hogans_HOF_RingOctober 7, 2013 at 10:50 AM

    I was figuring a non-finish would be the finish (was guessing double pin, so I was way off there at least), and like you, I'd love to see another tournament right now.
    I think the problem with that is actually due to something they're doing very good at the moment - there are too many main event level competitors, which wasn't the case in the other two tournaments.
    The '88 tournament had two three true blue main event talents on it (Hogan, Andre, Dibiase), 5 upper card talents (Bigelow, Gang, Duggan, Savage, Steamboat), and 6 over mid-card guys (Valentine, Snake, Rude, Muraco, Bravo, Reed). The '98 tournament likewise had 3 true blue main event talents (Austin, Kane, Undertaker), 3 upper card talents (Mankind, Shamrock, Rock), an effective storyline device (Duane Gil),& 6 over mid-card guys (Jarrett, Snow, Goldust, Bossman, Regal, X-Pac).
    If they did a tournament, Bryan & Orton would seemingly get the first round bye that is a tradition with these, so that's two. The Shield would be involved as HHH's team, so that's 5. Cody & Goldust would fit in the story, so that's 7. Then the other 7 would have to be guys considered the "top contenders," which would mean you wouldn't be able to leave a major name out without going out of your way to do so, or diminishing the value of the title by suggesting that it isn't everyone's ultimate goal. So if they had all the top stars, you'd have Ziggler, Big Show, Punk, Ryback, Henry and say maybe Sandow & Kofi. Who wins? Who takes out Punk, or Big Show, or Ryback, or Ziggler? Who eliminates Henry? Would a loss significantly slow Cody's momentum? Doing such a tournament at Survivor Series would even have a nice historical tie in, seeing as how the last 14 man title tournament would be exactly 15 years ago from this year's Survivor Series. (Who feels old? This guy!)

    It would even be perfect timing for a "War Games" match inside Hell In A Cell next month. Bryan vs Orton with 5 on 5 teams could rock the house, and help freshen up a feud that badly needs it. That match would also have a nice historical tie in, since the Rhodes family would be perfect fits for Bryan's team, and Dusty could stand in their corner as a sort of "pass the torch" gesture to his sons. Put Cody in the next one again (whenever it would be), and now we're well on our way to establishing the legacy of Cody Rhodes. On top of all
    I don't think I'd go out of my way for Orton vs Bryan yet again (especially after 3 straight let down endings to ppvs). But a first ever WWE War Games match, with the good guys winning by making a top star tap - that'd be something. That could be a 5 star angle topped off by a 5 star match.

  182. Power_of_Hogans_HOF_RingOctober 7, 2013 at 11:00 AM

    Wouldn't you say it's already "devalued" though. The World title of today is the Intercontinental Title of 20 years ago. A major achievement for over mid-card players who can't yet carry the entire company on their back. Forget merging the two "main titles." Let's merge the World, IC, & US. And while we're at it, let's stop calling the World Title the "World Title." It just makes it confusing to new fans. IC, US, WCW, "Legacy Title," whatever - any other name will do.

  183. There will be no tournaments. Thank you.

    - The Authority

  184. I'm not a fan of banning those who just feel differently on certain topics... even if they're potentially ignorant.

    Unless he's called someone's mom a slut.

  185. You put Goldust in that tournament. He's the 3rd most over face in the company.

  186. Yes! I was there! That was fantastic.

  187. considering it's a given that Orton is winning at HITC, I agree.

  188. It's been well over a decade. Holy shit.

  189. If only that HAD gone back to the late 90s, it could have been a Higher Power outage.


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