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Great American Bash 1998

Great American Bash 1998
Date: June 14, 1998
Location: Baltimore Arena, Baltimore, Maryland
Attendance: 12,810
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan

Reviewed by Tommy Hall

We're at the big summer PPV which originally gave us everything between the first War Games and the worst major PPV of all time, so it's hard to say what to expect here. There's a double main event with Sting vs. Giant for control of both tag titles and an actual tag match of Hart/Hogan vs. Piper/Savage with Piper and Savage agreeing to fight each other after it's over. Hopefully the lower part of the card can save the top guys again. Let's get to it.

The opening video is a seizure inducing series of videos of the people in almost all the matches with various patriotic symbols in between.

The announcers talk about the main events a bit.

Gene talks about the Giant vs. Sting tag title match. Apparently Giant will pick Disciple if he wins both belts. That's quite the team.

Now the announcers preview match #7 (really 8th) match in the Booker vs. Benoit series. We get a video of the original seventh match from Thunder where Bret Hart tried to give Benoit the match but Chris didn't want to win it that way. Booker agreed to another match tonight, winner take all.

Booker T vs. Chris Benoit

The winner gets a TV Title shot tonight against Finlay. Feeling out process to start with Benoit hooking a very quick armdrag to take over. Booker might have a bad knee coming in after the match on Thursday but he comes right back with an armdrag of his own. Benoit bails to the floor and it's right back to a standoff a few seconds later. Booker grabs a hammerlock to take Chris down before hooking a half nelson into a rollup for two. Benoit fights up and cranks on a hammerlock of his own, only to be elbowed in the face.

Benoit is sent into the corner and peppered with more forearms before charging into a boot to the jaw. Chris will have none of that and takes out the bad knee with a dragon screw legwhip to get his first real advantage. They head to the corner for some WOO inspiring chops from the Canadian before he elbows Booker in the face for two. We hit a chinlock on Mr. T. as Tony compares Booker vs. Benoit seven times to Finlay fighting guys like High Voltage. There's a snap suplex for two on Booker as things slow down a bit.

Benoit's belly to back superplex is countered into a cross body for two but Benoit comes right back by stomping Booker down and putting on another chinlock. Booker fights up again but a hard knee to the stomach puts him right back down. Benoit drapes Booker's ribs across the top rope for two but doesn't seem sure how to follow up. Back to the chinlock as the fans immediately start cheering for Booker again. Off to a surfboard hold with Benoit's knees in the back but Booker fights up and scores with a powerslam.

T goes up but Benoit steps to the side to avoid a spinning cross body ala Samoa Joe in a nice counter. A Crossface attempt lands right in the ropes so Benoit goes right back to the chinlock. Booker elbows up and hits an enziguri to put Benoit back down. There's the snap spinebuster followed by a flapjack, allowing Booker to spin up. The missile dropkick is broken up with Booker getting crotched on the top, allowing Chris to superplex Booker down in a great looking crash.

Neither guy can immediately follow up though until Benoit gets a very delayed cover for two. Here are the rolling Germans but Booker breaks it up before the third. Instead Benoit busts out the dragon suplex for a very near fall. Booker is sent into the corner and tries the spinning sunset flip but Benoit is still in the middle of the ring in a nice bit of psychology. Benoit suplexes him down again and hits the Swan Dive but still can't cover. Booker comes back with a side kick to the back of the head, setting up the missile dropkick for the 100% clean pin.

Rating: B. This would have been better with a minute or two cut out to lower the chinlockery levels, but even with them this was a great opening match and a perfect way to fire up the crowd. It's one of those matches where both guys come out looking great though I would have liked to see Booker win more. Still though, very few complaints here.

Chavo is on the internet and says he needs the punishment that Eddie will give him tonight.

Saturn vs. Kanyon

I believe this is Kanyon's first match under that name. Someone comes out in the Mortis gear but the real Kanyon sneaks in behind Saturn and gets two off a rollup. A neckbreaker gets the same as Kanyon starts fast. Saturn gets stomped down in the corner as Kanyon still has his vest on. An electric chair into a faceplant gets two but Kanyon has to deck Kidman off the apron. There's a clothesline to put Saturn on the floor as this is all Kanyon so far. Saturn trips him up though and scores with a slingshot splash for no cover.

Kanyon gets back up and hits a kind of Fameasser out of the corner as Lodi, Riggs and Horace are all on the floor. Saturn kicks him to the floor for a triple team from the Flock, followed by a BIG dive over the top to put everyone down. Nick Patrick throws the Flock out and Kanyon is whipped into the barricade (called the post by Tony) to injure his ribs. Back in and Saturn kicks away at the head and puts on an ankle lock. Off to something resembling Cattle Mutilation but Kanyon gets his feet in the ropes.

Kanyon is crotched on the ropes and a springboard clothesline from Saturn puts both guys on the floor. Saturn throws a chair into the ring as apparently this is Raven's Rules. Perry uses the chair as a springboard for a dropkick in the corner and a Sabu Triple Jump Moonsault gets two. Saturn tries a sunset flip but gets caught in midair with a northern lights suplex for a close two. Saturn comes right back with a swinging neckbreaker for two of his own and we hit the chinlock.

They get back up with Saturn getting suplexed down and then dropped throat first across the top rope. A jumping back elbow to the jaw puts Saturn down and a fireman's carry flapjack gets another near fall. Kanyon's downward spiral is countered into a half nelson suplex from Saturn but the Death Valley Driver is escaped as well.

Saturn kicks Kanyon in the face but he loads up a superplex instead of covering. Kanyon fights back and both guys get crotched before falling out to the floor. Cue the guy who played Mortis earlier....and another guy in a Mortis mask as well. The Mortises (Mortisi?) slug it out and brawl to the floor as Kanyon hits a quick downward spiral for the pin.

Rating: B. Take two guys who can do a ton of moves in the ring and let them beat the tar out of each other for fifteen minutes. The pair of masked guys near the end had me worried but thankfully they didn't do anything but throw Saturn back inside. Kanyon had a ton of potential as the guy just showing off every night but like everything else in WCW, that wouldn't get very far.

One of the Mortises holds up Kanyon's arm but pulls him into a DDT. That one is Raven but we don't get to see who is under the other hood. Raven says Saturn had one job but couldn't even do that right so here's the Flock for the big beatdown. Saturn will have none of that though and fights them off, including a suplex for Raven.

To recap so far, we're about 45 minutes into this show and two of the matches have been GREAT. You've had Benoit, Booker, Saturn and Kanyon tearing the house down and firing the crowd up over a match for a shot at the lower card title and a story that makes little sense. These guys are tearing the house down, but how long would it be before any of them got anywhere? Nearly two years, with Booker and Benoit becoming world champions because the original choices for champion were unavailable. It's amazing what politics and idiocy can do to a company.

We recap Malenko vs. Jericho since Slamboree. Basically Jericho has been demanding the title back because Malenko wasn't announced as an entrant in the battle royal and saying Dean was letting his dead dad down. Malenko agreed to give up the title for a shot against Jericho. Chris freaked out because he wanted to be handed the title instead of having a match for it.

Cruiserweight Title: Dean Malenko vs. Chris Jericho

The title is vacant coming in. They stare each other down before charging into a double clothesline. Jericho pops back up and hits another clothesline to take over but Dean comes right back with a German suplex. Malenko stomps Jericho down in the corner as Chris screams like a coward. Jericho gets up a boot to stop a charging Malenko before putting on a headlock. Malenko rolls out of a quick Liontamer attempt and gets two off a suplex. Dean puts a knee in Jericho's back and pulls on his arms to give us more screaming.

Dean whips him into the corner for a Flair Flip, but Jericho takes it two steps further by hitting his head on the post and getting caught in the Tree of Woe. Jericho falls out to the floor but slides back in to hit a pescado to the floor to take over. Back in and a suplex gets two for the blonde before it's off to a sleeper. Dean fights out but gets suplexed back down for another two.

Jericho is getting frustrated at not being able to finish Malenko so he chokes Dean on the top rope. A slam sets up the Lionsault but Malenko rolls away to get a breather. Malenko comes back with a leg lariat and a rolling cradle for two. A middle rope facejam out of the corner gets another close two and Dean puts Jericho on the top. Jericho is able to fight out of the super gutbuster and hook a top rope hurricanrana. A very quick cover gets two for Chris but his powerbomb is blocked by right hands.

Jericho rolls through the cover into a regular Boston crab but Malenko quickly makes the ropes. Dean tries to jump over Jericho in the corner but gets caught in an Alabama Slam. Jericho still can't hook the Liontamer so Dean grabs the Cloverleaf. Chris gets to the ropes even faster than Dean did and grabs a quick butterfly backbreaker. Jericho slaps him in the face and says Dean is nothing, just like his dead father. That's enough for Dean and the brawl goes to the floor where Malenko cracks Jericho with a chair for a DQ.

Rating: B-. Logical but frustrating ending aside, this is the third straight good match of the night. Malenko snapping is a great thing to see and Jericho being forced to shut up and wrestle is always worth a look. This feud has been really solid and Jericho using his brain to take away Malenko's calm was really smart.

Dean isn't done and takes Jericho to the back, ramming him into various things along the way. They go outside the arena with Jericho being rammed into a mailbox. They get too near the traffic and security steps in, so Jericho sprints across the street and into another building. Jericho is announced as the winner via DQ.

Eddie begs Chavo for forgiveness and for Grandma to get him out of this.

Juventud Guerrera's music starts but stops after a second so the announcers can talk about Jericho having a claim to the Cruiserweight Title.

Video on Juventud Guerrera who won't give up. By this I mean him walking around ancient ruins in Mexico.

Juventud Guerrera vs. Reese

Standard giant bully vs. scrappy little guy story coming into this. Guerrera prays before the match starts and we get a LONG staredown. Juvy tries a right hand but is easily sent backwards into the corner. He charges right back and scores with some shots to the face but Reese shoves him right back down. Guerrera bails to the floor and gets Reese to chase him, only to slide back in and try a dive. Reese pulls him out of the air and tosses Juvy back inside but the small man kicks at the knee as Reese gets back in.

Reese grabs Juvy by the head and holds him back to show just how much bigger he is than Guerrera. Juvy goes up and tries a choke before ripping at his face. Reese goes down to one knee where he still comes up to Guerrera's shoulders. The big man finally just drops back to crush Juvy and the beating begins. There's a backbreaker with Juvy being bent over Reese's knee like a toy.

A HUGE beal sends Guerrera across the ring and Reese stands on his hair and pulls on Juvy's arms. There's the bearhug with Reese shaking Juvy around like he's made of paper. Reese lets him go so Juvy kicks him low a few times, which is legal since Reese is in the Flock ala Saturn earlier. In a smart move, Reese drops down to a knee to punch Juvy in the face.

A vertical suplex puts Juvy down but he climbs up the referee to beat the ten count. Now Reese gets a chair but referee Charles Robinson pulls it away. Juvy goes up top for a hurricanrana but gets caught in midair. Lodi has the referee for no apparent reason and Van Hammer pops up to blast Reese with the chair, allowing Juvy to flip him over (even more awkwardly than you would imagine) and get a pin with Reese's shoulders only about four inches off the mat.

Rating: C+. They were THIS close to hitting this out of the park but the ending didn't quite work. The hurricanrana looking terrible and the pin being a disaster brings this down but that's about its only problem. They had the crowd right where they wanted them and could have blown the roof off if the underdog won like he should have. Hammer coming in was fine as if Juvy overcomes too much it becomes comical which is the wrong idea. This was a tightrope to walk and they almost pulled it off.

Eddie Guerrero vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

This is the match I've wanted to see more than any other after seeing the buildup. Eddie tried to turn Chavo into an Eddie clone and kept tormenting Chavo when he couldn't get it right. Chavo finally snapped and completely turned the tables on Eddie, sending his uncle running scared. Chavo is all ticked off to start and slaps Eddie in the corner, causing the uncle to pound him in the face. Eddie takes him down with a trip but Chavo gets on top and pounds away with right hands.

Back up and Chavo rushes at Eddie but gets dropped face first on the top turnbuckle. Eddie misses a charge into the post though and Chavo rams him into all three buckles in a corner a total of about 15 times. Chavo drags him around the ring by the hair and dropkicks him down, sending Eddie out to the floor. He tries to walk out but Chavo is still ticked off. They head back in where Eddie kicks the rope into Chavo to take over.

Back in and Eddie works on the arm for a bit before sending Chavo to the apron. The nephew goes up top and tries a flip attack but lands on his feet, only to run across the ring and go up top for a moonsault press, good for two. Eddie sends him right back into the corner and out to the floor as this has been very physical for the first six minutes or so. Back inside and a brainbuster puts Chavo down, but Eddie slaps him in the face to make Chavo snap again. Chavo chases Eddie around the ring until Eddie gets back inside and hides behind the referee.

The distraction lets Eddie get in a shot to the knee and Chavo stops cold. A dropkick to the knee sends Chavo down in a heap so Eddie puts on a figure four. Eddie yells at the fans and lets the hold go before putting on the Gory Special. Again Eddie lets go of the hold and kicks Chavo in the face to set up a camel clutch. The fans chant for Goldberg so Eddie lets go of the hold to act as a conductor. There's an over the shoulder backbreaker but Eddie spins him around and drops Chavo down to the mat for no cover.

Chavo blocks a slam and LAUNCHES Eddie over the top in a backdrop. A big running dive completely misses Eddie as Chavo jumps too high but it looked great. Now the fans want Flair because a good match with a good story isn't good enough for them anymore. Back in and a bulldog gets two for the nephew but he takes WAY too long setting up a frog splash, allowing Eddie to shake the ropes to bring him down. Eddie's frog splash misses though but he still blocks a tornado DDT. Chavo is sent to the floor so he springboards back in for a tornado DDT and the stunning upset pin.

Rating: B. I can't believe I'm saying this but this has been an AWESOME show so far with good match after good match. This was the perfect blowoff to the story with Chavo showing he was learning the entire time, but not in the way Eddie was hoping for. He's gone from a generic cruiserweight to an interesting character who just pinned a former US Champion clean. Good stuff here, as has been the case all night.

We get the Piper vs. Savage confrontation from Nitro to remind us that the last hour and forty five minutes of awesome are going to be brought down into the abyss very soon. Given that there are five matches left and about an hour to go, things are about to get very screwy in a hurry.

TV Title: Booker T vs. Fit Finlay

Booker doesn't have any elbow pads or gloves on here which is a weird look for him. There's an undefined extended time limit over the usual ten minutes here. Booker sends him into the buckle to start followed by an awkward looking clothesline. A kick to the face gets two for Booker but he misses an enziguri, allowing Finlay to hook a leg lock. Back up and Finlay forearms his way out of a headlock, only to have Booker come back with a flying forearm for two.

Some chops put Finlay on the floor but he comes back in to block an ax kick and go after the leg again. There's a half crab followed by a regular crank on the leg to keep Booker in trouble. Finlay slams the knee onto the apron and wraps it around the ropes for good measure. Booker comes back with the spinning sunset flip out of the corner for two, only to have the champion come back with another leg crank. He wraps Booker's knee around his neck ala the Brock Lock before going off to a kind of half Liontamer.

Booker rolls away and just pounds Fit in the head with right hands, only to have Finlay come right back with a shin breaker and another leg hold. They head outside again where the referee has to stop Finlay from getting a chair. The knee is wrapped around the post and Finlay hits a Vader Bomb for no cover. Instead he yells at the crowd and kicks Booker's knee even more but stops to yell at the fans.

Booker comes back with a spinwheel kick and a powerslam before hitting the ax kick. He spins up so Finlay clotheslines him inside out. The tombstone from Finlay is countered into an AWFUL looking sequence where Booker was supposed to backflip into a tombstone of his own, but instead he fell down and got covered for two. Back up and Finlay misses a charge into the “post”, allowing Booker to hit a kneeling piledriver (Finlay was facing forward but Booker dropped to his knees like a tombstone) for the pin and the title.

Rating: D+. And there goes the really good match streak. The match wasn't horrible but you can only watch Finlay lay on Booker's leg and pull on the ankle so many times in thirteen minutes. The ending was HORRIBLE too with the sequence being botched and the ending coming out of nowhere. Also Booker not selling the knee at all after coming in with a bad knee and having Finlay work on it for ten minutes was inexcusable. I think everyone knew Booker would win here after taking the series, which made him look like a star.

US Title: Konnan vs. Goldberg

Hennig and Rude are with Goldberg's dinner tonight. Goldberg is now from Parts Unknown instead of Atlanta. To say the place has gone nuts is an understatement. Konnan is easily shoved to the floor and wants to know what that was. Back in and Goldberg grabs a headlock followed by a botched roll thru into a legbar. Konnan grabs a rope and gets two feet up in the corner to stop a charge. Not that it matters as the spear and Jackhammer make Goldberg 100-0.

Post match Hennig and Rude turn on Goldberg and join the Black and White. That's the best move as neither of the fit with the Wolfpack at all. Luger and Nash come out for the save.

I'm going to pause for a minute here and recommend that you go do something else. So far this has been an excellent show with logical booking, good matches and hard work from almost everyone involved. No more good can come from the remaining parts of this show. You would be better off being stuffed inside a bag and beaten with large wooden clubs. I might recommend going to a blind dentist with Parkinson's Disease for a root canal. Or better yet just go watch the first two hours of this show again. Don't say I didn't warn you if you keep going.

Roddy Piper/Randy Savage vs. Hollywood Hogan/Bret Hart

This is the real main event though we've been promised Savage vs. Piper post match as a “bonus”. Savage is Wolfpack, Hogan is Black and White, Hart is technically NWO but never made it official and Piper is one of the last heroes remaining in WCW. He might be the only one in the main event picture actually. Sign in the crowd: Savage/Piper vs. Hart/Hogan: WELCOME TO JURASSIC PARK!

To the shock of no one, it's a stall fest to start. It's Hogan vs. Piper to get us going but Roddy spits at Bret. Hogan backs into the corner so Piper calls time out before jumping him for our first contact about two minutes in. Hogan gets poked in the eyes and has his bandana taken off to reveal a bald head. Off to Savage who rams Hogan face first into the buckle before it's back to Piper for some biting and right hands.

Disciple hits Piper in the back with the world title to give Hogan control. Yeah remember the guy that has been beaten up like he's in a Three Stooges short is world champion. Bret gets the tag and hits a few forearms before bringing Hogan back in for right hands. Piper staggers around and won't go down so Bret cheats a bit to get him on the mat. Bret comes back in for a Russian legsweep and the middle rope elbow for two.

Hogan chokes Piper from the apron but Piper comes back with one of the worst small packages ever. He flails his arms and tags Savage which doesn't count for no apparent reason so Hart puts on a front facelock. Piper makes another tag which doesn't count due to Patrick not seeing it, allowing for another double team. Savage comes over with a chair and puts it on Piper's chest so Bret's headbutt hits steel.

The hot tag brings in Savage and the pop from the fans pales in comparison to pretty much any given pop of the night so far. Hart and Hogan stop Savage pretty easily, only to have Hogan deck Hart by mistake. Everything breaks down and Savage goes up for the elbow, only to have his knee give out. Hogan and Piper head outside where Hogan wraps Savage's leg around the post. The Sharpshooter goes on and Savage is done.

Rating: F. I would pay big money to be in the production meetings to hear Hogan and Bischoff explain why Hollywood should be pushed so hard. These matches aren't even acceptable or decent. They're absolutely horrid with no redeeming value whatsoever and making the entire promotion look like a joke. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Hogan is coming off like the Honky Tonk Man. He wrestles glorified comedy matches, gets destroyed for good chunks of them and then survives through some sort of shenanigan. I knew these matches were bad but I didn't realize how horrible they really were.

Since that wasn't enough though, IT'S A RODDY PIPER DOUBLE FEATURE!

Roddy Piper vs. Randy Savage

Bret still has Savage in the Sharpshooter when the bell rings so Randy is pretty much done already. Wait or was that the closing bell for the opening match? Gene comes in to talk to Piper but he helps Savage up instead, only to have Macho punch Piper. Savage chokes him down and actually hits the elbow but Piper, superhuman that he is, gets to kick out at two. The referee gets punched out so Piper hits Savage low and pokes him in the eyes. A figure four makes Savage quit for the second time in five minutes with his finisher only getting two in between. That'll teach him for getting cheered.

Tag Titles: Sting vs. Giant

So if you haven't been following the Nitro and Thunder reviews leading up to this, you're a schnook. Go read them now. Anyway, Sting and Giant won the belts when Giant joined the Black and White. Sting turned down an offer to do the same and is in the Red and Black, but the titles were held up because Giant tried to replace him with Brian Adams, leading to this match. The winner gets to pick his new partner to be the tag champions.

Giant smokes a cigarette on the way to the ring to get the fans to boo him. He blows smoke in Sting's face in the corner but misses a charge into the corner, allowing Sting to fire off kicks to the ribs. The Stinger Splash lands on a boot though and Giant sends him to the floor. Back in and Sting's cross body just bounces off of Giant so he lifts Sting up into a gorilla press, LAUNCHING him face first into the buckle. That looked awesome.

We hit the bearhug for a good while as we're almost out of PPV time. Sting bites his way out of the hold and dropkicks the knee out. A Stinger Splash to the back and one to the front have Giant in trouble and there's a slam for good measure. The Deathlock goes on but Giant easily powers out of it. Instead a Death Drop gets two and Sting blocks a chokeslam. Another Death Drop gets another two but a Death Drop from the middle rope is enough for the pin and the titles.

Rating: D+. It wasn't a masterpiece but this was better than most recent Nitro main events. This felt like a dark match to send the fans home happy and there's really nothing wrong with that. It ends the stupid titles in two camps story and lets Sting pick a partner later on. In a word, this was acceptable.

Overall Rating: B. If you cut out the tag match and put in ANYTHING else, this is one of the best PPVs WCW ever put on. Everything ranges between very solid to acceptable at worst and most of the booking makes perfect sense. That tag match really hurts it though because it's just so horrid.

If I were booking this show, I would have thought about putting Goldberg on last. It's a B-level show and the last match was just less than seven minutes long and for the tag belts. Make Goldberg vs. Konnan a five minute match for the US Title and do the Hennig/Rude turn the next night on Nitro. On top of that it was to make him 100-0. That would send them home happy. Shockingly good show here though, embarrassing real main event aside.

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  1. I didn't know Billy Corgan was a wrestling fan until I watched the newest ECW documentary a couple of months ago. The documentary said that Paul tried to get Billy to invest in ECW right before they died but he didn't do it. This could be fun.

  2. Paging Jef Vinson.

  3. The one where he takes over the town pool is awesome.

    I don't understand why Virgil became a mute, though.

  4. I hope he's a better owner than a musician.

  5. Better him than Scott Weiland.

  6. He runs an indy out of Chicago. I have no idea if it is worth a damn or not.

  7. Did they ever explain how he got his money?


  9. On the one hand, beautiful woman ass.

    On the other hand, torn loyalties between Scott and the clear gimmick infringement against "Man For All Seasons" Jef Vinson.

    But still, beautiful woman ass.

  10. I think he may have posted a link in a different thread, actually.

  11. Because it was better than hearing him talk?

  12. You know, Dibiase was great and all, and I know most of you dug this gimmick. I never really understood it. Why? If I had all that cash, the last damn thing I would be doing is wrestling. I would be holed up somewhere on my own damn mountain, living in a nice house and pursuing all my vices for as long as I could. I wouldn't do a damn thing Ted did.

    But, maybe that's just me.

  13. Yeah I heard he was running a company out of Chicago and it's one of the reasons why I thought he'd be an interesting investor even before his name was released. I have no idea if his indy is decent or not. Maybe he'd be able to lure Paul from WWE as a "partner" of sorts.

  14. Inheritance from his dad, Iron Mike Dibiase.

  15. While this is appreciated, Vinson already posted a gif of some of this in the Impact Thread.

  16. This could be really good. I hope he changes the name and look of the promotion. I also hope he gets some good people around him, like a Jim Ross.

  17. I'm glad to see that checks aren't the only things bouncing at TNA.

  18. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 2, 2013 at 3:28 PM

    Only guys on the next card that I've ever heard of are Jay Bradley and Madman Pondo.

  19. Damn, that's fine.


  20. The story is Pat Patterson offered DiBiase the contract but wouldn't tell him his gimmick only telling DiBiase it's the gimmick Vince would use if he were a wrestler. I guess this is why this gimmick keeps getting rehashed.

  21. "Obviously Billy has more money than he knows what to do with."

    In that case, I'd like to request $17 for a pushbroom rebristling.

  22. i can appreciate her trying, but she aint TWERK TEAM.

  23. They should just re-edit Impact so this replaces all Dixie Carter segments.

  24. Pondo? The guy people hire when they can't get The Necro Butcher?

  25. Jay Bradley is the Boom Stick guy right? At least he has that going for him.

  26. Let's hope this action never ends.

  27. If this was Daniel Bryan twerking this board might explode

  28. Rage in a Cage Wrestling.

  29. You have to understand, wrestling used to exist in its own world.

  30. I'm well aware. I watched this promo as it aired for the first time in my market. Even then, I just didn't understand why a guy with limitless cash gave two pieces of crap about wrestling. I know, I know. It's a "me" problem.

  31. Imagine Dibiase and Virgil under Russo. Virgil would have stood up for himself after two weeks... Then would have swerved us all and Virgil really had no problem working for Ted... Then we would have been swerved again when we find out it was Virgil that had the money all along.

  32. Someone actually called this in the earlier thread...

  33. Dude. Stop. My head is gonna go all "Scanners" on me.

  34. Vinsons been rocking this for like a week. Get with the times Scott!!

    Mount Rushmore of asses: Vida Guerrero, Brooke, Shyla Stylez, AND....?

  35. That'd be a fun game. Rebooking classic angles with Russo circa 2000 in charge.

  36. So....

    Was Million Dollar Man kind of Vince's way of having Ric Flair without actually having Ric Flair?

  37. Well if he's lining up to buy TNA, he won't have more money than he knows what to do with for too much longer.


  39. The triumphant return of Wrestling Society X?

  40. A quickie Google from celebritynetworth:

    "Billy Corgan was born in Illinois and has an estimated net worth of $50 million dollars. A singer-songwriter, musician, author, and producer, Billy Corgan co-founded the group, Smashing Pumpkins, in the late 80's. The band became hugely successful and toured extensively, but fell apart multiple times due to inter-band tensions and drug issues. Currently, though the band is still touring, Billy Corgan is the only remaining original member in the group."

    He sure does have some fuck you money.

  41. Maybe that's what Ted did do, pursue his vice. You'd be drowning yourself in booze and hookers, he did everything shy of buying the WWF to become it's champion. Different strokes.

  42. First move is he makes the entire roster shave their heads and don silver pants and Zero shirts. Second move, he insists on performing all of the wrestling moves during recorded shows. Third move, Jimmy Chamberlin gets a spot on the booking team.

  43. Don't think it would be hookers so much as certain types of females. But, I suppose you do have a point.

  44. So bimbos. 6 of one, half-dozen of the other.

  45. Never figured the lead singer of the Smashing Pumpkins to be a wrestling fan.

  46. Christ. Judgmental much? Maybe I didn't mean "bimbos" or "hookers." Maybe I'd start a home for runaways who have no hope in order to try and rebuild their hope and self esteem from the ground up.

  47.'re not a bad liar, per se, you're just not that creative.

  48. them up, then brainwash them into being sex slaves. Once they're 18, of course.

  49. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 4:58 PM

    ...been there, (wish I'd) done that.

  50. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 5:00 PM

    We can never post this enough...unless there are some behind the scenes footage we don't know about.

  51. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 5:00 PM

    True, but in her defense who really is?

  52. This has nothing to do with what's being discussed. But, it is a sufficiently funny "dafuq" that I feel compelled to share.

  53. Bring on the downvotes, but she has the most overrated ass of all time. And she can't twerk for shit.

  54. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 5:04 PM

    I've said this before. I've seen him at TNA house shows before.

  55. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 5:09 PM

    No, Velvet's ass is the most overrated.

  56. Sorry, bro. Her butt's been underrated since '07.

    Also, I've never found twerking to be sexy. Another also, twerking has been around for the past decade. Stupid white people.

  57. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 5:12 PM

    Twerking has been going on in Jamaican dance halls for decades. Blame that Miley Cyrus fir fucking it up.

  58. Brooke's ass is amazing. I agree with you on Velvet, who is overrated in general.

  59. Damnit, I thought this was gonna be about Perry Saturn...

  60. Actually, the only part of this video I found impressive was the one-handed handstand twerking. The rest of it fell firmly into the category of "meh" for me.

  61. He's a massive fan. Was on TV with ECW, and helps run a Chicago indy.

  62. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 5:22 PM

    This is Naomi. (HI Naomi!!) Show us wha'chu workin; with, gitl...

  63. That's Dawn Marie.

  64. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 5:23 PM


  65. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 5:24 PM

    Sorry about the last gif. This is what I wanted to post:

  66. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 5:26 PM

    Naomi is making her way up that list

  67. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 5:26 PM

  68. Which brings the important question: What's Heyman's deal with WWE right now? I'm sure there's a non-compete but is he on a year-to-year deal?

  69. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 5:29 PM

    "IDGAF pussy is pussy"

  70. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 5:31 PM

    "does anyone else hear a kid say "dumb old fucker" at 2:35 ????"

  71. Just came in my pants from reading your post.

  72. He co-wrote Born in the USA.

  73. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 6:04 PM

    Well that killed my high.


  74. When I lost in the finals of the THQ Superstar Challenge in Detroit, one of my prizes was a just-behind-ringside seat sitting next to Billy. Or rather, next to his seven seats. It was me, empty seat, security guard, empty seat, Billy, empty seat, security guard, empty seat. He was gracious, though, and signed autographs for anyone who asked. Those seats were $750 retail, so he paid $3750 to see WrestleMania. He's definitely a fan.

  75. That's when we find out that Virgil did hate Dibiase and the previous swerve in itself was a swerve because the swerve was actually the truth. Then they have a match with the money on the line. It doesn't matter who wins because the fact either one of them is rich will never be mentioned again.

  76. Most over body part in the business

  77. I don't get it? He was great musician.

  78. The video would be 1,000 times better if she was wearing booty shorts instead.

  79. IMO, AJ Lee and Tessmacher have the best buns in the business right now.

  80. I only knew about it because Dave Meltzer had the link in today's Observer news update. I assume Scott found it there as well...

  81. He appeared on an ECW show or two as I recall.

  82. Am I the only one who remembers the time Bret Hart said "Despite Diesel's rage, he's still just a rat in a cage!" in a promo around early 1996?

  83. Is Necro Butcher hard to get?

  84. Scott doesn't read the comments very often

  85. I seem to recall that as well. Bret was a rock fan during the 90s.

  86. He also did an awful promo video for TNA where he did a reworked spoken word version of Bullet with Butterfly Wings, mentioning something about a rat in a six sided cage, if I recall correctly. He also licensed TNA a few SP songs for PPV themes.

    He's a fan, for sure. I'm just unclear as to why he hasn't thrown the same offers at Vince. Vince would have no clue who Corgan is and the Pumpkins haven't been relevant in a while, but certainly someone at the WWE would know what to do with their involvement and a song like BwBW or Zero.

  87. Why do you feel the need to specify that it is a woman ass?

  88. I believe Corgan lives a fairly spartan lifestyle and has (wisely) saved his money. MC Hammer had a fortune off of one song and the Pumpkins had a slew of big hits in the 90s.

  89. Opposite Man has struck again!

  90. Apropos of nothing, I would never have expected Brooke to stick around in the industry as long as she has. Guess she IS a fan, after all.

  91. It could still be Shane!

  92. Numerous people did

  93. Because Vince is apparently the only person on the planet that thinks Flo Rida is worth a fuck...

  94. ....I don't know. I suppose it's my attempt at dry, obnoxious humor?

  95. The world is a vampire, indeed.

  96. A quick glance at his charting singles shows he's dropped off this year, but regardless of what you think of him or his music, he had a few chart-topping singles under his belt and one of THE hits of the summer the year he performed at WM in his home state.

    I think ANY musical performer at WM that isn't playing a theme as a wrestler heads down the ramp is a waste of time and money, but it satisfies Vince's unwavering desire to be acknowledged by celebrities and as celebrities went in 2012 in Florida, Flo Rida was a perfectly valid choice.

  97. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 6:54 PM

    Trish Stratus
    Katja Kassin (really hardcore porn)
    Carmen Kinsley (porn)
    Alexis Texas (porn)
    Dayna Vendetta (porn)
    Bianca Beauchamp (latex/glamour model)
    Jaime Koeppe (Diva Search model)
    Jesikah Maximus (model)

    There's TOO MANY ASSES!!

    Now, fap, fap away my friends.

  98. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 6:55 PM

    Look, she's not the hottest girl ever... but give her a break, that ass is fantastic.

  99. You're a top guy, congrats.

    WHo is? Come to the Inner Room Caberet, Cocoa Beach Florida, or Tops and Bottoms in Cleveland, Ohio

  100. You should try it. It's like kissing a peanut.

  101. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 6:59 PM

    I offset your damage by watching Tessmacher gifs for the past hour. I will never click on that gif you posted again and I will be leery of clicking any others.

    Thank you for your time.

  102. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 7:02 PM

    We envy you, Homer. All we have is our music, our legions of fans, our millions of dollars and our youth.


    WOO HOO!

    Let's all go out and buy TNA!

  103. He can't be the sole investor. TNA absolutely could make money; the new owner would just need to admit they're a TV-only product.

  104. Biscuit McButtermilk, smiling politely.

  105. Major upsides: Billy Corgan knows what professional wrestling is and is working with his own money. I could see TNA moving to a Chicago-area casino. The Chi indy scene is pretty good so he's got access to cheap talent, plus O'Hare to get the talent in and out.

  106. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 7:08 PM

    Are you HBK's Lush, or HBK Slush?

    And goddammit, now I'm thirsty.

  107. Well, if it makes you feel any better, you've probably eaten an ass just like that one. :-)

  108. Ah, forgot about Jesikah Maximus. Her cheeks might have to go on the monument. Katja Kassins ass is nice, just hate her face.

  109. Ted and Bockwinkel were the two candidates for this gimmick, and they chose Ted as he was younger. You can't argue with Ted, but Nick would also have killed with this gimmick.

  110. Well damn HBK......I just lost my smile after seeing that crap

  111. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 7:17 PM

    I guess your face has to look a certain way for it to fit that many things in it at once.

    What a good girl.

  112. Thank you! Anybody who's ever seen Luke 2 Live Crew videos in the early 90s knows this.....and really doesnt see what all the fuss is over Miley

  113. You know....that first time The Godfather offered his hoes for the whole night (I think to Steven Regal) - awesome twerk job....if anybody has THAT video.....

  114. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 7:21 PM

    My ex used to think Rob Van Dam had the greatest ass of all time.

  115. Apparently, I'm the only one who found it funny. Not the first time; won't be the last.

  116. I think the first time hos were offered happened to be at a TV taping I attended. Before Godfather was even 1/3 of the way through his pitch, I was screaming "take the blonde!!!!" Don't recall who the opponent was.

  117. Damnit, I came here to post that.

  118. and, I will - from this point forward - post only Jef safe pics.


  120. You should never encourage anyone to go to Cleveland

  121. I didn't want to watch this... but I couldn't stop

  122. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 7:35 PM

    All I've taken away from this is that the next time I'm horny, I'm going camping in the woods.

  123. Based on that description I would have assumed closet homosexual with a big man fetish.

  124. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 7:53 PM

    Lol...very true.

  125. Well, with the right alcoholic addition, either one could work I guess ;)

  126. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 8:00 PM

    A 'Mount Rushmore of Asses' would be a very popular tourist attraction.

  127. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 8:02 PM

    Thanks. I guess I should than Tessmacher because 35% of my posts are about her.

  128. 1) OMG that music
    2) Who in the hell goes to the hospital for a paper cut?
    3) Even though I started watching WWF in 1987, I've been watching the hell out of the Mid-South set, so seeing DIBiase with dyed blonde hair looks weird.

  129. Never mind DiBiase. Virgil makes that segment.

    Best manservant in wrestling history.

  130. Maybe you too would be wired differently if your father DIED IN THE MOTHERFUCKING RING!!!

  131. Not sure if it was the first, but offering the hoes to Vader was the most memorable. Here is the big unstoppable Mastadon actually contemplating whether or not he wants to leave with the hoes.

  132.'ll watch a man and bear have a hot dog eating "competition"...but a roided cow's ass is a problem.

  133. But I thought you guys hated Vince Russo.

  134. Was that before or after Kurt Angle impregnated her?

  135. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  136. Did you steal that one liner from Lawler?

  137. I edited it and added a few more sentences. But no, I'm pretty sure that particular gem has been around longer than Mr. Lawler.

  138. correction: Most over body part in THIS business

  139. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 8:33 PM

    One was sexy, and the other was a cow's ass.

  140. Man, that's the world's most expensive band-aid.

  141. A bear and a man eating dogs is sexy?

    Dude. And I thought *I* was warped.

  142. Here is the Godfather vs Regal match for anyone interested. Side note: Lawler and JR were just killing it here.

  143. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 8:45 PM

    Not in and of itself, but it gives a boy some ideas, knowwhatimean?

  144. Yes. If the boy wants to eat cock. Because he's guy. Possibly a cannibal. Or, is into bears eating cock. Cause he's into bestiality. Possibly gay bestiality. I did not ascertain the gender of the bear.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that...

  145. Who said they were male? And who said they were getting raped?

  146. WOW. Had never seen Bianca Beauchamp before...the blood wand is moving now. For all those who dont know her, do your penis a favor and click the link below...

  147. That third one...might be a little hard.

  148. Normally you right, but tops n bottoms is the shit.

  149. Wrestling asses

    Brooke, mickie, naomi, layla

    Porn asses,

    You may vary but Sophie dee, brianna love, DRUNNA, and annette schwarz.

    But it will change tomorrow

  150. I figured you would have a more impassioned defense than that.

    I have only been there briefly a couple of times when I was working for Kucinich... but it seemed like a pretty depressing place.

  151. Not including AJ means you are gay. No exceptions.

  152. You can have 12 year old body, I like women.

    Its like youre ricky morton with teeny boppers and training bras, im more like flair with the double ds...

  153. Bianca beauchamp is like my perfect woman.




  155. We dont agree on much but damn if you didnt hit the nail on the head.

    That twerking wasnt shit. Ive seen hood bitches crush that display

  156. He's lucky Hecubus never went into wrestling.

  157. No, it was kinda awesome.... Even though I hate the Pumpkins.

  158. Any straight male would take any oppurtunity to get a chance with Brooke, Miley, or Velvet. Let's be real

  159. Upvote for a fucking DRUNNA reference.

  160. Velvet is rumored to have herpes, is it worth it?

  161. Please, you would never turn down AJ. Who are you kidding?

  162. Why would he leave what has to be a coushy performer contract making more money in the business than he ever has to be tna's head booker, a job which pays far less and has far more stress?

  163. The only reason id fuck her is because she is relatively famous and the bragging rights.

    Ive been around the world for 10 years, ive fucked badder chicks than AJ, sorry.

  164. Drunna is like 40+ and crushing chicks half her age. Love her

  165. Ok. I dont want stds, but whatever floats your boat.

  166. I have a feeling you'd take what you could get. Show me one link that mentions she is rumored to have herpes. I smell bullshit

  167. In a word, control. Not saying he will, or can, but I think it's safe to say that Heyman has never completely lost the desire to have the control to make storylines and meld a promotion. He just doesn't strike me as one who would ever lose that love.

  168. EXACTLY.

    "Living well is the best revenge." -George Herbert

  169. I love how since I dont go withthe hivemind, I would take what I can get. You dont know me and what ive done. Im sorry ive lived in europe for 4+ years where THEY LOVE black men... im sorry i lived in central florida where they love to party. Im not sayin I have my pick of the litter, ive definite been shot down more times than I have gotten pussy, but im not generally desparate. That being said, if its closing time, I have come out the club with some less than desirables.

    Im not gonna front I have read the herpes story on forums such as this. Im not taking that as gospel either, you said youd risk it if she did. I said it was rumored. Im not trying to run the risk of puttin any attachments on my dick. If u do, thats you. Whatevz...

    I will do my best to search and if im unsuccessful I will come out and say so.

  170. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 10:41 PM

    It was probably toddlorenz link above.

  171. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 10:43 PM

    Roxy Reynolds (before the Implants) and Caramel had the best asses in porn. I'm not even going into the South American chicks that would take too long to list.

  172. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 10:47 PM

    Apparently Vince has assigned a cameraman to film AJ's ass exclusively.

  173. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 10:47 PM which one is it?

  174. Virgil looked like jacked-up band member of Prince and the Revolution.

  175. Like you would have the ability to think that clearly.

  176. Caramel? Im not familiar with her work. Was never a big Roxy fan. On to google...

  177. Oh my god, Vince McMahon = Mac from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

  178. I thought I was the only guy who remembered that!

  179. 20 years ago he was alright. They had one good album, and compared to Alice in Chains or Soundgarden or Faith No More there is just no comparison.

    The early nineties were a great time for alternative metal, and Billy is outclassed in pretty much every category.

  180. Not really but that's sort of why I'm confused a millionaire would hire Pondo.

  181. Scheduling conflict, maybe?

    "Look, man, I'm committed elsewhere that day, but I got your back. Ever heard of a guy named Pondo?"

  182. So, let me get this straight. You're saying that your scenario of a man dying in a ring while participating in a "sport" where the outcome is predetermined and asking his 15 year old son (who happens to be watching) to avenge him is more likely than said teenage son using his extravagant wealth of unknown origin to pursue his sexual desires.




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