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Royal Rumble

Hey Scott,

Love the blog, check it daily. I'm a huge fan of the Royal Rumble - for me, it's easily my favorite show of the year. So I say it's never too early to start talking about this year's show. A couple questions for you:

1. Who is your early pick to win this year's Rumble? I'm thinking Daniel Bryan or CM Punk.

2. Do you think Brock Lesnar will be on the card this year? Or will he just continue this Mania-Extreme Rules-Summerslam then disappear run he's on?

3. I love your Rumble rants and see 2011 stands as the only show you haven't ranted on. Any chance the completest in you will check it out?

Thanks and take care,

1.  I presume it's Bryan v. Michaels or HHH at Wrestlemania, so it seems more likely to be Punk who would then challenge Orton.

2.  I think he's likely to work the show in some form to set up his presumed deal with Undertaker.  Destroying John Cena to win the World title would be awesome.  

3.  There's always a chance.  


  1. Ugh. Orton vs Punk? Well that sucks

  2. We've seen it, but last time we saw it roles were reversed, and Orton's probably the biggest name they'd let Punk cleanly defeat at Wrestlemania for the title, so at least there's that.

    It'll be buried 3 matches down the card but it's something.

  3. Yea, itll be 4th from the top. I just assumed theyd give Punk some some filler feud for a few months and then bring back Brock after the Rumble and go Brock/Punk 2 wt WM.

  4. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 8:05 PM

    What a mess this is turning out to be.

    I still say you do Bryan vs. HHH, Punk vs. Lesnar II and Cena vs. Taker.

    If HBK absolutely will involved, I think you still don't have him take on Bryan. Rather, he goes up against Punk or Lesnar, but preferably Brock. Even though Punk vs. Orton is NO BUYS, it fills the cracks better and you get three anticipated matches.

  5. Oh no, Punk can lose to Brock and not get a rematch - Undertaker jobbed to Brock in 2002 and hasn't gotten that win back, we have to take care of that first.

  6. I agree. Bryan/Lesnar, HHH/Bryan and Cena/Taker is such a logical good top of the card, Id feel like wwe is antagonizing us if we dont get that.

  7. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 8:12 PM

    Since there's no evidence or necessity for Cena to be turned in 2014 - and we've talked about this before - I say you have Cena vs. Taker at 30 with the streak staying intact, Brock vs. Taker at 31 and then see if it's time to turn Cena by the time 32 rolls around.

    Having said that, I have no idea what's involved with Brock's contract.

  8. It's been going around Hogan has made a verbal deal with the WWE but hasn't signed a contract yet. And he may be a surprise entrant in this years Rumble. I wouldn't mind Hogan coming back to do some hosting deals of maybe even mentor a younger wrestler and stand in their corner. But wrestling again, no thanks.

  9. Yea, why take any chance at all about leaving Cena/Taker on the table. Book it for 30 and watch yourself break the buyrate record.

    Brocks contracted through wm 31.

  10. Hes coming in to go over Brtan with the big boot brother!

  11. I wrote this on my phone so I apologize for any and all errors in grammar or spelling. Its hard to edit on my phone and thats the best I can spell or use grammar typing with one thumb inside a tiny text box!

  12. I have no desire to see Hogan back in the WWE - or anywhere else, for that matter - in any capacity.

  13. Probably not a movie. But Fwiw the movie I have seen the most times in my life is scarface. Its not what I would consider the greatest movie ever by a long shot, but its one of my favorites to watch. I can just enjoy it, or do the lines, or get faded while watching, or goof on it (c'mon Tony no 12 on the fucking clock!) Love to watch it. If it was on hbo or starz or something I'm watching it.

  14. It would be cool if Big Show was the only guy in the ring when Hogan came out and he just fuckin body slams him and poses and for 2 minutes. Something like this actually happened at on of the World War 3 pay per views.

  15. Point Break is legitimately my favorite movie of all-time. Obviously not the BEST, but easily my favorite.

  16. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 8:30 PM

    The thing is, too - and however unlikely it sounds - you just don't know what will be different in the future. You can never be sure whether Cena vs. Taker will have the same novelty in 2015 that it will in 2014.

    Right now, it's the biggest match that can happen, hence it absolutely should at WrestleMania 30.

  17. Yeah, I got the Hulkamania nostalgia out of my system 10 years ago, and I doubt the Cena fans that were sperm back then really care about Hulk Hogan.

  18. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 8:31 PM

    I like this, but can Hogan even do that any more?

    Big Show's a great big fat person, and Hogan's hips are made from discarded toilet rims.

  19. And just in general, the enunciation Dorn has when he says motherfucker cracks me up. I've never heard someone say it that way before, with such a big pause after "mother".

  20. Over-the-top Stiller is awesome. Dodgeball and Heavyweights (which is essentially the exact same character from Dodgeball, but a decade earlier) are two of my favorites. But when he plays nebbish nerdy Ben like in Meet the Parents, meh.

  21. At this point, I don't even care how Punk, Bryan, Cena, Taker, Brock, and Trips are paired up, just as long as Orton isn't involved in a title match. Orton's days of being a money-drawing main-eventer ended a long time ago, time to finally let it go.

  22. Exactly Mr Schnoodlesnook. Besides the obvious injury variable, Cena may not be the clear cut #1 guy at WM 31, there might be a more logical match at 31, etc. To many variables that could diminish the draw of UT/Cena in 2 years. Dont risk it.

    If it pops a massive numbee at 30, which it would, run it back at 31. Maybe thatll be the time to seriously look at turning Johnny boy.


    This clip is awesome. Hogan just slams Big Show like it is no thing at about 3:05. WWE wishes it had heat like this.

  24. Forgot about that. Legit slam by hogan

  25. I think a lot of it is also he's just hanging out with his buds and can get everyone paid for it. Every close-knit group of friends have certain things they find hilarious that other people think is stupid; we just can't get paid to put it on film.

  26. Serious question, what age do you think Cena stops being "cool" or over for young boys? 12? I think even by the time youd get to high school youd think hes kinda corny

  27. See also: 24 Seasons 1-8

  28. I hated Oceans 12 and 13 for some reason. Really liked 11

  29. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 8:44 PM

    It has to be said, and I'm not that anti-Hogan at all... why the fuck should the heel be doing shit to get face pops?

    Still, that was great.

  30. Good call on Dodge ball. Dont know how I forgot that one. Saw heavyweights years ago, don't remember much about it

  31. The nWo was great, who cares if they got some face pops. I've found I'm about the only person on the whole blog who likes cool heels. Everyone wants this comic book good vs. evil story, I say fuck that. Nothing is more interesting than a cool bad guy, people wear Scarface shirts to this day and the movie came out in 1982.

  32. Sounds like an awesome night. I joked in another thread that a parallax 20/80 disapproval situtation sounds like an orgy of liberals doing drugs and pounding Mad Dog 20/20 while discussing the debt ceiling.

  33. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 8:56 PM

    I'll go on the limb and say Brock will win the Rumble. Which will lead to Brock will wrestling Cena for the World title at 'mania.

  34. The problem was it wasn't just *a* cool heel; EVERY heel had to be a cool heel. And cool heels make it extremely difficult for a face to get over.

  35. Watch his sex tape dude, you can see all his capacities there.

  36. Right because Sting, DDP, Luger, Goldberg, Mysterio, Savage, and eventually The Wolfpac weren't over at all.

  37. Lol. Dude I might have to give a 100% disapproval to any scenario involving MD 20/20...that shit is rugged!

  38. I'd rather see Hogan/Warrior III headline WM30.

  39. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 9:00 PM

    In an Iron Man match.

  40. That tape made me sad for several reasons. Bubba just letting Hogan pork his wife while he went to his office, also Hogan at his age didn't have much skillz. When I have more panache in bed than you, there's a problem.

  41. That would actually be awesome, which means it won't happen.

  42. It'd have to be around there, when I was 14 I was drawing smoking skulls and 3:16 on my school books and that was just when he was a heel who beat up Bret Hart for no particular reason. He was just cool to my rebellious 14-year-old self. I can't imagine anyone in junior high is going to go to school quoting John Cena's most recent follow the rules and never give up speech. The problem is there may be an endless generations of Cena fans coming and once the 14 year olds turn on them there's a new crop of 8-year-olds who love him.

  43. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 9:05 PM

    If they pull the trigger on UT/Cena, another way to go is have UT win the Rumble.

  44. Ha yea. Its been years since I've seen it, but some of the Hulksters running commentary after he banged her was just tremoundous.

  45. Yeah, I'm thinking 12/13 is when the Cena cool factor wears off. Although I think nowadays I think the WWE cool factor wears off at the same age.

  46. There seems to be a few of us sad souls around, no Saturday Night Thread?

  47. That's what, 7 guys? Two of them (Goldberg and Mysterio) got over before ever really facing cool heels, Nash and Konnan were cool heels right before he turned face, and Savage was always over because he was Randy Fucking Savage.

    Only Sting, DDP, and Luger were true faces who got over directly opposite those cool heels. And Sting and DDP did it by one-upping them. That's the problem that typically surfaces: cool heels don't get their comeuppance as often. They make the face look silly and stupid over and over again.

  48. Guess not. Havent seen Bayless around, thats usually his I think.

  49. But being cool is what got the nWo over in the first place. I don't think the problem was the nWo being the cool heel, it was having no plan for what happens after the nWo that killed WCW.

  50. Hogan never had a lot of moves, but the few things he did were over.

  51. You make the assumption that every wrestling fan wants to see the heel get their comeuppance. A lot of people were just really into cool heel stables like the nWo, The 4 Horsemen, DX, that shit was cool and it was must see TV.

  52. Well at the same time the nWo was around, Steve Austin was being a typical wrestling heel and beating the shit out of good guy Bret Hart for no good reason, and he ended up becoming the hottest thing wrestling's seen since Hulk Hogan because of it, so you're correct, some people do want to see the anti-hero come out on top.

  53. If they never get their comeuppance, they then slowly die off. All those you named stayed around well past their expiration date and were brought back time and time again to diminishing returns.

    Again, the problem isn't having a cool heel. The problem is when EVERY heel is a cool heel. I was/am a huge fan of the groups you mentioned, but at some point it gets old and boring when the heels continually get one over on the faces and nothing ever changes. If there's no comeuppance, the story stagnates.

  54. I think they would've gotten over regardless. They could've just killed WCW and been dicks about it and they're still over. Being cool certainly helped them *a ton*, but the nWo storyline never really ended because they just kept being cool and never losing to WCW. It took the nWo fighting amongst itself for them to ever lose.

  55. You think *that* sucks? In all likelyhood that would leave Cena/Sheamus. That's why I can't buy this rumored card as being real. A WWE title match in the middle of the show and Cena as a potential curtain jerker? Ain't happening

  56. I don't totally disagree, in the case of the nWo Starrcade with Hogan-Sting was the big screw up.

  57. Bryan vs HBK
    Lesnar vs Taker
    Hogan vs Cena
    Rock vs It doesn't matter who his opponent is

    These are all people who have at least an outside chance at being at WM XXX based on internet rumors. This would be biggest grossing PPV of all time. Maybe Vince should open up his pocket book to make this happen. I ain't counting on this thought, but it would be awesome.

  58. I guess the complaint really comes down to booking, but the heel's cool factor (and their own booking power) seems to lead to the heel continually dominating their feuds.

    Scream mentioned Austin but the thing is Austin LOST his feud with Bret. Did he ever pin Bret? I remember he won via DQ once on an IYH, but don't recall any pinfall wins. I think he was supposed to win the feud at WM14 had Montreal not occurred, but it took Austin turning before he was winning feuds.

  59. Hogan being the legend who could still go was 11 years ago. At this point he's Freddie Blassie to today's generation.

  60. you... watched it?

  61. Yeah, I guess Hogan got loud pops for just a few moves.

  62. Morbid curiosity/rubbernecking makes one watch strange things. I watched (some) of the Chyna/X Pac sex tape for instance.

  63. How dare you insult the memory of Freedie Blassie. Pencil necked geek.

  64. Yeah I was disappointed to get home from a casting call for the future Ex Mrs. Parallax1978 the 3rd and find that there was no thread...

  65. Your probably right, but my Grandpa could do the hulking up and the leg drop. People would be on the edge of their seat for Cena vs Hulk at Wrestlemania, even if the match is terrible, which would be almost a certaintly.

  66. I only scanned through the comments, but I feel like we may be missing the obvious... Sheamus as surprise entrant at #30 to win it.

  67. Yea, I live in Tampa so it was a major story when it broke. Eventually I succumbed to the curiosity and watched it at my job at the time. The next day the entire office had an Internet firewall up. Fuckers

  68. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 9:39 PM

    Then put him in a quick tag match or let him be in someones corner.

  69. That is a reasonable reaction to that statement.

  70. I... am at a loss... this reminds me of one of those stories our single friends tell you while you are married so you can live vicariously...

    2 questions.

    1. What is molly water?

    2. How did you NOT pull a 3 way out of this?

  71. You took her to a casting call? So I guess the divorce is amicapable and not too much hate filled rage?

  72. If Hulk's coming back, it absolutely has to be 1 on 1 with Cena. That is way too big of a money making match to pass up. The crowd would be so insane for that people won't notice Hogan is coming out on a walker.

  73. Most of us seem to have the same problem with Sheamus that if someone doesn't mention him at least once a week we forget he ever existed.

  74. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 9:44 PM

    That man's back is as fragile as dry spaghetti. Cena would have to do a monumental carry job on this one.

  75. Just talking about this is getting me annoyed at wwe...WHY wouldnt they go Cena/Taker, Bryan/HHH, Brock/Punk 2. You blow off your two biggest feuds of the year (Punk/Heyman, Bryan/HHH), at the biggest show of the year, and you booked the biggest main event you have in your bag at the time. Faces Punk amd Bryan go over and Cena loses with uT standing tall to end the show. EVERYONE goes home happy

  76. John Cena freaking carried Great Khali to a decent match. Hell, he could probably even carry Stephen Hawking to a 3 star match.

  77. There is very little money in Hogan/Cena at this point

  78. LOL I meant that I was auditioning her for the role of a future ex.

    And no not really. We have just not been talking, and were on good terms to begin with but things have taken a turn for the less amicable... I actually have to be careful with evenings like this as SC has a very broad definition of what is considered adultery... and you have to be separated for a year before you can divorce... because it is a Republican state that wants the government out of peoples lives #contradiction

  79. Sheamus winning and challenging Orton for the WWE belt fits into this scenario pretty well...

  80. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 9:46 PM

    Khali was healthier than Hogan is now.

  81. Yup

    (I'll see if I can get it over)

  82. You are lucky watching it at work didn't get you wished all the best in your future endeavors...

  83. I despise everything about Sheamus and dont want to ever see him on my tv again, but if he muat return then that would be an ok scenario

  84. Unless they give him a 30 minute match on raw the week before and completely expose him, there is big money in a Hogan Cena match. The common fan wasn't following the shit Hogan was doing in TNA. He would essentially come in with a clean state. Yes he would ruin it by having a terrible match at WM XXX. So thats why you stick him against Cena to get as much money as possible before he goes back to his retirement home.

  85. Ummm everyone does not win in this scenario... this doesn't make HHH look strong in any way!

  86. It's also Daylight Savings time, which means you get to travel back in time for one hour. What will you do tonight that you normally wouldn't "have time for".

    I'm researching a book I was going to post about until Bogger lost my draft!

  87. Yea, I was pretty secure in my position there but that was pushing the envelope a tad

  88. Hogan, unlike your grandpa can not do the leg drop.

  89. Upvote for Stephen Hawking

  90. Ah OK, I see what you meant there. Sorry about the whole divorce, the way you were talking about her even up til recently it seemed things were good. That is ridiculous you can't get divorced for a year. Red state/blue state, it just isn't right. So you have to stay away from the strange for a year now?

  91. Hogan isn't going to pull any buysans can't work a match, but maybe using him in the way they did vs Hassan to pop a crowd as a random surprise would definitely be awesome to see.

  92. I disagree. I think it draws in a lot of casual fans that know both names... I think I would find it intriguing

  93. I dont see it.

    Nobody would by Hogan as a "wrestler" today

    Hes been out of the spotlight for years

    Adults have had their nostalgia fill from WM 18 (which was 12 freaking years ago) and the shawn SS match

    And kids are to young to even remember his glory days, hence they wouldn't give a shit.

    They rumored Hogan/Cena for I think it was WM 24. Time has passed it by

  94. I appreciate the words... don't misunderstand it is going much more amicably than my first one did... but we can't really be around one another any more... which is fine because that is kinda the whole point of this... but I would have liked to be able to see her son sometimes.

    And yeah technically you are still married and there is no such thing as a legal separation and in addition to sex "Excessive contact, co-habitating, PDA, and something else I forgot" all count as adultery in SC, so I have to be really careful with that... once things simmer a bit I am going to try and sell her on the idea of just saying we have been separated for a year so we can just move on.

  95. Oh that could work, but I don't think today's Cena fans are going to get worked up to see if he can beat some guy who was big 20 to 30 years before they were born.

  96. Same here. I used to listen to Bubba every morning when I was younger. Now I can't really stand him. Although it put things into real perspective, Bubba used to mark out for Hogan a lot and when Hogan was on his show he tried to play it cool but always came off like a fanboy. Now I see how much of a mark Bubba was for Hogan. I still think he made those videos to pleasure himself to Hogan screwing his wife.

  97. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 2, 2013 at 10:00 PM

    You never know. You just might find a stranger in the alps. Do you what happens then?

  98. Dude thats fucking bonkers world. So let me get this straight, they wont legally grant you a divorce until youve been "separated" for a year? If you date/sleep with other women in this year, they will cite you at fault for divorce, even though you have already filed?

  99. You can't file until you have been separated for a year... you then have to have a fucking witness say you have been separated for said year. If you spend even one night together in that year the timer resets. Until that time you are considered married in every way and the rules on adultery and other things still apply.

  100. No, in Die Hard 2 it was definitely "Mellon Farmer."

  101. Normally I would learn to live with it for the next 10 months or so... but there is someone I have known for a long time (even before the wife) that seems like it might develop into something... and it sucks having to say "We can't go there because my wife might be there" and having to hide any Facebook conversations we have etc... like I feel like I shouldn't even be mentioning it here is how paranoid I am about all of it... very frustrating.

  102. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 10:07 PM

    You've just got Russo's attention.

  103. Fucking awful. Grown ass adults dont have to be "protected" by the state from making rash, in the states eyes, decisions.

  104. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 2, 2013 at 10:08 PM

    Yeah, set your clocks back. Then watch the magic unfold, as the curtain of time and space is lifted. You're're can take on any task you set your mind to.

    I'm going to pee in the street. This only happens once a year!

  105. Only problem there is figuring out how to get the wheelchair on a pole...

  106. Molly water is basically ecstasy/ MDMA is powered form dissolved in water. Although it had one of those crystal light type instant powder flavors in it to mask the drug flavor. I guess maybe its easier to share the drug that way? When I asked they told me that its the fastest way to get high off the drug. That sounded incredibly wrong to me but tbf I never drank molly water.

    I know that there is zero chance my gf would go for that, and her being cool enough to kind ofallow/eencourage the muff paraded is based her knowing I won't even push it. But I mean yeah, it would be a nice punch line to the story. I actually didn't even actually go out with them. They all went to a actual club that techno I guess you'd still call dance. I went out to a open mic night in LA Jolla to watch my buddy bomb horrible and then hit a dive bar. I met back up with my gf and a skeleton crew of the original girls at another bar around 1.

  107. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 2, 2013 at 10:12 PM

    I know the reason you hated 12, and it's the same reason I hated it: it sucked.

  108. Scott, you need a safety word/phrase for whenever you get out of your safety zone. May I suggest "I love HHH", any other suggestions?

  109. 2nd sentence, 2nd paragraph was the best line I've read in awhile. Legit lulz

  110. Well the real kicker is that the state kind of pushed us into getting married when we did. We had been dating fro quite a while and she ended up needing a place to live so I had her move in with me... well the custody agreement she had with her sons father said that you can't have a person of the opposite sex spend the night and took her to court over it... had she lost she would have had to move out and would have had no where to go... and she most likely would have lost... so we got married (which we would have done eventually anyway but still) which makes the whole problem go away... so in the eyes of the state "Married to anyone, even if they are a crackhead and murderer is better than living together out of wedlock before you are ready... but you had better be prepared to stay with that crackhead murderer FOREVER"

    All that said... HUCKABEE/SANTORUM IN 2016!!!

  111. Michael carter Williams = MVP???? Wtf is going on

  112. Dude, I honestly feel we dont get Bryan/HHH at mania bc a) he doesnt want to job to bryan at all or b) he doesnt want to do it at mania.

  113. Man I want to live in California... Myrtle Beach is better than most east coast cities as far as fun shit to do... but it is still SC and has about as much culture as you would expect...

  114. I can honestly see him beating Bryan at 'Mania and then doing the job at Extreme Rules just like he did to Brock

  115. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 2, 2013 at 10:18 PM

    Threadjack: what happened to Flair4dagold? He's been replaced in the top posters count by Jef Vinson, who I just realized is both charismatic and an electronic black guy.

  116. As much as we've been freaking out over Bryan being buried in this storyline and not getting the title...well, one of the faces has to win the Rumble and beat Orton for the title at Mania, right? Unless he loses it beforehand, which I don't think is happening. So realistically who could that be BESIDES Bryan or Punk? I mean, I think it comes down to Bryan or Punk—or Cena beats Orton in a unification match, which I guess is POSSIBLE but I do think WWE has slightly better sense than to build Mania around Cena/Orton which even they'd have to realize is stale as shit.

    It also coooould be Sheamus, but I'd bet he's coming back as a heel. He got the superman push for a year including that 6-month WHC reign, and wasn't catching on in any real way. Fuck, the fans were definitely turning on him before the injury. So no, I think he gets a heel reboot on his return.

    I know it's small potatoes after 3 years of being positioned against Rock at Mania, but maybe it's Cena vs heel Sheamus at Mania? Maybe it's Cena/Sheamus WHC, Punk/Orton WWE Title, Taker/Lesnar streak, HHH/Bryan grudge match. Punk could get his Brock win back at a PPV after Mania (they always do one in Chicago soon after Mania) defending the WWE title, something like that.

    ANYWAY, long way of saying that as much as I think they fucked up with Bryan these last few months, I don't see which babyface besides Bryan or Punk could actually get that spot beating Orton at Mania.

  117. So question, girlfriend went out tonight with friends. She's been doing these "girl nights" every other Saturday or so. Should I be worried? I don't want to be the overly jealous boyfriend but I've Ben cheated on before so I get a bit paranoid sometimes.

  118. God that sucks man.

  119. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 2, 2013 at 10:21 PM

    Fun fact: The Kansas City Chiefs and the Colorado Avalanche have the best record in their leagues right now. Both of those teams finished in second to last place last year.

  120. Well we also have the best weather so its not a problem for girls to be 80% naked on November 1st. I saw more than one miley cyrus, MTV VMA naked lady gaga costumes, and a lot of skin tight cat suits.

  121. LOL So you saw my response, know my situation and thought "I know... I'll tell him even MORE about how awesome it is here!"?

  122. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 10:23 PM

    DBry is jobbing to Steph at Wrestlemania. Just be prepared for the internetz to explode afterwards.

  123. I would think it depends on how often the two of you go out together. If you legitimately need space and independence, the girls' night is fine. If you feel like you could use a good weekend night of debauchery and coitus with her OR if she has complained about "spending more time together"...then, yes, be worried. The girls' night turned into cheating on me with the ex-wife. I thank God that I now have a woman I can trust and finds ways to show me she loves me even when I'm not there.

  124. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 2, 2013 at 10:24 PM

    If you have to ask "Should I be worried?" then the answer is probably "yes".

  125. No that's crazy. If you don't trust her you shouldn't date her, and if you do trust her than just forget about it and relax... and don't be the sniving little beeyatch texting her every 30 minutes when she's-out

  126. Did chiefs finish in last? They had first pick overall in the Draft iIRC

  127. Also now you have free Saturday night. Go do something you want that you couldnt otherwise

  128. I appreciate that but...

  129. how easy is she to contact on "girls night"?

    if the answer is very difficult... think of ways to snoop on her girls night without being caught.

  130. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 2, 2013 at 10:26 PM, cheat on your girlfriend or something.

  131. Having grown up in philly, I LOVE how the sixers are fucking up TANKING. Only a philly franchise

  132. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 2, 2013 at 10:27 PM

    They tied with the Jags for last place at 2-14, but had the 2nd pick in the past draft.

  133. This season is leading me to an early grave. The Bulls offense is just so sloppy, atrocious, hesitant, and inept that it's driving me crazy. DRose looks like MJ in the spring of 95 post-baseball year--just "off" on so many levels. The team is built to win and to compete in what should be an epic second round in the playoffs (thinking Heat, Pacers, Bulls, and Nets).

    But HUGE props to Williams. I don't really see his performances thus far as a fluke--the dude has some serious skill, trusts his instincts, and is super quick with his reading and reactions to situations.

  134. I wouldn't worry, unless she has given you reasons to worry in the past. I second Jobber also, dont be "that guy" who co stantly texts or calls during her girls night

  135. I only texted her once tonight in response to her text, no sniviling little bitch behavior here. I know, paranoid but when you get cheated on by your fiancée while you have cancer (I know, sounds like a JGL movie, but it happened) it leaves a slight mark.

  136. Ah, gotcha. Red Sox, last place in division to WS champs also

  137. I don't know as though we have that much more culture right here. I mean great Mexican food, but otherwise we don't have that many restaurants/ museums/ethnic areas they don't have in other places. Like its not DC, NYC, london, Paris...or even la, which has some amazing shit. But I do love it here

  138. Another thought— I think there's a decent possibility that HHH himself goes into Mania as WWE champ. I could see Big Show winning the title from Orton at Survivor Series in some kind of "title vs IronClad Contract" scenario. Show defends against Orton at TLC, and then HHH beats Show for the title at Royal Rumble.

    Also at Rumble maybe Bryan beats Orton to get into the Rumble, then wins the Rumble. (Or he just wins the Rumble by last eliminating Orton.)
    Then voila, it's Bryan vs HHH for the title at Mania.

    Or Punk wins the Rumble and challenges HHH at Mania.

    OR there's always Cena as WHC entering and winning the Rumble, and we get Cena (w Vince) vs HHH in a Title vs Title Ultimate Challenge circle jerk. (With Taker/Lesnar plus I guess Bryan/Punk for the IC title or some shit.)

  139. The vile reaction to that would be worth it alone. My personal favorite would be a Hogan/HHH vs Punk/Bryan match where Hogan and HHH simultaneously pin Punk and Bryan. This blog would be offline for days if it happened

  140. Exactly what happened to me in the past, I found out girls night was code for screwing another guy. And I don't get the "we're not spending enough time together" even though I feel we are spending less and less time together.

  141. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 10:34 PM

    That legit made me laugh out loud which woke the old bitch next door.

  142. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 2, 2013 at 10:34 PM

    If you lived in Texas, your girlfriend would be hit on by guys all night long.....with you standing right next to her. True story. Happened to my wife before we got married. We were out doing stuff, decided to go meet some friends for a co-ed bachelor party at a "dance hall" (or club, if you're not from Texas), and my wife shot down, like 5 guys during the night. She was hanging on my fucking arm, what bigger clue did they need? It's either massive balls or shit for brains. Country fed motherfuckers.

  143. Not to open a can ot worms but once religion loses more influence and the "sanctity" of marriage is objectively viewed as what it is, alot of people will be better off. Thats all ill say about it.

  144. I haven't been worried much but the last month/month and a half the worry has been creeping.

  145. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 10:36 PM

    I just want to see Steph do the HHH training montage so he can get credit for indirectly pinning DBry.

    Either that or Steph pins AJ Lee which would get an equally loud and fucked up reaction.

    EDIT: Maybe they do a mixed tag to save time.

  146. Pretty easy to contact but I don't try and contact her that much as I don't want to be the type of guy jobber mentioned.

  147. Right there with you. These types of laws cause more harm than good and are clearly written based on Judeo-Christian "belief" systems.

  148. Too me I'd like to see the scenario where Trips gets the title back somehow, Bryan wins the rumble, then wins the title from Trips at mania with HBK as special ref. Much as was mentioned below.

  149. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 10:37 PM

    Good boxing on HBO tonight. Another case of someone family walking out instead of seeing their sin get fucked up in the ring.

  150. That's how it should go... but I just don't see it.

  151. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 2, 2013 at 10:38 PM

    The fact that you're bringing it up in a random wrestling blog thread tells me all I need to know.

  152. D Rose looks great athletically from what ive seen fron him this year, cant justbhit a jump shot to save his life. The bulls will be fine, theyll be one of the last few teams standing. Think they got a move or two up there sleeve also. They have alot of trade assets

  153. Assholes, I never got going after a girl who was obviously there with a guy. There should be enough women there and do you really want a women who will ditch her boyfriend for you? Also that's an easy way to get your ass kicked.

  154. See, I don't think it is really that paranoid on your part to be a bit suspicious. Someone who craves
    socialization (and maybe attention) and who enjoys "nights out" despite
    having a good, faithful partner at home... well, it makes me raise an eyebrow.

    It was really weird getting the "spending more time together" and "need more romance" speeches from the ex-wife when she would do the girls' night thing so frequently. In retrospect, this came down to two things: 1. She was voicing her displeasure and then acting on it (I just didn't read between the lines). 2. She was VERY manipulative.

    I don't think you're crazy or paranoid. She likely knows your history and should respect the fact that you have scar tissue relating to infidelity. Still, if during the times you are together, everything is still clicking, then wait this habit out or swoop in with date ideas for the two of you during these nights.

  155. I can honestly see the Steph/AJ thing... or could have if they hadn't dropped that storyline

  156. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 10:39 PM

    After Allen Iverson retired MCW ate him and absorbed his life energy.

  157. Hey...

    I don't think we're that random.

  158. I'd go Rock vs Taker. My hope though is Rock would actually be in-ring shape for a change and not blow up two minutes into the match.

  159. IDK he popped in a few weeks ago and said he'd been busy.

  160. Ha. I can see the Steph/HHH training montage now...

  161. What is that supposed to mean? Kinda thought we had a decent community thing going on here? We all seem to share personal things, esspecially in these threads or the QOTDs.

  162. Trips vs Bryan or Trips jobbing. If the latter, trips jobbing at mania has happened.

  163. Yeah, Rose looks fine athletically, but his timing is just so off right now. I agree with what you're saying but I had massively misguided expectations to start the season because I'm an unrepentant homer for da Bulls. It'll just take time.

  164. Not to a guy like Bryan though

  165. I am in the process of changing careers (hopefully) with my new career it won't really matter where I live, so I am starting to think about different places I would like to live... California has always been pretty high on my list... and could end up being the winner.

  166. Neither. I just don't think we are ever going to have a satisfying payoff to that feud.

  167. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 2, 2013 at 10:44 PM

    Some guys just come on way too strong, man. Of course....I don't think I'm doing you any favors by saying something like that.

    Might be time to have that talk. Nip the green-eyed monster in the bud, man.

  168. Yeah, that was pretty crazy. So many good to great fighters hanging around 160 but no real crossover stars. A highly under-appreciated division.

    Even crazier and intriguing is your Allen Iverson hypothesis in regards to MCW. I like it.

  169. Sorry Scott. Had to host a party and got a new phone and couldn't fulfill my privileges.

  170. I give this less then a 1% chance of happening but I really want to see Rock be brought im as Vinces avatar to have one last go round with HHH. Position Rock as the returning wwe homegrown guy, the way he should have always been portrayed. Those guys have SO much history together to draw from. Would be tremendous.

  171. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 2, 2013 at 10:47 PM

    I'm a literal guy. But I'm glad to see that you've been implanted with human emotions.

  172. Thanks for the advice man. I'm also not huge into going out to clubs and such. I've talked about my spinal problems enough. So to say I'm not up to going out to crowded clubs is an understatement. I try but end up miserable that night or the next day. She's younger than me by five years so I get she still wants to do those things. Dunno man. Sorry to hear about your past but I'm glad you have a good women now.

  173. I think he meant that since you asked, youre probably worried/suspicious

  174. My bad, took it as a dig to me.

  175. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 2, 2013 at 10:50 PM

    I didn't mean to offend you. I'm just saying that if I get to the point where I'm asking strangers on the internet (albeit really cool strangers from a great site), then it might be time to move on.

  176. No worries. I could be interpreting it wrong, but that was just my take.

  177. Screw you for having a life! The blog is like the mob! It comes before your life, your family and your friends! Now go home and get your fuckin shine box!

  178. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 2, 2013 at 10:55 PM

    I don't know if you heard, but Brian doesn't shine shoes anymore...

  179. Sorry, tried to edit it before you read it. I took it as a dig, like "your such a loser for posting your problem to a rasslin blog site", ive seen people rip on others for talking about personal stuff on the blog and thought you were doing more of the same. Should have known better as your not Dougie or buckdiddy.

  180. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 10:55 PM

    DBry wins the blowoff match but HHH wins the one that matters.

  181. I HOPE some of the words I share were useful enough for you. As a guy who doesn't like to go clubbing and has been burned before, I definitely feel for you. Oddly enough, the woman I'm in a relationship with now is 7 years younger than me but has little desire to club--being raised in a Filipino/Spanish family pretty much instilled the notion that cheating is never an option for her. The ex, however, was my age and still behaved immaturely (she was an addict, though, so her manipulative powers had me wrapped around her finger for years). I just hope all goes well for you--I have much respect for your opinions and your background.

  182. Nice summary, thank you sir.

  183. Agreed, I just don't see HHH doing that for Bryan. Also HHH doesn't seem full time at all so I can't see him getting the title.

  184. Am I the #2 draw?

  185. It was a joke. I personally liked Caliber Winfield but let's get serious for a minute. I don't need to beg for gigs on 411 and if I left, I would
    be writing superstars reviews

  186. My left pec is ssmaller then my right. It gets in my head when im doing chest shit in the gym.

    No rickets though

  187. No weird appendages or anything but I have plenty of things missing from me. Big toe nail, tonsils, gallbladder, two discs and my thyroid are all gone.

  188. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 11:13 PM

    I love the nWo too, don't get me wrong. But WCW, aside from Goldberg and DDP, was horrible at building new faces. I loved the idea that the Outsiders were actually cool guys and Hogan was so larger-than-life that he couldn't really be hated, but then you had someone like Sting who was easily in the Steve Austin realm of popularity, and they douche him at Starrcade.

    I still miss the Monday Night Wars though.

  189. Fucking ben mclemore finally putting up sone points for me

  190. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonNovember 2, 2013 at 11:14 PM

    Cute Panamanian broad with a LOT of energy.

    I'd wife her. Don't judge me.

  191. Roxy look like my friend Baby Moms... splitting image. I cant even look at her without thinking bad thoughts.

    And Caramel was the truth.

    Im more into PAWGz, but like I said, my mount rushmore will more than likely change tomorrow. Its just way to many asses to think of.

    Lisa Ann.

  192. Oh I liked Caliber too but the guy did say some ridiculous things from time to time.

  193. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 2, 2013 at 11:16 PM

    I never liked his writing, but I never had any beef with him either. Put it this way, I really didn't care that he left.

  194. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 11:16 PM

    She may be the only woman where her pics alone are just as good as videos.

    I've been in love with her since like, 2006 or '07.

  195. I wonder if he still reads the blog. Id welcome a Caliber return

  196. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 11:17 PM

    She's ungodly.

    And I know people go on about how they're not a fan of implants... well, sometimes a flaw can't affect perfection.


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