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Smackdown - November 8, 2013

Date: November 8, 2013
Location: Time Warner Cable Arena, Charlotte, North Carolina
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield

Reviewed by Tommy Hall

Back to the blue show tonight which might mean another Cena appearance. Last week's show was definitely an upgrade over what they had been doing lately but it's hard to say where things go from here. If there's one thing WWE is notoriously bad at doing it's keeping momentum going, with the third hour of this week's Raw being a prime example. This show has to be better than the Orton vs. Big Show segment, which we'll likely see five or more times tonight. Let's get to it.

A video on the Wyatts cuts off the opening sequence. It's a recap of the Family being creepy and targeting Punk and Bryan over the last week and a half.

Here's Punk with something to say. He talks about how Best in the World can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people. Apparently to the Wyatt Family it means the target of a three on one beatdown. No one has been brave enough to go ask the Wyatt Family why they're coming after him, but tonight Punk is here to fight instead of talk. He's been outnumbered before but he squashed the biggest rat in the WWE named Paul Heyman. Punk is going to be here all night long so come get him.

Instead Punk gets gets Curtis Axel who says Punk needs to shut his mouth. Axel doesn't care about the Wyatts because they can wait in line. The two of them have some unfinished business because Punk got rid of Paul Heyman, so Vickie Guerrero has granted him a match with Punk right now.

CM Punk vs. Curtis Axel

In case you haven't seen Punk beat him up enough yet. Axel stomps him down into the corner to start but charges into an elbow to the jaw. A top rope ax handle puts Curtis down again and a neckbreaker does the same. Punk kicks Axel in the leg to flip him upside down and they head to the floor. CM drapes him ribs first over the barricade and we take a break. Back with Punk fighting out of an armbar but not being able to hit the GTS. Axel bails to the floor and whips Punk into the barricade to take over.

Back inside and a backbreaker sets up a middle rope elbow for two on Punk. Axel charges into a boot and gets caught by a middle rope cross body for two but Curtis comes back with a clothesline for a near fall of his own. CM grabs a belly to back suplex and there's another neckbreaker for two. The running knee to the face looks to set up the Macho Elbow but the Wyatts look to interrupt. There's no sigh of them but Axel gets in a cheap shot and the PerfectPlex is good for two. Punk gets bored though and hits the GTS to end Axel for the pin at 8:22 shown of 11:52.

Rating: C-. Man, when the distraction trick can't even get you a win, just give up. This is one of those pairings where there's no point in watching because the ending is never in doubt. Axel's status has just been crushed by this point and unfortunately for him, a lot of that isn't his fault. There's no reason to care about someone when they never win a match, which Axel barely ever does anymore.

Post match Bray pops up on screen but blows out the lantern without saying anything.

3MB vs. Usos/R-Truth

The good guys do a cool mix of their entrances with the Usos doing their chant and jumping to start the pyro which sets off R-Truth's song. JBL: “Truth and I are like Lil Wayne and Eminem.” Cole: “You lip sync?” Slater gets chopped by both Usos but Mahal makes a blind tag and hits a running knee to Jimmy's face for two. A knee drop gets another two and it's back to Slater.

There's a double slingshot suplex to set up a triple team spot from 3MB with McIntyre and Mahal lifting Jimmy up so Slater can hit a running neckbreaker. We get a chinlock instead of a cover though, allowing Jimmy to fight up and hit a spinning kick to the face. Mahal comes in but walks into a Bubba Bomb, allowing the hot tag to the hometown Truth. The Lie Detector gets two on Jinder and everything breaks down. The Usos hit the stereo dives, leaving Truth in the ring to hit Little Jimmy on Mahal for the pin at 3:58.

Rating: C+. That's probably high but this was as fun of a short match as I've seen in a very long time. This was a basic formula tag match and it worked like a charm. You had one Uso get beaten down by some nice double team moves until the hometown guy came in to clean house. Throw in a nice spot with the double dives and the match gave the crowd something to cheer for. Fun stuff.

Funkadactyls vs. Tamina Snuka/AJ Lee

On the way to the ring AJ “plugs” Total Divas before saying let's focus on the actual wrestling. Our top heel in this division for whatever reason ladies and gentlemen. Tamina shoves Cameron down to start but the funky one comes back with a sloppy looking headlock takeover out of the corner. The Funkadactyls drop Tamina with a double dropkick before low bridging her out to the floor. Tamina pulls Naomi out to the floor and clotheslines her down to take over for the first time.

Off to AJ for a guillotine choke but Naomi fights out and hits a LOUD enziguri to put AJ down. The hot tag brings in Cameron who isn't the girl you want to clean house. A cross body gets two on AJ but Cameron misses a charge into the corner. Back to Tamina who gets caught in a sitout bulldog for two. Cameron's hurricanrana out of the corner is caught in a powerbomb for two as everything breaks down. Naomi drills AJ with a solid forearm but Tamina clotheslines her down even harder. AJ is all ticked off so she comes in and puts Cameron in the Black Widow for the submission at 4:32.

Rating: C+. …...what the heck was that??? I can't believe I'm saying this but I liked this match quite a bit. All four of the girls looked good out there and played their rolls perfectly, but on top of that everyone was crisp and hitting their spots perfectly. Nothing looked stupid or heavily choreographed and the match was as good of a Divas match as I've seen in MONTHS.

Here's Alberto Del Rio with something to say. Alberto talks about being a great Mexican athlete which makes him better than anyone else in the world, including all of the gringos here. His title was stolen from him by John Cena, who is only cheered because the fans are stupid. Cena is a thief, walking around with something he doesn't deserve. The fans don't know this but Del Rio went in to the Cell PPV sick and with a bad knee, elbow and neck. JBL: “That's true.” He fought anyway because he had Mexican pride, and after the rematch, he'll be able to say el campeon esta aqui (Spanish for “the champion is here)!

This brings out Cena who says he isn't here to fight because Del Rio is sick. Therefore, we need to give him a gift. Maybe some Edible Arrangements (a good one, not the best one), a card that plays Cena's theme song, and a card saying sorry for taking the world title, hope you feel better, make sure to watch the JBL and Cole Show.

Alberto wants Cena to be serious (Gorilla Del Rio?) and get out but Cena says make him, because the world champion is two feet away from him. Cena wants the rematch right now and Alberto says he'll break Cena's arm tonight. Vickie says not so fast and makes the match for Survivor Series. However, both guys will be in action tonight. It's Cena vs. Ryback and Del Rio gets Great Khali, with the latter being right now.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Great Khali

Khali hits a forearm to the head to start before firing off elbows in the corner. A hard chop to the chest knocks Del Rio out of the ring and Khali sends him into the barricade for good measure. Del Rio kicks the ropes as they come back in to put Khali down, allowing Alberto to stomp away. Alberto cranks on the arm but Khali fights up and kicks Del Rio out of the air. More loud chops in the corner have Alberto in trouble but he grabs an armbreaker over the ropes to stop Khali in his tracks. Khali shoves him out to the floor but gets caught by the enziguri in the corner. The cross armbreaker gets the submission at 5:10.

Rating: D+. The match wasn't horrible, but it's the same problem that so many people in WWE have: no one believes Khali is going to win, no matter how much he dominates Del Rio throughout the match. It gives me no reason to get interested in the match, as the action is nothing special and the ending is already a given. Why should I care under those circumstances?

Daniel Bryan vs. Luke Harper

Bryan has a taped up shoulder coming in but goes right after Harper before the bell. Harper pounds him down into the corner and goes after the bad shoulder to take Daniel down. There's the Gator Roll to keep Bryan on the ground but he's still able to send Harper to the floor. The FLYING GOAT connects but Bryan's bad shoulder lands on the barricade. Harper gets up first and sends Bryan shoulder first into the barricade again as we take a break.

Back with Harper firing off elbows in the corner and throws him across the ring with ease. We hit the chinlock as the announcers talk about Dr. Phil for no apparent reason. Bryan tries to fight up but a single shout to the shoulder puts him back into the corner. Some kicks to the leg have Harper staggered a bit and there's a dragon screw leg whip to put him down.

Bryan ties up Harper's legs in a hold before driving in hard shots to the face, firing up the crowd in the process. Harper gets up a right hand in the corner to knock Bryan backwards, but Bryan backflips over him in the corner and hits the running clothesline. The kick kick to the head is countered into a sitout powerbomb but Bryan gets up at two. Bryan counters the discus lariat into the YES Lock but Rowan comes in for the DQ at 6:30 shown of 10:00.

Rating: B-. They're sticking to formulas tonight and they're working incredibly well so far. This was a good example of power vs. speed/technical abilities and Harper looked AWESOME in there. Bryan bounced all over like a pinball and the ending keeps both guys looking good. Solid effort out there, which is the point of having Bryan and Punk feud with these guys.

The beatdown is on but as Bray gets into the ring, Punk comes out for the save.

We go back to Raw to recap that infernal closing segment. Good grief we get it already: Big Show vs. Orton is awesome and we'll praise its name forever. Just don't make me sit through this anymore.

The weekly sitdown interview with HHH says Kane is the new Director of Operations, because if there's one more thing WWE needs, it's ANOTHER person with authority. The powers are yet to be revealed, but Kane has been tweeting about vigilance, which HHH translates as Kane being more than one dimensional.

John Cena vs. Ryback

Non-title. Cena comes out, goes to the back, and comes out again because the first pop wasn't loud enough. Ryback grabs a headlock to start before running Cena over with a shoulder block. Back to the headlock but Cena counters into one of his own. Not the most exciting opening two minutes to a match. Cena fires off right hands in the corner but Ryback easily throws him off to block a bulldog.

In a very impressive power display, Ryback gorilla presses Cena over his head for probably fifteen seconds before dropping the champion down onto his face. Cena avoids a charge to send Ryback into the post as we take a break. Back with Cena countering a Boston Crab into an STF attempt but Ryback kicks him away. Ryback chokes Cena with his boot before whipping him hard across the ring for two.

Off to a front facelock by Ryback which is quickly switched into a bearhug. Cena fights free and shoulders Ryback down but Ryback counters the Shuffle into a spinebuster. Shell Shock is countered into a DDT to put both guys down but it's Cena up first. The AA is countered and Ryback's Jackhammer (called a suplex by Cole) gets two. Ryback charges with the Meat Hook but gets taken down into the STF. He gets to the rope in a nice false finish and hits Cena with a weak spear for two.

The Shell Shock is countered again and Cena grabs a full nelson, only to lift him up and pull Cena down into a neckbreaker for a close two. A high cross body puts Ryback down but he comes right back with a powerslam (Cole: “Shades of the Bulldog!” He references the British Bulldog but can't remember what the Jackhammer?) for two. They slug it out in the middle of the ring but Ryback scores with the Meat Hook. The Shell Shock is countered again and this time it's the AA for the pin on Ryback at 11:55 shown of 15:25.

Rating: B. There's something awesome about letting two power guys beat the tar out of each other for fifteen minutes. The counters in this were getting very good by the end and Cena was busting out some great stuff out there. Ryback looked like he had Cena if he could hit that one big move but Cena kept countering in a nice story. This was a good contrast to Khali vs. Del Rio: Ryback was clearly going to lose, but here the match was hard hitting an entertaining to make up for that. Really solid main event here.

Post match Del Rio comes in to pound away on the arm. After a few moments of that, he actually goes after the bad arm by wrapping it around the post. Cena comes back with some right hands and Del Rio runs to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. If we didn't have that ridiculous ten minute long recap from Raw (which thankfully was cut to highlights on the American version), this was one of the best Smackdowns in months. The worst match was just five minutes long and the second worst was far from horrible, leaving us with good to very good matches to fill in the rest of the show. Really fun two hours of wrestling here with nothing new being stupid. Good stuff.

CM Punk b. Curtis Axel – GTS
Usos/R-Truth b. 3MB – Little Jimmy to Mahal
AJ Lee/Tamina Snuka b. Funkadactyls – Black Widow to Cameron
Alberto Del Rio b. Great Khali – Cross armbreaker
Daniel Bryan b. Luke Harper via DQ when Erick Rowan interfered
John Cena b. Ryback – Attitude Adjustment

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  1. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 8, 2013 at 8:25 PM

  2. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 8, 2013 at 8:27 PM

  3. Heroes of World Class isn't a wwe DVD.

  4. That's false advertising motherfucker! I have contacted the FBI.

  5. Thank you. More views.

  6. He contacted Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke?

  7. Her boyfriend is a member of a motorcycle gang. Bopping her behind his back can only end badly.

  8. Are you tiny or is everything really big where you live?

  9. Whenever Ryback gets time with someone good, he always brings it. He's getting better, but he's already got a lot of good moves, good intensity. Why are they burying him?

  10. Your in deep trouble too if this brah looks like "Jacks" bitches love that guy.

    Girls naturally fuck with guys heads to amuse themselves it seems. If she has a kid thats a huge flag too!

  11. Tracy Smothers gave me a call... but he just wanted me to time him on the 40 yard dash. Something about trying out for the arena football league.

  12. I know I'm the minority here... but I never saw anything in him. He's as much of an "indy guy" as there's ever been. He was never going to translate to the main stage.

  13. Weirdly enough, he made his return on this week's NXT looking in better shape than he ever has. Too little, too late, I guess. Should have hit carpooled to the gym with Trips and Sheamus.

  14. You never had a chance with this girl, and never will. Move on.

  15. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryNovember 8, 2013 at 11:21 PM

    In the immortal words of Scott Steiner: "He's FAT!"

  16. I've not really seen any of his indy stuff so I'm not well-informed on the guy but I can say from the few times I caught him on NXT that he didn't come across as anything special. I've heard great things about him over the years but any charisma he may have wasn't translating in developmental, especially when you contrast him with someone like Sami Zayn whose indy work I was equally ignorant of, yet he made me a fan in one match.

    After last week's NXT episode, I'm expecting The French Stallion/Sylvester Lefort to be gone shortly, also.

  17. I'm going to say what we all want to say but deny to ourselves.

    Hero has been riding on residuals from how awesome he was as a heel during the ROH vs. CZW feud in 2006.

    He has not been nearly as compelling since. Not even in the ballpark.

    Hero needs to recapture that fire if he ever wants another shot.

    I don't think he can.

  18. I have a feeling some wrestling jobber Chris Walker would tell you to hit that. As for me, I say just stay away, way too much drama there. And aside from laughing and talking to you she hasn't sent out any vibes she wants to cheat on her boyfriend with you (unless she has and you didn't say it). I say, keep chatting with her, worst comes to worst you have a new friend to BS with. And who knows what the future could hold with her. She may even have some friends to hook you up with, who knows?

  19. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 8, 2013 at 11:40 PM

    In other words, since he was never going to get out of Florida, they just gave him a huge raise.

  20. Sounds like you have zero chance and she basically told you that nicely. IMO the cool person thing to do is move on. Pursuing her further seems like a creep move at this point. Don't be that guy.

  21. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 8, 2013 at 11:47 PM

    Honestly he might be past his peak, he's going to be 34 soon. Maybe if he got in there around the time Punk got in it would have gone differently.

  22. I'm pretty short, characters based on my real height lol

  23. Funny how we were just talking about this in the NXT thread and how he was likely at the end of the road. Sad to see that I was right.

  24. I don't think that's a minority opinion anymore; it's seems as though the IWC has collectively shrugged its shoulders of Hero.

  25. Maybe they're just waiting for him to, like Batista, iron out the kinks?

  26. If my job required me to do something, and I didn't do it despite being directly asked, I'd be fired on the spot. Cassius got months of chances and didn't do jack.

  27. Hey since this is an advice thread can I ask a question about gift giving protocol? I'm friends with a couple. I'd say I'm better with the guy for sure but based on a combination of convenience and her coolness his girl friend is arguably my 4th best friend. So its not exactly like their poor but she has kid from her 1st marriage to raise and doesn't work outside of free lance writing and he's a surfer type that works a construction gig so they kind of do the no frills lifestyle. No problem.
    So if it was the dudes birthday we go get shit faced, titty bar, whatever, I'd grab the tab. Its not like he would even appreciate any non alcohol/ drug gift. But she is all into cooking (and made an insane cake on my birthday) so I got her a kitchen aid tilt stand mixer and a set of pasta and sausage making attachments. About 330 bucks. They probably couldn't afford to buy it. But on the other hand it's a legitimate friend, not just my friends girl friend and its not out of the question to drop more than that partying on a buddies bday

    The party is Sunday and I didn't think anything of it until I asked my gf to wrap it and she said it was way too nice and would embarass them or make it look like I was trying to show up my friend and impress his gf. I know what he's giving her and its a something very cool and heartfelt so I think a kitchen appliance would be a appreciated gift but its not going to be something a normal person would think is a gift to steal her away. I'm leaning to giving it to her. But should I lie and make a point to say I got a deal? Is it rude? Any opinions

  28. If WWE wanted to be current they could jump on this Ritchie Incognito stuff and model Ryback after him. He can call out The Rock by calling him a...well, you know. INSTANT HEEL

  29. That's a shame. When he was signed I was excited to see how he would contribute to the WWE roster.

  30. I think the big problem with Hero (I'm just going to start calling him that again) is that he's always had someone else to bringing out the best in him, whether it be an opponent--Hero, a partner--Claudio, or a manager--Sweeny. I never really saw any of his NXT work, but it sounds like it wasn't very well received. I think the guy's been struggling for an identity ever since he cut the comedy and tried to get serious...and the striker stuff was probably never going to fly in the WWE anyway. I hope he shows up again and finds his niche in either ROH or TNA. Both feds could use a guy with the potential Hero once had.

    And to anyone who writes the "His boss told him to do something and he didn't do it. He got what he deserved" comment, believe it or not, you probably don't know the whole story. The boards have been preaching that bit of gossip like gospel for months now and it's a little nauseating how self-righteous some of the chatter has grown. I highly doubt it's as simple as Hunter asked Hero to work out and Hero responded by never setting foot in a gym again.

  31. I've really only seen him a handful of times on nxt and on the cm punk DVD so I guess I don't really know what I'll be missing.

  32. And he's already booked for the next PWG shows. FUCK why do I have to work retail...

  33. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 9, 2013 at 12:23 AM

    That's kind of it, as WWE goes he was never going to be anybody, he would have been a late starter. By the time he had a prescence (it took Cesaro a long time to get to here he is now) and got through the six initial failed characters you always have in the WWE before you make it, he'd be 36 years old. What's the point of that as an investment?

    He was behind the 8 ball to begin with

  34. Honestly, its no big loss. He showed nothing at all in NXT except for brief flashes in a feud with Regal. There are so many others that are much better than him down there anyway.

  35. So now not only do you have to be big, but you have to give HHH an erection too. Man, tough time to be a rookie.

  36. "the rest of my crew from work come out of the Plaza and start pumping me up, saying shit to hop up my ego and make me look good (those guys are awesome) and while paying absolute zero attention to the girl, I went into hyper comedy mode with my guys. She was listening in the background and laughing at every corny fucking punchline I was throwing at them, and I left 5 minutes later laughing to myself for the spectacle I put on."

    Go after her and don't worry about the biker. Given how awesome you are you'll probably be leading the gang in a few days.

  37. He had a really good match against Regal. So there's that.

  38. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryNovember 9, 2013 at 1:09 AM

    You're so wise, like a miniature Buddha, covered in hair.

  39. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 9, 2013 at 1:35 AM

    I'm surprised he wasn't canned months ago.

  40. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 9, 2013 at 1:36 AM

    Steph: "So... Kassius Ohno?"
    Triple H: "Kassius? Oh. No."

  41. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 9, 2013 at 1:39 AM

    "Do I try to smash this chick just once, or leave it be, and let her be drawn eventually to me (HA!)?"

    Sounds like you could get killed for it.

    ...DO IT!

  42. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 9, 2013 at 1:39 AM

    I wonder if Fuj and cultstatus will jump down your throat for asking selfish questions.

  43. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 9, 2013 at 1:46 AM

    Nah but Dave Meltzer said it, and him and his NSA buddies have the McMahons wire tapped. I read it on PWI.

  44. Your_Favourite_LoserNovember 9, 2013 at 1:46 AM

    he'll always be my hero

  45. What he said. Even if she's down, how high is your "wrench to the cranium" tolerance? Or your "gang curb-stomping" tolerance?

  46. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 9, 2013 at 1:51 AM

    Is your GF going to be with you at the party? If so, have her give the chick the gift and say it's from both of you. Or just take your friend aside and tell him what you just told us.

  47. You NEVER show up the boyfriend.

  48. I heard he ate the wheel of cheese from the fridge.

  49. ugh... its a legit question and has not been brought in 13 different threads.

    But again, its whatever. Ive been around here for far too long and I know what happens eventually.

    But I was out of line, I apologize, It won't happen again.

  50. Motorcycle gangs treat their women like property.

    So you are trying to fuck this dude's property.


  51. "Self-righteous." "Probably don't know the whole story."

    Well, duh. Of course we don't. And I'm sure there are other factors. But there's nothing wrong with connecting the dots.

    1. Vince likes muscular wrestlers.
    2. Chris Hero isn't in WWE shape.
    3. Punk and Bryan adapted to WWE, by all accounts Hero didn't.
    4. Hero made his name with a gimmick that, when adapted by someone else for the WWE, peaked at mid card level.

    I'd say looking at that information, a pattern of "does not have the look" presents itself.

  52. And your next TNA champion is...

    If only he had the work ethic of Chris Walker.

  53. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 9, 2013 at 2:24 AM

    Yeah, as soon as I saw the words "motorcycle" and "gang", that's an instant NO! Even if it's one of the fake-ass biker gangs, it's still not worth the trouble.

  54. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 9, 2013 at 2:37 AM

    No, I'm not trying to police you and I don't want you to apologise for how you react to threads. If a thread is shitty, either it gets ignored or the BOD's populace will take it apart like ants on a cricket.

    It was just funny to me that a day after Farva posted his thread and you guys got on him about it, this thread comes up and is about something so innocuous.

    But it is not an original question. People gave shit to Caliber, after all, and the question of this thread is "so whaddya say bro, do I fuck dis chick or what?" Wow, what a conundrum.

  55. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 9, 2013 at 2:44 AM

    Punk certainly didn't adhere to WWE's standard of photogenicity, so we cannot completely claim to understand what happens Behind The Wrestling.

    ...Was the dream really over for Chris Hero?

    Yes it was.

  56. opposed to the work ethic of Braden Walker.

  57. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 9, 2013 at 3:08 AM

    OK, as long as w're on this topic, I'd like some advice too: there's a chick I'm really interested in, and she seems interested in me, but there's a couple issues:

    1: She has a "boyfriend", but he lives in Cleveland, and she referred to him as "this kid I'm going out with". Her "boyfriend" is 5 years older than she is. We had this conversation over breakfast at my house, BTW.
    2: She just turned 21, I'm 32 in March. However, I look like I'm 19 or so, so she thinks we're about the same age. Until she straight up asks me how old I am, I'm not going to tell her otherwise.
    3: We work together. In a restaurant. People in THIS BUSINESS like to talk shit, I can handle it, but I think she'd quit or something. I mean, we're talking about a pretty conservative girl here, I mean, I've never even heard her cuss once.

    So should I pursue this, or just go with the business over pleasure route? I think there's about an 85% chance I can make this work, but that remaining 15% will probably cost me my job, and if I have to choose between pussy and paying my rent than you can better believe that rent is gonna get paid.

  58. Its sad really.

    They want to focus on tag wrestling and you have the KoW right there.

    Give him a little incentive and let him get over with the main audience. If he doesnt work out, fire him then.

    Im sure most wrestlers dream of going to the WWE and for him to right there and let go is just like "Fuck..."

    Maybe he doesn't have the genetics to really have a body like the rest of the guys they are looking for?

    Im not a big Hero fan, but Im sure he is a mixture of sad/relieved.

    I hope he doesnt tailspin.

  59. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 9, 2013 at 3:12 AM

    1. Cleveland? Is her boyfriend Fuj?

    3. How is she conservative when he says she has a boyfriend yet you've already slept with her?

    Keep banging her, and if the place makes her upset and she quits, you get both the pussy and the money.

  60. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 9, 2013 at 3:15 AM

    1. No. At least I don't think so.

    3. When did I say I slept with her? I haven't.

  61. 1. I'm good, but Im not that good.

  62. Money over bitches.

  63. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 9, 2013 at 3:33 AM

    3. "We had this conversation over breakfast at my house, BTW."

    I... just assumed. Who made the breakfast?

  64. So......
    First Daniel Bryan loses "Yes!" and now "(Oh)No!" gets fired? Sad week!


  66. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 9, 2013 at 3:45 AM

    Yeah, that was a little misleading...

    I made it, shit, cooking good food is what I do for a living. We had to work at the same time, and she offered to give me a ride, so I just told her to show up like an hour early and I made us a pretty bitching omelet (tip: buy a pound of hot Italian sausage, take it out of the casing, cook it, an put it in your omelet, or anything else for that matter).

    If I was banging her I wouldn't be asking for advice.

  67. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 9, 2013 at 3:55 AM

    Good point.

  68. Wrestlers don't really peak like straight up athletes, though. He might have peaked in terms of wwe terms, where they don't really keep a lot of guys around past 40, but as an actual wrestler? who knows.

  69. I wonder why they put him back on NXT to job twice to Decent Wrestling Wyatt Brother?
    I mean, it's not like a dude on the main roster gets a rub from a dude who can't make the main roster.

  70. Pretty much this. He's fine enough as a worker but he's missing something. Frankly that match with Luke Harper was the best singles match I've seen out of him in NXT. I remember his early feud with Richie Steamboat (another boring guy) was a great cure for insomnia.

  71. It seemed to me that Hero was going through some of the same shit Punk went through in developmental. Always thought he'd pull through like Punk did too.

  72. I would like to see Ohno go to TNA just for the sole reason that his talents and skills can be seen on a national level instead of going back to the independent circuit with PWG and such.

  73. Which gimmick name would TNA make their own version of?

    Chris Hero / Mike Saviour?
    Kassius Ohno / Tyson Whoopsidaisy?

  74. He probably needed someone like Heyman down there to champion him on a weekly basis. If it weren't for the revived ECW and Heyman's insistence that Punk be a part of it, he may never have made it out of developmental either.

  75. Leave the memories alone!

  76. El Generico is doing fine, so size is not the requirement. Hero was asked to work out more, he apparently refused to even try. If you're boss asks you to do something to improve, and you refuse, it's not going to end well

  77. Dude, there are a lot of women out there. When I was in my early - mid 20s (30 now) I used to not care about hooking up with girls that had boyfriends, married, etc. Trust me, it's not worth it at all. I'd stay away and just move on. Nothing good will come out of it...Eventually the boyfriend/husband finds out or you kinda just start to feel like a piece of shit.

  78. He was never gonna be a superstar but could have carved out a lower type mid card face spot. I would have liked to see him get a few more chances. Seems like he was fighting an uphill battle from the start

  79. Hero failed his pre-employment health check for "high testosterone levels". It was enough that it looked like he was using.

    If he was, why would you sign him? If he wasn't, why in the hell would you tell the guy to hit the gym, raise his testosterone levels and then get pinged when you do a round of testing?

  80. So The Disciples Of The Apocalypse declared him DOA?

  81. Dude, if your conflicted just address it with her. It seems like you're beyond the "cat and mouse" type game and she probably clearly knows you're interested.

    Girls who are 21 aren't loyal at all. She may just consider him her "boyfriend" because she hasn't gotten any other offers yet.

    I don't condone hooking up with girls in relationships but I'd just straight up tell her your deal with it and put the ball in her court....ESPECIALLY the boyfriend/losing your job part. Age I would see as a non existent issue

  82. Yea, I'd go with Currys idea below. Do the collective gift type thing from you and your GF.

    Quick story that you might consider if you think she really would enjoy the buddy runs a small little sales business. He wanted to get all his employees Xmas gifts of equal value. Since there were only 5 people though he wanted to personalize them. He had one salesmen that made him a ton of money though and wanted to kinda hook him up. He bought him a rack for his truck. After he bought it he just took a price tag off a cheaper item in the store and put it on the truck rack before he wrapped it. Acted like he just forgot to take it off. Nobody asked any questions and after seeing the price tag.

  83. This is one of those weird areas of being an internet wrestling fan where it feels like you have to pick a side- either Chris Hero was screwed because "NOT ENOUGH BENCHES PRESSEED!" and some poor genetic muscle building lottery or he was let go after refusing to do what his employer, an NYSE traded company, told him repeatedly to do, MICHAEL.
    Like, I wish we could just let this be an "oh, that's too bad" for everyone involved. It's too bad that the 'E probably only saw a guy with good height and a solid indie record and didn't realize he might not be a good fit overall and didn't use those resources on a different indie dude who might have more of a propensity for abs and a defined Chest. It's too bad Hero wasted a year and a half of his life and his peak earning potential without ever getting a nice payoff for it (this is based on the assumption that NXT guys can make more money on the indie circuit).

  84. Motorcycle gangs don't fuck around. I would pass on this one.

  85. None of it is worth the trouble it could cause.

    Besides, she basically told you to get it out of your head. So, get it out of your head.

  86. You don't watch PWG or Chikara shows, I'm guessing?

  87. The thing was, he used to always be in terrible shape, and always wrestled in a shirt and baggy pants. It was only in the year or two before he got signed that he got in decent shape. And then the, uh, naturally high testosterone levels. Long story short, if I was Hero i'd have just risked the Wellness violation and gone back on steroids. If it meant my job either way, i'd have at least took the gamble. Oh well. Maybe TNA has room for him.

  88. Definitely. And I feel confident that his gift is much cooler (but also much cheaper) than mine. I don't know if the price tag alone does that. I definitely wouldn't want to though.

  89. Hmmm...I'd hate to share any gift credit with her. Not like she's gonna be splitting up the old visa bill with me but maybe that's the play

  90. Im either gonna do that or your fake price tag gimmick. The problem with that one is one Google search (I would hope someone wouldn't Google a present from me to see the price...but I've done it so...). The gf scenario could play a little smoother, plus I'm sure I know someone going who's not bringing anything so I could probably add them and chop it some more. But then I'm only getting gift credit for pitching in with a couple ham n eggers on something. Not only did I drop the cash but I spent a solid 30 minutes looking around some boring kitchen store for a gift. That's why I'm leaning towards a fake price tag.

  91. Hed be better off on the indies.

  92. The age thing is not a issue. Half plus 7 is 23, she's 21 so perfectly acceptable. If her boyfriend is so great why ain't she living in Cleveland with him? I'd say go for it but tread lightly. Use semantics like "let's go do something tonight" or "I'm bored want to catch a movie" type shit to avoid asking her out directly. You'll both know what's going on but if she doesn't go for the "date" or doesn't appear to up for more than friendship when you go out and that other 15% plays out you have perfectly valid excuse of wtf are you talking about I thought we were hanging out as friends and you're good to go at work.

  93. Christ Heroin

  94. Do muscles even matter to the audience anymore? There's a ton of mid and upper card talent like Punk, Jericho, Kofi, Bryan, and Ambrose that aren't necessarily that big. They've all gotten over purely on talent.

  95. Lol. Dude, my original response was essentially a pro/con comment about the price tag switch gimmick. Turned lengthy so erased it, but it I would strongly consider it.

    I don't know about you, but I'm not a fan of group gifts, especially if I put in effort to pick it out.

  96. You do have to figure out what you want here, do you want to just have fun or do you want to pursue a relationship here. It sounds like the latter. First, get the age thing out of the way, it probably won't be a problem but you don't want to start getting invested, she finds out your 32 and thinks you hid it from her. Btw, I have a similiar "problem" as I do not look 31, esspecially clean shaven.

    Next I would start fishing or straight out asking how the relationship is with the boyfriend. LDR ussually fall apart (been there) so if you show serious intrest she may just dump him immediately. Try at first going out as "just friends" and see if that leads to something else. If things do start heading in that direction though you have to explain to her how the people at work talk and make sure she can handle it. To make it easier also, don't be the guy to brag to everybody at work, but I don't think you would do that.

  97. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 9, 2013 at 8:41 AM

    Punk wouldn't have made it under this format. He would have rubbed everyone the wrong way and gotten released.

  98. I guess I should need to reconsider all those Arn Anderson matches and Rock n Roll Express matches I really like. I thought they were really awesome matches, but those guys don't have amazing physiques, so they must not be very good...

  99. Pass. This is not worth the trouble that it could cause you, or her.
    There are a lot of pretty girls out there, and some don't even HAVE kids and boyfriends.

  100. Considering the matches they have already advertised, I wonder who he'll face. Willie Mack, maybe? Seems they could mesh pretty well...

  101. All the morons saying "DURRRRRR HE ALWAYS LOOKED LIKE THAT" are missing the point.

    The WWE liked him and were fine with how he looked when they hired him.

    If they weren't, they wouldn't have jumped through the hoops necessary to clear his abnormally high testosterone levels and any other physical exam anomalies that were found during a hiring process that took them twice as long as it usually does. At the end of the day, the WWE didn't NEED an indy guy in his mid-30s. They WANTED him.

    It was AFTER he got hired that he started getting softer. He was asked to hit the gym harder and stop packing on the pounds and in response, he pouted and hit the Wendy's instead. I'd have shitcanned his ass, too. Anyone who has a business to run would have.

    They weren't asking Brodus Clay to get a 6-pack. They were asking a guy who's tall and lanky with an average build to make sure he doesn't get a gut. He refused out of spite? Fuck him, then.

  102. It doesn't seem like you have any chance even if you tried. The "plenty fish in the sea" saying is such a great way to live.

  103. I'd also like to point put my avatar is Albert Belles forearm

  104. When he got signed I was very much in the "Yay Chris Hero and Claudio (however you spell his name) can reform the Kings of Wrestling! Then I realized I had never seen a Kings of Wrestling match and the matches of Hero's I saw were at best, OK.
    Colt Cabana said on Austin's podcast "WWE is not a wrestling company. They are an entertainment company that has wrestling in it." For that I think guys like Hero/Ohno don't stand as big of a chance anymore.

  105. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 9, 2013 at 9:05 AM

    You said "TNA" and "seen" in the same sentence.

  106. I'd go for it, but make the age difference known.
    It's probably not a thing, but if she thinks that you hid it from her then it could become one.
    If you just want to hit it, then great, but if your intention is to make her your girlfriend then I would be a little leery that you probably don't have much in common at that age difference, other than a few superficial things. But I don't know the situation.
    The restaurant industry is a vicious place and she'll either handle it, or she won't.

  107. It's one thing to look at him and say he doesn't appear to have the look that the WWE typically courts. My problem is with all the comments which have taken a rumor blurb and turned it into "Screw Chris Hero, HHH asked him to work out and he burned his gym pass and ate a truckload of Klondike Bars instead. He clearly doesn't have the drive." I think we sometimes tend to lose perspective when it comes to dirt sheets.

  108. I'm not going to pretend like I know what happened backstage, so I'll just say it's a bummer they couldn't find something to do with Hero. The guy has so much talent. I can't wait to see the reaction he gets when he returns to pwg. I'm also glad he won't have that awful name anymore.

  109. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 9, 2013 at 9:19 AM I owe it to myself to watch a Chris Hero match, or can I die knowing that I will never see one?

  110. Arm is a guy who would never get over today. Dude looked like he was 45 when he was actually in in late twenties and early thirties.

  111. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 9, 2013 at 9:20 AM

    But he looked 45 when he was 55, so it evened out

  112. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 9, 2013 at 9:22 AM

    To be fair, Swagger is sort of a usurper, they have good chemistry. Of course in the WWE this means nothing and they'll do jobs aplenty to the midget bull, but still

  113. Is this seems to be a jack of all trade women there a lap dance tip protocol? My Gfs brother is visiting g her for his 21st and he wanted to go to a strip club. I'm sure lap dances will be incolved. Is it like 20% as in restaurants? A high 5 on the way out? I haven't gotten a lap dance in like 4 years and forget on how I used to tip.

  114. You're taking a lot from vague hearsay. I've never heard anywhere that he "packed on pounds" or outright refused to hit the gym. Maybe he didn't have enough drive but you're making it sound like he was asked to lift some weights and he responded by slapping Stephanie and farting in HHH's favourite coffee mug.

    From the outside looking in, it seems pretty obvious that they hired him when his body was bigger due to, ahem, "high testosterone" and then when he cleared up his "testosterone" problem his body shrunk and they didn't like it. Then, whether due to lack of work ethic or lack of "testosterone" he couldn't get his body back to looking like it did when they hired him. I'm sure there were attitude issues and/or he rubbed people the wrong way but I wouldn't take the vague reports of dirt sheets as a reliable enough source of information to go completely ripping on some guy.

  115. No idea how that works. I haven't been to a strip club in a few years.
    In the past I have tipped, and not tipped.

  116. Thanks. Yea, it's been like 4 years for me, and strip clubs = booze and other stuff so I can't recall to save my life.

  117. Because you didn't go to college?

  118. Exactly! Chris Walker is a model human being!

  119. The Mrs. sent me a text saying among other things that my close-mindedness is toxic to the kids so she's leaving. With that being said, who is up for a visit to the strip club?

  120. Agreed. I honestly think they would cut Punk now if they didn't know how popular he is... he has got to be awful to work with.

  121. Do they go all nude for lap dances where you are? Crazily I have learned that is not always the case.

  122. I don't think Arn could get over in a fucking indy today with his look

  123. You just know that HHH's favorite mug is a HHH mug. Don't pretend like you are not picturing it that way right now.

  124. Sorry to hear that man.

  125. Cesaro and Swagger have good chemistry, sure, but Cesaro is eons above Swagger and we all know it

  126. Even Chris Walker know when to pick his spots

  127. Ain't no thang. It doesn't bother me as much as I think it should. Guess it makes sense why she left.

  128. She's not into you. She nicely let you down. If somewhere down the line she changes her mind she will let you know that also (in the way that girls do) and you can proceed then.

    I know I am the "fucks married women" guy around here... but there is more to it than that. The married women I refer to show interest, as well as an exploit in their relationship. She hasn't done that. Laughing at your jokes is not enough... maybe you are just a funny guy. Take a pass on this one.

  129. Jesus sorry to hear that... I hope I didn't start a fucking trend around here.

  130. Soon as I got the text you are who I thought of. I said that damn parallax is spreading the divorce disease. Can't lie though lying around on a Saturday morning doing jack s--- feels pretty sweet.

  131. Is this a true story? I'm sorry if it is.
    Fucking chicks, man.

  132. We met up for lunch yesterday and had it out pretty good. She just might be angry, and will call when she calms down, but with her who knows.

  133. Are you sure you don't WANT to steal her? This isn't part of my fuck committed women thing... I just think that is an awfully thoughtful thing to do for a girl you have no intention of sleeping with. Just food for thought.

    Aside from that I'd just say go with the split gift from your girlfriend and you thing. Takes the heat off of you, still gives her the gift, and doesn't make the boyfriend feel like a schmuck.

  134. I took that to mean that she was there from the previous night also.

  135. "I don't condone hooking up with girls in relationships"


  136. Well here's his best match during NXT vs William Regal: His best indy matches were while he and Cesaro were a tag team.

  137. I don't think he should go for it here as I outlined above... the rest of what you say here just does not compute for me.

  138. It was bizarre seeing him on the Punk documentary credited as "Chris Hero."

  139. LMAO

    Seriously though this sucks... especially considering the kids. That has been the hardest part for me.

  140. Tyson Whoopsidaisy sounds like an English nobleman, like it should have "Lord" before it.

  141. You could say that about a ton of 80s guys though.

  142. Think it's more about fat content than muscle content. Hero had gotten a bit of a gut in the spring, Sami is in very good shape, well toned, not huge muscles but he doesn't have any gut or other fatty jiggly areas.

  143. I imagine that it would be..

  144. I know. I have one of those women that don't fight fair so she'll keep them from me cause she knows that's her only way to hurt me.

  145. Yeah. They are on Spike TV. A cable channel that is available in most of America.

  146. "I have one of those women that don't fight fair"

    So then you have a woman.

  147. I think it depends on the state and establishment. I've seen/had some wild lap dance type stuff when I lived in Vegas. In Florida, it's a lot tamer. They mostly stick to keeping bottoms on. For the money though, I feel they're all overrated

  148. Haha. I don't judge

  149. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 9, 2013 at 10:01 AM

    As a worker, Cesaro is well above Hero too. He's well above most guys

  150. "1: She has a "boyfriend", but he lives in Cleveland, and she referred to
    him as "this kid I'm going out with". Her "boyfriend" is 5 years older
    than she is. We had this conversation over breakfast at my house, BTW."

    The boyfriend here is a non factor. He isn't local, and if she doesn't seem that into him and eventually it won't work out anyway... unless it is Fuj.

    This also answers your question about age, she is obviously flexible on the issue.

    She just turned 21, I'm 32 in March. However, I look like I'm 19 or so,
    so she thinks we're about the same age. Until she straight up asks me
    how old I am, I'm not going to tell her otherwise.

    You need to tell her. Don't want it to make some progress only for it to end up being a dela breaker later on.

    3: We work
    together. In a restaurant. People in THIS BUSINESS like to talk shit, I
    can handle it, but I think she'd quit or something. We're talking about a
    pretty conservative girl here, I mean, I've never even heard her cuss

    Meh. I wouldn't let this factor in. People in jobs hook up with each other. It happens, the gossip comes and it goes.

    If you are interested I'd say go for it, whether it is to hit and quit, or to date. I think there is potential here.

  151. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANNovember 9, 2013 at 10:02 AM

    It's more the "1984" atmosphere of the performance center and things like that. They basically can watch Punk be Punk from an office in Connecticut, instead of relying on scout reports from Ohio.

    I just think he would have rubbed them the wrong way if they were tuned into him 24-7

  152. Agreed, I'm not that big a fan of strip clubs, really.

  153. Maybe he'd be a better World champion for RoH than... whoever the fuck they've got now. I swear, last time I looked at a card I didn't recognize 2/3rds of the names.

  154. You degrade women by going to those places. THEY ARE NO OBJEC.... nope can't do it.

    Seriously though I hate strip clubs.

  155. In my case it is not even my kid, so I don't really have any rights...

  156. Fuck that. This is what lawyers are for. Go get one right now. If you decide to reconcile then fine, but lawyers are modern day Samurai that are here to protect us despite their bad reputation.

  157. It's a black mug with a silver iron cross HHH logo! IT MIGHT EVEN GLOW IN THE DARK!

  158. Why does having a kid make it a huge flag? All having a kid could mean is that she is not a virgin, and one night a condom didn't work.

  159. I can't disagree with what you are saying, but I just can't do it. I'm just hoping that sense wins out on this or they become so intolerable (the oldest one at least) that they will force her hand.

  160. That sucks. A good friend of mine had a girlfriend with a 5 year old son when they met. He moved her into his place, and basically raised the boy as his own for 5 years (I wouldn't say that she totally neglected the boy, but she wasn't very involved, and didn't really do much past the minimum to keep him alive.)
    After 5 years she won a small lottery, around 80K, and literally left him the next day. He took it pretty hard for a while, missing the son a lot more than the mom.

  161. A lot of over indie guys have weird/bad looks. Michael Elgin for example. (and I LIKE Michael Elgin)

  162. You came sooo close to getting that thought out, only to realize it'd be a lie.

    Yea, I'm not a huge fan either anymore. This dudes turning 21 and I'm not sure he's ever been before. Itll definitely score me points with the GF also.

  163. Well in that case let it cook for a while and see what happens I guess... honestly sounds like you are not ready to move on so maybe the best advice is, and I can't believe I get to say this... LET IT PLAY OUT AND SEE WHERE IT GOES.

  164. His girlfriend, who you plan to fuck at some later point?

  165. Are they your kids, or hers from a different relationship?

  166. Naw, it's my Gfs brothers 21st.

  167. 1. I don't know where all this wink-and-nudge steroid stuff is coming from, but if Hero was on roids, holy shit, did they not work for him.

    2. You do realize that you criticized me for taking the dirt sheets (the only thing any of us have to go off of, as inaccurate as they may be sometimes) at their word and then countered with a theory based on absolutely nothing but your own assumptions, yes?

  168. That makes the story less interesting for me.

  169. Always working the angles!

  170. Its not just a thing I do, it is a way of life for me!

  171. God, how dreary would the last few years have been if they'd cut Punk?

  172. I'm pretty sure I could have a good match against Regal.

  173. Ha, yea I assumed it would

  174. There were glimpses of character, the kind he's best at, feuding with Steamboat's kid. "What are you gonna do, arm drag me?!" et cetera.

  175. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 9, 2013 at 10:57 AM

    Adam Cole. And no, he wouldn't be better.

  176. The number of TVs that tune to Spike at 8PM on Thursdays isn't that many.

    And I'm one of them.

  177. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 9, 2013 at 11:03 AM

    Yeah, I'm going to tell her. Though thinking about it now in a more clear (in other words sober) frame of mind, I think she roughly knows how old I am anyway. But yeah, I should tell her.

  178. I wonder how much of this has to do with management's decision to only hire/keep guys who didn't learn "bad habits" and make a name for themselves in the indys?

  179. Nah she's just a platonic friend. Legit friend and I've seen her in a bikini, stretch marks from the kid, some of those leg of vein things. I'm not saying she isn't attractive but her value as friend is worth more to me than whatever tread is left on a 31 year old puss that popped out a kid and my good friend has been jizzing in for three years. Plus she likes guys that go for hikes and will run with her and play daddy to her kid. I like to play basketball (but not with girls) and otherwise I'm a take the elevator kind of guy.

  180. As far as the split the gift gimmick I don't want my gf hogging up the lions share of the credit when she didn't pick it out and I know she's too broke to chip in $168 bucks (her half). I just picture my friend thanking her first and assuming it was her idea when my gf is the one who pissed on my parade in the first place. My-intentions are legit pure so I think I might just give it to her straight up and if my other friend (her bf) says shit I'll lie about a discount

  181. Unwilling to fuck someone else's woman... weird.

  182. Which is weird because I always figured he was one of the indy guys that stood the MOST chance back before he was that young knockout kid. He had more charisma and personality than most indy guys. Watch any of his stuff during the CZW/ROH feud, he was GREAT at working the crowd.

  183. I'm done with the relationship. I checked out a while ago. Sounds cliche but I was just sticking around for the boys.

  184. I used to think that physique and what not didn't matter anymore. I have a co-worker that looks just like D-Bry. He doesn't watch so he went to and then asked why all the guys were so small. Not sure how many people think like this, but there are some that do.

  185. Didn't meltzer say Axel blew out both of his hips? Lol.

  186. Oh yeah, I agree with that. I hope this "push" they're getting is actually serious and they aren't lameduck challengers of the month for Cody and Dustin. I myself think Cesaro should be in the upper midcard, but if HHH is serious about rebuilding the tag division, WTP as a serious and legitimate team could really help it

  187. I'd fuck someone's girl friend no problem, but I'd feel like I was touching dicks with my buddy here.

  188. Good. Glad we can still be friends... differences of opinion on drugs is one thing but if you were all "The sanctity of relationships must be respected" I would have had to move on... I wouldn't even have given you a token "Its not you its me"

  189. Stranger in the AlpsNovember 9, 2013 at 11:54 AM

    The viewing audience's awareness of where Spike TV lies on their on-screen TV guide is not the point I was trying to make.

  190. LOL. It's good, but I actually am in college. I'm becoming a doctor. That's what they call it after 8 years right?

  191. I noticed Willie is only booked for one night, so that could be one match...but since this is his big return from WWE, I'm thinking they might reshuffle the card and get him in there with a bigger name.

  192. He didn't, but Punk's got charisma and talent to burn, AND somehow is blunt enough to stand up when he's being pushed. He doesn't sit down and take anything, which Vince weirdly respects.

  193. No. PWInsider reported he suffered a hip flexor injury

  194. But the thing is that Chris Hero will be able to make a decent living in wrestling. He's talented, just not necessarily right for WWE. Or perhaps he will be right if he becomes a star someplace else, like Christian did, and then they rehire him based on his new standing.

  195. Clear it with the boyfriend, as long as he knows what you're doing, it's all good. Communication makes everything easier.


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