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The Bullshit UFC Judging Thread

Um, yeah, so WHAT THE FUCK?  I love GSP, but WHAT THE FUCK?  How can you even justify giving him anything but the third and fifth?


  1. That's pretty difficult to explain. I think the third was clearly GSP's despite the late takedown. The fifth, maaaaybe. Beyond that - no way. Twitter is surely trending "bullshit" right now.

  2. Never let it go to the judges. Never let it go to the judges. Never let it go to the judges...

  3. This is why I prefer the rigged sport

  4. I gave GSP the third and fifth. I just can't see where he won any other rounds.

  5. Agreed. It's pretty ridiculous when GSP face is all busted up, Hendricks barely has a scratch on him and the former is declared the victor. There's just no way Hendricks didn't win that fight. He clearly won rounds 1, 2 and 4. I guess it's easy to say never let it go to the judges, but you'd also expect the judges to deliver the correct result in the main event of the 20th anniversary.

  6. Same... championship advantage gave him that win

  7. OMG King that's Frankie Edgar's music!

  8. I dunno, boxing isn't what is used to be.

  9. Blame the 10 point must system. Johnny easily won 2 and 4. GSP won 3 and 5 (not by much) and round 1 was a toss up. If this was Pride, Johnny would have won as if you view the fight as a whole he clearly won.

  10. They hand out the exact judges scorecards a couple hours after the fight ends. It'll be very interesting to see what judges gave GSP what rounds.

    I suspect 1 judge gave him 2 and 1 judge gave him 1 and all 3 judges gave him 3 and 5. But we'll know for sure soon.

  11. GSP recovered and out struck him in the second. Hilariously though, the judges gave him round one. The round he most definitely lost.

  12. GSP was given round 1.

  13. This is why I go with the Teddy Atlas system of judging - "Who would you rather be at the end?"...if you chose GSP, you're a masochist.

  14. Scott, first, I am a huge fan (since the late 90's) and this is my first time posting/commenting.
    Re-watch the first round on mute. It was closer than most think. I personally think Johnny won, but the first was really close.

  15. GSP is like the John Cena of UFC. Even if he clearly loses, he somehow wins in the end.

  16. Was this as bad as Machida-Shogun? Or Frankie-Benson?

  17. UFC is connected by ownership to a chain of casinos. I have always wondered if something like this would happen if too much money bet on the 'loser'.

  18. Correct.

    On the other hand, there is something to be said for an audience "watching for someone to win", and I was definitely watching for Hendricks to win. GSP may have done enough that I just wasn't watching for.

    Eh, never mind. I can't say it was close enough for even that bullshit.

  19. I haven't seen as much outrage here since a Daniel Bryan since like yesterday

  20. On the other hand, at least all the people I REALLY dislike in the UFC lost - Kos, Rory, I'm happy-ish.

  21. MMA is a low handle sport. Most casinos have betting limits and what gets bet on even the biggest MMA fight is maybe 5%-10% of what gets bet on a big time boxing match.

    As the quote goes, "do not attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by incompetence". Just your standard MMA/boxing judges who don't understand what they're watching.

  22. Chael P is cool. Good promo and won me over by being an awesome coach on TYF. Agreed in the other two though.

  23. UFC doesn't hire the judges

  24. Hiring judges has nothing to do with UFC. Same with refs.

  25. Chael said some moderately racist stuff against Brazilians (if that's even possible - unsure if "Brazilian" is a race), so as a half-Brazilian, I'm legally obligated to dislike him.


    Oh, wait, wrong thread. My bad!

  27. I would also like to note that UFC fans, in the wild, are some serious dumb-shits.

  28. Meh, I dislike it more, but no. It wasn't "THE GREATEST ROBBERY OF ALL TIME". It was still bad. But, even if you step barefoot in the nicest turd ever, you are still covered in shit.

  29. This is an excellent point.

    GSP still lost, though, even under the shitty UFC judging rules.

  30. Shame UFC isn't still affiliated with Spike. Taz could give Hendricks his old FTW Title.

  31. "I haven't seen anyone that thinks, outside of Dave Meltzer, that Georges won this fight."
    Dana White going right at the WON

  32. To be fair Josh Gross also had it for GSP. But yeah everywhere else I've read on the net has it 48-47 Hendricks and ALL of them have the same scores, 3,5 for GSP and 1,2,4 for Hendricks.

  33. I just found Dana shooting on Meltzer to be very amusing.

  34. At least GSP didn't beat with with a Pedigree after a month of making racially charged comments towards him.


    I don't get the outrage. GSP outrikes Hendrix in the first round. Takedowns are even. You've got to beat the champ to take the belt, and Henrix didn'ttt do it.

  36. Whoa, Chael lost in round 1?

  37. GSP just showed up to the post-fight press conference looking like he went head first through a windshield. Hendricks is sitting there dipping Skoal without a mark on him.

  38. Another GSP fight going to decision. I am shocked.

  39. He wasn't laying around for this one though. I've been saying that constantly on the blog leading up to the fight, but GSP was actually fighting from behind for most of this fight.

  40. Ugh... technical difficulties on the press conference.

  41. He realistically didn't have even a puncher's chance against Rashad Evans... especially considering the guy has pillows for hands. He's still my favorite though.

  42. I was thinking he was like the Randy Orton. Although I didn't see the match, but I'm assuming Shawn Michaels superkicked Hendricks and put GSP on top for the win. At least based on the reaction here.

  43. GSP: The dogs are in the enclosed pool area.

  44. What is his physical address?

  45. For real though, sounds like Georges is talking about a mental health issue... and with what we know about concussions and depression/anxiety, it's scary stuff.

  46. Argh... just as it was getting good. I wanted to hear GSP's reaction to Dana kinda throwing him under the bus.

  47. Has to be Lawler vs Hendricks for the belt if GSP really retires. With Condit waiting in the wings.

  48. Scary. Concussions are like a dark cloud looming over every contact sport. Which really sucks when your favorite sports are MMA and Rugby. On that note, great win for the All Blacks against England last night.

  49. I still can't believe he mamaged to beat Shogun in round 1.

  50. The ref was awful in that game. Good test though!

  51. Go back to laundering moneyNovember 17, 2013 at 1:07 AM

    Chael is garbage. I don't pay to watch his fights and don't care to watch him lose; contrary to what his supporters claim. He's everything wrong with the sport. I just want him gone. Hopefully he taps his way out of the UFC but we know uncle Dana won't let that happen and he'll get another Rua-type fight where he beats a guy who's just over the hill in order to make him seem legit.

  52. Go back to laundering moneyNovember 17, 2013 at 1:10 AM

    I have no horses in this race; but watching GSP win that made me mad. Just before the decision when Hendricks was jumping around celebrating I joked it would be funny if somehow GSP won; but I wasn't laughing when Hendricks "lost". Total garbage

  53. Go back to laundering moneyNovember 17, 2013 at 1:11 AM

    "GSP still lost though, even under the shitty UFC judging rules."


  54. Go back to laundering moneyNovember 17, 2013 at 1:12 AM

    Said George St Pierre NEVER

  55. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 17, 2013 at 2:05 AM

    God bless Dana White. He's the greatest.

  56. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!November 17, 2013 at 2:09 AM

    Yeah, that's why they can't get the sport legalized in New Fucking York. :P

  57. I just watched it again more intently, and although round 1 was closer than I had originally thought, I believe Hendricks still won it.

    I also am no longer blaming the judges, but the shitty scoring system. As I said in the other thread, 10 point must will never work with 3 or 5 rounds unless you start doling out 10-7's and 10-8's more. This fight was not really 48-47 close, but that's how it had to be scored.

  58. You do realize that is Chael's shtick right?

  59. I really hate the fact Meltzer thinks he's an MMA expert

  60. The judges are hired by the state athletic commission, not the UFC. Also, with all the bullshit the ACs have put the UFC through, all the questionable or outright awful fight judgments and the countless times Dana has thrown people like Keith Kizer under the bus in press conferences and interviews, if there's collusion happening, it's the greatest work since Montreal.

    (Now THAT is how you light a fuse and walk away)

  61. Well, concussions (even though it sounds like it) are not a mental health issue. If he had an issue with concussions or something, he wouldn't have gotten into the octagon.

  62. GSP admitted in an interview this week that he is clinically OCD.

  63. Why is Chael "everything wrong with UFC"?

  64. They were at least zenophobic and bigoted comments towards Brazilians and he's addressed them towards black Brazilians so one can be a stickler and call them racist comments as well. As for you being unsure if "Brazilians" is a race, they're a people consisting of various races including Native Americans, White Portuguese, Africans, and even Arab and Japanese descendants. As a half-Brazilian, you should know this.

  65. From a technical standpoint the second was closer than originally thought. Hendricks had him wobbly but GSP was scoring with all those clean jabs and probably hit him more times towards the end. And the first round was also close and even Hendricks' corner after the second said he "probably" has 2 rounds so there was a bit of doubt in their eyes. Not as bad a decision as I've seen I believe but it could have gone either way.

  66. This is a case of "Don't hate the playa, hate the game." Did Hendricks win the fight by the naked eye? Yes. Did he win it by the 10-point must system? 48-47 is definitely the correct score, and it depends on how you saw round 1, which was dead even by all statistics. Not a shock that the razor-close round went to the champ on 2 of the 3 cards.

    Hendricks shouldn't have coasted through round 5. Just like in football, prevent victory prevented victory for him.

  67. To be the champ you have to beat the champ...

  68. How isn't he? He's been covering it since the first UFC event, and has even been a judge!

  69. I rewatched..the first round was close but I think Hendricks won it.


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