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The SmarK Rant for WWE NXT–11.06.13

The SmarK Rant for WWE NXT – 11.06.13

Taped from Orlando, FL

Your hosts are Tom Phillips, Renee Young & Alex Riley

Sylvester Lefort v. Alexander Rusev

Our mysterious Russian woman dismisses Lefort as Rusev’s manager, even though all his payments were on time! Rusev’s graphic notes that her name is “Lana”. OK then. Lefort casually tries to bribe Rusev into letting him live, but sadly the camel clutch finishes at 0:11. Well, you can’t fault the strategy.

Meanwhile, the Mean Girls “apologize” to Bayley for breaking her headband, but Charlotte informs them that they do not in fact run the locker room. Bayley, however, seems intrigued by Summer’s flattery.

Weirdly, the graphic that airs for the upcoming Luke Harper-Kassius Ohno match makes it sound like we just heard a Harper promo. Which we did not.

El Local v. Leo Kruger

Kruger hits a spinebuster WITH AUTHORITY for two and tosses Local around like a sack of garbage, then puts him down with a lariat and hits a series of snap suplexes into a guillotine to finish at 2:10. Kruger’s still lacking something with this character.

Meanwhile, Paige and Emma have a bitchy confrontation after their match last week. Mostly Paige.

Another random Hulu oddity: I get a Spanish commercial for that new “Frozen” movie. WTF?

Travis Tyler & Troy McClain v. The Ascension

OK, I have to wonder if the “Troy and Travis” deal with the jobbers is a deliberate rib based on Tekno Team 2000. Usual squash from the champs here as they finish with the Total Elimination at 1:30. It’s well past time to come up with a new babyface team to challenge them.

Mojo Rawley v. Ty Dillinger

Mojo has some interesting tights going on, like he took Crush’s tights from the early 90s and cut them into new gear. The crowd is right into a “Let’s Go Mojo” chant when the jobber cuts him off and pounds away on the ropes. Mojo no-sells some chops, but Dillinger takes him down for a chinlock. Mojo comes back with a slam and GETS HYPED, hitting the guy with corner splashes and finishing with the buttdrop at 3:21. There is definitely something there with Mojo. *1/2

Meanwhile, on RAW, they actually make me watch that stupid fucking Big Show-Orton angle AGAIN.

Luke Harper v. Kassius Ohno

They slug it out to start as the announcers kind of pretend like Harper squashing Ohno a few weeks ago didn’t happen. Harper gets a backdrop and slams Ohno to take over, then controls with kicky-punchy stuff. Harper with a cravat and he continues pounding on Ohno while even the announcers point out how boring this is. Ohno finally puts Harper on the floor and we take a break. Back with Ohno bumping to the floor off a big boot, and Harper drops elbows back in the ring for two. Blind charge misses and Ohno gets two, but Harper puts him down again and goes to another facelock. Finally Ohno makes his comeback with a dropkick and slugs away, and a Buff Blockbuster gets two. Harper catches him with a bossman slam for two. Big boot gets two. Ohno gets his rolling elbow, but it only gets two, and Harper lariats him to finish at 15:50. It’s not looking like Ohno is getting to the main roster, as Harper was treated like a big star and Ohno was the plucky developmental guy trying for an upset win. **

The Pulse

Another placeholder show this week. The absence of Sami Zayn and dare I say even Bo Dallas is really evident. But at least they’re keeping the squashy shows short, with another 40 minute one this time.

Next week: Charlotte & Bayley v. The Mean Girls, and Adrian Neville v. Corey Graves 2/3 Falls!


  1. Can I watch this in Canada without being subscribed to Hulu? The episodes are never on youtube or other places when I look.


  3. You might want to check Sportsnet 360 on Thursdays.


  5. I think next week is the final show of the Dallas/Zayn-less tapings, then you get some really good stuff coming again, including a MOTY candidate probably airing in 3 weeks if I calculate it right.

  6. Mojo seems like the second coming of Monty Brown. Part of his finishing sequence looked to be The Pounce.

  7. Daaanger zooooone!

  8. Hi, I'm Troy McClain! You may remember me from such secondary shows as the 6:05 Power Hour, and the WWF Spotlight feature match against Scott Casey!

  9. does it involve a certain Canadian pseudo luchador with a penchant for generic behavior? please say yes.

  10. don't they have some more indie guys waiting in the wings?

  11. Yes. Not saying his opponent though as that would be a spoiler.

  12. If Bryan & Punk are being cast aside for the moment, can we have them return with a new Nexus-type invasion of the main roster including some of the better NXT talent? They come back with a band of misfits to rival the HHH old guard, giving guys like Ohno, Zayn, etc an instant rub and finally infuse some more new blood into the new roster?

  13. Not being in the main event and feuding with someone you don't like <> 'being cast aside'.

  14. Hero might wanna see the writing that's one the wall already.

  15. Dolph Ziggler is being cast aside as well. All future wrestlers should find out exactly whatever it is he did and then DO THE OPPOSITE.

  16. Yeah, but he's under contract, so it's not like he can just up and leave. I think perhaps a smarter move would be to go ask the people in charge for a new character or pointers or something, because his Young Knockout Kid deal is just not translating.

  17. Probably because that's not his strong suit. When he was making his name and getting huge on the indie circuit, it was with his weasely-ass douchebag heel shtick. Let him be a total scumbag. He's shown glimpses of it ("what are you gonna do, arm drag me?!") but let him go full-blown with it and watch him get reactions.

  18. It's free on Hulu.

  19. The Pounce could be a hell of a better finisher than an Earthquake buttdrop

  20. There'd better be no heel Bayley. She's too good as the goofy face.

  21. I keep reading McClain as McClure.

  22. He's from Cleveland. We all get shit on!

  23. The Ghost of Faffner HallNovember 7, 2013 at 10:23 PM

    At 5:00 PM (Pacific time)

  24. The Ghost of Faffner HallNovember 7, 2013 at 10:26 PM

    I could see the Mean Girls tricking her into thinking that Charlotte turned on her, and then they keep Bayley around for a while as a lackey, so she can carry their bags and whatnot, and Bayley would be too starstruck to realize she's being played.

  25. I saw Bailey's promo practice video and I could totally see her character snapping at some point.

  26. I saw Bailey's promo practice video and I could totally see her character snapping at some point.


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