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Wrestling on the Marquee will have a video series called "When Wrestling was on the Marquee" with 3 hours shows of classic wrestling.  Two reasons I'm posting this:

1) I'm not sure if it has any connection to the posts of the same name made on  If it does, kudos to getting a video series.

2) Many famous wrestlers from the past appear here, from the Fabulous Kangaroos to......Paul Christy?  (Check the 2:30 minute mark for the commentary)

Looks like they got rights to a bunch of footage from Joe Blanchard's territory, which is one of the few not owned by WWE.  You could put that together with some of the public domain Memphis stuff and make a pretty good classic wrestling DVD for cheap, actually.  I'd check it out when it's released.  


  1. So stuff from the wrestling gold series from 10 years ago?

  2. One of the few things I'll happily give credit to the WWE for lately is their handling of old promotions on DVD.

    I never got into wrestling until 1996. I had to learn about my Flairs and Steamboats, my Freebirds and Von Erichs, and my Lawlers, Big Van Vaders, and Dynamite Kids through WWE produced DVDs.

    And not only to they put the good matches on the sets, I also feel that they give other promotions and time periods an honest shake. They will admit NBC wanted a "WCCW Presentstion". They will allow the talking heads to note that 80s Crockett Promotions is where the athleticism was.

    So while it may be depressing that almost all of wrestling's past is owned by one company, at least it's not locked in a vault.

  3. It can't be that specific footage because Kit Parker owns the rights to it, but I imagine it's from a similar collection.

  4. I only ever watched them with the cornette commentary anyway. Man, he hated Bob Sweetan.

  5. As it should be. Yuck to molesters.

  6. all except wcw

  7. Threadjack.

    I just finished "Jim Cornette and the Midnight Express 25th Ann Scrapbook" Details obviously the genesis of the team from the Condrey/Rose/Austin "freebird" version (lil backstory on them) until the Eaton/Lane we all know and love. It ends with the reunions they have done up until 2009.

    Sadly, no Bombastic Bob and Bodacious Bart.

    The highpoints are the pictures. Loads and loads of pictures. For a fan of old school wrestling its a delight

    It's ok... If you have seen his shoots, you aint missing nothing.

    Lowpoint: Too many gate receipts and that's an understatement. Its basically every page,

    Definitely worth an acquire, or pick it up VERY cheap. Not worth buying.

  8. Thread jack: The sequel

    So I am watching the 1996 WCW Timeline with Kevin Sullivan and its around May and of course its Hall jumping over. A little tidbit that they glossed over was that overtures were made to HBK at the same time.

    Now it was my understanding that HBK never got offered to jump and HBK never even questioned it but here is my question to the BoD.

    If HBK jumps with Hall and Nash, what do you with Hogan? He had creative control. You can't keep those three and Hogan away from each other for too long and i believe that at that time, there is no way HBK plays second fiddle to Hogan.

    I say either send him home and pay him out his contract, or fire him and suffer through the litigations.

    I think a Clique-based NWO vs the Horsemen/Sting/Luger would have done bigger business than they did, because you have the cruisers opening the card.

    Then you have HBK in 96 going against Flair (who could still go) Sting/Luger and the Steiners.

    The 6-8 mans on Nitro would have been insane.

    WarGames would have rivaled 87 and 92.

    Sorry, just had an inner mark-out moment.

  9. Knickerbocker SchnoodlesnookNovember 2, 2013 at 3:39 AM

    I say Shawn does play second fiddle to Hogan, until perhaps 1998 where Shawn would turn face to dethrone him.

    Does Shawn still get injured and stop wrestling in this timeline?

  10. Another follow-up question: if Shawn jumps, does he ever get clean?

  11. I dont think so, but he sees Whisper sooner, so who knows?

  12. There's no way HBK nwo is bigger than hogan nwo. Hogan turning is the biggest moment in nwo history. HBK isn't even a bigger star than Nash at the time.

  13. I've had the book for a while... and he uses said receipts to show that yes, individual wrestlers/teams could make a real impact on the house, when booked correctly. Which is the dead opposite to the approach WWE uses now.

    (Interestingly enough, It's not the Midnights, but JYD who provides the best example of the above. New Orleans with JYD: HUGE houses in the Dome. New Orleans without JYD: Can't even sell out the New Orleans Auditorium (capacity 5000.)

  14. I've watched it with both commentary sets... the "natural" commentary is, unsurprisingly, all over the place but mostly just poor.

  15. Here's the thing... when did they first meet?

    Because 96-97 Shawn might just be such a turn-off to her, especially if they meet when he's fucked up.


    I still need to watch it... but I just have the feeling it's not going to work out. Fuller's too old school, IMO, to get the right track on something like the NWO Kliq.

  17. I disagree that HBK led NWO is bigger then a Hogan led one. Its still a huge money making angle, it just doesnt reach the level it got to with Hogan IMO. As big for business a HBK defection would have been for WCW, I dont think it outweighs what the Hogan nwo rejuvenation

  18. I think that 1996 Hogan wins all political pissing contests.
    I think the if HBK shows up then he settles in behind Hogan while hoping to take him out in the long run.

  19. Not be fantasy love connecting BUT...

    Whisper didnt come on until 98 (cuz I was a Nitro Girls fan being i was like 15-16 at the time as was definitely looking at them... Fyre and Chae being my faves btw) while Shawn was out.

    Nash was rumored to been fucking Chae (jealous. Look at his YouShoot Sean is very clever in throwing those questions out during the Fuck. Marry Kill segments) I can see having an "in" with the girls being a top guy.

    It wasnt hard to hook him up while working for a different company, Im sure it'd be easier for him to spit at her if he was in the same company.

  20. Theres no question Hogan wins backstage, I just dont think HBK would have any of that from the outset, expecially with 3 of his guys already over there.

    Add to the fact the Charlotte clique (Flair, Arn et al) wasnt in the Hogan camp at this time. So itd be a "trade the devil you do know, for the devil you dont"

    I'm asking if you are the booker, or had final say in terms of mgmt, do you toss him to the side, or do you keep him on board in hopes of everybody jelling?

  21. Perfect world, HBK comes in as is in 96. Surely there are nagging injries, but the back isnt as fucked as it would get in 98

  22. One of the most intetesting "what ifs" to me is what happens if Hogan insists on staying face to oppose the nwo.

    He had complete creative control...does he insist on going over the entire nwo in 5 months, thus killing off what we know as the biggest wrestling angle ever in 5 months? Does Bischoff see the money with the nwo and pay Hogan to stay home? Does face Hogam continue to suck as a draw and he just hoes away? Does Hogan see the money in the angle and let himself get bested for 10 months only to get a bigger payoff? So many fascinating questions

  23. Hogan turning is the biggest moment in NWO history, no doubt.

    Im just asking what you do with Hogan, if HBK is brought in? Im not discounting what hogan did, im a huge fan of it until Starrcade 97.

    Im just saying, if to rewrite it and HBK comes over with the Outsiders, what would you do?

  24. I'll keep saying it forever, Hogan not jumping and the NWO is DOA by Starrcade 96.

    Creative control kills everything.

    If he came down at BATB and saved Macho, that would have been the beginning of the end for Hall and Nash at that point.

  25. Agreed - as much as I love Shawn, he was never the star and money-maker that Hogan was.

  26. I think it's a waste to even bring him in. He doesn't have as much impact as the other two and if he starts after Hogan turns, he just gets lost in the shuffle.

  27. Since the most likely scenario I see in the alternate world you created is Hogan insisting on going over the entire nwo in 7 months, thus killing it in the process, I think you have to pay him to go away.

    He wasnt drawing as a face anymore, hed insist on sucking off the nwos heat by being the lead opposing face, plus I think Bischoff would have been smart enough to see the money in the nwo. "Get hogan the fuck out" I is the direction id go

  28. Wow, what a scary, "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" type of thought. Yeah, if Shawn had jumped to WCW and continued hanging around his Clique buddies on a daily basis, there's definitely a chance he'd be dead by now. Not a certainty by any means, but a chance.

  29. I agree with this - I also don't think he would have worked as an "nWo" character, which, originally, was composed of a bunch of big, tough guys that wouldn't have minded beating you half to death with a baseball bat.

    Shawn's always been more of a pompous, self-righteous asshole as a heel, not a vicious killer. Not saying that he COULDN'T have played such a role, just that I have trouble picturing it.

  30. Yea man, no doubt in my mind. Its so interesting to me that hed be able to steamroll the biggest angle ever, along with all those who backed it, in 5 months.

    "Look at what Hall amd Nash did up north brother, not to much. I gotta go over them right now brother."

  31. fair enough, just throwing out the scenario to gauge response

  32. hell anyone of them could have been

  33. I proceed much as happened in real life. Hogan turns and leads the NWO. HBK jumping and leading the faction is not as huge of a deal as Hogan doing the full blown heel turn to lead.
    HBK is a member of a Hogan led group. At least to start.

  34. Thread jack: but...

    In what has to be the largest difference in poll history, they currently have a poll up asking fans who's better - Triple H or Chris Jericho and 97% have voted for Jericho with almost 65,000 votes. Jericho responded on Twitter:

    "Haha OUCH!"

  35. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryNovember 2, 2013 at 10:46 AM

    I think he'd be dead if not for the 4 year layoff. That back injury he suffered at RR98 probably saved his life.

  36. I'd put the odds of one of them (Michaels, Nash, Hall, Waltman) being dead, in my scenario, at 100%. And there's honestly no favorite in that deadly "race".

    Two of them? Under 50%, mainly because one of them dying MIGHT have really hit close to home. Depends on when the first one goes, in all honesty.

  37. If we're still running Hogan-Sting at Starrcade 1997, 18 months after the beginning... then we should be looking at the endgame for the NWO.

    However, if we're willing to push the storyline up, and have Sting challenge Hogan at GAB 1997 instead, the NWO concept isn't quite ready to be put to sleep.

    Nash/Hall/Michaels/Waltman (if still around) taking over, even at the cost of sending Hogan home (his contract had only a year left IIRC), could work.

    Problem: Everything hinges on somehow convincing Hogan to lose to Sting cleanly. Good luck.

  38. Dude, you know thatll be 70-30 in HHHs favor when the poll is taken down.

  39. Triple H making a small comeback, it's now 96-4 at 68,120 votes.

  40. That's a bit of an unwieldy title.

  41. They should just go all out at the end and say it's 101%-1% for Triple H with a 1% margin of error.


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