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Hulk Hogan and Cowboy Bob Orton main Event WM 30???

Hey Scott, any chance with the rumored involvement of the Hulkster the WM match we get is Cena and Hogan against Orton and his dad?  There would be the symmetry of 2 guys from the WM1 Main Event in there 30 years later and can continue the "legendary" Cena-Orton feud.  And Bob can even wear the cast!

In this scenario I'd have Punk-HHH for the title as the main event with Dbry-HBK and Brock-Taker as the other features.  Or, if Shawn really won't wrestle again, how about Punk-HHH-Bryan triple threat for the title with HBK as special ref?

Or am I crazy and we are getting Cena-HHH for the title to end this storyline once and for all?

Bob Orton still has major heat due to working matches in 2005 and blading after being diagnosed with Hepatitis.  I really doubt they'd bring him back again, especially for a payday like that.

And they still have no idea where they're going at this point aside from "Cena maybe in a tag match with or against Hogan or something, and Vince against HHH somehow" according to the WON. So I guess anything is possible.


  1. Hogan is legitimately in talks for a Wrestlemania payday? Holy shit.....

  2. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!December 14, 2013 at 6:44 AM

    I absolutely want to see it happen for a number of reasons:

    1. I like Triple H more than I do Cena and Orton.
    2. It would fit his character of being the malevolent COO.
    3. Cena and Orton are boring options.
    4. Yes, the outrage would be hilarious.
    5. It could potentially set up HHH/Bryan at 'Mania, which I thought was the goal since SummerSlam.
    6. A triple threat rematch sounds pretty good for Royal Rumble, if not Cena and/or Orton are important entrants for the Rumble itself.
    7. The outrage would be so funny that it deserves another spot on this list.
    8. The match itself is boring! Does anyone want to really see this?
    9. Sledgehammers = buyrates. Look it up.
    10. After Triple H wins, Cena will make a "goddamn it" face while Orton will make his inimitable "huh?" expression.

  3. This was a much nicer response then I expected from scott after seeing the title of the post.

    Once again, all together now...Fuck everything thats not Cena/UT. I must say, id be intriued by a Cena/Hogan match even though I think its a long shot.

  4. Pat Patterson Prolapsed!December 14, 2013 at 6:48 AM

    If that scenario comes true, then I hope Cowboy Bob pulls a 2.7 Muta and bleeds his Hepatitis blood into everyone's mouth.

  5. Also, biggest hbk fan around but I dont want to see him come back. Dude went out perfectly BUT if he does anything besides a 1-1 vs Bryan would be disappointing. No, I dont want to see him share the spotlight with HHH I a tag match

  6. This is how I feel at this point. Things id also want to see happen, strictly for the backlash...Hogan go over Bryan with a leg drop, HHH pinning Punk again, HHH going over Bryan at WM

  7. Hogan, Cena and Bryan vs Triple H, Orton and Punk with Roddy Piper as guest ref.

  8. YankeesHoganTripleHFanDecember 14, 2013 at 7:01 AM

    Oh that would be epic...the blog would break.

  9. Nobody knows. Cena, Vince's PR ventriloquist dummy, has said that "it wouldn't be Wrestlemania without Hogan" and such, so they're at least leaving the door open to the idea.

  10. I don't hate this idea

  11. Upvoted for Making a Difference Dean Ambrose

  12. I keep hearing that HHH will walk out with the belt, but how? Is he just going to announce him vs the winner right after?

  13. HHH is walking out with the title. Seeing is posted here has made realize that.

  14. I knew this would be a possibility when, of all things, I noticed that HHH has the title on the cover of the Scooby-Doo/WWE crossover. I'd love to see Scott's reaction to THAT, as the trailer is out as well.

  15. P.S. forget that, I want Jerry Lawler to jump out of the announcers' booth, pull out his old AWA/WCCW unified world title, and proclaim himself the REAL unified champion.

  16. Maybe Cena and Orton will come to the ring so strung out on drugs (probably) that HHH will have no choice but to take the title in 90 seconds. Then when the crowd chants "BULLSHIT!" he can yell back, "I AGREE!"

  17. That would be a good one note midcard character. He could be a guy who goes around being a massive dick to sick children.

  18. Evil Patch Adams is the new Doink

  19. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 14, 2013 at 8:10 AM

    What makes you think HHH doesn't have the Bookers work 24 hours a day trying to figure out a way to make that happen.

    HHH = Verne Gagne. Just be glad him and Steph don't have a son.

  20. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 14, 2013 at 8:11 AM HHH can hit him with a sledgehammer and order the ref to start the match iike it was MiTB and pin him too?

  21. If Bob fucking Orton works a Wrestlemania main 2014...this lockerroom needs to mutiny. Seriously, having Hulk Hogan do anything more than a token appearance or maybe escorting John Cena or someone to the ring is laughable. They can't find a way to elevate new stars, but now it's not just Undertaker, Rock and HBK's Bob Orton and Hulk Hogan?

  22. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 14, 2013 at 8:13 AM

  23. Hogan and HHH squashing Punk and Bryan at Mania. Book it!

  24. It's actually happening. The signs have been there.

    He's been very vague. He never says that either Cena or Orton are going to walk out of TLC as Unified Champion. He says that only one man will walk out as champion. Steph has been over the top ridiculous in hyping up Triple H's championship success over the past few weeks. Triple H hasn't been happy with Orton and you know he won't side with Cena. On SmackDown, Triple H told Randy "We [The Authority} know exactly where our faith lies" and then walked away. It's happening. The King of Kings becomes the Champion of Champions.

    I'm surprisingly okay with it as long as he loses the belt to either Bryan or Punk at 'Mania. Hopefully Bryan to wrap up their story. Just don't be surprised if HHH tomorrow night. It actually would fit well.

  25. If you don't think Aurora Rose is going to get the rocket push, then kind sir, you are sorely mistaken

  26. The outrage would be great but the tv would still be terrible. I really don't care what happens as long as the shows are fun to watch. Has anyone had fun seeing The Authority on tv the last 3 months?

    Secondly, for all this stuff about fans on the internet being too small a percentage to matter, they sure do spend a lot of time trolling us. If I were a COO where would my focus be? Putting out a good product that made money or spending way too much time needling 1% of my audience?

  27. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 14, 2013 at 8:27 AM

    That would be a hot angle:

    /[Jesse Baker]Cena is about to clime the ladder when Cowboy Bob runs in and cuts himself like he was Abyss. Cena runs out because he's scared of infection and Randy easily limbs the ladder. [/Jesse Baker]

  28. I will hate it enough for both of us then. ;-)

  29. Why is punk teaming with hhh and Orton in they scenario? Seems to me like they're going to have punk feud with hhh after the ending to raw.

  30. But, who gets the pin?

  31. Hogan breaks the streak or gtfo.

  32. Does Cena get to spit on anyone after the show, or does HHH run out of the building.

  33. HHH pins all three at once while dressed as Conan and peeing on a picture of the rock.

  34. "I can't wait to see people rage" -Troll, 2013

    To whoever sent this--seriously, sod off. You visit wrestling websites constantly. You are so engaged and involved in wrestling that you're e-mailing a wrestling author and blogger. Yet, you are somehow above the rest of the fans who get emotionally invested in it? You're the laid back, cool Kevin Nash of the IWC, I guess.

    Sorry... just don't like the hypocritical and rude nature of fans who want to laugh at other fans.

  35. The Hulkster is going to be mad.

  36. I don't care about any of this shit, give me Austin/Punk dammit.

  37. He'll take out both guys after a hard fought match and pull the belts down himself.

  38. Forgot to add: while hbk cries in the corner.

  39. Exactly, and by him taking out both guys you mean after he stands patiently at ring side and goes for them 20 minutes later?

  40. With his tongue shoved down Stephs throat

  41. Please let me end the match now.

  42. I always considered myself the Kevin Nash of internet fans but mainly because I only type my comments with a fingerless black glove.

  43. The window for that was Wrestlemania 27. Austin - Cena is the much bigger money match.

  44. You're right, HHH is doing a good job of not saying either or is going to be the champion, and if the rumors do become true and HHH wins, I actually have no problem with that. Even though it's HHH, at least it's something different.

  45. Don't downvote me, ChinChandango

  46. As long as Mr. T, Piper, or Paul don't make an appearance, we should be fine.

  47. That could....actually be good if they went somewhere with it. If the payoff was Bryan over Trips for the belt at Mania it'd make perfect sense, really. They're not going to do that, I'm sure, but it would be the best payoff to this trainwreck they could come up with.

  48. Here's my Wrestlemania Card:

    Main Event: Brock Lesnar Vs. Undertaker
    Semi Main Event: John Cena vs. CM Punk (World Title)
    Semi Semi Main Event: Shawn Michaels vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H (You know he's getting on the card)
    (jumble those up however)

    The breakup of the shield in a three way match for US Title: Reigns, Ambrose...and oh my god I forgot the other guy's name. Twiggy?

    and then the rest is whatever.

  49. You mean this?

  50. Did you know that following Katrina Mr. T stopped wearing all his chains and junk?

  51. It's pretty much where they are headed as a company if they keep this shit up.

  52. WWE not knowing what they're doing or where they're going? That's unpossible.

  53. If they don't know, then we can't know, and then...Dollars?

  54. Please no. We don't need Lawler getting another heart attack after getting whacked by the hammer...

  55. Dont 100% agree but love the passion. Upvote

  56. I'm likely alone on this, but I'd love to have Triple H vs. Ultimate Warrior. You know HHH would love to get that win back. Or maybe he'd be willing to go over Warrior since it'd his only appearance. Unlikely. But it's the only match I can think of where I'd be fine with either guy going over.

  57. For some reason I agree with this. HHH has no problem putting others over just like previous WrestleManias (Benoit, Cena, Orton). Just don't tell Booker T about this.

  58. I could accept Bob doing an in and out run-in smacking Randy's opponent with a cast, but beyond that is a bit much. Maybe have Hogan as a special guest host or something.

  59. While Cole shouts, "This is truly a wrestlemania moment!"

  60. Actually, how about this: Cena and Orton are on top of the ladder reaching for the belts, hhh's music hits and they're both so distracted they don't notice hhh casually pulling the belts down with a really long sledgehammer.

  61. Seth Rollins

    Tyler Black is also acceptable

  62. Wait what? What do Farva and Chin have to do with each other?

  63. And from out of nowhere:

    Schiavone: The Greatest Night in the History of Our Sport!!!

  64. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 14, 2013 at 9:35 AM

    But it will bring RATINGS!!

  65. If you're going to break the streak, it should
    Be to push a guy to the tippy-top, not to massage Hogans ego.

  66. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 14, 2013 at 9:36 AM

    Youngest Champion in WWE History verses HHH in an inter gender match for the Unified title at Wrestlemania 31.

  67. I legit LOL at this.

  68. It would be a great heel move, honestly. It's not like Triple H is 2002 boring right now. Argue with his creative direction all you want, the man has been consistently entertaining and the reason we've been booing him is because he wants us to. We're being worked already. Why not go for it 100 percent?

  69. For the main event, Hogan should be the special enforcer and end up counting the 3 for the babyface after a ref bump. They can pose and celebrate to both guys music to close the show. This works well with anyone except CM Punk who would be humiliated trying to pose next to Hogan. Hogan and Cena would be ideal.

  70. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 14, 2013 at 9:57 AM

    Yeah, I already thought this would happen. Smackdown last night kinda sorta foreshadowed when HHH said that The Authority knows where their faith lies.

    But to say that you want to see it just to see the rage on the internet? You do realize that you are part of the internet when you post on a domain that is located on the internet, right? Rage Against Yourself!

  71. Undertaker vs. Cena
    Lesnar vs. Punk
    Bryan vs. HHH

    Not hard...

  72. Perfect. They put on the biggest drawing match that they possibly can (UT/Cena), and blow off the biggest feuds of the year. All 3 faces go over and UT stands tall to close the show. Everyone goes home happy and they break the buyrate record IMO.
    So simple

  73. Simply to get him in the main event

  74. No, because baby faces don't care about losing anymore, remember? Cena would shrug, smirk and cut a promo after the show goes off the air thanking the armed forces and wishing the crowd happy holidays and a safe ride home.

  75. Stop down voting me son. You were a mistake god damnit!

  76. Seriously, let's not act as if anyone who follows wrestling, especially online, is somehow cooler than anyone else.

  77. Book it. The Triple H hatred has reached such a rolling boil despite him not doing anything worthy of it in years that I've gone full circle and want to see HHH, Unified Champion. And more 20 promos. And pedigrees! More of them! ALL THE PEDIGREES!

  78. WWE hates simple.

    And sometimes it seems like they hate money too

  79. Are you saying McMahon puts his hand up Cena's ass to operate him?

  80. It's a show about men fake punching each other in their underwear and mean-mugging.

    To care at all beyond "huh, this is kind of a dumb story" is, well, dumb.

  81. No, no, no, no, no, a thousand times no. Saying a company hates money is the most ignorant thing anyone can say at all. Just because WWE is not catering to your whims does not mean they hate making money.

  82. I liked "Creep" and "Waterfalls" but "No Scrubs" wasn't a favorite... what do you mean that is the wrong TLC?

  83. with all the rumors about the Undertaker being closer to calling it quits for good each and every year they would be crazy not to do that match in 2014 or at least 2015. it's pretty much the last dream match they have left involving sort-of-regulars.

  84. Yea, I don't get their apparent hesisration. Maybe they want it to be Takers last WM match but why put it off? With the diminishing returns on Cena as the tippy top guy, who is to say the magnitude/drawing power of the match is the same in 2 years. Book it, break the buyrate record, and the Helmsleys can go buy all the HGH they want with the profit

  85. When did he put Orton over at Wrestlemania?

  86. I don't think the emailer considers himself above other fans; you don't have to be rude or hypocritical to find the sheer rage that guys like HHH (and Hogan and Cena for that matter) generate in some wrestling fans a bit humorous.

  87. Please no one would recognize this poster walking though an airport

  88. I worked at a Dip N Dots in college... he (Mr. T) came and bought the Banana Split flavor from me once.

  89. I think he was thinking of the Triple Threat at 'Mania 24. Although Cena was the one Orton pinned and Trips won the belt at the next PPV anyway.

  90. There just be massive CM Punk chants throughout all their segments, would make it too hard to pull off.

  91. Dude, you're an IT guy right? I have a dumb tech question I can't find the answer to online...

  92. I'll try... though you will owe me a free resuscitation when I nearly die at some point in the future

  93. Sorry for the TJ, but...I'm starting to watch some Luche Libre on youtube (thanks Chromecast) and was curious about people I should check out. I've watched part of one show from Mexico City that included Dinastia (sp?) vs. Mini Abismo Negro and thought it was pretty good. It's tough to get invested though due to the language barrier and not really knowing the guys.

  94. Thanks. Free medical advice if you need it, I'll start with "don't drink and do drugs"

    About 3 years ago I bought a Sony Vaio laptop, I used a "non legit" windows software OS key to upgrade to Windows 7. Used this thing like twice. I got an offer for a few hundred bucks on it and I went to start it up but it's like running a fucking generic OS with everything that was on it erased. If i sell it amd this dude puts in a legit windows 8 OS, will all my info (bank statements, porn, personal info) that I had saved on excel and on my hard drive be accessible to him?

  95. Replace Triple H with Shawn Michaels and add HHH vs. Vince.

  96. I wouldn't be so sure about that. It would be good, but not as good as it could have been a few years ago. Unless Austin came back for a run and channeled some of that Terry Funk heel craziness.

  97. ...It was sarcasm. Because they make petty decisions that cost them potential revenue

    see Ryder, Zack

    His merchandise was flying off the shelves--so they buried him and flushed away that revenue. They didn't even need to push him, they just had to not actively sabotage him. Obviously the company likes making money, anyone over 4 knows that.

    Are you familiar with the concept of a joke? What I said was intended to be humorous because the obvious money match (Taker vs Cena) might not happen--and In some peoples opinion that results in less money for the WWE---thus the punchline that they "hate money"

    Everybody clear now?

  98. First of all NEVER used non legit OS software, it fucks everything up.

    Second if you are worried about him getting the stuff you have on it, and he is planning on doing a fresh OS install anyway I would just format the hard drive and give it to him blank... just make sure the version of Windows 8 he wants to install is a full version and not an upgrade before you do that. Normally I would advise just backing up what you want to keep and restoring the computer to factory but that won't work with a cracked version of Windows most likely.

  99. Alright. Will do. Thanks. I learned the OS lesson the hardway. I actually tried taking it to a pawn shop a few days ago just to get rid of it but they wouldn't even touch it with the ghetto OS on it

  100. Yes indeed. Cena vs. Taker is the biggest money match they have. Plus, it's a rare opportunity to have all three of the Big Matches deliver at least **** on the same card.

    Give Hogan a WM21 type moment, where he can do his token posing to "Real American", then get him off the screen.

  101. I work at an EZPawn. I hate when people try to pawn shit that barely works.

  102. It works. Brand new, used maybe 3 times. The OS is just weird. They said it was actually illegal for them to take it

  103. Yeah, that one. At least HHH not booked to win the title.

  104. An Orton's a wrestler that gets no love from me....

  105. Now that would be a Wrestlemania Moment.....

  106. Old mistico. I know sin cara didn't set the world on fire but theres a reason the wwe wanted him so bad. Also check out the mid 90's rey vs psychosis match from aaa

  107. It's supposed to be Cena vs. Taker, no now it's Cena vs. Brock, no now its Brock vs. Taker, no now it's Brock vs. Rock. How many times is Scott going to say such and such is penciled in for WrestleMania and you all eat it up? He is just as fucking clueless as Joe Schmo.

  108. If Cowboy Bob has major heat, they could always go with Uncle Barry in that spot....

  109. For some reason im surprised you are familiar with "no scrubs." "No pigeons" is a solid retort

  110. If you knew anything about the way WWE works, plans seem to change every 15 minutes....

  111. There's nothing in the e-mail that's incorrect. If HHH were to win the unified title, there would be rage. Accurate. In general, though, I'm with you...people who post on sites like this and bitch about the "IWC" are morons, for all the reasons you mentioned. Not sure this e-mailer fits the bill, though.

  112. Don't know it. TLC was fairly acceptable for that type of music... and I would have happily donkey punched the crazy one that is now dead... she was very cute.

  113. That one match where they flip around the ring and barely touch each other was excellent.

  114. Yeah I had to roll my eyes. Nothing lamer than some jerk off doing the anti-smark gimmick. Oh you're pro hhh? Wow omg that's so edgy!

    And when people are like oh hhh is working you, they definitely aren't talking to me. I ffwd through every dog shit promo he cuts and I couldn't give two shits about him pedigreeing Orton. *yawn* its the same thing no one gave a shit about 9 years ago. And if anyone still enjoys washed up ass hhh matches they just simply have shit taste in wrestling.

  115. He never put Orton over at wm. Cena did.

  116. Im not a HHH fan but I think the narrative of his career has swung so completely out of control to one side that I often find myself argueing for him just to combat that. Its a little much at times.

    Its like when people go around and fucking say "Romo is the biggest choker ever" when all the imperical evidence and tangible stats say hes good in the 4th quarter. Im an eagles fan but defend romo bc the criticism is just so over the top at times. Same with HHH

  117. Punk GTSing Hogan during a "celebration"... think he might get booed then?

    Nah, me neither.

  118. Please stop giving Vince ideas. Or, in this case, fantasies.

  119. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANDecember 14, 2013 at 11:47 AM

    On Monday they got handed like 10 potential Mania matches on a silver platter, there is no way they're going to throw that away for the shit that would be a Hogan/Cena tag and Vince vs. Trips.... right?

  120. T-boz in her prime or gtfo

  121. True. Now that you mentioned it, "putting over someone" meaning "getting pinned by" or "submitted to" that person. In this case, you're right, Cena was the one who put Orton over.

  122. Reading all of this WM possibilities, it feels nice not knowing what the matches are going to be after 2 years of the same match.

  123. I'll aspire to be more like yourself in the future, Mr Weiser.

  124. WWE doesn't hate money, they just have a good TV deal so they feel they can put on whatever they want with little to no risk.

  125. I've mentioned this in other Lucha threads here and there but I love the hell out of the Faby Apache vs. Mary Apache hair vs. hair ends the years-long feud between Faby and her father El Gran Apache. Track down any Faby matches you can find

    Also, Teddy Hart and Jack Evans made an awesome dickhead heel team

  126. Honestly, it's just so... Tired to hate HHH now.

    Yeah, his run from 2002-2005 was complete dogshit filled with a ton of masturbatory incidents, but HHH now is easily the most entertaining he's been since 1999.

  127. 2004-2005 HHH was (mostly) fine. 2002-2003 HHH was complete dogshit.

  128. I actually wasn't sure it was him because he was a lot smaller than I thought he would be (later found out he had just beaten cancer not to long before that) and I said "You look like Mr. T" he said "That's because I am" which is funnier when you hear my impression of him.

  129. Chili gets my vote and my can't go through with it.

  130. I think he will be unified champion by WM time, so he can main event with Punk.

  131. Atlantis vs. Villano 3 on a CMLL show in 2000

  132. Well, good for him. Was this after the A- Team was off the air?

  133. That show was in the early 1980's... how fucking old do you think I am?

  134. And beat him again, but on the biggest stage? How will Punk respond to that?

  135. I was always a Chili guy back in high school, now I'd be all over the crazy one. If she wasn't a corpse.

  136. 1978 could be your HS graduation... ;)

  137. Personally I don't care for the flipping, springboards, or masks.
    Other than that I love lucha.

  138. Personally I have zero love for HHH, but I also roll my eyes when the rage gets too far out of hand.

  139. All three of em were do-able.

  140. Let's just discuss nothing then.

  141. I shutter to think that the disention stuff from last week was setting up. . .Orton vs. HHH for the Unified title at Royal Rumble? Hunter helps Orton retain at "TLC" by screwing Cena over. HHH immediately turns on Orton and hoists both belts over his head to end the show and set up Royal Rumble. ugh...

  142. HHH vs. Vince? As a one-on-one match?

  143. Serious question...I cut my observer and switched to keller for a bit, I couldnt justify having 2 wrestling nerd subscriptions. Has Dave said recently ifhe thinks HBK is working WM?

  144. Personally I would have Bryan/HBK and HHH/Vince. The HHH/Vince match would be short.

  145. Its funny when you come out of the woodworks for the 1 off comment. Its like sting repelling from the rafters, swinging the baseball bat once, then disappearing.

  146. Being pitied by Mr. T is on my bucket list.
    I mean, I'm sure that on some level he pities me even though we've never met. But a face to face pity would be awesome.

  147. If it wasn't for the 1978 I would assume 46.

  148. That's kind of what the term "penciled in" means. It can be erased fairly easily.

  149. I find the people who get truly enraged by the stuff to be entertaining as well. Sorry, I guess. It's one thing to be annoyed because it's not as entertaining as it could be, but to be mad because someone you don't like is winning a fake sport is a bridge too far.

  150. I got an even better idea. Earlier, everyone was talking about Cena and Orton grabbing each other's belts. Instead, have HHH and Orton grab one of the belts each,. Then make the nett the unification match the actual royal rumble match for the belts. Orton and HHH are the last two remaining wrestlers after each eliminating 14 other wrestlers. Then they eliminate each other at the exact same time. Therefore they need another unification this time at Elimination Chamber. Orton and HHH both beat the other opponents cleanly, and then pin each other. Feud continues until Wrestlemania, a 2 hour iron match with only chin locks legal. Match ends 0-0. After a lengthy 3 hour overtime, they declare the match a draw. Then Orton and HHH realize they can both be champions. They make up, and then make out and recreate the Billy and Chuck wedding. This would be the best storyline since Austin v McMahon.

  151. I don't want Shawn to ever come out of retirement, but he's got so much stake the Daniel Bryan angle... just to Bryan vs Triple H with Shawn as the ref... that would pay off sooooooo much. Of course, Bryan needs to win, and Triple H needs to stay retired.

  152. It's so over the top, I not that long ago had to defend his fucking 2000 run to someone who was trying to insist he sucked then.

  153. I hope that's the extent of HBK's involvement. Dude went out in the main event of Wrestlemania in a classic match befitting his career. Seems wrong for him to come back and wrestle one more match if it's not the main event.

  154. Sure, and TNA is miraculously saved by a mass talent exodus from WWE in the aftermath, leaving the next few PPVs a mix of Orton and HHH and Cena circle-jerking each other, with everyone else forced to watch from ringside.

  155. Pro: Merch money.
    Con: Zack Ryder is on my TV show each week.
    That's a real toss up for me, I mean.. how bad do I need the money?

  156. I hate you for the Sting one because it's true

  157. That merchandise money at least could have bought a few HGH cycles for HHH amd Steph.

  158. Finally, a voice of reason.

  159. That's the thing. Shawn can still do amazing things, and outwork 95% of the roster... but I want him to never wrestle again. The way he went out was just, perfect.

  160. You should chek out the matches of Fenix, Aerostar & Daga in AAA who are reaaly good. As someone else aleready said Teddy Hart & Jack Evans were pretty entertaining as part of Konnan Foreign Legion. Also if you are into high flyers, Mascara Dorada in CMLL is amazing :

  161. The question is never could they get it cause the answer is always YES! The question is you have to pick one of the three.

  162. It didn't stop HHH. Are you saying you are better than him? Sounds like someone flunked hand shaking 101

  163. Crow Scott! Let's start that up

  164. Didn't he claim that Pat Patterson molested him back in the day or something? He's probably not getting the call either.

  165. Good god I just had a terrible vision of the thing that could doom wrestling forever.

  166. Eh. I don't care at this point.

  167. I mean, maybe if she was a FRESHER corpse. I don't wanna seem stuck up or anything.

  168. He left out the a Undertaker, Austin, and Ryback vs. Sting, Punk, and Goldberg 6 man tag match.

  169. Hogan isn't going to WrestleMania unless you massage his ego, or allow him to tell his WrestleMania fish stories.

  170. Pat Patterson, naked but for gravy and cheese curds, giving you the bedroom eyes?

  171. I said doom it, not make it better than ever!

  172. I want to see a Hogan vs. Bundy rematch. I don't care how horrible it is. I want to see Bundy vs. Hogan, or Paul Tuttle Sr. (American Choppers) vs. Hulk Hogan.

  173. I think Austin, Punk would be much more fun. Also it's wrestle mania it's drawing regardless.

  174. Answer me fuckers!!!!!!

  175. haha What a story mark:). Sorry had to.

  176. UT vs Brock
    HBK vs Bryan
    Cena vs Punk because they are AWESOME together
    Shield vs Wyatts

    I'd be cool if that was the card

  177. Hi CAPSMANLOCK, LOBSTERhead, Johnny, etc.

  178. ^ Clearly an El Dandy fan.

  179. You shudder to think. Not shutter.

  180. ...ratings might go up.

  181. See, now it's a real shame that Sandow cashed in his MITB chance, because he could have struck a deal for his briefcase, joined The Authority, and HHH could be champ. That would have been actual good booking.

  182. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 14, 2013 at 3:26 PM

    That... would actually be pretty awesome.

  183. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 14, 2013 at 3:30 PM

    That song is hilarious.

  184. "Fan" is probably a strong word, but I can tell you one thing - I never doubted him for a moment.

  185. 2014 Crow Scott Sez: ...

  186. I had typed 47 but that seemed too high.

  187. Was about to light my torch and join the rest of the mob, but your optimism just shut me the fuck up.

    Good point.

  188. Anyone ever remember when Mr. T had a cameo on Alvin and the Chipmunks?
    Mr. T: You can't eat those fries...without ketchup.
    Theodore: Thanks Mr. T!

  189. Can Hogan even work at all? He can't take bumps and can't even drop the leg anymore.
    I'm guessing Cena as his tag partner vs. the Shield.

  190. Oh wow I do totally remember that.

  191. Relax, Farva. It really isn't me. I don't have multiple computers nor the time to downvote you. But I will downvote this for your lameness


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