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QOTD: Multiple Movie Viewings

Dammit, do I gotta do EVERYTHING on my own blog?  

OK, question of the day that sprung to mind while I was at Thor 2:  Thor Harder last week.  What is your stance on going to movies multiple times in the theater?  What movies have you seen the most times in theater?  

For me, I find that since my time is at a premium now that my life revolves around a toddler, I don't tend to go to the same movie more than once.  The way I figure, who knows when we'll get a babysitter again, so we might as well see something new.  However, back in the free-spirited days when we could just go to movies at night willy-nilly, there ended up being a ton of stuff I saw more than a few times because it was great or I had other friends who wanted to see it or whatever.  For me, the most times would probably be the original Star Wars, which I saw once as a very young lad in theaters (yes, I'm old enough to have seen Star Wars in theaters, fuck off) and then roughly 6 more times on the original re-release.  Nothing else comes close to that one, although I saw the 2009 Star Trek three times in theaters, each Lord of the Rings movie 3 times due to non-intersecting groups of friends, the first Iron Man 3 times for similar reasons, The Dark Knight three times because the first time we had shitty seats opening night and we wanted to get the best experience.  Plus a couple of cases like 300 where we saw it twice in regular theaters and then again in IMAX when we were on vacation in Edmonton.  


  1. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 1, 2013 at 8:15 PM

    Orndorrf was the hottest babyface in the company at this point. I'm pretty sure his reactions were bigger than Hogan's. Hmmm...I wonder why Orndorff was a curtain jerker by WM II. Hmmm...


  2. Sadly I rarely get to go to the movies anymore but I did go out of my way to take my son to the last 2 Fast and Furious movies. Oddly enough the movies I saw multiple times back in the day were Independence Day (3) and American Pie (4!).

  3. I have a toddler as well, so I don't see movies more than once these days. I rarely did that before, anyway. The movie I saw the most times was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze. I saw it 4 times, not by choice. Every time I went to the Drive-In (yup, one of those) to watch Home Alone, something happened and we had to leave before it started.

  4. I saw Who Framed Roger Rabbit in theaters twice. It was also the first movie I ever saw in theaters.

    If I like a movie enough, I'll go see it twice at most. I think I saw Spider-Man three times though because I was a huge Spider-Man fan.

  5. The I have seen several films multiple times in theaters but the one I saw the most was the original Madagascar film 3 times. I mainly think that I did that for the sake of seeing a film 3 times. However, the second time I saw it was the only time I saw the whole thing in theaters.

  6. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 1, 2013 at 8:26 PM

    I saw The Empire Strikes Back 3 times. Twice upon it's original release, one of which was at a drive-in movie theatre. The third time was when they were re-released in the 90's. I don't get to the movies more than once or twice a year now. As an adult, I don't think I've ever seen a movie more than once in the theatre. I don't have kids, so I have no excuse other than monetary ones.

  7. Thoughts on Thor 2? Was gonna go see it with my gf last week but she vetoed the movie choice pretty hard.

    I don't like going to the moves that much anymore. If i have 2 hours, of free time I find myself much rather doing something else then the movies. Gravity amd Argo were the last 2 movies I've seen in the theaters. Red Box is the shit tho!

  8. The Ghost of Faffner HallDecember 1, 2013 at 8:26 PM

    It always gives me a chuckle when the same people who go to see the same movie in theatres seven or eight times are the ones who complain about how expensive it is to see a movie these days. (Not meaning you, Scott, just a few folks I know.)

    The one I saw the most in theatres was "Jumanji," three times--two of those in the same day. Not because I loved it that much (although I liked it a lot, and still do) but because I saw it one afternoon, then a friend and me were going to pick up another friend from work, and I was telling him about it and he suggested we all go see it that night, and since I had nothing better to do I was like, "Meh, whatever."

  9. Thor 2 is an entertaining popcorn flick, I'm sure you 2 will enjoy it.

  10. I don't really go to the theater anymore at all, but even if I did I doubt I would enjoy anything enough to see it multiple times. I used to do this regularly... I think Dark Knight was the most recent one and, sadly, I think Phantom Menace and Armageddon are tied at 4 for the record.

    As for QOTD some of us have been thinking that maybe having a revolving set of posters take over QOTD would help keep it fresh and... alive... pending your approval of course.

  11. Hopefully cueing Scott in 3 2...

  12. Yea, I'm sure I would actually. As a whole I'm just not that into movies anymore. Guess I'll wait till Red Box and watch it then.

  13. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 1, 2013 at 8:30 PM

    Speaking of Thor, I went to purchase a DVD copy of the first one and could not find a copy cheaper than $20. WTF? I mean, the movie is 2 years old and I figured on finding it in the $5 bin at Walmart. Is it because the sequel is in theatres and the studio releases the first one at a jacked up price, thinking people are going to want to see both close together? Some Black Friday deal that was.

  14. I agree with you, when I was younger I went to at least 7 or 8 films a year. Now that I'm older, I can barely squeeze out 1 or 2.

  15. My hometown had a "dollar theater", it was $1 to see movies that were just ending their run at theaters. I went all the time.

  16. Not sure, bet the all powerful Disney has something to do with it.

  17. Never have gone seen a movie twice (or more) in theaters.

  18. There's a dollar theater near me that shows one of the new movies about the week of or after their opening weekend.

  19. That's ok, some people just don't have the time to do it.

  20. That's so cheap. I'd definitely go for a buck. I wouldn't feel bad about Falling asleep or leaving g a movie early if was only a buck.

  21. Yeah, although really, the cost for a ticket there is like 7, but I think sells for matinees and all day Mondays are like 2.

  22. Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises...2x each
    As a very young child, probably saw the first TMNT at least 6x in the theater

  23. Funny thing is, I know a guy who saw Star Trek Into Darkness 8 times over its first 2 weeks.

  24. I think the most I ever saw a movie in the theaters was Die Hard 3, like three times. I can't even remember the last time I saw a movie in the theater TWICE, I think it was Hangover 2. There's just no way to justify the expenseof a movie ticket more than once; if I like it that much I'm going to buy the Blu Ray.

  25. It's currently on Netflix. And I'd be waiting to see if they rerelease everything as a package when the trilogy (or whatever they're going for is done).

    And if you're not a Netflix subscriber, I'll give a list of several shows you should be checking out on Netflix.

  26. I never leave a movie early no matter how bad it is.

  27. They have movie theaters in the Alps?

  28. My Dad had a work trip during the summer of '90 to a very small town in Wisconsin and brought me along. My itinerary for five straight days was to take the $10 he would give me and catch two showings of TMNT at the dollar-saver theater with lunch back at the office in between. The mere thought of letting my own kids do something like that now is ludicrous but back then it was the most awesome thing in the world.

  29. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 1, 2013 at 9:03 PM

    It's just my bedsheet strung up between two trees, and my Mac projector. Don't ask where I get the juice to run it.

  30. I've never seen a single movie in the theaters more than once. Seems like a waste of money.

  31. Stranger in the AlpsDecember 1, 2013 at 9:05 PM

    Actually, I do subscribe to Netflix and I caught it on there last night. But I have a DVD collection amassing, and my Marvel set is missing Thor and Captain America.

  32. Outside of the awesome TMNT spree that I posted about below, the only movie I've seen more than twice was X2, which I saw a whopping four times in two days and marked out like mad each time when Colossus did his transformation. It was literally a childhood dream come to life in that scene for me. My stepmom ended up getting a bootlegged DVD from a guy at her work because she knew I was so into it; bad hand-cam taping job with French sub-titles but I still watched the shit out of it.

  33. I try not to but sometimes I just can't take it. The last one I did it with was that Barbara Streisand/Seth Roger movie.

  34. You are the most gentle poster here

  35. 'As Good As It Gets' -- 6 times, all with my father (who saw it 11 times in total).

    He absolutely LOVED that movie and would drag anyone that would go see it with him. it I guess it turned into some kind of strange bonding thing after the first few times, which was nice as I was never super close to him before that. The most memorable time was right after Titanic won Academy Award for Best Picture -- he shut off the TV immediately and said "that's it, we're going to see it again!" (imagine it in a Frank Costanza kind of voice) and dragged my mom, sister and I for another shower.

    What's odd is that other than that one movie, I don't think he's ever seen a movie in a theater more than once and he probably only goes to the theater twice a year.

  36. I have been hearing nothing but bad things about the Guilt Trip.

  37. I saw the first Kill Bill like 4 or 5 times in the theater. I saw Borat 2 or 3 times as well. I've seen a lot of movies in the theater twice. I really enjoy going to the theater.

  38. "(imagine it in a Frank Costanza kind of voice) and dragged my mom, sister and I for another shower."

    That is an unfortunate autocorrect

  39. LOL. I edited it, but not fast enough I see.

  40. Oddly enough this is showing up as a post and not a comment. I blame disqus

  41. Just out of curiosity, can I ask why? I'm not a fan of it. Don't like paying to essentially sit and be quite for 90 minutes. At home you can pause movies, eat your own food, watch it with your dog's or gf, etc... i know the actual viewibg/audio stuff is better, but it's not a close enough trade off to make me want t to go to theaters that often.

  42. Saw The Dark Knight five times in theaters, with different people each time. Back in college, my friends and I went to see X2 probably three or four times.

  43. I get an odd sense of enjoyment out of watching movies amongst a crowd of strangers (as long as there aren't a bunch of annoying cell phone people or kids). It's a fun collective experience with the right kind of movie and crowd. I don't get so much out of the regular theaters here in that way, but there is an independent theater here that draws a pretty enthusiastic crowd for most of the films I've gone to.

  44. My comment above should be corrected.

  45. Oh well the number you see when you look at their post count is for all disqus sites, not just this one.

  46. Orndorff died down quickly as a face. He also was a natural heel and Orndorff himself admitted that he was not that comfortable in the role.

  47. The worst film experience I've had was going to see Hotel For Dogs, just a bunch of people ohing and awing at an image of a dog every 2 seconds.

  48. Oh, got it, thanks for pointing that out.

  49. Nothing will beat seeing Jurassic Park three times in the theatres when it first came out- I was like thirteen, which is the PERFECT fucking age to see that movie. Dinosaurs, rampages, no romance and someone says "Shit". Fucking magnificent.

    I just saw "Frozen" in theatres, and will probably go see it again, but only because I'm a Broadway nerd and in love with Idina Menzel.

  50. How was Frozen by the way?

  51. How about movies you were dying to see as a kid, but couldn't or wouldn't for whatever reason?

    Oddly enough, my two biggest ones were They Live (before I even watched wrestling actually, just thought it looked amazing) and the 4th Nightmare on Elm Street movie (even the halftone, black and white image in the local newspaper of the movie poster scared the shit out of me).

  52. Even though I have done some burns already, being mean just isn't my style.

  53. I'm still waiting on someone to pitch me a NjPW review column.

  54. I REALLY wanted to see Donnie Brisco when it came out but I was only 15 I think. tried to get in once amd got turned away. Finally got my dad to take me to see it

  55. For me it is the Lion King (2x when it first came out and once in the new 3d version).

    I used to go the movies all the time (at least 1-2/week). However cost and atmosphere as prevented me from going more often. At my last place, there was a dollar theater a few miles from my house so I would see movies if I was just feeling eh about them (especially on a boring hot summer day since I had nothing better to do since I'm a teacher). At the closest theater near me, unless I go for the first showing, it is at least $12-14, and for some movies that 3d/imax, it can be as high as $19.

    Also, going to the movies is downright annoying with the kids/teenagers. When I saw Hunger Games at the dollar theater, these 2 moms took their 4 kids to the theater. None of the kids were older than 6 and I'm thinking, "you are taking your small kids to a movie where teens kill other teens as a game." They came in 30 minutes into the movie and sat on both sides of me even though there were tons of seating. The kids would not shut up even after I told them to be quiet. I eventually moved because I couldn't take it anymore.

  56. I did Batman Begins 4 or 5 times, Dark Knight 7 times, and Dark Knight Rises 3. Aside from that I saw The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo twice and Zodiac 3 times. I think that's it.

  57. The most times I ever saw a movie was 14 (Heathers).

  58. Ha. I said this in the Stranger in the Alps tryout also.

  59. I used to watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit multiple-time pers day as a kid. Now I'm curious to watch it as an adult. I'll put it in the hopper.

  60. I saw Return of the Jedi between 10-15 times in the theater. I cant recall for sure cause I was 8, it may have even been more.

  61. If I can acquire the shows, I might be able to squeeze it in for a few months at least.
    I was actually preparing to do a review of every single Wrestling Observer Match of the Year. I have time off this week and might start giving it a try.

  62. Yes Disqus! Making all kinds of glitches and forcing me to take showers with blood relatives.

  63. Ooooooohhh, that observer idea is good also. Either way you can't go wrong.

  64. Don't worry about it too much, you also have the job of giving us our daily news.

  65. It was because of the Rock right?

  66. I saw the last Harry Potter 10 times

  67. Movies were meant to be seen in the theatre

  68. The last HP film was also the first HP film I saw in theaters. Oh, and it was one time.

  69. So, is Meekin done for good?

  70. As Jerry Bruckhimer or however you spell it said, " Movie theaters will not die".

  71. Maybe, let's ask Caliber for more details.

  72. For some unknown reason I saw Ready to Rumble three times in the theatre.

    Although I've seen all The Lord of the Rings movie multiple times. Not to mention all the time I watched the, on DVD.

  73. Your latter point is so true. Why go to a movie and deal with someone kicking the back of your chair and/or talking? I'll gladly sit on my own damn couch with a Blu-Ray and HD surround sound. Hell, buying a new disc for $14 is cheaper than two tickets and probably going to be a better experience.

  74. Add Indepdence Day to the Jurassic Park category. Both those movies are glorious.

  75. I assumed this was facetious...maybe not

  76. Arachnaphobia. My mom said I was too young (I probably was). Finally saw it on Netflix last year and it actually was awesome. I was fully expecting disappointment.

  77. Does Meekin now write for Place to be Nation?

  78. Not sure...just googled "paul meekin place to be nation" to try and confirm or deny but instead just got hits of a paul meekin who took an 8 year old student to India on vacation with him...

  79. So you got hits about the same guy that does QOTD

  80. Heyyy now...i didn't say that specifically.

  81. When Groundhog Day came out my and another guy went to see it every day, because we thought it was clever and since girls weren't interested in us we had plenty of time to kill. I think we saw it every night for about two weeks before the novelty wore off.

  82. I feel like I should like this very random discovery.

  83. It is both true and a joke.

  84. And now it's considered a classic that is shown every year.

  85. Agreed. I was also mildly amused. It led me to googling my own name to disappointing amd boring results

  86. But, you're a Super Trooper.

  87. He wrote his Mick Foley magnum opus for them

  88. Because movies were shot to be shown on a big screen with surround sound. I only see movies in theatres

  89. That scene where the kid is desperately trying to find an ax, finds the locked toolshed, grabs a loose ax outside to smash the lock open, and just pauses, looks at the ax, then the camera, then runs off gets me every single time. Fucking hilarious.

  90. From a review I posted on another site:

    Just got back from the theatre.


    Okay, so the plot is fairly predictable and runs the gamut of Disney Tropes & Cliches, but FUCK Idina Menzel (from "Wicked") is spectacular as the Snow Queen. And astonishingly, despite me fearing another case of "Jar-Jar Binks", the dumb snowman was actually pretty funny. They were VERY smart with him, keeping him to a minimum and only having him there to break the tension a little bit. Plus he's a metaphor and stuff.

    The snow animation is fucking amazing, and easily the best anyone has ever seen (not that a lot of movies try that one)- the building of the castle (complete with Broadway-style Belting) is worth the price of admission alone. GO SEE THIS MOVIE AND GAY IT UP LIKE I DID.

  91. Didn't help that he never really turned face but rather was turned ON by another heel. Same thing that helped kill Randy Orton's 2004 turn.

  92. I've been mostly away on vacation for about a week. What happened to Paul? Is he still around or did he quit in glorious fashion. I wouldn't be opposed to taking over QOTD, as well as starting that WWE Films (and/or bad movies in general) Live threads as well as an idea I've been kicking around in my head of reviewing new WWE DVDs 7-10 days after they are released.

  93. I left 'W' early and I slept through most of the abysmal Die Hard 5. But I was in the middle of a massive bender.

  94. I don't really go see a movie multiple times in the theatres anymore. I did it a little when I was younger when friends hadn't seen said movie. I saw Matrix 3 times, Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2 twice each and..... Twilight: New Moon twice, I'm not proud of that fact.

  95. He disappeared after he was eviscerated for a question that said some NFL player gave him "Benoit vibes"

    It was a really week post.

  96. So he just dissapered after some backlash from a QOTD? Man, QOTD presenters don't have a long shelf life do they? I like Paul though, hope he comes back.

  97. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 1, 2013 at 11:04 PM

    I must have seen Jurassic Park a dozen times at the $1.50 show when I was a kid. Fuck it, I can spare 6 quarters, and I didn't really have anything better to do.

    That's the only movie I ever saw in a theater more than once. Hell, last movie I saw in a theater was Fahrenheit 9/11. I'd rather just watch at home where I can smoke if I want and there's not a bunch of idiot ghetto punks starting fights, or even shootouts sometimes. Besides, I'm not a huge movie buff anyway.

  98. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 1, 2013 at 11:07 PM

    The new mobile Disqus sucks balls.

  99. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 1, 2013 at 11:12 PM

    I'm not a fan. Just too expensive, why pay to see a movie once when I can wait 2 months and buy it on DVD and watch it as many times as I want? Plus the food sucks and is also overpriced, and at my house there aren't idiots ruining everyone else's good time.

  100. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 1, 2013 at 11:16 PM

    When I was 10 or so I went to see some movie (don't even remember what it was), and we all had to leave halfway through because some dickhead called in a bomb threat to the mall where the theater is.

  101. I would know NOTHING about having a short shelf life on the blog...

    I am going to return. Eventually.

  102. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 1, 2013 at 11:19 PM

    I'd give it a shot, but puro isn't my thing and I'm not really qualified to review it. I don't even know what a lot of the moves over there are called.

  103. 3 times for Dark Knight, for the same reason that Scott saw each LOTR movie 3 times: non-intersecting groups of friends. That can be a real hassle at times, in a "first world problems" kind of way.

  104. When I was 9 or 10, my 2 cousins and I went to see Breakin' 2 with my Uncle who had a huge drinking problem. Once Breakin was over, my older cousin took off and snuck in to Johnny Dangerously, while we went and snuck into The Flamingo Kid....

    ...I grew bored and went to find my older cousin(i didnt find him) and when I returned to Flamingo Kid, the lights were up and my younger cousin stands up in the crowd and points "THERE HE IS!" .... uncle, unbeknownst to me, had been drinking the whole time and passed out during the flick, scaring my cousin and causing the film to be stopped mid way through. He wound up getting arrested soon after they used the smelling salts to wake him and he lost a brawl with the cops...

  105. The period between WM and WM II is pretty sucky, at least in terms of storylines. Granted, Savage and the Bulldogs hit their prime around this time, but the Main Event scene was pretty dry and Tito's 2nd IC run was unremarkable. Piper is always Piper, but what else makes much of a mark between here and WM II?

  106. For that matter, what happened to Calibre?

  107. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 1, 2013 at 11:39 PM

    When I was about 13 my dad and his buddy took me and my brother to Darien Lake (a huge amusement park halfway between Buffalo and Rochester, it's now owned by Six Flags and I'm pretty sure it's the biggest amusement park in the Northeast), and proceeded to just get PLASTERED, like 2013 Amsterdam Adam would tell this guy to slow the fuck down. He then drove us home, and keep in mind this is like an hour long car ride mostly on dimly lit or unlit rural roads. When my mom found out about this (because we told her, seriously, that the fuck is wrong with you, man?) she predictably (and quite rightfully) flipped the fuck out and got his visitation rights revoked the very next day. She tried to file criminal charges too, but that never went anywhere.

  108. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 1, 2013 at 11:43 PM

    Basically, Dougie was giving him some shit, Caliber emailed Scott and asked for Dougie to be banned, Scott refused, so Caliber left.

  109. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 1, 2013 at 11:44 PM

    I'm going to pick up the ROH shows starting with the one that was on tonight. Probably...

  110. I've only seen a small handful. Usually because I enjoyed the movie that much that I wanted to see it again and couldn't wait for DVD. From what I recall, this is my list, which includes the first time, as well:

    -The Incredibles (twice)
    -The Muppets (thrice; though the third was with my sister and my niece)
    -The Avengers (thrice, because duh)

    I think I saw Superman Returns twice, but I can't recall. The Muppets and Avengers were both seen while I lived in a small town that had a super cheap theatre, and admittedly, I was going through a really rough time so they were nice escapes out of the house.

  111. The time between WM I and WM II was the time the WWF started to mature. It was at that time the tag team division started to hit its stride, and the house shows started to be more interesting. There started to be a nucleus of stars Vince wanted to use that fit the WWF image as opposed to just grabbing anybody with any type of territorial success without figuring out whether they were the right type of fit (see the Missing Link). I see this period of time as the time when the pieces started to fit together.

  112. Damn, that's fucked up. Telling mom might sound nuts but if it woke him up not to being doing that anymore, it was worth it...

  113. That's it? Cripes, I asked Calibre about it once and he said major drama or something vague. Made it sound like more than that, but there's different points of view for ya.

  114. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 1, 2013 at 11:52 PM

    2 totally different situations. Caliber left for reasons totally unrelated to the QOTD (see above), Meekin hasn't been seen since he made a pretty dumb post for the QOTD. I hope he comes back though too, and the backlash wasn't that bad. I got roasted a lot worse for that shitty WWE Main Event review I put up, and I got it pretty hard when I shit all over a ROH women's match, basically just because it's a women's match with 2 chicks that aren't hot (I retract my statement about MsChif, and not just because I don't want Michael Elgin to kill me). Neither of those are what I'd call proud moments.

  115. I'm not a rewatcher, in or out of the cinema. I also don't reread books. If I really like something I prefer to go find something by the same person. It has meant I've gone to see some hot garbage at the movie house, though.

  116. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 12:00 AM

    It didn't. He did 8 months for a DUI charge when I was 20, and should have got another one 2 years ago when he nearly totaled my brother's car. Dude was nothing more than a scumbag, just like his parents and his 3 brothers. And while I'm a firm believer in the "Stop Snitching" thing, there are exceptions, and that is definitely one of them. Shit, getting his visitation rights revoked was the whole point, we weren't trying to go back over there. My brother was so scared that even to this day he doesn't like to talk about it.

  117. If losing visitation rights doesnt wake a person up, nothing will...

  118. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 12:10 AM

    I don't know the full story, but that's a basic synopsis of it, I know that NPP shithouse they want to call a website had something to do with it too. I don't blame Scott for not banning Dougie. I think Dougie is a complete asshole, but if Scott starts banning people just because they get into an argument with someone he wouldn't have a site left for much longer. He generally only bans people if they are spamming or are Elvy, only regular poster I can think of that was told his services would no longer be required is Chan, and that took quite a while (like, 2 years) before Scott finally pulled the trigger on him. Controversy creates cash, at least for him...

  119. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 12:17 AM

    His girlfriend left him soon after because of his drinking too. Guy started drinking when he was 13 or so though, and if I had to grow up with my grandparents (especially in the 50s-60s), I probably would have got started at 9 or so. Having you wife and mother of your children leave you for another woman (which had nothing to to with booze, my dad was totally clean while he was married to my mom) will definitely fuck with your head and make you want to get shitty too.

  120. This story makes me want to be a better commenter....

  121. Sounds like he has/had plenty of demons to battle....

  122. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 12:33 AM

    Had, he passed away in May of this year. And yeah, he had plenty. He did a couple years is prison in the 70s, he was involved in a car wreck (not alcohol related, just... you know, an accident) that killed a little girl, even though he was not at fault at all he still felt guilty, an abusive upbringing (this WAS alcohol-related)... Plus he was bi-polar/manic-depressive.

    My mom had an even worse childhood (and I'm not even getting into that), but she was eventually able to work through it and is now a really well adjusted and successful person. Like a lot of issues along these lines, you're not going to be able to get better until you really WANT to get better.

  123. "Like a lot of issues along these lines, you're not going to be able to get better until you really WANT to get better."

    Truer words have never been spoken.....

  124. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 1:11 AM

    Take my brother, for example. He was into heroin (as usual it started with pain pills, his back is ALL fucked up), and got arrested and that was what turned him around. He decided to go to outpatient rehab because not only would it help his court case (boy, did it ever!), but that was point where he realized that if he didn't get his shit together he was either going to spend the rest of his days "in either a cell or a box" (that's a direct quote from him). Outside of the 2 or 3 mixed drinks he has when he goes to his bowling league (he was never a drinker, as you'd imagine from the story above) he's been clean for nearly 2 years, he even quit smoking weed.

  125. Has anybody actually heard from Meekin or seen that he has posted anything anywhere else since his last QOTD? Just wondering if he is alright atleast.

  126. Wish I could say the same about my older brother, he was always into partying with assorted drugs but he finally got taken down by Oxy's a few years back, didnt even make it to 40....

  127. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 2, 2013 at 1:45 AM

    Oh yeah, if I LOVE a movie, I'll totally find an excuse to see it again (usually by dragging a friend who hasn't seen it yet); I saw Gravity twice in IMAX 3D, WOWZA.

    Most times I've seen a film in a theater? This is a little embarrassing, but "Enchanted"; I was in a really bad place in my life at the time, close to flunking out of school and having personal issues, and I'd seen it once with my folks over the holiday and loved it (not the very least because Amy Adams was BEYOND adorable), so one day, I just said fuck it, and went to the very first screening and stayed in the theater all day and watch EIGHT showings of it with various packed crowds. And you know what? Not only did I feel better, but that movie was so good, I still loved it every time.

  128. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 2, 2013 at 2:19 AM

    I was seven, and during the T. Rex scene, I literally ran from the front rows where I was sitting with my siblings to the back rows and into my mom's arms, freaked the fuck out.

  129. So nobody here ever had a friend or girlfriend who worked at the theater? There was a 2 year stretch in high school where I saw everything I wanted to multiple times. Road to Perdition, Van Wilder, Jackass, 8 Mile, Minority Report and countless others I saw at least twice. Stuff like X2, Spider-Man, freaking SIGNS, at least 7. The last one I remember seeing over and over again was Anchorman.

  130. The new guy is okay, but he's no ANTVGM64.

  131. I love the bit at the end with Idina Menzel's character turning into an animated character. Disney'd love her so much they'd do it again in "Frozen"!

  132. That scene was FUCKING AMAZING. It was like the most perfectly-directed sequence in movie history.

  133. Friday and Saturday late nights on Cinemax.

  134. I can't upvote this enough

  135. Yea. The "backlash" meekin got is getting blown out of proportion.

  136. Due to the broad topics of QOTD, A few of us thought it would be cool to have people volunteer to do like rotating weeks of it. Like have people volunteer to do a week and move on to someone else. It would help keep it fresh and give it new topics and discussions every week.

  137. Going to use this thread to ask this question, since it's as relevant to the q as I may get:

    What are the circumstances that get Hogan to MSG for January '84?

    I was watching ESPN classic the other day and saw Hogan in an AWA title match that he "won", but then after a commercial break they come back and the champ is still the original guy. I guess it was a "Dusty Finish" with a ref bump? I remember hearing that they would not put the strap on Hogan in the away.

    But, regardless, I swear the commentary from the match put it in '83, which is no time at all before his clash with Iron Sheik. I also could have sworn he used Eye of the Tiger.

    So three things:

    1) Hulk's contract ended and Vince swooped in absolutely right away?
    2) The AWA was insane and did not want to put the belt on Hogan? (and if they did wouldn't that have changed wrestling history?)
    3) I guess the "Hulk" moniker belonged to Marvel and "Eye of the Tiger" to Survivor, so as long as vince payed those respective entities, he was free to have Hulk Hogan come to the ring to that song?

  138. Did you just not like W, or was that a separate bender?

  139. Last time I saw Meekin's name was posting on one of Calibur's statuses on Facebook a couple of days ago.

  140. Outside of links to newspapers I've worked for, Googling myself led me to the discovery of an army private, a reverend and a kid who died in a pretty gruesome car accident about 10 years ago, all with my name.

  141. I used to work at a theater, but all they played were artsy fartsy movies and indies. I ended up watching Il Postino and Dead Man at least 4-5 times each. Other than that there are movies I've seen int he theaters twice like Something About Mary and Friday... comedies like that I will sometimes see with different friends. I also saw the Avengers 3 times with different friends as well.

  142. There's really not more to it than that, from what CW told me after he left. He felt Scott was a little too dismissive of his concerns with Dougie, and he didn't feel like dealing with it anymore.

  143. My favorite movie. i never saw it in theaters, but since then I have seen it at least 20 times. Never gets old.

  144. It should either be a QOTD or a daily open thread with something leading the discussion up top.

  145. The last movie I saw in theaters multiple times was Dark Knight, because it was awesome. Now, I barely see two movies a year in theaters (this year, it was Great Gatsby and Man of Steel; last year, Dark Knight Rises and Les Miserables), but I used to see movies in theaters multiple times all the time.

    It's too expensive now, and I just can't handle being around a lot of people that regularly, so if I'm going to see a movie, I generally wait for a week or two before I go.

  146. I heard Meekin sent some text messages and voicemails to some of his co-workers saying he overslept... and something about food poisoning.

  147. Maybe he went a bit Benoit?

  148. It really wasn't much of a backlash, as far as backlashes go. Caliber got it worse than that at least once a week just because Caliber.

  149. My favourite too.

  150. I was 13 or 14 as well and saw it 3 or 4 times, and then just this past year when it was rereleased in 3D.
    I'm not one to do a lot of rewatching, even at home, so that's a major accomplishment for me.

  151. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 2, 2013 at 6:14 AM

    I used to see most movies shot in 3D twice. (Once to follow the story, the other to enjoy the effects.) Now I cut that out because of costs and how predictable the movies are.
    But the movie I saw the most was probably Dark Knight or the re-release of the original Star Wars trilogy.

  152. According to an earlier post he's with an 8 year old in India.

  153. I was going to say I've seen a lot of movies twice, but then I remembered Heat (not The Heat). It was playing at the cheaper theater over winter break that year and I went to it if I had three hours to kill. Probably saw it 5 times.

  154. Yeah, they did do the deal on Championship Wrestling in which he saved Hogan from a 2 on 1 attack by Heenan's guys and had him pose with Hogan afterwards but the whole turn began when Piper blamed Orndorff for their loss at Mania

  155. These are all very sad stories, good thing you were able to rise above it all.

  156. Awesome!, I'll find some other way to contribute if I want to start posting again.

  157. I'm in the same boat as far as the kid situation, so we only go to 3-4 movies a year now. I saw Jedi once in original release and three times in re-release, so that's the tops. I've seen a whole bunch of stuff 3x, including ET, Phantom Menace (I know), and the Devil's Advocate.

  158. I posted earlier in the thread, I saw Meekin post a comment on one of Calibur's Facebook statuses late last week, so I'm pretty sure he's alright.

  159. I too am old enough to have seen the original Star Wars in a theater...and that is the film I've seen the most while it was out; I believe it was 7. While living in Phoenix, I worked at the corporate offices of Harkins Theatres for awhile, and one of the perks was free admission to just about any movie at any of their theaters. But, I was more likely to see something I had not seen...I think my wife and I went and saw Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back 3 or 4 times, and Knight's Tale twice. Nothing else comes to mind.

  160. I'm kind of in the same boat. I have a pretty nice TV and sound system, and I hate crowds of people. I'd almost rather watch a movie at home, though there are exceptions. My wife wanted to see Hunger Games 2 in the theater; we did that on Saturday. We will also see the next Hobbit film in week 2 or 3 of its release....yeah, opening weekends are out, and we'll also go to very early or very late showings to try and avoid large numbers of people.

  161. Wow dude...I've never heard of anyone doing that before, but I'm sure it's happened.

    I have a similar story with Elf...I saw that film with a friend while my wife was having some medical issues, and it was exactly what I needed at the time. I will love it forever because of that. But...I did just see it the one time when it was released. I have seen it many times on DVD since.

  162. I'm clearly in the minority on this, but I didn't care for Avatar. It struck me as Dances With Wolves with blue monkey cats. I just didn't get into it. And c'mon..."unobtanium"? Really? Horrible name. But, that kind of summarizes the film for me. They spent gazillions of dollars on special effects, but the writing was lacking.

  163. Like most Cameron films, I thought it was a well-paced action flick, but I would agree that it's incredibly derivative. Even the technology used by the military looked like knock-offs of other Cameron films. But it was a really gorgeous, fun action flick, I thought.

    I hate the Dances With Wolves argument, though, because the "outsider helping another group fight off an invading enemy" is a very common trope in stories. Not just for movies about Native Americans.

  164. To counter that, we have HD TVs with great quality pictures and surround sound home theater systems with great sound. Is it the same as watching a film in a theater? No. If I had the money to drop on top end equipment, it might be better than most movie houses. I don't, but what I have is nice and I really enjoy it. If you prefer going out, more power to you. For most things, I'd rather be in my own home.

  165. I walked out maybe 20 minutes into Moulin Rouge, and I was seeing anything I wanted for free at the time...I worked at the corporate office of a chain in AZ. That's the only time I've done it.

  166. Being a huge Superman guy, I didn't want to wait to see Man of Steel, but didn't want to deal with crowds, either. So, my girlfriend and I went to an out-of-the-way theater for a 10:30 a.m. showing the Saturday it was released.

  167. There weren't contracts the way they are done today, so it's likely Hogan was on a per-appearance deal with the AWA, got frustrated that Gagne had no plans to give him the strap and jumped to the WWF when he got the chance.

    McMahon, not being an idiot, saw the reactions the guy from Rocky III was getting and thought, "Hey now, maybe I should make him my champion," hot-shotted the title from Backlund to Shiek, then from Shiek to Hogan.

    I know that the WWF had a deal with Marvel for the "Hulk" name, but something tells me the music rights thing wasn't that big a deal back then, and they just used entrance music as they felt like it. I could be wrong, though.

  168. I don't really like falling back to the "Dances with Wolves" thing, but even my wife said the same thing unprompted, and she's not an much of an action movie person.

    I don't think it's just the outside fighting off invader thing...there's the love interest to consider, along with outsider becoming part of the culture. But, you might consider that all part of the same gimmick.

  169. Good on ya. I just watched that on Blu-Ray, and I really dug it.

  170. The matches were improving but the storylines werent much at all. The main thing was the shift away from the guys who were past their prime and not working out to the guys that would carry them for the next few years and into the 1990's.

  171. Unobtanium is a real thing, kind of:

  172. From the first line of the linked page:

    "In engineering, fiction, and thought experiments, unobtainium is any fictional, extremely rare, costly, or impossible material, or (less commonly) device needed to fulfill a given design for a given application."

    It sounds like a generic name given to something, so "kind of" indeed.

  173. That's the thing. It usually IS all part of the same package/trope.

  174. I worked at a movie theater in high school, but even then I didn't watch a whole lot of movies more than once. I was more apt to watch every movie that came through the doors rather than watch any one movie multiple times. I did see Dark Knight three times in theaters. Once at the midnight showing, once again a few weeks later and finally in imax before it left theaters.

  175. Well then, there you have it. In the end, I guess it's a matter of taste. I just didn't like the film.

  176. It's not the same. Movies were meant to be seen in the theatre.

  177. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 10:05 AM

    Sorry to hear that, man. Oxys are the devil, they need to be taken off the market.

  178. I didn't say it was the same, and yes, they were. But, I've been to so-called $1 or bargain theaters that weren't worth the price of admission, and I have a better experience in my home. A nice theater will usually trump a good home surround system, but not always. You get a nice, high-end HD TV and audiophile quality receiver and speakers, and I'd rather watch at home.

    For example, I saw the original Jurassic Park a couple of times in two different theaters while living in San Diego. The first time was a nice theater, and I vividly recall my stomach rumbling when the T-Rex yelled for the first time; the sound was that loud, but not unpleasantly so. The second time was in a cheaper theater towards the end of the run, and the difference in audio and video quality was unmistakable. It really took away from the experience. I would say that my current home system is better than what was provided in the 2nd theater.

    But as I seem to be saying often lately, it's matter of taste and opinion.

  179. I think Hogan said a big reason he jumped wasn't so much the belt but b/c Verne wanted a big percentage of his merchandise money.

  180. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 2:06 PM

    We could just go every other episode or something. Or just both do it, there's already 2 Raw and 2 NXT reviews, and it would be interesting to have different viewpoints on the same show.

  181. For me, I think it's equal parts nostalgia, impact and popcorn. I went to movies from an early age (including Empire and Jedi's first showings), and it's just something I enjoy doing. A rom-com doesn't have the same effect, but something like Thor or Dark Knight Rises deserves to be viewed in all its glory. And I'm fucking addicted to theater popcorn, though Target makes a reasonable facsimile in its cafe.

  182. I usually end up being in a theater with three other people these days. The wife doesn't like going, and I have one afternoon a week without our son, so I often go alone. You can usually find a dvd at Walmart with movie cash, and sometimes you can resell it for almost full price (yes, I'm incredibly cheap).

  183. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 2, 2013 at 2:16 PM

    "Rise above" might be pushing it, but I'm still here and basically a happy person.

  184. yep. And a big percentage of his Japan money too. In fact I've heard Hogan didn't want the belt so he could be more free to work lucrative matches in Japan. Of course with all wrestling stories, take it with a grain of salt as workers continue to "work" outside the ring.

  185. Nah, The Machines didn't show up until after Andre was "suspended," which was after WM II. I think their U.S. debut was in the early summer of '86.


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