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Rock - Biggest Star in the World?

Thought you might be interested in seeing this. Local boy makes good!

To be fair, Rock was piggybacking off the Fast and Furious franchise for that total, whereas Robert Downey is carrying the Iron Man movies on his back and is clearly the draw there.  

Either way, that's why we're not getting Rock in his annual part time Wrestlemania match.  


  1. If Nakamura hadn't blown those spots in the Benjamin matches, I'd give it to him. His matches with La Sombre and Ibushi were the best matches of the year, I thought. He also had Davey Boy Smith Jr's best match ever. But's really too bad Austin Aries had the title taken off him before the year started, he should have been having 5 star matches all year with Joe, Roode, Hardy, Bully, Styles, he got Stings' best match in years, but TNA.

  2. As Scott says, the Rock, probably not a draw.

  3. Holy fuck what a raw - And we got a Steiner Screwdriver!!!

  4. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 18, 2013 at 8:13 AM

    Good lord. Tanahashi got dropped on his head so much he's gotta be 3 inches shorter.

  5. What movies were Steve Carroll in?

  6. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonDecember 18, 2013 at 8:17 AM

    Despicable Me 2

  7. Did we need to know the specifics? At least the first one had Jason Segel and Will Arnet in it.

  8. Didn't Michael Bay get super pissed about him missing the premiere of Pain and Gain because of the injury. And say something like, "If the guy wants to be a serious actor he needs to grow up and stop wrestling?

  9. I don't know why the e-mailer went on about the announce team. They're mostly plugging some stupid app and threatening to take selfies.

  10. Somehow, I find the idea of Michael Bay calling someone out for not being a "serious actor" laughable.

  11. I prefer him telling Rock to "grow up"

    I've yet to see a Michael Bay movie that wasn't juvenile

  12. Pretty crazy that Downey almost tied the Rock's yearly box office total with one movie. There was a time earlier this year when it felt like the Rock had a new movie every two weeks.

  13. Rock's status this year was mainly due to (a) being in a LOT of movies and (b) being in a pair of high-grossing movies (FF6, GI Joe 2) that he was part of an ensemble cast.

    ... wait a second, didn't Mark Ruffalo get credit for Iron Man 3? Between that and Now You See Me, he probably did pretty well for himself this year merely by showing up....

  14. That is a damn good match, seeing as i've watched it about six times now. NJPW put out so much good stuff this year.

  15. There is an actual grown up Bay film?

  16. I'll gladly piggyback my way to $1.3 billion...

  17. Ruffalo only showed up after the credits were over, and his character was sleeping.

  18. Without checking, I'm going to go with "no."

  19. At this point I think some marvel executive could film himself shitting and it would make a billion dollars.

  20. I believe both parties came out afterwards saying that Bay meant the comment jokingly.

  21. Yea I marked for that Steiner screwdriver. Those jap announcers are fucking intense, wish I knew what they were saying.

  22. Wouldn't that Cumberbatch fellow be up there as well when all said in done. With Star Trek and the Hobbit?

  23. 'that's why we're not getting Rock in his annual part time Wrestlemania match'

    plus that, you know, we're sick of him and he can't deliver like he used to

  24. Got it, just confused.

  25. What difference does it make when they're just voice actors?

  26. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanDecember 18, 2013 at 12:05 PM

    We all know the biggest star is Rock Star Gary.

  27. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanDecember 18, 2013 at 12:06 PM

    Im such an Ishii mark. That guy just delivers the goods. I want to see him as some kind of champion in 2014.

  28. Are you implying that they can be interchangeable just like how interchangeable the guy playing Sin Cara can be?

  29. Not exactly, I'm saying that who ever is doing the voice acting doesn't affect if I'd want to see an animated movie, whereas who's in a live action movie does. For instance, I can't stand Steve Carrell and think he sucks ass, so I won't even watch anything he's in. Except for Despicable Me, because he really isn't it, he's just a voice actor.

    Another way to put it: after GTA: San Andreas, Rockstar stopped using celeb voice actors because they realized that no one is spending $60 on a game just because Samuel L. Jackson or Ray Liotta or Jenna Jameson voices one of the characters. I mean, it's cool that Samuel L. is Tenpenny, but deep down no one really gives a shit.

  30. You make a good point.

  31. Yes I'm lazy... Also I just think there are better people out there then me at writing and I felt I'd just be rehashing what others said. Also The Nakamura vs Marafuji match was all sorts of awesome. Nakamura is a bit all over the place with quality though since this is NJPW low quality means (better then 90% of the WWE matches). His matches with Benjamin and Suzuki and archer either didn't click or he botched the finish. If anyone has any questions about NJPW let me know I know most of the backstory's going on such. Hey Scott have you ever seen IIzuka wrestle these days? Compared to how he was when he was in that tag match with the Steiners just wondered if you knew it was the same guy.

  32. The Rock needs to grow up. Now back to work on these racist CGI robots.

  33. Actually to be perfectly fair, the two highest grossing Fast and Furious movies, even taking inflation into account, are "Fast & Furious 6" and "Fast Five." Granted they both have a big cast, but they also happen to be the two that The Rock is in.

  34. Those are his only #1's, no? Besides, he wasn't a top-three biggest star in any of those movies.

  35. I'm not a Puro guy at all, that being said I've checked out a few of these MOTY contenders and this one blew my fucking my mind. Ishii is a bad ass, I was marking out hard for the Last Ride and then the Brainbuster / Steiner Screwdriver. Holy Fuck. Even the chops were ridiculous, fantastic match.

  36. Holy SHIT. That was him?

  37. Oh yeah, Iizuka is SOOOO much better now, it's crazy.

  38. Aarghh I wish it was possible for PWG to get recognition for once

  39. Speak for yourself, not for me.

  40. Threadjack: anybody see Rock slam Brandon Stroud on Twitter and Stroud's followup article where he comes off as the biggest self-righteous douche alive?


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