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the return of the 'Supercard' WrestleMania?

With the ambivalence surrounding XXX and everyone going bananas throwing out different combinations of guys as potential match-ups, one thing's for sure: the WWE has enough talent for a card more than just 8 matches. 

So, considering that and the fact that XXX is a huge milestone, is there any chance of a return to the 12-14 match supercard not seen since, I guess, XX?  Or is it fucking suicide in this day and age to produce a bloated 4 and 1/2 hour wrestling pay-pay-view? Because with all these rumored match-ups and returns floating around, it's seems unavoidable. 

Oh my god, man, I can't get through a 3 hour RAW, let alone a bloated 4.5 hour Wrestlemania.  They have enough trouble keeping crowds alive through RAWs as it is, that would be suicide for them if they tried it.  


  1. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 15, 2013 at 12:40 AM

    I prefer WWE stick to their current model of having less matches with more time to them. WM 30 could be the biggest thing ever and I still would switch it off and play Final Fantasy Tactics if it were 270 minutes long.

  2. Fuck that grump thinking. It's Wrestlemania. If you can't enjoy five hours of Wrestlemania, then you simply aren't drinking enough.

  3. That's one of the the things that plagued WM20 imo, there were some great matches, but I can't watch the PPV as a whole because there was too much pointless filler just so everyone could get a payday and I think it's one of the things that will hurt WM30 too. WWE seems to produce better PPV's when they're more relaxed and are not stressed out with all the hype because that leads to a lot of second guessing.

  4. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 15, 2013 at 1:31 AM

    A Divas match at Mania makes me go through plenty of alcohol real fast.

  5. 8 matches is perfect IMO.

  6. You leave Judd Apatow out of this! He gets a lifetime pass because of his pre-Funny People work.

  7. You think there's any chance of us getting a Death Rey vs. AJ match up?

  8. I'd suggest leaving Mania to the big deal matches and let Extreme Rules be the workrate PPV. Yeah it'd be nice to give two mid-carders the chance to have awesome matches...but that just isn't going to happen.

  9. I'm thinking maybe AJ vs. Steph. AJ's mentioned it in several interviews, so she's been pushing for it.

  10. Quality over quantity, I say.

  11. Man, "Funny People" was certainly something. Totally forgot about that mess.

  12. If they'd throw out the hours of "entertainment," the constant skits and video packages and self-important "look at how wonderful WWE is" segments, and just concentrated on matches, they could do a 4 hour show and it would fly buy. I missed the late 80s-early 90s shows where they had 15 matches and the whole roster worked the show.

  13. If they got rid of the shit like the "dancing mommas" amd maybe had 1 musical "halftime" type act,, I'd be cool with 3.5 - 4 hours

  14. Hasn't Rey said she's retired?

  15. Sorry, but I don't want to see some lame post grunge band play during Wrestlemania.

  16. If its about getting everyone a WM payday, just do the token pre-show battle royale or elimination match with the unused guys. Leave the main card for the big stuff.

    Cena vs Taker, HHH vs Bryan, Punk vs Lesnar, Wyatts vs Shield, Orton vs Sheamus, Kane vs Big Show, Langston vs Ryback or Henry, Divas match, Cody vs Goldust. 9 matches is plenty, leave the others in a battle royale

  17. Yea, I don't wither but have just kinda accepted it as a necessary evil. I can at least tolerate 6 minutes of shitty singing as opposed to dancing brodus clay mommas

  18. I'd rather see AJ vs. Trish but I don't think she'd be ring ready at that point.

  19. 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up are both much too long as well.

  20. I think that more matches would make the show more entertaining, because I don't need a 20 minutes Mark Henry match or 20 minutes video clips before the main event matches.

  21. I'm a bit surprised they've never tried to emulate the WrestleMania 2 model and spread out the event in three different cities. What was nigh-impossible in 1986 is at least workable to an extent in 2014, surely, and they have the brand name and talent roster to possibly make it work.

  22. Only if Del Rey joins the Total Divas cast.

  23. Why would you spread the same crowd across 3 cities? You're just increasing your costs.

  24. Or have 3 Events in one Location like a metal festival.

  25. Or spread it across two nights, Sat and Sun night. Charge full admission for each night, with a small (20%) discount for buying both nights at once.

    On PPV, that could work out to: $40 per night for a 2 - 2 1/2 hr PPV, or $65 for both nights. Each night gets at least six matches, including two "main events". Make the nights strong enough to stand on their own, at least on the top half of the card.

  26. There's a reason they only did it once. It didn't work out for them at all

  27. I actually agree with this. WM2 was a "brave" idea for its time, but not a good one.

    Two cities would be the absolute max that this could support, if you didn't want to spread it across two nights. East Coast and West Coast venues only, please.

  28. It makes even less sense than that. People travel to wrestlemania now. It's not a local event. Instead of selling out a huge venue, you're now splitting that crowd between two locations. You'd probably get a little bump in attendance, but you may lose some because some of the crowd will only care about one match, and if that's in the other location, why go? Plus you have to rent two places. You have all the logistics doubled. Two production crews, twice the effects people, double everything. There's just no sense to splitting it up at all.

  29. 40YOV also had one of the stupidest endings for a comedy as well. That musical number completely ruined the rest of the movie for me.

    That sounds like a good QOTD.... movies ruined by terrible endings. I'd nominate The Mist...

  30. Thread jack: apparently AJ went a bit cray cray backstage at Christmas for the Troops special. CM Punk was talking to Michelle Beadle and AJ apparently cursed her/them out. So expect AJ to lose the women's title tonight.

  31. What does she expect by dating Punk?

  32. Michelle Beadle has a nice booty.

  33. >>Terrible Endings
    >>The Mist

    You gotta be shitting me, Private Pyle.

  34. Who the fuck is Michelle Beadle?

  35. The only problem with The Mist's ending is everything happened too quick.

  36. She's a sports reporter. She even tweeted that Punk has succumbed to Crazy Girlfriend Nutering.

  37. Sports reporter for NBC Universal, she used to work for very ESPN.

  38. Yep - all of that. And it won't increase PPV buyrates at all.

  39. I don't know, maybe he's not allowed to talk to other women? Maybe she's the crazy jelous type.

  40. How Punk manages to be this type of ladies man?If he's know for being a asshole.

  41. Shes a fellow wrestling nerd. She even did a short lived wrestling podcast. Remember her saying she was into punk. Easy close for punk

  42. He has a strong personality. Girls dig that shit.

  43. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 15, 2013 at 10:09 AM

    Sorry, Maffew, I gotta agree that it's a stupidly bad ending. If we're going the FMJ route, then that ending had me going HOLY JESUS, WHAT IS THAT?!....WHAT THE *FUCK* IS THAT?! WHAT IS THAT PRIVATE PYLE!/SIR, IT'S A SHITTY ENDING, SIR!/A SHITTY ENDING?!

  44. Hes hung like lexington steele

  45. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 15, 2013 at 10:10 AM

    I guess you can say MICHELLE BEADLE.....HAS A NICE.....THE ROCK BOTTOM! (/Just Bring It PS2)

  46. Good points. Although, I think if wwe had an audience as big as say, the NBA, they night be able to pull it off.

  47. Seriously it's my favorite day of the year. If it was a 12 hour show id still watch

  48. If more matches means we don't have to suit through bullshit puff daddy/kid rock performances, boring in ring promos by the rock and backstage skits that make me cringe, I'm all for adding some undercard guys on the show. Wrestlemania is going to be a four hour show no matter what these days, so we might as well get four hours of wrestling.

  49. Do we think this is possibly the start of an angle?

  50. Or AJ vs Lita. If Lita can still go.

  51. Yeah, I could totally do 4 hours if it was virtually all for matches, No "entertainment" portion, no cross marketing with celebs, no self fellating pr shit, no diva nonsense outside of a short match for their title, and less time talking about how epic everything is, and more time delivering actual epic-ness.

  52. I like the entertainment portion when it combines with the wrestling part. Kid Rock by himself? Bad. Kid Rock singing down Undertaker? Good.

  53. You know what they say about the best gimmicks!

  54. Absolutely. I mean, wasn't that the whole motivation for making Wrestlemania a week of festivities? Like the Superbowl or ProBowl? Get all the celebrity bullshit, concerts, and skits out of the way, so that come Sunday, it's wrestling time.

    I don't get the "crossover appeal" of a Puff Daddy or Kid Rock mini-concert anyway. People can YouTube any live performance they want these days, so what sort of "special attraction" does WWE think they are offering by having FloRida rap or Kid Rock play his shitty songs on the Wrestlemania card? Are people really going to say "Oh, NOW I'm gonna drop $70 on a wrestling ppv, if Puff Daddy is gonna do two songs in the middle of it!!" Doubtful.

  55. Yeah, I agree. I think stuff like Motorhead, Living Colour, or the DX band playing their man down to the ring works just fine. It doesn't take away from the focus of the wrestling show, it integrates the bands into the higher profile matches, and it keeps with the tradition of crossover pop culture stuff at Wrestlemania.

  56. YOU LEAVE THE HOBBIT OUT OF THIS. (Haven't seen DoS yet, but AUJ was a great movie, whether it was 3.5 hours or not.

  57. Yeah, I will never understand the need for replaying video packages promoting a show we ALREADY BOUGHT. I get the main event lead-in packages, like the Rock-Austin "My Way" one, because it sort of pumps you up for the Big Fight and they are generally very well made. But why the video recaps of mid-card shit, when they have all that pre-show time for the hard sell type stuff?

  58. The "this is the most epic WM moment" stuff every other segment might be the most annoying. You want it say it fot the main event cole, im fine with that. Dont say it every 10 minutes. You already got our money

  59. I agree. The appeal of Wrestlemania is like the Super Bowl--it's an epic event taking place in one location, with one card, one main event. They have 11+ other ppvs to try all the experimental bullshit on. Wrestlemania should keep it's Big Fight appeal and doesn't need to be diluted down

  60. Yes. Doing the "this is the biggest Wrestlemania match ever" thing is fine for main events when it's just Big Fight hyperbole. They do it at the Superbowl and have always done it in boxing. It's fine. When they do it for every match it just sounds desperate

  61. What, what about Lita? I thought those crazy kids would make it work!

  62. Yeah, I don't have any problem with celeb's being involved, I think that it can even enhance the show, as long as it's part of the wrestling show.

  63. Yup. If there was a way to make a bigger profit in numerous cities as opposed to 1 city like they do now, im sure they would have figured it out by now. Ive never gone, going to NO this year, but it seems that the whole weekend should just be in 1 place

  64. I went to 16 in Anaheim. Basically the last non-Stadium Mania (aside from MSG ones) and it didn't quite feel like the Superbowl or anything, but having all the festivities in one place at least makes it feel like a big event.

  65. That they're taken from real live?

  66. I only watched the beginning and the end of the movie, but I thought it was pretty good.

  67. How does FSM fair, good?
    Because I love that movie.

  68. Think of the history they could pull up with that.

  69. Sad, well the title reign was fun while it lasted.

  70. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANDecember 15, 2013 at 12:04 PM

    That's like 5 ago, Scott.

  71. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANDecember 15, 2013 at 12:05 PM

    It's probably already been closed. Punk is getting to Batista territory. Shit, they should bring Dave back and have them feud over who's banged more skanks

  72. If we're just talking WWE, it's a toss-up. If we're talking entire careers, Punk in a landslide. Dude's gotten more ass than a Mexican proctologist.

  73. I would love to see those guys feud. But only with both at their douchy heelish best.

  74. If true, this is awesome and she should be rewarded

  75. In that case, I'd rather see them as allies, douching the rest of the roster constantly.

  76. At first, I thought that it might not affect any plans because Punk can be kind of a dick when it comes to women. But then I thought about...

    OMG! We can't possibly hurt the feelings of any c-list celebrity (or possibly d-list with Beadle's failed and floundering efforts since leaving ESPN)! Sponsors and celebs are so important to the WWE brand! Corporate execs and celebs take precedence over employees and fans! W-W-E! W-W-E!

    AJ has been in over her head since Day One, but she has handled everything so far with grace. From bouncing back from being kicked off of NXT, to escaping the blah GM role she was given while retaining heat, to giving the crapfest known as Total Divas some meaning by acting as the cast's foil, AJ has survived, thrived, and become the best female performer (emphasis on performer, not wrestler) since Trish.

    It'll be a shame if she is punished on television. For most Divas, it's hard to get the opportunity to get back into the spotlight. Most champs are one and done.

  77. AJ absolutely should be punished for what she did.

  78. They bomb once they get past the teaser videos because the guy can't back it up in the ring?

  79. Yeah, why AREN'T there any events like this?

  80. Has she? That's a shame if it's true, but I also doubt it means anything.

  81. You could turn AJ face by WrestleMania.

  82. Maybe somebody was hitting on her boyfriend?

  83. To Natalya? Bwahahahaha!

    I think they have plans with AJ's title run, she kept it through a concussion, which not only shows they value AJ more than they value Dolph Ziggler, but I think they have some variety of end game.

  84. Very true, seems a bit immature...

  85. I dunno, I like the videos for the matches. Just play the recap video before the match. It's better when the feuds have been good, but they're good enough at making the videos that I don't mind watching them.

  86. I actually liked the ending, at least Will Smith's character's sacrifice. The part after it...not so much.

  87. That, plus it was different from the original story. Normally, Hollywood has movies end with a happy ending even if the original didn't have one (or, especially if the original didn't have one). With this, it came across as gratuitous and to be perfectly frank. a bit silly. Like, having a downer ending JUST to have a downer ending. And yeah, it was too quick. You'd think he'd have heard the military coming.

  88. Nope. Sure, the novella ended on an uncertain note, but I personally LIKED the ambiguity. Hell, it could have lent itself to a sequel. This one? See my other comment. Just so happen to kill everyone in the car, steps out,and then BOOM, soldiers to the rescue? Right at that moment? The timing of the scene was completely off. If that had happened about 15-20 minutes earlier, and THEN reached safety, and we see his emotional breakdown, it would've been better. Better yet....KEEP THE ORIGINAL ENDING.

  89. "AJ has been in over her head since Day One, but she has handled everything so far with grace."

    Too bad that she didn't handle this situation with it.

  90. I loved the nihilistic ending.

    Reminded me of Dawn of The Dead.


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