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The SmarK Rant for WWE NXT–12.04.13

The SmarK Rant for WWE NXT – 12.04.13

I’m branching to writing for now as well, and my first piece is up at , looking at the history of title unifications. Also, I vent some of my frustrations with HHH, who has been annoying me as of late. To say the least. Check it out!

Taped from Orlando, FL

Your hosts are Byron Saxton, Renee Young & Alex Riley.

Antonio Cesaro has words for William Regal backstage, and Leo Kruger has a proposition for him: He wants to join the Real Americans. Cesaro agrees, in exchange for something with Sami Zayn.

NXT Women’s title: Paige v. Natalya

They trade wristlocks to start and fight to a stalemate on the mat. Nattie gets a rollup for two and tries for the Sharpshooter, but Paige quickly makes the ropes. And with that, we take a break. Back with Paige heeling on her with a beatdown in the corner and into the abdominal stretch. Nattie reverses and they collide for the double KO, but Nattie makes the comeback first. Suplex and discus lariat gets two. Sharpshooter, but Paige powers to the ropes and then leverages Natalya into the corner to break. The Paige-Turner neckbreaker finishes and she retains the belt. **

Meanwhile, Alexander Rusev’s interview time is interrupted by Tyler Breeze, who is worried about fatties in general. Must be the start of the Breeze turn.

Meanwhile, Sylvester Lefort and Scott Dawson interrupt Mojo Rawley’s promo time, which will probably prove to be a mistake.

Aiden English v. Some Guy

New gear for Aiden! Even my wife is getting into English’s act. “Is he singing a ballad about WWE?” “Yes, he’s awesome.” Director’s Cut finishes at 1:20 while I explain the gag to her, and she immediately gets it. “Is he gonna be on the main show soon? I’d watch him!” See, even my wrestling-hating wife is entertained by this!

Antonio Cesaro is out to apologize to Byron, because he’s a man of honor and five languages. However, Saxton won’t do the “We the People” pledge with proper respect, and Cesaro acts as any reasonable Swiss denizen would and slaps the shit out of him. Cesaro is trying to honor his beliefs and country! Be a man, Byron!

Meanwhile, Kruger lays out Sami Zayn to pay off his end of the bargain with Cesaro.

Tyson Kidd v. Leo Kruger

Kidd has new long tights and long hair, and a somewhat more defined physique. Total Divas doesn’t seem to be doing him any favors, so hopefully this will. Kudos to him for trying something new. Kidd attacks fast and stomps Kruger down in the corner for two, but takes a beating himself to get the heat. We take a break and return with Kruger in control on the knee, and he puts him in a Sharpshooter! No Hart family member has ever submitted to that hold! This brings out Sami to cheer Kidd on, and Kruger breaks, giving us the distraction rollup finish at 8:14. Oh come on, let’s not have this BS start permeating NXT now, too. But I guess you have to learn how to do that finish before you get to the big show. Not much to this one. *1/2

NXT Title: Bo Dallas v. Adrian Neville

We’re spoiled by an abundance of Bo these past two weeks. Neville takes him down for two while Renee gets all offended by Bo calling everyone “kids”. Neville flips around the ring and into a bodypress for two. High kick gets two and Bo takes a break. He gives himself a pep-talk in a great character touch, and back in for a cheapshot to take control. Corner clothesline and Bo-Dog gets two. Beatdown gets two. The flying knee misses, perhaps because he stopped to yell “Don’t stop bo-lieving!” first. That’s the CLASSIC error. Neville comes back with dropkicks and a low dropkick gets two. Neville tosses him and follows with a dive, which gets two. Bo bails and Neville follows with another dive and both guys are out on the floor. Neville beats the count at 9 and gets the cheap win at 7:42. Who booked THAT finish? **1/2

The Pulse

I know they got rid of Dusty, but this was a noticeable step down in booking from recent months, feeling more like (ew), RAW or Smackdown. Hopefully the mojo is regained next week.


  1. "Also, I vent some of my frustrations with HHH, who has been annoying me as of late."

    Well Scott, HHH would like a word with you...

  2. The article you posted was absolutely epic! I enjoy the heck out of a sarcastic Triple H bashing.

  3. Who did they replace Dusty with? And was there a specific reason?

  4. Wait, I thought TPrincess was Scott's wife?!?

  5. Uh, no. My wife hates wrestling and Princess lives very very far away from me.

  6. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 5, 2013 at 11:31 PM

    Hey, whatever fanfic you write in your spare time is YOUR business...unless you wanna share your creepy Scott/Princess stuff with the rest of us?

  7. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryDecember 5, 2013 at 11:42 PM

    BTW, funny article. Scott Keith running gags always work, because, continuity. I like the one dweeb in the comments section saying "Where did you find this guy?" I think you should throw on your Bully Ray beanie for that one: DO YOU KNOW....WHO I AM?!!?

  8. I look forward to Dallas being called up to the main roster before Royal Rumble... so he can drop the NXT title to HHH.

  9. I can't imagine how tickled Triple H must be that those that hate him most can never stop talking about him.

  10. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 6, 2013 at 12:14 AM

    I feel like there should be a Parrallax joke here somewhere, but I got nothing. Maybe I'll think of one later and come back and edit this.

  11. He draws power from it. It fuels him, the only way to banish the evil is to stop talking about it.

  12. Did Dusty actually get replaced off-screen, too? As of last week's podcast with Austin, he still referred to himself as the Head of Creative for NXT.

  13. And everyone knows that Princess is every bit as female as Princess Kenny.

  14. Dunno about Aiden English. Great gimmick and he can sell really well, but he needs to work on his offence more when he is control.
    Saying that, i would love a spot where he is in the Rumble and sings his way down to enter, with a special song about the history of the Rumble. That would be a great spot to get him over.

  15. Could I get the cliffs notes on Aiden English? Sounds intriguing.

  16. I thought that too when TP started writing for this site. She's like the female version of Scott Keith.

  17. I dunno, I had heard rumors of him getting replaced, but hopefully cooler heads prevailed on that one.

  18. So basically anytime someone mentions the word "wife" people automatically think of me?!?!?!?! That is... actually kind of fair.

  19. This show feels like they're building to a bigger one next week, esp as they used Nattie and Tyson. Neville is just a placeholder to give Bo Dallas a Honky Tonk Man win. Next week Bayley (I assume)! YAY!
    Anyone else catch that perv trying to get a feel on Nattie when she was posing with the fans on the way to the ring?

  20. How does that make him a perv? If anything she is at fault for not allowing it.

  21. He's a theater actor-turned-wrestler who sings his way to the ring, and provides a post-match encore, which is now being greeted with the tossing of roses.

    What's funny is that while English is a pretty good singer if we're talking strictly from tone, he's rarely ever actually on pitch. But the character is so charming I just don't care.

  22. It's a Dusty replacement. It'll be turned over within days.

  23. It's very cathartic.

  24. I thought that was the Anvil she posed with!

  25. "Just don't look! Just don't look!" -- Paul Anka and Lisa Simpson

  26. Teaming him with Sandow would be all kinds of awesome, especially if the rumors of a new focus on tag teams in 2014 are true.

  27. If you watch the JBL and Cole Show (with Renee Young) you would see that Aiden English challenged Damien Sandow to a sing-off.

  28. Not your best work.

  29. *Slides you a non-alcoholic beverage*

    What's wrong bud?

  30. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 6, 2013 at 6:03 PM

    I've got some O'Dweeds if you wanna smoke.

  31. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 6, 2013 at 6:04 PM

    Hey homey, I just call 'em as I see 'em.

  32. Nothing in particular... just no time to stop... tryin' to make a dollar out of 15 cent

  33. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 6, 2013 at 6:20 PM

    It's from a Chappelle's show skit. I'm sure you've heard of O'Doulls, O'Dweeds is, as the chick in the skit said "like O'Doulls, only for weed". It's probably on YouTube, but I'm lazy and don't feel like finding a link to it.

  34. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 6, 2013 at 6:21 PM

    Que? I'm thinking this is an UFC thing? I don't really watch MMA.

  35. That might be as wrong as you could have possibly been...

  36. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 6, 2013 at 6:28 PM

    Only Pac song I really know is "I Don't Give a Fuck", and that's only because it's in one of the GTA games. Just can't get into Pac for some reason.

  37. Its clearly because you hate black people. Racist!

  38. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryDecember 6, 2013 at 6:44 PM

    Porch monkey isn't a racial slur, ni... yeah, I'm just gonna stop right there.

  39. Ah, work shit.

    I getcha, finals are busting my ass too.

  40. I don't miss those days... actually the lady I have been talking to is still in college and she is basically a myth to me while she is working on finals/thesis.

  41. Cradle thief.

    And no thesis for me yet, but I finished up my transfer applications last week and so I was putting my essays and shit off. They're not difficult but it's just a ton of stuff to physically do.

  42. She's 27! That is well over "age / 2 + 7"... she's not even married!

    And this is her last year so I guess there is a lot more for her to do or some shit she talked about while I wasn't listening/caring. (I can't fully break character here)

  43. What's her major? Is she doing something ungodly time consuming like med school or did she take time off between degrees?

  44. Political Science... well actually a variation of it like political communication or something I forget the exact title. I think she just fucked up a lot earlier in her academic career and is a bit behind the curve... at this point I think it is more of a matter of principal for her to finish it since she is probably too old to start a political career, and doesn't have the academic record to get into law school.

  45. Ah, one of those deals. And she might have dodged a bullet cause politics and lawyering are not careers I'd wish on my worst enemy.

    It's funny, when I was younger I dreamed about being this huge celebrity, but the older I get the more I realize I'd be satisfied with a job that would allow me to spend time with the people I love.

  46. I have to disagree. I worked in politics for 5 years and it is still where my heart is and what I would be doing... if you couldn't buy things with money, I miss it in a way I can't describe... and my Master's Degree is in Public Policy. If I had the opportunity to do it again I would go to law school... as I am typing this out I realize how much I have in common with this broad (even though I doubt it goes anywhere). Politics and law both have negative reputations that they don't deserve... it is the most rewarding thing I have ever done.

    You are right though... all I want at this point is a career that doesn't make me want to blow my brains out and allows me to optimize my free time to money ratio so I can get as much enjoyment out of life as possible.

  47. I admire politicians and lawyers immensely. But it seems like an awful job with long hours and tons of paperwork. I'm much more interested in the creative arts so an office job of any variety sounds like the worst.

    Yeah, I've realized I have no interest in wife/kids so that necessities way less money than most people, but primarily I want a job that's emotionally fulfilling and mostly bullshit free. But then I remember I'm a philosophy major...fuck me.


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