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5 Returns That Rocked / 5 That Fizzled

My #1 choice for fizzled return might be a bit controversial, but I was pretty disappointed by it.

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  1. Once again, Scott starts threads that go head to head with Raw.

    Monday Night Wars Part 3?

  2. RAW is Tuesday when I feel it like for me, hence your caveman-like decisions to watch RAW during the official time it airs mean nothing to me.

  3. I thought calling Brock Lesnar "Viking Space Lord" was cultstatus's gimmick?

  4. Affirmative would have been an awesome chant.

  5. He steals freely from his Blog Otters, leaving us with nothing but free content and a huge time suck.

  6. That's good. There's no guarantee that Bryan will be winning the Royal Rumble but it makes the Rumble more interesting with him cleared to go.

  7. Scott, I love you but please don't say "I can't even."
    Unless you're secretly a 14 year old girl on Tumblr.

  8. There haven't been this many people pulling for a single Royal Rumble candidate since HBK in 2009.

    So if D-Bry doesn't win, I guess that means that he's getting Taker at Mania?

  9. All the kids love Buzzfeed, though!

  10. Yes, he is healthy enough to job to Bray at the rumble...

  11. He's not in the rumble...

  12. You picked the wrong Rocking Rick Rude moment.

    I've gotta go with his return to WCW...occurring at the same time that he was appearing on Monday Night RAW.

  13. They are still pulling for him.

  14. I give credit to Rude for actually trying to keep up the mystery of his appearance while wrestling under the mask. He changed his body language and striking style when he was 'the Phantom,' and until he hit the gutbuster and Rude Awakening, stayed away from using any of his signature moves. Compare this to the "Black Scorpion" and how you could almost instantly tell it was Flair. Anyway, Scott's right, Rude was great in WCW as a serious top-card heel. (Bonus points for the clip of some vintage Heyman promo work and Madusa in her absolute prime.)

    Hogan's return in 2002 could've easily involved a title run if it had been an actual run. I forget where I read this, but someone on the net re-booked it as a Rocky-esque "old legend tries to regain his title" story and could've quite possibly stretched all the way to Wrestlemania 19. Hogan could've won a few to show he still had it, yet lost a few to leave just enough doubts lingering in both the fans' minds and in his own mind. Then, he wins the Rumble and ends up challenging HHH for the World Title at WM19, a bout that would've had a lot more heat behind it than HHH/Booker T (and without the disappointing ending). That would've made much more sense than Hogan just getting a title shot immediately after WM18 and immediately winning it.

    I'm not sure it's technically a "return" as Scott defines it since it's not like he was wrestling anywhere in the interim, but Jericho's comeback from late 2007-late 2010 was a total reinvention and (after his heel turn) the best run of his career.

  15. All he did was show up though. After that he just followed around Curt Hennig.

  16. But the return itself was rocking.

    Also: Luger, Lex.

  17. Looking back, it was so damn foolish to put the belt on Hogan at the very next PPV after Wrestlemania 18. For the first time ever, the money could have been in the chase with Hulk. There's no reason why HHH couldn't have gotten a cheap win over him at Backlash that could have set up a rematch. All the 2002 Hulk stuff (like putting over Lesnar and Angle) could have happened BEFORE a title win. With proper build, a Hulk title win could have been a feel-good story like George Foreman in the mid-90's. Instead, it was the same old

  18. Totally agree on Hulk's 2002 run. I just posted something similar before scrolling down and seeing your post.

  19. I actually found your #4 Hogan more controversial than your #1 Rock.

  20. I still think they should take Batista out on Smackdown and have him just kill Del Rio in a match at the Rumble.

    That allows DBry a win without ruining Batistas return match.

  21. Not yet.

    And considering there are only 14 confirmed people in the Rumble, Bryan should be in there.

  22. No controversy for me here. I said for months prior to the Rock's return that the best story would have been him LOSING the title match at the Rumble to Punk (as well as MMQB'ing him losing to Cena in Miami as he should have), being forced to admit that he'd lost some of his passion for our so-called sport, and then finding the most unlikely of mentors (Cena) to help him get that passion back and EARN a rematch at WM, where he finally ends Punk's title reign and gets that "WM conquering hero" moment that Triple H screwed him out of in 2000. Unfortunately it was never to be because Rock wasn't sticking around past WM (100% necessary to make the story work), but it would've been so much better than what we got.

  23. And who exactly is going to promote G.I. Joe while he earns this rematch?

  24. G.I. Joe wasn't the problem; Rock was on RAW pretty much every week in the buildup to WM last year, and you could easily have pre-taped a bunch of stuff with Cena and Rock together in the storyline I had in mind. The problem was that Rock would have needed to carry the belt for at least a couple of PPVs AFTER WM to properly pay off the storyline (it doesn't work if Rock just vacates the belt the night after WM), and that was impossible with the Hercules shoot. Le sigh.

  25. Look I'm all for your fantasy booking here. It would have been great. And I'm only kidding about G. I. Joe. But I just think Rock's....ummm....artistic drive(?) a wrestler just wasn't there anymore. "I'll work my two PPV's, do a couple promos, get paid a gazillion dollars for it, and be on my way back to Hollywood." And ya can't fault him for that.

  26. Yes. They could have done a HHH heel-turn at Backlash, with him taking over Hogan's spot as nWo leader with his Kliq buddies.

  27. Sadly it looks like Lesnar and Taker

  28. I feel like Brock Lesnar should have cost Rock his title win at the Rumble. Then you can do Punk-Cena for the title, with Rock-Lesnar as the special attraction. Although I guess that leaves Undertaker and scratch that!

  29. Ohh.. I just got it.

  30. No, you can't, and I'm not disagreeing with you that Rock's drive was no longer there. I'm just saying that if you're going to spend as much cheddar as Vince did to bring Rock in, that would have been the best story to get your best ROI. Because as is, Vince pretty much took a loss on the affair and we would've been better off to not have Rock there at all.

    Same thing with Batista... it's REALLY going to make me mad if he comes in, wins the Rumble and the title, defends for a couple of PPVs and then leaves, without an appreciable proper STORY behind it. Because then Batista's just taking main event time away from guys who ARE going to be there for the long haul and deserve the time at the top. *cough* BRYAN *hack* *cough*

  31. You're not a kid anymore, grandpa. ;)

  32. It isn't my gimmick. It is Brock Lesnar's official title. Everyone is encouraged to use it. Or be destroyed.

  33. Is it too late to update your list, Scott? After watching Batista come out for a 2nd time, it seemed to me his heat started to disappear. I didn't have much faith in his return and tonight did not prove anything to dissuade my opinion.

  34. Great, why don't we put her in charge!?

  35. Jesus fucking Christ, it has been one night. Calm down.

  36. "left everyone looking like sub-par stars next to him."

    Rock deserves that spot, only because he's made it fashionable for Wrestlemania main events to be headlined by part-time retirees and John Cena, while literally ignoring the rest of the roster that nearly kill themselves 12 straight months a year.

  37. Rock missed a ton of Raws during the build up.

  38. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 20, 2014 at 9:34 PM

    no, you were spot on with your #1 fizzle choice. it's good to see you finally admitting it sucked

    "you love the Rock"


  39. I'm too old to get pissed anymore about it. After that shitshow with the Rock last year, Vince will probably put Batista in the main event this year and the product will continue to blow donkey nuts. And if you don't see that train coming, I feel bad for you.

  40. How about Warrior in '92 to complete the hat trick of fizzles?

  41. Warrior in 92 was awesome. Great return and the Warrior/Flair/Savage deal rocked.

  42. If Batista/Brock is the main event, I'll get on that train and never get off.

  43. Thought I read Batista is signed for 2 years?

  44. I think we get Lesnar/Batista, HHH/Bryan(Only because HHH wants to be in the match with the hottest guy in the company), Taker/Who the fuck cares....

  45. To be fair, with the exception of Bryan thank goodness, that crowd didn't seem to care about anything at all.

  46. Jericho seemed like a consensus favorite in 2012.

    I haven't payed attention to the rumored WrestleMania cards but how does Bryan not get some kind of marquee match? My guess is he either: A) Finally beats Orton for the WWE Title. B) Faces Brock Lesnar(for the championship or not) C) Undertaker. Those are my hopeful guesses.

  47. That sounds way better than Punk/HHH, considering he was randomly thrown into the mix.


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