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A+ Matches of the Day

Howdy B O'Doomers,

Hell of a football game eh? Too many FSU grads in my family's circle of friends to count so naturally the husband was on the phone until 2 a.m. last night chatting with them all.

Anyway back to the Royal Rumbles, lets knock out two of them today all right? Both of Shawn Michaels' victories in the 1995 and 1996 Rumbles

Enjoy the shows!


  1. If you guys want me to separate these into two different posts I can do that.

  2. Poor he's gonna get laden with the injury-prone tag. Take him off for a while and retool his persona & change his name already for god's sake, so he can get over again and not have to rely on taking so many suicidal bumps.

  3. Maybe Dolph should retire?

    He's 33, already suffered two major concussions and his career has screeched to a dead stop not by random chance, but by a grudge over his inability to shut the fuck up or think before speaking. Maybe switch to comedy or acting?

  4. Who said the Bryan as a Wyatt thing was a whim by Vince?

  5. watched 95 this am ironically, wasnt digging the 60 second entrant rule, but man was the roster thin. taht and the 97 rumble was jobber heavy.

  6. i couldnt find the 94 rumble in one piece, hopefully you can find one.

  7. If only because if he's the kind of guy who'll shittalk his boss' pet project to the media and not understand how he's sabotaging himself in the process at the age of 33, he's never going to get further up the card than he is now.

  8. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 7, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    So they send Dolph to the basement (Superstars). At this point, Dolph should just set the building on fire, take the huge check he found on the floor, and sit on the beach ordering daiqueries.

  9. I will blame the crowd. They were hardly popping for anything from the onset of the show. That show wasn't even terrible, it was fun (although not as fun as some of the other Old School shows in the past).

  10. I guess this shows exactly why so many of us decry the booking of Daniel Bryan. For all the people that said "But he's in a main event program!" ... Did that look like the main event to you? He walks to the ring with the bad guys, throws some kicks, loses the match, and then begins Team Hell No 2.0 as he talks about being Tag Team Champions with the Wyatts. Welcome back to the mid-card Bryan. No wonder the crowd was dead.

  11. Ryback injured another superstar!

  12. Anyone catch Punk saying "PG old Jake..PG" as Jake was putting the snake on Ambrose?

  13. How does Cornette continue to get work? I'm listening to this trailer right now and he seems to hate everyone.

  14. It feels like sabotage to me.

  15. I didn't hear it, but I know other people did.

  16. What will Dolph's new name be in TNA?

  17. Why are we surprised this crowd didn't want to play ball with the WWE? This is the same crowd (Baltimore) that took weeks of awesome Bray Wyatt promos and decided to chant "Husky Harris" at him to show THEY were smart people who didn't need to play along with anything anyone did. Not relevant to last night, probably, but food for thought.

  18. DDP is a great human being, Jake looked great, soo much more healthier than the "you got 21, i got 22 phase" and that was 15 years ago!

  19. There was very little worth popping over. Other than some older fans who grew up in the 80s, why should anyone give a fuck about Roddy Piper or even Flair anymore? Fans in their teens and 20s weren't even born during their prime.

  20. Well it's more that those guys were trained to work the crowd rather than work for cameras.

  21. Jake often uses the snake as a phallic symbol and Punk was trying to keep him from getting in trouble.

  22. If it were real life, it would be the exact same case. It's cool.

  23. Flair didn't come out every week and whine about wanting the night off and not wanting to ever wrestle. I hate that about heels nowadays.

  24. "Whim" might be too strong a word, but it's been explained by several ex-WWE employees that Vince has been known to derail and re-arrange storylines at the last second because of his own petty amusements. The fact that from SummerSlam through the Slammys everything was building to Bryan finally getting over the last hump, beating the machine, defeating Orton, and being the legitimate Face of the Company that the fans wanted... (takes breath)... doesn't really jive with suddenly surrendering, acknowledging he will fail if he fights the machine, and becoming a lackey for another person. Right now, everyone's trying to figure out if Vince -- who famously said the WWE listens to its fans during the Attitude Era -- has this as part of his plan or not; there's a lot of confusion going on.

  25. Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. I'm assuming it's a DAVE^! thing? Even those he's proven himself to have no real inside info for quite some time?

  26. as horrible as the Rumble 1995 is, I think the idea of having two guys going from beginning to end was pretty good (and the crowd was into those two as well).

  27. I was going to say "delusional douche," but doofus asshole works, too. Either way, he's totally invested in his character and it's pretty effective.

  28. He doesn't, really?

    He does the occasional indy show and a ton of shoots/podcasts, but he really doesn't work anymore.

  29. Good points. I'd only add that United Center and MSG also have NHL games and the occasional college basketball game or concert. Plus you also need to plan around the Tuesday TV tapings, I think they generally try to keep the locations near each other.

  30. What family would that be?

  31. Hopefully, she sold them to a consortium fronted by Ric Flair.


  33. Actually Billy Graham was the 70s. I picked someone specifically who would have last wrestled in a significant way almost 25 years ago (Jake's last real bit of relevance was in the very early 90s). Didn't count his Austin run.

  34. Walked right into that one.

  35. She is joining Jeff Jarrett, Toby Keith, and Jim Ross to start their own promotion to take down her father and husband.

  36. I thought this was a repeat, but no. Similar story from October

  37. That might be one of the dumbest statements you've made here.

  38. What about Miz/taker at wrestlemania last year?

    Realistically, is it not fair to say that when you report that the plan for wrestlemania is 9 different things, there's a chance you don't actually know what you're talking about?

  39. Imagine all the gold watches and blow he could buy.

  40. She's selling as a way to protest Daniel Bryan's push.

  41. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 7, 2014 at 11:37 AM

    Jake is about a straight edge as a saw blade.

  42. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 7, 2014 at 11:38 AM

    Was Savage getting bit by the snake in the '90's?

  43. Pretty great undercard..! The rumble itself starts off well enough, but then kinda loses steam. Which is why I personally prefer the 90 rumble match.

  44. I always thought the 96 Rumble match was vastly underrated (of course the PPV as a whole sucked, mainly because of the disappointing Bret-Taker main event). HBK, Diesel, and a brand new, hyped-up Vader made for a really solid trifecta of possible winners, with Yokozuna and Mabel adding "big man" intrigue, and a solid "middle" of guys like Owen, Bulldog, HHH, and even "Ringmaster" Steve Austin. Plus, Jake the Snake was a great surprise for the time. Definitely a much better lineup than 94, 95, 97, and even 98. Those Rumbles were filled with jobbers and terrible mid-card characters like the Blus, Mantaur, the Truth Commission, etc. etc.

  45. Never lived down the fact that Bret-Taker turned into such a bore on that show.


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