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Cucch's Random Awesomeness of the Day

Just to chime in on the WWE Network quickly...they already have a vacuum hose attached to my wallet. Suffice to say, am I getting it? YES! YES! YES! Especially if they have high def versions matches like this. A member of a Facebook group I post on steered me in its direction...its Scott's dream tag team: Hulk Hogan and Ricky Steamboat squaring off with Randy Savage and Honky Tonk Man, dark match filmed at the Meadowlands in New Jersey, January, 1987


  1. Yeah, pretty much. On this show, there are times where I don't even recognize his voice (if they throw someone new in the booth with him)--he's so nondescript. He does okay with Regal, I believe. Everyone does okay with Regal.

    While I'm talking about Regal...tangent time... I hope he is helping all of the young guys in a huge way because him not being on commentary for the main shows is hurting the product. He's that good. Not only is his timing and knowledge there, but his absurdist humor is funny as hell. He'll make random lies about his past or the wrestler in the ring and sometimes you don't realize it until about a minute later. Just great stuff.

  2. I want to see some good old-fashioned "gang war" type feuds between multiple stables. They had a bunch of them in '97-'98 timeframe (DOA, Hart Foundation, NOD, Truth Commission, the NWA guys, Boricuas, etc), but I think it would work better now because it wouldn't be quite as many shitty workers as, say, Boricuas vs. Nation or DOA vs. NOD. Do it Sons of Anarchy style where you have a bunch of rival groups that have precarious alliances, truces, turf wars, and back-stabbing.

  3. He may be somewhat dull but I'll take dull over annoying anyday, and not many WWE announcers aren't annoying (looking at you RAW)

  4. This is very true but I think Vince was probably looking to pull in any voters he could....

  5. Sorry but Id rather see Santino or 3MB in a background shot than some locals....

  6. That Thanksgiving episode is an all time fav episode of any tv show for me....

    ...right up there with Rev Jim getting his license on Taxi and asking what does a yellow light mean....

  7. Regal and Renee Young are the best, Tensai (of all people) has been quite good on the rare times he's been on commentary. Phillips and Saxton are both quite generic, Cole-esque talking heads who are dependent on Regal or Renee to make them interesting. Riley is terrible.

  8. I pray for Mojo to get his big push. He's an enthusiastic babyface people seem to like. Let's see what happens if he goes on a win streak.

  9. Listening to Alex Riley and the Miz calling Main Event is like thinking about jamming your a Q-tip deep into your ear, and almost going through with it. It's that bad. It's like the episode of The Critic where Christian Slater and Jack Nicholson are in "A few More Good Men" and are exact clones of each other.

  10. Word. I made a DVD out of my PPV recording of that show using the official DVD release's menus. It's badass :)

  11. Fake boobs = no buys

  12. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 15, 2014 at 9:43 PM

    'low rider' has been replaced with something else for the intro of george lopez eps on dvd (still there in syndication, tho)

  13. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 15, 2014 at 9:45 PM

    wcw worldwide is overdubbed to hell on 24/7, which is REALLY weird. we're talking 'man called sting' (i originally accidentally wrote 'steen'... that would be awesome), 'simply ravishing', i believe johnny b badd's theme... i think even 'the natural' was overdubbed

  14. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 15, 2014 at 9:46 PM

    i'm guessing that 70's show is similar

  15. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 15, 2014 at 9:49 PM

  16. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 15, 2014 at 9:50 PM

    'Reading the news about HHH trying to smooth things over with JR and
    convincing Vince to put an end to the Bryan heel turn immediately,'


  17. I have not seen Mojo yet, so I cannot comment on whether he should get a big push or not. The upvote is for the Simpsons reference.

  18. I am a fan of Rusev

  19. Though he still believes a full Silverdome plus seating on the field = 10,000 people below normal capacity.

  20. Thing is I have had a turkey fly over my car. Now it was a wild turkey, not a fattened up butterball but still . . .

  21. Kofi jobs on NXT then beating the WWE champion on Raw is a damn good example of WWEs WTF booking, but hey whatever gets Kofi a push because hes a fantastic worker who has been around for a long time and i've never heard of Kofi having any behavioral or substance abuse problems.

  22. I've never faulted Jeff Jarrett for what he did in 1999. It's the company's fault for having his contract expire and not renewing it or whatever before a pay-per-view when he was the IC champion. If Jarrett is an "independent contractor" then if he wants to charge $500,000+ or whatever for 1 match then he is well within his rights to do so.

  23. Awesome!!! Neat match. I laughed at the short heat segment at 10:50. Steamboat gets beaten for minutes and then only needs 45 s to recover!?


  25. IIRC this match is from an episode of International Challenge.

  26. I'm aware. But I'm not good enough with financial stuff to decipher all of it. I probably should have said "I'd be interested to see tl;dr version of WWEs expense reports."

  27. I asked this in a previous thread but what's the deal on Corey Graves? Is he coming up, on his way out, hurt?

  28. Yeah, that gets annoying fast and he'll try and spin questions towards the VIP site too.

    That's the good thing with Meltzer, when he is on with Alvarez he barely mentions his newsletter.

  29. If I remember correctly, he is dealing with a concussion at the moment.

  30. I hope he's on his way out (though if he's concussed he has my sympathies). guy bores me to tears, he isn't particularly impressive looking and has a belly button tat. I guess chicks might dig him in that Jeff Hardy way?

  31. Yea i know. He got his win back because he lost to Rusev last week in what was basically a squash match.

  32. How many guys are they giving the "Golden Ticket" to? First Roman Reigns, then I heard Alexander Rusev and now Mojo Rawley.

  33. I don't remember it having as much music. And it was created during the DVD era, so they may have planned for that from the start.

  34. The difference between Tyler Breeze and CJ Parker is amazing. Both were floundering before being given gimmick makeovers but while Breeze is getting over big time, Parker floundering big time. Parker is just someone who just reeks of someone who is nothing special.

  35. I'm not too interested in podcasts about old shows, just news and current shows. I'd check out Place To Be, but I can't find an RSS feed anywhere on their site, nor is it in whatever database is used by my podcast app (Podkicker for Android).

  36. So many interesting matches on that guys YouTube. How about Bret/Bulldog for the WWF Title in 1995 from Alberta. Where was this aired???

  37. Riley is fine but feels the need to relate everything to his limited wrestling career. That's the worst.

  38. Mojo is still too green to come up. He needs to work a TV feud, and have some matches that last 15 mins or so.

  39. I don't know that I really see the big deal with Rusev. he's not that tall or anything, or that interesting.

  40. I think its the valet he is with Lana that they are more interested in.

  41. Otherwise, if anything, Place to Be Podcast is on Stitcher which does have an Android app.

  42. I really think we need a weekly comic book thread on Wednesdays. I may not get around to reading everything on Wednesday, but I wouldn't mind discussing recommendations, opinions and reviews about what's coming out.

  43. Thanks. I found that Podbean has an RSS feed for PTB.

  44. "You look like me, you act like me, you don't have an original bone in you body."
    "That's a freakin' lie!"

  45. ...ah...nevermind--I'm the idiot then...

    carry on

  46. I had him pop up a few times, but not come back to weekly TV until late September.

  47. It's like 3 pages long and I know Scott is not a fan of fantasy booking.

  48. The RD and Blade Show (formerly WrestleCrap Radio) is still the funniest thing on the web. Not everyone's cup of tea, but it does it for me

  49. If Mojo is going to be their next big face, he needs a way better finisher than the damn butt splash.

  50. Thanks, I dig the Place To Be podcast. Their Best.Worst of 2013 show was great, and I'm starting their Rumble retrospective now.


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