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The SmarK RAW Rant–01.13.14

The SmarK RAW Rant – 01.13.14

Live from Providence, RI

Your hosts are Michael Cole, JBL & Jerry Lawler

As noted previously on the blog, I have two new Kindle books available to purchase: The Complete Royal Rumble Rants and The Complete Monday Night RAW 2013. Only $2.99 each for hours of snark!

Daniel Bryan & Bray Wyatt v. The Usos

The crowd is still cheering for Bryan, clearly unaware of the hard work that creative put into this heel turn. The Wyatts take turns beating on Jey in the corner and Bryan drops a knee on the apron. Bray with a corner splash and Bryan kicks him down, but Jey gets an enzuigiri and makes the hot tag to Jimmy. Running ass attack gets two on Bryan and the Usos clear the ring and follow with stereo dives. Back in, the Wyatt Family runs in for the DQ at 5:40. Bryan, dejected about yet another loss with his new team, allows himself to take another Sister Abagail. Nothing much to this one. *1/2

Damien Sandow v. John Cena

Rather early in the show for Cena. They exchange headlocks and we take a break early, and return with Sandow escaping the FU and getting a neckbreaker for two. Cena tries the STF and Sandow clips the knee and takes him down with Edge’s old Edgecution, which Cena powers out of. Falling neckbreaker gets two as Cena busts out wacky new stuff. A tornado DDT (?!?) gets two. Another FU is reversed to a sunset flip for two by Sandow, and a wacky neckbreaker gets two. Cena takes him down with another STF, but he makes the ropes, and Sandow actually reverses into a crossface. Cena powers out of that, into the FU to finish at 11:08. Cena must really like Sandow given how much offense he’s given him in their matches. *** This rebuilding of Sandow again makes the premature briefcase cashing look all the more ridiculous.

WWE: The Network, coming February 24. The hard sell is really unnecessary here, as I’m ready to give up my money freely, but we still have to wait SIX WEEKS. Just take my money now! I will review the shit out of this and die happy!

Meanwhile, Libertarian Kane is confronted by Brad Maddox, who again speaks up against CHAOS on the show, which is apparently the worst thing that can happen. So they book a cage match tonight with the Usos and Wyatts, and Kane will have the key to the door. Chekhov’s Mask continues to lurk ominously in the background.

CM Punk & The New Age Outlaws v. The Shield

The Outlaws have their entrance omitted here, which sucks because it’s the only thing they have left. It’s probably time for Gunn to shave his head again. Gunn gets worked over in the heel corner, but comes back with a tilt a whirl slam on Rollins for two. Dogg slugs Ambrose down and drops the knee, and it’s over to Punk, who runs Ambrose into multiple turnbuckles in a fun spot. So it’s over to Reigns, who wins a slugfest with ease, but Punk tosses him and follows with a dive as we take a break. Back with Punk putting Rollins down with a neckbreaker for two. Rollins puts him on the apron, and Reigns just MURDERS him with a dropkick from the floor. Yeah, he’s gonna have to keep doing that spot, I’ve decided. So Punk is your face in peril, and Ambrose gets a short clothesline for two. They head to the floor and Punk sends Ambrose into the stairs and crawls for the tag…at which point the Outlaws abandon him and head back to the dressing room. Oh, damn, he got STINGED! Who would have suspected these lifelong scoundrels and good friends of HHH to be working with the Authority? WHO? Punk fights on, but Reigns finishes him with the spear at 16:44. Punk kind of deserved that for trusting them in the first place. ***1/2 I always like this angle if it’s done well and makes sense with the characters, which it totally does here.

Batista returns next week!

Randy Orton v. Kofi Kingston

Orton quickly lays Kofi out on the floor and chokes away in the corner, but Kofi fights back. Orton clotheslines him for two as Kofi’s tights threaten to blow out my TV screen. Orton drops him on the top rope and to the floor, and we take a break. Back with Orton in total control, beating on Kofi on the floor and then back in for his favorite chinlock. Kofi fights up and gets swatted down by Orton as this thing is dragging really badly. Kofi comes back with a backslide, but gets put back in a chinlock. Kofi fights out and makes the comeback, but Orton cuts him off with the draping DDT, which Kofi turns into the SOS for the pin at 14:02. Considering Orton beat him like a jobber for 14 minutes prior to that, it’s not a terribly impressive win. *1/2 Orton, rather upset about this, stops to beat up John Cena Sr, just like old times. And then this happened:

Alberto Del Rio v. Rey Mysterio

Del Rio quickly bails and Rey follows with the senton off the apron, but Del Rio controls in the ring. ADR works the arm and gets a backbreaker for two, but charges and hits the post. Rey comes back with the 619, but goes up and gets caught, allowing Del Rio to tap him at 4:56. *1/2 Del Rio dedicates that beating to Batista, although last time we saw Batista he was using Rey as a lawn dart on a weekly basis so I’m not sure why he’d care.

Meanwhile, Punk complains to Kane about Authority shenanigans, and gets entered in the Royal Rumble.

Cage Match: The Usos v. Daniel Bryan & Bray Wyatt

Big brawl to start and Bray backdrops Jimmy into the cage and follows with a catapult, while Jey tries to climb out. The Wyatts cut him off as Lawler points out the folly of one team member trying to escape, since you’re basically abandoning your partner to a 2-on-1 beating. We take a break and return with Jimmy hitting a senton on Bray for two. Bryan dropkicks Jey in the Tree of Woe and tries to escape, but the Usos bring him down with a double suplex that gets two. Bray tries Sister Abagail on Jey, but Jimmy cuts it off with a superkick. So now both Usos try to escape, which is the only smart time to try it, and soon everyone is on the top of the cage. Daniel goes down, Bray get crotched, and the Usos escape at 12:13. ** And finally, Bryan has had enough of Bray’s subpar leadership, as he submits to Sister Abagail one last time and then turns on Bray, in a cage locked shut by Kane no less. Bray tells him to bring it, so Bryan kicks the shit out of him and gets rid of the garbageman gear, then kicks Bray’s ass again for good measure before leading the crowd in a chorus of Yes chants. Thank god. And the announcers had the good sense to shut the hell up during the whole thing.

The Pulse

Thank you college basketball crowd! Even WWE seems to be admitting that Cena v. Orton is midcard stuff at this point and Daniel Bryan is the real show, and hopefully that translates into someone pulling the trigger in a big way as we head into Wrestlemania season.

The rest of the show was pretty good on Hulu, cut down to a good Cena-Sandow match and the usual good Shield match, but they nailed the landing in a big way and that’s the important thing.


  1. So you didn't think it was a swerve the whole time?


  2. I think the plan the whole time was that Bryan would eventually turn against the Wyatts and see the light. I don't think they originally planned on doing it last night and I do think that the college basketball video convinced them to (rightfully) hotshot the turn.


  4. I'd rather Batista come back as a heel.

  5. Daniel Bryan's facials before his revenge were awesome.

    Serious wrestling, baby!


  7. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 14, 2014 at 9:47 AM

    I like the fact that they aborted this whole thing early, and Bryan is more over now than he was before.
    However, on a personal level, I would much rather they ended it due to the realization that it was stupid to even start it, and not based on the reaction of college basketball crowds. I never agree with a mob collective unless they are outside my house with torches and pitchforks.

  8. But 2 weeks, bro? Come on. Even if the swerve was always "planned", it was still a shit angle that the fans shit all over.

  9. So just since I've been reading it here, was there something out there that said explicitly they aborted the turn due to the college crowd? Or did people get worked and simply have a difficult time admitting it?

  10. Man, I don't know how you could have thought it was a good show when you missed the Rhodes Brothers vs. Rybaxel and AJ/Tamina vs. Funkadactyls matches.

    The latter was a perfect example of 50/50 booking making everyone involved look bad.

  11. After the first segment with DB/Bray vs the Uso's, I was so irritated that I turned off raw altogether. I checked twitter later and saw everyone freaking out, so I went and watched the last segment. Whether this was the plan all along or it was hastily aborted, I'm just glad it's done with. That reaction was amazing and I'm hoping for big things for db come wrestlemania.

  12. Meltzer has apparently reported that they aborted the angle based on the crowd's reaction.

  13. Agreed. His short heel run before he left where he called everyone "fat boys" was awesome.

  14. Yeah, I'm not sure what is going to happen with db at Wrestlemania. The 'upper card' is pretty crowded right now - you have Punk, Cena, Orton, Lesnar and Bautista. Plus there will be the obligatory Undertaker matchup and probably a HHH appearance. Right now Bryan seems to be the odd man out, unless HBK does actually make a comeback or the rumors about Undertaker wanting to wrestle him are true and he can convince Vince to go that route.

  15. What should they call Daniel Bryan fans? Bry-niacs?

  16. Now that I think about it more, it makes a whole lot more sense that Vince would stop an angle right on the spot to "capitalize" on a college basketball crowd chant. I thought it was a good angle that had potential, but he's gambling on the Yes! chant taking off mainstream. It's a worthwhile chance I think.

  17. Can we all agree that Orton is going to murder Kofi on Smackdown this week? And I think that match deserves better than *1/2 just for the story being told - the arrogant prick Orton toying with his opponent before getting too cocky and losing CLEAN. No run in, no distraction, no cheap roll up - Kofi hit Orton with his finisher and got the win. I'd go at least **1/2.

    So what does Daniel Bryan do for WrestleMania since Batista is probably going to win the Royal Rumble?

  18. Bro?

    And sometimes it doesn't matter if it's a shit angle. Sometimes you have to take something away from people to make them realize just how much they love it. Yes, he was already crazy over, but this took him to another level.

  19. "And the announcers had the good sense to shut the hell up during the whole thing. "

    Amen to that.

  20. You wear a backwards baseball cap. You're a bro.

  21. Punk/HHH is the only thing that looks obvious right now. Bryan winning the Rumble and beating Orton makes all the sense in the world, too.

  22. Well if that is the case cool. It did ring odd to me that the payoff for this showed up the week before the Rumble vs. at the Rumble but at least they seem to be paying attention.

  23. I think Cena should beat Orton, and have Bryan win the Rumble. Have Bryan tap out Cena in the main event of Wrestlemania.

  24. In all honesty, I think it works better now, especially if Bryan doesn't win the Rumble. He becomes a target for the Wyatts in the match, giving you at least one story you can weave into the fabric of the match. Bryan turning on the Wyatts during the Rumble really only works if he wins the match because the crowd would be rabid for him to win. They can at least temper the response a bit now if it's true that Batista is still a lock.

  25. "The crowd is still cheering for Bryan, clearly unaware of the hard work that creative put into this heel turn."

    It wasn't a heel turn! It was an angle!

  26. Expert level trolling, sir. Good on you.

  27. I think much like with Jericho's return two years ago, the advertisements are a bit too on-the-nose for me to see Batista winning the Rumble.

    Alternate route: Orton jobs a few more times and gets dumped by the Authority in favor of Brock or Batista as the heel champion, either of whom then jobs to Bryan at WM.

    This leaves Orton as the odd man out from the tippy top of the card, which is fine by me even though I've loved his work since Summerslam.

    I'm not one for fantasy booking, but I think these are realistic possibilities.

  28. Also two house shows in upstate NY had crowds that shit on Bryan/ Wyatt's which Vince also didn't like according to DM

  29. I know, Mr. Sherman, everything stinks.

  30. If Bryan is in the Rumble, he probably has to win it at this point. I assumed Batista was, but I think they see the writing on the wall. Perhaps Brock wins the title from Orton in February and we get Bryan slaying him at Mania?


    That could fill out the card. Should be an interesting two weeks.

  31. You know, given what a cowardly shit heel Orton is becoming, this would actually play well within the context of the current story.

  32. I understand the story they were going with, but it was still boring as fuck to get through. When Kofi won, I was actually unsure what happened. Did Orton botch not kicking out? It lulled me into a state of not-paying attention so bad I didn't even think Kofi won.

  33. You are right that it took too long to get there and Kofi didn't get enough offense, which is why I wouldn't put it higher than **1/2. It just did my heart good to see a major upset without BS shenanigans like music distractions.

  34. That's an eight-year old picture and was taken for comedy purposes that wouldn't make sense or be funny to anyone not involved. That said, 59/50 New Era caps really only fit right backwards (which is why 22-year old me wore them and 30-year old me doesn't).

    It's been my Facebook picture for a few weeks now; time for a change.

  35. Bryan's gonna be in trouble with top face the Big Show for stealing his catchphrase.

    ...after top face the Big Show is done giving elderly men concussions, that is.

  36. After thinking through the story, I liked the direction it went: Orton, arrogant prick heel, toying around with non-contender Kofi dicks around too much and loses, then flips his shit. It's unfortunate that to tell that story, it delivered a sub-par match. Obviously, having a back-and-forth ***+ match wouldn't have gotten the same point across, so it's a double-edge sword kind of deal, I guess.

  37. As great as killing Bryan's heel turn, it felt too fast to turn him face again. Meaning they should have never turned him in the first place.

    The cool thing about this is it shines a spotlight on Bray, elevating him for the near future.

  38. Whoever said Bryan would be more over as a result of this angle was probably right. The guy really can make almost anything good.

  39. I don't like what he reported so I'll dismiss it as "no real work" even though Meltzer has covered the wwe for over 30 years and talks to everyone in the company...the internet ladies and gentleman, you've got to love it.

  40. Exactly, it's an excellent story, and like WILLYOUSTOP said, it was a clean ending. The match, unfortunately, completely sucked, but maybe in the long run, that doesn't matter.

  41. May be similar to the loss to Sheamus at WM28. That loss kickstarted this whole thing.

  42. I get your point but that was a really boring match


    I disagree, now THIS is expert level trolling.

  44. Try and watch that match again. No way it can be ** match. I felt the story came across as a drawn out squash with a fluke pin fall. At least Kofi finally won a match with that move though.

  45. In my opinion, the only way Bryan is not winning the Rumble is if he is slated for the Streak match. Anything less would be uncivilized.

  46. It's the second option.

  47. It shocks me to read Monsoon was a traditional winner of the Observer's Worst Commentator Award. Yeah, he's hyperbole's were ridiculous, but he tried to make everything feel like it was a legit sport/competition, with winners and losers being something that mattered, and emphasis on how big of a deal "this match" is.

  48. He never actually turned heel...

  49. Had they dragged it until the Rumble and had Bray and Bryan as the final two...well that coulda been pretty big.

  50. I'm familiar with his background. I just don't think anything he does is governed by any journalistic standards. This is in large part because of the business he covers, but I maintain that any reporting of supposed future storylines should be summarily dismissed.

  51. VInce has that market cornered.

  52. Many people think the plan all along was for Bryan to turn on Bray, but for whatever reason they decided to do it sooner than expected.

  53. Meltzer doesn't know shit. He's too worried about UFC.

  54. Do you feel the same way about movie reviewers and sports beat writers because Meltzer really is a combination of both of those. He gives his reviews and he reports on what his sources give him?

  55. I skipped through it, saw some kind of post-match angle happening, and had to go back to see what the deal was. Then I skipped the post-match angle anyway because it's still just boring ol Randy Orton.

  56. So, everything he says is wrong then? He has been right before you know.

  57. Meltzer is governed by the same standards as the gossip columnist for the Post, or the Enquirer. He's reporting on conjecture and rumors. Sometimes he'll be right, sometimes he won't.

    But unless he starts reporting on things that have static facts behind them, he's not a journalist.

  58. He writes bios on wrestlers that have passed away that are very weil written. There is plenty of jounalistic quality in those pieces

  59. I just think people put too much weight in what he says. If "Vince Vs HHH" doesn't end up happening (and I hope it doesn't), he's officially a hack since he's been rambling about it all year.

  60. Obits aren't journalism, either, Brian. Most places give obit write-ups to interns.

  61. Movie reviewers don't report on future movie plots.

  62. How do you know things arent changed though? That is my whole point. Again, watch shoot interviews when a wrestler is asked about a rumor from the Observer. They will say that it is true more often than not then elaborate on the story. So, does that mean he is a hack when a rumor he put out has been confirmed by the wrestler himself?

  63. Not all of them are obits. He writes pieces on certain eras and feuds too.

  64. Whether it was completely planned or a hotshot caused by the chant making SportsCenter, dead crowds at house shows/muted reactions on TV, or a combination of the two, I'm just glad we're here now. Smells like a hotshot to me on the 2 week timeframe, but hey, at least we're here.

  65. They give ratings and explain why, so does Meltzer. Beat writers report on rumors, so does Meltzer. Doesnt mean I always agree or they always come to fruition but they do

  66. Kevin Steen did an AMA on reddit a few days ago and when asked his opinion on the angle he said (I'm paraphrasing) he loved it because the crowd will go crazy and he'll be more over when they get "their" Bryan back.

    I loved how he put that.

  67. That is what I said in the live thread last night before the cage match.

  68. You do realize that he covers a Carny act. Its not easy to do. I don't know if you read the observer but he has tons of amazing insight into the product and whats happening behind the scene. He talks to tons of people inside the company all the time and has been doing it since the early 80's.

  69. It is either Bryan/Cena or Bryan/Brock. Nothing else makes sense. They can't drag out the blowoff to Bray that long.

  70. This guy gets it.

  71. He also covers the UFC, a sport. So, sports writers are not journalists, either?

  72. What about when he reports on the UFC.

    He was given a press pass for the WWE Network announcement. Why is that if he is not a jounalist?

  73. Well yeah, if it were me, the Wyatts are the final four, Bray orders Harper and Rowan out, they happily comply, Bray orders Bryan out, he looks conflicted but steps over the top rope, Bray turns to brag to the crowd, Bryan nails him with a high knee to send Bray flying over the top rope to win the Rumble. But that's me! lol

  74. I think the end of Raw was the equivilant of bringing back Brian on Family Guy, but it was awsome nonetheless.

  75. He doesn't just list off rumors like you see on 411. If you read the observer you get lots of insight from a guy with real relationships in the company who has seen it all over 4 decades. He's absolutely a journalist. He just covers a very difficult topic


  77. Its really impossible to compare him to any other medium.

  78. I think some people are missing that point. We're here. And the next few weeks (hell, even few months) have a chance to be the most fun they've been since the Summer of Punk. Bryan is white hot right now and WWE is acknowledging it just a bit more than when they had the Authority destroy him on a weekly basis, Punk is raging against the machine again, Batista's coming back, and there are more Wrestlemania surprises to come.

    Here's hoping Cesaro and Ziggler get a Mania payday as well.

  79. Perfect, except I'd have Bryan strip off the overalls when Bray had his back turned, revealing his wrestling gear.

  80. It is but he also covers the UFC, a legitimate sport so how could he not be a journalist then?

  81. CM Punk, HHH, Taker, Bryan, Cena, Batista, Orton, and Brock will be the main events of 30 in some combination. I'm down with that.

    You know what, just make the main event a War Games match with those guys.

  82. Their guy just joined the heel stable. Were the fans supposed to chant and clap and sing?

  83. Batista as a babyface is kinda bumming me out though.

  84. The crowds didnt react at all, which is not a good sign. If anything, you want them to cheer for Bryan in an attempt to get him back to where he was before he joined the Wyatt's.

  85. Maybe he'll come back as a heel and start tossing Rey Rey around again.

  86. I'll do you one better...
    Go to on a regular basis, people, if only to see the Meme Event by the incredibly witty Justin Henry.

  87. I just don't like the guy for some reason. He seems to have a "Know it all" attitude. I dunno. I listen to him and Wade Keller on Austin's podcast back to back and I just liked Keller's personality so much more. Meltzer knows his stuff, but he's far from infallible. I also don't like how he is now trying to act like he's Mr. UFC and too cool for wrestling.

  88. They mentioned several times that Orton was messing with Kofi, and was just punishing him. At least 4 or 5 times.

  89. Ok, how i want Bryan at Wrestlemania.
    First option, Shawn comes back, knocks Bryan out the Rumble, they clash at Wrestlemania.
    Second preference, next week on Raw, Wyatt reveals that the devil who told him to attack Bryan and Punk was originally Heyman, who wanted revenge on Punk and Bryan out of the picture. Brock then attack Bryan when he goes for Heyman.
    Bryan wins the Rumble ( Have a spot were the Wyatts clear the ring, and then Bryan comes in and kocks all of them out. Like Cena with the new Nexus in 2011). Then have him defend his title shot successfully at Elimination Chamber, where Brock wins the title.
    Have HHH/Punk, Cena/Wyatt, Piper/Sheamus vs Hogan/Big E, Cody Rhodes/Goldust and Orton/Batista as the other matches.
    The only one who i can't fit is Undertaker. Shield vs Undertaker would have been perfect if Punk hadn't beaten them 3 on 1!

  90. Nice. Just for the image, put Bryan in the YES! YES! YES! shirt underneath so when he zips down the front, he can pull apart the sides and, as the camera zooms in, reveal the word YES! like the Superman S, lol.

  91. Like I said in the open thread, I am SO bummed it's not Hollywood Dave coming back, haha.

    "Dollar sign. Dollar sign. DOLLAR SIGN."

  92. It was actually a good ama. Here's the link if anyone missed it

  93. Brock Vs Bryan is your money match IMO. Your most over babyface vs your most credible heel. And it is the ultimate underdog matchup for Bryan, moreso than even Undertaker.

  94. Hopefully Cesaro will be defending his tag titles. I can't think of a team that deserves it more at this point.

  95. Oooh yeah, that's money. You could even debut a new shirt with a big "Yes" on front.

  96. Nice to see Steen be right for once. Christ what an insufferable blowhard.

  97. And this is why MITB needs to be back at Mania.

  98. I want to see Brock vs Bryan for the title with Shawn as ref, HHH as guest color commentator, Steph as guest time keeper, Brad Maddox as guest ring announcer, Outlaws as ringside security, and Kane as special enforcer and watch Bryan go through them all in a overbooked throwback to 1999.

  99. I'd put money on Usos vs Real Americans for the titles as being a match at 30.

  100. Yeah I'm not really a Steen fan, I don't get it.

  101. Yes I mean, I do remember them doing that, and maybe that's the best they can do in these times, but it seemed like it was just a passing mention, instead of "wow, he's really dogging it, Kofi could really win if he continues to take him lightly".

  102. Awesome as the Bryan stuff is, am I the only one terrified the Outlaws are gonna end up with the tag titles?

  103. OK, I seem to have set off a firestorm here. I don't read Meltzer, I'm basing my opinions here on two things - 1) having worked in newspapers for 11 years and 2) what I read about Meltzer here.

    There's a difference between covering a sport and reporting on it. Is he writing about upcoming deals on UFC or is he just writing "gamers" of the events? Does he have people going on the record to discuss pertinent issues?

    The dawn of the Internet age has created a paradigm shift in the perception of what journalism is, who practices is and what the standards are. Meltzer is a newsletter writer who has expanded on the success of his newsletter into various other aspects (the website, the podcast, etc.).

    Dave is an "insider" who helped create a paradigm shift and he's a institution to smart marks everywhere. But he's not a journalist.

    Yes, this just my opinion, and I have no problems admitting that there are other ways to view the situation. I just don't happen to.

  104. My question is... When is the next Blog's "OMG DANIEL BRYAN IS GETTING BURIED, VINCE HATES HIM!!" meltdown going to be? I say next monday. (I'm being generous and assuming it won't happen this Smackdown)

  105. Nah, That works better if the challenger is someone like Orton. Brock is too big!


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