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The SmarK RAW Rant–12.23.13

The SmarK RAW Rant – 12.23.13

Might as well catch up a little bit, as I’ve got a weekend off with nothing going on otherwise. As opposed to the weeks these shows originally aired, when I was run ragged at work and then on Christmas vacation out of town.

Taped from Austin, TX, which is much less cold and miserable than Saskatoon is at the moment.

Your hosts are Michael Cole and JBL.

So tonight: The Battle to CANCEL CHRISTMAS. No spoilers, please, although I’d feel bad if I celebrated it in error. Sidenote: I bought my 3 year old toddler a tablet as her big Santa gift so she’d stop using my iPad. What world are we now living in?

The Authority hands out candy to open the show and let us know that they make their employees volunteer at soup kitchens in the spirit of the holiday. Don’t you mean “independent contractors” there, Hunter? Don’t want to say anything that the prosecution could use against you in a future lawsuit. They lay out the matches tonight, drawing some ELECTRIC fake heat. It’s 2014, can’t they even try to make it sound realistic? Randy Orton joins us, giving everyone the gift of himself after winning the most important match in the history of WWE and all. Well that was a totally useless segment.

Speaking of useless…

Six Divas v. Six Other Divas

Somehow Cole mixes up Rosa Mendes and Summer Rae, and guest commentator AJ calls Aksana a “sexy Fruit Roll-Up.” That’s basically the highlights here, as Hulu continues to violate our implicit agreement to never show me these matches. Nat finishes Aksana with the Sharpshooter at 3:54. DUD AJ burying the Total Divas was the biggest thing here for me.

The Wyatt Family v. Daniel Bryan & Goldust & Cody Rhodes

Apparently they cut out the Batista promo. And yet they left the Divas match in?!? The babyfaces quickly work Rowan over in the corner, drawing the first legit heat of the night from Bryan’s kicks. Goldust comes in and they control Harper. Bryan hits him with kicks in the corner and follows with a sliding dropkick, and he wants Bray Wyatt as we take a break. Back with Cody getting the heat, as apparently Bryan’s desire to beat up Wyatt went unrequited. Cody is somehow bleeding from the bridge of the nose as well. He escapes a chinlock from Harper and makes the hot tag to Goldust, who slugs away in the corner. As is usually the case, however, Goldust misses a charge and assumes his rightful place as the guy getting the shit kicked out of him. Wyatt with a corner clothesline, but Goldust gets fired up before the Wyatts cut off the ring again. TEXTBOOK. Keep the crowd invested and then rip their heart out. Rowan pounds away in the corner and applies an IRON CLAW, which gets two. I’m surprised JBL didn’t orgasm right there at the table. Goldust with a flip powerbomb out of the heel corner and it’s HOT tag Bryan, as he hits Rowan with a corner dropkick and hits the kick combo to set up the flying headbutt. Sadly, he again goes after Wyatt and gets mugged on the outside as we take another break. Back with Bryan taking the shitkicking this time, as Bray slugs him down and Harper comes in with a slingshot hilo for two. Bryan finally escapes and makes the hot tag to Cody, who hits Harper with a moonsault for two. Wyatt saves as it’s BONZO GONZO, and Bryan hits Wyatt with a dive. This again leads to a mugging, leaving Harper and Cody, but Wyatt sneaks in and finishes him with Sister Abigail at 25:28. And it’s another beatdown for Bryan. Geez, I hope he doesn’t do something stupid like join the Wyatt Family because he’s so depressed over it. Just have to wait and see how it plays out, I guess! ***1/2

Meanwhile, Bad News Barrett rings bells for charity.

Christmas Present On A Pole: Dolph Ziggler v. Fandango

Winner of this gets a shot at the prestigious Intercontinental title next week. You have to love the character development for Ziggler, where a couple of weeks back he was supposedly rededicating himself to being a top star again and winning matches, and now he’s right back to losing to bottom guys and treading water again. Ziggler tries climbing first and gets foiled, as does Fandango. Fandango tries a powerbomb out of the corner, but Ziggler hits him with the fameasser and climbs again. Fandango sends him into the pole for a typical crazy Ziggler bump to the floor. Back to the pole again for both guys, but Fandango kicks him down and they fight on the top. And it’s ANOTHER stupid bump for Ziggler, giving Fandango the contract at 4:41. There was nothing to this other than the guys fighting to climb the pole. *

THE BATTLE FOR CHRISTMAS! Mark Henry v. Damien Sandow

Christmas is brought to us by Xbox One, by the way. I’d slag them for that, but I actually won one through work just before Christmas for doing their mind-numbing online training, so GO MICROSOFT! I do have the opportunity to trade it for a Surface 2, but I just got an iPad 4 and you’ll literally have to pry it out of my cold dead hands so another tablet won’t do me much good. Anyway, the dueling Santas do the usual goofy Christmas brawl with such Christmas-themed weapons as fire extinguishers (?) and a kendo stick, but luckily Good Santa saves Christmas with a World’s Strongest Slam at 3:20 to save the hopes and dreams of kids the world over. Really, the more important question is who authorized WWE to be in charge of determining the fate of Christmas in the first place? DUD

Meanwhile, CM Punk has a plan for the Shield tonight, which involves teaming up with John Cena and Big E to fight them. Seems like a solid plan.

BATISTA returns on January 20. So they left this one in at least.

Ryback v. Kofi Kingston

Ryback overpowers him to start, but stops to gloat on the floor and gets hit with a dive. Back in, Ryback clotheslines him right back to the floor again and then pounds away in the ring. Kofi comes back with kicks to put Ryback down and hits the Boomdrop, setting up a crossbody for two. Ryback drops him in the corner and finishes with the clothesline and Shellshock at 5:45. Typical filler match. ½*

Bad News Barrett gives us the bad news: The money he collected was all for himself. This gimmick is death.

Next week: Big Show is the New Year’s Baby on RAW. I’m constantly in amazement at the shit they’ll advertise leading up to a show and then just ignore because they forgot or changed their mind. And yet people think that the Daniel Bryan thing is somehow planned out in advance and going somewhere.

The Shield v. John Cena, CM Punk & Big E Langston

Rollins slugs away on Cena to start, but John quickly hits the backdrop suplex, sending Rollins running. Over to Reigns, who hits Cena with a samoan drop for two as we take a break. Back with Rollins beating on Cena and a Buff Blockbuster gets two. Ambrose drops an elbow for two, and catches Cena with a sleeper. Cena RISES ABOVE OXYGEN and tags Punk in, resulting in a dive to Ambrose on the outside and a neckbreaker back in the ring. Punk gets distracted by Rollins and hits the floor as a result, and back in Ambrose gets two. Rollins works on the back, but Punk whips him into the corner, only to have Ambrose cut off the ring again. Reigns comes in with a bearhug, which he turns into a belly to belly suplex for two. Cole can now report that Christmas WILL happen, by the way. Well, you know how plans change in WWE. Guess he wanted to make sure first. Punk puts Ambrose down with a high kick and avoids Reigns, and it’s HOT TAG Big E. Langston is a fantastic hot tag guy. He’s like Ultimate Warrior but less homophobic. E tries the Ending on a pair of Shield guys, but Rollins saves. Cena with the FU on Rollins, but Reigns spears him in a great spot, and then Big E hits the Big Ending on Ambrose, leading to a Shield beatdown for the DQ at 18:00. What a lame finish. **1/2

The Pulse

Not particularly broken up about skipping this one. It was just a bunch of matches to kill three hours (or 90 minutes in this case), which was fine, but nothing that needed to be seen.


  1. What type of world is this coming to?
    A world where every family member gets a tablet or iPad of some kind.

  2. Bad News Barrett will only be interesting if they have him publicly reveal drug test results

  3. A lot of fiber to be had in those books.

  4. I like re-reading Scott's books.

    The first time I heard of Scott, I thought he was a made up person. I was playing EWR and he was one of the reviewers as well as someone who had a Q&A section on one of the websites. I remember one of the questions asking about "Tonight" and I thought it gave a sense of realism. Months later I found "Tonight" at my local bookstore and was stunned that it was a real book. I bought it and have been a fan since.

  5. "Jahk Swahgah, I'm afraid I have some bad news..."

  6. That'd be amazing. Drug tests, court summons, paternity results

  7. Not trying to be funny, I'm legit confused: I heard Bryan turned heel, and I'd assumed it was on Raw…?

  8. Wade Barrett: Process Server. Sounds like the name of an SNL sketch that starts at 12:45 am.

  9. Complete with 2014 Scott Sez?

  10. I've gotten as far as second base with some magazines.

  11. CM Punk . . . You are NOT the father!!!

  12. This was the episode before Christmas, Bryan's turn happens on the week after.

  13. Gotcha, thanks.

  14. Ron Garvin: Male Prostitute

  15. Tonight...In This Very Ring is very important to my wrestling fandom because it's what started my entry into Smarkhood.

  16. I had no complaints about the compensation received for my 90 days of work on each one, aside from having to pay 20% of the money to the US government.

  17. eh, he just said it was Scott's weakest work and underwhelming. he didn't call it a piece of shit or anything.

  18. I started watching wrestling smack dab in the middle of the Attitude era in 1999, and I was 7 years old at the time. I was hooked pretty instantly, but by 2002 it was losing steam for me. The product was just really stale.

    At that point, people had been telling me that it was all fake, but I, being stubborn, just assumed it was adults just trying to piss me off. But there were a growing number of red flags that I usually handwaved. In 2003 I moved from New York to Georgia and that's when I basically stopped watching until shortly after WrestleMania XX.

    I was still kinda holding out hope that it was real until I saw Undertaker fire a lightning bolt. After that I was like, "okay, yeah, this is fake" but I continued watching as ardently as before. I was still reading PWI at the time, and because of the way they carelessly shuffle between kayfabe and real life Iw as one confused 12 year old. I would go on smark-heavy forums and still spark up markish discussions ripped straight from a PWI or Raw magazine story while everyone else would be like 'wut."

    But then, I found Tonight...In This Very Ring among other books (Death of WCW included) in Books a Million in late 2005, and the rest was pretty much history. It really shaped a lot of my views on wrestling and I seeked out a ton of DVDs based on it. It was also during that time that YouTube first started and they didn't give a shit about copyright yet so I looked up a lot of the matches on there.

  19. A quick word on his digressions:

  20. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 4, 2014 at 12:06 AM

    Random TJ: Am I the only on who catches themselves saying "THIS BUSINESS" out loud, especially when it has nothing to do with wrestling? Like, I've a couple people say to me "THIS BUSINESS? Why do you say it like that?"

  21. "Next week: Big Show is the New Year’s Baby on RAW."

    This was supposed to be a thing???

  22. There were multiple advertisements for it on the WWE shows I watched on Hulu the past couple of weeks, yes. It wasn't a one-off mention or anything, they were pushing it pretty hard.

  23. Threadjack

    I just laughed harder at each of the new episodes of Community than I did at ALL of Season 4. SOOO glad Harmon is back.

    "I know it's unrealistic to believe we can eliminate riots completely, but I think we can cut them by as much as 40%"

    And then Troy and Abed's awesome exchange:

    Abed: "In Scrubs Season 9, Zach Braff was only in the first 6 episodes"
    Troy: "Son of a bitch!!!! After all Scrubs did for him!!! . . . . Sorry."

  24. "Missy Hyatt is coming"

    You have no way of knowing if that's true at any given time. But I like your odds.

  25. No 2014 Scott Sez for this?

  26. Eh. Abed's become a caricature of himself, and Chang still sucks, but the new teacher is awesome and I like looking at Alison Brie.

  27. Even worse than it not happening, is that you were looking for it....

  28. Except there was no heel turn....

  29. Hey Cuch, have you ever read Arn Anderson's book? I thought it was interesting but I couldn't finish b/c Arn couldn't decide if his book should be kayfabed all the way through.

  30. Don't feel too bad, neither have I.

    He did get my money years ago, anyway, when he released his then semi-complete rant collection into the wild. I still have it on an external hard drive... need to remember to back that up next time I pop it on.

  31. On the XBox One vs Surface 2 debate:

    FUCK THE SURFACE 2. We bought one for use here at work about two months ago... it wasn't more than five-six weeks old when a patch crashed the fuck out of the network adapter.

  32. Can't be worse than 90%+ of current SNL anyway...

  33. I have a pair of cousins, one just turned 16, the other is 14... one got a PS4 for Christmas, the other an XBox One.

    They'll learn...

  34. Avenue 1 - become a better writer. Man, I'm not a writer or anything but there is just something about your style that rubs me the wrong way. It seems like these are really rushed and not very well thought out or organized. Reviewing something in chronological order doesn't make it organized.

    Not trying to knock you but just dome constructive criticism.

  35. Click an ad every now and then, he gets paid and it takes 2 seconds and doesn't cost you anything.

  36. Less talk about getting chopped in your balls my be a start

  37. He's getting better, but still needs some improvement. A lot less typos and stuff now... I could do without the attempted jokes, all the parentheticals, and the ball references.

  38. Agreed. I had a tough time quantifying what I don't like but the jokes and the abundant parentheticals turn me off. Even 1 ball reference is probably to much also.

  39. Do you at least have a middle name that sounds like a last name? Like Scott Clark Keith?

  40. While it had its moments (Abed going full Nicholas Cage), it felt like everyone was just phoning it. It's pretty clear that the actor who plays Jeff doesn't give a shit anymore.

  41. Just have him be the one that gives out bad news live, on-air when they start future endevouring people.

    Come to think of it, we have't had a good spring cleaning of the roster in awhile. I miss those because it got rid of much dead weight.

  42. If I could make a small donation without needing an account somewhere to do so then I would happily do that. But I don't click ads.

  43. That is going to be a big bill.

  44. Why? A lot of small websites like this survive entirely on ad revenue, and you don't have to buy anything so you are helping them out without costing yourself anything... I genuinely don't understand why people have an issue with it.

  45. Agreed...for those two episodes at least (especially the second one) the show has got it's mojo back. The excel stuff was incredibly weird and that made it even funnier (especially with the meatball week consequences) thats the stuff that made me love community in the first place.

  46. I try to click them as much I can remember to. I've even just taken like 3 minutes occasionally and clicked on them over and over.

  47. Keep in mind, Scott's attitudes since those books has shifted a bit. For example, in "Tonight," he's VERY snarky as hell on Shawn Michaels deserving to get beat up by guys in '95 and holding to how Montreal was a crime against all of Canada. I also took issue with his comment on how Vince should burn in Hell for basically causing Owen Hart's death. But the last few years has seen him mellow from those standings as with Owen, he recognizes it was just a terrible accident and liked his line in "Dungeon" on how it's likely the Harts had no idea what Owen would want given what happened to them.
    Another thing is that, like so many in the IWC, Scott was going off info that's been proven false (such as his talk on the real-life heat between Bret and Shawn when their 2011 DVD revealed that was all a work). Some may accuse that of being biased but to me, no different than Randazzo's book where he states as fact stuff like HHH not loving Stephanie, just the power and things. On "Dungeon," I do cut Scott slack as that's obviously not a book he wanted to write; after all, how'd you feel if the man you held up for years as being all that's right in wrestling did the business such terrible harm? You can sense that was a tough writing for him but still a good piece.
    Also, I remember how in "Dungeon," he thought it wrong for WWE to basically erase Benoit but then shortly afterward, did a blog posting on how he agreed it hurt to watch Benoit matches so can understand. Still, some snark about that overwhelms proper judgement and such but then, we all expect that from him as he still has great stuff (his comments about TNA in 2005 still stand up to how they need to improve today) so can forgive that. Maybe a bit full of himself now and then but that's common in the IWC and no worse than a lot of writers about wrestling so if nothing else, fascinating to watch as his opinons can shift about over the years.

  48. I just do my best not to be advertised to. I mute TV commercials, I change radio stations, and I skip ads in magazines and newspapers. I also avoid movies almost entirely and one reason for that is because I'm not sitting through ads, trailers, and product placement. If a prerequisite to watching your movie is that I have to watch ads, then I will be watching very, very few movies.

    If an advertisement finds its way into my face then I will generally make an effort to avoid the product if it's feasible to do so. Other than food and other necessities of life, I make very few purchases. I don't deal in toys, electronics, or entertainment to much of a degree at all.

    I would definitely consider kicking a few dollars into a website that I use a lot of, if the value:money ratio was agreeable, and the mechanism to donate was easy (no I will not create a PayPal account, or any other account. I have enough accounts on the internet and there will be no more unless I'm forced somehow.) There are plenty that I look at only because they are free and if they ever wanted money then I would simply, and gladly, stop looking at them. I have no problem supporting work that I see value in, and I have no problem simply avoiding work that I don't see the value in - I don't pirate or otherwise "acquire", I buy it, or else I don't see it or hear it. But I'm not playing along with advertising.

    I read the free commuter paper that they hand out on the train. I read it because it is free and they encourage me to read it. I don't read the ads, ever. If they offered an ad free version at a cost then I would consider it, based on value for the money being asked, or else I would stop reading it. If they told me that I couldn't read it any longer unless I agreed to look at the ads, then I would happily decline their paper from then on out.

    Advertising is offensive, and although it's not at all possible to avoid ads entirely in this universe, I do my level best.

  49. That is a pretty unique point of view. Do you mind if i ask why you find advertising, and creating accounts etc... to be offensive? Is it some sort of privacy respect issue? It sound like a combination of Austrian economics and "off the grid" survivalist type thinking? Is that right, or am I way off base?

  50. Thank you, I'm a unique sort of fellow.

    Austrian economics is a term that you've just taught me. I'll have to look into that. Without sounding TOO ridiculous as I sit here typing this comment on the internet, I do have an off the grid mindset in quite a lot of ways.

    Creating accounts isn't offensive so much as it is annoying. I don't need any more than I have.

  51. And although it may not be mainstream, I don't think that resentment of advertising is as rare as you imply.

  52. i didn't mean to imply that ir was rare, just that you seem to take it to another extreme... like most people dislike it but just find it to be one of those irritating things in life that you learn to deal with like paying taxes or anything your wife does; what you described almost sound like a philosophy.

  53. Even the weak parts of Community are still better than 95% of television.

  54. .....and thanks to her, so was half the talent roster

  55. I thought Scott was Canadian?

  56. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 7, 2014 at 10:03 PM

    I'll be honest, I don't care for the two books (the first 2) of Scott's that I've read. Can't really explain why, seeing as how I love most of his other work.

  57. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 7, 2014 at 10:07 PM

    He his, but if his publisher is American then he still has to pay the appropriate taxes.

  58. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 7, 2014 at 10:11 PM

    I totally agree with all of this.

  59. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 7, 2014 at 10:14 PM

    I'm on board with him here, that quote above was word-for-word the same on how I feel about the subject. Fuck advertising.


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