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WWE Undertaker vs Sting poster accidentally leaked

This poster was accidentally leaked. It looks like WWE is pretty confident that they can pull off Undertaker vs Sting for Wrestlemania 30.

I KNEW they were keeping things close to their vest for a reason!  And now I'll just click on that picture and...hey...I see what you did there.


  1. I just don't get The Police.

  2. The Police vs. The Shield.

  3. I'd actually be *more* likely to buy the WWE channel (or the PPV, since I'm in Canada) for this.

  4. Sting, Summers and Copeland would turn on each other before they even got to the ring.

  5. Just get unblock-us and buy the channel.

  6. Would the theme song to this be "Every Breath you Take" with DDP as Sting's trainer?

  7. zaty zata zibodanobee zady zada zebedoanowe astadadada brand new day.

  8. I've got unblock-us - don't I need to register with WWE with a US address though?

  9. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJanuary 22, 2014 at 9:45 PM

    Speaking of which, I think Scott gave a raw deal to the Friends episode where Phoebe wants to score Sting tickets through Ross and Ben, I think thats one of the funniest Phoebe-centric episodes. When his wife tells her that the silent alarm has been pressed to summon the police, the reaction of "The Police?....A REUNION?!?!" is vintage Phoebe.

  10. It's going to be real hard understanding this guy's promos.

  11. Jobbed you so many times today
    And I guess it's untrue what the smark fans say
    You will never main event again.
    Cause you're a midget vegan and not 6'10

    In you we have no confidence
    Cause to give you world titles doesn't make no sense.

    I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing
    I can't, I can't, I can't stand losing
    I can't, I can't, I can't
    So I'll keep jobbing you.

    Keep on jobbing youuuu.

  12. The Prince of Darkness stands no chance against the King of Pain.

  13. Not that I can tell. It just wants a US zip code, but the rest is optional.

  14. Best thing I've read in a decade. I can't stop singing it!!!

  15. Kofi Kingston will do a run in to send out an SOS.

  16. As we walk through Fields of Dead..... not to be confused with another favorite, "Every Last Breath You Take"

  17. That might work for Canadians, but for overseas users, the server lag would render it unwatchable.

  18. Of the available Stings, this one likely looks better without a shirt.

  19. They should have thought of that before being born outside of North America.

  20. Not counting battle royales, celebrities are 8-0 at Wrestlemania.

    The Undertaker Streak vs The Celebrity Streak!

  21. Undertaker vs Rock would be awesome.

  22. He's a walking nightmare, an arsenal of doom!

  23. Pete Rose taking 3 tombstones and a stink face has to account to at least 1 loss.

  24. Rockertaker Explodes!

  25. They show ass, but they never pick up the L.

  26. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 22, 2014 at 10:57 PM

    clearly this poster is photoshopped

    i can tell by the pixels

  27. Your_Favourite_LoserJanuary 22, 2014 at 10:58 PM

    that kinda fits given what the song really is about, and that ddp was the stalker

  28. Pete did more than just show ass. I get what you mean. We need that one celebrity who is willing to lay down.

  29. This brought the upvotes, but I had to type out a heartfelt "bravo" to you, good sir.

  30. I'd mark out if Sting played Bryan to the ring at WM with this rendition.

  31. This Sting probably has a better work rate nowadays as well.

  32. It would be a typical WWE trolling thing and Vince would be like "Hey you wanted Sting, you've got him! What? What?" ;-)

  33. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 23, 2014 at 12:23 AM

    Fuck tha police.

  34. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 23, 2014 at 12:26 AM

    So Taker is working for Hatchet Harry now? Who booked this shit?

  35. *Taker and Sting sizing each other up, nose to nose in the middle of the ring*
    Sting slowly shakes his head in disgust and says "Don't stand so close to me."

  36. Wonder if he'll be wearing his pointy Dune pants...

  37. That's the kind of smart ass attitude that Vince would give fans in 1998.

  38. It is good, but it doesn't deserve to rank ahead of the parody song.

  39. No one I'd rather have save me if I was trapped down a well. Also his entrance theme def would be fields of gold.

  40. Now that it seems Sting is done with TNA, here's a thought: maybe he won't be involved in WrestleMania in a match, but what about him inducting Ultimate Warrior into the Hall of Fame?

    I know Hogan seems to be the shoe-in pick for that, but I think it would be a great role for Sting that would keep him away from the ring if he can't get into non-t-shirt shape.

  41. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 23, 2014 at 6:22 AM

    Would he have a Police escort to the ring?

  42. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 23, 2014 at 6:22 AM

    Why? After the Blade Runner thing died down they never really kept in contact. IIRC.

  43. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 23, 2014 at 6:23 AM

    ...oh, you said "digger". Carry on.

  44. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 23, 2014 at 6:24 AM

    He'd put the message in a bottle and hit the undertaker in the head with it.

  45. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonJanuary 23, 2014 at 6:26 AM

    Why NWA and The Police was never done on Celebrity Death Match I'll never know.

  46. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 23, 2014 at 6:34 AM

    Sting awaits the arrival of The Undertaker in the ring. Out go the lights. *BONG* The Undertaker makes his usual slow entrance to the ring. The Undertaker cues up the lights, walks to the middle of the ring, and is nose to forehead with Sting. Sting has something to say:

    "De doo doo doo, de da da da, is all I want to say to you." *drops the mic* Cue 'Emglishman in New York" as he walks away.

    The Undertaker stands in the middle of the ring, takes the mic:

    "Stinguhhh....I'll be watching you."



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