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YouTube Recommendations?

On the subject of cable-cutting, I do a lot of casual YouTube viewing now, mostly videogame shows, so I thought I’d open up discussion for what channels people are watching on the YouTubes and what might be good new ones to check out.  Plus this way I can throw some traffic their way. 

My current list:

WWE:  Duh.


Not as professionally done as some of the other ones, but if you’re into retro gaming and like the “Two guys just talking about games” format, it’s consistently interesting stuff.


His thing is the “Gaming Mysteries” series and a lot of videos of beta versions of games, plus the occasional series on things like the history of StarFox and other things.  The “Bullshit Gaming Creepypastas” series is also fun, as the guy’s snark level is off the charts much of the time.

That One Video Gamer:

Aka Jirard the Completionist.  I’m really just in it for the Completionist videos, where he reviews and finishes games 100%, but there’s the usual “Let’s Play” and top 10 stuff on there as well.  The sense of humor is very much in line with mine and he tends to play lots of games that match my interests (Mario, Donkey Kong, etc). 


Another guy who’s part of the same crew, he does the wacky top 10s and game retrospectives and has a cybernetic parrot.  Seems like he’d be a cool guy to hang out with.  Doesn’t update as often at the moment, sadly. 


A very British gamer, also part of the same group as above, he does a lot of fast-talking game reviews and retrospectives, although he’s only 19 so it consistently makes me feel old hearing him wax nostalgic about the PS1, which I bought when I was in my 20s. 


Did You Know Gaming, which is a series of 5 minute videos with fun facts about famous game series.  Much of the narration is done by the guys above, as the YouTube gaming community is a bit incestuous. 


Kind of a spinoff of Mythbusters, it’s pretty hardcore nerd stuff, with tech reviews (their comparison of all the iPads against each other was great) and things like taking the PS4 and Xbox One apart to see what’s inside. 


Gaming news, top 10 lists, general wackiness. 

Any other interesting channels out there?



    OSWReview (Old School Wrestling Review)

    I normally hate anything where it's a video of a thing, with 1 or more guys giving their unfunny opinions and in-jokes over the top.

    This is the one one that I really like. Worth watching through in order.

  2. DBZ Abridged
    The Cinema Snob (although that's on Blip)
    Bad Lip Reading
    Cinema Sins


  4. His rant about the Wizard of Oz game cracked me up because I had that game as a kid (don't have any idea why my parents got it at a yard sale for me and thought they were doing me a favor) and I 100% agreed with his opinions.

    I don't understand his obsession with fecal matter, though.

  5. I like Screen Junkies. Worth it alone just for the Honest Trailer videos they do.

  6. Can I interest you in every WWF pre-show from the beginning through 1998? I love watching these before watching an old PPV, like I did with Royal Rumble 1994 last wknd when I was sick.

  7. RayWilliamJohnson = The Jay Leno of Youtube comedy. Lots of jokes, lots of funny videos.

    KURTJMAC - Does an AWESOME series called 'Far Lands or Bust' in Minecraft and it's weirdly inspirational.

    ANTVGM64 - This guy's a riot.

    Slomo Guys - Self Explanatory

    Northernlion - Great Lets Plays of good games.

    Nostalgia Critic / AT4w - These are BLIP shows and are goood though I disagree with them a lot.

    Red Letter Media - The Star Wars, Star Trek, and other long-form plinkett reviews are AWESOME

    Price Of Admission Movie Reviews - I started this show in 2009, it's now...250 episodes strong.

  8. I wish they'd bring these back, especially with three hours of RAW to kill. I loved having the card added to each week and getting new promos, etc. They really made every event feel special.

  9. There's a guy that has uploaded some old WWF shows like the five editions of The Main Event. He even uploaded a 1991 UK Rampage show. He had some others up that were UK exclusive Coliseum Video releases and Sky Sports shows, but those have disappeared.

  10. What's happened to the History Channel is an absolute crime against humanity. Well...maybe not quite that bad, but as a history graduate student I really enjoyed their old documentaries. As a former high school teacher I also enjoyed recording some of their shows for class. Yes, they did have a phase where every new show was about Hitler and the Third Reich, but at least that was history. I can somewhat see how Pawn Stars is a history show because they do recap the history of various items, but things like going after alligators, driving trucks on ice, and being a "top shot" is not historical. Complete crap.

  11. I tolerated Court TV when they had crime shows in the late afternoon/evening. Stuff like "Forensic Files" was fun, although the guy's voice creeped me out, especially when you watch the show at midnight.

  12. Are we EVER going to hit a peak of reality TV and then everyone just shuts it down and we get something different? I've been expecting reality TV to die for the last 10 years and it just keeps chugging along.

    I sort of blame myself since I was one of the millions sucked into watching Survivor in 2000. I know that the Real World preceded that, but the explosion of that show really got the reality TV craze going.

  13. There are a lot of those up too, just not from 1 account. do a search for WrestleMania Report or Royal Rumble Report and they pop up.

    I remember as a kid of the 90s being SO excited when they would announce "5 new entrants!" for the Royal Rumble, as if I couldn't figure out who would be in the match. Especially when 20 guys were already announced and they were add guys like Sags and The Berzerker.

  14. I'll get cable back if they promise to make Adolf Hitler: WILL YOU STOP?!!!

  15. This guy is all random get lost in the most random wrestling stuff here:

    Like the last time WCW signed off (AFTER the last NItro):

  16. WWE Network just took the place of my Hulu Plus. They're going to make money.

  17. I thought the NBA had an online streaming package with NBA League Pass? I'm a big hockey and MLB package person too, so I can watch Toronto. If I hadn't moved back into the Reds blackout zone I would have kept I'm thinking of getting it for this season anyway and just watching the Reds games right after they post them, though.

  18. I cut the cord about 8 months ago and haven't touched my TV. Wrestling is one of a select few things I watch anyway. I've used Hulu Plus for the few shows I watch, but also have the monthly to XBox Music ($9.99 for all access is good) and am looking into getting one of the ebook services. WWE Network just took Hulu's money; with my internet ($40), music ($10) and WWE ($10) I'm spending $60 for all my entertainment. Not bad.

  19. Cgpgrey has a bunch of videos that answer an interesting question in each one
    Examples: how to become pope; what are some of the most bizarre borders around the world; what is the difference between Britain, England and the united kingdom

  20. Completely agree. I'm not a huge NBA fan, but when I want to watch games, I'm tuning into TNT. I love how their studio guys will just flat out tell you if you are watching a crappy game and don't sugar coat things at all. I remember a few years ago Charles Barkley apologized to the fans for the game and said "this isn't basketball. These teams are just TURRIBLE!"

  21. Dutchsinse is a good channel that covers earthquakes, volcanic activity, fukushima fallout, and weather modification

  22. Great channel. Now I miss my childhood :(

  23. Live sports are easily solved by going down to the bar with some friends anyhow.

  24. Any of the Creatures playing video games, especially Nova's, are guilty pleasures of mine. Watch this new guy buy the name of SkyWardWing for his KH game playing, same with Cyberman. Watch Nostalgia Critic, Cinema Sins, and Screen Junkies for film stuff. Plus, WWE. I have more channels I watch but I can't remember them all.

  25. Maybe he's related to Adam Sandler.

  26. Stranger in the AlpsJanuary 19, 2014 at 7:29 PM

    YouTube needs less gamer videos and more footballs in the groin.

  27. I'm a baseball fan so I'm not planning on cutting the cord anytime soon, but I do have a story I'd like to share. Earlier today I happened to look at an email from Dish Network with my latest bill, and was shocked it was over $200. I checked the bill; UFC 168 was $60, fine; but there was a $95 charge for a service call that never happened. WTF? I called them and they took the charge off, but what if I hadn't looked into it?

  28. Big +1 for Cinema Sins

  29. Also love the guy that reviews the Power Rangers series and I don't know if he does video reviews anymore, but love Spoony too and always like it when he makes cameos on Nostalgia Critic.

  30. Zero Punctuation


    Vsauce (it's not what it sounds like)

  31. Reason #1, and the main reason I could never do it.

    Live sports.

  32. everyday though, sounds like a never unhealthy habit

  33. Mental Floss has a pretty decent list show every Wednesday.

    Good waste of five minutes.

  34. I swear companies make so much money off BS fees and they do it on purpose. For the two that call in to argue, two more probably just auto pay their bills and don't notice. AT&T charges me some weird fee at least every other month and then immediately reverses it when I ask them to.

  35. Football is Saturdays and Sundays. That's two days. Baseball is covered by my subscription to MLB streaming. Basketball I don't care about.

  36. You're screwed on college football. Pro though with the exception of Monday nights are covered by Fox and CBS.

  37. TVTrax has some good stuff, especially the Solomonster; decent stuff all around for the wrestling fan.

  38. True, however they're that way now because people watch them.

  39. You can stream NFL too. Sorry about your experience. It's always worked wonderfully for me.

  40. I don't know. I do find E:60 and Sports Nation enjoyable.

  41. Anything by - Clan of the Gray Wolf, Game chasers, Pat the NES Punk. All good guys and worth checking out.

  42. I've got what I think is the bottom tier of Dish Network (Top 150, I believe) and no movie channels, etc. and it is $66/month and I think it's going up to $69/month. I also have comcast internet, at the slowest tier (which is pretty fast still) and it is $61/month so I'm around $130/month. I like live sports a little too much to cut, but I would think it would be worth it otherwise. You could get Netflix, Hulu, Prime and the WWE Network for ~$35/month.

  43. I been watching these ppv preshows on and off for the past hour or so. SurSer 89 and 90 were just cut-and-paste jobs. They even reused a couple of team names. Money must have been tight.

  44. You don't watch Rooster Teeth? Theyve grown into a lot more than Red Vs Blue, and are now like the sixth largest non music YT channel or something. Its all vide game related content mostly across their two channels.

  45. - According to these guys it sucks.

  46. Not YouTube but mostly Blip: I really enjoy a bunch of reviewers from the Channel Awesome group. Lots of really funny and insiteful reviews on the site.

    YouTube: How It Should Have Ended series, really funny animation where they explore how movies should have ended.

    Everything Wrong With...: goes over everything wrong with a certain movie including a counter.

    Honest Trailers: if movie trailers were honest and funny.

    How to Basics: I don't know why but these insane videos crack me up.

  47. Yep, same thing with South Park. Comedic geniuses... whose only fault is constantly resorting to toilet humor. Very unfortunate.

  48. The Nostalgia Chic might be literally the cutest hurman being on the face of the earth.

  49. Doug is doing Nicholas Cage month!

  50. Batman and Robin is his best one.

  51. Spoony has his own website now and still does videos. I can't remember the specifics but Spoony had a falling out with Channel Awesome over a rape joke I believe.

  52. Asapscience is good too, nice little science questions answered.

  53. A few months ago I started getting into reddit. Then I stumbled upon reddit gone wild's just swell. It's the tops.

  54. Botchamania: Duh?

    Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?: Watch two-three guys usually ruin shit, and occassionally put themselves in actual danger.

    Total Biscuit, The Cynical Brit: Gaming news and commentary, but he's a little more irregular in his videos now. Still a good listen, especially in PC gaming.

    TableTop: Wil Wheaton makes me forget how much I HATED him on ST:TNG, playing good board games (not the standard stuff, usually) with random guests.

    The Co-Optional Podcast: Three hours every Tuesday on Twitch, released to YouTube either Thursday or Friday, gaming news and other random shit.

    I'm also a pretty big fan of some LPers... favs are HCBailly (RPGs), TheRunawayGuys (multiplayer fun), brisulph (random stuff), and GeminiLaser/qzecwx (Mega Man/mods)

  55. One Ashens mention in all these comments? The man is a fucking comedic genius. If you're into watching stuff about video games, you'll love his reviews of the never ending barrage of knock-off PSP and DS handhelds (it's the game where they pull their arms off and throw them at each other), bad Chinese rip-off consoles like the Chintendo/KinSingTon Vii and oddities like "Retieval Mankind's Batman."

    Just go.

  56. Videogamesawesome. They're a group from Vancouver who sit on a couch and long haul video games. The main host is very, very snarky with humor similar to Scott's. They also occasionally reference 80s wrestling.

  57. Yeah his take on Face/Off is glorious. "Overactor meets Overactor under the most over-the-top director of all freaking time!"

  58. THIS! I am a big history buff like yourself and I enjoy watching anything history related. I used to love the History channel. But now, bleh, so much garbage (although I enjoyed the Men Who Built America specials). I didn't mind Pawn Stars as it could be interesting and had a history slant. But the slew of reality shows that followed sucked.

    I do enjoy History 2, Military History and the Military Channel. Those usually have some decent shows on them. Also Netflix has some fantastic history docs.

  59. I don't really follow any regular channels on YouTube. I just use it to scour for awesome/awful '80s horror movies. This is truly a terrible movie renaissance, people. Between YouTube and Primewire, I can find just about any movie that was ever released. Just got reacquainted with DELIRIA/STAGEFRIGHT for the first time in years.

  60. Love RvB. Just bought their big 10 year blu ray box set.

  61. His videos on the TMNT cartoon were great.

  62. Even though some of the videos have gotten removed (again), the OSW Review crew will always get my highest recommendation. There's a small sub-section of fans like me who like to watch wrestling (more specifically, Heenan and Monsoon hosting wrestling) to fall asleep to. These fellas pick up the slack there. These guys are funny, creative, and quasi-informative (unless you're a super smark, then you know most of the anecdotes) as they review old wrestling shows and wrestling movies of the past. If the Irish accents don't turn you off, they're definitely worth a listen.

    Steve Greene Comedy is worth a look, too, with his in-person trolling series (and his contributions to Totally Sketch).

    Anything else I visit or frequent has already been mentioned. People seem to know their YouTube around here.

  63. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJanuary 19, 2014 at 10:34 PM

    Here's a good channel if your into retro video games: .

    Only problem is that the audio is really low.

  64. The BBQ Pit Boys:

    Norm Macdonald Live:

    You don't need anything else.

  65. Technically you just can see the game live. I believe it's an hour after the game is completed that you can start watching it. Even if it's in your market. This may have changed though.

  66. Two words….Death Battle

  67. GloveAndBoots is awesome.

  68. If you like JonTron, you should check out Game Grumps(

    Also if you're easily entertained like I am, RHNB( is oddly entertaining. Simple concept, guy take a red hot nickel ball and puts it on things.

  69. I'm kind of ashamed at how much time I spend of RGW.

  70. I kinda-sorta-not-really know Ashens, so +1 'cos he is a very funny guy with a genuine passion for what he does.

  71. Yeah, maybe so. First one I watched was the Slamboree 2000 one and I enjoyed that lots without 'getting' all the jokes.

  72. My girlfriend and I are doing that currently with Netflix.

    We didn't mean to, but it seems like every movie we eventually decide to watch has Nicholas Fucking Cage in it.

    We've started a drinking game based around how ridiculous his character's hair and first name are, and how little he moves his mouth, in each film.

  73. I am actually on episode 2 of Ken Burns' The West right now. If you have never seen it, I highly recommend it.

  74. don't mean to accuse you of anything. but I am pretty sure you won't completey "skip it" even if you decide not to buy the ppv. *cough*

  75. wtf @ those prices.

    again, this is really one of the topics in which I can only shake my head in disbelief.

    I live in Germany and the basic cable includes about thirty channels but also costs only about ten euros (obviously depending the service provider) or you can get digital cable which includes about seventy channels but usually still costs less thant twenty euros.

  76. Ah, you reminded me of Stupidgsa: Stupid Game Show Answers. He's put a fair number of videos out, and if you can't laugh at something on each vid, you're humorless.

  77. I watch a lot of informational/education stuff on YouTube,
    My favorite by far is this CrashCourse, which has video series about all kinds of topics from biology to world history.

    The other channels I frequent are more about offbeat topics: permaculture design, paracord crafts, crossfit workouts, BJJ techniques. If anyone's interested in those I can grab links..

  78. Game Theory is a good show if you like over analysis. Mat Pat has pretty much the perfect condescending smartarse voice for this kind of thing. He actually works out the size and rate of descent of the moon in Majoras Mask to see if it would actually destroy the world. Other shows on the channel are a bit meh.

  79. Also Lazy Game Reviews. Mainly Dos/PC games and hardware but he has a great way of explaining things.

  80. Grumps got dull after Jon left. I tried watching but it's basically Egoraptor agreeing with Dan.

  81. Reality shows aren't going to stop until the current TV model stops. Reality shows are so cheap to produce that providers have to pick them up over more expensive sitcoms, dramas, real documentaries, movies, etc. Nowadays, 500,000 viewers (or even less) can sustain a show on a channel.

    Reality will die once cable TV becomes a la carte/streaming instead of as it is. The problem is that even people like us who hate all of the crap needs to stay on cable because of live sports. I watch way too much NBA, NFL, NHL, and MLB to cut the cord.

    I don't mind a lot of reality shows, but I rather watch things like Mankind, the story of all of us, or Big Cat Diaries than Gator Boys. I even like Pawn Stars, Man vs Food, Tanked, and similar type shows.

    Discovery, History, and Animal Planet are really bad with all the reality shows. Smithsonian seems to have quality docs and actual history/science stuff, but that channel is not on basic Fios.

  82. Yeah, the cable costs surprise me too. I actually looked up what I have and I've got their Top 120 channels package (which is their third tier). I also have the HD DVR service and the protection plan for the DVR (which I think is BS, but whatever). The plan does include a bunch of HD channels, but those are supposed to be thrown in for free with the service I have. With that said, I don't have any HBO/Showtime/Skinemax. If I didn't enjoy watching live sports, then I wouldn't have cable either.

  83. I guess you can count Game Show Garbage's video inductions as well.
    Oh, and HITLER RANT PARODIES. And most Downfall parody channels for that matter.

  84. Gamester81 is a good channel for those who want to know about obscure and short lived game systems:

  85. The Game Chasers, Pat the NES Punk, Clan of the Gray Wolf, RetroLiberty, NESComplex, Gamester81, Metal Jesus Rocks

  86. I remain a Dish Network subscriber because of the awesomeness that is Epix HD and Epix Drive-In but if they ever drop those channels, they will not get another penny from me but I do think it's ridiculous they make you buy a package full of 250 shitty channels you will never watch just to get the one or two channels you actually like.
    It's like they don't realize they would make a hell of a lot more money if they just gave people an ala carte option and let them choose what channels they want to pay for.


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