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QOTD 98: It's Only Weird if it Doesn't Work.

For whatever reason before opening the door in the winter I touch the wallpaper - it's not OCD, I just don't want to shock myself, and somehow assume that touching the wallpaper will ground me, though I don't think it does. Regardless, I feel like I am shocked far less than I normally would be, had I not touched the wallpaper.

What are your superstitions? Things you do because you think they work, you do because you don't want to tempt fate from the guy high atop the thing, or stuff that has just worked out for you, so you keep doing it? 

For a completely false example, I haven't changed my underwear since the last Patriots Superbowl.

I have a lucky undershirt shirt I wear on dates.

When I buy a scratch ticket I always look for a heads-up penny in my car, or when I pull change out of my pocket, take a heads up coin in which to scratch them with.

In Poker I always play 7/10 of Diamonds after winning 600 dollars with it once.

During football games I refuse to stop watching the game even if the team is down with little time left - cause you never know.

When I check work e-mail I always filter my stuff sent to me first as a way to guage how my day is going to be. Lots of e-mail sent directly to me = lots of extra stuff to do (in my head anyway). No so much e-mail sent to me = QOTD writin' during the work day.

I say "I hope everyone is alright" whenever a cop car or Ambulance or Firetruck passes me, a little good karma never hurt anyone. 

I take several shots of whiskey before writing QOTD's to ensure a completely lack of relationship with reality.

What say you, Otters?


  1. Every day I open QOTD despite already knowing it will be shite. Not sure if this is superstition or idiocy on my part.

  2. I like to define superstition as intentional idiocy, so I think you're right on both counts.

  3. Can you downvotes threads?

  4. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 3:03 PM

    I can't even count how many times I've asked that at 411.


  6. I saw how Cole is in ROH now,pretty good as the cigar smoking heel.

  7. TJ:They're gonna make Transporter sequels without Jason Statham.

  8. Adam Cole is the number 1 heel in wrestling for me. No doubt about it

  9. I'll play along, I have a superstition that the number 13 is an unlucky numbers, so I try to avoid it. I have also had some form of bad luck on Fridays that are the 13th of a month. I also have a sense that if I boast about something enough, it becomes jinxed.

  10. Now they need to dump Hardy,a Hero/Cole program will be cool.

  11. You're ready for the Caliber takeover, aren't you..

  12. Exactly! I refuse to talk about stuff I work on, or any kind of romantic-leads I may have with family or friends unless it's on my own terms simply because I don't wanna put the cart before the horse.

  13. I'm not superstitious in any way.

  14. At least when Caliber was around it was the Man Show. Now Paul tries to make this the Age of Enlightenment and Wisdom Deep hour: with otters.

  15. The hate in this room is absolutely electric. I'm tellin' ya, you can cut it with a knife.

    Meekin, I think you may end up establishing a superstition of people not clicking on your QOTDs... Maybe we need a question about CM Punk or Daniel Bryan to cleanse our pallets.

    On to another topic, how was everyone's weekends? I finally bought a new pair of boots in time for two more supposed winter weather events this week.

  16. I've stopped talking about job interviews with my family. They remember and keep asking me about them, long after I've been rejected.

  17. My weekend was fine as usual,waiting for my first day in college.

  18. Yeah, I'm pretty much ready for spring, too.

  19. Come to Brazil instead and experience a taste of hellfire,I want the winter

  20. You really shouldn't mince words, parallax. Tell us how you really feel.

  21. I've been to Florida in 100+ weather several times. I'm good.

  22. They just had a kickass match together in PWG in December, good chemistry

  23. I'm not really a heat guy either. I like when the high is 25-28C with no humidex. So basically 2 weeks in May and 2 weeks in September.

  24. Fuckin Otters are starting to fuckin piss me off with their fuckin bloggin.

  25. It's 40C everyday,I want 10C at least everyday

  26. Any time I'm having a rough day and just need to be reminded that it could always be worse. Or if I just need a laugh, I'll watch this video and instantly feel better about myself.

    I know I should feel bad for making fun of people with downs syndrome but I can't help it.

  27. Unfortunately I never Watched PWG or Chikara.

  28. 10C is fantastic, and that's not winter where I come from. Try -27C with the windchill which is what we will have this evening.

  29. Your avatar is acceptable.

  30. Even better!Bring -27C.

  31. No worse then having visions of Brock F5ing a make a wish kid on live TV.

  32. What's good to do in Brazil, besides beaches?
    I might be there next year. Not settled yet.

  33. Where exactly you wanna go?
    São Paulo?

  34. I dunno. The main trip will be to Uruguay, but if I'm doing that then I'll take enough time to do Brazil also.

  35. I live in RJ but in The Baixada Fluminense(Big region of the state),kinda like downtown,I never went to Center of it,You have the Feira de São Cristóvão showing the northern culture of the country,there's cities like Paraty,Petrópolis that have museum and stuff like that,so is not just TNA and carnival in here.

    If one day I decide to go to the USA,which place would be better?

  36. I have a "lucky" pair of underpants, but I know they're not lucky so much as I just really like 'em, and they're comfy (they've got lucha masks!)

    Another is less of a superstition & more my weird OCD, but a while back my older sister was dating some douchebag. Aforementioned douchebag absolutely HAD to have the volume on electronics set to an even number, otherwise it bugged the crap out of him. Since he was a douchebag, I started setting volumes to odd numbers in hopes that wherever he was, it'd piss him off.

    I wanna say "douchebag" again.


  37. Can I get by on English alone? I've never been anywhere in South America.
    Most of my travels in the US were either as a kid, or for work, so I don't really have a lot to tell you about that, sorry. The only pleasure trip that I've taken into the US as an adult was to Cleveland, and I actually had a pretty good time, but it's probably not the first place that you'd want to go unless you're really into giant novelty guitars.

  38. If you go to Rio in these Big package sales I think yes,but I recommend you to learn some portuguese.

  39. I've heard that guy is a bodybuilder who can get any woman he wants.

  40. You could always get all your body hair pulled out by the root. Apparently that's popular there.

  41. Actually nope.

  42. PWG is the best promotion in the country. Seriously every show is loaded

  43. I can always bring Caliber back. All I have to do is publicly apologize to him and he'll let me.

  44. Just because someone complains about having diarrhea it doesn't mean he want to be constipated.

  45. Facepalm for me,I need to download there shows right away.

  46. Ha. Soooooo you're saying you won't join the "Caliber Kiss My Ass" club?

  47. No, we're not going down the "at least when Caliber..." rabbit hole.

    I think part of the reason why many of us are here is because it's run by a guy who doesn't do gimmicks or entire columns reacting to an audience's reaction. The reliance on gimmicked writing or having to take on persona just to write on a blog is a little weird.

    I'm pretty sure that's why Tommy Hall has stuck around, Bayless kicks ass, and why Farva and Stranger are welcomed additions.

  48. It wouldn't be so bad if it at least was a Significant Otter

  49. I'm not sure that's my look.

  50. The volume on my CD player in the car has to be on an even number. It goes up to 35 but I won't go past 34.

  51. I do that to!

  52. I often speak to my hands before delivering shoulder blocks to my enemies. But it's not really a superstition -- accruing the gods' favor like this has served me quite well.

  53. ...I think Elmo may have a bone to pick with you.

  54. The volume of my CD player goes to 11.

  55. Here's a superstition: I masturbate 7 times, once for every Orton title reign, before each of his matches. I think it gives him luck

  56. I'm sorry I didn't like the Expendables?

  57. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 4:13 PM

    How you been, kid? I'm off today, just chillin, kicking back with the homies and letting it ride as Scott would say.

  58. I'm fine,just watched the main event of New Beginning,nice **** match from Tanahashi/Nakamura but once again we had nearfall fest.

  59. They do about one show every 6-7 weeks, so its easy to follow and not storyline driven, so you can literally jump in at any point. Literally every show is stacked with 3 to 4 1/2 star matches top to bottom

    2013 was a great year, start with All Star Weekend 9 - Night 1.

  60. I heard Generico was their champ,someone please let him debut in the main roster as Generico.

  61. Are you gonna be at the Raw thread?

  62. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 4:20 PM

    Just to answer the actual question. I have a weird thing with numbers. Like, I'm terrified of the number 3, just because of Dale Earnhardt. I know that sounds completely fucking ridiculous, but the guy did die... And the other day at work I got check #0666, and I made the waitress void that shit out and ring it in under a new number. I'm an atheist, but still, fuck that.

  63. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 4:24 PM

    Not a puro fan. I like the junior stuff, but puro in general isn't my thing. I have seen some of Tanahashi's work though, and that dude can GO.

  64. Yep,Cena vs Tanahashi is my current Dream match.

  65. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 4:26 PM

    I'll probably stop by and see what's percolating, but I hardly watch WWE these days.

  66. If that actually worked then AJ would be president.

  67. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 4:28 PM

    That would be a great match. Next time WWE is in Japan they should just let them go Broadway for a half hour.

  68. It's fun to suffer in group.By the way the kid in the middle it's me just to proof that I was telling the truth.

  69. I would be awesome a WWE/NJPW event.

  70. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 4:29 PM

    Kid in the middle?

  71. yeah,of the picture

  72. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 4:30 PM


  73. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 4:30 PM

    What picture?

  74. That's hold number one of the jericho submission list.

  75. of my disqus.

  76. Yeah! I remember one time I was listening to John Denver on Christmas Eve and got flying lessons from my Grandma the next day. I was like...nope.

  77. I bathe in the blood of virgins as I believe it will give me external youth. So far all its given me is an erection.

  78. and a musky aroma of copper, I presume.

  79. "I'm an atheist, but still, fuck that."

    This is a sentence I don't use nearly enough in my life

  80. Not only that -

    Babe Ruth wore number three - dead

    Thomas Jefferson 3rd president - dead

    Joe Schermie -bass player for 3 Dog Night - Dead

    Famine 3rd Horseman of the Apocalypse- Not dead exactly, but sort of a jerk
    My third nipple - creepy and off-putting to females
    3rd wise man - thought tree sap was a suitable gift for a newborn

  81. 7 TIMES. 7 TIMES. 7 TIMES!!

  82. You dated Elmo's sister!?

  83. You're listening Manowar too much.

  84. I did the same thing with Flair until I got carpal tunnel

  85. Then they can go fuck themselves.

  86. Is he still asking for a Dougie ban as part of that apology?

  87. I wanna see Statham doing Crank 3.

  88. I suspect it's why I was treated well in my brief time.

    I just typed how I felt. No bullshit required

  89. I want to see Statham in general.

  90. I'm a fan of the guy,I'm maybe the only people that enjoyed his Death Race remake.

  91. Most of the main cast of My Three Sons are also dead. I'm starting to see a pattern.

  92. This anomosity...what's it Otter-bout?

    Why you so up[set

  93. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 4:45 PM

    Fun story (that I may have mentioned before): back when he was a kid my younger brother got into a lot of trouble and got sent upstate. He was supposed to take a plane to where he was locked up, but the day he was going away? September 11th 2001. Good thing: He got to come home for 10 days, even if he couldn't leave the house because of an ankle bracelet. Bad thing (besides the whole 4,000+ people dying): he's now TERRIFIED of airplanes, to the point where he won't even drive to the one local mall because it's near the airport.

  94. Like number 27.

  95. 3 * 3 * 3 = 27.
    There it is again.

  96. Hendrix,Winehouse,Joplin,Cobain,Morrison all bow it down to this number.

  97. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 4:50 PM

    Hey man, I might be wrong, and either way I want nothing to do with ticket #666. Fuuuuuuuck that shit, it's like how a lot of buildings (especially hotels) don't have a 13th floor. I don't believe in either, but why take the chance?

  98. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 4:52 PM

    Why the fuck would they do that?

  99. I'm in Canada.It got to -40C with the windchill last week.

    I'm done with the fucking winter

  100. TJ:What song would you use if you were a wrestler?

    Here's my list.

    Metallica:The Memory remains/Broken,beat & scarred/Seek and destroy/All nightmare long/Four horsemen.

    Linkin Park:I bleed it out/what I've done

    Guns n' Roses:Welcome to the jungle/Mr.Brownstone/Night train/Better/Schackler's Revenge

    Megadeth:Peace sells/My last words/Gears of war/Headcrusher/Tornado of souls.

    Mastodon:Blood & thunder/naked Burn/I am Ahab

    The offspring:Come out to play/Gone away/I want you bad/All I want

    Alter Bridge:Blackbird

    Van Halen:Running with the Devil/Jump/Hot for teacher/Unchained/push comes to shove/Mean street.

    Alice in chains:Hollow/Rooster/Man in the box/Pretty done/Devil put dinasours here/Them Bones/Rain when I die/Stone.

    These are some songs I would choose.

  101. Bring it on -40C!

  102. As Billy Zane once said, a real man makes his own luck

  103. His luck was bad since his career is awful.

  104. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 5:15 PM

    "I know that sounds completely fucking ridiculous"

    I came right out and said it's stupid, no reason to make fun of me. You guys are dicks...

  105. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 5:17 PM

    Fuck winter.

  106. 411Mania in a nuthsell ever since that super religious guy in 2008.

  107. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 5:24 PM

    OK, now I see it.

  108. I watched it twice before I saw who posted it.

    Then I closed it, because that's enough internet for today.

  109. Redman - Time 4 Sum Aksion
    Pharoahe Monch - Simon Says
    M.O.P - Breakin' The Rules/Firin' Squad/Ante Up
    Black Moon - Who Got Da Props
    Mobb Deep - Shook Ones/Survival Of The Fittest
    Wu-Tang Clan - Bring Da Ruckus
    Jay-Z - U Don't Know
    GZA - Shadowboxin'/Liquid Swords/Duel of the Iron Mic/4th Chamber
    Nas - Nas Is Like
    DMX - It's Dark and Hell Is Hot Intro/Get At Me Dog/Ruff Ryder's Anthem/X Is Gonna Give It To Ya/Party Up/What's My Name
    Dr. Dre - A Nigga With a Gun
    Diamond D - Five Fingers of Death

  110. Unfortunately,I never heard any of these songs.

  111. Depends on my character I suppose. For the longest time my CAW character was 'The Show' who naturally had DX colors, Jericho style pads and moves, Sun glasses, the Swanton bomb, etc etc.

    So for THAT character, an amalgamation of all things Attitude Era? Probably something really damn bad like POD.

    In...later games / e-feds, ponderments, I game him a sort of grizzled, world-weary wrestling gimmick who's watched his friends die and get crippled, do drugs, and so on - for that? "God's Gonna Cut you Down" via Johnny Cash.


  113. My face character would be a Metal fan with a dry sense of humor(Larry david style) and being a submission master(if put I any hold,you're done),my heel persona would be Flair from the 80's with mix of Steen Psycopath gimmick.

  114. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 5:39 PM

    Like I said, I don't have pics online, so this is the best I can do:

    I'm the one shooting this, the guy at about 0:50 in saying "I'm not doing nothing, man" is me. Keep in mind that this was made in 2008 or so, hence the piss-poor VQ.

  115. My picture was taken at Rock in Rio last year.

  116. Had I the build to wrestle I had a few character ideas:

    Hipster wrestler: I've mentioned this one in passing, the guy who brings back bizarre old moves and has totally been into Bobby Jaggers lately. I'd use a rotation of 'forgotten' themes from guys who wrestled before 1990.

    'Big in Japan' character: a total Puro dweeb who claims to be a master of strong style wrestling and a huge player in the Japanese scene, only nobody in Japan has heard of him. Theme: Big in Japan - Alphaville or X's cover of Wild Thing.

    A scummy garage rock guy: Raven as done by Goner Records. Theme: Dead on Arrival - Jay Reatard

  117. I would buy the Puro dweeb.

  118. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 5:49 PM

    If not for some random porn-peddling degenerate I would be able to post the pic of me me and my niece from yesterday, but I don't do Shitbook or any of that crap.

  119. I'd jack Ravens WCW theme.

  120. Check out the GZA songs mentioned

  121. It was a rip off,but a awesome one.

  122. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 5:51 PM

    You need to diversify yo bonds, nigga.

  123. I'm a metalhead,but I'll look.

  124. Any customer I ring up to $6.66 (happens infrequently, but it's not super-hard to get) pays $6.65.

  125. I wondering that too.

  126. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 6:00 PM

    Shut up Meg.

  127. I am glad you and I are back on the same page

  128. Never mind Frank Bullock... where's the RAW thread?

  129. I got the RAW thread going:

  130. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 10, 2014 at 6:06 PM

    'I have a lucky undershirt shirt I wear on dates.'

    me, too

    ergo, i never wear it :(

  131. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 10, 2014 at 6:09 PM

    no such thing, poser!!!

    you are NOT my friend

    death to false metal!!!

  132. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 10, 2014 at 6:13 PM

    i'll take "things parallax's dates' husbands say to him" for 200, alex

  133. You mean Dannytreo and John Sorrow

  134. During important parts of Red Sox playoff games im always standing, and i kick my heels.

  135. You aren't getting any better.

  136. Just be glad I didn't post my notes on The Tomb Raider game here!

  137. Either SSH's Dr Wily's castle remix, Inner Light by Shocking Lemon, or Tyson Kidd's 1st theme.

    12 year old me would've swallowed mainstream rock koolaid. Not that I find Saliva/Limp Bizkit/et al to be horrible, but given perspective.....

  138. Meekin you still rule.

  139. This comment nearly erased my shitty day

  140. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 8:42 PM

    Fuck off, troll. That's what I mean.

  141. Me? I edited it

  142. Seriously, just say you hate him for whatever reason.. Stop with this passive aggressive rationale with hating caliber

  143. You just want your pizza. Whore!

  144. Dang, Meekin, whose Cheerios did you poop in today? I've never seen a group of people so angry replying to a thread where the people posting weren't named "Watry" or "Kirk".

  145. Shackler's Revenge is awesome.

  146. I wouldn't call it dating.

  147. Oh during times when they NEED a hit or NEED an out and it could be the game I'm pacing around...It worked this year!

  148. They will know the power of my sword!

  149. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 9:41 PM

    No, not you, you're my boy, homeslice. Him. If I was telling you to fuck off, believe me, you wouldn't have to ask for clarification.

  150. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 9:48 PM

    Last time I was at the store and the bill came to $6.66 (and the chick cashing me out clearly didn't like that either) I bought a Butterfinger to change the total. Fun fact: I know that I should be the guy that's trying for $4.20, but I just find the whole 420 thing pretty childish.

  151. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 10, 2014 at 9:52 PM

    Every time I see a pro athlete wearing #27 I just shake my head. Like I said, I have a weird thing with numbers.

  152. O yea, complete Nirvana rip off from the first second of it until it closes, but like you said its awesome and Iv always loved it


  154. Fuck Watry. He makes John Cheese look like a good writer.



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