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The SmarK RAW Rant–01.27.2014

The SmarK RAW Rant – 01.27.2014

I figured I might as well catch up since I had the day off anyway. This will be an interesting experiment for me now, actually, because I manage the TV department at work and I’ve been booking myself on Monday nights and then putting RAW on as background noise. So basically I can half-watch the entire 3-hour show and then recap the 90 minute one on Hulu and see what the differences are. I can tell you right now that the original version of this show bored the fuck out of me, even while not paying particular attention to it.

THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS ALERT: Hulu is offering a compilation of the Super Bowl ads this year, which is like the Holy Grail for Canadians because we never get to see any of them. However, the compilation of ads is, in itself, sponsored by ANOTHER AD. WHO ARE THE AD WIZARDS THAT CAME UP WITH THIS ONE?

Live from Cleveland, OH

Your hosts are Michael Cole, JBL & Jerry Lawler

The Authority is here to start us out with a POINT TO SIGN. And tonight they’re heels, for those keeping scores. HHH immediately trolls the crowd by calling them whiny babies for the Daniel Bryan thing and then talks up Batista again, noting that he’s their “good friend”. So does that mean they’re babyfaces or Batista is supposed to be a heel? So their big announcement is Randy Orton defending the title in the Chamber, which brings out Daniel Bryan.

OK, time out. What the fuck was the point of all the “Brock Lesnar is the #1 contender because he says so” stuff that we went through for the past month? We now know he’s not working the Chamber PPV, and definitely not getting a title shot there or at Wrestlemania, so what was that storyline even supposed to be leading towards? He destroys Big Show and then leaves again for two months? Because I know I’m just a smark that’s apparently beneath HHH’s boot, but that doesn’t seem like optimal usage of a guy you’re paying millions of dollars a year for. OK, time in again.

So Daniel rightly bitches about not getting entered in the Rumble, and the Authority gives the condescending “Well, we didn’t want to make you work twice” answer. Bryan points out that they make him work twice all the time against the Shield and Wyatts, and HHH is somehow even more smarmy with “That’s a fair point, so we didn’t want to make you do it again.” See, HHH is a FANTASTIC heel when he’s doing that “smart-ass for evil” gimmick, which is why it’s so frustrating when he bounces back and forth from week to week. If he’s the asshole who’s cutting off the babyface’s demands with his corporate doublespeak and leading to someone getting revenge on him, GREAT. But the problem comes when he does the same thing to heels and kills their heat in the process. Bryan wants into the Chamber, but the Shield appears like magic and starts a beatdown. And then Sheamus makes the save, as does John Cena, which would presumably set up a six-man main event. Good enough to start.

Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara v. The Real Americans

The masked men double-team Cesaro to start, and Sin Cara gets a springboard elbow for two and dumps Swagger for a dive. Uncle Zeb slaps Swagger around to get him focused again, and indeed he takes over in the ring. The Canucks should hire him to coach instead of Tortorella. At least Zeb gets results. We take a break and return with Cesaro missing a charge, allowing the hot tag to Rey. Top rope senton and bulldog for Cesaro gets two. Low kick gets two. 619 into a Sin Cara senton, but it misses, and Cesaro levels Cara with a forearm and finishes with the Neutralizer at 8:23. Good to see Cesaro getting it done when Swagger couldn’t. **

Brad Maddox brings out Randy Orton, as we will continue having him shoved down our throats and WE WILL LIKE IT. Batista interrupts and the crowd immediately starts trying to trip him up with Daniel Bryan chants. He’s leaving Wrestlemania with the title, and nothing is going to change that! I love shoot comments that aren’t supposed to be shoot comments. Brock Lesnar now joins us, and Paul Heyman has two choices for Maddox: Either give Brock a title match tonight, or a match with Batista. Of course, neither would end up happening, because WWE.

Kofi Kingston v. Alberto Del Rio

ADR is still really upset with Batista and expressing his anger via INSET PROMOS, as only happens in wrestling. I’m more upset with Kofi’s god-awful tights recently, but whatever floats his boat. Kofi pounds away in the corner, but gets booted down by Del Rio and clotheslined for two. Del Rio bails and Kofi follows with a dive, but walks into an enzuigiri coming back in. Michael Cole, after five years, is still trying to get “controlled frenzy” over as a thing. It’s not a thing, it’s not gonna happen, give it up. Back in, Del Rio grabs a chinlock and gets an elbow off the second rope and the crowd is already bored and chanting for JBL. They slug it out on the top rope and no one cares, as we take a break. Back with Kofi getting a rollup for two, which has Cole thrilled at the prospect of building momentum. SOS gets two. You have to wonder if Michael Cole starts yelling about BUILDING MOMENTUM when he’s having sex, and then wants to create separation when he’s done. Typical man. Anyway, Del Rio tries the armbar, but gets the backstabber instead for two. To the top, but Kofi follows with a superplex attempt, which Del Rio turns into a half-assed curb stomp ala Low-Ki. Superkick finishes at 13:20. You have to love how they highlight Kofi’s big Rumble moment and then job him out right away, in order to build up the guy for Batista to squash at the Chamber PPV. And then they’re like “Duh, why doesn’t anyone ever get over, duh?” Match was fine. **1/2

WWE tag team titles: The New Age Outlaws v. Cody Rhodes & Goldust

I still don’t get the point of switching the titles. And I’m guessing the Outlaws are supposed to be heels, but they still do the whole babyface spiel before the match. Further through the looking glass, as the washed up Outlaws get their spot and titles because they’re friends with HHH in real life, doing a storyline where they got their spot and titles because they’re friends with HHH. Which is kind of even funnier because their original deal was that they were the miscreants who clearly were out of their league and cheated their way to the belts by beating teams better than them, and then nostalgia somehow turned them into a good team. So it’s like “Here’s this washed up team who only got their spot because of friendship with the boss, but we’re gonna put them over the champions clean and act like they’re awesome as well.” The messages are more mixed than a Jim Ross blog update. Anyway, meta-weirdness aside, the Outlaws attack Goldust and Road Dogg controls with a chinlock, but they bail and we take a break. Geez, remember when Road Dogg and Goldust were feuding over the I-C title FIFTEEN YEARS AGO? It makes it all the more amazing how easily Goldust has slipped back into his role and how out of place the Outlaws look. Back with Goldust busting out a flip powerbomb on Dogg for two (see what I mean?) and it’s hot tag Cody, who runs wild on the very old and slow looking Outlaws, until Gunn gets a clothesline to cut him off. This brings out Brock Lesnar for the DQ at 10:00 and he destroys the Rhodes. * This of course leads to nothing, because apparently their plan for getting to Undertaker is:

1. Brock wants a title match and declares himself #1 contender.

2. ???

3. Undertaker match and PROFIT.

Jake Roberts is introduced as the newest Hall of Famer. Hopefully he locks Warrior in a room full of cobras again before the ceremony.

Daniel Bryan, John Cena & Sheamus v. The Shield

Apparently the winners of this match are entered into the Elimination Chamber, the announcement of which was actually deleted from the Hulu version. Cena trades headlocks with Rollins until Cena slugs him down, which brings Reigns and Sheamus in. Reigns pounds on him, but Sheamus gets a neckbreaker for two. Back to Rollins, but Sheamus dominates him until a cheapshot turns the tide. Over to Daniel Bryan to wake up the crowd again, and the faces work Rollins over. Sheamus with a legdrop for two. Double suplex gets two for Cena. Rollins comes back with a clothesline as we take a break from the HIGH STAKES, HIGH DRAMA. Yes, the chance for John Cena to get yet another title shot! High drama indeed. Back with Rollins choking Cena out, which sets up the Reigns apron dropkick for two. The superman punch follows, and that move is gonna win Best Finisher in the awards next year, mark my words. Cena RISES ABOVE SUPERMAN and dumps Reigns, but Roman puts him down again for two. Ambrose runs Cena into the corner, and Rollins cuts off the tag for more shenanigans in the heel corner. Ambrose with a suplex for two. And this just keeps going and going with Ambrose controlling Cena, until finally it’s hot tag Bryan. Dive for Ambrose and he kicks the hell out of everyone, but Reigns spears Cena. Bryan dumps him, but Rollins gets a rollup for two. They slug it out and Rollins powerbombs him into the corner for two. To the top, but the stomp misses and Bryan makes the comeback before missing a charge. Rollins with a rollup, but Bryan reverses into the Yeslock. Ambrose breaks it up and Sheamus gets rid of him, allowing Bryan to make the tag to Cena to save the day. STF on Reigns, but he powers out, and the Wyatts magically appear for the shit DQ at 21:22. Wow, what a thrilling way for the babyfaces to get their title shot. ***1/4 Hell of a match before that cop-out finish, though.

The Pulse

That was quite the underwhelming finish to the show, to say the least. And definitely not worth sitting through a boring, go-nowhere show to get to, either.

And so, time to take a lunch break and return with this week’s RAW later in the afternoon!


  1. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 4, 2014 at 11:57 AM

    "the Super Bowl ads"

    here's an extended version of the radio shack one, with even more 80's awesomeness

  2. I'm so over Triple H as the new authority figure. It's like he thinks he's being Mr. McMahon 2.0, but forgetting the part about Vince getting embarrassed on a weekly basis, which in turn caused Mr. McMahon to be even more evil and such.

    Triple H & Stephanie always win.

    I'm pretty sure we'll never see Triple H in a hospital bed getting hit with a bedpan, ya know?

  3. They need to do a backstage bit where Warrior and Jake run into each other, Jake motions for Warrior to go ahead of him through the door, Warrior hesitates, and Jake says "trust me."

  4. Never in a million years.

  5. "Further through the looking glass, as the washed up Outlaws get their spot and titles because they’re friends with HHH in real life, doing a storyline where they got their spot and titles because they’re friends with HHH."
    Didn't they spend their entire run in TNA talking shit about Vince & Hunter on a daily basis though?

  6. Not only that, but they challenged them to an actual fist fight outside the Alamo.

  7. Also Scott, the Coke ad just brought all the racist retards that occupy America out of the woodwork.

  8. You're still comparing a guy in his 50's who was never a wrestler to a guy who is one of the top guys of the past 20 years, who gave Undertaker and Brock a run for their money in the past 2 years? Yep, that guy should be beaten up and embarrassed every week!

  9. There's no way for me to give a response without showing a good bit of HHHate, so I'll just let it drop.

  10. The Love-Matic Grampa!February 4, 2014 at 12:44 PM

    Pretty much quit watching two years ago and have really only kept up through this blog and YouTube. Giving up my Observer/Figure Four subscription was the first real sign that my fandom was wavering, because I just couldn't justify the $10 per month for a product I had little interest in anymore, and I found that I really didn't miss the site and that any major news would be disseminated through the rest of the internet fairly quickly anyhow. Looking back, Cena beating Lesnar clean and then cutting the "going home" promo really was the final straw for me. I know it's been said by others before, but it's hard for me as a fan going back to the 1980's to relate to today's product in any tangible way, and yet I can't fault WWE for many of the decisions they make. So, to spare myself the weekly aggravation, I just gave it up.

  11. Yes, that's what heels get. Then they come up with another devious plot to twart the face, the face struggles to overcome the odds, the face gets revenge on the heel. Heel is made to look like a fool. Its not exactly rocket science.

  12. I actually quit in 2010 but then like 2 weeks later the Nexus angle happened on an episode I didn't watch and roped me back in.

    A year later, i quit again. The first Raw I miss is the pipe bomb promo. So yeah, I'm usual hesitant to quit now.

  13. "OK, time out. What the fuck was the point of all the “Brock Lesnar is the #1 contender because he says so” stuff that we went through for the past month? We now know he’s not working the Chamber PPV, and definitely not getting a title shot there or at Wrestlemania, so what was that storyline even supposed to be leading towards? He destroys Big Show and then leaves again for two months? Because I know I’m just a smark that’s apparently beneath HHH’s boot, but that doesn’t seem like optimal usage of a guy you’re paying millions of dollars a year for."

    Thaaaaank you!

  14. The longest reigning WWE Champion was getting beaten up by two sixty year old men last year.

  15. Pretty sure they were in the basement actually.

  16. I'm the same. I haven't watched a full RAW in years.

  17. If you do quit again, please warn us ahead of time so some of us can make sure to watch the next episode.

  18. I think I stopped watching regularly when rock and austin were gone and HHH and taker unfortunately filled the void.

  19. Why would you assume that Vince and HHH ever watched TNA at any point?

  20. So Because Brock deemed himself the #1 contender, and issued a few threats, and he's not yet the champ, we should consider the angle closed?

  21. I quit watching wrestling in 2002 when the brands were forming an Eric was running around. I was a mark back then. Came back in 2006 as a mark, and never looked back. After 2009 and finding Scott, I became more smarkish and then a year later found this blog. After years of Cena being on top and seeing how Punk was treated with the title his whole reign, I am starting, for the first time to doubt the companies direction in general. At this moment, this blog is the one thing helping me through it all.

  22. Sounds like you are aching for an exact rehash of Austin/Mcmahon. You can watch the archives on the WWE Network, but I'm sorry, that's simply not what they're going for with HHH/Bryan. And I'm glad it isn't, I grew tired of Austin/McMahon, as well as Cena/Bischoff in 2005, which was Austin/McMahon lite. Don't need to see it again.

  23. They were so outraged, they forgot to complain about the interracial Cheerios family again!

  24. Hey, phrase it any way you want, but it's gonna work.

  25. If you could explain what exactly they are going for with HHH/Bryan, that would be helpful to everyone, I think.

  26. "You have to love how they highlight Kofi’s big Rumble moment and then job him out right away, in order to build up the guy for Batista to squash at the Chamber PPV. And then they’re like “Duh, why doesn’t anyone ever get over, duh?”"

    That sums up everything wrong with WWE these days.

  27. Its basic storytelling that has been written since the beginning of human kind. I agree that authority boss is done, but a heel in wrestling normally loses to the face. That's how things work.

  28. For me, it's simple. the 2004 whore URRR Diva search. At first I couldn't believe they were devoting so much time in hyping up a separate show, then it finally sank in.... There was no separate show... THEY WERE GONNA DEVOTE 30 MINUTES OF EVERY RAW TO THIS CRAP FOR THE NEXT 3 MONTHS... I like half naked women as much as anyone, but if I wanna see 10 random bimbos cat fighting, I'll just watch "The Bachelor"!

    So during those 3 months, there were several times where I changed the channel during one of their interminable segments... Only to get caught up in something else, and forget to switch back. That pattern continued for those 3 months, until I realized that I could live without watching RAW every single week.

    So while I have watched the occasional episode here and there since, my "Every week" habit officially stopped during that period.

  29. Just thought of something:

    Suppose they go with Bryan/HHH for Wrestlemania...and Triple H wins, because his ego couldn't stand to lose to a vanilla midget or something.

    What are the odds of garbage pilfering the ring or a riot occurring?

  30. You're over-generalizing. Yes, guys like Mr. McMahon, Bobby Heenan, and Jim Cornette were made to look like fools. But many, many heels have been successful without looking like morons.

    Piper was an obnoxious ass during the start of Hulkamania, but he was never made to look like a fool.
    Vader was never made to look like a fool when he was mauling Sting like a grizzly bear.

    The Horsemen were never really made to look like fools in their initial run.

    Andre the Giant was the heel in one of the biggest matches in wrestling history, and wasn't made to look like a fool (at least not for several years when he feuded with Jake).

    There are many ways to get heels and angles over , they don't all depend on making the heel look like a clown.

  31. Ric Flair was made to look like a goof all the time, then would cheat to win.

    Ultimately the story is the the face overcoming the odds.

  32. But they do depend on the heel losing. HHH has an issue with that at times... some justified, but more often than not it's detrimental to the story or the product.

  33. Uh yes, recent history would in fact suggest that is the case.

  34. The brand split killed my interest in the product for a really long time. I hated having two world champions and the roster segmented on one show or the other, especially because my cable package at home did not have Smackdown!. The company also lost money from me because I was still subscribing to WWF Magazine, which I had for 7 years, but they wanted to make THAT brand exclusive too, so I didn't renew. I briefly came back between 2005-2006, but then drifted off again until fairly recently.

  35. Oh I agree as that's the main reason I'm going to buy it.

  36. Michael Cole stop trying to make "Fetch" happen. It's never gonna happen.


  38. Michael Cole still trying to get "controlled frenzy" is like the people at 411mania still using "EPIC FAIL" without realizing that 2009 ended a little over four years ago and no one outside of that site uses that stupid nonsensical phrase anymore.

  39. Meanwhile, at Scott's work:

    Employee comes in to find the next three months of schedules and promotions have been set in stone.

    "Hey, Scott, what's with the long-term bookings?"
    "I have to do what's best for business."

  40. It's not just Triple H. It's the authority figure character and angle in general. It's been going non-stop since the Attitude Era.

  41. Yeah, that's probably a fair description of Flair - especially if you think of stuff like the angle with the Garvins.

    And yes - the story is the face overcoming the odds. My point is just that the heel doesn't always have to be a clown who gets embarrassed every week. Sometimes he can a monster (Vader) or just an obnoxious ass you want to punch (Piper). The real problem in this case is that there's no consistency to HHH's character. I've given up trying to figure out what his motivation is.

  42. Yes, that I agree with. The heel has to show ass at some point, which HHH hasn't done much (he did get knocked out by BIg Show and decked by Punk).

    The bigger problem is that HHH seems to jump between being a heel and a babyface week-to-week. The angle with him has gone incredibly far off the rails and I have no idea what his motivation is. He hates Bryan, he hates Orton, who exactly does he want as champ?

  43. His motivation is to be the coolest motherfucker in the room, at any cost. I call it the Kevin Nash.

  44. Himself. And if he'd just come out and ADMIT IT, then there's somewhere to go with this. Maybe not where any sane person would like to follow... but it's better than this wandering around in circles.

  45. That got shit on to if I'm not mistaken.

    What's funny is people were so outraged about the different languages thing, they didn't mention the gay couple in the video.

  46. I do in fact have to schedule people on the basis of what's best for business and use that exact phrase quite a lot. The irony is not lost on me, fear not.

  47. Flair was never a goof. He was wrestling guys and would take shortcuts. He wasn't made to look stupid or like he couldn't hang. He was just smart enough to know he wasn't going to overpower the Lugers and Stings so he'd poke them in the eye.

  48. I dunno, "Assistant to the Manager Jef Vinson" has a ring to it.

  49. Then he shouldn't be the authority figure.

  50. To which Warrior replies, "SchynuuuuuHYYAAAKKKK"

  51. Ever bust out "IN THIS BUSINESS"?

  52. Or posting as "Rob Van Dam" talking about a one-shot deal.

  53. I quit watching for a brief stretch in 1991 when WCW made the colossally stupid move of firing Ric Flair and subsequently having the worst PPV of all time afterwards, to this day I'm stunned they survived another 10 years when that fiasco should have been enough to put them out of business. Also during that time, the WWF ruined my favorite program by taking Gorilla Monsoon off of Prime Time Wrestling and replacing him with Vince and a bizarre audience of office employees pretending to be fans. Plus, I was really busy with work and on the road all the time so I no longer had the time to catch it even if I wanted to.
    By the time I got back into watching it in 1992, the Dangerous Alliance was all over WCW programming and nearly all of their goofy gimmicks that got so much TV time in 1991 were gone and Prime Time's bizarre audience was gone and replaced with an awesome roundtable format (not as good as Gorilla/Bobby but an improvement over the fake audience nonetheless) so I started following it again and haven't really stopped since.


    Glen Beck is OUTRAGED something might divide people politically....

  55. I want to show my hatred of the current product through my wallet by not ordering the network. But the thought of Dangerous Alliance, Mid South, and Greg Gagne dropkicks on my android while my girlfriend is sleeping next to me might be too much too overcome.....

    What's a Mark to do?

  56. Of course it's possible -- and HHH will say he is doing it so he could put Bryan over in a "bigger" rematch at Extreme Rules. Just like HHH went over Brock at WrestleMania last year and lost to him in a forgettable match at the next forgettable PPV.

    Problem is, WrestleMania is the event that everyone always remembers (or at least the event WWE always promotes -- hence "WrestleMania Moment"). So it's no surprise that even though Brock beat HHH twice, HHH's victory took place at WrestleMania. It'll be the WrestleMania match against Bryan that will be more often anthologized on DVDs and viewed on the Network for the next decade. He did the same thing with Orton in 2009 and Sheamus in 2010 -- beat them at Mania, but "put them over" in the rematches at Backlash 2009 and Extreme Rules 2010. But who remembers the rematches?

    Or, even worse he could beat Bryan and wind up in a feud with Kevin Nash. Just ask Punk... if you can locate his whereabouts.

  57. Or posting as "Paul Roma" when that joke wasn't even funny when it was first used in 1999.

  58. as far as HHH/Brock goes, we'll always have the You Tapped Out chant.

  59. Well, he did try to sleep with Ronnie Garvin in drag. He did occasionally look like a goof. But mainly it was Dillon who was made to look like a goof in the 80s.

    In the mid-to-late 90s WCW made him look like a doofus all the time.

  60. Once Reigns goes face, I would keep the spear as a trademark spot, but use the Punch as a finish. That thing is going to be over as FUCK.

  61. I loved that moment. They were trying for a "Aw, Triple H lost. He has a sad face. Applaud for him because he tried" moment. Which would work on anyone else, but sadly, most do not actually give a shit about HHH.

  62. yeah, me too. just like I am hoping for a new Jurassic Park in which all humans get eaten by a T-Rex at the end.

  63. It was during the TIME of their TNA run, but not IN the organization itself. Sorry, should have made that clearer.

  64. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:27 PM

    "Who do you say it like that?"

  65. Wasn't this last week's show?

  66. Give him all the Wrestlemania moments and face pops he wants. LA is never going to unchant "YOU TAPPED OUT."

  67. HLA did it for me, up til then I thought Uncle Eric was a great Raw GM

  68. The first time I was hit with the realization that this wasn't as good as it used to be was after WMX7. Austin'd turned heel, Triple H didn't turn face, and Undertaker and Kane got 2 months as the top faces. That was the first "I'm really not enjoying this" phase, but the Invasion, while not booked to be what it could have been, had so much new talent and RVD so I wasn't considering giving up or anything.

    I was pretty indifferent to a lot of 2002/2003. Brock as the top face didn't do a whole lot for me, nor did Triple H dominating Raw. It wasn't just that he was dominating Raw, it's that he bored the fuck out of me while doing it.

    2004 was when I started to lose interest. JBL and face Randy Orton didn't do much for me, and while I initially liked John Cena once he turned face he turned into an obnoxious idiot. We went from Eminem to Malibu's Most Wanted.

    Yeah, I know he brings it in the ring, etc, but Cena's the guy who's killed it the most for me. I just don't like him and I don't see what the appeal is. I'm fully aware that maybe I just got too old to realize why a guy in jean shorts and t-shirts down to his knees was cool, but personally it's hard to really enjoy something when the star of it is someone you just don't like and at times are angrily irritated by. While that's been going on the guys that I did like eventually left. I follow wrestling daily and if something does capture my interest I'll pay money and start tuning in (HBK's retirement, Summer of Punk, Jericho's return) but for the most part I'm just following to follow, can't say I really enjoy 90% of it.

  69. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:30 PM

    That sums up what's been wrong with WWE for about 5 years.

  70. Cena after he turned face was embarrassing. Chain Gang jerseys, "what up T-Long", personalized knucks, the visor, his t-shirt down to his wasn't necessarily the white rapper aspect, it was that he went from a serious white rapper to poser idiot.

  71. Yep, Scott's been behind. Oh well.

  72. He actually had a real finisher in NXT. I don't know why they don't just stick with the Goldberg formula of use the spear as a stunning move and then use another move to finish them off. They could go with his NXT finisher or just have him do the roar into powerbomb.

    I like the spear way better as a setup move than a finisher in and of itself.

  73. Yes. He didn't review last week's show, so he's doing doing last week's and last nights today.

  74. I actually quit during the heyday of the "attitude era" in 1999. the whole Russo booking, ~SWERVES etc. just didn't do it for me. came back in 2004 because of Guerrero/Benoit but don't follow it as religiously as I have done before (since then I almost completely stopped watching Raw for several months when they had their horrible "guest hosts" every week).

  75. ...I'll tell you, it probably doesn't speak well for my short term memory nor WWE "creative" but it took me 5 paragraphs to realize this was last week's episode

  76. Or 411mania actually still existing.

  77. Piper got owned by little kids on Halloween!

  78. "He just dropped her off at the door... least he coulda done was Cena Bischoff." sorry

  79. Katie Vick in 2002. I didn't watch again until Bret Hart returned in 2010.

  80. Oh man you just made me feel old (I'm only 28)...I discovered Scott in 1999! Funny though, I also quit right before the brand split and didn't come back until 2006.

  81. It was a book wasn't it?

  82. As far as guest hosts, this will rule, though:

  83. Late 2002, as the Triple H reign of terror was starting. I have loosened up a bit now, when my friend watches Raw and etc., but I still don't make wrestling appointment watching anymore.

  84. Well if you pay for it, and not pay for the PPVs and etc, you'll be showing them what era/style of wrestling you like.

  85. It's all one flat fee

  86. For me wrestling's like an old high school friend. I'm never unhappy to see them, and we'll shoot the breeze and somewhat enjoy each other's company but the reality is we just don't have that much in common anymore.

  87. Stopped watching hardcore around 99/2000. I was a WCW guy so the total downfall of the company kind of pushed me away from wrestling, even though WWF rocked at the time. Watched occasionally from 2000-2004. For some random reason, I'll never know why, I was at Best Buy in early 2005, and saw the 2005 Royal Rumble, bought it and fell back not the wrestling trap.

    Stopped watching hardcore again in 2007 as the company was in total Cena jerk-off mode at that point. Then jumped back in around mid-2009 after seeing the HBK/Taker WM25 match.

    Raw has been so bad for so long I just read the results and YouTube a moment/match that sounds awesome. The show went so downhill during the guest host days and is still unwatchable. Watch every ppv however, after it airs

  88. Started watching summer of 1998, first angle I remember was when Kane was going to fight Austin and he said he'd set himself on fire if he lost, and I was 10 back then so Kane was generally scary as fuck back then. Stopped watching regularly in 2003 because Bischoff as GM and Triple H as Grand Poobah of Raw got annoying, and I've never been an every-week viewer after that, although I do flip back and forth during football season and pay more attention after MNF ends. After the PG era started, everything is just the same-ish to me. 15 years ago nothing was predictable, although I was young and dumb so that explains most of it, but it's way more predictable now.

  89. Side question, if you don't much mind: how old are you, then?

  90. 43, turn 44 in July.


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