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WWF Championship Wrestling October 12th, 1985

October 12, 1985

Your hosts are Bruno Sammartino and Vince McMahon

Tonight, Andre the Giant and the former Tag Team Champions, Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo make their returns to Championship Wrestling.

Mike Donnatelli & Jerry Adams vs. Pedro Morales & Junkyard Dog

JYD comes out to “Grab Them Cakes” for the first time on this show as the WWF came out just before the show. JYD takes down Adams after he got it with an uppercut. He works the arm and tags Pedro. He uses the double noggin knocker on the jobbers then JYD comes back in to work the arm of Adams. Donnatello tags in but JYD hits him with a few headbutts. They use quick tags to beat on Donnatelli until Pedro finishes him with a backbreaker (3:17). After the match, JYD grabs an old lady and a kid out of the crowd and dances with them as Vince is yelling GRAB THEM CAKES!

Thoughts: The team of JYD and Pedro had no chemistry at all. Also, Morales looked absolutely fucking miserable during the post-match antics of JYD, which shouldn’t happen if you are the babyface. Then again, most wrestlers in this time period have stated that Morales was a miserable prick during his final run with the company.

WWF Update with Lord Alfred Hayes. The focus this week is on the “Wrestling Classic” PPV. Savage is then shown cutting a promo in front of a Rolls Royce, which will be given away to a lucky winner. It wasn’t much of a promo either.

Jose Luis Rivera vs. Don Muraco w/ Mr. Fuji

Muraco riles up the crowd before the match and they start a “Beach Bum” chant as a result. Rivera ducks a charge in the corner as the crowd continues to frustrate Muraco. Rivera gets a sunset flip but Muraco immediately tosses him to the floor. He then picks him up off of the apron and hits the tombstone piledriver for the win (2:10). After the match, Muraco knees Rivera in the face before leaving.

Thoughts: Muraco did a fantastic job in getting heel heat from the crowd. They were all over him for the duration of the match.

Gene Okerlund is with Randy Savage. The Macho Man believes that Hulk Hogan and Tito Santana are scared when they sleep at night because they believe he will take their belts. Savage then starts yelling as a phone is heard ringing in the background, with Gene stating that it could be from Elizabeth. Pretty funny moment as the phone ringing did not seem like it was planned but Gene took it all in stride like the pro that he was.

Red Walsh & Tony Garea vs. Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/ Freddie Blassie

Before the match, Volkoff does not sing the Russian National Anthem but his song “Cara Mia” from the “Wrestling Album” is played instead, which has the crowd starting a “USA chant” and Bruno putting over Volkoff for having an okay voice. Match starts with Garea and Sheik taking it to the mat. Walsh tags and Sheik chops him across the chest before tossing him around. Volkoff tags and hits a backbreaker for the win (1:48).

Thoughts: Typical squash from the evil foreigners, who are on the backburner with heels as the Tag Team Champions.

Okerlund is with Ricky Steamboat, who states that Mr. Fuji is a sick individual. He goes on about that for a while until the segment ends.  

Darryl Bolin vs. King Kong Bundy w/ Bobby Heenan & Big John Studd

Bundy destroys Bolin with clubbing forearms to start the match. Vince lets us know that Piper will have Andre the Giant as a guest on “Piper’s Pit” tonight. Bundy hits a backbreaker and toys around with Bolin until he puts him away with an elbow drop following the Avalanche (2:42).

Thoughts: Total squash, which was expected, but on commentary, Vince was strongly hinting at a potential feud between Bundy and Andre.

Piper’s Pit with Capt. Lou Albano. Piper threatens Albano with Orton before stating how the first time he managed Andre, he got hurt. Albano tells us that Andre is now 100% as Andre comes out to a massive reaction and confronts Piper, who starts to backpedal as Andre tells everyone that he is back. Andre walking out in front of a crowd without doing anything got the crowd to go crazy, which is essentially what happened here.

Jimmy Jackson vs. Adrian Adonis w/ Jimmy Hart

Adonis has “Relax With Trudi” written on his briefcase. Jackson lands a headbutt and a dropkick before Adonis takes him down. He kills Jackson with a clothesline before tossing him to the floor. Back in the ring, Adonis hits a running elbow smash before coming off the top with a knee drop for the win (1:49).

Thoughts: Adonis could still go in the ring at this point, despite getting heavier by the day. We did not get any further information here as to what “Relax With Trudi” meant.

Lord Alfred Hayes gives us the details on how to win a Rolls Royce by sending a postcard, with the winner being announced at the “Wrestling Classic” PPV.

Jesse Ventura does the voice over for the WrestleMania Home Video Plug

Hayes narrates still photos of Uncle Elmer’s wedding from “Satruday Night’s Main Event.”

Ron Shaw & Mr. X vs. Mike Rotundo & Barry Windham w/ Capt. Lou Albano

Windham & Rotundo come out to “Real American” for the first time as the crowd goes nuts for their return. The faces work over Shaw to start. Mr. X tags and Windham clotheslines him down. He hits a slam and a leg drop before tagging out. Rotundo works a headlock before picking up the pace with a dropkick. The ex-champs then botch a double forearm smash, with Rotundo not even remotely close to connecting before Windham wins the match with a bulldog (2:55).

Thoughts: The crowd was jacked for this and Windham looked awesome in the ring. This team would not be around much longer as both guys had a meltdown from being on the road so long.

Okerlund is with Bobby Heenan, who states that he is the “Manager of the Year” no matter what anyone says. Heenan talks about injuries suffered by Andre, Albano, and Hillbilly Jim due to his men and says that will happen to anyone who gets in his way. Sutdd and Bundy come out as Studd puts over Bundy as being even more impressive than himself. Studd still has the bag that contains Andre’s hair, which was one long running storyline. They are really giving Bundy a massive push tonight.

Next week, Hillbilly Jim returns to the ring. Also, Wendi Richter defends her Women’s Title against Judy Martin. Also in action include Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage, the Hart Foundation and the British Bulldogs.

Final Thoughts: Not a bad show tonight. They are plugging the PPV strong and they also gave Bundy a huge push on this show. The matches were decent enough and there was no Hillbillies at all on the show, which was refreshing.


  1. If HBKs Hogan bumps aernt mentioned, the blog fails.

  2. Totally agree on Orton's selling of big moves - I'm a pretty vocal critic of his, but if there's one thing he's fantastic at, it's collapsing like a ton of bricks.

    Similarly, during his match with Trips at "Royal Rumble, 2005", I really did think that he suffered a concussion (or was at least knocked loopy in some other similar fashion). That was unbelievable, maybe the most realistic looking "dramatic" sell since Shawn collapsed after Owen's enzuguiri.

  3. does the original footage even exist anymore?

  4. I'm pretty sure he said the same thing during the Angle/Benoit match at "Royal Rumble, 2003".

  5. I wonder if the Benoit tribute Raw will be there?

  6. pretty much the only show that I would prefer not to be available on the network.

  7. I apologize if this has been brought up, but it raises the question:BEST PPV EVER?

  8. Bret Hart running full force into the turnbuckle always looked painful to me.

  9. I'm not sure if you're kidding but no chance. The last thing Vince would ever let air is hos employees saluting Chris Benoit

  10. Mother fucking Vince could sell anything...

  11. Already got every major show, tv and ppv, although getting them all in WWE's remaster will be nice

  12. I have a soft spot for Canadian Stampede cause i'm an Stampede Wrestling kid and it was incredible and of course Bash'89 and Wrestlemania XVII.

    But if i could only pick one it'd be Mania XVII. The WWF comes back from the brink of death to destroy WCW & ECW and then proceed to put on that kind of show is almost poetic. Everyone giving their best both out of pride in their victory and fear of their spots in the near future. I always imagined the WCW B-Crew that was there in the skybox that night watching in awe and just nodding their heads as to why they lost the war. Throw in the incredible set,look and production values and it's enough to put it over the top for me.

  13. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 4, 2014 at 8:09 PM

    rhino was exactly the guy i had in mind when i posed the question

  14. Bash 89 one day, WM17 the next. I'm sure other will say the same

  15. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 4, 2014 at 8:10 PM

    about going to itchy and scratchy land?

  16. They were.

    And they were awesome.

  17. Dude, I LOVE Canadian stampede but it just isn't that historically significant to matter. WM 17 is awesome. There's some great wcw stuff. I love Summerslam 01

  18. Yeah, you'll just have to wait until the next government holiday and the three months of summer.

    Sorry, couldn't resist. I have nothing against teachers, it just seemed like a good opening. :)

  19. Thumbs up on the Paul London bump; that shit was sick.

  20. I'm actually more curious if they'll have Vince's speech about Benoit from the next night on ECW.

  21. I think I used this excuse to explain why Rikishi's leg drop never pinned anyone, but Hogan's did.

  22. I've always liked funny sells of belly-to-back atomic drops. I remember Honky Tonk Man and Greg Valentine selling those awesomely.

  23. If that one involves the Mulkey's World Tag Title shot in front of 2000 family members and friends in their hometown, it's a GREAT story.

  24. December to Dismember 06 because fuck this question.

  25. Shawn Michaels' selling of the Big Boot. Will never be topped.

  26. My main question is can I watch old tv shows and ppvs in order with ease. For example Raw, Live wire Superstars in order of when they were shown. So I can watch the storylines unfolded as they happened

  27. The Rock's birthday is May 2, you stupid son of a bitch!

  28. WrestleMania V for me, not because it is the "best" match wise, but because I watched it the most as a kid. Savage vs. Hogan is still my favorite match of all-time.

  29. The Bandit stole them from him

  30. Nobody took a Pedigree like Marty Gardner.

  31. Or a powerbomb like Joe Thurman.

  32. Honorable mention: Norv Fernum and Dewey Barnes meet EC3, then meet the mat headfirst.

  33. Or a Rocker Dropper like Charles Austin.

  34. Rick Rude sold the atomic drop the best.

  35. In Austin/Rock at WM19... Austin sells his ass off. The second Rock Bottom in particular looks like it breaks him... and the SMACK of the third one is deafening. It's my favorite match of theirs.

  36. For reasons I can't explain, that little moment where Taker tussles Angle's hair at the end of the brawl is legit one of my favorite wrestling moments ever. Also, Kanyon was awesome.

  37. in fairness, would you even bother watching live wire?

  38. Nash selling for the mat was pretty good too

  39. "the only thing I love more than Fucking Violence is Jasmine the Whore sucking my fucking cock."

    was that him? I think that was him.

  40. Oh definitely. I've owned it pretty much since its release day. But there's STILL a lot of great stuff that's not on it.

  41. WrestleMania 14 here, but that's purely because I have incredibly fond memories of watching it with some of my best friends and an incredibly cute, fun girl at the time.

  42. Topped only by Greg "the Hammer" Valentine's. It's like the mightiest redwood in the forest crashing...

  43. Then don't watch it. It's not that hard.

  44. I always loved the Macho Man wildly swinging at anyone in front of him after a big bump. Even if it was a referee...

  45. The Genius sold it the most comically.

  46. Samu (or do I mix something up here and it was Fatu?) being stuck with his head between the top and second rope looked amazing.

  47. I liked his sell of the atomic drop.

  48. The main event never gets the credit it deserves. One of my favorite matches ever, Michaels just goes balls out all out.

  49. Ted Dibiase (snr) could sell a DDT like anything. Swear that man could break dance-spin whilst fully upside down

  50. Also, for longevity, both Bob "Ace" Orton and Iron Mark Sharpe knew the right way to sell an arm injury...

  51. May favorites - Mania 17, GAB 89', MITB 11', Summerslam 2002, Rumble 92', Spring Stampede 99'. I really am excited to get access to all the ECW PPV's, I'm sure there are some great ones in there.

  52. I'm not sure they said all the Raws are going to available right away.

  53. fantastic avatar

  54. I also liked when Val Venis would sell his own punches, shaking his hand after he hit. It was a nice touch.

  55. Peter Avalon rocks. Who's the dickbag in the Mix gear?

  56. Heath Slater made an HOF career off that alone.

  57. No mention of Matt Hardy selling for a bag of popcorn?

  58. Don West selling merchandise before a TNA show.

  59. Yes on the backrakes.

  60. The show featured like three tribute speeches (because they realized pretty quickly how stuff went down in Atlanta after the show started) then just became a bunch of matches. I guess they could get rid of the tributes outright and just have be the best of Benoit matches, but I have a feeling they'll skip it altogether.

  61. Yeah, i really wish we could sign up early. I don't want to have issues that Monday night, you know?

    Also they better be planning soemthing HUGE for Raw that night. If i were in charge, that's when I put the strap on Daniel Bryan (then as Raw is going off the air, "TUNE IN TO THE NETWORK FOR THE POST-MATCH CELEBRATION!!! NEW WWE CHAMPION DANIEL BRYAN AAAAHHHHH!" )

  62. Just jam a q-tip in your ear really hard.

  63. That's NOT splitting hairs. At no point was Owen shown on that show. That's kind of a big point.

    I hope to holy fuck they edit the hell out of that show, "un-cut" be damned. d

  64. Maybe, maybe not. Definitely of the aftermath, maybe not of the actual incident.

  65. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 4, 2014 at 9:34 PM

    Not really, most of them are pretty lousy.

  66. Yeah.

    Me, I'd have gone with a Dusty finish. Have the Mulkeys win the belts, then turn the win over on a technicality. I mean, they were the US Tag titles, like the four or fifth most imporant belts in the promotion.

  67. Haha, I know that's what my summer's going to be (whatever's left of it). I know how lucky I am in terms of time off. I'm just saying if I had access to the network now, with seven days off and nowhere to go? Oh, the shows I would have seen!

  68. This is false. Don't listen to Curry.

  69. I'm pissed The Big Event is on there, but not an uncut version of WrestleFest '88 (the Hogan/Andre cage match and a Savage/DiBiase title match which may or may not have been a cage match). I've always wanted to see that show unedited.

    I have a 2hr VHS of it that was released in '88.

  70. WrestleMania X-7 has been scientifically proven to be the best ever.

  71. This is false. ECW does not age well and those ppvs are not so good.

  72. This is also false. Hardcore matches age the best and are highly rewatchable.

  73. I have a similar wierd love for WrestleMania IV, it was the first ppv I saw as a kid, and even then it was a video store rental. TWO TAPES! I was allowed to watch the first-half Saturday night, but I couldn't watch the second-half until SUNDAY MORNING. FUCKING TORTURE!

  74. Canadian Stampede is pretty fucking great. For a two-hour show, it goes balls-out. Probably the best of the original In Your House series.

  75. Santino's stunner sell where he looked like he went unconscious in midair and landed like a dead body on the mat.

  76. Nah, they'll skip that I'm sure.

  77. Up vote for the Pedigree, but that was a total botch.

  78. Yup! Better than Flair's and sadly not as famous.

  79. You don't have to wait until Monday night, the Network starts at 9:00 am Eastern time on Monday. The 24/7 channel part of it doesn't start until after Raw, but you can sign up earlier. I know that's not the "early" you were thinking of, and I totally agree with you, but at least you should have all day. I'll be working until 3:00 so I'm hoping by 3 there won't be issues.

  80. Linda McMahon's sell of the Stunner was so awesome, it defied the laws of physics.

  81. I would have been really, really annoyed if they promised every PPV and skipped pretty much any of the main WCW, WWF/WWE, or ECW PPVs...but Over the Edge would have been the only exception. Would have been 100% cool with them not putting it up. I'm also fine with them doing so, I don't know that I'll watch it though.

  82. Bret Hart.


  83. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 4, 2014 at 10:02 PM

    Well, I imagine Christy has had a lot of practice hitting the ground on her knees. HEYOOOOOOO

  84. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 4, 2014 at 10:03 PM

    As much as I dislike Stacy Keibler -- and I really disliked her, for the fact that the only thing she was good for was showing off her ass -- she sold the RKO like a fucking champ.

  85. Bret used to sell his own headbutts which I always found pretty cool.

  86. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 4, 2014 at 10:04 PM

    Sort of a combined attack-and-sell, but Goldberg spearing Nunzio pretty much going from corner to corner during the 2004 Rumble was one of the fucking best things ever.

  87. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 4, 2014 at 10:05 PM

    Goodbye, sun. We never got along anyways.

  88. How about favorite no-sells?

    I'll go with Bruiser Brody. On a high quality video of that cage match, you can actually see a stream of urine going down Lex Luger's leg.

  89. I was always a big fan of how Foley would sell being irish-whipped into the ring steps...instead of going low to the ground and shoulderblocking them, he stayed up and running and basically crashed his knees over them.

  90. The pipers pit on this show was awesome. I really didn't appreciate how amazing piper was until I watched all these shows from 84 on. He was like a sharper combination of pillman and ambrose for anyone who hasn't really seen much of him. Outside of watching lots of old matches I only really new piper from his role as announcer\face wrestler from when I originally started watching as a kid. I knew he was the top heel but man I had no clue how awesome he was.

    Also there was a period of time where he was tagging with hogan against flair and sid on the house show circuit and those fucking promos they were cutting as faces were out of this world awesome. He really was one of the very best.

  91. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 4, 2014 at 10:15 PM

    No, it's not. Most of the ECW PPVs were dogshit, there's I think a total of 3 or so that could even be called decent.

    Are they going to be showing the 94-96 shows in full? Because a lot of those are great. But come 97 (basically when Raven left) the company went straight down the toilet.

  92. Please say you're talking about 2008, because I want to pop back in that DVD and watch it just for that now.

  93. Also people don't realize how fucking awesome don muraco was. I think he was 15 years to early. If he is in the WWF early 00's with that size and charisma he'd have been a better evil Batista.

  94. Piper's Pit when he had Frankie Williams as the guest was one of the best segments he had ever done. Fucking great stuff.
    At this point though, the Pit format was starting to get a bit stale as he would bring on a face that would make a skirt joke then Piper would yell at them to sit down.
    I should have added how Piper's facials when Andre appears were fantastic.

  95. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 4, 2014 at 10:17 PM

    There's actually a really great nWo anthology series on YouTube. I'd provide a link, but it's saved on my other computer, which is currently in possession of my brother, and I don't want to wake him up.

  96. Muraco, when he was one, was one of the best. When he didnt give a fuck, he was one of the laziest wrestlers you would ever see

  97. And he built that up so well by acting like such an asshole to albano to set up Andre coming out and running him off.

  98. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 4, 2014 at 10:20 PM

    If not then it's almost pointless to even show it.

  99. Have you ever seen the full match of the next tag title switch? Ive only seen the highlights they showed on tv

  100. Yeah I think he wouldn't have been able to dog it as much in the era of live weekly TV, so that might be good for him too.

  101. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryFebruary 4, 2014 at 10:21 PM

    To my knowledge it's never been shown anywhere ever. If footage existed outside of the WWE vault we'd know about it by now.

  102. The Bulldogs won it at WM2 are you referring to that or do you mean when the Dream Team defeated Windham & Rotundo at the Spectrum in August? I reviewed that on the blog a month or so ago

  103. Can't believe there's ANYONE else out there that likes it for the same nostalgia reason that I do, but hey here we are! Also, what the FUCK with splitting the tapes right in the middle of the Hogan/Andre match?!

  104. +1 For Foley going knee first into the stairs, and the Rock eating stunners.

    Also, I thought Rey Mysterio sold the side of a semi-trailer pretty damn good.

  105. I'm assuming Morales poor attitude was based on his lowly position in the company? If he was so pissy about things, why hang around? Desperate for money? Looking back, I always found Morales' involvement in the WWF in the mid-late 80's a bit odd and out of place, but never cared enough to question it.

  106. Whoops I meant to say the last tag title switch where USA express won it back

  107. Except the XFL. And the WBF. And WWE New York. And....

  108. Oh my god, this was the single best spear in pro wrestling history. Between the move and the sell, it looked like Goldberg literally just burst through Nunzio like a jet flying through a brick wall.

  109. Seems right to me. He was a star who had faded and probably couldnt come to grips with that.

  110. I agree. Brock makes a proper effort to sell moves appropriately.

  111. Goes to show how Vince probably had zero hope in getting anything out of Morales at that point, when other (considerably) older stars of the WWWF days like Bruno was headlining B-Show's with Randy Savage and Roddy Piper in 1986, and Billy Graham was given a substantial push following hip replacement surgery in 1987.

  112. Taka Michinoku sold his third elimination from the Royal Rumble like a champ.

  113. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryFebruary 4, 2014 at 10:46 PM

    Seriously, it looked like a WWE video game finisher...from WWE All-Stars.

    Goddamn, this is what Scott would call KILLS HIM DEAD:

  114. 3. Ric Flair openly crying after taking a move. I think he did it during that one Money in the Bank match he was involved with at a Wrestlemania... 22 or 23. It's the next step up from him screaming "Oh God! Oh God!"

    2. On the subject of RVD, his the way he took a Piledriver was biblical, especially on the extra-bouncy ECW canvas.

    1. Bret Hart's "run chest-first into the turnbuckle as hard as humanly possible and then collapse into a puddle of goo" is by far my favorite.

  115. Yes, it was on an episode of Championship Wrestling. The match was under four minutes long

  116. If I'm not mistaken, Nitro wasn't even on that night because of the NBA playoffs so that likely played a major role in the rating being that big.

  117. On the plus side, at least that was the last episode of RAW booked entirely by Vince Russo.

  118. Hopefully that'll come along later because I wanted to see that show too.

  119. Maybe he's a Papi Chulo fan.

  120. And it's only a four match card too.

  121. That's because Hogan's leg was STINKY and WART-INFESTED.

  122. I feel bad for the people they have manning the help desk phones who have to get calls from angry Chris Benoit fans.

  123. Personally, I don't get why Turner always cut the 3 hour PPVs down to 2 hour tapes. They owned CNN for crying out loud so they clearly had plenty of 3 hour, 4 hour, and even 8 hour tapes lying around.

  124. Brock is a great seller and everyone in the back should be made to watch his matches until they get it. Just watched the Cage Match against Triple H and the sell job his does on his knee after HHH rams it into the cage is masterpiece. I'm not the first to say it but the demise of selling is major problem these days. In short TV matches people start selling like they are half an hour into an iron main match after two minutes and in PPV matches you get idiots like Cena popping up and waving to the fans after they've just been DDT'd on concrete.

  125. Some of that might be laying around. I remember hearing when the WWF bought the WCW tape library that it was disorganized and they had no idea what was in it.

  126. That would be a terrific idea and there's no excuse not to do it since it's not like they ever have any PPVs or TV shows on Saturdays.

  127. It might stay in. They said "uncensored." I imagine the ECW shows will carry a TV-MA rating (they said certain elements of the Network would be rated TV-MA and that there will be parental control features). So, that rating guarantees lots of adolescent kids are going to watch the "risky" stuff and have their mind blown by New Jack matches.

  128. And I'm glad that those things weren't around in 1999 and sort of wish smart phones weren't around today in some cases. Some things are just best left unseen.

  129. Those were great interviews because Cornette got to recap lots of wrestling history I'd never even heard about before, especially Memphis. It was refreshing to hear him not giving bitter tirades against Vince Russo.

  130. I often wonder how Bret took that bump safely. Looked like it hurt like hell during matches (probably did).

  131. Absolutely. It's an amazing match, especially in retrospect knowing just how much pain Michaels was in the entire match. How he managed to make it through, I will never know.

  132. I wouldn't say its the greatest sell, but Rick Rude not being able to swivel his hips because of the damage the Ultimate Warrior inflicted on his abdominal muscles during their SummerSlam 1989 match always makes me laugh. Jesse Ventura selling the fact that Rude can't do his trademark gesture as a national tragedy makes it even better.

  133. I was always a fan of guys selling their own moves. RVD selling the 5 star frogsplash like it broke his ribs just to do it. Benoit selling the diving headbutt and he'd even sell his own clotheslines as hurting his arm.

  134. Three? Off the top of my head alone I can think of Edge, John Cena, William Regal, Tazz, JBL, and Michael Cole. And I am sure there were many more.

  135. They had HD cameras in 1989?


  137. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 4, 2014 at 11:49 PM

    or he wants to see shane's wife

  138. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 4, 2014 at 11:51 PM

    no, but they had daniel bryan

  139. Your_Favourite_LoserFebruary 4, 2014 at 11:56 PM

    'Wonder how uncut that one will be...'

    that's what she said

  140. Although it did kind of make RVD look like a pussy when Eddie and D'Lo did it with no ill effect.

  141. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANFebruary 5, 2014 at 12:49 AM

    I see myself staring at the menu with no idea what to click, and then my brain breaking.

  142. Will they show Jackie's cans from Capital Carnage?

  143. That GAB is fucking brutal outside of the thirty seconds the Outsiders are on the screen. Luger vs. Giant for the title was dull as fuck, I'm pretty sure the Steiners are in a tag match against Fire and Ice. Malenko/Rey is good, Benoit/Sullivan is good the rest is brutal. Konnan vs. El Gato ugh

  144. Ha. Derp. I guess I should have said "high quality".

  145. ECW was still fun post Raven thanks to Al Snow, Taz, and a few others. If you're watching ECW for the workrate, you're doing it wrong.

  146. From what I remember the Steiners/Fire and Ice match was surprisingly decent, Sting/Regal was good, Benoit/Sullivan and Rey/Dean were great, and you had the awesome Mongo turn. Plus the Outsiders powerbombing Eric. I'll take a PPV like any day.

  147. Fuck Wrestlemania 30!

  148. Yeah, I'm excited to go back and watch WCW PPV's. I always thought, top-to-bottom, WCW had better ones (with the exception of late '98 on).

  149. I'm dying to watch Halloween Havoc 89! Is it as good as I'm hoping?

  150. LOL! I sure hope this guy has anti-psychotic med! LOL!

  151. I took that Monday off as soon as I knew all the ppvs were available that morning. Instead of taking phonecalls from jerks Ill be watching wrestling pay per view shows from dead companies!!! YEEEEHAAWWWW!!!

  152. It is the first PPV tape I ever owned, got it at a secondhand type store. Love everything about it. The foldout box, the battle royal to open it with all these guys I hadnt seen before even starting watching wrestling just 2 years later, its a tournament, Demolition wins, Savage Wins, and Bob Euker!! Before that I think my only wrestling tapes were the Best of cage match wit crazy Hogan on the front and the Columbia House series you could subscribe to through the magazine.

  153. and obviously if the streams are in 720p, they will upscale it.

  154. very meh. It is still fun to watch though.

  155. My first stop will be WCW Capital Combat '90. Other than the Robocop foolishness, you had great US & World Tag Team title matches, and a pretty damn good Flair-Luger cage match until the shit ending.


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