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Daily Network Thread - 3/17/14

Your St. Patrick's Day live stream schedule for today:

9:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 5/31/93 - Marty Jannetty vs. Bam Bam Bigelow - IC Title
10:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 6/7/93 - Tito Santana vs. Adam Bomb
11:00 AM ET - Over the Limit 2012 - John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis
2:00 PM ET - Old School - 12/7/85 - Boston Garden - Steamboat vs. Savage; Sammartino vs. Piper
3:30 PM ET - Old School - 4/26/86 - Boston Garden - Morales/Davey Boy vs. Valentine/Beefcake
4:30 PM ET - Bash at the Beach 94 - 7/16/94 - Hogan vs. Flair; Steamboat vs. Austin
7:30 PM ET - RAW Pre-Show
8:00 PM ET - Beyond the Ring - NWO The Revolution
9:00 PM ET - Old School - 6/3/91 - MSG - Hogan vs. Slaughter 'Desert Storm Match'; Jake Roberts vs. Earthquake
11:06 PM ET - RAW Backstage Pass
11:30 PM ET - Beyond the Ring - NWO The Revolution


  1. AverageJoeEverymanMarch 17, 2014 at 7:30 AM

    I wonder if that Hogan vs Slaughter match is the one that lead to a bunch of Aptner Mag covers with Hogan in a camo outfit with some sort of face shield always with a headline like "Hogan prepares for WAR!"

  2. That Bigelow / Jannetty match is underrated. Good, classic, Steamboat-esque "babyface getting beat down and doing some hope spots" type stuff.

  3. I watched a couple of the MSG and Boston Garden shows this weekend. What stood out to me:

    1. I forget how amazing Gorilla Monsoon was on the mic. The man not only called the moves throughout the match, but would tell you what the desired effect was, when/how a wrestler didn't have a hold cinched up properly, and would jump all over the refs for not paying attention or letting stuff slide. It's that attention to detail that is sorely missed in announcing these days.

    2. Who the hell gave Billy Jack Haynes and Bob Orton 30 minutes? Yikes.

    3. Who the hell gave Jimmy Jack Funk a job, period? That guy was worse than awful.

    4. I miss managers. Gorilla had a nickname for all of them. Jimmy Hart was "that little runt", Mr. Fuji was "the devious one", Heenan was of course the Brain and the Weasel, and Slick was either the "doctor of style" or "the Slickster". The square off between Heenan and Fuji after Fuji cost Barbarian a match against Bret Hart was gold.

  4. Someone had to be pissed at Bob for making him try to get half an hour out of Billy Jack. Billy Jack is fine at 10-15, but god 30....

  5. There's 4 episodes of some cartoon looking show called Slam City posted in the originals section. Has anyone ever heard of this?

  6. The WWE is sorely lacking an announcer of the capabilities of Gorilla Monsoon. He really was amazing at his job, selling not just the action in the ring, but the overall story the Fed was trying to tell with the guy.

  7. Apparently they are 2 minute short cartoons. Of WWE superstars placed in real world jobs. Ok then. Something for the kids, I suppose.

  8. "11:00 AM ET - Over the Limit 2012 - John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis"

    Well, looks like they are getting their drink on already.

  9. It's very bizarre to me that Gorilla was repeatedly named "worst commentator" by WON. Those guys, sometimes...

  10. Give me Gorilla over Gordon "Suplay" Solie any day.

  11. The intro for Summerslam 1991 was so simple, but so effective.

  12. Gorilla was #1 in my book. I actually prefer him over Ross as crazy as it sounds. Ross is awesome, too though.

  13. At least you'll get a good Punk Bryan match out of it.

  14. I heard they would premiere at the rumble, don't know if that happened or not.

  15. Small hijack: Just got the Xbox One after trading in older systems and I can't seem to find the WWE Network app. I got the network up on the PS3 before, but when I search for WWE in the app interface on the Xbox, it says it can't find it at all. Is it available yet? If so, I must be doing something wrong. Anyone else get the Network to run on Xbox One?

  16. I'm going to go out a limb and say nothing from 411 is worth reading ever.

  17. Agreed. It was one of my favorites of the early Raw era and made me think that Jannetty would be a strong IC champ. I think that was his only defense.

  18. They should have a "Today in WWE history" show with matches, promos, whatever. Maybe they already do this i havent really watched the live stream.

  19. I'm watching the Raw with the Test/Stephanie wedding. Weird hearing absolutely zero pop for Too Cool, the Hardys and Edge/Christian. The crowd is actually pretty dead. I forgot all about BB the EMT too. Did they ever conclude that weird angle with the referee in the Vince McMahon mask? For some reason I think they revealed it as Al Snow or something.

  20. It's a shame they turned him before the fans were ready to boo him, but paranoid heel Austin is fantastic. He plays the part so fucking well

  21. Weird, I don't remember that masked ref thing at all.

  22. I truly am fascinated as to why FFS Ashish hasn't bothered doing seemingly ANY work on 411Mania in the last decade. Except for adding in Disqus to replace their awful comments system. Besides that, I don't know another popular site that's so run-down.

  23. I think the late shipping is because Aja is slow as fuck, which is why they shipped the Kate issue (16) before issue 15. This is also why they're running the Kate issues with Annie Wu on art so that Aja can draw an issue every other month. Even with that, he's still been late. The Christmas issue that just came out was fun in a bizarre way, but obviously the delays are getting crazy at this point. Agreed that this was one of my favorite books for a while, but it seems like the plot is stalling big time.

  24. Adam Nedeff's recaps are good... but he also posts at Botchamania. Matthew Sforcina's Ask 411 articles were good then he left... but is now, apparently, back, yay.

    AJ Grey's posts are awesome if you're a virgin.

  25. I like Nedeff. He recaps the same WWF shows that I do

  26. Heenan: "You mean there's gonna be a special ref for the Savage/Elizabeth wedding?"

    Gorilla: "THAT'S THE MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!"

  27. Ah yes, Barbara Bush... They basically replaced one big breasted blonde bimbo with zero charisma for another big breasted blonde bimbo with zero charisma.

  28. ...Kumbaya, my lord... Kumbaya....

  29. It feels like they should just cancel it if Aja can't keep up at a normal pace, because stringing readers along and killing sales with the delays is just insulting to everyone.

  30. Say what you will about 411mania, but they have some of the best 'click bate' columns, in addition to some great long-form articles too. The Top 8 is good. the Fact or Fiction was always fun, I'm a terrible homer for "Two Tivos to Paradise" and I have to guess I'd say bout 45 percent of the BOD writes for em' too.

  31. If it makes money it makes money - it works for me, I know where everything is. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

  32. Is it killing sales though?

    Feels like Hawkeye has a large enough number of devout that are going to keep buying the issues delays or no delays.

  33. I'd have to look it up, but I know that the last big delay in particular really destroyed it.

  34. Just checking Diamond, and actually it's not THAT bad. It was doing about 44K around #10, and the last couple of have done 37K. So it's a drop, but not a total disaster.

  35. Does this fall under Meltzer's weird anti-WWF tendencies, like the Backlund hate? Monsoon was probably the best announcer WWF had throughout the 1980s (compared to VKM, Mean Gene, Lord Al Hayes and the rest of the back-up crew, he was simply amazing). He was able to adapt to working with almost everyone on commentary, with very few exceptions.

    Besides, he gave Bret Hart the nickname, "Excellence of Execution." He should get some love from Dave for that.

  36. I heard it wouldn't be available on XBox One until the summer.

  37. I read Randall's news on Monday mornings, Sforcina's Ask411 on Wednesdays and like to check out the Fact or Fiction and Four-Player Co-Op in the games section.

    Some of the reviews are pretty good, too. Nedeff, specifically.

    The site isn't completely worthless, but I try to avoid comments for the most part.

  38. That Haynes/Orton match had to be some sort of practice or on the job training for Haynes, right? He worked the arm for 10 minutes straight. The crowd would tear them to shreds if they tried that shit today.

  39. I trade wait Hawkeye so the delays don't really bother me.

  40. Justin Watry is the worst and some of their other writers are horrid. Not like I am great or anything but man, some of those guys suck.

  41. Guys like Watry and the other one, Wes Kirk, I think, make it hard for me to take the site seriously. As someone who writes/edits/posts news professionally, these guys are really embarrassing. But I know to avoid posting on something if I see their names.

    I don't understand the dudes who click on one of their links to bash them in the comments. Just avoid the articles and they'll eventually go away.

  42. That is accurate. Not available until the summer.

  43. I always thought his heel music after he joined the Alliance was awesome, too. It was a great soundtrack for a paranoid version of Austin, but by that point his character wa almost past he paranoia stuff.

  44. Minor TJ: Anyone else picking up the HD remaster of FFX/FFX-2 tomorrow? So far the reviews I've read have been pretty good. I'm looking forward to disappearing into the game again tomorrow.

  45. Because... boomerangs.


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