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Network Schedule for Week 2

So now that the free trial is almost over, they're starting to add more cool stuff, like old Maple Leaf Gardens shows and a live version of Main Event from before the Smackdown tapings.  I really like focusing on a specific PPV on Sundays, and hopefully they'll start doing old WCW TV on Saturdays pretty soon.  You'd have to assume that with 250ish episodes of Nitro in the can as well that would be an awesome time-filler show.  

Like others, I'm really enjoying the random nature of the live stream, tuning in and watching, say, the Kurt Angle cowboy hat stuff from the Steve Austin DVD.  It's like with Netflix, where sometimes there's SO much choice that you need someone to just decide for you.  


  1. The World Championship Wrestling theme is playing in my head already. We just need a cheesy shot of the Earth, an even cheesier Tony Schiavone moustache and a cheesiest thing ever David Crockett.

  2. Any truth that to the report of them adding in all the Clashes, SNME's, and a ton of other content tomorrow after the trials expire?

  3. I dunno, we'll find out tomorrow, I guess.

  4. The "Netflix" comment is so true - I often spend more time searching titles than actually watching anything. Same here, I'm looking back at allsorts of old shows, and it's like just seeing the poster-art fills me with so much nostalgic happiness that I don't even have to WATCH the show.

    Anyone else have the same problem? Come on, raise your hands, I know I'm not the only one.

  5. And I always just end up watching Family Guy.

  6. That's why I'm sticking with the Network. Not a fan of watching random Pay Per Views with no context. I want to binge watch those old weekly shows and see those storylines play out. So far I got my money's worth with the live HOF ceremony and upcoming Pay Per Views, so I'll just wait around for them to give me what I really want.

  7. I LOVED that crowd back then. They were always hyped up and you always had a few really crazy chicks screaming at the top of their lungs. I also want to see guys like the New Breed, early Sting, and Lazortron.. Yeah!!!

  8. Oh man, if they put up all the Prime Time episodes..............

  9. Off topic but I like the 2 ppv format of the Saturday night threads, maybe we just need to start earlier or pick more fun shows?

  10. Random thing I just discovered after falling down a Wikipedia wormhole threadjack:

    Camacho is Haku's son.

  11. The New Breed!

  12. I think people are greatly overselling what was said. If I recall correctly, the reports (which weren't from anyone official) didn't even make that claim. They essentially said that WWE would be adding all of them over time starting after the free trial. So while I imagine we'd eventually get all of them, I wouldn't expect to wake up tomorrow and have everything. Probably add stuff as they go along so that there's new stuff every week.

  13. Some of these troll crowds ought to bring back 'WE DON'T WANNA HEAR IT! WE DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!'

  14. Haku: 'Hey Vince, my son just got out of wrestling school and is looking for - '

    Vince: 'World Champion? No problem, Tonga! Whatever you need, just don't hurt me!'

    Haku: 'I just wanted to see if he could get a tryout'

  15. Holy shit, this Miss Wrestlemania Battle Royal is fucking terrible.

  16. It'd be cool if we could find shows the blog is split over but other than wm9, I don't know any off hand.

  17. Ah, wrestling time travelers. Too bad their flux capacitors were on the fritz.

  18. Whatever happened to the not Chris Champion guy, I wonder.

  19. Mickey Rourke looks like he'd rather be anywhere else than sitting at Wrestlemania.

  20. This Jericho match against the Legends just shows the type of guy Jericho really is. You think Triple H would have ever done a match like this at Mania?

  21. Not without squashing each of them like a bug in two minutes flat. Not each. Two minutes for all three.

  22. I think a closer scwnario was Vince expecting another legit bad ass and getting all hard then goes all soft when he sees it's just another cruiserweight.

  23. That Santina bullshit lasted forever afterward.

  24. Match to Watch Tongiht - Cena vs. JBL Judgment Night 2005. A wild bloody brawl plus Cena is actually over as a face.

  25. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMarch 2, 2014 at 7:08 PM

    I figured he was going to lose.

  26. Cena bladejobs are great.

  27. Okay, that Legends match was pretty fun, especially seeing Steamboat and Jericho having that showdown at the end that crowd was crazy into.

  28. Was that Frank Shamrock next to Rourke?

  29. Same here.

    Yesterday I started watching like three ppvs before finally settled on Royal Rumble 2000 because that opening match was the best out if the three.

  30. Got to watch the Steve Austin documentary from his 2011 DVD that I never got around to purchasing. Awesome awesome documentary.

  31. Wow, Matt Hardy spent a little too long in the spray tan booth.

  32. Who cares if Triple H would have done it? Why does Jericho doing it need to be measured in comparison to a hypothetical of what another wrestler might or might not have done in a storyline he was never even in?

  33. I've made that reference quite a few times in my NXT rants. SOMETIMES I CAN BE INFORMATIVE.

  34. Because despite getting small reactions from the crowd, Triple H STILL gets the main event spots as recent as Extreme Rules last year.

    Jericho got stuck wrestling FANDANGO at Wrestlemania last year while Triple H got the Lesnar match.

  35. "I think Rey's career is alive and well, King."

    Classy, JR, very classy.

  36. JR's worst comment ever.

  37. Scream09_HartKillerMarch 2, 2014 at 7:58 PM

    Least the Joker's face wasn't as fucked up as JR's.

  38. Honestly, I think you care about it a lot more than Jericho does.

  39. Sorry, how dare I speak badly about the Michael Jordan of the WWE, Triple H.

  40. And you don't see how this is many a tad bit obsessive?

  41. Disliking Triple H for being overrated in every aspect is obsessive? Sure, whatever.

  42. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighMarch 2, 2014 at 8:55 PM


  43. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighMarch 2, 2014 at 8:58 PM

    Would of loved Mickey vs Jericho, I wonder if it was actually ever in play.

  44. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighMarch 2, 2014 at 9:00 PM

    Watching summer slam 2013 now.... I actually have never seen JBL vs Cena at jday.... That is on my list on ones to watch soon.

  45. Not sure what PPV to watch on the WWE Network? check out: (whipped this up real quick, fun way to watch stuff on the network)

  46. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 2, 2014 at 11:43 PM

    Yeah, Cena/JBL is a great brawl.

  47. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 2, 2014 at 11:43 PM

    He did sex scenes with Kim Basinger in his prime, his bar for things he's done in his life is much higher than Wrestlemania.

  48. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 2, 2014 at 11:44 PM

    You could pretty much staple that to 90% of the Divas stuff post-Trish and Lita.

  49. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMarch 2, 2014 at 11:45 PM

    There's a bunch of stuff in my Netflix queue I want to see, but then I always ending running through a show like Breaking Bad or 30 Rock that I've already seen.

  50. I can count on less than one hand the shows (PPV or otherwise) I've watched all the way through because it's just SUCH an embarrassment of riches that I feel like I'm somehow wasting my membership by not taking a buffet style approach and sampling everything.

  51. I loved the crazy women in that crowd. You could tell a few of them were trying to get fucked that night.

  52. Not since Flatulent Natalya has such a grotesquely unnecessary angle lasted so needlessly long.

  53. Watching the Network, I have surmised that all of Scott Hall's problems can be traced back to having walked under the ladder at WMX.

  54. Selfishly, I'd have loved for Jericho to have a higher profile match at that year's WrestleMania since he was killing it throughout 2008. Had they known just how good Steamboat still was, a Jericho/Steamboat singles match(that we got 1 month later) could have been a more satisfying conclusion to their legends feud.

  55. It's certainly down there. There was another time where Lawler said something funny (so obviously it was a long time ago) and JR, who apparently was in a bad mood, made some kind of comment about Lawler's past legal issues, and Lawler sounded legit hurt.

  56. Seriously. The only low-point is the finish, which is the same dick finish in nearly every Cena "I Quit" match: Cena threatens harm, the heel says "I quit" to spare himself, and then Cena goes through with harming the heel anyway. Happened with JBL, happened with Batista. I expected it to happen with Orton, but alas, no dice. But 2/3 is still a semi-workable theory.

  57. Watched Fully Loaded '99. I think it featured the first of 100 unwanted matches between Kane and the Big Show, plus Show's second heel turn in five months.

  58. I wonder how many people seem to have that "issue" because I really don't. I'd rather have more content on demand to choose from than someone "choosing it for me".

  59. although that doesn't mean he still couldn't be a total bad ass.

  60. maybe he realized the same thing all of us did, too. that the WWE wouldn't give a damn about "The Wrestler" if it hadn't won a Golden Globe for it etc.

    (remember the inital reaction from the WWE to the film? it was very negative)

  61. I think the reason we notice SuperCena not selling the effects of a match nowadays is because he can't blade anymore. He used to be able to hide behind a good bladejob.

  62. According to former wrestlers and backstage employees, JR has always been a bit of a sarcastic dick. I'm not sure if he has always been this way or if he only became one during his time in WWE.

  63. Saw it for the first time last night. How about Gail Kim and Jillian nearly killing themselves on a botched rana.

  64. AverageJoeEverymanMarch 3, 2014 at 8:41 AM

    Austin tells the stories on that disk so goddamn well.


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