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Tonight's Chicago Objectives

Oh, those wacky Chicagoans...

This image seems to be making its way around the 'net today. Sounds about all the typical hijacking stuff. Though personally, I REALLY want to see a huge crowd literally turn their backs on a Batista/Orton/HHH/Steph segment. Just the visual of that would be amazing.


  1. I'm so fucking hyped for tonight.

    I still haven't ruled out going.

  2. Good, they took Cena off that list. He doesn't deserve any flack for anything Punk or Bryan related. Quite frankly Orton doesn't either.

    And chanting for Punk during a mid card match is a dick move especially if it's a good one.

  3. I think tonight is going to be hilarious.

  4. Wait, you have a chance to go to this potentially brilliant train wreck? Dude! GO! Be one of the potentially thousands of people that turn their back on anything Orton, Batista, HHH, and or Steph!

  5. Might be hard to follow the crowd noise at a place showing raw.

  6. I love Breaking Bad, so just that little blurb under considerations is awesome, but putting an actor in front of this crowd tonight may be disastrous.

  7. Isn't it sold out?

  8. Stubhub/scalpers.

  9. Cena did more than anyone else (other than Bryan-and punk themselves) to elevate them.

  10. They have instruction sheets now?


    I want to go full MASADA on whoever wasted their time making this.

  11. Agreed. This is awful

  12. They are uhh...taking this really serious. I mean, no problem with someone being passionate, but geez, this is a better communications plan than some companies have.

  13. I live in Champaign, so (factoring in traffic) it's a six-hour round trip. I don't think I'm gonna be able to leave soon enough to make it up there, but I'll know in a couple hours.

  14. The Occupy Raw movement has come to Chicago. As much as I want to believe this will be a monumental crowd moment for Raw, I'm worried that it will end up just like the Occupy Wall Street movement: a bunch of unorganized people who think they're doing something, but all it ends up being is one ridiculous mess.

    They really should give up on the CM Punk stuff, though. Dude left of his own accord. Stop making him out to be a martyr.

  15. Ouch thats a long drive on a Monday

  16. They kinda accounted for that with the stuff about Ziggler and Wyatts/Shield.

  17. ...I'm confused.

  18. This could get very interesting indeed. Just hope that when something good actually IS happening in the ring, that they forget Bryan/Punk for a second and show their appreciation.

  19. My whole body is ready for tonight. And it has nothing to do with WWE itself whatsoever.

    Except if Punk returns. I'm suddenly picturing the crowd's backs turned on a stupid segment when suddenly Cult of Personality cues up. They all wildly turn around, going, "Whaaaaaaaaaat?"

  20. Yeah, it'd be a bitch. I'll go there and back for Sox games because that's an easy drive: straight up I-57, then right off the Dan Ryan on the South Side. I've made it there under two hours plenty of times. But Rosemont is way farther north and exponentially more of a pain-in-the-ass drive.

  21. Man, I'm torn between this being the greatest and the worst. It just says a lot when upset wrestling fans are more organized and proactive than people with political causes. We still can't nail down a cure for cancer but we've already figured out how to hijack a wrestling promotion.

  22. Smarks are the worst.

  23. Hey it sounds like it was written here!

  24. Say what you will but the fact these folks have a clear objective puts them miles ahead of the occupy movement

  25. I'm planning on going to the new batman superman movie and turning my back when Lex Luthor is on the screen because I disagree with the casting. That'll show em!

  26. This is going to be bizarre. Not like, Davey Boy Smith bizarre...but just plain weird.

  27. It's nice to see them having a plan going in lol.

    Might have to watch Raw over watching something on the Network tonight

  28. Isn't doing something by your own accord what defines a martyr?

  29. I love this stuff when its spontaneous but I don't know how I feel about this pre planned chanting.

  30. This is lame. Very lame.

  31. Dude, this entire blog is like Smark City.

  32. My body is ready for tonight. I haveny been this excited for raw in years. I wish i still lived in Illinois dammit.

  33. Please be sure to purchase those tickets from an authorized website.

  34. True dat. Even if they put on a kick-ass show, the crowd is still planning to dump on it. That ain't really cool

  35. Good luck with this plan, sparky. Let me know how that works out.

  36. It's certainly going to be a RAWcous crowd!

  37. Yeah, I don't think these fans get how it works. Don't buy a ticket if you are unhappy and then they might change

  38. Please let them run the music to no entrance Toronto style. Please oh please.

  39. I've been meaning to ask Parralax a way to get into political campaigning while avoiding canvassing. All I know now is that whoever made up these flyers should get hired by dialog direct TODAY

  40. I'll use this definition of martyr, since it's the closest to my meaning:

    3: a person who undergoes severe or constant suffering

    Punk did this to himself, he walked out because he didn't want to continue to undergo that severe or constant suffering. I'm all for rallying around Bryan here, but it's not like WWE did anything special to push Punk out.

  41. Speak for yourself

  42. I always hated driving I-90 when I lived in Chicago. Used to work in the Northwest suburbs. Getting to work in the mornings was fine, but driving into the City was a total pain the patoot. Glad I don't have to do that anymore.

  43. objective aside this was done by someone with talent. Those with talent are always the evil ones though.

    I see no reason to ever get involved in politics. Is there a particular reason you are looking to do so?

  44. Better hurry. Seats on stubhub going for $200+ are the only ones left.

  45. You're aware of a lot of insider wrestling stuff and references. That makes you a smark, dude.

  46. This is fucking awful

  47. I don't agree with actually going to an event with a plan to boo. The cool thing about the Rumble was that I had no intention on booing the Cena -Orton match, it just kinda happened.

  48. It makes him a smarT.

  49. I am totally on board with this. Is there a kickstarter for printing costs? I'd totally donate $10 for this.

    I still think that if CM Punk is showing up tonight, you pull a double-reverse-Shawn-Michaels-Montreal.

  50. A sheet for who to cheer and what to cheer is going to come off as forced and lame, if this is even true.

  51. i'm not sure if anyone is going to this event today, but I offer a shiny new copy of Rayman Legends on Xbox One to anyone who starts a Blog Otter chant!

  52. Why do people have a problem with this exactly? Not to sound too dramatic but we've been calling for change for fucking years now and despite little glimmers here and there shit has mainly stayed the same. This is a progressive move in the right direction and might force them to buck up their ideas, whether it's childish or not.

  53. That aspect yes but the other stuff, not really.

  54. You're not from Philly, are you?

  55. I really hope I get back from the gym in time to not miss any of this, hopefully to even catch a bit of the preshow.

  56. What other stuff is there that would undefine you as a smark?

  57. Seems fun / something I can do in spare time / think I have something to offer.

  58. Because it's silly to protest via buying tickets. You bought the ticket, that's all they ever cared about.

    It's like protesting Pepsi by buying a case every afternoon after work and then pouring it on the ground, chanting "I love Coke!"

  59. Not sure about Orton really, we have no idea how much he pushed for this title run, storyline, or anything to do with it. He could of been promised or pushed for the events of the fall.

  60. Nothing wrong with that. Good luck to you.

  61. As lame as this might be, it's also pretty cool. Chicago is the best city for wrestling at the moment. Every show there is must-watch. I'm pumped for tonight!

  62. See, if this was Philly, we'd be booing from the concession stands.

  63. He doesn't hate everything.

  64. "You know we're thuggin in Cleveland, Cleveland. You know we're thuggin in Cleveland."


  65. I wouldn't try to hijack a wrestling show. Not worth the price of admission to do that

  66. That's why people have a problem with it? Really? Not sure the Pepsi analogy works either because there's a ton of alternatives to soft drinks, not much alternative to WWE.

  67. So? How can you blame the guy for wanting to be champ?

  68. Behind the scenes, Cena had been known to stick up for guys, like Cesaro and Bryan lately.

  69. Hey, let's all pay Scott money to post here then come and bitch about how much we hate his writing and the blog content. We can do 411 chants and everything

  70. I dig what you are saying, but I can see the other side also. A lot of what WWE does is driven by tv, sponsors, and what not. They see this product getting dumped on and it could make some changes happen. Not saying it will, but the possibility is there.

  71. Bone is the best. Basically the opposite of MGK

  72. When Charlie Sheen went crazy, he did a bunch of comedy shows. In Detroit, he got heckled and ended the show prematurely. Sure, he already had their money, but it made headlines and it made him look even worse than he already did.

  73. That's why people are finding it silly, I think anyway.

    It seems like a very childish way of handling things to me, can't get the toy you want, then break all the toys!



    he is the worst, by the way

  76. They should dig in. Show the crowd whose boss. Adr pinned Batista last week: add him to the main event in the three way.

  77. We're blaming Batista for signing a contract that guarantees him a main event spot at Wrestlemania.

    Orton could of just as easily seen what was happening with the crowd and fan base from Bryan and the storyline as well as anyone else. When I work for a company, I want my company to be secure, and that includes supporting and pushing for the right people to get promotions and be put in the right spots at the company.

  78. Scream09_HartKillerMarch 3, 2014 at 10:54 AM

    So as internet wrestling fans we're supposed to complain about the product, but also complain about anyone who tries to voice their displeasure of the product? This is like trying to follow a Vince Russo storyline.

  79. Court Bauer compared Daniel Bryan to Dolph Ziggler which I thought was pretty wrong.

  80. well.....what had happened was....

  81. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMarch 3, 2014 at 10:54 AM


    BTW, fuck that website.

  82. Even above yourself?

  83. I haven't read his articles in months. I think all the 411 writers at least have good intentions outside of him.

  84. Scream09_HartKillerMarch 3, 2014 at 10:56 AM

    I don't know how to get this to the appropriate people who can do something about it, but I think "creepy old man" would be fun to chant at Batista. Or "you're not 30".

  85. College basketball student sections do this all the time. When it works, it's great.

  86. back in the attitude era there were always website signs up.

  87. People didn't go just to heckle him. I think they expected a genuinely entertaining show and got a trainwreck.

  88. They'd make the same "headlines" that any Raw show would make, i.e. the top of the 411 main site and not much else.

    But I see what you're saying, I just don't see much sense in giving the company exactly what it wants and then calling it a protest.

    The best part is, once this Punk vacation work is finished, these people will think their movement was what accomplished it, never realizing they were the very marks the whole thing was counting on to make this look like a shoot in the first place. God bless 'em.


  90. This is a really anticipated Raw from our perspective, I wonder tho if the casual fans care/know enough to spike the rating tho.

  91. If you are going to this show tonight and you don't do the turn your back thing...for shame.

  92. "Bossmans mom is a whore!" Chant

  93. That's basically what we did when Calibre wrong articles.

  94. I'm actually curious as to how many people ACTUALLY attending Raw got one of these flyers. Will there be people standing outside the All-State Arena today handing them out to people? And if so, how fast will WWE officials have those people removed from the premises (they can likely kick them off the parking lot, as it's meant for the show)?

    I hope Princess, when she opens up the Raw thread, gives us a scorecard of what people are supposed to be cheering, so we can all follow along at home.

  95. Scream09_HartKillerMarch 3, 2014 at 11:00 AM

    Big Show really should have brought that up during their 99 feud.

  96. Or Cucch. Don't forget Cucch

  97. Duke does it.

  98. How many casual fans are left?

  99. And Blog Otters deserves the same repulsive feeling that you get when you hear someone say "WWE Universe"

  100. That is true. Not many.

  101. Funny how Punk might come back and get his main event WM match, Batista is indeed turning heel, Cena is in a mid-card match, and Bryan is getting a key WM match, but...

    STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH!! Sometimes the fans really remind me of spoiled teenagers who bitch at their parents because their new porsche is blue instead of red.

  102. Bout to head back to work in a sec. and I don't get off until 10. Instead of me asking for a recap when I get home, how bout an alternative? Can someone post q n d quarter hour recaps? If not, that's cool. I don't want to step on someone's recap swag.

  103. "Our power is our coordination. Our objective is to be one."

    Six gallons of ice water just fell out of my asshole.

  104. Just come to the live thread.

  105. It's Daniel Bryan with the belt or bust.

  106. Exactly. So yes, if you want WWE to go out of business, protest by not buying a ticket, the Network, etc. If you want the WWE to IMPROVE, to be better than it is, then buy a ticket and show the WWE what you like and don't like. Its pretty simple really.

  107. I feel bad for any undercard guys working tonight. Their matches will get completely drowned out by random chants.

  108. Some of us take Blog Otters way too seriously.

  109. Any other entertainment business would be excited as hell to know that fans want to be so involved. The McMahons (including Paul Levesque-McMahon) feel like the fans are the enemies. Any booker-writer should realize this "hijack raw" thing can be easily taken advantage of to actually build interest in WWE. I'll have fun tonight watching WWE piss everything away. Noone can say the McMahons were not given advanced notice. Strangely, the Vince McMahon of 1997 would have done everything in his power to take advantage of this situation. The McMahon of today will probably just ask his announcers and wrestlers to ignore the audience.

  110. It's really hard to follow while I'm working. Not a big deal if it's a big deal. I'll just annoy ya'll when I get home.

  111. He's also insisting the yes chants are dying out. I don't know what's going on with that dude.

  112. Nobody wants them to go out of business. But if their profit margins started taking a hit, they'd recognize that and reevaluate.

  113. It's been too long since a change the channel chant, if anything Orton/Bootista segments should get that.

  114. It really is amazing. There doesn't appear to be any winning allowed for this company.

    They gave Punk more than a year with the strap, people still complained about his "burial."

  115. Their profits are flat as it is outside of network rights fees. Guess who's losing jobs if profits go down? Its the wrestlers.

  116. Yea. It's lame but at this point I'm more amused that others hate it so much.

  117. Ex wwe writer who has a pod network at I usually think he's decent but he's become super smarky lately.

    He just got a job with ROH as well.

  118. Yep, such entitlement. like "WE DESERVE RESPECT!!!" They need to relax.

  119. I was always on board with it, because I seem to have gotten what Meekin was going for with it (a Denis Leary bit from "No Cure For Cancer.").

    No idea why it rubs people the wrong way so much.

  120. Yeah like with their movies division...

  121. I honestly haven't seen any of their recent financial so I'll take your word on that. Sure some undercard guys might take a hit but it would get the point across more than some chants. Vince is stubborn as across mule now, I'd bet these chants are just making him think of more ways to get Batista and Cena the belt

  122. Get a doctor to check that out.

  123. I think it has more to do with how terrible the booking that lead to this has been.

  124. As I just said. Red Porsche or bust.

  125. If it will make the company more stable and there is someone I know who could do a better job then me at the time. Yes I would. Of course people are going to go much more out of there way to get rid of people who ate doing a bad job but supporting someone who would do a good job has long term benefits as well.

  126. That belt might has well have been the Intercontinental belt. If he wasn't fighting Rock or Cena, he wasn't in the main event.

  127. We are fans, we are supposed to have an opinion. What part of that is hard to understand for you? We aren't being handed the keys to a Porsche. We are being force fed a pile of shit.

  128. This is going beyond "an opinion". A lot are taking this *WAY* too personally, almost as if you expect Vince to call you every night and you take it as a personal insult if he doesn't listen to every detail.

  129. While I think it's certainly hilarious that the hijacking has now become organized (and wow, I wonder if that sentence will be caught on the FBI's radar), I do think it's sad that we've come to this point.

    But you can't deny that WWE hasn't brought it on themselves. They've screwed up so many times over the years, force-fed guys like Orton or in this case Batista, blatantly ignored the fans or actually done things to go against what the fans want. I'm surprised it took this long, honestly. The situation has only gotten worse over the years. It's now to the point that WWE is actively working against the fans or trying to book the show defensively in order to nullify matches being hijacked. That's NOT a good sign.

    What's most extraordinary is how the complete opposite could be said for NXT. It's a small crowd, but they clearly love the product, even for its faults. They don't hijack matches but, in fact, get behind the product as a whole. I think the two big things is that they actually deliver a consistently satisfying and entertaining product, as well as not treating the audience like morons. It's almost infuriating that the exact same company runs both it and RAW.

  130. They did recognize that, they did reevaluate it and they did make changes. Farva is correct.

  131. That's not their main revenue source or core product tho. It's a peripheral vanity project by Vince and co. I doubt thet care very little about its pnl

  132. oh yeah, the "OMG he's not wrestling in the last match!" thing. I remember that.

  133. Don't buy anything Cena, Orton or Batista related. Only Dbry, Punk, Ziggler, Cesaro, etc. merch. Make the guys you're sick of unprofitable.

    Picket outside of arenas with threats of not purchasing any tickets, PPV's or watch programs until your demands are met.

  134. If the WWE puts out Orton vs. Batista as the main event for Mania, then they deserve whatever happens from the crowd.

  135. I think most fans would be satisfied if they just gave Bryan the belt. The fans have been begging for that to happen for over a year now. The fact that they wont do it just enrages everyone further and makes them want to point out everything they dislike about the product.

  136. Exactly my thought. It's basically the culmination from years of ignoring or blatantly going against the audience.

  137. I'm going to go reread their 2013 statement that just was out. I'll let you know

  138. ^ Case in point

  139. kbwrestlingreviewsMarch 3, 2014 at 11:16 AM


    1. Punk comes out and puts over Chicago as the greatest city ever.

    2. A new world championship is made and Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler square off for it at Wrestlemania.

    3. Daniel Bryan is inserted into the title match at Wrestlemania and guaranteed to win.

    4. Batista, HHH, Orton and Stephanie are crushed under rampaging camels, leaving only Bryan vs. Punk for the main event of Wrestlemania.

    5. Every fan gets a big bag of money.

    Fans after the show:

    "Screw this company. Why are they wasting all this stuff on ONE SHOW? Do they not want to make money anymore???"

    "You're going next time right?"

    "Sorry for making you wait so long. I was just buying 15 Punk items. Of course I'll be there and do the VIP experience. It's awesome going."

  140. Then only times that bothered me was when his match was overshadowed by terrible Cena main events; against Big Johnny (seriously, a comedy match closed out a PPV), Big Show, the lackluster Money in the Bank.

  141. Well...touche.

  142. Punk and Bryan were both champs in 2011-2012. All I heard was bitching that Cena wrestled last and Zach Ryder was getting buried.

    Benoit and Eddie were both champs in 2004. All I remember was bitching because Bradshaw was about to get pushed, and Booker T was getting buried by the Undertaker.

    Trust me, even if Bryan is champ, people will still complain.

  143. That would be the ultimate irony: WWE plays to an empty arena because the FBI was forced to take in a bunch of people for "organized hijacking".

  144. So, Forbes lists Vince as a billionaire (with a b). Does this mean we can stop having people quote the "millionaire that should be a billionaires" Punk bit?


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