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Wrestlemania Main Event

Ok, with CM Punk not showing up for Raw this past week, what possible match are they going to end wrestlemania with?  The only options right now are undertaker v Lesnar (match will be good but no one cares) Bryan v Triple H (Good match but no way HHH let's himself lose in the main event); or Batista/Orton/?  (Good choice but with CM punk not showing up to Raw there is no substitute.

This has been a very strangely booked Wrestlemania and one which inspires almost no confidence in me, which is why I'm so glad I have the Network now.  You have to figure that the "Batista was guaranteed a title win" rumors are true because otherwise there would be no reason they'd be clinging so stubbornly to a main event that is dying by the minute.  Maybe they'll close with HHH giving Bryan three Pedigrees and pinning him and people will be all "Oh man, did you see all the vulnerability that HHH showed there?  They're totally setting up a rematch at Extreme Rules where Bryan will finally not fuck up his big shot and get treated like garbage!"  I understand the concept of sweet lemons and wanting to like something, but this product feels like it's actively trolling the audience now.  "Hey, the Shield is awesome, let's break them up because no one wants to see it!  Oh, and the Real Americans are getting over, so we'll break them up as well because fuck you."  I don't get how this is supposed to make me want to watch the payoff.

Also the logical candidate would be to put Cena in the main event as the third guy and just do another fucking Shield-Wyatts match to make people happy, but that clearly isn't what this company is all about.  


  1. Remember that time CM Punk was supposed to return on RAW?

  2. "Oh, and the Real Americans are getting over, so we'll break them up as well because fuck you."

    Whaaaaaaaaat? Cesaro is over. Swagger?? Really?

    "Also the logical candidate would be to put Cena in the main event as the third guy"

    You want Cena to be in the main event *AGAIN* with Orton??

    I think that Cesaro eagle shirt is cutting off your circulation Scott...

  3. Let's play it out and see where it goes.

  4. "Oh, and the Real Americans are getting over, so we'll break them up as well because fuck you."

    No, this is wrong. Cesaro is getting over, so they want to break them up and give him a push. How is this not giving the fans what they want?

  5. IMO they handed Bryan the title tonight.

    1. He destroyed Batista and pretty much had to be taken down by both members of the WHT match, HHH and Kane.

    2. Both WHT guys threw away their differences to bridge into the Bryan angle. They don't even seem interested in trying to make a 1 on 1 Orton/Batista match work. Those guys are now HHH goons.

    3. Everyone is getting involved in this story. They're running with "the internet's worst fears of HHH" as his character. Too small, too slow, not star material.

    4. They're gonna have Hogan put Bryan in that 3 way dance vs. Batista and Orton, b/c they're H's goons and not vice versa. He'll beat them, suffer massive damage, close the show vs. HHH, overcome the odds (but not before 100 IWC heart attacks) and celebrate with the fans to close. The heat will be massive.

    If tonight's show told us anything, it's that Batista/Orton is NOT an option. They made Batista look like a NWO henchman more than a monster.

  6. Yeah I don't know why anyone wants to see Cesaro keep tagging with useless Swagger anymore.

  7. And that chance "at worst" to close Mania against a wounded Bryan and pick the bones for one last World title win would be the very logical storyline bait for HHH to agree to these terms.

  8. I will believe the Cesaro push when I see it.

  9. You're seeing it

  10. It won't happen until after Mania anyway.

  11. No way in hell is it just Orton v Batista for the title...they'll NEVER book heel v heel for a title at Mania.

  12. Come on Scott, you can't possibly be this naive. Did you also think that the Wrestlemania 16 main event was going to be Triple H vs. Big Show?

  13. Downvote for agreeing with a post that either makes no sense, is trolling its audience, or both =)

  14. And that sure worked out well, didn't it?

  15. Creatively WM 2000 sucked, but WWE got an insane Wrestlemania buyrate and then made even more gobs of money with Backlash

  16. ...but they're playing the same story here. Bryan is fighting the Authority because they screwed him, much like Rock fighting both Big Show ands Triple H because they screwed him, which eventually got him into the title match.

  17. So you think the fans are legitimately clamoring for the "We the People" team vs. Cesaro? I mean that as a real question, not as a slight. Maybe I am not seeing what you are seeing, or smoking what you are smoking. =)

  18. Which he lost. To a guy who is still around 14 years later.

  19. I'd be more comfortable with the Shield breaking up if I knew they were going to keep pushing Rollins and Ambrose.

  20. Sure, from the Rock chasing the title in a hot storyline with HHH who was the hottest heel in the business. This is none of those things.

  21. Even if you believe that Batista was guaranteed the title, it doesn't make sense that they wouldn't put a strong face in there to give the audience somebody to care about.

    They're clearly aware enough of the situation to turn Batista from 'I love expression' babyface into 'you people are pathetic for cheering losers that look like you' heel.

    To me it feels like they're waiting for a shoe to drop. I think they're trying to get something done with CM Punk and keeping their options open as long as possible. If Punk gives in, they can have him come to Bryan's aid, cut a scathing promo on HHH, framing him leaving the company in kafaybe terms as a HHH abuse of power, put himself into a match with HHH and put Bryan into the title match and everybody is happy.

    If they can't get anything done with Punk, then they move Bryan into that title spot, where they do the HHH/Bryan match on RAW with a stip that if Bryan wins, he gets the shot at mania, if he loses, he leaves the company.

  22. They've been given no chance to do anything one way or the other. People like the catchphrase and have been getting behind them but they're consistently buried in the undercard doing nothing.

  23. HHH never loses in the main event? One match that may or may not have really happened says differently.

  24. And then another 3 matches against one of the guys scheduled for this main event.

  25. People are behind Cesaro, not Swagger.

  26. And it's just a wee bit disingenuous to say "no one cares" about Brock/Taker.

    Generalize much?

  27. There's nothing to get excited about

  28. Random prediction: the Game of Thrones premiere will siphon off a significant chunk of potential casual Mania buyers this year. The show does well below 1,000,000 buys / network views.

  29. History doesn't always repeat itself. They've shown that Orton and Batista put aside their differences to beat down Bryan. It makes logical sense for him to beat both guys.

  30. Scott almost seems a tad bitter about the WWE product there. Naah, couldn't be.

    And personally, I'm fine with the Shield breaking up, there's only so many 6 man tags they can make, and now all 3 have a definite character/personality, so they'll do fine in singles.

    Also, I feel like Cesaro is getting over, not the team, and Swagger is dragging him down. No problem with a breakup there too.

  31. I'm just not seeing the spot for Cesaro that's going to magically materialize before they lose interest in him again. I think it's a better bet to use him to maybe salvage Swagger for a while and rebuild that tag division that they were supposed to be focused on.

  32. Rollins has really stood out lately. He was the only one I was worried about, but not anymore. All 3 have great futures.

  33. Seriously it's so obvious Scott only pays attention to non-NXT WWE only to get site views.

  34. Yeah, Cesaro is starting to get over and has beaten Orton and took Cena to the limit on RAW. When he turns, Cesaro will get a good pop.

    Swagger is an undercard guy who can wrestle. If this was the 80's, he could main event a territory like Portland or something

  35. It made logical sense for him to beat Orton at HIAC but it didn't happen, and not only that, they set up a Bryan-Michaels match that didn't happen and didn't lead to anything either.

  36. I don't know about that, but I do have to say this post seems like one of the few times I think I've seen Scott potentially out of sync with the rest of the blog audience.

  37. Shawn should stay retired.

  38. Double disqualification in a **** match like Starrcade 86, because WWE Network is ruining my perception of how awesome wrestling can be. Otherwise, **1/2 for bryan/orton/cm punk/batista/cena/whatever at most if they can get enough twitter followers who give a shit. ;P

  39. Like I said in the live thread, the payoff is gonna be Bryan vs. Triple H, AND Bryan getting the main event match. That way, Trips gets to go over Bryan, Bryan's title win is a bigger deal (since he already got his ass kicked but Orton and Dave are fresh), it sets up a Bryan/Hunter rematch at a less important show for Bryan to win at (classic Trips), and it sends the fans home happy.

  40. The tag division will be fine without the RA.

  41. He beat Orton clean, went toe to toe with Cena, was showcased in the Elimination Chamber, is getting over, announcers always talking him up, they let him kill Big E with power's clearly the company is behind him.

    They have tried with Swagger too many times, why drag Cesaro down?

  42. Plus it would be a nice call back to Bret Hart at WMX, 20 years later.

  43. I'm still sad about that. Would have been the tits.

  44. Exactly. Byran's basically this generation's Bret anyways, may as well go whole hog with it.

  45. Nah, it's mostly the same people who were championing the Authoritah angle when it first started 6-7 months ago. I don't know if there's any three people (besides maybe Stan Ford) who actively disagree with people more than Cole, Jordan, and yourself. The only difference is that the people who cared enough to argue against this HHH weirdness have lost that enthusiasm and/or don't give enough a shit about the show anymore to talk about it afterward.

  46. At worst, he could do a house show run with Garea....

  47. I agree, we all know the end result and we've seen it before....

    What is there to care about?

  48. It didn't even make logical sense for him to be facing Orton at HIAC, just like it didn't make logical sense for Orton to lose the title to him the month before.

    The whole angle was screwed up when they put Bryan and Orton against each other immediately instead of doing what they did with Austin/Rock and the Corporation, keeping the two away from each other by giving each guy a challenge(s) to over-come before the ultimate title match 6 months later.

  49. With who ? Curtis Axel, Los Matadores, 3MB ?

  50. Also true. The whole thing has been a series of disasters that have left Orton one of the coldest supposed top guys I've ever seen going into Wrestlemania. He's a total non-factor in his own storyline.

  51. Rybaxal turned into a good heel team. Harper and Rowan as well. Plus they can bring up the Ascension.

  52. Im not sure why Batista would want the damn title if he is going to get booed out of the building and pelted with trash....

    I would gather that Goldberg and Lesnar are embarrassed with the way their match at WM XX went, why would Batista and Orton want to be part of something like that....

  53. I'm pretty sure you don't speak for the "blog audience".

  54. Bret wishes he had the reactions Bryan does.

  55. Jesus no, Scott. I'm all about another Shield/Wyatts match, but the last thing a bland Orton VS Batista title match needs is to add the other guy who has been a main eventer since WM 21 and has wrestled both guys a billion times. Adding Cena would somehow make me even less interested.

  56. Shit, is that the same weekend?

  57. Dont ever discount Los Matadores....

  58. I feel like this is basically what we deserve for watching this show as adults. This all for really stupid people and kids. We watch this show like normal people would. Which is to say, we watch the show and think its garbage. Their target audience would either be in bed or too stupid to think about what they saw. Theres a reason why they don't have networks knocking down there door to show raw for 3x the price and its because you can only advertise shitty stuff on wrestling because most of the people who watch are worthless.

    So yeah, if you think HHH jizzing on himself and a fucking actor who was hot a year ago is something to write home about then I don't know what to tell you.

  59. I love Game of Thrones like a child, but that's what DVRs are for.

  60. What did Aaron Paul do wrong? He had a harmless segment with Ziggler.

  61. Yep. 9pm Eastern so it'll presumably be honing up against Brock/Taker.

  62. Aren't you a bastion of positivity?

  63. I think Scott sees Cesaro winding up in IC or US title purgatory if they split right now....

    They see Reigns as the future, so Cesaro isnt getting no rocket push, this isnt 1997....

  64. Casual viewers may not feel that way if they are already dropping $10-15 bucks on HBO and see the current shitty Mania card.

  65. It wouldn't be interesting but at least it wouldn't be a total car wreck and fans would have an actual babyface in it.

  66. Yeah, sorry but Bryan is more over than I can ever recall Bret being...

    That's why it is so nuts that they think they can prolong this much longer, this guy seems to be Hogan/Austin over at the moment....

  67. They would just boo Cena too.

  68. True but the difference is, if you have the Network you might be able to watch Wrestlemania the next day on Demand (not sure since the 2014 Rumble still isn't on there as far as I can see), and if you don't, you only get one shot to watch it (and a lot of people watch Mania who don't watch any other PPVs). Game of Thrones will be on again that very night, probably multiple times, and then on again during the week, and on demand anytime if you have any device capable of playing HBO Go, or you can just DVR it.

  69. Says the guy who hates the Wyatts, despite them having the match of the night at the last two PPVs

  70. Dont you have some basketball posts to make to bring that Raw thread to 5000....

  71. I concur to an extent. I'm rapidly losing any interest in the current state of WWE.

  72. Bingo. Look at poor Big E, who was the pet project just, what, a month ago? Why is he even champion now?

  73. Hell they'd boo Cena MORE and completely shit all over it.

  74. Your comments keep hitting way to close to home for you.

  75. Fair, I just meant in terms of being the allegedly "too small" technical & submission wiz that the fans loved (albeit not as much) who wasn't that great on the mic to start but got better as he went.

    Also, Bret's "i've been screwed!" character is basically the heel version of Bryan's current character.

  76. Big E. is doing fine. He does need a solid opponent going into Mania though.

  77. He would need to prove himself against Goldie Rogers and Joe Mirto first

  78. I really am ashamed to watch but I just love wrestling

  79. "With a tear in his eye, Bryan told me it was an honor to be in the smaller guys club...."

  80. Yeah thats like saying Razor Ramon had the match of the year in 1994. True but I'd say the other guy in the ring had way more to do with it. Also I said I hate the gimmick. They are fine in the ring. So wasn't Doink.

  81. A Swagger/Sunny Beach feud would pretty much be like printing money....

  82. You do know there are literally several dozen wrestling Feds you can easily watch now if you hate the WWE product so much right?

  83. Difference is, it's WM season now, which would be the time the storyline ends and the face goes over. To be honest, they should've started this program a few months later. Let Bryan beat Cena at SS but wait until after the next PPV or even a random raw to do the Orton/HHH turn. THEN do the build to now.

  84. They should bring in Takers wife and have her stand backstage.

  85. So Hogan's announcement next week...will it concern the title match? Or are we just grasping at straws to try and salvage the title picture for Mania, when WWE has no intentions of changing anything?

  86. I just don't get how people could possibly think that was good unless they are like sub people or something

  87. A workrate aficionado should appreciate that. The gimmick has gotten so over, fans chanted this is awesome before the match.

  88. Never said I thought everything was good. Just a bit perplexed as why you even bother watching.

  89. Hogan is announcing that he is bringing back Micro Championship Wrestling....

  90. WrestleMania booked if the WWE wants to make that money

    Musical Act

    The Menace & The Gladiator vs. Tekno Team 2000
    Iron Man Match: Ted Arcidi vs. Bill Kazmaier
    Sunny Beach vs. Mordecai
    Sivi Afi vs. Miz
    Cage Match:Tony Garea vs. Salvatore Bellomo

    I am now a bajillionaire for booking this card

  91. Those of us who read the book should just spoil whats going to happen

  92. Id rather see Sara Undertaker vs Michelle McTaker at Mania than Brock/Taker.....

  93. You must be kidding....

  94. Why bother. I have the network and its awesome.

  95. Um, no? He's still IC champ and getting TV/PPV time.

  96. Rene Goulet better be hosting if he isnt wrestling....

  97. dark match against Outback Jack

  98. Oh. We'll carry on then.

  99. splash city is off tonight and I'm not a big lebron fan to bask in his 61 point game

  100. The match was fine but I've seen 10 times in a row. Give me something else

  101. One month pushes doesn't mean the company is behind you, especially in the WWE where they can change on a whim just like that.

  102. He is just another guy nobody gives a crap about...

    He is the IC champ that was the flavor of the week, now he is being used to advance an angle where two tag partners are in the process of splitting...

    Do you recall any over or important IC champs being used in a way like this?

  103. What this blog is missing is balance.

    Where the hell is Jesse Baker?

  104. Steve Stennick too

  105. It would be really exciting if the match took place in the dark....

  106. Torito vs. Hornswoggle at Mania

  107. Bryan wishes he had people complimenting him with tears in their eyes.

  108. Eh, I dvr'd it and it took about an hour, usually its not so bad. Tonight it was atrocious. I'm actually offended by how shitty it was.

  109. Or on the ledge of the Grand Canyon

  110. No new commentary on the state of the Knicks?

  111. If theres any teenagers reading this blog just sort of lurking and doing the IWC thing, please for the love of god, STOP WATCHING NOW!!!!!!! DO NOT BECOME A LIFE TIME FAN. Trust me, you will have a hard time living with yourself for being a fan of this as you get older. As you get the older the product will only get worse. Get out now before its too late.

    That's a shoot comment

  112. If Bundy came back to crush both, it would make this a special WM....

  113. Teenagers watch the current product?

  114. Adding Cena would at least add the "Let's go Cena/Cena sucks!" chants to the equation. But yeah--I don't think that's the right move, and it is clearly not an option for WWE. As it is, I think WWE is saying "We survived Raw in Chicago, we can survive the fans hijacking the Mania title match."

  115. Rusty Brooks is more affordable

  116. no, we should be nice otherwise the people watching the premiere 4-5 seasons from now will spoil everything before Winds of Winter is actually released on the shelves.

  117. If they do I beg them to stop

  118. "Something tells me that isnt the biggest hole Goulet has ever been around Monsoon..."

    "..Would You Stop!"

  119. I also do watch a little ROH and NJPW as well. But I'll get all the wrestling fix I can handle from this network

  120. Its very similar to comment on the state of the WWE!

  121. Dolan is pretty much HHH.....

  122. I can see HHH agreeing to job to Daniel Bryan at WMXXX, but that doesn't mean the company will plan to build Bryan up as their #1 guy as I'm sure once he beats HHH he'll go back and be working a midcard program by Extreme Rules. That's how HHH buries you, not by pinning you, but by making you seem unimportant.

  123. You might have to put the Iron Man match on last. I don't know if the crowd could recover from all that

  124. Barry Horowitz got TV time every week and his record was about as impressive as Big E's lately.

  125. Halftime is a game of horse between Eric Montross and Yinka Dare

  126. I don't like Orton, but even I'm feeling sympathetic towards how he's been booked. If any of the IWC favorites had been booked like this, we'd be screaming about their legs being cut off.

    Retaining via dusty finishes, via HHH's Pedigree, HBK's superkick, Wyatt and Kane interference, and rarely even getting the chance to speak in front of almighty HHH and Steph. Fuck. This is on the level of Jericho going into WM 18.

  127. No,I still believe there's hope,NJPW is that hope.

  128. Your_Favourite_LoserMarch 3, 2014 at 11:03 PM

    "This all for really stupid people"

    legit lol

  129. If you think HHH is laying down for Bryan, only to shove him down the card then you are insane.

  130. If putting Cena in the main event gives us another Shield/Wyatts match then who cares, just DO IT. It's literally the only guaranteed enjoyable thing the show could HAVE at this point (yes, yes, Brock/Taker will be good but it's not guaranteed to be great at all.)

  131. Although my good faith in the product hasn't been rewarded recently, I do still believe that Triple H will do the right thing and put Bryan over at Mania. What happens after that is anybody's guess. I don't think they will push Bryan down too far, simply because other than him and Cena there are no other top tier main event level faces.

  132. For me it's not even a HHH thing so much, although I would also point out that he jobbed to Undertaker at WM27 and then we had weeks of video packages where we got to hear about how awesome HHH was for nearly ending the Streak and how he nearly ended Undertaker's career with his manly awesomeness and such.

  133. Nah, I think he'll lose to Bryan just fine. He'll just make sure to DOMINATE Bryan through most of the match and lose via a mistimed HBK superkick or something.

  134. TJ Question: Any suggestions on a really good WWE PPV from the first half of the 2000's? I wasn't watching wrestling closely in that time frame so any suggestions that aren't WrestleMania would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  135. I'm calling it now...HBK becomes involved somehow, accidentally (or not) superkicks HHH and Bryan pins him that way.

  136. If there is ever a scenario that called for a Baker email, it was tonight's Raw.

  137. No way out 2000 & 2001.

  138. "You can never go wrong appealing to the lowest common demoninator."

  139. No Way Out 2001 with HHH/Austin 3 Stages of Hell, Rock/Angle, and Jericho/Benoit is pretty much an example of a perfect PPV.

  140. I think if anything, HHH will beat Bryan but then gain respect for him because Bryan takes him to the limit. HHH is delusional enough to think that endorsing him after defeating him is the same as laying down for him.

  141. You know, I don't disagree with you. When you go to wrestling events, look around. It's not exactly the most distinguished type of clientele.

  142. I'm calling it now as well...HBK becomes involved somehow but brings Jesus along to help him out! Jesus will then end up eating a pin from HHH because he needs to be reminded who the REAL King of Kings is!

  143. All hail Jesus HHH Christ!

  144. Royal Rumble 2000. Awesome Rumble match, couple of fun short matches for the tag titles and Tazz/Angle, and a ***** Foley/HHH brawl with major blood.

  145. I could see Kane causing Hunter to lose. Which honestly I'd be fine with.

  146. Hey! The Miz thinks he is doing a fine job as champion heading in to the main event of Wrestlemania.

  147. Also, watch Wrestlemania X7 right up until the main event when the company's undisputed #1 face turns heel at the exact point in company history that they needed him to be a face more than ever.

  148. Yeah, I'm not so much a purist that I can't accept a run-in if it's artfully done.

  149. Serious question: is the displeasure with hhh from tonight 1) it was hhh and you don't expect him to get his comeuppance or 2) he didn't play the heel role well?

    I thought his heel heat was off the charts, not in an " I hate the product" or "get off my screen" type of way, but in a "I want to see you get your ass kicked" way.

  150. I've seen Mania 17 countless times but thanks for the suggestion. I fell off of regular viewing soon after that Mania.

  151. Seen Rumble 2000 a few times, great PPV though, Backlash 2000 is an idea though. Thanks.

  152. That's Rock/Hunter Iron Man? Maybe. Thanks.

  153. I think this is the front runner for what I'll be watching, thanks!

  154. Like I said above, me thinks I'm going with No Way Out 2001, thanks man. How are your classes going by the way? College or high school?

  155. He's been flip-flopping between and heel and face for eight months now. It's basically cheating for them to suddenly be like "Psych! He's been a bad guy all along and it's your fault for not keeping up with our awesome stories!"

  156. The former. HHH ALWAYS refuses to show ass, ALWAYS manages to fucking kill the heat of his opponent and basically bury the other guy out of a petty, jealous rage that someone else is more popular than he is.

    We've waited for MONTHS to see HHH get his ass kicked and beaten and defeated but it's not happen. Worse, Kane is now being forced to serve as his proxy to take the beatings for him while he verbally emasculates Bryan while Steph fingers herself with sick joy of watching her husband verbally abuse someone else for their own joint amusement.

    We are pissed off because no fucking way will they allow Bryan to fucking end HHH's career, get him off camera FOR GOOD, and fucking make HHH's final moment on TV be the sort of epic humiliating end that will be forever what HHH is known for as far as HHH being known as the old fart who Bryan destroyed in order to bring about the new age of the WWE.

  157. College,it only starts in march 26,gonna do history.

  158. Winner: No Way Out 2001, thanks for the suggestions everybody. Hopefully the Xbox app will add the WCW and ECW PPVs to it soon as I really wanted to delve into some WCW PPVs. At least they have Bash 89 which I'll be watching tommorow.

  159. That's fair, but if he plays it straight heel like he did from tonight till mania, wouldn't that be enough to sell the match and give Bryan his big moment at WM (assuming he goes over)?

  160. History major, nice. I always really enjoyed history and loved my history classes in college. Good luck man.

  161. Thank you very much,My run in the blog is getting to the end,it has been really good to be on the threads.

  162. If HHH and Steph play straight heels from now on will that make this better? As long as the indecisive flip flopping stops and HHH goes full heel, I have no problem with this ending.

  163. The ending of Raw suggests that Dbry will be pulling double duty a la WMX, which is the only way I could see this WM getting salvaged, but at this point I'm losing faith in that WWE ever wanted that.

  164. An end? Still come by and shoot the shit man. But yeah, in college you should take time away from the interweb and go out and do stupid teenage shit. Go have fun, get into trouble and all that.

  165. Jericho vs Benoit vs Eddie vs X PAC. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things does not belong. Should be a good match though.

  166. If I get in trouble I have whole family ready to chop me into pieces,this is basically my redemption after having a couple of psychological issues,trying not to screw things up.

  167. Here's the thing -- why would Vince McMahon WHO KNOWS BETTER give creative control (albeit limited) to Batista? He had to know that it wouldn't go well, even without the DBry situation, you can't let the talent dictate booking.

  168. In a month? It probably isn't enough time to salvage the situation.

  169. PWG is that hope as well.

  170. Thread jack: Drake Younger just got signed by WWE. How the hell did he pass their physical?

  171. I'm getting some their shows,great stuff.

  172. First off, thanks for that Steph S&M visual.... Second, does Bryan have to retire HHH? What if he beats him cleanly at Mania? Is that good enough?

  173. This makes me wonder -- will we still care about the Network in 6 months?

    Right now, I look at that list like a kid and a candy store, saying "I can't wait to watch all this stuff!!!"

    But what happens in September, when I've binged on a ton of the PPVs, a few which of course I'll watch over and over (but mostly certain matches that I already have on DVD), but most of which were forgettable? Will I still be willing to pay $60 for the next 6 months? What about the next 6 months after that?

    They'll have to get some REALLY interesting stuff added for me to still care enough to pay in a year and a half.

  174. Oh man, the #BoycottWrestlemania crowd needs to get the word out about that, pronto!

  175. Here's some disgusting food for thought...

    What other form of entertainment would you watch where only about 30-40% of a show is worth watching, even in the best of times?

    Think of any shows you watch... if they suck for more than a few episodes, you tend to turn the channel. I know I do. MAYBE you stick around for a season or two, hoping they show signs of being awesome again, but normally, you just say "screw it".

    Outside of a few shining moments, wrestling hasn't been REALLY good for years. Maybe 10-15% of the stuff we've seen over the last 10 years has been awesome. Another 35-40% has been watchable. And the rest has downright sucked. (And I'm not just talking WWE -- I'm talking all wrestling I've personally watched, and that included a small amount of WWE, far too much TNA, ROH, Chikara, and PWG -- and everything else I follow on sites like this, at least to get a general temperature. Remember, I don't have any ill feelings toward WWE -- it just isn't my thing.)

  176. I really hate to play the "let's see where this goes" card, because this looks like such a disaster. But there's over a month to go before the PPV, so there's still time to add a babyface to the main event.

    If they're absolutely, 100% desperate to get a babyface into the world title match, I'm sure Chris Jericho is waiting by his phone.

  177. Yeah, shame they only put out about 6 shows/8-9 DVDs a year.

    I highly recommend Threemendous III, Ten, Steenwolf, and 2013's BOLA.

    I've also heard great things about Seven and All Star Weekend X.

  178. #TheMoreYouKnow

  179. RVD would also be a good choice.

  180. He's getting super over in PWG. No idea how WWE will use him, since he's still mostly known as a "hardcore guy". (Granted, he's been coming out of that for a while now, but I don't think he's quite there yet on the stick or in the ring).

  181. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMarch 4, 2014 at 12:07 AM


  182. On paper that sounds phenomenal

  183. Not gonna read bc i dont want rape scenes in my brain before I go to sleep but automatic upvote.

  184. Actually, Scott, there's a great reason to break up the Real Americans: there's no way in hell you turn Zeb Colter face, but the fans desperately want to cheer Cesaro. So he needs to be spun off.

  185. I don't know about that. After tonight, some of those hardcore fans are going to be even more pissed that they got worked.

  186. Its too much about establishing hhh as a bad ass genius. Its been 15 years, you're the ceberal assassin, I get it! At no point since summerslam has he lost the upper hand. He's been a face half the time, we all know exactly where this is going because we've seen it 100 times, and its not even the title match. I really don't want to see him get his ass kicked. How many guys come out of a hhh feud looking stronger?

  187. Sting is only slightly above Bray Wyatt in my "unlikeable gimmick" book but I'd be intrigued. Combo A and B

  188. True. It does make me wonder what they want him for, though.

    There are a lot of better wrestlers and talkers in the indies right now, so I wonder if they just want someone willing to get their ass kicked by Sami Callahan (I don't remember what his WWE name is right now). Actually, with the hiring of Callahan and now Younger, I wonder if they're starting to think about putting some edge back in their product -- or, at very least, preparing for a time when they do.

  189. Let me guess: because he left sports entertainment, claiming it wasn't for him, then came back because he could do limited dates. It's not the WWE that he didn't like, it was working as hard as everyone else. So (while I don't know if that qualifies as lazy) he doesn't have the desire that everyone else in WWE does, or that should be required.

  190. Yeah Swagger can fuck off now for all I care. Sure he got the shaft from WWE but he also screwed himself over more due to being an idiot.

  191. Gonna be blunt and slightly longwinded here: How, precisely, would Bryan going over HHH at WrestleMania 30 be bad? Some people have pointed this out, but like him or not, HHH KILLED IT as a heel to end Raw tonight. If Bryan gets his comeuppance at Mania, maybe even making HHH tap out, that gives him a rub very few guys could give him.

    I understand that there is a segment of WWE fans who will not be happy unless Daniel Bryan wins every title possible at WrestleMania while also ending Undertaker's streak and finding the cure for the common cold, and if HHH somehow beats Bryan, then there's absolutely cause to be very upset at the booking. From where I sit, though, the big belt just doesn't mean as much as it used to, and I wouldn't be shocked if that played a role in Vince guaranteeing Batista a run with the belt (especially with the mindset that WWE may be promoting the brand itself, not individual wrestlers under contract).

    If Bryan goes over in a ****-plus match with HHH (again, say what you will about the guy, he can deliver the goods when motivated), Batista goes full Hollywood heel (a character we all know he can pull off as well as anyone not named Rock), and those two get lined up for either Extreme Rules or SummerSlam, which would seem to be where they're going with all of this, why is that a bad thing? Hell, what if all this means that we get Bryan going over for the strap at Extreme Rules and then Bryan-Lesnar at SummerSlam?

  192. Who knows if bryan is going over but there is no chance hhh isn't putting this match on last. Don't think rock closing out the last two manias didn't bother him.

  193. HHH just watched Rock close the last two manias. No chance he isn't bothered by that. This match is 100% closing out the show.

  194. I want Jesse Baker to respond to this.

  195. I don't agree that HHH can go in the ring when motivated anymore at all. I'd be surprised if the match was more than just good. Also its far more likely that hhh goes over and jobs in a rematch.


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