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WWE Network Gets REAL, JACK!!!

WWE Network appears to be preparing for a dose of reality. Check out the story below:

From a survey that was sent out... - WWE has sent out a survey to fans on their mailing list asking for interest in several potential WWE Network reality shows. The shows and summaries of the pitches (via PWInsider) are below:

* Blackman's Bounties: Former WWE star and legit badass Steve Blackman reality series following his bounty hunting team based out of Harrisburg, PA. Think Dog the Bounty Hunter.

* NXT: Behind the Scenes: A reality series following the talents trying to make it out of the Performance Center and to the main roster, looking at their work, their personal lives and the fraternity of the NXT brand, including the heartbreak of being cut. So, it's Tough Enough-esque.

* Pros vs. Joes: Pretty much the same as the old SpikeTV series, pitting WWE talents against an average person in physical and non physical challenges. The non physical challenges listed included an air guitar competition. The physical challenges were described as similar to American Gladiators.

* WWE Around the World: Following WWE talents taking part in some of the scariest stunts and attractions around the world, such as shark diving and eating strange foods. It read as if it was modeled after some of the Travel Channel's "Extreme" specials with a dash of Anthony Bordain's No Reservations.

* WWE Dirty Jobs: Just like the Discovery Channel reality series of the same name, WWE talents have to perform unpleasant jobs, including going into Chicago sewers and picking up garbage in NYC.

* WWE Prankdown: a practical joke show that features WWE talents pulling tricks on unsuspecting "Superfans." The example given was John Cena and Randy Orton both wanting to buy an expensive car and getting into a fight at the dealership, only to show the damage they caused was part of the show to trick the fan.

* WWE Rescue: a reality show where WWE talents come to the homes of "super fans" help them with their personal and business problems. Think Restaurant Impossible meets Nanny 911.

* WWE Ultimate Challenge: WWE's version of CBS' Amazing Race with a 12 hour extreme scavenger hunt in different cities.

* Xtreme WWE Collector: Starring "Super fan Michael Patterson" - basically a WWE version of Travel Channel's Toy Hunter, except Patterson is chasing WWE toys and memorabilia.

Credit and PWInsider.


  1. Jeez, the "dose of reality" stuff made me think there was grim news for it or something.

  2. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 20, 2014 at 4:10 PM

    But you will admit to watching Steve Blackman beat criminals on the lam with his kendo stick. Right?

  3. As long as they don't replace the library with this shit, meh.

  4. "Monkey Tennis?"

  5. Oh yeah, as soon as I saw that I immediately wanted to see it as a show

  6. Other than Steve Blackman, none of that is of any interest to me.

    Get the Saturday Night Main Events on there.

    And the old Clashes. And the old WCW shows.

  7. Blackman: YES. YES. YES.
    NXT: Eh.
    Pros/Joes: Change it to straight American Gladiators (Fuck, you even have Hogan RIGHT THERE as host), and I'll support it.
    AtW: Nah... the days of Bastion Booger are long gone. ;)
    Dirty Jobs: Same as above, just with Hopper and Droese.
    Prankdown: Eh. Should just be a "Best of Ribs" show/.
    Rescue: Nah.
    Challenge: No.
    Collector: Sounds more like a YouTube Series.

  8. I guess the thing is, if one of these shows catches on and becomes really popular, it could get syndicated on a cable network? Probably on the Blackman one would be able to cross over, but if it did then it could help raise interest in the Network?

  9. The Blackman show would be awesome. Moderate interest in WWE Ultimate Challenge, everything else sounds horrible.

    Actually Id probably watch Xtreme WWE Collector just to see some mint WCW Galoob figures cause they rock

  10. "WWE Dirty Jobs: Just like the Discovery Channel reality series of the
    same name, WWE talents have to perform unpleasant jobs, including going
    into Chicago sewers and picking up garbage in NYC."

    You just KNOW they're going to be sending out Zack Ryder for these.

  11. Eh. I'd at least give them all a shot.

  12. I'd say two. With no chaser.

  13. Blackman thing sounds immense and I love pranks so Prankdown could be good

  14. How about WWESurvivor, WWE Bachelor, WWE Apprentice- wait. That would actually rock. Send some poor saps off the street to intern for Vince. Take my money!

  15. Why don't they make those WWE Slam City cartoons about 12 minutes long instead of 2? I'd watch the shit out of those.

  16. Almost all of these sound absolutely horrendous.

  17. The schedule Vince keeps, WWE Apprentice would probably lead to multiple suicides.

  18. How about a shower where WWE "talent" wrestles?

  19. Sounds like one of Pat Patterson's ideas.

  20. I would so watch the Blackman show. I think he could be the stoic Chuck Norris the wrestling world needs.

  21. Prankdown couldn't work because it would require Orton and Cena to, you know, act.

  22. "WWE Rescue" sounds fantastic - Kane yelling at a bunch of group of kindergartners would be appointment television.

    Actually, what I'd really like to see would be some other "sports entertainment" stuff on the network. "American Gladiators", "Knights and Warriors", "WMAC Masters", all that stuff. Maybe Vince could also get the rights to all of those old TV game-shows that wrestlers would appear on, like "Family Feud" and "Double Dare". Not the whole series, of course, just those particular episodes.

    Hell, how about a "Day in the Life" reality show where you see just how busy their schedules are? Get up, catch a flight, do a radio show, exercise, make-a-wish appearance, show time, back to bed, get up, catch another flight...

    I'd also like to see some sort of "challenge" show, where people who don't like wrestling and think that it's the easiest job in the world would have to compete in a "Tough Enough" type of training session? Just one day of taking back-bumps and hip-tosses would break most people. Or, they could do it like a weight-loss show, call it "The WWE Superstar Workout" or something, and have people lose weight with the help and encouragement of the wrestlers.

    How about a music competition? Bands compete to compose themes for certain wrestlers and angles, with the winners actually getting their song used as a theme of a higher-level wrestler.

    There's really no limit to what they could do. Competitions to be the new menu-planner, set-designer, costume-designer, etc. I think I need to send them my resume'.

  23. To Catch a Predator, with Haku instead of Chris Hansen. He wouldn't even bother reading the chat log.

  24. I would watch that in a heartbeat. Just add Jimmy Hart, and the whole range of his role would be to tell the would-be predators to "have a seat right over there, baby!" Then Haku could put the Tongan Death Grip on the guys.


  25. "Next on WWE Prankdown: Tim the Superfan is at his local gym burning calories on the treadmill. Little did he know, however, that JBL was in the locker room dropping a deuce into his gymbag...and our cameras were rolling."

  26. Fuck, that's worth the full price of the subscription right there.

  27. "The 2015 prison census reveals about 54 inmates lost an eye just prior to being incarcerated...."

  28. I'd rather just watch the better, more original versions of all the shows these shows would be based on.

  29. First show's guest, Jerry Lawler

  30. So their idea for "original programming" is to just rip off the ideas of other networks that have already run their course? Seems about right for this company.

    The idea for "WWE Rescue" (which I am assuming is a ripoff of Bar Rescue) is hilarious. What the hell is the WWE going to be able to tell someone about how to run a business effectively? The lost tens of millions of dollars on their own restaurant!

  31. Steve Blackman is a Fucking badass and legit good dude. Helped him wish a Friend's kid happy bar mitzvah via pretape one time. He had no Fucking clue what a Bar Mitzvah was.

  32. I just feel the need to add that my father used to call Steve Blackman, "Ass Kickin' Kumunga."

  33. Blackman's Bounties and Xtreme WWE Collector work for me. The rest, not so much.

  34. Those all sound like shit. Should at least give the WWE collector show to Ryder.

  35. I worked at the "Best Buy" right by Blackman's gym for a little while. His father stopped in one time, and I helped him pick out a TV. Not much for conversation, but nice guy. Anyway, it wasn't a big TV by any means, but I figured I'd be nice by offering to carry it for him. Holy shit, bullets almost came out of his eyeballs, he seemed really offended, like I was implying that he was too old or weak to carry it.

    It was pretty much exactly what I expected Steve Blackman's father to be like. And I mean that as a compliment, that he was probably around seventy and still could have snapped me in half with one hand.

  36. I hate reality shows so none of this would do anything for me. I do think it would be cool if they went the documentary route though. Shoots would be great, but im sure it would be all WWE revisionism and fluff pieces

  37. They need to air the old WWF cartoons

  38. Prankdown. Just because I don't think Orton will be able to resist the urge to shit in random bags.

  39. TJ: I just had an interesting chat with a customer... he already knew I was going to WM, and he's bringing his two kids to New Orleans also.

    -Asked me if Hogan was coming back, and what was he doing.
    -Asked me about Punk... all he knew was Punk had been fighting injury.
    -Asked me about Batista being a "bitch" again, whether he leaves WM with the belt or not. Was surprised to hear that Batista is back full time, not just a cameo.

    Sometimes the chats with the not-so-tuned-in fan can be the most... revealing.

  40. I am reasonably certain Haku could scare fuckers to death with his version of The Rock's eyebrow.

    Either that, or the scary-ass 'fro he had around 1989. Seriously.

  41. Wait. Wait. WAIT.

    Did you just mention WMAC Masters? I thought I was the only one who copped to watching that damn thing. It started to resemble pro wrestling as it neared its end. Well, more so.

  42. Agreed. When I read all these terrible ideas, I thought they were just scenarios for Slam City anyway and not actually real.

  43. Reality TV is a blight on society. I hope every one of these fails miserably.

    Except the Blackman one. That guy was ok.

  44. They should give some tips to that struggling NFL.

  45. Nope, watched it religiously.

    Tsunami turning heel was almost as big as Hogan turning heel. To me, at least.

  46. These shows would be very jobber/lower midcard featured that's for sure

  47. Totally don't remember much about that show. I believe I watched it on tiny black and white TV while working a shitty retail job. The only thing I really recall was Shannon Lee announcing segments or something for a few episodes.

  48. "including going into Chicago sewers": let's check out what CM Punk has been up to since leaving the WWE.

  49. I want a show with professional wrestling matches.

  50. Some of these could be interesting and fun. And the ones that aren't, I'll just ignore. Also this may mean a few extra bucks for some of the lower card talent which is never a bad thing.

  51. And professional wrestling championship belts that are fought over because they are what everyone in the organization wants to hold, as the best.

  52. So, basically current reality shows but with wrestlers?

    How about the Bachelor - Batista lives in a house with 20 women. One by one he fucks them and tells them to leave.

    Storage Wars - current WWE Superstars bid on storage lockers that 80's wrestlers couldn't afford to maintain.

    The People's Court - various people sue Ric Flair for unpaid debts.

  53. The Bachelor/Batista show, all 20 women will be girlfriends and wives of fellow WWE wrestlers. Parallax will host.

  54. It'll never fly.

  55. Oddly, the State of North Carolina has volunteered to host all episodes of WWE People's Court!

  56. I know. But I have a dream... that one day, wrestling can be the centerpiece of a wrestling show. Not stupid skits by untrained actors, or authority struggles...

  57. Those three are win (I would not watch though), win (would watch), and WIN (would watch religiously).

  58. Or...they could just use the thousands of hours of footage they already own and start airing the shows in order, which is what 99% of the hardcore nerds ordering this thing want out of it in the first place. Given the people paying $10 a month are exactly the audience they should be catering towards, you'd think they would just, you know, cater to them.

  59. That's too easy.

    Also, modern Business And Customer Service 101: Fuck the existing customer, aim for new markets.

    Sad, but very very honest.

  60. I think it's worse that they think any of these ideas are going to lead to new customers for the Network.

  61. Hey, there's a good idea. Even funnier now knowing Hogan's voice was done by Robert from Everybody Loves Raymond.

  62. A trophy works as well. I would watch the SHIT out of a show of one-night tournaments where the winner faced the 'Kjng of the Hill' for a travelling trophy. It might even pop house show attendance.

  63. You mean you wouldn't pay $10 a month to see the stars of a forum of entertainment you don't want in reality shows?

  64. Dude, bravo. I lol'd

  65. The Storage Wars one is a little too close to possible reality for my tastes.

  66. Isn't Zack Ryder already setting up catering??

  67. I still think enough kids had their parents order the network to warrant erroneous shit like this that would be enjoyed by them.

  68. One thing about the legends round table that I noticed is everyone's smoking around mean gene. Doesn't he despise second hand smoke, especially given that royal rumble rant?

  69. Mix has a nice collection of stuff from what I've seen as well.

  70. Ps where has legends house been? Didn't they ape that shit 2 years ago now?

  71. Or the corpse of randy savage.

  72. Jesus I've never heard someone with as much contempt for wrestling fans as Jim Ross. Literally every question starts with a variation of how stupid fans are.

  73. You all want it to be about the 'rasslin, but you are lying like a motherfucker if you say you wouldn't watch Steve Blackman: Bounty Hunter.

  74. TNA is going to get POUNDED in the ratings tonight. Bad night for two title bouts, but I'll be watching.

  75. He seems to have a lot of contempt for fans during his blog Q&As, too. Like, he's trying to be polite, but you can tell he's really annoyed.

  76. " WWE Dirty Jobs: Just like the Discovery Channel reality series of the same name, WWE talents have to perform unpleasant jobs"

    So.. a show built around Dolph Ziggler?

  77. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:04 PM

    ODB: "GET HIM ET!!!:
    30 seconds later

  78. This would've made a nice long TV title feud.

  79. No, a show built around TL Hopper.

  80. Royalties are interesting to me, likely because the idea of doing one thing and being able to live off it for the rest of my life appeals to me.

  81. I'd like to see a "Bachelor" style show featuring Pat Patterson.

  82. It's the everyman's dream.

  83. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:06 PM

    What's a TV title?

  84. The prize at the bottom of a Swanson's TV dinner.

  85. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:11 PM

    TNA sure has a lot of faith in EY.

  86. He gets put in a lot of random spots. He main evented on Joe's team against Angle's team in a six man when Hall no-showed, he was in a Lethal Lockdown as well against the Aces and Eights. TNA just seems like they can't decide if they want him to be stupid or an actual wrestler.

  87. Stranger in the AlpsMarch 20, 2014 at 7:13 PM

    Yeah, I know what you mean. Conversely, he never said "PUT THAT SCOTCH DOWN!".

  88. Benoit knows best. It will be less of a disaster than Hogan knows best.

  89. Just put him back in the World Elite gimmick,one concussion,when he wakes up the good ol' Eric is back.

  90. No more pants being pulled down?

  91. Yes,no more bullshit.

  92. Question:

    What match made you wrestling fan?

    Cena/Umaga Last man standing.

  93. I was two years old or so and was obsessed with Super Sloppy Double Dare. My older brother like WWF. I started watching it from there.

  94. When I was 5 (1987) my cousins were watching wrestling at my grandma's house and I was hooked after that.

  95. The Love-Matic Grampa!March 20, 2014 at 7:18 PM

    Sounds like you've been taking those marijuana pills, son.

  96. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:18 PM

    If Lashley gets into the Hall of Fame, I hope Donald Trump inducts him.

  97. My wrestling fan journey is pretty funny and long.

  98. I hope they he kept some of Vince's hair.

  99. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:20 PM

    Watching Hogan on WWF Superstars.

  100. That would be interesting.

  101. Was expecting a Miss Elizabeth comment....

  102. Cena for me was the first one,then I discovered Y2J and never looked back.

  103. The product made me a fan.

  104. Security,Hardy is crazy,he had another breakdown.

  105. Sorry I'm late by the way, watched Black Hawk Down for the first time. Didn't know Hogans theme played in it.

  106. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:23 PM

    "I'd like to induct a big black guy."

  107. EC III should've knocked Hardy off the ladder.

  108. Nice action,awful pro-war stance.

  109. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:25 PM

    Willow is what happens when Hardy shoots up and passes out while WIlly Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is on.

  110. After seeing all of these overkill beat downs, I kind of want Jeff to return to WWE as Willow. Wins a match, then attacks the ref, then goes crazy on the guy he beat for 5 to 10 minutes to a chorus of uncomfortable cheering.

  111. MVP is gonna turn heel in 6 months,I'm telling.

  112. Dammit,Angelina you're ugly.

  113. Knowing TNA, make it 3 months.

  114. The Love-Matic Grampa!March 20, 2014 at 7:27 PM

    Nah...but you know what might work? A football league! An EXTREME league, if you will.

  115. Watching people play SP Stick of Truth on YouTube. Pretty fun game.

  116. And way too skinny

  117. I'll watch "Dirty Jobs" if only for the awkward moment when one of them happens to run into Shane Douglas.

  118. And with awful implants.

  119. TJ: MGS V Ground zeroes can be completed in 10 minutes,fuck you Kojima.

  120. I need a xbox 360.

  121. You have to play to pay with friends.

  122. Never could get into the MGS series.

  123. Fuck multiplayer.

  124. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:30 PM

    Unless Angelina is gonna talk about she was being walked on a leash and scissoring with Winter for the past few months then I really don't care where she's been.

    Although she appears to have found Dixie's stash of Botox.

  125. There's nothing funny about AJ Lee's vagina.

  126. It's crazy how they have you pay.

  127. The Love-Matic Grampa!March 20, 2014 at 7:31 PM

    WWE Prankdown: a practical joke show that features WWE talents pulling
    tricks on unsuspecting "Superfans."

    WWE Rescue: a reality show where WWE talents come to the homes of
    "super fans" help them with their personal and business problems.

    See, I cringe to think what WWE's image of a "super fan" would be.

  128. AJ got cut but Anderson is still there,I don't know what to say.

  129. Pay for the console.
    Pay for the game.
    Pay to play the game online.

  130. : looks to the left of the blog:
    What is the video?

  131. I'm getting the unblocked version.

  132. I'm enjoying this fucked up "game show" marathon on Twitch too much...

  133. I'd also watch a show that just presented classic matches along with charismatic pair of studio announcers. There could be skits and lots of jocularity. Perhaps it could be shown during 'prime time' viewing hours.

  134. AJ wanted more money.
    Anderson was willing to take what they could give.

  135. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:33 PM

    Hogan got me interested, but a UHF station that played a different show from a different territory every day got me hooked (Florida, WCCW, JCP)

  136. AJ signed with NJPW for a 1 yr deal

  137. I'm always on Twitch for the Creatures.

  138. 'The doctor says the tumor is inoperable, but since you're the Doctor of Thuganomics I know you can help our son, Mr. Cena'.

  139. They're gonna build Gunner as the next hero of TNA.

  140. They could do better than Stickler on steroids.

  141. It's Thursday. Time to make monkey shines at a wrestling show.

  142. He's average and the whole "I served the country is annoying"

  143. Me thinks Storm will attack his dad.

  144. What shock!

  145. They could do a lot worse.

  146. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:35 PM

    Having your family member sit in the front row when your arch enemy never works out well.

  147. They sure dropped the ball on Storm.

  148. Storm looks like a real asshole with those sideburns.

  149. Yodeling Gunner.

  150. Magnus and EC III came off like quarreling lovers in the beginning of this segment

  151. Storm is looking more like Father James Mitchell everyday.

  152. Mr.Gunner's a Colts fan. I hope he does get the shit kicked out of him.

  153. Why Storm turned Gunner?

  154. He appears to have lost his gym membership

  155. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:37 PM

    ANd the Harts

  156. There's a lot of calories in beer.

  157. Nothing else to do?

  158. I really thought he should have had a good run with the belt at one time. Always loved him, but agreed that they haven't known hat to do with him.

  159. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:38 PM

    There seems to be a handcuffing theme this week. Patterson must be doing double duty.


    smoke everywhere and Gunner comes skipping down the ramp in shorts and suspenders.

  161. OMG! I never thought that would happen.

  162. I like how security will let beating up a fan slide if he's related to a wrestler.

  163. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:39 PM

    His pops sold that like a champ.

  164. I lol'd at the slow-mo.

  165. He's better than Miz's dad?

  166. Where are the GIFs.

  167. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:40 PM

    Steven Hawking had more emotion range than Miz's dad.

  168. Is NXT good this week?

  169. I gotta say this Arnie flick looks good.

  170. His last one did well too, I think Johnny Knoxville was in that one.

  171. Arnie could have a movie with him being gay lovers with Newman from Seinfeld and I'd still go see it.

  172. His last one was the breaking out of prison move with Stallone. That was pretty good.

  173. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:43 PM

    Working on a project. Give me 5 minutes or so.

  174. Well, whenever that other one came out. I think it was called Last Man Standing?

  175. I was the youngest in the Cinema room on The Last Stand.

  176. This generation doesn't know who Arnold,JCVD,Lundgren are,pathetic.

  177. The luck is never with you TNA,

  178. They'd rather see Kevin Hart

  179. My childhood was fighting games and Action movies.

  180. Zema's on the bicycle now. You can tell by his delts hah

  181. I'm more of a fan of his standup than film work.

  182. I wonder if the Miller Light Catfight girls get better checks for Mania DVD sales than Paul Roma.

  183. He was good in Think like a man.

  184. Sounds like Zema watched the new Scooby Doo.

  185. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonMarch 20, 2014 at 7:46 PM

    Don't care what anyone says. The Bro Mans are funny to me.

  186. I can see Ray powerbombing the Bromans all day through a table.

  187. Jim Rome proudly boasts about how he still gets the occasional $0.71 royalty check for his part in Space Jam.

  188. Isn't Lei'd Tapa married with The Barbarian.

  189. Can it be on fire, so then it can bbbbuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnn!!!!

  190. One of the best gimmicks in wrestling today.


  191. Just like Adam Rose,you can see them enjoying the gimmick.

  192. I still cant believe they took Tapa over Ivelisse Velez from Gutcheck. Well, yeah I can, actually

  193. You got to see his standup Seriously Funny and Laugh at My Pain.


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