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Daily Network Thread - 4/15/14

The network live stream schedule for today:

9:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 11/14/13 - Razor Ramon vs. The Brooklyn Brawler; Lex Luger vs. Quebecer Pierre.
10:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 11/28/93 - Razor Ramon vs. Diesel; 1993 Superstar of the Year.
11:00 AM ET - Wrestlemania VI - 4/1/90 - Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior with the WWF and Intercontinental titles on the line.
3:00 PM ET - Best of RAW - 9/27/98 - The Undertaker & Kane vs. Mankind, Ken Shamrock & The Rock; Steve Austin teams with The Zamboni.
5:00 PM ET - Best of RAW - 3/25/01 - Vince McMahon buys WCW; Steve Austin & The Rock vs. The Undertaker & Kane.
7:00 PM ET - Wrestlemania XXX Fallout Part 1 - A 4 part series focusing on WM XXX matches and post-show interviews.
8:00 PM ET - WWE Main Event Live - 4/15/14.
9:00 PM ET - Wrestlemania Rewind - Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania XIX.
10:00 PM ET - Warrior: The Ultimate Legend - A 4-part series focusing on the life, times and matches of The Ultimat Warrior.
11:00 PM ET - WWE Main Event Replay.


  1. I really don't get the holdup in adding new "Best of RAW" shows to the mix. They have literally thousands of hours of RAW, not to mention all the other programs they own, and there's literally no reason to keep replaying the same stuff over and over like this.

  2. No recommendations? LAZY!

    That said... it is sad Warrior died when and the way he did... but man am I tired of Wrestlemania 6

  3. Any word on Countdown this week? Has it been moved or are they just not airing one this week? I was really looking forward to tonight's, it was supposed to be Top Tag Teams according to Wikipedia.

  4. Stranger in the AlpsApril 15, 2014 at 9:33 AM

    The network here at work is all wonky today, Disqus is crashing the browser, and blogger cut off my recommendations. I was going to recommend Halloween Havoc '93 and jump to the Cactus Jack/Vader Texas Death Match. I've been getting into some early Vader lately, and that match is a forgotten gem on a turd of a show.

  5. Stranger in the AlpsApril 15, 2014 at 9:35 AM

    I'm hoping patience pays off with this thing, because I would really like to get some context for the all the PPVs they have. The classic shows need to be added at some point here, before the initial 6 month subscriptions expire. I mean, they want to KEEP customers, right?

  6. Watching the last 93 RAW they have put up so far before moving on to Rumble 94.

  7. The Double J promos have to be some of the worst introduction vignettes the company ever did..for a non cartoon character gimmick. I'm not the worlds biggest Jarrett hater and even I don't want to see him in the ring after watching these.

  8. Up to Rumble 94. Man the pop culture references are all over the place, in the last Raw they would not shut up about some Rush Limbaugh incident and now at The Rumble Vince and Million Dollar Man start the PPV off talking about John Madden's contract....

  9. I love whenever Bam Bam would kill Tatanka's Tanking Up with an enziguri

  10. I just watched Starrcade '90. That was a fun show minus the goofy Black Scorpion stuff

  11. I don't get it entirely, myself. I assume, though, that WWE is strategically waiting to add certain content in late August /early September, when the initial wave of subscriptions expire.

  12. Honestly, I was really surprised they had all pay-per-views available at launch. I figured it might be a deal where they slowly added shows, then advertised it on Raw.

  13. Plus they had all the raws through the end of 1995 back on the online version of classics on demand

  14. They could even add 2 a day if they want to string us along for 2 + years and they wouldn't be showing the same thing over and over.

  15. In my personal canon, Austin's chairshot to Vince at Unforgiven '98 scrambled his brains a little bit and is what made him go completely nuts and complete his transformation into Mr. McMahon. JR even alluded to it on Raw the next night!

  16. Oh No...Owen just kicked Bret's leg out of ...his leg

  17. I really hate Tatanka.

  18. That's the biggest thing for me as well. I hate watching a PPV I've never seen before and I have no reason why X is facing Z. That's why I've loved the 93 Raws. Watch them in succession and then the PPV. It's great.

  19. The character is boring but he is a totally solid worker for the time frame.

  20. I really like the gorilla JR announce team..Screw Vince for only giving them to us for 1 match per PPV during this time.

  21. It's a shame they did the Taker/whole heel locker room/green smoke/casket cam/Martey floats off to heaven in this show because other than that black eye on the sport its a pretty good show. ...Well than and the double win.

  22. Man, between the Rob Zombie song and Metalingus, Edge sure had some awesome entrance themes.


  24. I threw away hundreds of discs of wrestling when I got the network but kept my 1990 primetime season. Couldn't part with it.

  25. I think it's smart to add them little by little. If we'd had the entire backlog of raw and smackdown at launch it would've been great, but with the model they have I get totally excited whenever they add a new show. I saw the Batista/Undertaker cage match episode of smackdown was added and I got psyched. I never would've been so excited if it was there the whole time. Plus, there's already more stuff than I'll ever watch on the network so it's no biggie for me.

  26. Whoa....watching the Warrior ting on the network right now, and Sting gave a little remembrance about Warrior blending OJ and tuna. Never mind that; I was under the impression that Sting was not officially signed yet; does this mean he is? Or is it just a remembrance from a former partner and wrestling legend?

  27. Stranger in the AlpsApril 15, 2014 at 8:27 PM

    Watching it also, dude. I thought it was a little tease, because everyone else they have talking has been associated with WWE. And as soon as I say that some guy from ESPN says his piece. Good show here. Even a match with DiBiase from Japan. Nice.

  28. I'm waiting for someone to talk about how Warrior's nipples always looked like damn bullets.

  29. Stranger in the AlpsApril 15, 2014 at 8:35 PM

    And DiBiase pulls at least a *** match out of the Warrior.

  30. This. So much this. ALL the this.

  31. Stranger in the AlpsApril 15, 2014 at 8:52 PM

    This was a very good special on the Warrior. I'm surprised how good that SNME match with Rick Rude really was. I've only ever seen that match one time at the time it aired.

  32. Can anyone give me a quick summary of the Warrior special that aired tonight? The Giants/Dodgers game is in extra innings so I haven't had a chance to check it out. Is it just matches? A documentary style thing or what?


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