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HHH Says The Ultimate Warrior Is Dead.

I'm really hoping this is a story/character thing.  It's his verified account too but there's always a chance it's been hacked.

Someone please find updates about this and tell me it's not actually what's going on.

Edit: is running it too.


  1. Bryan Alvarez
    Confirmed by WWE, Warrior dead. Condolences to all, more to come

  2. It's on, too.

  3. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 8, 2014 at 9:58 PM

    Just popped up on's website. Unbelievable.

    And to make the surreal timing more jarring, I'm listening to the Dodgers radio broadcast and right when the news broke on HHH's feed, they came back from break with Warrior's theme.

    This is too unreal to believe, which makes me wonder if there's something unnatural about this. RIP in any case, can't even fathom this after just seeing him 24 hours ago.


  5. Where did you see that?

  6. Im in absolute shock. This is just crazy...

  7. I didn't see him on Raw last night. Did he look okay?

  8. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 8, 2014 at 10:00 PM

    Seems too timely to not be....I don't want to jump to conclusions, but that was my first thought. I know life is unexplainable at times, but the timing seems too on the nose.

  9. HHH's tweet was manually RT'd into my timeline so I thought it was a joke. Then I saw someone actually RT it. Fuck man this one stings, he was the sole reason I became a wrestling fan.

    Haven't heard a cause yet, honestly my first thought is suicide.

  10. I'm in utter shock. Wow.

  11. Proper saying is passed away.

    Anyway, my condolences go out to Warrior's family .

  12. What a shame. A cruel thing, life can be.

  13. I cant believe it, I hope it aint suicide...

  14. I think he was sick. You could see a limp in his leg last night. He just looked like he hasn't aged well at all. And his suit looked too big for him. I'm thinking he has been sick and they just kept it quiet.

    Plus, he repeatedly referred to how The Ultimate Warrior would live on through the fans. I dunno... either he offed himself ( which would be terrible of course), or he had a terminal illness and they kept it secret.

    This is all speculation on my part. So sad. His daughters were so young.

  15. He honestly looked better and happier than ever.

  16. That, combined with some sort of incurable cancer or disease that led him to do such a thing.

    In control of his own situation as much as possible to the very end.

  17. Other news sites are running it as fact. Stephanie tweeted it out also. Pretty shocking given that he's been visible as recently as yesterday. Looked fine to me.

    Glad that he could get his moment in the HOF and bury the hatchet with the company before he went. RIP.

  18. Just seems like something he would do in a hunter s Thompson kinda way.

  19. He had a noticeable limp and had trouble getting in and out of the ring. Plus he was pretty slow at the HOF.

  20. 100% agree on the suicide thing

  21. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighApril 8, 2014 at 10:05 PM

    Looked fine. Obviously doesn't move well but he did a full on Ultimate Warrior promo last night. Real spooky that it was like he was saying goodbye. I just hope it was natural causes.

  22. What in the world did you guys see to make so many think it was suicide? I have no idea if it was or not, but I saw absolutely nothing in the past two days to make me start speculating that's what happened.

  23. Oh its not a hoax, guys like JR and JBL are already offering condolences....

  24. kbwrestlingreviewsApril 8, 2014 at 10:06 PM

    I was there live and didn't notice anything wrong.

  25. "Every man will meet their end, and
    what he did in life gives livelihood to others. His essence and
    spirit becomes immortalized. Storytellers and loyalty and memory of
    those who honor him will make him immortal. “YOU ARE THE LEGEND
    MAKERS OF ULTIMATE WARRIOR.” He sees people who could be legends
    in the back, and some have Warrior spirits. But the fans will decide
    if they become immortal, and they will be in the stories of all time.
    The spirit of Ultimate Warrior will run FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!"

    I know it may be in bad taste to quote myself, but what he said... sounds... so... I feel sick.

  26. The surreal timing of everything within the last couple of days.

  27. What in the blue fuck...

  28. I simply cant believe he would off himself when I saw the way he looked at his daughters, wife and mother....

  29. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 8, 2014 at 10:07 PM

    I thought he looked good. Obviously aged up and not in the shape he used to be (wasn't surprised he didn't do the run to the ring), but nothing that said death's door.

  30. Yeah, his Raw speech is super prophetic now...

  31. If it is suicide, kinda fucked up to use Wwe as a suicide note.

  32. Just fearing the worst.

  33. Well, the timing of this article is unfortunate.

    I'm still only 99% sure that this is not a work...

  34. Wow, this is insane.

  35. This is the craziest week in the history of professional wrestling.

  36. Timing of what? Because something occurred in his life? Things happen in peoples lives everyday. If it was timing because we heard yesterday about some horrible illness, sure, I can buy that. If we heard about some horrible thing that happened to him, I could buy that. But what did we hear? How he loves his family, made up with WWE, and was really excited to sign a multiyear contract to work with WWE as an ambassador? I don't understand. If we found out (god forbid, random example) Bryan died, would we assume it must be suicide because he won the WWE title and got married? I'm not trying to be a dick, I truly don't understand the timing argument unless I missed something. Maybe I missed something in his Raw speech that made it sound like suicide, but I definitely got the opposite of that from his HoF speech, that he was excited about the future.

  37. Agreed, he talked about how much he loved them, had his daughters walk out with him, and seemed genuinely excited about having signed a multiyear deal with WWE as an ambassador. Of course it is possible, I'm not saying it clearly wasn't suicide, but I just don't see anything that would cause me to speculate it. I'd think heart attack long before I went to suicide.

  38. Another guy from the "steroid era" of wrestling that doesn't live past 60, unfortunately.

  39. His Raw speech... well, he spoke of how every man dies, but it's what happens in life that seals whether he is immortal through the stories told by the future generations. He then thanked the fans for ensuring the Ultimate Warrior would be forever.

    At the time, it just sounded like Destrucity... but you gotta admit, in retrospect it's kind of spooky, even if it's coincidence.

  40. I am shocked and saddened beyond words. He was a huge part of my childhood as a fan, and he influenced a lot of people in the business as well.

  41. The Love-Matic Grampa!April 8, 2014 at 10:12 PM

    Well, if he was facing a terminal illness, he might have seen it as a way to spare his family the pain of seeing him decline. Sickness can do strange things to your mind, believe me.

  42. I guess I didn't get that from the Raw speech, but in retrospect I can see where that's coming from. Still doesn't seem to go with the way he was at the HoF speech though, seeming excited about working with WWE in the future.

  43. kbwrestlingreviewsApril 8, 2014 at 10:12 PM

    Meltzer has it up now too.

  44. Right there with you. End of Undertaker and now this.... It's so surreal.

  45. Sorry, i didnt see the "?" after Self Inflicted....

  46. I have a Benoit vibe about this, not that he murdered his family, just that it is so bizarre that I feel another shoe will be dropping.

  47. If he died, at least he got some cler

  48. This is a great loss for me personally and for the community of wrestling. He was a part of my favorite match in WrestleMania history, and he brought joy to millions through his unbridled passion. It's a tragedy.

  49. This is so unbelievable and heart-breaking. The Ultimate Warrior was my first favorite wrestler when I became a fan at the age of three. I was so happy to see him get inducted in the Hall of Fame and appear at Mania and Raw. He looked great to me, and happy to be there. My fiancée even made a Warrior cake Sunday morning for Wrestlemania. I'm just in shock right now, condolences to his wife and daughters.

  50. Yup but I hoping that wasnt the case here...

  51. Not to the level of Benoit killing his wife and kids, but using RAW for a suicide note has to be a close second

  52. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 8, 2014 at 10:14 PM

    Along with Macho Man, he was the guy that got me into wrestling as a child (I still have my Warrior WWF plush doll). The timing makes this just as surreal, sad, and unbelievable as when the news of Eddie and Benoit broke. I really hope it's closer to the case of the former.

  53. Well, if he was sick and going to die soon anyway, it was a hell of a way to go out. Mending most of his broken bridges, becoming the feature inductee in the Hall of Fame, and going out with maximum exposure in a blaze of glory. And with multi-year deals with WWE that I assume will take care of his family for life. And avoiding all of the end-stage suffering that I've seen up close and know too well.

    Would that I could wrap things up in a neat little package so well.

    (No, I'm not planning on going anytime soon...but there could be a truck with my name on it tomorrow for all I know...)

  54. WWE will never allow a Hall of Famer to give a promo again!

  55. I was getting an Erie vibe from him last night, now I know why.

  56. Is it confirmed or are you still speculating?

  57. I think we may be jumping the gun a bit...

  58. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighApril 8, 2014 at 10:15 PM

    Why are you getting so defensive? Nobody is claiming to know anything as fact but how do you deny the timing is bizarre? Obviously it could be anything but this timing is unreal.

  59. I just don't understand. He was JUST on RAW. I mean, he looked worn out probably due to age and such, and huffing and puffing but no more than usual (and he even admitted in his HOF speech that he blows up easily). But...jesus, this is surreal.

  60. Too soon, man. Not until it's confirmed.

  61. The Love-Matic Grampa!April 8, 2014 at 10:15 PM

    Some people have been known to be uncharacteristically cheerful right before their suicide, because they see it as the end of their troubles and/or pain. Not saying that's what happened here, but it's not unprecedented.

  62. Sad that my first thought was suicide

  63. I can't stomach upvoting this because I feel it gives the wrong idea, but it's sadly true :/

  64. So saddened and shocked by this. :(

  65. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 8, 2014 at 10:16 PM

    Makes it almost unbelievable they were able to bring back the main event quartet from WM1 on Sunday.

  66. Yeah, I'm not really searching for up votes. I think Meltzer made this observation or someone did on a podcast. It's just so eerie that a lot of those guys just don't hit what we would consider today to be old age.

  67. Right now, I want to believe the theory that he did this return, the DVD deal, and such to financially secure his family. That he was aware he was close to dying, maybe. But it's all speculation right now.

  68. Charles Schulz retired from doing Peanuts and literally died the day the last strip was published. Ebert, as someone said, stepped down but said he wasn't going away, then died. Much like the "innocent till proven guilty" thing, I refuse to believe suicide until I hear details. However the man left this world, he touched many of us here while he was with us, and I'm personally going to focus on that, and pray for the repose of his soul.

  69. The Love-Matic Grampa!April 8, 2014 at 10:17 PM

    The fact that the alerts have been so brief is troubling. No mention of illness or accident, just that he's gone.

  70. Timing of the fact that for once, he had closure. He got the DVD where he got to have his say. He got his HOF recognition. He was finally legitimized for the impact he had on the sport. Then his RAW speech last night. He practically gave a retirement speech. Who knew it would be retirement from life?

  71. I can believe this is happening.

  72. I'm saddened with each wrestling death because one day I'll watch an old WrestleMania or Rumble or SummerSlam and everyone on it will have passed on. It's already sad to watch some shows and know that Gorilla, Lord Alfred Hayes, Savage, Elizabeth, etc. are no longer with us.

  73. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 8, 2014 at 10:18 PM

    Benoit on his own makes that week in the conversation, but in terms of sheer ups and downs, it's hard of anything topping what we've gone through as fans he last few days.

  74. Hoo, boy...

    This is a tough one, probably tougher than Randy Savage, because there was a time when I loathed the "Macho King"—Warrior was always the Warrior. My earliest memories of watching wrestling come from late '89 - early '90, right when the Ultimate Warrior was getting his run on top. I had guys that I liked—Hulk, Jake the Snake, Bossman—but my unquestionable favorite was the Ultimate Warrior. WrestleMania VI was the first wrestling tape I ever owned, and I have probably watched it more than any other show. Even after evolving in my fandom to look at workrate over wins and losses, I always had a soft spot for the Warrior.

    It's weird touching on something so sensitive, because at the end of the day it's not like I knew the guy personally, and there are plenty of people that will grieve over his passing more than I. But professional wrestling has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember; I have written about it, I have followed it, and I love it dearly. My weeks are a little more fun in the bad times I'm going through because of this blog community, and our mutual love-hate with wrestling. For me, it all started with the Ultimate Warrior. He was my first hero, and even now I remember those days with immense fondness, back before I even knew wrestling was a work.

    I know from his Hall of Fame Speech that he probably harbored some resentment deep down for what had gone on between him and the company in the past. But it was a real treat to see a childhood hero on Raw one more time. I hope that, in the end, he was able to find some peace. Thanks for making me a fan, Warrior.

  75. Best thing posted in this thread...

  76. Horrible, sad news. I'm honestly in shock.

  77. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 8, 2014 at 10:19 PM

    I totally forgot about Schultz. I'm really really hoping this is one of those cases.

  78. This is kinda terrible to speculate that the guy committed suicide....

  79. Yeah, and it's only Wednesday. :o

  80. The Love-Matic Grampa!April 8, 2014 at 10:20 PM

    Damn it, I don't want this to be true...but it adds up.

    - Mending bridges.
    - Saying goodbye to his fans.
    - Making sure his family was set financially.


    I'm sure details will emerge soon enough and maybe we'll feel bad about all this speculation...but I've got a real bad feeling that this time there will be fire with the smoke.

  81. I hope Papa Shango has an air tight alibi.

  82. I didn't believe it when I saw the HHH tweet, but the article left me thinking "well fuck."

    RIP Warrior

  83. Wasn't Warrior going to have one last match in the WWE? But yeah, like everybody else I am truly shocked. If this was any other year then I would have a full rant ready saying how he was one of my childhood favorites etc, but the fact he died days after his Raw appearance/HOF is just... I don't have the words. It just feels all too surreal and fake and I don't want to believe it.

  84. Thanks for making me chuckle a little.

  85. This is insane. I won't speculate on anything right now. I'm sure details will come soon. But this is just stunning.

  86. No, he said himself in his HOF speech that he didn't have another match in him. He had moved on.

  87. When I saw it retweeted by Steph, I knew it wasnt a hacked account....

  88. It was either this or a 1992 Kerry Von Erich joke.

  89. And another thing: Jake the Snake still lives. I know that's not something to joke about/celebrate but it just blows my mind that Jake has outlived so many of these guys.

  90. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 8, 2014 at 10:22 PM

    Reminded me of watching the Mania mixed tag match on Macho Man's DVD where only Dusty is the only living member.

  91. I'm watching Wrestlemania 6 right now.

  92. Dammit, why does this happen so frequently in this sport?

  93. Jesus, I found out through my sister, who of course always seems to break news like this to me through a question. She did the same thing with James Gandolfini and Dennis Farina.

  94. I didnt even know Scott was going out of town...

  95. Based on Warrior's "comeback" in Spain a few years back, he clearly didn't have it in him to have another match.

  96. When I read the title of the post, I thought it was like a WM related joke because of the Warrior HHH match. Now, all I can say is wow, just complete shock.

  97. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 8, 2014 at 10:23 PM

    I'm adding Hall to this too.

  98. Farina was so underrated, Midnight Run is one of my all time favs...

  99. Jake said in an interview (or maybe it was his HOF speech) that he didn't want to commit suicide because of what that would put his family through. But he has begged God to take him on a number of occasions. Just another reason I'm happy to see him clean and happy for a change.

  100. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 8, 2014 at 10:23 PM

    He couldn't even run to the ring last night, nor looked like he could even if he wanted to.

  101. Was Jake a big steroid guy? I feel like it'd be easier to live longer doing hard drugs than roids.

  102. I guess all those states legalizing gay marriage was too much for him

  103. This was just as much of a kick in the balls to me as when Eddie Guerrero died. He had just gone back to being a fan favorite, and on top of that he died the day after my 13th birthday. I'll never forget clicking on and seeing "R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero" on the front page and being completely flabbergasted.

  104. The entire VII retirement match is gone...Savage, Sherri, Liz, and now Warrior.

  105. Based on his body, I would assume not. However, you'd think those drugs would take their toll after a while. Still, I'm happy Jake is alive and that he's finding peace.

  106. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 8, 2014 at 10:24 PM

    Esp. considering all the rock bottom stuff he was going through, chronicled in Beyond the Mat. Just hearing him talk so matter-of-factly about all the ways his life was screwed up just before going off-camera and shooting up is still harrowing.

  107. The Love-Matic Grampa!April 8, 2014 at 10:25 PM

    Don't feel too bad, because I was thinking the same thing. We've talked so much about Jake and Scott Hall that as sad as their passings would also be, they also wouldn't have been a huge shock considering their history and issues.

    No one saw this coming, and why would they?

  108. Too soon, dude, too soon...

  109. Might be a bit too soon....

  110. I don't believe so, but he did a lot of other just as damaging drugs - if not MORE damaging.

  111. I was just about to head off to bed, but decided to do a quick sweep of the news sites in the event something big happened. I almost wish I'd gone on to bed now.

    This uniformly sucks.

  112. Jake's DVD was arguably the saddest thing WWE has ever produced. Really made me feel for the guy.

  113. I dread the day where we get to the point to where everyone on a ppv is dead.

  114. Well, technically you still have Earl Hebner, but yeah, for all intents and purposes the main players are all gone. Sad.

  115. Me too. It's hard to watch a lot of the old Royal Rumbles or Survivor Series shows without counting the dead.

  116. Dave Hebner is still kicking.

  117. Seriously. I have to be awake in 6 hours.

  118. I liked Warrior, the wrestling character, as much as the next guy, but he wasn't the nicest guy.

  119. WrestleMania VII, a show that I am fond of, has some matches like that now. Savage-Warrior, Bravo-Tornado, Perfect-Bossman (+ Andre), etc.

  120. We're getting closer and closer to that, sadly. What's really sad is that there are some newer PPVs, like from the Attitude Era, that might have almost as many dead as older PPVs.

  121. You knew him personally?

  122. Not saying he was capable of having another match. Just thought I saw on a news site awhile back that Warrior also signed a one match deal, but I was probably mistaken.

  123. I loved his Ray Bones in Get Shorty.

  124. Guys... I went back and re-read what I wrote regarding his speech on Raw.

    Do what he said. Every time you watch his match or the match of another wrestler who is gone, don't think about how sad it is that they gone. Celebrate them, and cherish them, and share them, so that they may live forever.

  125. Well, the card for AfterlifeMania just got a bit more colorful.

    Long live one of the guys who made little kid Cabs a fan. R.I.P. Warrior

  126. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 8, 2014 at 10:28 PM

    Two of the last three times I completely broke down and cried was when Eddie and Benoit's death broke (the other time was my stepmother passing). I heard through word-of-mouth in class that Eddie had died, I immediately left the room, went to the library and looked it up online, and once I saw, I went straight home and I'll admit, I just fucking cried.

  127. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but he wasn't Fred Phelps. This is a little soon....

  128. I already do it. My friends and wife like to talk about how morbid it is that I mention it, but it's really just my own sad admission they're all gone

  129. That community college vid says it all. Happy that he could clear a lot up before this happened.

  130. Let's hope God books Savage-Warrior or Rude-Warrior instead of Warrior-Hercules.

  131. I think Eddie could get a hell of a match out of him, actually. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the show after I croak.

  132. I just watched this match Saturday night just before the HOF. I made note of the fact that Warrior was the only one left living. So sad.....

  133. True because as an episode of the Twilight Zone (the pool shooting one) said: If people still talk about you, you're not really dead.

  134. Too Typhoon.

  135. Headed to a job fair for teachers in 7 hours...first time I'll be going for a real honest career and not the kind of stuff you do bumming around in college. And yeah, decided to check Twitter before bed, and well, here I've been for a half hour.

  136. Yeah, if heaven is a self creation (sort of like in What Dreams May Come) then I imagine there will be an arena right next to my house that I can go and watch wrestling matches all the time.

  137. For stuff like tonight, I prefer the TZ episode where the teacher is visited by the shades of his students.

  138. That would be nice.

  139. I was going to rewatch the Shield/Wyatts match from earlier tonight, and then made a quick trip here to ask a question that I've already completely forgotten and saw this.

  140. I have that doll, too. That was my wrestling buddy when my friends weren't over to wrestle on the trampoline with.

  141. It's thoughts like this that have me fearing death a little less.

  142. This is just awful and I really fear that it's suicide. His speech last night seems so fucked up now. Warrior is one of my favorites of all time and this is the worst kind of shocking.

  143. This is both stunning and unbelievably depressing at the same time.

    RIP Ultimate Warrior

  144. Well, I have to go to bed.

    I was never really a big fan, but you will be missed. RIP Warrior.

  145. I was sitting in the coffee shop on the campus of my college when my friend came running inside and told me about Eddie's passing. I didn't know about Benoit's death until they put the "In Memory Of" banner at the start of Raw. Eddie's death was depressing and a bit of a shock. Benoit's death was numb for me, because he'd been "my guy" for the better part of ten years, and my mother and grandmother had just passed away not three weeks before that.

    This is depressing like Eddie's death, but with a more personal attachment because Warrior was my first favorite, and I always had a soft spot for him. It's very much a "part of my childhood is gone" kind of vibe, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't scrolling through this thread because I'm legit sad and upset about it.

  146. Warrior/Savage
    Andre/Bam Bam
    Mike Awesome/Pillman

    Helluva card there.

  147. It's hard to deal with this, just as a person who grew up watching the character and loving him. But seeing the man himself all weekend, with his mother and his wife and his two children. Just brutal.

  148. I wonder who fans hijack the show to root for in Heaven?

    I'm gonna guess Hennig.

  149. Don't forget Von Erichs/Miracle Violence. Need an awesome tag match.

  150. I was checking the pro wrestling wiki just offhand for deaths cause I've forgotten a lot of them.

  151. Surreal; it's one of those things where you don't want to overreach with the sentimentalism... but at the same time, there's a real part of you that really IS grieving in some small measure. And no, I make no apologies for intentionally staying here to keep from having to go to sleep right now.

  152. You don't have to know someone personally to dislike them.

    I've never met Hitler, Jerry Sandusky, or Paul Ryan, for instance.

  153. And suddenly, being so upset about Undertaker losing his Streak seems really fucking dumb.

  154. I didn't know about Benoit's death until the graphic either. I was eating dinner with my brothers and a friend, not paying attention to the screen, and then my brother says, "CHRIS BENOIT DIED?!" Since the Vince angle had happened a week earlier, i just laughed and thought they misread something and explained the whole Limo thing was a work. When I saw the screen my brain pretty much froze.

  155. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 8, 2014 at 10:44 PM

    I think the dead wrestler count for WWF No Mercy, the N64 game, is in the double-digits.

  156. I found out the news, no lie, went I went to to buy the Warrior DVD. It made my heart sink. Warrior became my favorite wrestler when I was a kid, and he was in that group of wrestlers who made me keep watching wrestling after I first discovered it (along with JYD and Hogan). During WrestleMania when they were talking about the Hall of Famers, I was telling a friend that I think Warrior was so popular with kids because he embodied that out-of-control energy of a 6-year-old. I figured this WM30 thing was a one-shot deal, but it would have been nice to see him involved in an Old-School RAW and some other WWE stuff moving forward. Sad.

  157. Even the Iron Sheik is heart broken.

  158. You used Hitler. You lost the argument.

  159. I remember coming home from an evening at the beach, all excited to see the Vince memorial show. Made it with 2 minutes to spare, turn on the TV, and then the banner appeared.


  161. Got sad watching that.

  162. Greatest heel of all time.

  163. The Love-Matic Grampa!April 8, 2014 at 10:57 PM

    I think I've mentioned before that WM VI was a huge moment for me and how I was so happy about Warrior winning that I lost my voice for a week. It's weird, because thanks to family conflict and drama I haven't seen the cousin who was the target of all the taunting (he picked Hogan) for decades and yet I think of that time and smile...and then grieve for the innocence lost and time squandered.

    I also remember being thrilled about Warrior's returns in 1996 and 1998. Yeah, things didn't work out, the matches were great and people were rightly less than impressed. But for brief, shining moments my childhood was back and made real life easier to take for a little while.

    I recognize why some aren't as broken up. The homophobia rant was unfortunate, and I can't and won't condone that or any of the other questionable statements he's made over the years. But I choose to separate the character I enjoyed from the reality of the man Jim Hellwig was, as difficult as that can be sometimes. And yes, I bought the Warrior DVD (because I thought at the time that it was the only way we'd see an offfical release) and thought (reluctantly) that while they made some valid points, most wrestlers couldn't have held up under that kind of mean-spirited scrutiny either. And I think even WWE felt bad about it, even if they never said so publicly.

    Sorry for the rambling, but this is just...I still haven't really processed it yet, you know?

  164. They should've had Wade Barrett make the announcement

  165. The atomic bombs were the perfect blowoff.

  166. I swear I had a brief moment watching him last night, when he was reaching into his pocket to take out his mask, that he was going to have a Budd Dwyer moment. I barely know anything about the guy since I'm relatively new to wrestling, but something told me things were definitely not right.

  167. I meant for you to say he wasnt a nice guy...

  168. you know, even the recently dead can't hear what you say about them

  169. you really can't make a guess at that?


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