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Impact Wrestling - April 10, 2014

Impact Wrestling
Date: April 10, 2014
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Reviewed by Tommy Hall

Dixie Carter is back tonight. Let's all just take a minute to prepare ourselves for this. You can almost feel the power struggle starting from here. Officially she still has some power in TNA as she runs the behind the scenes stuff as opposed to MVP running the on camera stuff. Tonight is all about her wrath, which means it's time for some bad acting. Let's get to it.

We open with an In Memory graphic for Warrior.

Dixie Carter arrives and has something planned for tonight.

There's a ten man gauntlet tonight for the title shot at Sacrifice.

MVP says Magnus successfully defended his title against three men last week but tonight he finds out his next challenger. Samoa Joe won't be one of the entrants because he's “not available.”

Gauntlet Match

It's basically a ten man Royal Rumble. James Storm is #1 and Gunner is #2 and of course the brawl is on in the aisle. They get inside with Gunner avoiding a middle rope ax handle and taking him into the corner for a stomping. Storm is in even more trouble until Bobby Roode comes in at #3 to give him a breather. Beer Money reunites for a bit but Gunner shrugs off the ten rams into the top turnbuckle. Bully Ray is #4 and cleans house as you would expect him to. A double suplex has no effect though and he clotheslines Beer Money down.

Gunner and Ray load up What's Up to Storm but Roode makes the save Ethan Carter III comes in at #5 to give the heels an advantage. Ray shrugs everything off and chops away but Roode punches him down in the corner. No one has been eliminated yet. Carter and Roode try to toss Ray until Bobby Lashley is in at #6. The big man cleans house and hammers on all the heels until Gunner, Ray and Bobby have a three way standoff. That goes nowhere and they keep beating up the villains.

Abyss is #7 and cleans house but Ray tries to toss him. Magnus comes out for commentary as we take a break. Back with Sanada having entered and Eric Young entering at I believe #9. No eliminations yet. Everyone fights against the ropes and teases a few eliminations but no one is really close. Willow is #10 and we get a showdown with Carter. A Twisting Stunner has Carter in trouble as Spud wheelchairs down to ringside, only to pop up and pull Willow down for the elimination.

Abyss chokeslams Sanada and throws him out but walks into a spear from Lashley. Roode throws the bald Bobby out though, only to get tossed by Ray. We're down to Ray, Gunner, Storm, Carter, Abyss and Young. Ray is about to go off on Carter but Roode trips him up, allowing Carter to throw him out and get us down to five. Storm nails a superkick to Gunner and easily throws him out.

The three heels team up on Young but he skins the cat and eliminates Carter on the way back in. Abyss lays him out again though and the double teaming continues. Eric trips both of them up though and actually hits the top rope elbow on Abyss. Storm takes him right back down with the Backstabber though, followed by an Orton Elevated DDT. The Last Call misses though and Young throws him out. Abyss hits Shock Treatment on Eric but can't get him out. Young fights back with some right hands and an ax handle, followed by a clothesline for the win and title shot at 26:21.

Rating: D+. ERIC YOUNG? This is the guy they're giving a title match to? Not Gunner, Ray, Joe, or ANYONE ELSE??? They have like five PPVs a year and the guy who was doing a Dr. Frankenstein gimmick earlier in the year is getting one of the main event slots? He's more bearable when he's serious but my goodness this matches my head hurt.

Eric calls out MVP post match. The boss comes out after a break and Eric says he does a great job. Young isn't a doctor but since this is live TV, anything can happen. What MVP just saw was Eric earning a title shot. This is live TV though and Eric is feeling crazy. He wants his title shot TONIGHT. MVP asks if he's sure and says it's on. Magnus says that's fine because everything abides by his rules. MVP says there are no Magnus Rules in effect, meaning the title changes hands on a countout or DQ and Abyss is banned from ringside. If anyone interferes, they're fired on the spot.

Spud, in a jacket that looks like it was involved in an explosion at a paint factory, has a surprise party for Dixie. She tells him to tone it down and accuses Spud of selling her down the river. Dixie leaves but as Spud follows her out, Willow invades the room and cleans house.

Angelina Love vs. ODB vs. Gail Kim vs. Brittany

The winner gets Madison at Sacrifice for the title. It's a brawl to start with the girls pairing off in the corners. Gail and Angelina start double teaming Brittany but get in an argument over who gets the pin. Brittany fights back and cleans house until ODB comes back in and runs everyone over. Angelina takes a Bronco Buster but Gail kicks ODB down. Brittany hits a handspring moonsault for no cover on ODB but walks into a Downward Spiral from Love. Eat Defeat doesn't work and Velvet sprays hairspray in Gail's eyes, setting up a Brogue Kick from Angelina for the pin at 4:37.

Rating: D+. Well that was....obvious. Angelina has been feuding with Madison for weeks now so the match at the PPV is the logical progression of the story. It wasn't anything to see but Brittany got to show off a little bit. I'm still not wild on the Beautiful People reunion as we've covered just about everything they can do.

Dixie comes in to see MVP and mocks some of the stuff he's done lately. Apparently MVP stands for Massive Violation of Power. She says all of this is because of one disgruntled wrestler and she'll take care of him tonight. Dixie wants him in the front row for her moment tonight.

Robbie E.'s flight is canceled but MVP thinks Jesse and Zema should defend the titles against the Wolves tonight unless Robbie can make it here by bell time.

We recap Eric getting a title shot tonight.

Magnus thinks Eric is making a huge mistake.

Here's Dixie for her big moment. She immediately calls out Bully, drawing a WE DON'T LIKE YOU chant. Ray comes out and the fans want him to put Dixie through a table. He thanks her for being around this week but Dixie talks about Roode suckering him into an attack a few weeks ago. Dixie rubs it in that Roode put Ray through three tables last week before ranting about him costing her the company.

Ray says this is the fans' company and the wrestlers' company but never Dixie's company. They talk over each other a lot until Dixie says she wants her money back for Ray not doing his job. Ray says he's spent it on a new car and at Rick's Cabaret in New York. “You'd like it. They've got a lot of wine, women and song. A lot of women actually.”

Ray loads up his catchphrase but Dixie slaps the mic out of his hand. She's from DALLAS, TEXAS and is responsible for every check that comes out of the company. Dixie slaps him in the face but Roode jumps Ray from behind. They load up a table but Ray fights back, only to have Roode bail from a powerbomb. Ray stares Dixie down and we take a break.

Post break Magnus wants to know what Dixie is doing. She says she's going to her hotel, having a glass of wine and going to bed. Magnus calls her a typical woman and Dixie yells about him having an insurance policy before leaving.

Tag Team Titles: Wolves vs. Zema Ion/Jesse Godderz

The Wolves are challenging. Eddie chops Jesse to start but Davey (now with a blond mohawk on top of his regular hair) makes a blind tag and double teams Jesse down. Zema snaps Davey's throat across the top rope to give the champions control. The Wolves send the champions outside and hit stereo suicide dives to take them down again.

Back inside and Jesse slips in a knee from the apron to stagger Eddie, only to have him catch both of them in a hurricanrana at the same time. Hot tag brings in Davey to clean house with kicks and suplexes. A missile dropkick gets two on Godderz and the toss into the kick looks to get the pin, but Robbie E. runs in for the DQ at 3:43.

Rating: C-. Not bad here but this time the ending was somewhat in doubt. I actually thought they might change the titles here, which would have been a bit too early with the PPV coming up in a few weeks. The Wolves are the best team in the company and having them chase the titles for a few months is a good idea.

Christy is going to shock us with something about Samuel Shaw tonight. She wants to talk to him in the ring about commitment.

Here's Christy to the ring to invite Samuel for a chat. She insists that he's not creepy and says this whole thing is complicated. Shaw says he's the love of her life and she agrees. Christy asks if he trusts her and she rubs her hands over his face. She wants to know if Shaw would go anywhere she asks him to go but he just slowly rips off his glove. Christy makes some rather suggestive noises and tells him to close his eyes.

A van with the words Psychiatric Services shows up on screen and of course Anderson pops out. He comes into the arena and rubs his hands behind Shaw's back before laying him out with a Mic Check. The fans chant funny farm and Anderson chucks him over the top. He crawls towards Christy but Anderson chucks him into the van in the back. Shaw pops out and runs away though, making this whole segment pretty worthless.

Willow blames Carter and Spud for costing him the gauntlet match and wants a handicap match next week.

Impact is coming to New York City in June.

TNA World Title: Eric Young vs. Magnus

Eh why not. It worked at Wrestlemania XXX. Young scores with a quick dropkick and flips over the corner before strutting down the apron. Apparently Young has a bad arm coming into this to really hammer in the similarities. Magnus avoids a charge into the corner and sends Eric out to the floor with a big running knee. Back in and Eric sends Magnus to the floor, only to get nailed as he tries a suicide dive.

Magnus sends him into the steps and we take a break. Back with the champion getting two off a gutwrench suplex and we hit a sleeper on Young. Eric is quickly out of the hold but gets caught in a camel clutch to work on the back as well as the bad arm. Young powers up into an electric chair and both guys are down. Back up and some forearms and a clothesline drop Magnus. The arm seems fine at the moment. Eric tries a wheelbarrow slam into a neckbreaker but mostly drops Magnus on the way down.

The top rope elbow gets two and Magnus nails the Michinoku Driver for the same. He brings the belt into the ring but the referee takes it away. Young loads up a Death Valley Driver but gets hit low for two. Magnus is livid and gets caught in a crucifix for two. Eric comes back with a piledriver for the pin and the title at 13:05.

Rating: C. Eric Young is the TNA World Champion. Yes it's a blatant ripoff of Daniel Bryan on Sunday, but Eric Young hasn't earned the spot like Bryan has. He's a comedy guy that has kept a job for a long time. That doesn't mean he should be the World Champion. I'm assuming this doesn't make it past Sacrifice, but I've only been able to tolerate Young for this many years. Having him as World Champion is too far for me.

Overall Rating: C. The ending just doesn't do it for me as I've already explained. The rest of the show wasn't bad, but this is the kind of show you need to build up to. I get that they needed to do everything in one night, but let us know in advance that this is coming. The Dixie stuff didn't do anything for me but it's probably continuing over the next few weeks. The wrestling was ok tonight but this is a very questionable way to use a story like this.

Eric Young won a gauntlet match last eliminating Abyss
Angelina Love b. Brittany, ODB and Gail Kim – Bicycle kick to Kim
Wolves b. Zema Ion/Jesse Godderz via DQ when Robbie E. interfered
Eric Young b. Magnus – Piledriver

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  1. Eric Young is the TNA World Champion. Yes it's a blatant ripoff of Daniel Bryan on Sunday, but Eric Young hasn't earned the spot like Bryan has. He's a comedy guy that has kept a job for a long time. That doesn't mean he should be the World Champion.
    Agree 100%.

  2. If they kept the world elite gimmick he would've been a legit threat.

  3. Even a sympathetic face would have worked.

  4. Not a comedy guy.

  5. And not with that beard.

  6. Bryan's beard is man man's beard,Young's a vagrant one.

  7. Luke Harper has them ALL beat though.

  8. kbwrestlingreviewsApril 10, 2014 at 9:18 PM

    Building this up for more than 90 minutes would have helped too.

  9. And having a better wrestler.

  10. So basically a short bearded guy wins the world title on a show where he has two matches and an "arm injury" at the end of the first one, 4 days after WrestleMania XXX.

    I don't follow TNA and therefore don't know how good of a worker and character Young is but all the same, really?

  11. kbwrestlingreviewsApril 10, 2014 at 9:25 PM

    He's talented, but he's a career comedy guy save for about six months of being serious spaced in between. It's supposed to be a feel good moment, but he's only been serious since about February. Before then he was drawing out the monster in Joseph Park (Abyss) and calling himself a scientist.

  12. Arm injury. Not shoulder injury. Completely different.

  13. kbwrestlingreviewsApril 10, 2014 at 9:28 PM

    From what I can find, this is his third singles win since January of 2012. One of those wins was by DQ over Angelina Love.

  14. OK, I just didn't want to insult his skills and compare them with Bryan without seeing them.

  15. He's good enough, and if given a build, this wouldn't have been a decent story, since he can draw a lot of crowd support.

    Unfortunately, he's been a comedy guy most of the time, so this moment is just idiotic.

    And, no, he isn't Daniel Bryan good in the ring. He can have good matches, but I can't think of any that have been spectacular.

  16. Technically, didn't EY have his beard first?


  17. Eric Young won the title?

    I thought him becoming a serious character all of a sudden was ridiculous.

    I thought him becoming the #1 contender was more ridiculous.

    Yeah, this is stupid. If they are trying to copy Bryan, the difference is Bryan was a guy the fans wanted to see main eventing. He was an underdog on television but the fans wanted him to be the guy....Young is an underdog because he's a comedy guy nobody cares about.

  18. Yep. The title shot is due to all of those hard-fought victories.

    (Flying ball of fuck! Christopher Daniels has never held the TNA title, but ERIC YOUNG gets it!?!?!)

  19. So how long before TNA tries to claim this is the result of the EH! Movement?

  20. So if I have this right, it's the equivalent of throwing the belt on Santino out of nowhere?

  21. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 10, 2014 at 9:42 PM

    I want to say something about how god-awful all of this sounds, but I'm too busy laughing. As the adage goes, they know the words but not the music. And the words part is debatable as well.

  22. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 10, 2014 at 9:43 PM

    Worse. He is their WORLD CHAMPION.

  23. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontApril 10, 2014 at 9:43 PM

    This COULD have worked to help legitimize Eric Young. Have him win the title shot, then set up the match for next week. Young cuts a promo or two about how long he's been with TNA and how much he wants this. Have the match and have Young give Magnus a good fight, coming close. Even have him keep kicking out when it looks like its over. A never say die attitude. Have Magnus win though. Eric Young looks good there.

    Then over the next few months you build him up, have him win consistently and have him cut promos about how he wants another shot at the title and will work hard towards that goal.

  24. Sounds good, only problem is that this is TNA.

  25. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 10, 2014 at 9:44 PM

    They didn't have time to build it up because apparently this is all about piggybacking off 'Mania. Apparently, all Dixie heard was that a small bearded guy won the world title, so FOLLOW THE LEADER.

  26. That's what I meant by "the belt." As in THE belt.

  27. Daniels has never even held the ROH title

  28. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 10, 2014 at 9:46 PM

    Oh ok, I took your initial comment as when Santino won the IC on his first night. NOW I GET IT.

  29. As someone posted below it should be noted that Christopher Daniels has never held the TNA title.

  30. Actually, did Santino ever hold a title meant for women?

    Wait, don't answer that

  31. Seriously how the fuck did Jamie Noble end up with the title during the first SoP and not Daniels? Did Gabe really think that was a better choice?

  32. Everything about Harper is glorious.

  33. No, just a tiara and stash.

  34. TNA can't even book April Fool's jokes on the right date.

  35. As Steve said, tell them that.

  36. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 10, 2014 at 9:55 PM

    Actually Santino DID win the IC title out of nowhere.

  37. In fairness, he wasn't a comedy character then.

  38. As I just edited, I meant the world title.

  39. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 10, 2014 at 9:57 PM

    Yeah. He was an unknown schmuck in the crowd.

  40. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 10, 2014 at 9:59 PM

    I was more impressed with her Stephanie McMahon impersonation.

  41. Seeing as how this is a cheap stunt to get people like me to actually watch their show tonight, I'll protest by not watching and sticking with the Warriors game.

    I love activism.

  42. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 10, 2014 at 10:02 PM

    The preview for Ink Master was more well thought out and booked than this EY angle. I'm assuming it's a token reign, but still..really?

  43. Wow that's terrible.

  44. Isn't he still one half of the Knockouts tag team champions?

  45. If TNA wanted to copy what WWE is doing they should have gone with Gunner as Gunner is a guy they've been trying to build up as a main event threat for awhile now and the guy's finally getting over, plus he's improving, so they should reward him and give us a feel good story.

  46. I'm up for that. Gotta support my former indy guys.

  47. Aren't you not that fat anymore?

  48. Nobody has ever actually seen "slim" Kevin Steen...its a myth, kinda like Bigfoot

  49. Eric Young won the gauntlet?

    Good god, Jarrett's promotion might be the #2 promotion in the U.S by default when it debuts

  50. Someone's never played Red Dead Redemption.

  51. Not much of a beard on him though.

  52. Just because the cruiserweight-sized guy with a beard overcame an arm injury to beat a monster (animal) and an evil Corporate Champion to win the world title doesn't mean it's a rip-off of WWE. It's not like the TNA fans were chanting "YES!" They were chanting "EY!" Totally different angle.

  53. Robert Bradley CurranApril 10, 2014 at 10:54 PM

    Noble wound up being a transitional champ to Bryan, which sounds about right. It is odd that they took the belt of WWE bound Punk and put it on WWE bound Noble.

  54. I'm sure it's cute in theory to give guys their "gold watch" for being company men for so long. But unfortunately, this is reaching WHC-levels of absurdity. Your world title doesn't mean jack if everyone in the company gets a cup of coffee with it.

  55. You forgot to add that the only reason Young was likely in the battle royale in the first place was because an indie darling (Joe) "walked out," causing management to change plans.

  56. EY is also romantically linked to one of the company's female wrestlers. And there's his complicated recent history with a mask-wearing tortured soul on the roster.

  57. LOL. TNA is awful and needs to go out of business immediately. Why they think they need to rip off everything WWE does is mind boggling. Eric Young as world champ? You have got to be kidding me.

  58. This is the TNAest thing ever.

  59. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 10, 2014 at 11:16 PM

    I think Hogan's first night (red birdcage match ending in DQ, Nasty Boys, "I'VE BEEN IN THE BACK ALL DAY", etc.) is still tops, but just reading this has to be up there.

  60. The main event was still good.

  61. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 10, 2014 at 11:18 PM

    DAMN! (/Faarooq)

  62. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 10, 2014 at 11:20 PM

    And because it's TNA, it's not even a CUPPA COFFEE IN THE BIG LEAGUES, YEAH

  63. With her pre-surgery looks and whackjob-ness, she probably HAD to be good at it or be celibate.

  64. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryApril 10, 2014 at 11:34 PM

    The main event couldve been Steamboat/Savage from WMIII and that show would still be a laughingstock.

  65. I had a similar thought that maybe Eric Young has a high priced contract and whereas TNA is willing to jettison Styles, Daniels and Kaz they want to keep Young for whatever reason and giving him a world title would be a good way to justify his contract.

  66. Since this is somewhat topical, I was cleaning out my Twitter because potential future employment and great deal of paranoia forced on me by asshole roomie. Heres my AskDixie tweets from shortly after she canned Jesse Sorenson. Brackets are my comments.

    -#AskDixie Has Johnny Ace sent out feelers for your tape library, or did the Reverse Battle Royale + -***** Hardy/Sting match end that?

    -#AskDixie Will your talents revolution be televised? (XPW reference, or whatever shtie 3rd-rate ECW knockoff Scott reviewed)

    -#AskDixie What will the name of the Aces and 8s stable be in NXT? (Well before the Shield busted out the masks I might add. I'd steal Scott's lottery number joke but I'm not a savant plus 4-8-11-16-21-24 may not work for you.)

    -#AskDixie How many licks did it take Eric Bischoff to get to the center of it? (......How ELSE did he get the job? Also, I was fairly pissed over the Sorenson firing. Not really a fan, but that'd be a bad thing to do to anyone.)

    -#AskDixie Can you give us advance warning as to when you're firing Austin Aries so we can throw tomatoes at you? (Not yet. Honestly, wouldn't be shocked if hes in WWE next year)

    -#AskDixie Will Jim Cornette have to create a new face to describe your company? (After tonight? Yeah.)

    -#AskDixie Which is tougher: hardened steel, or looking at your balance sheet? (When are they dying again?)

    -#AskDixie Did Hulk Hogan go to San Francisco cause hes never had a real woman babeh? (Hey David Schultz how ya doin.)

  67. Harlan Leverage IIIApril 11, 2014 at 1:21 AM

    David Arquette finds this title change ill-conceived.

  68. The funny thing too is that for all the complaints about Arquette's existence in the wrestling world its not like that was even a terrible thing to have happen to WCW, given that they were fucked from the moment Bischoff burned his good idea. This is almost the same except TNA didn't even have anything vaguely resembling a big boom period.

  69. Can you guise believe this is the same company that produced a ****2/5 match between Roode/Aries for the world title in front of a great crowd with a decent main event arc?

  70. Unbelievable. I almost can't put into words how terrible this is. Literally the worst thing TNA has ever done. I think we can all write off TNA for good now. I dare someone defend this to me.

  71. I'm actually kinda interested in Jarrett's promotion. But the rumored social media/reality tv stuff has me worried.

  72. "Literally the worst thing TNA has ever done."

    Jesse Sorenson? Pacman Jones? Vince Russo?

  73. So putting a world title belt on a comedy midcarder is worse than letting Vince Russo control the creative direction of a company for more than one and as many as what........4-5 years?

    Sorenson and Jones I can see a barbershop debate about, because the scope of the damage done by those two incidents could only truly be measured by the TNA lockerroom, but Russo?

  74. They survived Russo. And calling EY just a comedy mid carder is even being too generous. He is fucking terrible in every way. He is an average guy in a no name indy promotion. In the number 2 promotion with a national TV deal, he shouldn't even be on the roster.

  75. Now this sucks. Because I'm just a wrestling fan. I want to watch TNA. But god damn man. They are just so plain awful. Fucking awful.
    Their template for angles is straight ripping off the WWE. Eric Young is the huge underdog, cult favorite, never got a shot, doesn't have the look.....we just did this at XXX. Fuck man.
    And that segment with Hemme & Shaw is the type of segment where it's hard to defend your fandom. So bad.
    Somebody who cares about TNA should really tell them how awful they are. They need serious help or a massive overhaul. Or they will be gone. Each show gets smaller and smaller. You can see it and hear it.

  76. Except if it weren't for Vince Russo the company may not even be in the position where they had to jettison a ton of contracts and force indy guys and unproven youngsters to carry the top end of the card. They could be doing 1.5s, better PPV numbers, and likely wouldn't have lost so much money doing unprofitable tapings trying to get profit because they'd have increased ad revenue.

    All the crap from the company's history led to this. This wasn't something inevitable regardless of which way history flowed.

  77. Everything you're describing are Hogan/Bischoff problems, not Russo.

  78. They keep doing this. Giving Sabin the title made Bully Ray's run, now Magnus loses to a joke that stopped being funny years ago. Its worse because Magnus wasn't a very strong candidate to be champion in the first place.

  79. They started them multiple times but just chickened out by focussing on Jarrett or Angle or Sting or Hardy, instead of AJ or Joe or Roode or Aries.

  80. Oh, I know. He should have held it after his comeback during the Summer of Punk. But at least Xavier got to hold it.

  81. You know what TNA needs to do. The EXACT OPPOSITE of what WWE does. Seriously. Right now, WWE has the plucky underdog champ -- TNA needs to have the angry Goldberg-esque champ (you've got Samoa Joe RIGHT THERE).

    If they want to depend on WWE for their booking ideas, then do the opposite. At least then, they won't be a carbon copy.

    (Granted, coming up with their own storylines would make more sense, but they apparently can't be bothered to put the work in).

  82. Still irritated by this. Not angry, per se (as I would be if I still gave a real crap about TNA). But seriously, did someone give them a book for Christmas (every year) named "How to book like a retard"?

    It's just astounding how they thought that, with absolutely ZERO build, this was going to be a good idea.

    I just wonder what they were thinking.

    "OK, so here's what we do. We take the angle of Daniel Bryan from Wrestlemania"
    "OK. Good. Good. Following you so far."
    "And then we combine it with the surprise of the end of the Streak."
    "Holy shit, dude. You mean we combine the best 2 angles at Wrestlemania into one! That's gold, baby. Gold!"

  83. So I looked around the net to see what TNA fans thought....yikes. Poor guys have Stockholm Syndrome.

  84. I'm of the opinion that Kurt Angle should have been given the TNA World Title and kept it for 10 years.

  85. I stopped buying through iTunes when I realized the Comixology website doesn't charge tax, while iTunes does. It's an extra step to download to the iPad, but it saves me some coin.

  86. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 11, 2014 at 5:48 AM

    That was MY idea, buddy.

  87. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 11, 2014 at 5:49 AM

    I'm more irritated that Samoa Joe didn't get it.

  88. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 11, 2014 at 5:50 AM

    They've met their quote of fat wrestlers.

  89. That one segment where Bischoff got out of a limo to get in another limo basically summarized that whole show to me.

  90. Sable (not X-Pac's own shit, he dumped someone else's)
    M. Henry (although X-Pac wasn't in WWE then)
    Rip Rogers

    Just a little low there... ;)

  91. I'm sorry, but I'm laughing too god damned hard to have a serious opinion on this. SO happy I chose to watch that FTL stream last night instead.

    I will say this: EY is more deserving than Chris Sabin... BARELY.

  92. EY once had an outdoors TV show (and I have no clue if he still has it)... that's enough for TNA to keep him. They might actually consider him DB with a small dose of Batista injected in... scary, isn't it?

  93. Amazingly, TNA actually did deal with that while Brooke Hogan was still in the company. Those titles are vacant and inactive now.

  94. I don't watch TNA, who is a good Eric Young comparison? Santino? Dolph? Ryder?

  95. Fuck it, as long as you're going to jack something... steal the whole damned thing, not just most of it. It's like jacking everything off a car but the frame.

  96. Santino. With about the in-ring success level of post-WHC run Dolph.... at least Santino wins more than 15% of the time. (Right?)

  97. All they did was mix up the 1 and the 0... that's actually pretty damn good for TNA.

  98. I would definitely say he has been the Santino role for nearly his entire career in TNA.

  99. When TNA first started they were different than WWE. They had a much more southern, old school, grittier feel IMO. It wasn't until the last few years or so that they tried so hard to be WWE lite.

  100. Santino, especially now Marella has a bushy beard.

  101. Best quote about Divas ever:

    "Stacy looks like she met LET you fuck her. Terri Runnels looks like she would never LET YOU STOP"

  102. Who gives a 2/5 star rating?

  103. They should have also given him a Giant Gonzales Memorial Trophy

  104. Obviously this is terrible and TNA deserves all of the mocking they get both for putting the World title on Eric Young AND for brazenly ripping off WWE *again,* but on the flipside it's not like this is an unfitting en for the AWFUL title reign of Magnus. I mean, they've long since established that he can't beat *anyone* on the roster in a title match without help, even a very green midcarder like Gunner, so you might as well just bury it once and for all with the EY win.

    Jesus, it's hard to remember that they were actually somewhat interesting somewhere between rapping up the Summer of Punk ripoff angle and MVP's arrival.

  105. The Torch comment section makes me weep for humanity. DON'T LET THESE PEOPLE BREED!

  106. Pretty much once the Jarretts took a step back, and Russo stepped in. And other than that one improbable run (Roode-Aries-Early Aces [Bully's post-reveal promos were the beginning of the end, in hindsight]), it's been... not good.

  107. Santino is way more "legit". afair they took like two Smackdown episodes to build him up for the Elimination Chamber 2012 - and the crowd would have absolutely bought him winning.

  108. Someone who thinks it's a little better than 1/4, but not good enough to go to 1/2.


  110. Worst_in_the_WorldApril 11, 2014 at 7:33 AM

    Holy shit this is just hilarious. So TNA is just a full blown WWE parody show at this point? Wow.

    Is their plan now to just try and confuse viewers and hope that people accidentally watch their show?

  111. This may be the most comments a TNA recap thread has ever got. All due to stupidity.

  112. Worst_in_the_WorldApril 11, 2014 at 7:35 AM

    Also, it'd be great if fans just started trolling them and chanted for everyone's WWE version of each TNA wrestler.
    Young coming out in front of a live crowd and getting nothing but "Dan-Iel Bry-an" chants would be hilarious. TNA is running TV in NYC soon, right? Jesus fuck that crowd will eat them alive.

  113. I'd say Eric drops it in a month.

  114. And I don't think TNA knows how to edit crowd sounds correctly.

  115. Worst_in_the_WorldApril 11, 2014 at 7:37 AM

    It doesn't matter. Nothing they do can ever matter anymore. This promotion is dead. They really should embrace it (it seems like they already have) and only do things based on pure shock value. Hire the actor who played the older brother on Different Strokes and put the belt on him. Who gives a fuck.

  116. I just treat the show like a wrestling version of SNL.

  117. Hogan was the one that started to slowly kill them.

  118. I heard them chant yes.

  119. So...

    Suppose the WWE wanted a face Cesaro to win the Title at Payback or something. But rather than win it directly, they want a transition champion. So they have Jack Swagger beat Daniel Bryan for the belt out of nowhere on Raw, making his match with Cesaro a title match.

    That would STILL be a better idea than Eric Young.

  120. Well, yeah. At least with Cesaro Swagger there's some history behind it.

  121. "Nothing they do can ever matter anymore"

    This seems to be the prevailing thought in this thread. I'll preface this by saying I don't watch tna, but he's a full time, long time tna guy...right? How bad can this really be? We've seen authority figure champs and a C list actor be a champ (while arquette was retarded, I think it ultimately had 0 affect on wcw demise).

    This can't be as bad...can it?

  122. Let's play it out and see where it goes.

  123. Pacman being a tag team champion, while not being legally allowed to touch anyone was pretty bad

  124. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryApril 11, 2014 at 8:05 AM

    Jesus H. Fucking Christ this company is such a fucking joke. Well, at least they didn't put the belt on a guy that showed up to a major PPV ("special event"?) too fucked up on drugs to work. Oh wait, they did that a year and a half ago.

    How the fuck is this promotion still alive?

  125. Worst_in_the_WorldApril 11, 2014 at 8:16 AM

    He's a long time TNA guy, but he's basically Barry Horowitz.
    Here's the thing with this move: it appeals to NOBODY. I think actual hardcore wrestling fans despise it for obvious reasons, because Eric Young pretty much sucks and is a joke, and it's such an obvious WWE fan fiction move.

    But on the flip side, it's not a cool shocking move that might appeal to car wreck watchers. Eric Young's a total nobody, he has zero recognition. It's somehow both a bad stunt but also a boring one.

    The Arquette move is a million times smarter in my estimation. Seriously, for however long TNA is around they might as well just do off the wall shit. Hire Amanda Bynes to do play by play. Put the world title on Anthony Weiner. Run an angle with Abyss marrying a dog. Make James Storm's gimmick be that he's always shitting his pants. WHO CARES.

    As an actual wrestling promotion, they're long dead. Just go full on freak show.

  126. TNA could make Christy Hemme World Champion and I don't think it would make a difference in their ratings one way or another.

  127. What about corkey from life goes on? Seems like a perfect fit.

  128. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 11, 2014 at 8:37 AM

    I'll be honest: the EY thing does not bother me. What DOES bother me is how they've destroyed Magnus and made Joe look even worse that he already has. Why couldn't they do with Magnus what they did with Bobby Roode? Are they that desperate to make him like Orton?

  129. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 11, 2014 at 8:38 AM

    Todd Bridges actually wasn't that bad in Celebrity Championship Wrestling. What I WILL say is that they should have hired Screech from Saved by the Bell. He is a natural asshole heel manager.

  130. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 11, 2014 at 8:39 AM

    So in other words, you want Russo back.

  131. Oh yeah it is. He's basically santino but (and I don't think this is hyperbole) 100 times less over. Honesty this would be like if the wwe dropped off to 1995 #'s and put the belt on Hornswoggle.

  132. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 11, 2014 at 8:39 AM

    I agree.

  133. No dude. Hornswoggle.

  134. "Mr. Overdraft" Jef VinsonApril 11, 2014 at 8:42 AM

    Santino when he first debuted.

  135. I was going to say at least they didn't put the belt on Dixie, but then as I was typing that out I realized even that would have been better.

  136. Worst_in_the_WorldApril 11, 2014 at 8:51 AM

    Putting the belt on Dixie next week is 100% what they should do. They should absolutely just do the most fucked up thing possible every week. They're done as an actual wrestling company.

  137. I have absolutely no clue other than Spike wants some original programming like Impact.

  138. Worst_in_the_WorldApril 11, 2014 at 9:01 AM

    Corkey's absolutely a better move than EY. Just as much credibility with wrestling fans, and actual "oh shit" factor.

  139. Remember when Magnus was an up-and-coming credible wrestler who tapped out Sting at Bound For Glory? Yeah.....

  140. TNA: Totally Nonsensical Asshats.

  141. I was initially mad at EY winning the belt but today I am fine with it. I hated Magnus' reign.

  142. Fuck that, Russo isn't even far enough. They should straight up hire some porno producers, whoever wrote the Big Momma's House movies, and a couple of retarded janitors and just give them the book.

    This place is DEAD. Just go all out and put on the absolute worst TV show in history and see if people are drawn to it.

  143. Yeah people don't like the same stuff as you : LET'S STERELIZE THEM !


  145. Yeah from what I gather ****1/4 is like showstealing midcard PPV match or your typical Daniel Bryan Raw main event. ****1/2 is a classic PPV match that was a few steps short of perfection. This was in between.

  146. Fuck if I know.

    Danielson beat Gibson like a month later anyway.

  147. What the fuck even happened to Xavier?

  148. I dont think they have enough of a crowd to start a chant....

  149. They did the same thing with Sabin/bully: a pointless title change to ruin a long term story.

    If they wanted the title of magnus, Joe, MVP or bully would have been much better...

  150. Pac seems like a nice enough guy, calling a woman a ho is a pretty mean thing to do.

  151. They brought in the biggest wrestling star in the world, Jeff Hardy, and treated him like a midcarder while fucking Hulk Hogan got a hero's welcome. It was ridiculous.

  152. I'm really upset that Eric Young is TNA world champion. It should totally be someone credible, like Samoa Joe or James Storm. Maybe Bobby Roode or even Willow the Wisp. If any of these people were world champion, I would be much less angry than I am now. I mean, Eric Young?! Come on! What is this, Showtime at the Apollo comedy hour? Jeez.

  153. Santino can drop the kiddy schtick and get people into his work when necessary like that Elimination Chamber spot. Eric Young is just the fucking worst drizzling shits ever.

  154. They had one made but the leg fell off....

    too soon?


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