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Place to Be Nation Friday Update

It was a big week at PTB Nation as we head into WrestleMania XXX. We had a lot Mania related pieces plus some other stuff you may like too. Enjoy!


Staff members ranked their Top Five WrestleMania openers: The Five Count: WrestleMania Openers

Jordan looks at WrestleMania matches that we should have gotten in the past: Why Didn’t We Get This?? WrestleMania Matches We Wanted

Steve & Glenn lay down their WrestleMania predictions: The High Spot: WrestleMania Preview and…THE REST OF THE STORY

Roger heads back to the classroom to continue his crash course, this time checking out the continuation of the Mega Powers saga: The Cowboy Goes to Class: The Mega Powers – Part Two

Matt sets the stage for Supercard of Honor: The Stories of Supercard of Honor VIII

Justin looks back at Bret Hart's journey to WrestleMania X and how it compares to Daniel Bryan: Mended Harts – How Vince McMahon Apologized to Bret Hart & WWF Fans in March 1994

Other Interest:

Jordan shares his thoughts on the How I Met Your Mother finale: How I Ruined a Sitcom: Thoughts on the HIMYM Finale

Glenn takes a look at the Scooby-Doo WrestleMania Mystery: Paranormal Pandemonium: Scooby-Doo! WrestleMania Mystery

Todd wonders if MLB Opening Day should be a holiday: America’s Game: Opening Day as a National Holiday


Kevin Kelly previews WresteMania weekend and chats with Zach Gowen & Ashley Sixx about their inspirational comebacks in the wrestling business: The Kevin Kelly Show Episode 6 – Featuring Ashley Sixx and Zach Gowen

Scott & Justin dive into the Vintage Vault for a look at No Way Out 2002: Place to Be Podcast Episode 302: No Way Out 2002

Will, Johnny Sorrow, Dylan Hales, Kris Zellner & John Philapavage preview WrestleMania XXX: Place to Be Network: WrestleMania XXX Pre-action Show

Enjoy WrestleMania weekend and thanks for stopping by and for your support!


  1. To this day, Hogan/Piper, Hogan/Flair, and Hogan/Austin not happening blows my mind.

    - Piper wins the title at SNME through some nefarious means and Piper just keeps goading Hogan with it and refusing rematch after rematch until he's forced to defend it at WM 2.

    - I can't believe Hogan wasn't willing to stay around and make some big money with Flair, even if Hogan needed to beat Flair, big rematch at Summerslam with Flair going over, and then the Survivor Series rubber match. So Simple.


  2. I am absolutely stunned that anyone would say ADR - Edge is a better opener than Owen-Bret. The author their says its because he saw it live, but still, no excuse.

  3. I should have kept reading (or not reading), Rocky/HHH in 2000? Who cares...we got that match the following month and the WWE got 2 Mania-sized buyrates out of it.

    And who wanted to see Orton/Bryan part 48 at Mania this year?

  4. Good points and I definitely didn't agree with all his choices, although not sure he was looking at the business end of it and he references that. Just matches he thought made sense to be the main event of Mania from storyline/match gravity perspective.

  5. I liked Can-Am Connection vs Muraco/Orton myself.

  6. With any company, a merger like that is gonna cause culture clash. Especially since WCW was a directionless trainwreck backstage and WWE has always been run a bit like a dictatorship.

    I'm sure some of the WCW were acting like entitled dickheads, but reading the reports at the time, it really sounded like guys like JBL and Taker were just looking for things to start shit about. Especially when you consider what Randy Orton has gotten away with in the same lockerroom.

  7. Just curious, but how do you guys find the time to do all this? Based on your podcasts, you both work full time. I understand that there are other contributors but my figurative hat goes off to you.

  8. Ha, not the easiest but it is really fun to do so we make it work best we can. Brad is a workhorse with scheduling and running the site which helps a lot. Plus with the podcast, after doing 300 of them, the whole pre and post production stuff has gotten pretty reflexive and second nature by now.

    I also have a very cool wife that doesn't mind that I put time into it as well.

    Hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoy producing it!

  9. It great stuff. I forgot how weird No Way Out 2002 was.

  10. I call bullshit. They pushed guys with awful mic skills and zero talent in the ring before. They're job is to mask any issues they see and make money with the guy. I'm guessing somebody high up had a problem with him and they declared him done. It happens way too often.

  11. Yes. And so awful in the ring that they even scrapped him from a tag team mania match

  12. You referring to Randy Orton?? ;)

  13. Most of those "Matches We Should Have Got" article were covered in my now Legendary "What the Wrestlemania Main Events SHOULD Have Been" article.

  14. Austin has said recently that his match with Hogan didn't happen because he basically felt they would stink the joint out.

  15. Wow, never heard of that movie, but I kind of want to see it now... and also a Seanton Bomb.

  16. It's times like these I go back to something said by ol' Dirty Dutch Mantell... "Dude... it's fucking wrestling."

  17. Sorry I couldn't make it for that one.

  18. I would have loved to hear your commentary again on how the nwo failed within ten minutes!

  19. Won't happen anytime soon if ever and trust me it's a good thing.

  20. Everyone they signed for the inVasion was going to get a raw deal, as would most of the "major" WCW stars they acquired afterwards.

  21. They probably consider it a major final victory still.

  22. I think the "O'Haire should have been a big star" thing gets a bit overplayed. He had a good look and seemed athletic enough, but we never really saw much more of the guy. In WWF they didn't really need to feel obligated to push him too hard, too fast. They had more guys like him coming up (Batista, Lesnar, etc). WCW on the other hand, should have strapped the rocket to him and made him a star if only because they needed ANY kind of spark. They were going to end up out of business either way, but they should have tried everything before that day

  23. Yep, hence Rock's burial of Booker T with that "who are you?" moment. On the list of guys burying people, that one never gets enough attention. Mostly because Rock gets a pass from a lot of people in general

  24. The Sinister Minister?

  25. I love that fucking BRADSHAW of all people had a condescending attitude toward anyone. That dude had zero impact on the Attitude Era, WWF's overtaking WCW, or anything else that led to WWF's dominance over the competition. If I'm Booker T., I look at a guy like Bradshaw like "who the fuck are YOU?"

  26. Which is understandable for guys like Vince or the top stars who made the WWF #1 again. But if dudes like Bradshaw are pissing on the leg of "newcomers", you've got an ego problem in your lockeroom

  27. I liked Mike Sanders well enough too

  28. Porn-Peddling Jef VinsonApril 5, 2014 at 12:11 PM

    Roman Reigns should have that spot.

  29. Ok. Two reasons

    1. Marvel already gets 20 to 40% of any monies made on fox "x-men and fantastic four" and Sony "Spider Man" films. Why would they want to stop that?

    2. If Marvel studios owned all the rights. You would not see Ant man or Dr strange getting films down the line. There are simply to many characters and stories to tell for one studio. If marvel got it all back it would get very crowded. The lesser known characters are the ones who would get the axe.


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