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BoD Daily Update

Daniel Bryan Injury Update

According to Mike Johnson of, Bryan has suffered a broken neck. However, it is a minor break and will not need to undergo fusion surgery and the expectations is that he will be out 6-8 weeks. His surgery is scheduled for Thursday

Credit Mike Johnson,

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Update

Right now, as long as Bryan is able to return by July or maybe August, then he will remain the Champion. As of now, there is no plans to strip Bryan of the title.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Another Wrestler Departs TNA

Hernandez has officially left the company as his contract expired and was not renewed. He has been with the company since 2004. He joins Kazarian who finished with the company this past week.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Kayfabe Commentaries Releases ?Newest Installment in it's "Guest Booker" Series

"Screwing Bret" with Bruce Prichard was released today. Below is the trailer.


  1. "Screwing Bret" What's that? Is it a reference to something?

  2. Montreal Incident

  3. Mjesque performance by lbj. They lose that its best of 3.

  4. Looks like Bryan finally caught a break.

  5. and more seriously, please retire that fucking headbutt already, Bryan.

  6. LOL at this Heat team taking on Jordan's Bulls

    85-86 Celts would demolish the Heat. 5 games at most. McHale would post up on everyone and score 35 pts a game

  7. So, keep Bryan out till SummerSlam and have him get destroyed by Brock?

  8. I'd say do something like UFC would do, and have a tournament to crown an interim champion. Then when Bryan comes back, they have a match to determine the true champ.

    Maybe they could have Kane win that tournament, and have Bryan beat him to settle the score. That way, Kane is the chump that holds the title for a short while as opposed to someone who might quickly gain and lose heat.

  9. Haven't we confirmed like 100 times that he does it in a safe way? I'd worry more about his suicide dive through the ropes where he often misses and hits the guard rail.

  10. These heat teams are better than all those west teams Jordan beat. This hear team would kill that pacers team that took the bulls to 7 games.

    Agree in that celtics team. Worst match up for a small ball team like the heat

  11. As long as it isn't Cena or Orton.

    I'd rather Bryan get stripped of the title and take an extended time to heal. He's wrestled so many hard-hitting matches (sometimes more than once a night) in the past couple of years and that has to have taken a major toll on his body. And he's over enough to come back to his top spot. In the case that if he does lose some heat, he's a fantastic wrestler who can get it back.

  12. Yuck, they're in a bad spot. That's a long time to go without defending. But at the same time, who else are they going to have as Champion?

  13. Really? Malone and Barkley would have destroy Chris Bosh taking him out psychologically. LeBron would have done great but nothing else because those teams would took out the rest of the Heat.

  14. You know who. Rise above hate.

  15. Watching Bosh go up against Parish and McHale would be hilarious. Celts might sweep that team. No one could cover McHale on the Heat.

  16. I didn't realize Hernandez was still with the Company. Did he even wrestler after Chavo left?

  17. I dont think.

    I also heard with what TNA was paying Kazarian, they could pay two of the newer guys they brought in, which tells you how strapped TNA is for cash when they cant afford their own midcard guys.

  18. This is gonna be blasphemous to you but LBJ would physically assault Bird

  19. Well I guess that is one way to keep him the champion

  20. Malone would be a bad match up but who covers lbj and wade on utah? Byron Russell? Puh leaze

  21. he would have to drive against Parish and McHale, who would wear down LBJ. Hell, a washed up Bill Walton is better than what the Heat have at center.

  22. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 7:39 AM

    I don't believe so, but he wasn't a major wrestler at this point anyway.
    I wonder what the wrestlers that re-signed like Robbie E are getting paid?

  23. How exactly did we confirm that?

  24. But the belt on Bray Wyatt ... seriously.

  25. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 7:40 AM

    ...HERE we go again...

  26. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 7:41 AM

    He'll be like the other champions in the organization that defend ever 5 -6 months.
    *Top 5 handshake*

  27. :: Top 5 Handshake ::

    I'm going to be hit and miss for a while, do keep things in order for me.

  28. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 7:43 AM

    Can't be all that safe if dude is going to be in a neck brace.
    I'd suggest he get a cat scan, and while he's in surgery Brie get Life know in case she gets attacked by DB...uh a burglar at home.

  29. You main evented BoD RAW last night.

  30. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 7:43 AM

    Injury angle for Parallax?

  31. It's been mentioned tons of time, including by Scott that he does it in a way where his hands protect his fall. Unlike Benoit's insane head first style.

  32. *YYAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! *guitar riff*

  33. If it's today's NBA I give the Heat a chance. But in yesterday's NBA where you can hand check your opponent without the ref calling a foul, and those hard fouls in the paint would have take the Heat out.

  34. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 13, 2014 at 7:44 AM

    Your ball now now Shield.

  35. So? What makes any of that more credible than anyone else here saying it isn't safe? Because that is what YOU happen to agree with?

  36. The 92 Blazers were super talented. I'm not saying as good as the Heat, but damn good. I'd say the same thing about the 93 Suns.

  37. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 7:45 AM

    This Heat team would get murdered by that Knicks team in the 90's where the ":no layup" rule was in effect.

  38. *sigh*, ok, the headbutt is 100% the cause, and Daniel Bryan is getting buried.

  39. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 7:47 AM

    I agree with this here. And the Lakers team they beat in the finals would beat them as well. Worthy vs. LeBron is an interesting matchup, and they would have the problem of who they have guard Magic, but Wade can't do it and Chalmers would get crucified.

  40. He can stay far away from the belt for now.

  41. All those re-signs were 3 year deals, too. So they are probably making decent money enough to put 3 years into working there.

  42. Please provide reference to where I said either of those things.

  43. Bosh would be scared to come out of the locker room at the half if they let them play like they did in the 80/90's

  44. Someone should sit Bryan down in the back and tell him not to do the diving headbutt anymore.

  45. Do we have to write him off the show for a break?

  46. 1. No such thing as a "minor" broken neck. Just like there is no such thing as a "minor" concussion. Oh well, at least he can come back and say he won the WWE title with a broken freakin neck!

    Also, last night showed how poorly booked the midcard is right now. Outside of the Shield and Cena, there was NOTHING else going on. It was mostly Diva filler. Time to book some gimmicks and get some feuds rolling.

  47. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 7:49 AM

    The lack of going face-first into a person's body is going to put a cramp on his marriage.

  48. Very fair point

  49. Bruce Pritchard is more unlikable as a real person than he ever was as Brother Love. Sniveling "Yes Man" who was paid to do nothing for days on end. He's that guy you hate at your own job.

  50. They have spent years doing whatever they can to tell the fans that the midcard guys are nothing and wonder why the depth is shallow on the roster

  51. A Daniel Bryan headline and Montreal talk all in one day? Scott must be stoked about all of the money not being left on the table.

  52. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 7:51 AM

    He won't be able to wrestle, but he could interview.
    Just have him get attacked by divorce lawyers or and bunch of disgruntled husbands or something.

  53. Like dude said above...a lot would depend on when the game would be played. You take those uber physical 80s- 90s teams and make them play in today's game, they automatically become much worse. Vice versa with today's heat/small ball teams

  54. We can film vignettes of him trying to find his mojo as he searches for Mrs. Whippleman. PARALLAX LOST IN MEMPHIS

  55. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 7:52 AM

    But yet TNA gets criticized for giving Sabin or EY a title run.
    I wish the WWE would do something like that. I mean there had to be an upper mid-carder like Bray they can give a reign to.

  56. Cody Rhodes was hot as can be a few months back and last night he got crickets. When was the last time he got promo time on Raw? Why was Heyman not out with Cesaro? It was terrible.

  57. I'd bet if Brie wasn't in the WWE that she would grow out her armpit hair and hair in her unmentionables as well.

  58. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 7:53 AM

    UGH at the Janis Joplin look.

  59. Kurt Angle should sit down with Bryan and tell him that A BROKEN FREAKIN NECK is no reason to srop wrestling.

  60. So besides Shield and Evolution (barely), is there any reason to watch WWE for the next two months?

  61. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 7:53 AM

    Blazers and Lakers would do well. So would the Bulls.

  62. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 7:54 AM

    I'm pretty sure HHH and Cena are doing the same.

  63. If you Rusev, there is that.

    He seems to be getting a big push

  64. I'm sure Cena will continue to beat the Wyatts and Wyatts will have promos about figuring out Cena and we'll have more singing children. Until the odds are stacked against Cena and Cena wins.

  65. So RAW has Wyatts, that are going to feuding with Cena for awhile, Shield feuding with Evolution in 5 minute singles matches on TV, Rusev vs. every black guy the WWE has, the two month long "Will he turn?" angle with Cody and Goldust, Fandango + Layla french kissing, the weekly 3MB vs. Matadores match, Sheamus wrestling tag teams in singles matches, Swagger made to look like a goof by Adam Rose, and Cesaro vs. RVD each week.

  66. WWE should sell a Cena wins, LOL shirt. I'd buy one.

  67. So TNA in a span of 8 months has let go Sting, Hulk Hogan, AJ Styles, Daniels, Kazarian, Hernandez, Chavo, Mickie James, Tara, Jeff Jarrett, Wes Brisco. I'm sure Im missing others but wow what a huge change up from this year to last.

  68. They added ECIII, Bram, Tigre Uno, Angelina Love, Sanada, MVP, and Lashley

  69. Stranger in the AlpsMay 13, 2014 at 8:00 AM

    A piece of advice for Daniel Bryan: quit the diving headbutt and any other move that requires you to go headfirst into another object. Worst case scenario for him is that he recognizes the warning signs when they occur and quits wrestling before it literally kills him.

  70. Kane 3:16 says I just broke your neck.

  71. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:02 AM

    And none of them were missed.
    Take into consideration they are considering signing the women from the KO PPV and they have done a good job rebuilding in a short time. They appear to be making new stars out of desperation.
    Now if they can only pay people.

  72. Totally agree, especially in light of how Chris Benoit met his end.

  73. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:02 AM

    I think it's safe to say Hogan in TNA almost destroyed the company.

  74. AND their ratings have been stable or increased!

  75. I miss AJ, Daniels, and Kazarian. For all the rebuilding that they are doing, it doesn't seem to be a good place to be at the moment. When you have your own production crew threatening to walk out (something that NEVER happened in WCW), that's big problem.

  76. Hearing interviews from many TNA guys, they don't really give off that same sentiment. Many weren't even sure what Hogan's position was except that TNA would finalize deals just due to his name recognition.

  77. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:04 AM

    Like the "Batman wins" meme.

  78. Watch the ppv's and read RAW results as I do. Makes everything much easier and less frustrating

  79. So they're going to go at least one, and probably two, PPV/Special Events without a title match? Interesting. As much as I love Bryan, it almost seems like it would make sense to strip him of the title, then set him up to regain it when he's healthy again.

    Or maybe have the MITB winner show up at Bryan's house with a referee, challenge him and win the title in 30 seconds like the old Hardcore title days.

    And can we assume there's going to be a Brie Bella v. Stephanie McMahon match in the near future?

  80. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:07 AM

    His contract, going on the road before they were ready. Things like that fucked them.

  81. lol

  82. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:07 AM

    I miss those 3 as well, but unless they are going to expand the show how would they get on the air?

  83. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:08 AM

    I wish someone like Mark Cuban or Turner would invest in TNA.

  84. A "minor" broken neck is sort of like "Mostly dead", instead of "all dead".

  85. I really don't find any truth to the production crew walkout thing. I have a theory that the dirtsheets have been smear campaigning TNA for years now because TNA doesn't leak backstage information to them. That's why 90% of the stories you read about TNA are complete BS.

  86. Honestly, if they weren't ready to go on that road by that point, then they never were going to be ready.

    One of the biggest mistakes TNA has done is film their shows in Orlando to a free audience that could give a shit. Bro-Mans and the Wolves had a great ladder match last week to no crowd reaction. The Impact Zone in Orlando has to be the worst place to wrestle on.

  87. I find it criminal that they saw no potential in having a Wolves/Bad Influence feud.

  88. That would be interesting. I think this new talent agency signing is going to help them drastically. They needed someone to take over their marketing department and this is going to do it. This could also open new doors for them as well. I'd be nice if they moved to AMC or Fox Sports 1. Spike TV for 10 years and no real increase or decrease in ratings isn't a good sign of Spike's dedication to marketing the program to gain new fans.

  89. There's usually many TNA leaks reported tho.

  90. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:11 AM

    Good thing they caught it. I was watching a basketball player in a foreign league head-butted the station out of frustration and paralyzed himself. Apparently he had a "minor" broken neck and didn't know.

  91. Vince Jordan has it from reliable sources that Bryan does the headbutt in a "safe" manner

  92. Guest booker usually suck.

  93. Does anyone even like the diving headbutt? I always though it was a crappy aerial move and not as exciting as others.

  94. Getting rid of Hogan was a very smart move. The guy was worthless to them.

  95. And have any been proven true?

  96. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:12 AM

    They need to get two other venues like that and rotate. The Manhattan center is a good choice.
    I've been to the Impact Zone. IT's not really a wrestling crowd.

  97. WRONG! We have wrestling industry expert confirmation that he does it "SAFELY"

  98. I can't really recall a time where they were proven to be BS tho.

  99. They do.

    Its either fantasy booking that anyone can do or boring bullshit that no one cares about.

    Gabe Sapolsky ECW rebook was awful. Just fantasy ideas that had no shot of happening.

  100. I believe Dixie said that they will be "exploring" at the Manhattan Center and may possibly use that as their new place to tape shows for awhile.

  101. "That's why 90% of the stories you read about WRESTLING are complete BS"

    Fixed that for you.

  102. Hammerstein ballroom still around? I always loved seeing wrestling shows take place there.

  103. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:14 AM

    Even if they got Xplosion on the Fight Network it would be good. Just tape a bunch of squash matches.

  104. Glad it's not more serious than that. It's probably a good thing for him to get away from the crappy Kane booking right now. Go home, get a collar, enjoy being a newlywed, and we'll see him in July.

  105. I do agree. Why not just do a top rope splash, where your full weight hits on the guy? I never really understood the headbutt either.

  106. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:15 AM

    I don't. I never like moves because in theory it hurts you as much if not more than your opponent.*
    * - unless you're Samoan or the occasional Negro wrestler.

  107. How is TNA re-signing all these guys to three year deals AND signing a ton of outside talent plus bringing in wrestlers for their One Night Only shows as well as booking new buildings like the Manhattan Center, Impact in PA, and house shows all around the US if they can't afford to pay their production crew their small amount of money compared to how much they are paying their wrestlers?

    The dirtsheet report makes ZERO sense.

  108. Yep. ROH is running a show their this weekend with New Japan. I think it's more expensive to book though. TNA is however expecting to sellout the Manhattan Center Grand Ballroom.

  109. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:16 AM

    That would be a GREAT place. Grab the small venues that hold 500 - 1000 people and promote the shit out of it.

  110. You're reaching "dynamic dave" levels of lame trolling here. Never go full Dynamic Dave.

  111. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:17 AM

    I wonder if Brie is going to be off TV as well, or will Kane be chasing her through the halls like a Popeye cartoon?

  112. TNA has had a history on being late on payments tho. Many wrestlers have confirmed this. Jesse Neal once tweeted that he had signed up for food stamps on twitter. AJ Styles has mentioned TNA being late on his money.

    Heyman also said on Austin's podcast that when he was in talks with TNA, they had mentioned to him that the company was about 70-90 million in debt.

  113. Hammerstein seats 2,200-3,500. TNA should to the PPV's from Hammerstein and the Impact's from the Grand Ballroom.

  114. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:18 AM

    Was that Shane or Johnny Ace?

  115. Fast Eddie AlbertMay 13, 2014 at 8:18 AM

    The only thing is the whole storyline is that The Authority desperately doesn't want the guy to be champion so you'd think they'd be thrilled they have an excuse to take the title off him.
    You'd almost have to have Stephanie go out there and act like she's going to strip him of the title and then have Vince or whomever come out and override her.

  116. I made an offhand comment about Austin being 2 inches taller than he really is, and he followed me about it for like a week, and got annoying very fast. Hope you are above that. :)

  117. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:20 AM

    Once you figure out the space the stage, camera area and video screen it puts you around 1,200. But you HAVE to have a great show there. especially if you're going to do multiple tapings.

  118. At least Bray and Henry have main event credbility so a title win wouldn't be that bad.

  119. Jesse Neal was used maybe twenty times in his TNA career. I'm sure he signed up for food stamps because he didn't list TNA as his employer. Wrestlers are independent contractors. The guy thought he was worth like $100,000. I'm sure he was making $35,000-$50,000 or so. Styles was offered $200,000 and he declined it. TNA is making great business moves by cutting the older talent that were making a buttload of money because of their longevity with the company in favor of younger guys and saving lots of cash.

  120. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:21 AM

    The Jesse Neal thing was a joke, but they have been late.
    Maybe that's why the people that worked at the TNA HQ were looking so depressed when Bully showed up.

  121. One Night Stand had 2,500 or so. If they used that setup they would need to sell that much, which I think they could easily do. Even if NYC crowd SHIT on the product, it is still a heck of a lot better than the stupid Impact Zone.

  122. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 13, 2014 at 8:23 AM

    TNA's ratings have increased? The last year (since May 2013) has been the worst rated year TNA has had since moving to Thursdays years ago. They had an Eric Young segment hit an all-time low of a .69 a few weeks ago. The ratings are pretty shitty, man.

  123. If they wanted to make it more realistic, that would be a great scenario.

  124. :glass shatters:

  125. Besides, the chase was the main attraction when it comes to Bryan, so we can have a whole new chase when he comes back (taking all the time off he needs). Works for me!

  126. I'm surprised they aren't going to put the title on someone else. Usually when this happens, they have a battle royale ASAP and put it on a big guy. Five years ago, Rusev would be the champion within a week.

  127. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 13, 2014 at 8:25 AM

    It's also be nice for them if ABC scheduled TNA for an hour after Modern Family. But that's not gonna happen, nor is AMC going to take on a low rated show from an inferior cable channel.

    Do you really think marketing is TNA's problem? So it's not that they have a crappy roster and bad booking and a history of being a joke... it's just that not enough people are aware that Eric Young is champion?

  128. This would work if you gave Santino a spinach gimmick with a horn flourish.

    ...come to think of it, why haven't they done that in Chikara?

  129. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:26 AM

    They have been consistent, but when you consider TNA is not marketed or promoted that is saying something. Maybe that is the best they can do in that time slot.
    Does anyone know what their highest rating was?

  130. Seeing as how Khali became a champ from that, you're very right.

  131. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:27 AM

    I believe so. I think that Spike is content with the ratings they give them in that time slot for the minimal effort they put into it.

  132. Low rated show? TNA regularly draws a million or more fans. That is a great number for a cable show with literally no promotion.

    Crappy roster? Roode, Hardy, Storm, Richards, Edwards, MVP, Young, Bully, Lashley, Aries, EC III, Zema, Sanada, Angle, Joe PLUS a stellar Knockouts division isn't exactly the definition of a bad roster.

  133. I just can see TNA going to AMC.

  134. Greg Gagne and Kevin Sullivan guest bookers made Russo seem awesome.

  135. And a couple months ago their pulled 3-4 weeks of their highest ratings in a couple years. Their ratings are a roller coaster. HIGH, then LOW, then HIGH, then LOW, then in between.

  136. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:31 AM

    I think any of the Turner Networks are out. Maybe FSN.

  137. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 13, 2014 at 8:31 AM

    Dude, ROH books the Manhattan Center too. They're not booking MSG.

    How is TNA signing three year deals? Well first off, who are they signing? JAMES STORM? HAHAHAHA, who cares. Nobody is negotiating against them. WWE doesn't want James Storm or teh Bro Mans or whoever else TNA is giving these deals to, so how much can they really be worth? It's just a PR move so that TNA can pretend everything is ok because they announce a contract signing with James Storm, and Storm can pretend that he's still relevant. DO you really think these contracts are guaranteed? Of course not. If TNA folded up next week, Storm isn't still getting paid. Guarantee he's still getting paid on a per night basis--- the contract just stabilizes the rate.

    And really, what talent is TNA bringing in? They've whiffed on pretty much every big time indie prospect of the last 3 -4 years, all of whom have ended up in NXT/WWE.

  138. Agree with the splash. The headbutt doesn't look as good either. But if you're going to use an ultra dangerous move at least make it your finisher. It's like using a piledriver or 450 splash as a transition move.

  139. Spike shitted on them because they promised Dixie a third hour for each of their TV "PPV's" last year and another hour for their programming each week if they used Bellator's Ortiz and Rampage. That's why TNA had to put those two washed up UFC guys into main storylines. Then Spike just doesn't agree to their side of the offer.

    Dixie posted a picture of herself at FOX for meetings two weeks ago. Maybe she wants to move back to FOX.

  140. I agree with what you say, but I see no evidence of this. Everytime TNA lets someone go, like most recently Kaz, I hear TNA say "now Kaz has gone we can hire 2 more workers" but outside of Crazzy Steve and Rebel, TNA hasn't signed any cheap independant talent. In fact, they've done the complete opposite. They most recently signed Lashley, MVP, Low Ki and heck, even American Wolves. None of those guys are cheap and coud be argued that they're worth more or equal to the guys they fired.

  141. TNA essentially traded a whole bunch of 36-50 year olds for a new pile of younger talent and saved money as well.

  142. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:33 AM

    the head-butt off the top rope should be a desperation move, not a main part of your arsenal.

  143. They saw no potential in paying Bad Influence $200,000+ combined a year.

  144. Didn't Taylor Wilde work at a Sunglass Hut?

  145. Ever I think was Hogan's debut. That's the thing about Hogan: his arrival is always huge, it's what happens after it that isn't always as good.

  146. Nearly 6-7 years ago. Working once or twice a week wrestling and a couple days at a part-time job isn't exactly "starving". She was probably bored and didn't want to sit at home all day.

  147. Hey, put the title on Barrett then. Works great!

  148. If the reports were true, TNA has gone out of business approximately twenty times now.

  149. Another thing about TNA: How much are they paying Rob Terry? This dude's been next to useless for years and continues to be useless in this new Wyatt gimmick knockoff.

  150. In some ways I understand why TNA fired Bad Influence. No point paying a guy main event money if you're not going to push them as a main eventer, but Daniels could have been pushed as a main eventer and like Jones said, if booked right, Wolves/Bad Influence could have done pretty good business and got both teams over.

  151. He's already the linear champion.

  152. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 13, 2014 at 8:37 AM

    Yeah man, it really is an awful roster. Angle's done (and pretty much has been for years), Jeff Hardy is years past being relevant (to the point where he's now going by a different name, hahahaha oh God), and otherwise you've listed a bunch of ex-WWE midcarders and rejects from NXT. Plus Joe/Storm/Roode/Aries who are now in their mid 30s, been around forever and TNA already screwed up their chances to become anything. Samoa Joe could have been awesome, but it's been 8 years of him as a TNA midcarder. His best days in the ring are behind him, he probably has less name value now than he did 5 years ago. he's just a guy.

    It's a terrible roster in terms of star power or name value. It's a terrible roster in terms of upside and potential. And it's an ok roster in terms of ring work, but nothing great at all there either.

  153. Tough situation for D-Bry. This made me think of Flair/Funk for whatever reason.

  154. Seeing as how they were one of the causes to a small wrestling company not being renewed in this area, I have to highly disagree.

  155. Explain to me how the Menagerie is a Wyatt rip-off. It isn't even remotely close.

  156. That was Rob Terry?

  157. Between this, the concussion, and his dad dying, this has got to be a hard time for Bryan post-Wrestlemania. You really gotta feel for the guy.

  158. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 13, 2014 at 8:40 AM

    Their "highs" that you listed--- which maybe they've had 2 of in the last few months--- are basically just hitting what their average used to be a year and a half ago, before the overall ratings of teh company started tanking. It's not HIGH, Low, HIGH, LOW... it's LOW, LOW, EQUAL TO THE 2012 AVERAGE, LOW....

  159. I see them more as Juggalos.

  160. But Mike Knox is worse at everything regarding wrestling.

  161. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:40 AM

    I was thinking the Oddities.

  162. Two giant guys on stilts, a crazy clown, a hot woman spinning fire, a giant muscled up guy with a mask, and Knux as well...Knux (who looked like he did BEFORE Wyatts did it) doesn't even resemble the Wyatt Family at all. Like not even 5%.

  163. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new Elvy. TNA CAN DO NO WRONG!

  164. At least he gets good valets from time to time.

  165. Their debut Monday night show, which was Hogan's debut. Via Wikipedia:
    "On this night, Impact! was watched by more than 3 million viewers
    for the opening hour, towards the end of the show, the viewership
    declined to 2.2 million viewers, this was the highest viewership in the
    show's history"

  166. Honestly, if I were booking, I'd use this time to elevate the other titles for awhile. Give Barrett a chance to main event and put on some good, long matches. Rebuild the tag division and have the Usos defend against all takers (hell, bring Ascension up from NXT to challenge).

  167. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:43 AM

    THAT was true, but that is more of an indictment of woman's wrestling than anything.
    And it was Neal's GIRLFRIEND that made the joke about food stamps, which lends itself the fucked up state of women's wrestling.

  168. It's sad that it always has to be extremes. Either TNA is complete shit that always get 0.0001 ratings, and all their wrestlers are working as rent boys to pay the bills OR they're the Greatest Thing Ever.

    Why the fuck can't we just say that TNA is doing ok, but probably underachieving considering who they have under contract?

  169. Never said that. I'm just tired of 99% of people bashing them for no reason. Their product has been much better than WWE shitfest for the past couple of years.

  170. You never replied to my calling you out in the not paying the production crew thread

  171. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:43 AM

    This is where not having a secondary title hurts. Daniels could have been a great TV champ.

  172. If you're thinking of how they both come from what looks like the back woods, I can see, but other than that, very little to compare.

  173. Is there an echo in here?

  174. AverageJoeEverymanMay 13, 2014 at 8:44 AM

    Every female WWF fan from 85 - 97

  175. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighMay 13, 2014 at 8:44 AM

    They could hype Bryan making an announcement about his return and MITB winner Cesaro cashes it in on a not near 100% Bryan. Heyman brags non stop leadin to a summerslam Bryan vs Cesaro. Bryan wins so Paul calls on THE BEAST! Lesnar wins the title at Survivor Series, Bryan wins rumble. Challenges Brock at mania.

    **** end fantasy booking ***

  176. NO REASON. :D

  177. I agree they have a talented roster, but a stellar Knockouts division? Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Gail is the only talented one, that's pretty much i, though it can improve slightly with Taryn and Brooke coming back and TNA looking to sign more women.

  178. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 13, 2014 at 8:45 AM

    After you've done everything you can you should move on. I hated that AJ left but it was time and he's successful in NJPW.
    Joe is the one that should have been gone awhile ago. Even if it was just being lent out to other organizations.

  179. Daniels is 44 years old! Kaz is 36. Styles is 36. That's what 116 years between three guys that they dumped for younger guys and to save money.

    No one is buying tickets to see Wolves vs. Bad Influence outside of us smarks and that is such a tiny amount of money coming in.

  180. We don't agree often Vince, but we do here

  181. Christopher Daniels was also a rip off of Stone Cold Steve Austin because they're both bald.

    Magnus is a rip off of Bad News Barrett because they're both English.

    Abyss is a rip off of Sin Cara because they both wear masks...

  182. I give them half a star for that entrance.

  183. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighMay 13, 2014 at 8:46 AM

    His Owen Hart too rope drop kick is bad ass, I would prefer that to be his main aerial move.

  184. Well sucking is something they have in common with the Wyatts.

  185. AverageJoeEverymanMay 13, 2014 at 8:47 AM

    Im more concerned that flying headbutts look way weaker than elbow drops or just splashes. Always hated the move.

  186. I've tried to forget it but the basic gist was he had everyone not signed with WWF in the 80s as one mega alliance group. He said he'd put Cornette with the Andersons instead of the Midnight Express because they couldn't get over nationally. No clue on that since isn't that Cornette's job and the Midnights were over on TBS. Also wanted to have Bockwinkle as #1 baby face on a stacked roster against Flair. I like Bockwinkle but no way he gets cheered or draws on top with Flair for months on end.

  187. Remember when Hogan said that if Open Fight Night and Gut Check didn't draw huge ratings and get over that he would leave wrestling for good? LOL.

  188. Remember when TNA use to do the top 10 ranking?


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