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Clash Countdown: #3

The SmarK Retro Rant for Clash of the Champions III: Fall Brawl!

- Live from Albany GA, which is never actually mentioned during the course of the show.

- Your hosts are Jim Ross & Bob Caudle.

- Opening match, TV title: Mike Rotundo v. Brad Armstrong.

The more of these Armstrong matches from the 80s I see, the more his treatment makes me sad. (That and his death.)  Mike takes him down to start, and gets a fireman’s carry. Bodypress out of the corner is rolled through by Brad for two, and Mike bails. Back in, Armstrong wins a hiptoss battle and dropkicks him for two, and Rotundo bails again. Back in, Brad grabs a headlock and they work off that on the mat for a bit. Brad gets a crossbody for two, and Mike bails again. Too much of that so far, but the crowd is amazingly hot for 3000 or so. Back in, Brad works the headlock and hooks a hammerlock off a criss-cross. Cool stuff. He holds an armbar and works the arm. Rotundo buries a knee and hotshots him to take over. He dumps him and Sullivan lays in the cheapshots. Back in, suplex gets two and Rotundo hits the chinlock, but uses the ropes to redeem it. He pounds him and covers for two. Back to the chinlock, but Brad escapes, and walks into a vicious lariat for two. Back to the chinlock, but Rotundo keeps it interesting by going for a pin. All the chinlocks make the finish so obvious that anyone reading should be able to guess it by now. Backbreaker gets two, and he tosses Brad. Brad sunset flips back in for two, but gets legdropped for two. Steve Williams joins us at ringside to irritate Rotundo. Armstrong takes the opportunity to cradle for two, but Rotundo hits the chinlock again to eat up time. Airplane spin (!!) on Armstrong, but both guys are left goofy. Rotundo recovers for two. Gut wrench gets two. Small package gets two. Big forearm gets two. Cradle gets two, and he keeps working the pinfall attempt until the time expires at 20:00. JR sells it as a moral victory, but there was no followup in the booking plans. (Poor Brad was perpetually the up-and-coming youngster.)  Still a great opener with hard work all around. ***1/2

- We get clips of Jimmy Garvin’s broken leg at the hands of the Varsity Club, which basically gave them the final victory in that feud. The “Gorgeous” character was retired as a result of that attack, as he quit the promotion while healing, and when he returned 8 months later it was in his new role as Jimmy “Jam” Garvin, one half of the new Freebirds. Sullivan drops a cinderblock on his leg to “break” it, for those who enjoy that sort of detail.  (Man, Jimmy Garvin really got the shit end of that feud.  He almost lost his wife to Sullivan, couldn’t beat Rotundo in their TV title feud, and then got chased out of the promotion with a broken leg.) 

- The Sheepwhackers v. Steve Williams & Nikita Koloff.

The booking was getting really disjointed around this point, with thrown-together stuff like this dominating the midcard while Crockett was busy selling out to Turner. In fact, the more I learn about how insane Dusty Rhodes was becoming around this time, the more it amazes me that the promotion even survived long enough to sell out. Midnight Rider, anyone? (Hey, if Flair had jumped ship for Summerslam 88, as was heavily rumored at the time, Crockett would have been DOA because that sale was partly contingent on Flair being the top guy.  So we came closer to a WWF monopoly earlier than some people might realize.)  As merely one example of the anarchy going down all around Dusty, the main storyline being pushed during this match by the announcers is the Midnight Express v. Tully & Arn feud. That feud would come to a final end less than a week after this at a house show in Philly, with the Express winning the tag belts as Tully & Arn bailed on the NWA and jumped ship without even giving two weeks notice. After two and a half hours of incessant hype for that payoff match, the world at large never even got to see it, or indeed even hear about what the hell happened to Tully & Arn besides them losing the tag titles. (I was really pissed about never getting to see the match until years later, too.)  To the match: Doc gets beat in the corner, but a brawl erupts and the Herders bail. Back in, Doc overpowers Luke with ease and the heels bail again. I somehow doubt we’ll be seeing Luke & Butch cutting off all the babyface comebacks like they did at Clash II against the Fantastics. Koloff comes in and slams both, and they bail again. Back in, Nikita overwhelms Luke and Doc works the arm. Clothesline puts Luke out, and Doc suplexes him and goes up with a bodypress for one. Koloff pounds on the arm and prevents a tag. Nice touch. Doc stays on the armbar and the faces team up on it. Williams tosses him into the corner, but misses a blind charge and Butch takes over with stomps and an elbow for two. Doc no-sells Luke’s stuff, but Butch clocks him from behind for two. Luke hits the chinlock. Butch gets a running knee for two, but heel miscommunication allows Koloff to get the tag. He pummels Butch, but Rip Morgan nails him with the flag and Nikita is YOUR commie-in-peril. They kill him outside the ring, and Luke gets a forearm off the middle for two. Kneedrop gets two, and they double-team for two. Luke grabs a sleeper, but Koloff sends him scurrying out. However, Doc is busy with that pesky Rip Morgan, so no tag. Luke goes up and gets nothing but mat, and suddenly the corners change as everyone rotates 90 degrees around the ring for no apparent reason. Whatever. Hot tag to the Doc, and he nails everything that moves. Butch clips him, but Nikita rips HIS head off in turn with the Sickle and gets the pin at 16:53. Nikita quit right after that match to tend to his increasingly sick wife, and didn’t come back for another 3 years. It’s too bad, because had he not quit doing the steroids and not had the misfortune of having his wife die, Vince McMahon would have snapped him up in a minute and pushed him until he was a household name. You don’t think Vince could have sold out stadiums around the country with Hulk Hogan v. Nikita Koloff? The match was really good, leaving me to wonder what the hell happened to the Sheepherders in the two week period between them screwing Turner over and debuting as comedy jobbers in the WWF. ***

- Dusty Rhodes v. Kevin Sullivan.

Dusty no-sells some stuff to start and they brawl out, terrorizing Ross & Caudle at ringside in the process. Dusty wins easily and Kevin grabs some sort of metal object to defend himself. Everyone regroups and Dusty tosses Kevin again. Back in, Sullivan goes to the throat to take over and wins a brawl outside. Back in, we hit the chinlock. Sullivan finds an international object and plays Lawler games with it. Dusty comes back with the flip flop and fly as this match goes south faster than birds in the winter, and a shot with the object gets two. Dusty chases Gary Hart, but Al Perez comes in and a beatdown results. Contrary to standard logic and common sense, the match continues until Dusty pins GARY HART at 6:59 for the win. I say again: Dusty was losing all touch with reality at this point and may have been on the verge of a nervous breakdown if his behavior leading up to his firing was any indication. No wonder Dustin ended up so screwed up. DUD

- Russian chain match: Ricky Morton v. Ivan Koloff.

Ah, the Ivan face turn angle that drew so much money. Dave Sheldon is lurking around ringside in his guise as Russian Assassin #1. Ivan pounds Morton and clotheslines him with the chain as Ross hints at his face turn. Ricky crotches him with the chain, but gets nailed again. Koloff touches two corners, but Ricky breaks it up and bails. Back in, Koloff keeps stomping away and touches two again. Ricky kicks at the knee to take over and whips at the knee with the chain. Koloff hits him with the chain, but gets yanked off the top. Ivan chokes him out, but Ricky comes back. Ivan whips him and touches three, but Morton takes him down and pounds away. Koloff hits him with the chain again and goes up, but they knock each other out. Ricky recovers first and drags him to three corners, but Paul gives Ivan the riding crop to hold onto for leverage, before suddenly letting go and giving Ricky the win at 9:52. Ivan is unceremoniously turfed via a beatdown by the Russian Assassins, and Nikita was SUPPOSED to make the save, but he was already gone. Junkyard Dog was later subbed into the angle to replace him, which of course makes no sense whatsoever and basically killed the whole angle. (Did I mention that Dusty was losing his fucking mind at this point?  Because I feel like I should.)  Match was slow and plodding. *

- Tony introduces us to football player John Ayres, who will be reffing an upcoming Flair-Luger title match. Flair runs verbal circles around him, which is pretty funny in both a “ha ha” and sad sort of way. John is doing color for the main event.

- US title match: Barry Windham v. Sting.

Sting grabs a pair of armdrags, but gets tagged by Windham. They trade shoulderblocks and Sting dropkicks him out. Back in, Windham suplexes him, but he no-sells and dropkicks him out again. Back in, Windham cheats on a test of strength and pounds away in the corner. Sting atomic drops him out, and lays in his own beating in the opposite corner. Facejam and slam, but the Elbow That Never Hits lives up to its name. They brawl outside and Windham gets a slam on the floor and suplexes him back in. Sting gets a sunset flip, but Windham kicks him in the head to break. Powerslam and kneedrop get two. Sting cradles for two, and Windham posts himself in dramatic fashion on a blind charge and tumbles to the floor. Sting introduces him to a pair of ringposts, drawing blood. Back in, Sting bites at the cut and cheats like a madman, which the crowd loves. Dropkick gets nothing and he grabs a rare sleeper, as they reverse the usual heel-face roles and Windham fights to recover. Weird psychology there. They go to the usual babyface sleeper psychology, with Windham trying to run him into the corner, only to see Sting release the hold and then reapply it. Windham drops him on his knee to break, and slaps on the figure-four, using JJ and the ropes for leverage. The ref sees that and breaks it up, but the damage is done. Delayed backdrop suplex, but Sting fights back. Vertical suplex attempt is countered by Barry with a clawhold to the pecs, and Sting has to fight out of that. Windham bails, so Sting slingslots him back in and mounts the comeback. Stinger splash is blocked, bumping the ref in the process. Another try hits, Scorpion Deathlock follows, but no ref. JJ brings in a chair and knocks Sting cold, but John Ayres leaves ringside to stop the count and let Tommy Young know that shenanigans have occurred, which draws a DQ at 21:02. RETARDED finish from the rapidly senile Dusty, which makes Barry look weak and does nothing for Sting. Windham, previously the hottest commodity in all of wrestling, was progressively killed by the booking for the next 6 months until he jumped to the WWF to escape it. Gotta deduct ¼* for the ending, but the match is must-see otherwise. ****  (Yeah, even with Barry’s noted lack of passion for the business, he was really the hottest thing in wrestling as a heel US champion and they just ground him down to nothing with no payoff for the character and no resolution for the Horsemen.) 

The Bottom Line:

Thank god Ted Turner was able to bail out Jim Crockett around this time, because Dusty Rhodes’ self-absorbed and increasingly stupid booking choices were killing the promotion faster than Vince ever could. The really sad part is that the talent was putting on fantastic matches that were totally going to waste in all the circus atmosphere of the management situation.

Mildly recommended show, for the main event and opener.


  1. No one wants to ever admit when they are in Albany, GA I can assure you. I'm shocked it could get an event that would be on tv.

  2. Yeah this is Dusty's true low point as a booker. Shame since he did so many good things before and since but he just couldn't let himself leave the spotlight or really look bad. Even Hunter did more clean jobs.

  3. AverageJoeEverymanMay 8, 2014 at 2:29 PM

    or that anybody there HAD tvs. Amirite?

  4. Man, what would an 1988 WWF monopoly have looked like?

  5. intestinal fortitudeMay 8, 2014 at 2:33 PM

    I wish they had kept using the name of the city in the title - Clash III: Albany Brawlbany!

  6. I'm almost positive Turner would have kept some form of wrestling around on his network even if the NWA deal fell through.

  7. Hmm, that's a good question. And without Flair maybe Ted loses all interest anyway?

  8. I watched this last night, and I swear, every time I see Brad Armstrong, Winger songs start playing in my head.

  9. I would guess possible doing something with Lawler and Memphis.

  10. Windham could have been Crockett's top "B" heel at this point. He was so bad-ass as U.S. champ. They could have spent months throwing babyfaces at him, making them chase his belt, and after winning it then dropping it back to him (via chicanery of course), then moving them on to chase Flair. Eventually you turn Windham and you got a huge feud with Flair. 18 to 24 months of booking right there, and afterwards you got Flair, Windham, Sting & Luger all as legit main-eventers.

    This stretch of Clashes, from the 1st through to VI, really lets you see all the talent they had, chiefly at the top of the card and the tag ranks. But you also see the seeds being planted, with a lot of bad booking and behind-the-scenes turmoil, of a company with a terribly weak midcard. Once Flair jumps ship, and you have to have Sting and/or Luger carry the company... well by then it was too late.

  11. I was a Brad Armstrong fan and could never understand why a guy with decent size and awesome ability couldn't make it (I was young and naive). While I briefly reminisce, I also dug the mid 90s theme song they came up for him, like a good Satriani or Eric Johnson rip off

  12. The Ghost of Faffner HallMay 8, 2014 at 4:05 PM

    The Brawl for All-bany?

  13. Not many faces did clean jobs back then.

  14. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 8, 2014 at 4:16 PM

    I wonder what that looks like in '88 if Flair arrives. Do they have the patience to save Hogan-Flair for down the road? Keep Savage a babyface champ until dropping the belt to Flair at Wrestlemania 5? Do they hotshot a Flair title win at SummerSlam '88 and build to Hogan-Flair at WM 5? Maybe it's just MegaPowers vs. Flair & Andre?

    Flair in the WWF in '88 makes for some really interesting possibilities. If the NWA is dead and there is nowhere for people to jump in the '90s, the business is so different today it's hard to imagine

  15. I wonder if Watts still had any desire... maybe a UWF/Mid-South revival?

  16. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 8, 2014 at 5:03 PM

    Windham is a great "what if" story. I wish we could have seen him as the ass kicker who finally decides he doesnt need the Horsemen anymore. Fighting through the Horsemen for months before destroying Flair and becoming the face of the new Turner product.

  17. Real bookers can't book in a theoretical vacuum. Windham had the talent, but he was just too unreliable to be pushed as The Face of the NWA.

  18. I felt the same about Jim Powers and Curtis Thompson back in the day.

  19. I think there was still enough fans and support back in 88 for a group like the AWA, Memphis, the remnents of WCCW, or even a new organization to take up the mantle of JCP and fight WWF. If Turner didn't get involved it might have been even more of a struggle but I don't think we would have had a situation like we do today with WWE having almost no competition. I think it wasn't just Vince that pared down the wrestling world, but JCP/Turner as well until there was only two. If the money was there it is possible there could have remained a big two of sorts.

    It is interesting to wonder if WWF would have ever had the downswing in the mid 90s that they did if Turner didn't enter the business. With less competition for talent Vince might have been better positioned to transition from a cartoon world and a steroid world.

  20. I've mentioned this before, but Windham under the hood at Starrcade 90 as the Black Scorpion, winning the world title, kicking Flair out of the Horsemen and leading a "young Horsemen of the 90s" gimmick with Sid, Luger and Danny Spivey would have been awesome.

  21. Do you think Memphis would have gotten the two hour timeslot on Turner if Crockett goes out of business in 88 before selling out? Lots of Crockett guys + the Memphis guys would have made a pretty good #2 promotion.

  22. Memphis + whatever Crockett guys that aren't snapped up by Vince would have been a formidable #2.

  23. Superbrawl IV. For the two months WCW promoted the show, they never mentioned where it was taking place. Finally when I watched they said it was live from Albany and I was like, "Ahhh, okay."

  24. You mean Flair? The only time I can recall him refusing to put over someone was Luger in 1990 but that was only because he promised the title to Sting.

  25. possible. Somebody woud have got that timeslot even if Turner wasn't the owner. Ted was still a big believer in wrestling equaling ratings at that point.

  26. Wasn't Luger originally supposed to win at Starrcade 88 but once Dusty was out, Flair killed that.

  27. Nothing was going to save the Black Scorpion fiasco, unless someone could figure a way to get Warrior to not only quit WWE, but avoid the "no-compete clause" of his contract, all while the reigning WWF Champion.

  28. nothing was going to save it because regardless of the payoff, the whole angle was dumb and worse than the worst "cartoonish" aspects of WWF. However, having someone..anyone...but Ric Flair would have kept it from being talked about as the dumbest angle of all time.

  29. Flair was the only one to make sense. He wasn't getting title shots, so he comes up with a plan as a masked man from the past to trick Sting into defending the belt against him.

  30. he also supposedly refused to job to Luger at Starcade 88 also.

  31. Dusty wanted Rick Steiner to win the belt in a squash. That's taken from an old rant of Scott's, so... grain of salt.

  32. True, people give shit to Vince for saddling Barry with the Widowmaker gimmick but he flaked out after what 6-7 months?

    Barry along with Sting,Lex & maybe even Sid Vicious were supposed to be the guys to lead WCW into the 1990's. Funny how things worked out.

  33. To be fair, in this case, he left to take care of family problems: His brother and father were charged with counterfeiting and were in deep shit.

  34. Ric kept managing to dodge losing the strap to Lex in '88 in large part due to threatening to jump to the WWF leaving Jim Crockett and company in the lurch with Ted Turner supposedly specifically insisting that the Nature Boy be part of the package when he assumed ownership.

    Dusty as head booker finally said fuck it, you're losing it to Rick Steiner at Starrcade which was the final shot in the Flair Vs Dusty backstage feud and to no one's surprise. Big Dust gets the boot and Slick Ric retains the title heading into 1989 and his golden year of excellence.

    Considering Ric lost Arn Anderson,Tully Blanchard & Barry Windham to the WWF in '88. He managed to pull off a pretty outstanding year booking wise in 89.

  35. yeah, Starrcade 88 was his official swan song with the book.

  36. I don't remember Widowmaker at all when I was a kid but I just did a quick YouTube check. What exactly is so bad about the gimmick? It's still pretty much Barry Windham. He could have made the moniker work if he was a darker character. Widowmaker is kind of a bad ass name.

  37. Just saw that in his Wiki page so yeah that's fair. Just saw a random squash of his on WWF Superstars and the Widowmaker "gimmick" isn't much of a gimmick at all.

    He's basically just Barry Windham with a new nickname. Hell they even call him Barry Windham and allow him to throw out challenges to Hulk Hogan in his first month in the company. Ventura plays him up big time too. If he stuck around he would have gotten a big push.

  38. He was Ricky Steamboat. After a few appearances, "Barry Windham" didn't exist, and he did nothing of note. He just kind of filled space for 6 months.

  39. Yeah i didn't remember him much at all as a kid. Just Youtubed him myself and agree with you completely.

    Probably mixing up his run as The Stalker with his very short one as the Widowmaker.

  40. Yeah, Stalker was a disaster. I knew of the name Widowmaker and always thought it was a precursor gimmick to the Undertaker.

  41. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadMay 8, 2014 at 6:47 PM

    I watched during that time. "Widow Maker" was much more a name that implied a personality than a gimmick. Windham was amazing. Easily my favorite NWA/WCW guy from 87-93. He just had a rhythm in the ring that was something to behold.

  42. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadMay 8, 2014 at 6:55 PM

    Ha. I always liked that song too. His, Nikita's 90s face theme, Arn's Dangerous Alliance theme- all fun stuff.

  43. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 8, 2014 at 7:01 PM

    You know what would have saved this angle?

    nWo Sting.

  44. Not to be confused with the Window Breaker gimmick that Shawn Michaels used with great success in the early 90's.

  45. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 8, 2014 at 7:48 PM

    Muta. Muta could have saved it. That would have been tits. Muta wins the belt as the Scorpion, then you set up a re-match for the Japan Supershow '91, with Muta as champ. Blow it off at the first Superbrawl.

  46. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 8, 2014 at 7:48 PM


  47. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 8, 2014 at 7:50 PM

    I dig it

  48. WCW was never going to put foreign talent over like that, at least not the early 90's.

  49. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 8, 2014 at 8:14 PM

    "You don’t think Vince could have sold out stadiums around the country with Hulk Hogan v. Nikita Koloff?"

    Indeed I do, sir. Indeed I do.

  50. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 8, 2014 at 9:03 PM

    Hogan vs. Koloff would have been epic. If that happens at Wrestlemania IV, Hogan's first reign probably lasts clear til the Warrior job in 1990. Six year reign for Hulk probably would have worked back then, especially coming off the Bruno/Backlund days.

  51. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 8, 2014 at 9:16 PM

    Certainly not. But they could have. It would have worked in the context of the story and previous history between Sting and Muta (the year before).

  52. It's kinda too bad, because he was freaking awesome at his peak. It's always strange to me to see people, like Windham, who are really good at something difficult like wrestling. but don't have the passion for it.

  53. Getting back to Barry, that match where he won the NWA Title from The Great Muta was one of the biggest disappointments in history. If he wasn't stoked about winning the NWA title, then nothing was gonna light a fire under his ass to start caring.

  54. Fall Brawl-bany!

  55. So, how close was the "Flair showing up at Summerslam" rumor close to becoming reality, anybody know?


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