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Clash Countdown #5

The SK Retro Rant for NWA Clash of the Champions V: St. Valentine’s Massacre

(So, uh, this is a pretty famous rant, although not for reasons that had anything to do with the show I was watching.) 

- Ever have one of those weeks?


I had actually promised this rant and the next one last week, and was finishing this one on Friday night, when life interjected itself. The first kink in the hose of my existence was when Sean Shannon e-mailed me in the morning and basically resigned as my webmaster, transferring over all the rights to the Rantsylvania domain name to me and basically ending with “don’t write back, I won’t be able to read it”. (Of course THAT relationship ended up even further down the toilet when all was said and done.)  So that’s fine, Sean was suffering a lot of grief and personal problems and it was time for a change anyway, so I contacted Jeremy Botter about taking over for him. He was gung-ho to get started right away, and we had a good ICQ conversation where we planned some preliminary stuff while I worked on this rant. (ICQ?  I know these letters of the alphabet but now how they fit together.)  About 6:00 my time, I was getting ready to grab some dinner, and went into my kitchen, only to hear bells coming from the hallway. I figured they were testing the fire alarms again, so I peeked out my front door…and got a faceful of smoke. Oh, shit. I went onto the balcony to get a better look, and saw smoke pouring out of the main entrance to my apartment building and from the windows above. And about 12 other tenants yelling at me to get out. Well, that’s always a fun feeling. I ran back to my room and grabbed my wallet and keys (unfortunately not taking the time to change from sweats to something a little warmer) and my jacket, and hit the front door again…and this time I apparently walked right into the fire, which had now made it’s way from the basement to the second floor, eating it’s way up the wall in the process. (That was fucking TERRIFYING.  Seeing it in the movies doesn’t do the whoosh of flame in your face justice.)  Ironic moment: There’s a fire extinguisher right outside that front door, and we later returned to find it melted and mangled by the fire. I later found out that the brief exposure to the fire had in fact quite dramatically singed the front of my hair, which made for the most disgusting-smelling showers I’ve ever taken later on. Burnt hair is NOT pleasant, trust me. I headed back to my balcony again, and thankfully there’s a fire station about a block away from that apartment complex because the firemen were there and got me down with a ladder. However, I then had to endure watching my living room wall go up in flames and the fireman demolish my front room in order to put it out. My poor beleaguered couch was tossed out the front window like a failed effigy and came to it’s final smoldering rest on the ground below. I had a wooden lamp in the shape of an “S”, given to me by my dad years ago, and that made for good kindling too, I guess, along with the portion of my book collection that was sitting next to that main wall. (Given the benefit of hindsight I would have made sure to have a copy of Fahrenheit 451 in there, just for the irony.)  I called Rahim and Karim to pick me up, and after questions from the fire department was left to stand around in the sub-zero cold for almost an hour and watch my apartment burn. (Zen was at work and this was in the days before text messaging, so I ended up leaving him about 18 voice mails before he finally called back.)  I got interviewed by about 4 news stations and papers at once (if you’re in Edmonton, you may have seen me on the evening news. I don’t think they got my good side – I was understandably looking like shit that night). I didn’t even stick around long enough to watch them put the fire out, I couldn’t really take it.

- We returned the next day to survey the damage, fearing the worst. The couch, as mentioned, was torched. Both the loveseats had been hosed down by the fire department and were also useless to me. The bulk of my CD collection, in a carousel by the wall, was for the most part baked, although all the good ones had been safely moved to my room months ago. (Although I lost both volumes of Use Your Illusion, which bummed me out considerably.)  My surround speakers didn’t even turn up until hours later, buried under a pile of rubble and melted into sludge. To call the living room a “disaster area” doesn’t do it justice, and once the pictures are developed  (Geez, might as well have a dinosaur chip it on a stone tablet like in Flintstones while you’re at it, grampa) I’m going to scan them and post them on Delphi (Could this BE any more dated?) to demonstrate how fun a day this was for me. To summarize, the wall was gone, destroyed by fire, although the door survived intact. The floor had been ripped apart by the fire department to get to the apartment below mine, and a wrong step on my part actually collapsed the remainder of it, leaving only the supports and a narrow walkway on either side of the room. (Yeah, that hurt, as I crotched myself on the support beam like Ric Flair on the top rope.  Thankfully it kept me from falling all the way to the floor of the apartment below me.)  The most amazing thing? Everything I had counted on losing – from the Playstation 1 & 2 / Dreamcast / N64 (Might as well just paint Call of Duty scenes on cave walls there, grampa) to the entire home theater setup – actually survived with minimal damage, aside from a disgusting smoke smell that permeated everything in the entire apartment. By the way, Febreze REALLY DOES WORK. Honest to god, they have my endorsement whenever they want it. Everything else in the apartment was untouched by the fire, because thankfully the damage had been contained to the living room. The last information on the fire has it pegged as arson, so if whoever did it is reading this, may I send out a hearty “fuck off and die” and hope something really nasty happens to you as a result, and we’ll leave it at that.  (As we recently found out on Place To Be podcast, it was in fact a run-in with Vince McMahon that I had forgotten about all these years, as he burned down the building in retribution for a bad rating given to a HHH match.) 

- The owners of the building, Boardwalk, who I’ve tagged as the evil empire on many occasions for many good reasons, must have been exceptionally worried about the PR nightmare this was gonna cause, because they immediately offered a new apartment in any of their properties and reimbursement for the transfer fees with the cable, phone and power companies. So we picked a new place three blocks away that afternoon, and with a huge team effort on Sunday were moved in by that night. Thanks to Rahim, Karim, John, Bill, Andrew and everyone else who offered help that night. The new apartment is much larger, much nicer, and is on the ground floor, so that if it happens again, I can at least just slide out the window with a mininum of trouble. Just kidding. I think.  (So yeah, that relationship with Boardwalk reverted back to our previous antagonistic one after a couple of years, ending with them evicting me, and me leaving the apartment trashed on the way out as a final “fuck you” to them.) 

- Addendum: I was feeling exceptionally lucky that night thanks to the minimal damage, so I bought an instant win ticket and $5 of lottery tickets. I won $10 on the scratch-and-win, and didn’t match a single number on the lottery. I don’t know what that means, and I don’t really care to think about it.

- Live from Cleveland, OH

- Your hosts are Jim Ross & Magnum T.A.

- Opening match: The Russian Assassins v. The Midnight Express.

Okay, let’s go over it again so you don’t have to ask the Rick: The Assassins are current Corino flunky Jack Victory (Highspot!) and the Angel of Death. And they were neither Russian nor Assassins. Talk amongst yourselves. Lane controls #1 with kicks, and the Express work on his arm. #2 comes in and gets killed with doubleteams. Eaton gets caught in theheel corner, so Lane beats up Paul Jones to break up the momentum. Pop quiz: Who was more useless as a manager, Jones or Gary Hart? (Gary Hart was at least a good booker.)  If you’ve never heard of either, that just reinforces my point. Jim Cornette adds a tennis racket shot to a Russian. Russians do the EVIL COMMUNIST SWITCHEROO OF DOOM and Lane plays face-in-peril. Totally dull bearhuggishness follows. That lasts forever (give or take 7 minutes) until Eaton gets the hot tag. Rocket Launcher finishes at 13:08. Extended squash for the Midnights, for whom 1989 was not exactly their banner year. *1/2

- Ricky Steamboat offers some words for Ric Flair, leading to their Chi-Town Rumble match a few days after this show.

- Steve Casey v. “Hacksaw” Butch Reed.

This is some high-quality stuff they’re booking to hype that PPV. Casey is a pretty ripped Stan Lane-ish type wrestler who just never clicked, despite endless pimping by the announcers. Perhaps his total lack of emotion and/or charisma had something to do with it. He gets a quick dropkick and armdrag to avoid Reed’s power. Armbar lasts a while, so the crack camera team cuts to a couple making out in the audience to amuse us. CALL THE RTC! Reed escapes and stalls. Then he works on the arm. Casey reverses and Reed stalls again. Reed was particularly good at that. The “crowd shots to ring shots” ratio for the camera work is going up by the second as the crew cuts to the crowd to make the match seem less boring. Test of strength doesn’t help the pace any. Reed cheats and hammers Casey. More stalling follows. Normally I’d insert some goofy bit in here to amuse myself, but all my “A” material is at the cleaners right now, so you’ll just have to suffer with me. You know, one thing I would like to point out: Bad wrestling I can abide, because at least there’s things to mock. But boring wrestling is 100 times worse, because you have to keep paying attention in case the pace actually picks up or something interesting happens. Truly great bad wrestling allows the viewer to blissfully tune out without missing anything. Casey makes the comeback, but gets clobbered and chinlocked, and THAT goes on for a while. Reed tosses Casey and stalls. This may be the most boring match ever. (Spoken like someone who hadn’t watched Steve Williams v. The Italian Stallion yet.)  Suplex gets two. Whoa! A near-fall! Casey misses a dropkick, and Reed goes back to the chinlock, redeeming himself somewhat by putting his feet on the ropes. Casey mounts the comeback with the enemy pummel and a dropkick, but Reed catches him with a press-slam and finishes with the flying shoulderblock at 17:34. THANK GOD IT’S OVER! Who the hell booked this to go 18 minutes? Dusty Rhodes is a lunatic, but at least he had the common sense he was born with. ½*  (Hey now, let’s not say anything we can’t take back.) 

- Ric Flair and his entourage of escorts are out for a pre-PPV gloating session. Nothing out of the ordinary gets said – “I’ll keep the title against Steamboat, yada yada” – until Steamboat comes out to rebut. Flair’s a bad person, blah blah. Cue the brawl, as Steamboat destroys Flair and rips his clothes off, but Hiro Matsuda attacks and they beat him down. They brawl into the now-super-hot crowd until Flair retreats. Boring interview, GREAT brawl.

- Lex Luger v. The Blackmailer.

The Blackmailer is Jack Victory working double-duty under another mask. Hiro Matsuda is managing him in order to build interest for Luger’s match with Barry Windham at Chi-Town Rumble. Luger casually overpowers Mr. Mailer to start. Headlock sequence goes on a while. I retract my statement about the last match being the most boring ever. Luger misses a lariat and hits the floor. Blackmailer knocks him off a couple of time, but Luger sunset flips in. Blackmailer hits the chinlock. Can’t really blame Victory for being gassed after a 13-minute opener against the Midnights. Luger gets a suplex and comes back, no-selling all kinds of offense, then finishes with a superplex at 12:51. WHY WHY WHY did we need 13 minutes for this? ½*  (I’m guessing the Blackmailer had incriminating photos of someone?) 

- US Tag Team title match: Steve Williams & Mike Rotunda v. The Fantastics.

Cap’n Mike is subbing for Kevin Sullivan, thus pre-dating the Triad by 10 years. Hey, remember the Triad? Me neither.

- Note: The above was the last paragraph I had typed before my apartment burned down. Thankfully I saved the document before going to check on the commotion. Carrying on…

- Mucho stallo to start, as Ross ponders the possibility of a Varsity Club submission victory, as though anyone might actually care about such a thing. Slugfest between Doc and Fulton puts Fulton in the heel corner, but Rogers gets in and gets beaten up. Standard stuff here. Fulton comes in and takes a longer beating. Doc works in a four-rep press-slam, but Fulton blocks the Oklahoma Stampede. Hot tag Rogers, and he’s a house of fi…oh, wait, bad choice of metaphor this week. He’s REALLY ANGRY! There, that’s better. Rogers gets dumped, but comes off the top with a flying something on Williams. God, that was ugly. Rotundo nails him in the head and puts Doc on top for the pin at 13:22. The point of this completely eludes me, but it was an okay match. **

- Rick Steamboat v. Bob Bradley.

Speaking of the point eluding me, this is the match they chose with less than a week to go before Rick’s big shot at Flair on PPV. Bradley had one notable stint playing Battle Kat in the WWF, but that’s about the limit of interesting things to say about him. (Well, now he’s dead, so there’s that.)  To show how over Steamboat was, the fans chant “We want Flair”. Steamboat hits a series of slams and Bradley bails. Bob comes back with a pair of slams and a lariat, but a blind charge misses and Steamboat goes to the arm. We Want Flair again. Bradley gets a chop off two leapfrogs, then a sideslam. Top rope move misses and Steamboat ends it with the usual at 6:23. Not half bad for a moronic choice of squash, but that’s not a ringing endorsement or anything. *1/2

- Rick Steiner v. Rip Morgan. What is this, NWA Main Event? Rick finishes quick with the belly-to-belly at 4:38, as I rapidly lose patience with this show. ½*

- Kevin Sullivan locks Sting, JYD and Michael Hayes in a cage backstage, just to screw us out of the advertised main event of…

- World Six-Man title: The Road Warriors & Tenryu v. Sting, JYD and Michael Hayes.

Sting’s team is still locked in the back, so the Varsity Club hits the ring for an impromptu brawl that ends in a double DQ at 5:56. STUPID STUPID STUPID.

The Bottom Line: The very definition of a throwaway show. No purpose, no real highlights, no good matches. Thank god it led to the greatest series of matches ever.

Strong recommendation to avoid.  (Also strong recommendation to avoid having your apartment building burn down.) 


  1. richard householderMay 10, 2014 at 2:58 PM

    Scott, how about a post reminiscing or going over your history with guys like Sean Seannon or Hyatte?

  2. At least the anti-Steamboat sentiment didn't permeate Chi-Town Rumble too much, and thankfully they just tore the house down for 20 minutes as to avoid the crowd further turning on Ricky.

  3. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 10, 2014 at 3:03 PM

    "The most amazing thing? Everything I had counted on losing – from the Playstation 1 & 2 / Dreamcast / N64 (Might as well just paint Call of Duty scenes on cave walls there, grampa) to the entire home theater setup – actually survived with minimal damage,"

    See, that's best-case scenario for me, torch what you want EXCEPT FOR MY FUCKING GAMES. There was a giant dorm fire in the girls's wing of my floor my freshman year at college, and thankfully they contained it to the girls' room where it started (some chick left a candle unattended next to something pretty goddamn flammable, though I can't remember what, did like $100K worth of damage to that area), because the whole time, I was worried about my game collection going up in smoke. Didn't get back into my room into 2am and forgot that I had paused playing MGS2. But yeah, if I know my place is going up, all my memory cards and hard drives are coming with me, goddammit.

    Common room smelled like burnt tire the rest of the semester, which really sucked since we used to hold Halo parties in there.

  4. The Scott Keith shoot interview? Can we get Brian Bayless to review it?

  5. Whenever something stinks in my home, I go rigth for the bottle of Febreeze based on Scott's recommendation.

    What's a CD collection?

  6. Threadjack:
    I'm going to a indy show tonight in Lancaster, PA to see Mick Foley referee and Lancaster Champion SHANE FUCKING DOUGLAS.

    I'm going to rag on him unmercilessly. Douglas. Any ideas for chants?

  7. You don't wan to open the can of worms that is Sean Shannon. Or Jeremy Botter for that matter.

  8. Expect More, Pay Less?

  9. I'm normally not cool with body shaming but "You Fat Fuck" would be my choice unless there are a lot of kids in the crowd. Just chant pro-Flair and Shawn stuff.

  10. Fun side note: Sean Shannon's house also burnt down.

  11. I remember going to ECW shows and the whole building would chanting "FUCK HIM UP FRANCHISE, FUCK HIM UP!".

  12. He was good at fooling people into thinking he wasn't a worthless sack of shit back then.

  13. Ricky was such a goddamn nerd standing next to the Nature Boy. Lucky for him they tore the house down but they still didn't draw a dime Seriously 5,300 people at the Superdome! And that's after being papered!

    He probably got the payoff for that show a few months later and that's why he walked.

  14. Sorry, never got his appeal. I guess he wasn't that bad when he was younger but now he should be nowhere near a wrestling ring.

  15. He was the truth to a 14 year old wrestling fan.

  16. Flair in his book blames Ricky's wife for sabotaging his 1989 run by being a fifth rate Miss Elizabeth knockoff, and I have to agree with him somewhat. Not saying he would have drawn better without her but she sure as hell was a negative influence.

  17. Yeah well what does a 14 year old know.

    Damn I hate being old and cynical.

  18. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 3:31 PM

    "Wal-Mart-Greet-er"? Or just start a "We Want Flair" chant.

  19. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 3:36 PM

    I do like this idea, he'll you could even make a couple bucks off it. Have each section be about history you had with someone: Sean Shannon, Jeremy Botter, Hyatte, Caliber and then make an ebook and sell it for like a $1.

  20. If you can get a dueling version of that, you WIN.

  21. I still have one of those, in my car.

    Hell, I added almost a dozen old Carlin CDs in the last few months.

  22. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 3:46 PM

    1. Anybody want to see if they can find one of these newscasts on the interweb

    2. Still have those pics of your burnt apartment Scott, mind sharing?

  23. Two responses. First off I saw Bob Bradley in 98/99ish against Sabu. Was supposed to be Two Cold Scorpio but for reasons never announced to the crowd we got Sabu and Bob Bradley. Bradley actually hung pretty good.

    As for the comments about Gary Hart being useless as a manager, he actually is considered one of the all time greats by those who saw him in the territory days in Florida, Georgia, and particularly in WCCW in Texas.

  24. Fucking Christ this was a tough rant to get through.

  25. Anyone care to explain the "Jack Victory (Highspot!)" thing?

  26. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 10, 2014 at 3:59 PM

    This has nothing to do with Clash V, but I was to busy to comment on Clash 1 at the time so here goes. When I was 9 I flipped though the channels looking for Wrestlemania IV, (I was 9 I knew nothing of PPV yet.) Obviously didn't find WM but stumbled on The Clash which was wrestling so good enough, so for a few hours I watched the show and play wrestled a pillow, (considering how long the show was truly an Iron Man Match.) I only remember two things from the original clash...the Fantastics getting whipped with a strap, truly heinous to a kid of 9, and yet the Express became my favorite NWA tag team, and how fucking awesome that Sting guy was. To this day I think he got robbed. I picked up The NWA about a year later just in time to see Sting win the TV Title....No wonder I liked Sting so damm much way back when.

  27. He walked because his short-term contract was up after the Bash, and they promptly low-balled him an offer (very low), which he took and used in his fireplace. Didn't exactly do wonders for the wrestlers' morale, that's for sure. A primo guy like Steamboat getting jerked around was reason #4259 for the boys having no respect for Herd.

  28. I know he used to say that during interviews when he managed Steve Corino in ECW. Not sure if it was a thing beforehand or not.

  29. Sing the Walmart Rollback song.

  30. He had a few good matches with Christian, one for the ECW title.

  31. Well, made for a good Halloween costume.

  32. "You're gonna tell your grandkids about the night you saw The Franchise, Shane Douglass, step into this ring and cure insomnia with a 30-minute punching contest with Pitbull 2."

  33. Gonna need a vote later.

  34. You're so cool!

  35. Seriously, is your real name Eric Kulka? He lives in Hershey.

  36. Go to the 15-minute mark for one of the best ECW moments ever. The heat for Douglas was incredible.

  37. Ok, but I'm talking about what happened onscreen.

  38. Remember it like it was yesterday. For some reason this never gets mentioned with all the other great ECW angles. It was fucking incredible. The Joel Gertner bit was genius.

  39. Buy a new TV!
    :clap clap clap:

  40. I fucking love those Douglas/Pitbull matches. Sure they were awful but fun as hell too. You have Francine flashing her shit, angry Douglas promos, blood, tables, chairs, endless run ins. It was great.

  41. I love that seemingly more and more people are getting rid of their cd collection because that I way I can (and could already a lot of times) some good albums for cheap.

  42. this again?

    how many people said they wished for Zack Ryder to be a "main eventer"? but he was over enough to be a solid addition to the midcard and (seemingly) his push got "sacrificed" on purpose to further push guys that were already over.

  43. Brie Bella is a natural heel like someone like Steamboat is a natural babyface.

  44. Flair's lady entourage here was pretty sad. They weren't even hot in that skanky hot-in-the-80's kinda way.

  45. Awesome story... mirrors mine. Replace Clash I with an early 90's SNME and pillow with Police Academy and Ghostbusters action figures.

  46. Agreed. He was decent in the ring, he was over with the crowds and seemed to sell a lot of merchandise for someone outside of the main event bubble. Plus he showed the hustle to go out and get himself over in new ways. Never have understood the point in burying him like they did.

  47. Well from the old days his constant fabrication of what he did or didn't do.

  48. I'm coming around on Brie but she's still not over as a face to the level they want her to be. Her sister Nikki on the other hand is a natural heel and should stay a heel.

  49. TJ: Rewatching RR 2014 and I forgot they had Kofi beat Orton before the RR. hahahaha. Also its a great "boring" chant 30 seconds into the Cena/Orton match.

  50. This is why I'm not all into the Clashes. Too much shit like this.

    Also, watching ONS 2006. Angles music sucked.

  51. What is this a WWF house show circa 1985.

  52. That was a fun show to be at. There were people sitting around me literally losing their tempers during the Orton Cena match. I didn't go that far but I enjoyed the chants.


    Repeat ad nauseam.

  54. The match was better then I remembered. Although the trade-finishers bit at the end slowed down the pace.

  55. I've never had any issues with him.

  56. You heard about Community, right?

    So much for #sixseasonsandamovie

  57. Man NWA 88-mid 89 was ROUGH

  58. Stranger in the AlpsMay 10, 2014 at 6:00 PM

    When the highlight of this rant is a story about Scott Keith's apartment burning down, you're doing something wrong.

  59. Hey, not every Clash was shit. There's a Ric Flair/Bobby Eaton 2/3 falls match coming up on one of these.

  60. All the heat for this show went into that fire. High five! Anyone?

  61. As someone who was in a halo the summer of '96, the smark in me still cringes every time I see that angle. Great stuff.

  62. Bob Bradley is not dead, as far as I know. Brady Boone, the other Battle Kat, is dead.

  63. Scott's "STUPID STUPID STUPID" predates Randy Orton's by years. He should sue for royalties.

  64. Well that's a relief. I always liked Bradley.

  65. I read anything like that in the voice of the alien from Plan 9 from Outer Space (or, more accurately, the guy playing the Plan 9 alien in Ed Wood).

  66. that would be the last Clash before Flair ditched to head to WWF

  67. Lots of Flair "Wooooooo"s should do the trick.

  68. I wasn't watching at this time. Sounds interesting, how come people were getting so upset?

  69. "You fuck kids!"

    Imagine Douglas' confused tired face struggling to think how to respond.

  70. I have an almost complete set of UK Dreamcast games, which I've carefully accrued since 2000. If something happened to them... or to my Xbox 360 USB stick full o' saves & no longer downloadable Arcade titles, I'd be furious.

    Forcing the perpetrator to watch Beverly Brothers versus Bushwhackers at the '92 Rumble levels of anger.

  71. Whatever happened to Jeremy Botter anyway? The only thing I ever remember of him was him pimping his band, the name of whom I vaguely remember being like the band of the guy from Lost who was the guy in Lord Of The Rings who was not in a musical band but was in a fellowship which is also a type of band.

    I always confuse him with Jeremy Borash. Not the guy from Lost.

  72. "Who was more useless as a manager, Jones or Gary Hart?"

    Seriously Scott? Both were great as nuclear heat getting heels

  73. What kind of gimmick is the Blackmailer? How does he keep getting dirt on people from feud to feud??!

  74. Hart was before this time period but I can see someone who only saw his work in WCW around this time period thinking he sucked. He didn't add that much to Funk and Muta in 89. But before this Hart was awesome and is often talked about along with Heenan and Cornette as the best all time managers. Jones? Naah. he kinda sucked. You wanted your career to die in JCP? Get Jones as a manager or feud with someone from his stable

  75. Paul Jones as a wrestler in the 70s/early 80s > Paul Jones as a manager. He wasn't bad as a manager, but nobody will ever confuse him with a Heenan, Cornette, Heyman, etc... and your last part nails why. He'd always promo about plans to go to the top, take out the heroes... and then his guys were JTTSes at best when it mattered.

  76. I guess we can agree to disagree because he did exactly what the purpose of being a heel manager was and he was pretty great at it

  77. There's some problems in the low-mid card i'll agree, but the main event scene was top notch.

    By this point Vince had really consolidated a crazy strong roster so aside from the Top 20 or so NWA guys things started to get a bit lean.

  78. Everyone could sense we wouldn't be getting a Bryan rumble victory.

  79. richard householderMay 10, 2014 at 7:59 PM

    Hah I am in Lancaster too.

  80. Dude...I used to wrestle a pillow or one of those wrestling buddies while watching wrestling all the TIME as a kid. I would drag a spare mattress up from the basement once a week and do dives onto it from my couch.

  81. I remember you posting those pictures. Words cannot do it Justice. Looked awful.

  82. Yeah the match didn't deserve the hate it got from the crowd. Glad their Raw rematch a few weeks later was better received, and hopefully it truly was the last natch between the two.

  83. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 10, 2014 at 8:43 PM

    berserker....we ALL did it it... I broke my bed because I used to keep hitting the Superfly splash and the Macho elbow. I once had a ladder match...with a real was only a step ladder but still...

  84. That's really the kicker. It wasn't a bad match in the least. And to be fair, none of their matches have ever been bad both because they're top notch in the biz and have incredibly good chemistry with each other.

    But we've also seen them wrestle each other for the world title far, far, far, FAR too many times.

  85. I've never seen the whole angle play out, that was nuts.

  86. Dude. There are child rapists that don't deserve THAT.

  87. Well, Hart was. Jones couldn't get heat if he'd been in Scott's apartment while it was burning.

  88. I think he was recently interviewed on a UFC Countdown special, and had a beard like Josh Barnett.

  89. I don't believe Shannon has his worm anymore.

  90. I just watched Clash XIII, and could not believe how many matches (mostly containing Star vs. a JTTS who doesn't regularly work there) there were. This show follows that format too, though it holds a soft spot in my heart as the first Clash I ever saw, as I rented a cable box for Chi-Town Rumble and had it in time for the Clash.

  91. I don't really understand why Scott was so upset about losing Use Your Illusions I and II. Even in 2000, you could pick those up at a used CD store for a song.

  92. Not enough Tony Garea.

  93. They don't show the whole mxe match on the network? It just ends after the hot tag to Eaton with Heyman on commentary yelling about how he wasn't going go watch any more of the match. Then it just cuts to to a ppv promo and comes back with the steamboat interview. Wtf?

  94. Man the roster was horrible. JYD and Hayes as top babyfaces? Who booked this crap? Am I the only that thought they should have just given the belt to Sting just to see if he could do anything with it?

  95. Completely feel for you on the fire bit: I was swept up in a fire in my apartment almost 2 years ago to the day that started as a result of a malfunctioning propane tank in a barbecue. I was throwing pots of water at it, collapsing in the hallway coughing due to smoke inhalation, and had to bail down 8 flights of stairs, holding on to my computer and its resources with such a death grip that I actually completely busted one of my headphones and a flash drive.

    Our insurance company actually did a premium, A-1 level job restoring normalcy though, replacing/restoring just about everything that was damaged and helping find a couple good places to stay for about 6-7 weeks before I got relocated to a shittier place that was far away from everything in the city(for financial reasons). The apartment (which I'm sitting in now.) was repaired magnificently in roughly 6-7 months and is actually 1.3x better than it was before. New doors, new walls, new appliances, slightly better closets, ridiculously better balcony door, the works.

    I actually went on this site about 2-3 hours after the fire because it was on a Monday night and I wanted to look up the Raw reviews and my 10 other frequently browsed sites in order to restore some mental sanity.

  96. Just finished watching it. Yeah not very good but Flair telling Steamboat "Why don't you you go home to the Mrs and help her with the dishes" was hysterical. Such a great segment to hype that awesome match. But the crowd was shitting on Ricky almost as bad as the Royal Rumble crowd attacked Batista. That was a lame lame lame babyface gimmick. Family Man Ricky Steamboat is probably not going to tell cutting promos against Flair.

  97. There's not enough context for me to actually evaluate this properly, but the part about you trashing your apartment in retaliation for Boardwalk evicting you comes across as if they were totally justified in doing so (and keep in mind, I think Boardwalk is terrible). I don't know if that's the intent behind your words or not, just pointing it out.

  98. I'm going to guess part of it is they played unnecessary hardball with his damage deposit based on the trash the place remark and a couple personal experiences with overzealous landlords.

  99. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 11, 2014 at 12:27 AM

    My house burned down right around the same time (1/1/2000, "You're the first fire of the new millennium" "Great, how about you shut the fuck up and try to put it out") and that shit is scary and made for a disgusting shower, but the $22,000 insurance check helped me get over it pretty quickly. Very definition of a beautiful disaster. And yes, Fabreeze really does work.

  100. The most important thing we learned from this is that Febreze REALLY DOES WORK.

    But I wonder why he didn't use it on his hair...

  101. I always thought the best course of action would be to do the Ric Flair to Sting passing of the torch match at Starrcade '89.

    The wrestler of the 80's giving way to the presumed wrestler of the 90's.

  102. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 11, 2014 at 12:40 AM

    I totally trashed my last place on my way out, in retaliation for our (me and my brother's) landlord sending over some half-assed hired goons to intimidate us. We beat the shit out of them, and totally fucked that spot up. I don't bother anyone and just want to be left alone, fuck with me for no reason and you better believe they'll be consequences.

  103. His band's name was "Burst".

  104. MaffewOfBotchamaniaMay 11, 2014 at 2:54 AM

    Because there's nothing worth watching apart from the Steamboat/Flair's brawl, is it safe to say this is the worst COTC?

  105. Hell no. The ones of the early Hogan era were unbearable.

  106. Exhibit A: Clash XXIX:

    The Patriot and Marcus Bagwell defeated Paul Roma and Paul Orndorff
    Johnny B. Badd defeated The Honky Tonk Man by DQ
    Harlem Heat defeated The Nasty Boys
    Vader (with Harley Race) defeated Dustin Rhodes
    Jim Duggan defeated Steve Austin by DQ
    Hulk Hogan, Sting and Dave Sullivan defeated The Butcher, Avalanche and Kevin Sullivan (Mr. T as guest referee)

  107. I agree on that one. With the Horsemen returning around that time he would have a nice stable to feud with.

  108. It's only justified if he trashed it before they evicted him.

  109. Just Joe tells him.

  110. Jones was crap but Hart was pretty necessary for Muta, unless they wanted Funk to be his full-time mouthpiece.

  111. Maybe he just did it once and got a rep.

  112. A house/apartment fire is something I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. I can't imagine having to deal with that.

  113. Dissing on Evad Sullivan, The Butcher, Marcus Bagwell, the Nasty Boys *and* Mr. T? You shut your whore mouth, Zanatude.

  114. My 85 year old Grandfather accidentally burned his house to the ground last year.. He and my Grandmother got out safely, but lost essentially everything other than the clothes on their backs. It's a really ugly thing to go through.

  115. Was he using that modified theme with the heavy guitar riffs?

  116. True, but Steamboat kicking Flair's ass and disrobing him got the crowd super pumped; having a character with two sides his always cool. Yeah, he's a family man, but piss him off and he'll kick your ass.

  117. I was waiting for someone else to go there...

  118. Oh 2014! Sorry, misread as 2004.

  119. Leave him alone, cause he's a family man, but if you push him too hard, he just might.

  120. They essentially had a collection agency sent after me the day after I moved out. It was crazy and if I knew then what I know now I'd have told the collection agency to fuck off and sue me for the money (which was less than $1000). Clearly a lot of what happened was my own fault, but they were ridiculously aggressive in dealing with me.

  121. I always wondered why they ran the Superdome when they only drew 5,300 people. I mean, did they honestly think they were going to draw double digits? Superdome holds over 70,000. They couldn't run somewhere else?

  122. Just tremendous. I've heard Shane talk about how after he got into the car, he started checking himself to make sure he wasn't stabbed by a fan while running out of the arena.

  123. Two-time, two-time...badda bing. Can't tell the Sopranos debuted in '99, could ya?

  124. They mistakingly advertised the show being at the Silverdome. That's why ticket sales were so low.

  125. The company was SUCH A MESS really until GAB 89. That show was like a super post WM RAW in terms of hitting the reset button.

    While the Flair/Steamboat, Flair/Funk fueds are what's most famous of this year, the Muta, Sting, Luger undercards are really what gave the company new life

  126. Yup, and what late 97 WCW should have been with Horsemen beating NWO at Fall Brawl, NWO dismantling and Sting topping Hogan at Starrcade with no shenanigans. But I digress.

  127. I must have been watching some 1980's wrestling alternate universe then that I only have possession of, cause he was always the most hated guy in the arena and the fans were rabid towards him

  128. Vader/Rhodes was pretty watchable.

  129. Wait, Scott and Sean both had fires at their places? Maybe these aren't "accidents" so much as they're "arsonist with a vendetta"?

    Anyone heard anything out of Eric S.?

  130. Unless Scott and Sean are secret Scientologists, I don't think Eric would be targeting them.

  131. I'm not putting anything past him. The guy was....I'll be semi-polite and say "a little off".

  132. He was pretty off, but he made who he hated (Republicans, Scientologists, wrestlers who rode on promo ability and let their in-ring skills stagnate, women abusers) and why he hated them pretty damn clear.

  133. If I'm not mistaken, isn't this the first time, in a long hallowed tradition, of Flair losing his clothes during a promo?


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