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Clash Countdown: #9

The SK Retro Rant for Clash of the Champions IX: New York Knockout!

- Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 is my BITCH! Okay, so I’ve only gotten the bronze in the Bullring level, but there was a few hours there when I didn’t think I’d even clear the Philly level, so I’ll take what I can get.  (Later on I would play the game over and over and generally clear the whole thing in an hour or so.  Tony Hawk really needs to just do a damn reboot of the series on the next gen systems and stop trying to make the shitty peripherals a thing.) 

- Quick terminology bit for anyone else besides the person who e-mailed me last night about this: When I say “blind charge”, it’s my little bit of shorthand for one person standing in the corner and the other guy running in like a maniac. I call it “blind” because the guy doing the charging is never really paying attention and misses whatever he was attempting 99.9% of the time.

- Live from Troy, NY

- Your hosts are Jim Ross & Gordon Solie.

- Opening match: The Freebirds v. The Road Warriors.

This is non-title and the ‘Birds don’t have the belts with them. At the same time, Ross hypes a title defense against the Steiners on the edition of World Championship Wrestling upcoming that week. You do the math. (I was told there wouldn’t be math!)  Mucho stalling to start from the Freebirds, as the Warriors toy with them off and on. Freebirds cheat and get a quick advantage on Animal, but Hawk flips out and decks the ref for the lame DQ at 5:19. This was nothing. ½*

- Bill Apter gives Sting the “Most Popular” award for 1989, and Flair the “Wrestler of the Decade” one. Flair beat Hogan in a rigged vote by the “fans” to win the honor. Shockingly, no one runs out and smashes the trophies.

- Doom v. Tommy Rich & Eddie Gilbert.

Capetta rips off my gag, introducing them as the “TAG TEAM COMBINATION OF DOOM!” Oh, wait, I guess he’s not being sarcastic. Gilbert and Rich manage to hold off Doom with armbars, but Doom quickly comes back and hits a double-team clothesline on Rich for the pin at 5:12. Pretty much a squash. *

- Jim Cornette interviews the Steiner Brothers, and Scott officially names his finisher: The Frankensteiner.  (Still one of the greatest moves and names of all time.  Talk about hitting a home run on all fronts.) 

- The Dynamic Dudes v. The Midnight Express.

Speaking of Cornette, over the course of 1989 he gradually grew apart from the Midnight Express and began mentoring the Dynamic Dumbasses, thus annoying the Midnights so much that they fell into a losing streak as a result. So they signed a match with the Dudes behind Cornette’s back, and thus Cornette is in a neutral corner.  (Much like Liz at Wrestlemania V, but without the disturbing implied domestic abuse.)  Eaton and Douglas start and Shane makes with the armdrags. Gotta think Shane is upset at having Johnny be his boss now. (What, Johnny Ace works at Target, too?)  Shane fights off a standard Express double-team, but Lane takes him down and works the arm. But Cornette suddenly jumps up and tells the ref about Lane’s hair-pulling tactics. Ace comes in and blocks Lane’s enzuigiri attempt, thanks to Cornette’s coaching, see? He hits a pair of dropkicks, and the same for Eaton. Eaton bails and Shane hits the DORKY SURFER OUTTA CONTROL PLANCHA. Nice. Back in, the Dudes continue working the armdrags. Bobby simply punches Shane in the mouth to counter (drawing a huge face pop) and tries a superplex, but Shane escapes and rolls him up for two. Cross body gets two. Ace comes in and Eaton can’t get the advantage on him, either. Finally, a cheapshot from Lane turns the tide, and the crowd pops HUGE. Russian legsweep sets up the Rocket Launcher, but again the Dudes counter. Shane comes in on fire, as a weird suplex on Eaton gets two, but Eaton finds a chain. Cornette comes in to even things up, grabbing the chain from him and tossing it into the crowd. Shane goes for the kill…and Cornette waffles him with the tennis racket, drawing a monster pop from the crowd. Eaton gets the pin at 8:35, thus killing the Dudes’ WCW push once and for all, as the Express is reunited and rejuvenated. **3/4  (I popped so HUGE when I first saw this.) 

- Steve Williams v. The Super Destroyer.

Using cost-effective booking, the Destroyer would be used later in the night. He’s just a huge masked jobber, although one you’ve probably seen recently, albeit not in any wrestling promotion. The answer in the next match. Williams crushes him with the Oklahoma Stampede powerslam at 1:40. DUD

- The Steiners v. The Skyscrapers.

Rick makes a late entrance, after giving away some popcorn in the audience. Rick hits a release german suplex on Spivey to start, and a Steinerline sends him flying. Spivey comes back with a vicious looking tombstone for two. Scott comes in and hits a Frankensteiner on Spivey out of nowhere, then hits Sid with a fallaway slam as he charges. Interesting side-effect of that move: Scott’s head came down too hard on Sid’s chest and punctured his lung, putting him out of action for months and screwing up the NWA’s booking plans for a lot of things. As a result, they needed a replacement, so they brought in a big goof from Memphis called Master of Pain who had been bugging them for a job for weeks. He wrestled under a variation of his real name, and the newest Skyscraper was “Mean” Mark Callous. I’m sure you know what became of him after that. Anyway, back to this match: Sid tags in and misses a blind charge, but the Skyscrapers manage to gain control of Scott anyway. Spivey hits a tilt-a-whirl slam and big boot. Scott comes back with a vertical suplex and Steinerline, and makes the hot tag to Rick. Steiners put Sid out, and Rick hits a belly-to-belly on Spivey as Doom runs in for the DQ at 5:02. Amazingly, Scott catches Simmons with a Frankensteiner in mid-run from an impossible angle. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HIM? Woman’s new bodyguard, Nitron, debuts and joins in the brawl. Nitron was the guy who was Super Destroyer in the last match. So what, you say? Well, Nitron’s real name is Tyler Mane, and he’s the guy who played Sabretooth in the X-Men movie. So there you go. **  (He’s also from RIGHT HERE in Saskatoon!  I believe him and Kim Coates are the only semi-famous people from this city at the moment.)

- US title match: Lex Luger v. Brian Pillman.

Long tie-up sequence to start. Crowd chants for Luger, so he tells them to shut up. That’ll learn ‘em. Pillman gets two dropkicks and Luger bails. Back in, Luger punishes him with rights, but Pillman uses his speed to escape. Luger bails again to regroup, and overpowers Pillman. Pillman retaliates with some CANADIAN VIOLENCE, and Luger tosses him. Pillman hangs out and skins-the-cat back in, then nails a spinkick. Luger retreats again, completely negating those face pops he was getting. Pillman goes up and hits a missile dropkick for two, and some more chops. He rams Luger’s arm into the post and they brawl outside. Back in, Pillman works the arm. Luger comes back with a backdrop suplex and a running kick to the head. Two points! Long press slam is followed by a Warrior gorilla press. Two big elbows, but Pillman fights back. Luger dumps him, and slams him on the floor. He suplexes him back in for two. Pillman suddenly gets a cradle for two, but Luger powerslams him to set up the Rack. He takes too long posing, and Pillman cradles him again. A vicious slugfest ends in Pillman’s favor (and not just the usual WWF “I block your punch, you don’t block mine” type one either – this was a pretty even fight) and he comes back. Backdrop sets up a flying bodypress, but the ref is bumped in the process. Rollup, no ref. Luger bails, grabs a chair, and absolutely destroys Pillman with a chairshot for the pin at 12:53. Great match. **** Sting saves Pillman from further punishment. Man, hindsight being 20/20, they should have put the title on Pillman before pushing Luger to the top again.

- “I Quit” Match: Ric Flair v. Terry Funk.

Loser must retire here. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! A Flair chop sends Funk over the top. Back in, more chops. No one ever said Funk couldn’t take it LIKE A MAN, that’s for sure. Funk bails and Flair follows, continuing the chops. Into the ring, Funk goes to the eyes and kicks him like an egg-sucking dog. Flair comes back with a chop, but Funk sucks it up and tosses Flair. He pounds him on the railing, then nails him with the mike. Flair chops back, and back in we go. Funk pounds away, but gets atomic-dropped. Flair puts his head down and takes a neckbreaker, thus playing off the injury Funk gave him to set up this whole feud. They fight outside. Funk runs back in, but Flair pulls him out and keeps punishing him with those chops. He tries to choke Terry into submission back in the ring, but Gary hart distracts him and Funk comes back. Another neckbreaker sets up a weak-looking piledriver (after Funk offers Flair a chance to say “I Quit” first). Funk always use that lame Memphis piledriver where they overcompensate for injury and just kinda fall back. I hate that one. I was just watching the Best of Dynamite Kid compilation from RF Video tonight, and he absolutely killed Tiger Mask with that inverted cradle piledriver that Jerry Lynn won the title with at the PPV. Now THAT’S how to piledrive someone. Now where was I…oh, yeah, Flair won’t quit, so Funk drops a leg and tries again. Funk tosses him out and piledrives him on the floor, still no quit in Flair. Funk slams him on a table at ringside, but Flair fights back. He rams Funk into the table, then sends Funk sliding over the table and back to the floor. Flair kills Gary Hart for good measure, then crotches Funk on the railing. Back in, Flair goes to the kneedrop and atomic drop, then Jim Ross nearly has an orgasm as Flair starts to work on the leg. He does a wicked awesome sequence where he alternates chopping Funk and kicking him in the leg, leaving the poor guy to run away in pain and confusion. Flair tackles him on the floor and gives him a kneebreaker on the floor. High suplex back into the ring, and it’s figure-four time. Funk fights it off and retreats, but Flair suplexes him over the top and to the apron, then hits some absolutely surgical chops. Funk is done, and Flair slaps on the figure-four and holds on for a good two minutes until Funk says “I quit” at 18:33. Funk and Flair shake hands, then Hart punks out Funk. Muta joins the attack, taking out Flair, and Sting makes the save. Lex Luger then nails everyone with a chair to set up the disastrous Iron Man tournament at Starrcade 89. The match here, though, was an awesomely intense and violent brawl, unmatched by almost any brawl done by Flair. *****

The Bottom Line:

Hey, it’s Clash IX. This show has a reputation for a reason, and it’s because of two great matches and a killer Midnight Express heel turn. As an overall show, it’s kinda weak, but that’s picking nits.

Strongly recommended.


  1. Scotty poppin these things out fast!

  2. Anyone got their own mark out story involving a heel winning back in the days you were wet behind the ears in terms of how the wrestling business worked?

    For me, it was Owen winning the tag titles at WMXI. I always sided with Owen in his feud with Bret and watching Owen finally win his first title in the company was pretty glorious.

  3. Re: Tony Hawk:

  4. " (He’s also from RIGHT HERE in Saskatoon! I believe him and Kim Coates are the only semi-famous people from this city at the moment.)"

    You're semi-famous, too, Scott!

  5. So according to Wikipedia, the Fabulous Freebirds lost the Tag-Team Titles to the Steiner Brothers on November 1, 2 weeks before this show but as noted the match hadn't actually aired yet.

    I thought the 1993 Disney Tapings were the first to commit this fuckery in WCW but i guess not. It gets even worse a few months later when Doom loses the titles to the Freebirds who then once again lose to the Steiners except the Freebirds lose the titles BEFORE they actually won them!

  6. No, WCW fucked shit like this up all the time.

    Most egregiously is the Freebirds (again) negative title reign, where they dropped the belts to the Steiners at a TV taping BEFORE they won them from Doom, in 1991.

    Also, in 1991 Tom Zenk was TV champion at the January Clash but had dropped the belt weeks earlier to Arn Anderson.

    And again in 1991, The Freebrids were not US Champions beating the Patriots at the September clash, even though they had already lost the US belts to them at an earlier TV taping (which would air the weekend after the Clash).

    Those are just off the top of my head.

  7. Also, Kim Coates from Sons of Anarchy is fucking awesome.

  8. Scott putting up a Clash rant now against the Raw live thread is like when they put Clash up against WM 5.

  9. I can't wait until they put some Nitros up so I can watch Nitro on the Network while Raw is on.

  10. I watched this for the first time the other night and fucking loved the Midnights Heel turn. Fucking loved it.

  11. The Tony Hawk series was all downhill after THPS4

  12. The WWF did this, too. Kerry Von Erich with the IC belt at Survivor Series comes to mind. Just the reality of a pre-Internet, pre-live-television age.

  13. Wow, Gangnamstein. Wish I'd have thought of that.

  14. Had no idea this occured actually. Learn something new every day i guess.

  15. I think I can say without hyperbole the main here was the greatest wrestling brawl of all time. EVERY chop and strike sounded like a gun going off.

  16. Love, love, love the clash rants. Also, Clash IX is bad ass as a whole show. Loved the entrance setup too.

  17. WWF was way less egregious about it, IMO. Sure they would have guys run around with the belts until a title switch aired, but they wouldn't have guys on TV defending belts they'd already lost!

    I mean, that Tom Zenk example. Just have Zenk drop the belt to Anderson at the Clash. Or the Freebirds drop the US belts to the Patriots at the Clash. Why put yourself in the position to have these additional continuity issues/embarassments?

    Kerry on PPV with the IC belt when he's gonna lose it that weekend isn't a big deal since he wasn't DEFENDING the belt that night.

  18. I believe The Brainbusters dropped the tag titles to Demolition several times on the house show circuit.

  19. Because The Internet wasn't really a thing back then, and they could still fool the vast majority of the audience.

  20. I rushed home after a JV basketball game to catch Andre vs Hogan on The Main Event. I was as happy as those two guys in the background hugging and falling over when Andre finally ended Hogan's four year title reign (the last of its kind that we will ever see).

  21. Real talk: *** for that Funk/Flair match.

  22. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 12, 2014 at 7:16 PM

    THUG and Project 8 >> THPS4

  23. Yep, exactly. I mean a big deal was made about the WCW world wide tapings being taped months in advance... But I'd say that 99.9% of the audience, me included had zero idea about it, and it didn't affect a thing.

  24. Let's be real: 2. But THUG was the worst.

  25. Yeah...and honestly even if you had access the wrestling market was so much slower paced and less oversaturated there was less incentive to ruin wrestling for yourself.

  26. Great argument.

  27. Sid winning the title from Shawn Michaels. HBK had all of my hate in 96 and it almost drew me back to the WWF.

  28. Seriously Funk vs Flair is everything wrestling is all about and the culmination of one of the single greatest wrestling angles ever shot with the piledriver through the table. *** is a rating for a fucking Jack Swagger match.

    It is pointless Armond White style contrarianism mixed with lame easy anti Flair sentiment and you know it.

  29. Weak ass brawling with a weak ass finish. It's the most overrated match of all time.

    I love how now that anyone has a different opinion, it's being a contrarian.

  30. For famous people from Saskatoon I would include Shannon tweed and rowdy roddy piper. And Gordie Howe if he is considered famous anywhere other than Canada

  31. I agree that their "I Quit" match is generally overrated, but I'd still give it ****. Their Bash '89 match was much better, IMO... ****3/4

    They should have either had Funk and Flair blowoff at Havoc then done Flair/Muta at Starrcade, or just waited and done the "I Quit" at Starrcade.

  32. It's an actual fucking payoff! They emotionally built fan investment in Ric Flair the human being and made Funk the most despicable villain. And Flair comes out on top without using a forklift or duct tape. You're damn right its brawling. What is Flair going to do, use an abdominal stretch?

    Not only is this so off base, and again, non chalant anti Flair talk but it's just embarrassing how much this match and story run circles around the poor storylines of today.

  33. Does Sheamus look 'smaller' to anyone else?

  34. Just because it's a payoff, doesn't mean it is automatically great. I want brawling and violence in my I Quit matches, but this match whiffs on it.

  35. I only had the Game Boy Advance version of 2, but yeah THUG put me off of the series for good.

  36. The beauty of this country is you are free to have whatever opinion you want, no matter how wrong it is.

  37. Two was where it was at. I've probably never put that many hours into any other game ever.

    I'm not really a gamer anymore though, and even then I was fading out.

  38. Gordie Howe is pretty famous.

  39. Well after my mark days, but I went crazy when HBK beat UT in the Cell at Bad Blood 1997. I was at the point where I was sick of Undertaker.

  40. What makes it "weat ass brawling?" And since when is a guy submitting and put the other guy over clean as a sheet a "weak finish?"

  41. An anagram for Dogie Whore

  42. It scares me when I agree with Cultstatus but no way is flair/funk 5 stars. It's a good match but I like their bash match better. I give the I quit **** - ****.25 ish range

  43. They brawled like they were trying to avoid breaking a hip. And a figure four finish in an I Quit match to blow off a blood feud is weak.

  44. Damn, Meltzer gave it ***** also.

  45. Kurt Angle beating Rock for the WWF title at No Mercy 2000.

  46. She's from Newfoundland!

  47. What puts it at that level for me, is the intensity. They really lay into everything, and look like they're trying to kill each other. Flair just kicks it into another gear for this one.

  48. In the sense that if this exact match happened today it'd get that rating: Maybe. But for its time, its at least ****1/2

  49. Stranger in the AlpsMay 12, 2014 at 9:23 PM

    My favorite Kim Coates movie scene is from The Last Boy Scout, one of my guilty pleasure movies. "I seem to have dropped my cigaretter. May I have another? And if you touch me again, I'll kill you."

  50. I started with Underground 2, which I loved because create-a-character and create-a-park. And of course the automatic demo plays are utterly hilarious to watch.

  51. I was one of those obnoxious smarmy heel fans already by the age of 7 so Hogan getting screwed out of the title on Main Event gave me goose bumps, because man did I just want to see that guy lose for once. No matter how it happened. Jesse's "THE MYTH OF HOGAN'S OVER!" was the greatest thing I'd ever heard.

    Also, Mr Perfect winning the IC title the first time because damn was he the man.

  52. Sid beat Shawn for the title in the Garden and I could not have been happier. I cheered every single heel on PPV against Shawn. The Survivor Series came. Bret triumphantly returned, and Shawn got beat by Sid. Loved it.

  53. See I agree. I think the intensity is a LOT higher for the Bash match too. That just feels like a nasty blood feud. The 'I'm a salty dog that'll shake your hand if you win' aspect of this one kind of muddies it for me.

  54. Even the way the handshake is done was great for me, as Flair is pretty much all, "SHAKE MY HAND BECAUSE YOU SAID YOU WOULD.... NOW FUCK YOU!"

    It's not like it's the "code of honor" or anything.

  55. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 12, 2014 at 9:40 PM

    Rock winning the WWF title tourney.

  56. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 12, 2014 at 9:41 PM

    Flair vs Sting at Starrcade 89....too soon or just right?

  57. Born in Newfoundland then moved to Saskatoon and grew up there. It's all the same

  58. THIS show. I watched the hell out of this one back in the day. To me it's the last great Clash as a whole. There are great angles and matches to come--and Clashes that people praise overall--but for me this was the peak. At the time I was in college and rarely able to watch wrestling every weekend (*coughbingedrinkingcough*), but I went out of my way to tape & watch the Clashes and Saturday Night's Main Events. Twenty-five years later I *still* remember watching this one live.

  59. "He's also from RIGHT HERE in Saskatoon! I believe him and Kim Coates are the only semi-famous people from this city at the moment".
    You forgot The Sheepdogs.

  60. Your shut your mouth. Armond White is a saint.

    Seriously though, the guy doesn't get enough credit for being a great critic. The only people that genuinely hate the guy are fanboys, because fanboys.

  61. The Frankensteiner may have been a home run but what was not a home run was WCW's "genius" attempt to capitalize on Scott Steiner's popularity: A t-shirt for women that read "Wine Me, Dine Me, Frankenstein Me".
    So their plan to market Scott Steiner was to release a shirt that promoted alcoholism and violence against women. Typical WCW stupidity.

  62. You resemble that remark.

  63. Yeah, not what I meant. I already own that one. I mean an actual next-gen reboot of the franchise.

  64. MaffewOfBotchamaniaMay 13, 2014 at 5:51 AM

    I love this Clash.

    I love the tag scene during this period and love the Steiners vs. Skyscrapers match more than I should, because it's just big moves from big guys on bigger guys.

    Fuck Nitron.

  65. Hindsight being 20/20, it would have been just right. They wanted to build up to it, and that was a mistake—the feud works better if Sting wins the match by upset/fluke in a face-vs-face match that everybody demands, then Flair turns heel because he resents losing the title.

  66. Actually, Super Destroyer was Jack Victory wearing the Blackmailer outfit and not Tyler Mane/Big Sky. I was originally an extra in Zombie's Halloween 2 as a security guard (and victim) of Myers, and it was a cool visual as Mane is 6'9" and I'm 5'8". But they ended up cutting the scene and just using the Richard Riehle death instead. BOO. He's a hell of a nice guy too, and HUGE. I also liked him as Big Sky. Lastly, Kim Coates is AWESOME. I'm glad he's mainstream now, cause I always liked him even back in the day with The Last Boy Scout ("Touch me again and I'll kill you"). For Coates goodness, check out Lethal Tender also with Trinity from The Matrix. Fun movie with Coates at his best.

  67. i was the ONLY ONE in the Arco Arena who stood up and cheered when Shawn Michaels superkicked Hogan on RAW back in '05. I was ready to relive the days of the Showstopper.

  68. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 13, 2014 at 10:38 AM

    scotty doesnt know

    scotty doesnt know

    scott doesnt know

  69. Then you KNOW you are on the right track giving it ****.

  70. So I just watched the Midnights match and that should settle the discussion on here about smarks existing pre-internet. The Dudes were so hated they give a Cornette heel turn face heat.

  71. My favorite Clash ever. I remember watching it live when I was 12. Loved both the Steiners and Skyscrapers back then. Great Luger/Pillman match. The Cornette turn was incredibly fun. Was huge into the Flair/Funk feud and how Sting/Muta would get involved. And with Solie/Ross on commentary, it just made it a great show. Watched it this week for the first time in years with a grin on my face. Then tried imagining it today with Cole/Lawler/JBL calling it and felt ill.

  72. this is so cute

  73. Philly was Bizarroland LONG before Toronto. Or anywhere else.

  74. They had the timing perfect except Sting blew out his knee.

  75. I met Terry Funk once and actually asked him about the Flair matches. He said it was painful as fuck and has scars on his chest from those matches. I agree with the 5 star rating.

  76. I love the bash match for reasons you stated

  77. If there was ever a time Flair should have put over Luger for the title it was 1989. Heel Luger was such a freaking GOD at this time.

  78. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 15, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    Yeah, I'm with you. Running face vs. face, with Sting winning gives you one big money match. The loss is a good catalyst for the Horsemen ousting Sting. Face Sting vs. Heel Flair = Money Match #2. Then you can do a series with them trading the belt throughout the year

  79. I also would have left Muta undefeated leading to the TV title loss to Arn Anderson. Anderson could then legitimately claim to be the only guy to beat Muta, which would cement his badass credentials.

  80. Amazing show. And you really undersold that Steiners/Skyscrapers match.


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