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Daily Network Thread - 5/12/14

The Network live stream schedule for today:

9:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 4/18/94 - Bret Hart vs. Kwang; The King's Court with Alundra Blayze.
10:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 4/25/94 - Razor Ramon vs. Jeff Jarrett for the IC title; The King's Court with Nikolai Volkoff.
11:00 AM ET - WWE Superstars - 5/8/14 - The Usos vs. 3MB; Paige vs. Alicia Fox.
12:00 PM ET - WWE Main Event Replay Live - 5/6/14 - Dolph Ziggler vs. Jack Swagger; Goldust vs. Curtis Axel.
1:00 PM ET - WWE NXT - 5/8/14 - #1 Contender Battle Royal.
2:00 PM ET - In Your House: Cold Day in Hell - 5/11/97 - The Undertaker vs. Steve Austin for the WWF Championship; Ken Shamrock vs. Vader.
4:00 PM ET - Warrior: The Ultimate Legend.
5:00 PM ET - NWA Chi-Town Rumble - 2/19/89 - Ricky Steamboat vs. Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
7:30 PM ET - RAW Pre-Show.
8:00 PM ET - Beyond the Ring - The Big Show: A Giant's World.
9:00 PM ET - Old School - MSG - 3/16/97 - The Undertaker vs. Vader in a Casket Match.
11:06 PM ET - RAW Backstage Pass.
11:30 PM ET - Beyond the Ring - The Big Show: A Giant's World.

So I've been attempting to watch everything on the Network, apart from the documentaries and wrestling roundtables, in chronological order. That Old School episode from 6/27/77 was very difficult to get through mainly because a match between Ivan Putski and Baron Von Raschke was booked to go 30 MINUTES!! But one prominent member of the BoD will be glad to know that a match between Tony Garea and George "The Animal" Steele was a sprightly affair thanks to Mr. Garea. Anyone have any patterns they are following with the Network? Or maybe a starting point for yourself?


  1. I've been watching WCW ppvs in order. Up to the GAB 95 so about to enter the NWO phase soon, and dreading it as it begins the worst commentary era ever. I remember every match was a backdrop to talk about everything NOT going on in almost any given match.

  2. "Putski and Raschke go Thirty" sounds nice... but should only be seen by the insomniacs among us.

  3. They've been uploading RAWs like crazy now. It's pretty great.

  4. People always talk about Hog/Road Wild's atmosphere, but almost nobody talks about Bash at the Beach 1995, live from an actual beach. I found that 100 times more awesome. I guess it's your next one!

  5. I don't have any real interest in the Old School cards of the 70's and early 80's, so other than watching a few things here and there I hadn't seen and REALLY wanted too I started at Starrcade 83 on Easter Sunday and am going through all of the 80's PPVs in order. Glad they got the Clash up before I got to that point, but it would be nice if they'd put some Saturday Night shows up. When I get to the ECW/Raw/Nitro era I may go bonkers and watch all of those shows in order too.

    Have I mentioned lately that I love the WWE Network?

  6. Hungover and off from work with a full queue of new Raws to watch. Life is good today

  7. Jarrett has the most hideous tights I've ever seen in his match with Razor.

  8. I'm totally going to watch that old school card from 97. I'm glad that they uploaded a more recent house show. I love the 80's and early 90's shows but I'd like to see some more recent stuff with hbk, Bret, etc...

  9. I love the roundtable discussions. Currently watching the 1970's one. Its good.

  10. Stevie Ray was awesome. The problem with WCW (and nowadays with WWE): The first time Stevie Ray said "suckas need to know" - it's hilarious. Change it to "suckas gots ta know", and make him say it every match? Annoying. Same thing with Jeff Jarrett and Slapnuts, and is going on now with "Hes got the whole world in his hands" was awesome at Wrestlemania. Now, I dont care if I EVER hear that song again

  11. You know, I'd be totally down with Dutch Mantell on the RAW announce team.

  12. Didn't know it was Meekin till you said that and looked up. I should have known it was his by the fact it had pictures.

  13. Be a good color commentator.

  14. I hope he means the Undertaker Mankind one.

  15. Chet Lemon and Black Snow, the best team around.

  16. Call me a fanboy, but last week's Wolves vs. BroMans ladder match was legit ****1/4.

  17. A copy of that match should come with every Zzzquil bottle.

  18. I don't feel like researching this, but according to p2b nation podcast, there's a Hogan vs regal tv match from early 2002? How have I never seen this?

  19. Bash at the Beach, and the Nitro live from a pool had some great visuals.

  20. I haven't even heard of it.

  21. I would like to hear Malenko try commentary.

  22. WHo's the panel on that one? I have difficulty watching any of the ones with Flair.

  23. Good thing I've haven't seen it, and enjoy them to this day.

  24. Regal had a cool promo before the match, something like "I'm wearing all of the Hulk Hogan merchandise, and I look like a miserable pillick"

  25. Hey, he's a big fan.

  26. April 29 Raw... Taker interfered and beat down Hogan, so not sure how long the match went. Don't recall it fully.

  27. Just don't read the ingredients. Trust me.

  28. Says the guy who doesn't understand what 'featured' participants are.

  29. It doesn't say that's only among two people, it says that Triple H and HBK are participants within said match.

  30. How did Ted Turner make $2 billion?

    He started with $10 billion and kept working his way done.

    (No, really.

    It might be possible that when the WWE stock price was flirting with $30 a few months ago, Vince might have actually been worth more (at least on paper) than his one-time nemesis.

  31. They also got complete character overhauls. This feels like the Raw creative team trying to write the same character the NXT team did, but because the NXT creative team is pretty on point where the Raw creative team blows, you get Emma, the oblivious dancing egomaniac who is a lethal submission artist in the ring becoming LOL PINK SNAKE ARM LADY.

  32. Threadjack--

    Bad Influence reportedly leaving for ROH.

    If true...TNA's talent walking to join ROH being a monthly occurrence looks bad on them (and the American Wolves move baffling)

    AJ Styled success justifies anyone who thinks leaving TNA could be good for them.

  33. What's the name of the 3rd participant?


  34. Yep, I think it was during Hogan's 1 month title reign, it was mostly a "non-match" with brawling outside the ring most of the time. Could have been fun, was disappointing.

  35. Thanks. Gonna hunt it down

  36. Holy shit. Regal calling Hogan a pillick = must watch

  37. You sound like one of those "indy rock" people. As soon as something goes mainstream, it automatically sucks.

  38. Bockwinkle, Hayes, Dillon, and Patterson.

  39. Doesn't look bad on TNA at all. Those guys wanted more money than they are worth. Easy move to cut ties with them, sign new guys for cheaper, and whatdya know the ratings are stable and slowly even increasing some weeks!

  40. Ah yeah, I remember that. I enjoyed that panel group.
    Do prefer when JR is on the actual panel though and not the moderator.

  41. That's... An optimistic take on things...

  42. This is one of the greatest posts ever.

  43. Have you had the new Hot Pocket Hot Pocket? It's a Hot Pocket inside of a Hot Pocket. Tastes just like a Hot Pocket. I'm gonna go stick my head in the microwave. HOT POCKET!

  44. Giving $1 Billion to the UN didn't help.

  45. Dutch has a fair bit of experience there, doing early SMW with Caudle

  46. Styles, Daniels, Kaz are all 36 or older and wanted a TON more money compared to the guys they brought in to replace them. Don't be stupid and say TNA should've thrown more money out the window and re-signed the oldies that drew no money.

  47. He'd be good! I think no matter who they use, the product overall would improve 150% if they didnt spend so much time promting twitter/tout/the wwe app/ get the picture

  48. I think I crossed up Wallstreet with "The Taylor Made Man", where Terry Taylor wore a tear away tuxedo that was exactly like Dibiase.

  49. Awesome idea! Just don't forget SUPER DESTROYER and the NEW ZEALAND MILITIA!

  50. intestinal fortitudeMay 12, 2014 at 9:54 AM

    I've been going with the WWE/F PPVs by the current month - so now I'm running through all the May PPVs. I'm planning on doing NWA/WCW chronologically now that the Clashes are up, but there's like 14 May PPVs to grind through first

  51. That's just part of the job. I accept that as part of the product.

  52. richard householderMay 12, 2014 at 10:03 AM

    ah, yes the undertaker mankind.

  53. That AOL merger did the rest. Sometimes, I wonder why he hasn't ordered a hit on Steve Case.

  54. He'd be a great referee too.

  55. That's a horrible analogy. This is all "mainstream."

    And if you don't see the huge difference in how Emma was presented in NXT as compared to Raw, I dunno what to tell you.

    If thinking that Emma is wasted with Santino makes me a "wrestling hipster" or whatever, then so be it.

  56. Yeah, that would have been ideal.

  57. The Varsity Club was fine. I honestly hate almost every IRS match I've seen, but his NWA stuff wasn't bad.

  58. His name actually is Rotunda, so no foul there, Scott.

  59. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 12, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    I haven't really been going in any order save for ECW TV. I pick what I watch by what I'm in the mood for, what I haven't seen and what card looks solid.

  60. Is it me or did they not really add anything new today?

  61. Don West was highly underrated when he turned heel.

  62. AJ Styles walked.

    The point is TNA should be able to offer 10 times what ROH is and still be offering peanuts given their difference in scope.

    That's what looks bad. Cutting ties was the right bussiness move--because they are BROKE.

    TNA can't afford talent poaching from the indys. They are an indy aside from they're tv deal.

    The tide has been sweeping from TNA to ROH for a few months now.

  63. More money then they are what, a living wage.

    TNA pays their workers horse shit.

    Good on Styles for getting out. IWGP champion less then a year later--and most certainly making tons more bank then he did for a promotion that cant sell out a highschool gym

  64. I started back in 85 for WWE in PPVs and watched up till where the RAWs started

    93. Since then I'm trying to go through the raws leading up to a PPV and then the PPV. I have also started ECW, as I have said else where I got my hands on the ECWs before the network and the gaps in the networks coverage. I am almost to the start of the episodes on the network but not quite.

    As for other stuff I watch countdowns, legends and other such docu stuff when I looking to change things or or have something in the background.

  65. JBL/Cole/Lawler is horrible. I don't know if losing Lawler or JBL would help. JBL is one of the worst I've ever heard. He has no clue how to play a heel color man and get babyfaces over.

    Taz was one of the worst of all time during Aces and 8's but has gotten a bit more tolerable since that ended. Weird because he was pretty good with Cole.

    Probably my least favorite announcer of all time was Coach. Especially as a heel.

  66. No need to scare the kids.
    Of all these teams, I think I'd be most interested in seeing Lance Russell and Jesse Ventura. For some reason I think they'd click even more than just being two of the all-time greats.

  67. Nah, that's so dumb it works.

  68. Was watching the NXT battle royal a little while ago, 4 things
    1. Crowd was very into Yoshi Tatsu.
    2. Loved the continuity about Tatsu and battle royals.
    3. Bo Dallas got some real massive heel heat from eliminating Tatsu.
    4. Is Mojo suppose to be a wrestling version of Brody Stevens?

  69. What is it about guys named Bill that makes them so damn wild?


  71. In a related story, Benoit matches are the easiest ones to find on wwe network. If you see a large section of the PPV having no match headings, you can be pretty certain there is a Benoit match there. This erasing of history is hillarious. This one probably actually works against them, because it makes it obvious where the Benoit match in on the PPV.

  72. I loved Heyman on commentary during the Invasion. Best thing about it maybe. I like managers as heel commentators because they have a vested interest and a reason to like certain guys and hate others. A heel commentator who's just a heel for the sake of being a heel seems kind of phony. Ventura at least was portrayed as being on friendly terms with guys like Muraco and thus being biased towards them, plus having bitterness towards Hogan as a guy who never reached the top as a wrestler.

  73. Tazz was just OK to me, but I did find "yam bag" and Joey Numbers pretty funny.

  74. "2:00 PM ET - In Your House: Cold Day in Hell - 5/11/97 - The Undertaker
    vs. Steve Austin for the WWF Championship; Ken Shamrock vs. Vader."

    I went to this show. Nothing earth shattering happened but it was cool to see Austin/Taker main event and looking back seeing Rocky, Foley and Triple H before they were all main eventers. Also, Vader hit Shamrock with one of the nastiest punches I've ever seen.

  75. Not just wrestlers, but all employees are beaten over the head with the fact that they should be thankful for a job.

    I don't think it's shifting to the robber baron era, I think we are there. Still find the way we celebrate CEO's in the country to be amazing when we take a look at how most actually operate.

  76. AverageJoeEverymanMay 12, 2014 at 11:24 AM

    as I wrote in a much older thread his boyfriends name might as well be Gay Stereotype from what I saw.

  77. AverageJoeEverymanMay 12, 2014 at 11:24 AM

    yeah that is what I thought.

  78. AverageJoeEverymanMay 12, 2014 at 11:25 AM

    or buffalos

  79. amen brother. I think the reverent attitude towards CEOs, money, the trappings of success is just like the pre depression era but I see legislation and pushes to also tear down a lot of the safeguards and protections that are still in place from after the depression. It amazes me that some of the basic safety net items and regulations that weren't terribly controversial and actually had the support of both parties until the 80s are now within the gunsights of the Republican party

  80. I'm in the same boat in terms of watching in order. Started early with the Raws and I'm up to April 1994. Not watching any WCW MNW-era shows until the Nitros are added. Started with ECW once it became Extreme Championship Wrestling. To me, it's a lot more fun that way.

  81. Buffalo Bill, Wild Bill, Buffalo Wild Wings... this means something...

  82. Boone's Farm, Natural Light, and Jack Daniels fuel a military crowd TREMENDOUSLY!

  83. It means I now want some wings and a Sierra Nevada when I get off work. And I will. Just not from B-Dubs.

  84. They were generally short matches but you could easily see the potential. The SNME box set has a six-man match with Rotunda, Windham and Steamboat against (insert mid-card heels) and the pops for Windham were pretty impressive.

  85. And just think, if TNA hadn't chosen Vince Russo over Scott D'Amore, they wouldn't be in that position now.
    People want to go on about how Hogan and Bischoff were the worst thing to ever happen to TNA but the fact is firing Scott D'Amore was the worst move TNA ever made because that was really what started the chain of events that put them in the position they're in today: Getting outdrawn by rinky dink local indys, about to lose their TV deal and losing talent because the talent makes more money from ROH or their day jobs than they make from a so-called number two promotion.

  86. (Since I can't reply below): I want to take Comdukakis' second sentence behind the middle school, and get it pregnant.

  87. Shiek, Volkoff and George "The Animal" Steele.

  88. Yeah, TNA pays workers horse shit are you stupid? They offered AJ $200,000 a YEAR and was making $350,000. That's MORE than enough for a living wage. Kaz and Daniels were both being paid if they were used a lot, and I'd assume they were both making over six figures.

    That's nearly HALF of a million dollars in salary that they cut by getting rid of those three wrestlers. Are they talented? Sure. But don't even start saying that they deserved that kind of money when NONE of them drew a dime.

    High school gym? TNA does bad at drawing at some house shows, sure. But so does many other companies. ROH draws like 800 for their shows but they run like 2 a month. TNA also sells 1500-2000+ seats to some of their house shows. No mention of that, hmm? Also, WWF used to run house shows in high school gyms in the 80's and early 90's. NJPW runs shows in tiny gyms. Do you insult them for that?

    I understand you may be a little bit of a sheep follower with the TNA hate, but you need to let go of all your anger and just appreciate that at least TNA is giving us an option to the monopoly known as the WWE with World champions being chased away by challengers, midget TLC matches, and Triple H plastered everywhere.

  89. Read above. Your arguments are completely stupid. TNA isn't broke. I bet you are a Cena hater too. Tide sweeping? LOL says who? That's why ROH guys are trying to go to TNA and WWE because ROH is a piece of crap independent company that pays their talent in hot dogs and protein bars.

  90. Yeah because Scott D'Amore is the answer! LOL. Russo brought TNA their highest average ratings and attendance.

    You have no idea how much TNA talent gets paid. It's MUCH MUCH more than you'd assume. Do the lower level guys not get paid six figures, of course. I'd reckon everyone on their roster is making $50,000 or above including the guys like Hardy, who is making probably $300,000 or more.

  91. (You might want to quote the line.)

  92. I really wish ROH's weekly show was on in the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut Tri-State Area. I think they are missing a big opportunity by not getting a deal in this area especially with the big show at the Hammerstein Ballroom this weekend.

  93. LOL that post alone destroyed his "ROH tide sweeping". ROH isn't even on national TV. It's some dumpy syndicated show that can't even get on TV in real cities. They are stuck with Peoria, Illinois, Buttslap, North Dakota, and Chipmunk City, Mississippi.

  94. Ted DiBiase told me it's spelled "Rotunda", to put an end to the long-going Rotundo/Rotunda debate.

  95. Finally to the Network's ECW shows....I had already watched bloodfest so...almost all the matches in these first few are from that show. Still its fun to see the start of ECW. some of the gilbert people are gone and the Sabus, Tazs and so on are creeping in.

  96. You're being deliberately obtuse. Nobody mentions only two out of three participants in a three way match, especially when the unmentioned one is the defending champion. That's just stupid.

  97. Yes. For now, get the character out there so people recognize them, then give them a makeover that people can sink their teeth into.

  98. This is phenomenal. "Prance around like a 50 pence tart"

  99. It would nice if WWE put an NXT match on RAW once a month. Hopefully, the crowd would react well, which I think would be the case if they put on the proper match. Toss Sami Zayn vs. Tyson Kidd out there for 10-15 minutes and see if they can get themselves over with a good match.

  100. nothing wrong with that. personally I just don't understand how anyone would prefer Ross and Lawler over Monsoon and Heenan. but different folks, different strokes (or whatever).

  101. the saddest thing is that all three have shown they can be at least okay if not good (or at some point even great). I really think that pretty much everyone, no matter who good initially, will become horrible because of the restraints put onto them.

  102. Shamrock deserved every bit of that.

  103. Watching Raw Ep. 62 Good lord this Piper Lawler build up is terrible. Piper couldn't even be bothered to cut his promo in one take so they had to chop it up with video static.

    Also and I know some people defended Bryan Adam's Head squeeze when I bitched before bu...the guy goes from the simplest most boring submission, a head the heart punch......

  104. As oposed to TNA, qho aperently pays their produvrion crew in broken promises

  105. At least the show is online

  106. TNA gives shit that makes the WWE look like a glorious tv program.

    Yes TNA does bigger bussiness then ROH.
    Given their exposure on TV, bigger should be more then an extra 3000 ppv buys and getting outsold by ROH at Hamerstein

  107. I'm trying to watch everything in order as well. I started with the 70's stuff and moved up. I'm having to go back and watch some of the clashes now, so I was in 89, but back to 88 for a few shows. I tend to check and see what they've added every day, so I can go back and catch any shows that I need to see.

  108. Any of the panels with Flair are terrible. He's either being completely bitter about the NWO or hiijacking the conversation to talk about what he wants to.

  109. Hey now, TNA's not all bad. They give Wrestlecrap and The Bryan and Vinny Show plenty of new material!

  110. Worse than Cousin Dog?

  111. Wrestle War '90. Fortunately they also kept the Wrestle War '90 Rap aka the all time worst open to a wrestling show intact

  112. Gorilla Monsoon/Bobby Heenan and Goriila Monsoon/Jesse Ventura will forever be my two favorite announce teams.
    Tony Schiavone/Jesse Ventura, Jim Ross/Bob Caudle, Jim Ross/Jim Cornette, Kevin Kelly/Nigel McGuinness, Jim Cornette/Dean Hill, Joey Styles/Cyrus, Lance Russell/Dave Brown and Scott Hudson/Steven Prazak were also extremely good announce teams.
    And I have to rank Marc Lowrance, Magnum TA, Stan Lane, Shane Douglas, Mike Hogewood, Michael Hayes and Heel Don West as guys who were criminally underrated announcers.
    Worst teams would be: Mike Tenay/Taz/Todd Kenely (note to Todd: you were not the main announcer, maybe if you had shut up and let Mike talk longer than 5 seconds per show, you would have kept your job longer), Vince McMahon/Todd Pettengill, Tony Schiavone/Mark Madden, Mike Adamle/The Tazz, Todd Grisham/Matt Striker, Jonathan Coachman/Al Snow, Lee Marshall/Ringside Ralph, Ron Trongard/Superstar Billy Graham/Lord Alfred Hayes, Eric Bischoff/Steve McMichael/Bobby Heenan, Eric Bischoff/Ted DiBiase and Michael St. John/Corey Macklin.

  113. Santino is over and will likely always be over for the duration of his role as WWE's comedy act, because he's really good at what he does. He doesn't have to be a technical wizard or work strong style to get over because that's not his role and quite frankly, we don't need bunch of those types.

    I like Emma's pairing with Santino just fine. She is charismatic enough to hang and their awkward vibe works as a side act for now. It'll run its course soon and they'll break her off. What do they do with her then? Honestly, I think this is the best shot at seeing Emma's character developed outside of NXT that we are going to get. Which leads me to another question. Will we always see NXT originals that are called up to the main roster continue to work NXT shows? I.E. Emma still working NXT tapings.

  114. I understand your point that OMG NO BENOIT. But there is technically wrong with saying that two people who do NOT have the title, will be competing for it, in a triple threat match.

    As I said before, a description of "see The Undertaker and Steve Austin compete in a 30-man Rumble", makes sense and is the kind of thing you'll see listed all the time in TV guides and such. Featured players. All they're doing here is reducing it from 30 men to three men. Why would that make it stupid? How about if it was still at 20 men, is that better? 29?

  115. My question was about what's wrong about that statement, not what's "technically wrong" with it.

    There's nothing technically wrong with deliberately letting out huge, smelly farts in a crowded theater throughout the movie. But it's still wrong to do it.

    Not advertising Benoit is one thing. Not listing him in match descriptions that I pay $10 a month for is another. It's not technically wrong. But it's wrong.

  116. Yeah, Bray Wyatt played football for my college, and it's definitely "Rotunda."

  117. "There lays your number one contender!" Just an awesome heel turn. Luger was really at the top of his game in 1989, it's really a shame what 90 and 91 did to him.

  118. Just watched this for the first time; I thought it was a unique atmosphere, kinda pre-dating the UFC's Fight for the Troops shows. And "Freebird" is not a good entrance song when it's going to be played five times in the same night.


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