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Daily Network Thread - 5/13/14

The Network live stream schedule for today:

9:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 4/25/94 - Razor Ramon vs. Jeff Jarrett for the IC title; The King's Court with Nikolai Volkoff.
10:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 5/2/94 - The Headshrinkers vs. The Quebecers for the Tag Tam Championship; The King's Court with Diesel.
11:00 AM ET - WWE Countdown - 4/23/14 - Top ten greatest tag teams.
12:00 PM ET - Wrestlemania Rewind - 4/29/14 - The Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather from Wrestlemania XXIV.
1:00 PM ET - WWE Invasion - 7/22/01 - Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Kane and Kurt Angle vs. Booker T, DDP, Rhyno and the Dudley Boyz.
4:00 PM ET - Legends' House - 5/8/14 - "Viva Las Vegas" - The Legends head to Vegas and take part in a Chippendales show.
5:00 PM ET - Legends of Wrestling - 12/31/06 - Jerry Lawler and The Junkyard Dog.
6:00 PM ET - In Your House: Cold Day in Hell - 5/11/97 - The Undertaker vs. Steve Austin for the WWF Championship; Ken Shamrock vs. Vader.
8:00 PM ET - WWE Main Event Live - Sheamus vs. Cesaro for the United States Championship.
9:00 PM ET - Wrestlemania Rewind - Triple H vs. Chris Jericho from Wrestlemania X-8.
10:00 PM ET - WWE Countdown - Top ten craziest ladder matches.
11:00 PM ET - WWE Main Event Replay - Sheamus vs. Cesaro for the United States Championship.

I'm not sure what happened with the WCCW episodes, but they have not added any in a while and have stopped at 4/29/83; ECW currently stops at 5/1/95 and current RAWs and Smackdown's only go to February 2014. The perfect scenario has shows like Championship Wrestling, All-Star Wrestling, Superstars, Wrestling Challenge, Primetime, Worldwide, Saturday Night all added before the end of the year, when this thing is supposed to roll out international. Despite all that, this thing is the greatest thing ever, and it hasn't even scratched the surface of what it can be.


  1. I can tell you that Superstars is dead and buried now due to legal issues over the "Superstars of Wrestling" name, so don't ever expect to see them added. Definitely waiting for some classic WCW to get put up, though.

  2. Prime Time would cover anything noteworthy that occurred on SuperStars between 1986 and 1993 anyway, so hopefully those do come soon.

  3. Still crossing fingers for Prime Time.

  4. Please explain the legalese

  5. Doesn't that only cover a certain period of the early years of the show and they could still show the later years when they changed the name to just "Superstars"?

  6. Situations like that usually are.

  7. Stranger in the AlpsMay 13, 2014 at 9:02 AM

    I'm sure a small time promoter like this Patterson guy could see the money when something like the Network went live. Hold on to that name as long as you can, because sooner or later they're going to show up with a bag that has a huge dollar sign on it.

  8. Yup. But that's not until the 90s. There's something like 6 or 7 years in limbo right now.

  9. Exactly... if you are not going to sell now... when would be a better time?

  10. I think if they're going to add 80's wwf TV, they'll probably do what they did on the wwe classics website and run episodes of Challenge & switch to Superstars in late 1990 when the show shortened its title to just "Superstars."

  11. "Top Ten Ladder-Matches", sweet!

    IMO, #1 really SHOULD be Hardys/E&C from "No Mercy, 1999", but it gets eclipsed by the later three-way matches and the big Shawn/Razor one.

  12. They have used some clips and just blurred over the words of wrestling. So I guess we will see if they get to it. I mean hell they went to the trouble of blurring ever F out of existence at one point. Much to the dismay of Koko B. Ware's butt

  13. It comes down to how cheap Vince is. Would he be willing to spend a little to get the rights to the words Of Wrestling or say screw it out of spite?

  14. Watching the last 94 RAW up..EarthQuake vs. Yokozuna !!!...

  15. OH....god the Racing references to Bob life..force..

  16. Not sure why they stopped adding the WCCW. Raws and SDs are probably due to contracts with USA and SyFy not to undercut them by having them available on the network quickly. As far as Superstars and the naming issue the other syndicated shows plus Primetime more than carry all the storylines. heck I was watching Challenge, All-American, Superstars, Championship wrestlng, etc. and seeing the same stuff over and over other than jobber matches (I was kinda insane during the 80s for watching ANYTHING wrestling. I watched any WWF show and with cable back then you got a lot of "super" stations and big UHF stations out of big markets like KTLA out of Los Angeles and WSBK out of Boston for example.) Plenty of WCW shows to add, both syndicated and the weekly TBS shows. They've also got rights to all kinds of odds and ends like SMW, some Florida and Georgia stuff, AWA, and probably a million other things I'm not thinking of right now.

  17. Makes me wonder if the WCCW/ECW stuff ranks near the bottom of the views on there and they are just thinking, we'll add it when we add it.

    Top 10 craziest ladder matches will be fun though.

  18. Also was watching Clash 1 last night saw the advertisement for Main Event and thought it would be really nice to watch the builds to the ppvs, maybe one day.


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