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Daily Network Thread - 5/15/14

The Network live stream schedule for today:

9:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 5/9/94 - Razor Ramon vs. Kwang in a King of the Ring Qualifying Match; The King's Court with Yokozuna.
10:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 5/16/94 - Sparky Plugg vs. Bam Bam Bigelow in a King of the Ring Qualifying Match; Earthquake vs. Yokozuna in a Sumo Match.
11:00 AM ET - Beyond the Ring - The Big Show: A Giant's World.
12:00 PM ET - NWA Chi-Town Rumble - 2/20/89 - Ricky Steamboat vs. Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship; The Road Warriors vs. The Varsity Club for the NWA World Tag Team Championship.
2:30 PM ET - Best of RAW - 4/8/13 - The night after Wrestlemania XXIX; Dolph Ziggler cashes in MITB; Ryback turns on John Cena; memorable crowd hijacking.
5:00 PM ET - WWE Countdown - 5/13/14 - Top ten ladder matches.
6:00 PM ET - Wrestlemania Rewind - 4/1/14 - Triple H vs. Chris Jericho from Wrestlemania X-8.
7:00 PM ET - Legends' House - 5/8/14 - "Viva Las Vegas" - The Legends head to Vegas and participate in a Chippendale's show, where Pat Patterson may or may not explode.
8:00 PM ET - Legends' House - The Legends participate in a charity art gala.
9:00 PM ET - WWE NXT - The women's tournament continues; Tyson Kidd vs. Sami Zayn vs. Tyler Breeze for a title shot.
10:00 PM ET - WWE Superstars - Kofi Kingston vs. Titus O'Neil; Sin Cara vs. Drew McIntyre.
11:00 PM ET - Legends' House - The Legends participate in a charity art gala.

Here you go, Parallax: RECOMMENDATIONS! WWE's Fully Loaded '99. Watch Edge defend the IC title he won at a house show (a rare occurrence from the late 90's going forward) against Jeff Jarrett; Michael Hayes used to manage The Hardy Boyz, and here they all team against The Acolytes for the tag team titles; Mideon defends the European title he found in Shane McMahon's gym bag (hopefully he cleaned it off first); a decent hardcore title match between Al Snow and the Big Boss Man; Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman go at it in a parking garage, and a pretty good strap match between The Rock and Triple H. So much stuff packed into one show, which was only a couple of months from Vince Russo's departure.


  1. AverageJoeEverymanMay 15, 2014 at 8:03 AM

    Just imagine if somebody gets the Sin Cara Dick Shirt signed by him.

  2. AverageJoeEverymanMay 15, 2014 at 8:04 AM

    They can join the burger flippers in striking hoping to get their wages increased to $15 an hour.

  3. AverageJoeEverymanMay 15, 2014 at 8:05 AM


  4. AverageJoeEverymanMay 15, 2014 at 8:08 AM

    If there are no faces or heels how does anybody see properly? Or walk? This is an odd world Vince lives in!

  5. AverageJoeEverymanMay 15, 2014 at 8:09 AM

    Or young screenwriters trying to get something on the CW

  6. If they're fast guys they can get away from Pat Patterson. If they're slow guys WWE just hired a new jobber.

  7. Or a young truck driver looking for something to talk about on the CB

  8. You know, Meltzer was laughing off the idea that Sheamus had turned heel in that match, he wasn't reporting it as fact.

  9. How many freaking gold medals did he win?!

  10. It was Alvarez

  11. Well, the previous SNME card was:
    1. The Great Khali vs. John Cena
    2. Bobby Lashley vs. Mark Henry (arm wrestling)
    3. Batista and Chris Benoit vs. Edge and Montel Vontavious Porter
    4. Finlay and Hornswoggle vs. The Boogeyman and Little Boogeyman
    5. Kane, Doink the Clown, and Eugene vs. Kevin Thorn, Viscera, and Umaga

  12. What's the joke that I'm missing here?

  13. Hebner screwed Hebner.

  14. Without a doubt. Just within his first year in the comany...
    Debuted in 1999 as a heel, turned face after turning on the Corporation, turned heel joining up with the Undertaker, turned face feuding with the Bossman, turned heel again leading into Wrestlemania 2000.

  15. WWF1987, what happened to Devitt going to TNA!

  16. I hope Devitt uses the body paint look over here. Looks really cool.

  17. AverageJoeEverymanMay 15, 2014 at 8:57 AM

    Or some young Punk trying to be CM

  18. And you get to see the country/world and be a part of a big TV spectacle regularly without anyone really caring too much if you fuck up (as long as it's not too noticeable or too often).

    If you like to travel and get paid to do it, it's one of those gigs that's pretty awesome that no one thinks about.

  19. College mascots get a sweet deal. They travel for free just to run around like a moron inside of a costume

  20. To be fair, the WWE is paying the refs shit (in their opinion) because that's how the pay scale is set.

    If TNA was paying the refs shit, it'd be because that's all TNA can afford.

  21. The show's viewership continued to be stagnant. NBC is in a position of strength versus being in a position of weakness for much of the show's run. They had enough of their Thursday lineup being destroyed. Show's get more expensive as they get older.

    Community should never have gotten a 2nd season, yet alone run 5 seasons and all people do is still bitch

  22. They'd replace them rather quickly, actually. It'd be a pain in the ass for whoever is on the ref's earpiece for a bit, but not more than a bump in the road.

  23. 30 Rock ran for 7 seasons because NBC was in the toilet and was willing to put on anything that did better than a test pattern. They also liked the cache of being in business in Tina Fey, they owned the show (which they didn't with Community), and probably made a lot more money off the show's syndication rights than they did with Community. 30 Rock also cleaned up at the Emmys, which networks like. Community never did.

    Community, critical acclaim or not, is not an accessible show. It was never going to reach a mass audience. The fact that it got 5 seasons is a miracle and again, NBC should be praised and thanked.

  24. Then turned face right after I believe when he started doing the mimicking gimmick.

  25. Shouldn't we be past some stupid gimmick matches...Especially against the stupid gimmick matches designed for certain wrestlers......who never win their own stupid gimmick matches like Buried alive or inferno or casket?

  26. Ever tried running around in one of those suits for any length of time?

  27. No. Not my style to be honest.

  28. Still hasn't officially signed with WWE. Holding out hope...

  29. The Kinda, Sorta Powers Explode!

  30. are you crazy, if they use them they might *gasp* get over!

  31. I joked about this in my posting a few seconds ago but I really think they don't want the midcard to "overshadow" their "top stars" because they have actual storylines etc. too.

    (remember, this is a company that assumes its viewers have the attention span of a monkey and is afraid they will confuse workers because they have the same first name)

  32. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 15, 2014 at 10:08 AM

    women have affairs with you


  33. it's weird every time for someone from Europe (like me) to hear how little importance "soccer" has in the United States because it's the most popular sport here (and in lots of European countries by a very wide margin).

  34. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 15, 2014 at 10:16 AM

    that's b/c i'm a good person and don't take advantage of vulnerable women


  35. Actually, D'Antoni probably would have made for a hell of a fun team, although I can't even imagine what the reaction from fans and the team would have been. "You're replacing a 51-win coach with him?"

  36. And aren't they talking to Bill Cosby now, also?

  37. Is it me or is there a super obnoxious noise every time someone hits the ropes in this show?

  38. I'll thank the talent responsible for the show being good, I thanked NBC by buying some DVDs.

  39. Van Gogh didn't sell any paintings, fuck him too, right?

  40. The issue with the U.N. is that it isn't a totalitarian autocratic government. It can't actually force any of the states in it to do anything, so it's ultimately useless.

  41. Why should I appreciate talent any more than I appreciate looks?

    Like talent, looks are based on a mixture of attributes a person is born with, their early environment and the training they do to hone and maintain that trait.

    Like talent, attractiveness inspires emotion from an audience. Is the ability to make people stop what they're doing and laugh any more noble than the ability to make people stop what they're doing and lust? Is that more worthy of our respect? Our admiration? Attractive people put a lot of effort into being attractive.

    P.S. Alison Brie (and the entire cast) are talented actors. They have comedic timing and delivery, and the true commitment to character it takes for believable drama. One of the best ensembles on TV, with true chemistry that turns a show from entertainment to art.

    P.S.S. Cool your jets. I'm mostly fucking around with this Community stuff, I'll miss the show, but I've made peace with its cancellation. Ranting and raving and speaking in a hyperbolic manner is by far the more interesting course of action.

  42. I liked Community a lot

  43. NBC is the reason the show ran for five seasons. None of the other broadcast networks would've even picked it up. Maybe FOX? But even then the sitcom was in a position of extreme weakness at the point, so probably not.

  44. Yet again, if NBC is only interested in money, I'll thank them financially. I bought the DVDs, I watched ads. I'll support the people that are interested in some variety of artistic expression (I'm not calling the cast and crew auteurs, but they invested some of themselves in that work) with an emotional expression of my own...and money if that's what's needed to keep the show alive.

  45. I understand Network TV is capitalist, which I just think shows some of the flaws in that system. When it comes to creating the most popular product, capitalism is fantastic. But...there's no real place for products that have value (cultural and artistic) but aren't popular.

    The great popular artists of our day weren't inspired by the the great popular artists of their youth. There is a place for that which doesn't have immediate commercial value, and that should be encouraged. Why should wrestling have to appeal to the lowest common denominator? Why should artists that want to eat have to do commercial illustration? Why should musicians have to do the standards?

    I'm saying that it's a shame that whenever a TV show tries to innovate, it gets smacked hard by the hand of the bottom line. We live in the 21st Century, it seems ridiculous that everything has to struggle every second to survive. Can't we keep the good shows floating on the polluted sea of reality TV?

  46. NBC was also in a position of weakness at the time and wanted to brand itself as the place for critically acclaimed single cam shows. It didn't work. NBC was the place that gave the show five low rated seasons. Most networks wouldn't have let it go to a second season.

  47. Yea, it's one of the shitty realities of TV. I'm pissed Trophy Wife and Community got cancelled. Friends With Better Lives was starting to come into its own and Bad Teacher never had a chance.

    My favourite trailer from last season, Us and Them, never even aired on FOX.

  48. Considering that NBC is now the number one network, overall? (By some alien standard of measuring this shit) Something did work.

  49. It's one of the shitty realities of mixing art and industry. Globalization and mass marketing did some very good things, but along with creating a boom in art and artistic endeavors, it also puts the heavy onus of financial responsibility.

    I hope some billionaire gets a taste for wacky, unmarketable TV shows soon.

  50. NBC is #1 among adults 18-49, CBS is #1 in total viewers.

  51. Thursday is their one night where things really flatlined.

  52. Rotunda's interview was probably one of the worst ever.

  53. Monaaaaaay!!!!

  54. I had forgot about that shirt. One of the worst shirt designs ever, but hilarious.

  55. You're right! Its a plastic sound, likely the tubing over the cables (which seemed extra tight this evening)

  56. Nash's telling of this story on Austin's podcast last year is hilarious, about how his partner originally was the "drizzlin' shits" and then Al Green getting fired after too. Just the way he relays the story is pure jokes

  57. This is one of my favorite so-terrible-it's-awseome shows. I've been waiting to see this show for years and thanks to The Network I finally got to to see it in its awful, splendid glory. I mean The Youngbloods, Magnum Force, Big Cat, Night Stalker, Motor City Madman, Star Blazer and "The African finals" all in one show? It's pure gold.

  58. This is a hilarious rant Scott, kudos, one of your best.

  59. Eric Jack"you up"sonApril 12, 2015 at 11:12 AM

    I'm utterly dissapointed that I was born in '89 and didn't start watching wrestling until 2002 because WCW brought some absolute shit shows to my hometown, between this show and the final WCW PPV. I mean a guy got turned into a tiger and I have to live with not being able to have seen it in person!

  60. Eric Jack"you up"sonApril 12, 2015 at 2:07 PM

    That wasn't a tiger, that was a Jacksonville Jaguar!


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