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Daily Network Thread - 5/8/14

The Network live stream schedule for today:

9:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 4/3/94 - Earthquake vs. Adam Bomb; the debut of Heartbreak Hotel.
10:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 4/10/94 - The Quebecers defend the tag team championship against opponents voted on by the WWF Uni---I mean, the fans; King's Court appearance for Lex Luger.
11:00 AM ET - Beyond the Ring - The Epic Journey of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
1:00 PM ET - WCW Slamboree '94 - 5/21/94 - Sting vs. Vader; Kevin Sullivan & Cactus Jack vs. The Nasty Boys; Ric Flair vs. Barry Windham.
4:00 PM ET - WWE Countdown - 4/23/14 - Top ten greatest tag teams.
5:00 PM ET - WWE Countdown - 5/6/14 - Top ten greatest villains.
6:00 PM ET - Wrestlemania Rewind - 5/6/14 - Randy Savage vs. Ted DiBiase at Wrestlemania IV.
7:00 PM ET - Legends' House - 4/30/14 - "Striking Out" - a bowling competition; the Legends film a commercial.
8:00 PM ET - Legends' House - New episode - The Legends head to Vegas.
9:00 PM ET - WWE NXT - NXT Women's title tournament continues; Battle Royal to determine #1 contender to the NXT championship.
10:00 PM ET - WWE Superstars - The Usos vs. 3MB; Paige vs. Alicia Fox.
11:00 PM ET - Legends' House - Replay of the new episode from earlier.

So is there anything on the Network that you have been avoiding, other than some of the original programming? Do you not have any interest in the some of the Old School shows, or WCCW? Which PPV shows have you been skipping because you remember them being not-so-good, or you've seen many times over? Personally, I haven't had a lot of time to kill during the day to watch anything that runs longer than an hour. So I've been watching a lot of the live stream, and haven't nearly gotten my money's worth from this thing yet. Drop your thoughts here.


  1. Rusty ShacklefordMay 8, 2014 at 7:34 AM

    If ever anyone needed proof that Shane Douglas is deluded then check out this video from a few years back when he showed up at Raw:

    Possibly the most piss-weak and unintentionally funny ‘invasion’ I’ve ever seen in wrestling. Nobody knew who he was (including event security) meaning that he had to escort *himself* out. E-C-DUB!

  2. "The plan to break up the Shield has been put on hold because the WWE are booking on cocktail napkins and threw away the plans to break the team up."


  3. If you made a list of wrestlers who were the biggest legends in their own minds, Shane Douglas would have to be at the top.

    I always thought it was hysterical that when Benoit, Eddie, Malenko and Saturn all jumped to WWF from WCW, Douglas was originally with them and told "Thanks, but no thanks."

    For a guy who ripped Flair apart for being too old, Douglas has wrestled in a t-shirt for the past several years because of his condition. Nothing says "old, out of shape wrestler" quite like wrestling in a t-shirt.

  4. That was sad.

    Funny thing is, for all the shit he got running Extreme Rising, he STILL did a better job than fucking Steve O'Neill, who completely killed whatever they had built.

    Shame. They were meant to have a TV deal starting this year. Would have been cool. I liked the mixed of old ECW guys and some new 'extreme' guys.

  5. AverageJoeEverymanMay 8, 2014 at 7:41 AM

    The Countdown shows might not be the most innovative and I often disagree with the order but I still enjoy them quite a bit. Loved the bad gimmicks (Doink and Mountie weren't bad!!) and tag teams ones. Also the villains one I caught the other day during the JBL segment and they showed him rounding up the illegals at the border which was awesome.

  6. That's all pretty fair.

    Although I liked his match with Matt Hardy a few years back.

  7. I think anything that is going favorable they will stick with and forget all other plans. All those angles with them teasing a split seems ridiculous now.

  8. Shield: Good. Shitcanning stupid ideas, even if by accident, does deserve some credit.
    Singles: Stale, YES!, YES!, Stale. But honestly, who else would fit on this list?
    Flair: (sighs...)
    Fight: (sighs...) If this was Louisiana or Minnesota in 1985, Sheamus would be looking for a new job.

  9. I think the ship of building a promotion around old ECW guys has sailed. ECW One Night Stand 2005 & 2006 were about as good as it was going to get, and every "Hardcore Homecoming", "Hardcore Justice" and/or "Extreme Rising" reunion show since has really just drawn out the brand.

    The ECW originals are for the most part too old, too out of shape and too broken down to build a promotion around. I agree that it was good to see that Extreme Rising was attempting to use a lot of new stars, but I think regardless of the scummy Steve O'Neill issues it was never going to work in 2013/2014.

  10. Man, yoshi tatsu, sin cara....who's next to whip sheamus? Evan Bourne?

  11. You sound like you want them to stick to original plans, no matter what. So you must be disappointed that we didn't get the Bryan/Sheamus, and Orton/Batista matches at Mania.

  12. Awaiting the first bad Meltzer joke...

  13. The smart money is on Vince Jordan

  14. Sheamus has nowhere to go as a face. He's presented as a paler version of Cena, both personality-wise and, well, skin tone-wise.

    Heel Sheamus vs. Bryan for the title in a "I've beaten you many times in the past" angle is the best way to go with him. But we'll get a Kane rematch because FUCK YOU.

    As for the Shield, no reason why they can't still be a team and receive significant singles pushes. I never got the WWE thought process that a team had to be split first in order to push one of the members.

  15. Rusty ShacklefordMay 8, 2014 at 7:54 AM

    Yeah I kinda felt sorry for the guy, though if he was going to pull a stunt like that then he should’ve at least got 2 or 3 recognisable guys to show up with him.

    I never kept up with what happened with Extreme Rising but yeah, it would’ve been pretty cool if they’d of kept going. I know people say that the whole ECW thing should be put to bed, but I don’t see anything wrong with a few nostalgia spots to help get some younger talent over.

  16. Meltzer is a big poopy head.

  17. I knew you wouldnt let me down

  18. They dont seem to know what they want to do with him. He jobs for a few weeks, does the pre-show on Extreme Rules, then wins the US Title the next night on RAW. You'd think that would lead to a heel turn but maybe not.

  19. I think you've got to look at what they're looking to achieve, as in their genuinely expectations.

    I don't think they were looking to become the next WWE, I think they were just putting out a 'hybrid' product, using a little of the old ECW flavour to market to their audience.

    Sabu still sells tickets in the area, and can still go pretty well, all things considered. Him and Facade had a decent bout at their final show.

  20. Lucky him.

  21. VJ: 3-1
    Hirsch :4-1

  22. This is it. It was only doing the old ECW loop. It's not as if it was looking to become a worldwide phenomenon.

    I kind of have a theory, too:

    During the Attitude Era, you had guys who were training to be an ECW style wrestler (no jokes, please). Someone like Kid Kash is a great example. He was going to be a star in ECW, but everything got fucked when ECW closed down.

    He would never go on to achieve the kind of success elsewhere that he WOULD have achieved in ECW.

    My point being, there'll be some guys around now who this kind of promotion would probably suit, and they'd probably thrive in that kind of environment.

    Hey, if it gives more guys a paycheque and gets them on TV mixing it up with some old extreme guys, i'm all for it.

  23. Is anyone else underwhelmed by the Shield? For all the hype and hysteria, they aren't that great. They've been shown to be dangerous in the ring, legitimately injuring guys with their botched moves. And their names don't exactly pass The Howard Finkel Test: Only WWE could take a guy called 'Tyler Black' and call him 'Seth Rollins',

    Don't get me wrong...the Shield are solid midcarders, at IC or US title level, but if they are serious about putting the World Title on Roman Reigns, they'll have one less person watching. And probably a lot more than that.

  24. And Scott Flamingo at 6:1

  25. So, making a common joke about how the WWE is booking on the fly automatically means I'm disappointed with the end result? Jesus, Vince. You know, I'm usually one of the few guys agreeing with you around here. Did the name change throw you off like it did Jobber?

    I honestly am pretty pleased with the direction of the WWE right now, and really haven't complained for a while. I don't believe they were trying to bury D-Bry (and I'm even OK with the Kane feud to start out his reign).

    Much like a cigar, sir, sometimes a joke is just a joke.

  26. Oh, I'm glad they're sticking with the Shield together, I thought it was stupid to consider breaking them up as they were starting to get cheered. There's still some use for them to be built up.

    The Flair thing is a bit troubling, but if they think he can handle it, they know better than I do.

    And wouldn't you be worried about the TV deal if you were them?

  27. I guess it's just a pet peeve of mine, reading all those sarcastic I'm sooo smarter than WWE, they can't ever do anything right" comments. Didn't mean any personal hate by it. We good? I have decided, WE GOOD!! *thumbs up*

    Edit: And wait, who did you use to be?

  28. A record number of Ex Wives and Lawyers tuned in for Ric's segment last RAW, looking for incriminating evidence.

  29. I would be worried but not having a vision with the product is never a good idea.

  30. Just nah.

    I used to have this quote which I kind of grew out of, but the internet makes me re-think:

    "Some opinions are SO bad, that they're just wrong."

  31. "Seriously...Stone Cold Steve Austin as the King of the Ring? He's never been more than a mid carder. It'll never work."

  32. "Stone Cold"? Lol.

    What is he, a popsicle?

  33. A rating's a rating...

  34. Steven Ferrari in the house.

    I actually agree with you about the sarcastic comments. I'm here to enjoy the product and don't get bogged down in the "well, they SHOULD HAVE done this, they SHOULD HAVE done that" stuff. I have no idea what the process is, and honestly, letting it play out since the SummerSlam has actually worked. The guy I want on top is on top, the Shield is producing some good shit with Evolution and we're getting some new talent call-ups.

    Really, what's not to like?

  35. I put Aksana alongside Lana (Oh GOD, we're so having the short-lived tag team of AksLana down the line, aren't we...? FML) in my group of women i'd like to tread on my balls lightly.

  36. [buys hair dye and affects terrible Irish accent]

  37. judging by the comments in the Raw live threads... Apparently a hell of a whole lot. :)

  38. Aside from Bryan & the Wyatts, I dare say they are the best thing the WWE has right now.

  39. I don't know if I'd go that far... but yeah, I'd Tommy Dreamer both of them.

  40. To be fair, the Kane stalking stuff with Stephanie setting him up WAS kind of stupid.

  41. As long as Sheamus would be part of my lazy fantasy booking idea where the roughneck guys all challenge Barrett for the title I'm happy.

  42. Hey, hey, hey.... Easy now haha

    I like the product right now, too. I've been really happy since Wrestlemania. It's the first time in a long time that i've felt they've stuck to their guns and pushed the right influx of new(er) guys, and not just quickly changed their mind.

    It's still no excuse for making your champ look like shit across the span of a 3 hour Raw. I reiterate - I am NOT saying they're 'burying' him.

    And there's still plenty of time to fix things.

    DB needs a strong SOLO showing on Raw to make up for that bullshit. It was really bad.

  43. I'd venture to say that if the keep The Shield together as a face act (and THANK GOD for it), that after this run with EVILution, they will start an official feud with the Wyatts. Yeah they've wrestled a bunch of times already, but finally having that Shield/Wyatts streetfight at Summerslam wouldn't be the worst idea in the world.

  44. Much like Vince Russo as Head Booker WAS kind of a bad idea?

    Come on, stupidly wasteful shit is stupidly wasteful shit, no matter who's involved.

  45. To be fair, sometimes people bicker and sort their shit out. It doesn't always lead to a collossal argument and a break up, so I guess that's kind of alright.

    It goes back to my theory on quick title changes. Sometimes there should be a quick title change. Sometimes, fate was on your side, and that night, you were the better man. Then next PPV, you drop the belt.

    It was when the internet exploded about Orton losing his first world title to Trips so quickly.

  46. Ticket-buying patrons disagree.

  47. No to your first line, laughs to everything following.

  48. Ok, ok, here's the deal...

    Y'knaw something, bro, when, when, when people tell me, that "oh, you should slow down", or or, "oh, Russo doesn't have a clue", what I say to them is bro, you're sittin' there on your couch talking on some, some internet blog of doom, and you're gunna tell ME what to do?

    For the LIFE of me, I swear to God, I just have no idea what goes through some people's heads, I really don't, bro.

  49. my problem is I don't have enough time to watch all the shows I want to watch. I would love to sit down and watch WCCW shows in order if I could.

  50. Yup. Sheamus and Barrett is loads of buys for me.

    They just beat the fucking tar out of eachother.

  51. Oh, I just mean one foot. Lightly. With big, black boots.

    It'd muster up some sort of odd erection, i'm fairly sure of that.

  52. Too bad Henry's now so damn fragile, he'd be another good opponent for Barrett. Goldust should get a shot IMO, I like the idea of Reigns getting a shot, but that would have to end in a clusterfuck, who else on the face side could go "toe to toe" like that?

  53. I've dabbled around a bit thanks to being off work for my knee surgery. I've mostly watched WCW ppvs but I've also watched a couple WCCW shows, a few ECW shows, some old WWF house shows (only the ones over an hour, it is a principle thing), and a few Legends of Wreslting shows. Recently I've watched the 1st 3 clashes. I've also watched that Warrior Doc, Legends house, Extreme Rules, part of WM, and the HOF ceremony. So as you can see I don't touch much of the "new" stuff. I actually would be watching even more but I'm watching basketball pretty much every night these days.

  54. I'm not sure how you think I was disagreeing with you... It was kind of stupid. It's not the stupidest thing I've seen in WWE, it's not even the stupidest thing KANE has done in WWE.

  55. Good troll. You got a lot of bites.

  56. Waitasecond. Who'd the Shield injure? And what exactly have they botched? You're describing them like it's made up of Ryback and Sin Cara with Del Rio primed to make a run at the title.

    In other words: Holy shit your opinion is bad.

  57. Only because I was actually watching during part of the Katie Vick angle can I agree with your last line.


    But I'm saying it was past "kind of stupid", and jumped that line real quickly.

  58. Y'knaw what - screw you, bro.

    You try and pop a Gad-damn 5.4 rating on a Monday night, and then you come back to me.

    Russo x

  59. This gimmick could be fun... Or it could get old real fast, much like the real Russo.

  60. What in the hell do you name that stable?

    Death by Botchtastic Boredom?
    Kill Me Now?
    Jobbers R Us?

  61. Cesaro when he's face again? But I think he'll be doing bigger and better things by then..

    I can't think of too many more modern day snug workers.

  62. /puts on Jaguars vs Bills.


  63. Katie Vick, May 19, Fake Kane, most of his association with X-Pac/Tori. Kane's done a lot of stupid shit.

  64. Faces in Perro.

  65. I like the documentary style stuff more than the old cards. All the WrestleMania rewinds were great, I enjoy the Legends of Wrestling (depending on the panel), and the specials they did for Daniel Bryan and Warrior were fantastic.

    I'll go back and watch some WCW PPVs that I've never seen (because I've never seen a single one until a month ago), but it's just usually to have something on TV while I'm doing something else.

  66. I know he's become something of a punchline since his career ended and perhaps rightfully so, but for someone who's actually seen very little of his work, would Shane have had the chops to make it as a big WWF star if he'd found his way back there in 99-01?
    And what exactly is his deal? I know he's had heat with Flair, but regarding what? And did he have any heat with the Clique or anyone else in WWF at that time that would've precluded him from being a star? Wikipedia wasn't helpful and I'm too lazy to search further.

  67. ... and we're done here.

  68. Can I nominate him for a 1 month push, then rapid de-push, Mr McMahon?

  69. "Chrustian! Why dy'a pash me aff tha tarnbuckle?!?"

  70. Yes, Draw (Same C-list horror movie bullshit, except that one actually promoted something), No (Fake Taker was much worse), No (fit the era WAY better.).

  71. when Flair was a booker in WCW Shane was not happy. He felt Flair sabotaged him on purpose and badmouthed him to the other wrestlers. There was also some stuff about allegedly promising to help him with his ringwork and bailing on him too. He wasn't the first or last to have heat with Flair (Foley hated him as booker). As for the Kliq who didn't have heat with them?

  72. Lana is now taken. By Rusev. Commence barfing.

  73. I have started the WCCW shows but I think that will be slow going for me. I have been watching all the old raws and have watched the WWE PPVs up to where we are at in the 94 raws.

    I'm going to watch everything ECW sickness made me get a hold of the ECW TV episodes before October 93 and the missing 93 episodes. BTW DONT DO THIS! Eddie Gilbert Era ECW is a chore at best. Bad wrestling, bad characters, terrible angles and lots and lots of Eddie Gilbert attempting to be funny.

    I am a couple of weeks away from what the first Network show and am looking forward to it. My understanding Heyman took over at Ultra Clash and I'm currently at the first post Ultra Clash show. There is already a huge difference, Styles is there, half the show isn't about Eddie Gilbert trying to be funny, its much better.

  74. I might just change the name and go for a 1 month run with it. It'll be over for a short spell, then people will complain and chastise me for it for some time.

    It all seems fitting.

  75. I like the idea of AksLana just because backwards it's Anal Ska.

  76. Hey. HEY. Don't be saying nothin' bad about Alberto Del Rio.

  77. Just because something fit the era doesn't mean it was good - I point you in the direction of another Glen Jacobs part, Dr. Isaac Yankem DDS. I wasn't a fan of the X-Pac-Kane stuff. Maybe it was X-Pac.

    Agreed on Fake Taker, though. Still thought Fake Kane was dumb, but yeah, Underfaker was terrible.

  78. lot of missing shows in 93 and 94 though on the Network. Not sure if it is an issue of content or an issue of not having good tape quaity. There is a whole run of 4 or 5 episodes missing in December 94 for example

  79. Wrestlers getting fired because they aren't real-life badass fighters is one of those old school things that is fun to romanticize but isn't a loss to the industry in any way I can figure.

  80. Yeah, but Kane being stupid and too far up the card has been the case for most of our lives.

  81. I'll agree that Roman Reigns is noticeably lacking as a singles wrestler. He's best as part of a team playing the role of clean-up hitter with some well-timed high-impact moves. But could he pull off a great 1-on-1 match with solid worker trying to carry him? I don't think he's there yet.

  82. (Doesn't care about Lana enough to need to.)

  83. Adam Rose: because Kwee-Wee set the wrestling world on FIRE.

  84. Yea I don't know if I'm going to be able to get all thos 94s the 93s are easy to find online and thats why I grabbed the gaps in november and december. I have been able to find the tapes for 93 and 94 so I hope to be able to find the big shows for 95 and 96 too...or the network could just start adding that stuff! I would think there are more people interested in watching a Hardcore Heaven 90 whatever than rando ecw TV ep. I don't see why they wouldn't be adding those to coincide with the TV episodes released...but who knows we are only a week into the new era of the network maybe they will come soon.

  85. Fake Kane was awesome. Keep in mind, he was billed as a "Kane impersonator", so there was nothing "supernatural" about it. Just some psycho guy from his past playing mind games with him. I totally wanted to see the resolution of that, and then... they just dropped it. BOOO!!

  86. Kane is the worst character ever, not counting anyone who lasted less than a year (and worse than a lot of those.) But a relatively small sampling of people get to just whoop his ass in a fair fight so that Bryan has gotten to do that and probably will again is a small silver lining. If they do have another PPV match it needs to turn the Sportz Entertainzmentz level up to about 20 and have like 80 run-ins.

  87. He had huge heat with the Kliq. Especially after losing the IC Title that was handed to him to Ramon the same night. Just like he blamed Flair for his ills in WCW, he blamed HBK and the Kliq for not going further in WWF.

    It could be that he just has a big mouth and doesn't play well with others.

  88. which seems more and more strange because there are several teams/stables that have already provided examples for singles pushes while being part of a group (Evolution being one of them!).

  89. Well, his name WAS Kwee-Wee. That kind of hurt him right from jump.

  90. It's not a loss to the "sports entertainment" industry, but it is a loss to the "pro wrestling" industry IMO.

  91. I kind of thought the "Flair segment" was highly rated because it was really a Shield-vs.-Evolution segment.

  92. I also have the issue of not enough time, and also too much other stuff to watch...I fell down a "Bates Motel" rabbit hole the past two days and I am freaking hooked. Add that WWE ain't doing it for me right now post Wrestlemania and I'm finding myself just not psyched to watch wrestling.

  93. I love hearing about backstage fights. You really learn who are legit badasses.

  94. Heartbreak Hotel: Most useful in a (sorta) bad WWF arcade game, getting dropped on Shawn's defeated opponent.

  95. Eh, that's splitting the finest of hairs unless you're talking about some catch-as-catch-can shoot promotion. Maybe just don't report everything that happens to the public? All that really matters is what is seen on TV and in arenas. I'm not a particularly big Sheamus fan, but I'd hate to lose, say, a Seth Rollins or Daniel Bryan because he didn't kick Rusev's ass backstage over something. Or, ya know, John Morrison because he doesn't care who fucks Melina.

  96. Kash didn't train to be an ECW star. He was trained by Ricky Morton. He only ended up in ECW because there were no Southern territories left for him to work (SMW closing in '95, USWA puttering out, etc.). Now a guy like Chris Chetti I'll give you since he was basically the only person to ever graduate from ECW's school.

  97. Y'know somethin', bro...


    See, that's what alotta the, the, the internet smarks on the newsletters and all those guys just DON'T, UNDER, STAND.


    We're goin' head to head against FRIENDS, for crying out loud.

    What, so you think Joe Shmo sittin' on his couch flickin' through the tube on his zapper's gunna wanna watch two guys working a headlock for an hour?! Cos if you think that's what gets ratings then, brother.... There is a GOOD REASON you're sittin on your couch and i'm here writin' scripts, bro.

  98. Not Sheamus.

    I wonder if he picks on smaller wrestlers because Yoshi Tatsu beat his ass when they were in developmental and now Hunico roughed him up.

  99. "You're a BULLY, Sheamus!" Morrison knew.

  100. I'd have Sheamus, Barrett, Cesaro, Harper, Big E and Swagger go out and doing stiff brawls with the IC title as the centerpiece. All those guys can hit and take a hit.

  101. See, you're one of the MINORITY i'm talkin' about, and no, no disrespect, alraght? No disrespect.

    But you ask Chris Daniels how far his 5 star matches on Meltzer's newsletter got him.

  102. Isn't Hunico like a foot smaller than Sheamus? What a badass.

  103. Uh, Sheamus is a LITTLE BUSY with something we call the Prestigious United States Title.

  104. I can watch Pre-Heyman ECW pretty easily... it's an old-school territory with enough names to be fun at times.

    Yeah, you get quite a bit of bad, but there's enough good to still recommend it, if only as a true "intro" to some of the characters.

  105. I'm going to second the "not enough time" comment. Between work, looking for a new job, and the social engagements that have started piling up, I'm finding less and less time to watch. Sometimes I toss it up on my iPad when I'm getting ready in the morning, but that's usually the only time I have to watch anymore.

    Plus, I have a ton of shit on my DVR I have to get through.

  106. why not do a first attempt on feuds that don't include all members?

  107. But then, I also have ALL of ECW Hardcore TV up to early 97, and all (or close to all) of the "supercards" and VHS releases...

  108. He's one of those little Mexican flippy floppy guys.

  109. I am, however, trying to go through all the Clashes. Started watching Clash 3 this morning, got about a third of the way through it. That should take me through to gearing up for the Money in the Bank PPV, and then SummerSlam.

    I'm planning out my Network watching months in advance. I feel like a pathetic human being...

  110. Here's what I think will be interesting about ECW Hardcore TV airing on the network. Wrestling usually takes a few years to catch up to pop culture, trends, and what not. Neither ECW nor hardcore wrestling have been a major blip on anyone's radar in the last six or so years. Even CZW moved towards a more athletic ROH-style of wrestling, only trotting our extreme violence for Cage of Death and occasional matches. I'm curious if ECW being exposed to a new crowd of young fans will cause hardcore wrestling to "make a comeback." I mean, the Internet offering unlimited freedom to discover new music is what kicked off the '80s trend in the early aughts, and has facilitated a whole bunch of new retro-leaning trends since then. It probably won't be anyone associated with the old ECW that captures people's attention because it will have to be presented in a new, young and fresh way, but I think within the next few years it's a definite possibility. Especially given how safe WWE's style has become. ECW was originally a response to the sanitized, bloodless products that WCW and the WWF were offering at the time, acting as a then modern spin on Memphis, World Class and other territories.

  111. the little taste of Cesaro vs. Sheamus that we got in that one tag team match was already pretty awesome.

  112. Once again proving Chris Rocks old bit about different races fighting each other...

  113. Before we get all, "Oooh, Sin Cara beat the crap out of Sheamus," there is a LOT of room for interpretation there. It could have been as small as Cara pushed Sheamus once and then people stepped in and the altercation was over. We've all seen bar fights and schoolyard fights and even professional fights, and we know ringside judges see things in weird ways.

  114. although somehow (might be a racist perception, I don't know) I have no problem at all with imagining Hunico being a legitimate tough guy.

  115. That would not fit the Shield, as someone going after one of them would likely draw the attention of all three.

    Strangely (or not), Evolution 2.0 would be a PERFECT group to do that with... maybe the eventual Kane/HHH feud would see the other two telling HHH "It's YOUR business, not Evolution's"

  116. Yeah I caught that story yesterday, definitely did a double take and cringed.

  117. Dude's a goon. Seriously, dude is enormous. Is he just that big of a wuss?

  118. answer #1: his feelings, obviously.

  119. That's a retarded analogy. Austin had already been WCW US, TV and World Tag Team champions. He was pushed for a WCW main event run, and only didn't get it due to having his legs cut out by politics. he then went to ECW where Heyman wanted to put the belt on him, but he went to WWF.

    Think about what you've typed before you send it.

  120. I'm sure most here would agree. that's why being part of that team worked out so good for him. the Heyman route: accentuate the positives, hide the negatives.

  121. Hello, Paul, how are Stephanie and the girls?

  122. You're just all jealous because you are not a super athlete like he is. (Actually, I am quite jealous too.)

  123. 7/10, I'll give him a +1 for all the DV's he's tossed out to the responses.

  124. I completely forgot that. Hell, throw the US title in there as well.

  125. But none of those previous accolades matter in WWF land. Remember that Carlos Colon was a youngster, for example.

  126. Yeah, not Flair, but ROMAN REIGNS. Ric Flair never achieved anything, but THE SHIELD are The Future Of Action Sports Soap Opera Entertainment.

  127. What about Judy Bagwell and ratings?!

  128. Wait, Northern Florida trash dating a guy with greasy, stringy hair, a gut and bad tattoos? Stop the presses!

  129. I'm watching a random CotC event on the Network from 1990 and Scott Steiner just picked up Ron Simmons in a bodyslam position but fucking BACKFLIPPED while holding him. And he DOES IT AGAIN with Butch Reed.

    Scott Steiner wasn't human back then was he?

  130. This is the point where the completest in my you ever share/trade/sell/borrow this treasure trove of yours?

  131. Maybe some day... just not yet.

  132. same issues as always with ECW, content and music. Obviously all the music is edited out plus you have to edit out crowd chants that are "inappropriate." I have a lot of the commercial tapes on VHS still (not great quality, some are tapes of tapes of tapes) that I will eventually get around to moving over to DVD when my parents come visit this summer and bring me their old vhs-dvd recorder. But I wouldn't hold your breath on those commercial tapes being added to the network.

  133. They should work on parental controlling the network so that they wouldn't have to mess with language for ECW stuff and just let parents lock the kids out of the MA stuff.

  134. placetobepodcastMay 8, 2014 at 9:34 AM

    Word on the street is SNME arrives on the Network in July.

  135. I've abandoned almost all other TV watching. I have 5 episodes of GoT the whole season of the challenge, last weeks vice, and the list goes on and on. I need to take a break from it but I just can't.

  136. I have the last two episodes of the Walking Dead, like, 7 episodes of Agents of SHIELD, and all of this season's Mad Men (just finished last season last night).

    Thank God summer usually means less new stuff.

  137. He was. A Frankensteiner from someone that size is still impressive.

  138. Sidebar for those not opposed to watching Benoit matches: Chris Benoit/Liger vs. Steiners from Japan

  139. placetobepodcastMay 8, 2014 at 9:49 AM

    That is the key, summer helps so much with this type of thing.

  140. Jim Cornette said once, "Shane Douglas needs to start his own promotion in Pittsburgh so he can be the booker and wrestle himself in the main event every night." (or something similar)

  141. I don't have a lot of time to watch TV either but I figure as long as I watch the ppv each month, the network has paid for itself. I've been bouncing all over the place but mainly watching wwf stuff. I've watched around ten full ppv's since I signed up three months ago and I love watching the old school cards. I usually just skim for good matches rather than watching the full event. I watched a few wccw episodes but it's just not for me. The ecw shows I prefer to watch the uncensored versions I already have from my tape trading days. As far as the original content goes, I've watched a few episodes of countdown and wrestlemania rewind and those are decent.

  142. Started with WCW Clash/PPV 1990 last night. Clash of the Champions X was the first show to watch. I watched about a half hour or so with Sting being booted out of the Horsemen then assaulted by Flair, Ole, and Arn. Also, Steve Williams Dr. Death promo video was hilarious.

  143. Any news on Prime Time?

  144. If you're looking for complete episodes of ecw TV, they're not hard to find. Just find a tape trading site like crazymax and people sell entire seasons for $1 or $1.50 a disc.

  145. I'm trying to hold off on a lot of the TV until they get the episodes up in some order. I want to be able to watch from the first episode and intersperse with PPVs when I can. That will be great once WWW and MACW finally come on.

  146. AverageJoeEverymanMay 8, 2014 at 10:08 AM

    Yeah that short video for Dr Death was hilarious. It came out of nowhere.

  147. Not that I have seen or heard yet.

  148. Just watched that Clash too.... good show and got me hyped for WrestleWar.

  149. That's the same mask Rick Rude used in his ECW debut, no?

  150. fantastic. But I would love to get primetime or the syndicated shows to go with it. What I ultimately envision for myself and the network is reliving complete periods of time with ppvs, Clash/SNME, and weekly shows.

  151. Same. Would gladly pay $12.99 a month for this.

  152. Clash 12 makes we wonder how they ever stayed on business. The basically screwed the paying customer by promising the Black scorpion, then said "J/K NOT REALLY!" Then expected people buying the STARRCADE rematch?

  153. Shane is full of himself, but I'm sure Heyman encouraged a lot of the Flair bashing. The brand they were building was all about being "Alternative". The anti-Flair stuff was just an extension of Douglas throwing down the NWA title.

  154. I thought it was clever. Why reveal the REAL Black Scorpion on free TV? While hooky, I found the whole Black Scorpion thing kind of unique until it was revealed as being Flair.

  155. You are probably the only fan of the Black Scorpion angle.

  156. and so poorly done. LIke when the scorpion turned the woman into a tiger. Why did security hold sting back when he wanted to help the woman (or help her themselves) and then once their was time for the "trick" they let him go so he could see the transformation. It was just amateur of the highest degree.

  157. Never said I was a fan lol, just said it was clever and unique. WCW did scare some kids in the audience though with the magic and the giant spaceship that Scorpion arrived in at Starrcade.

  158. Just finished sting vs flair at clash 1. In kayfabe the judges ruling that match a draw is ridiculous. Sting beat flairs ass for the whole match. Great great match but I found that to be funny

  159. I saw the reveal live. WCW did not understand their cities or their fanbase. Even the kids shit all over that.

  160. I can't believe y'all watched Over the Edge 98 unannounced without me Saturday night.


  161. It's like the one judge in every Mayweather fight.

  162. I've been doing that with Raw from 93 on and yeah, context with the ppvs make them a lot better.

    Wish I had that with the 80s stuff.

  163. They could've at least covered Flair's mouth/chin for the cage match. Flair even does his strut on the entrance ramp on his way to the ring.

  164. I'm up to NWA Bloodfest in ECW viewing so I'm going to switch gears and go to RAW..oh it's the Earthquake Adam Bomb rematch everyone has demanded.

  165. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 8, 2014 at 11:14 AM

    i've been avoiding everything 'cause my home computer is jacked and the stream won't play smoothly. youtube seems to be fine

    when i've watched the ppv's (wm, extreme rules), i've come into my office at work

  166. I just randomly showed up and found out they were doing it. Gotta check in.

  167. I hated Made in the USA Lex, but WCW Lex was almost always one of the most over guys on the roster, and I used to mark out for him racking fat guys like Roadblock.

  168. Not true. The faces often ran to the ring to fight the nWo, especially in the first six or seven months. They just lost most of the time.

  169. Their business wasn't great in 1989. Watching the shows, you can see a lot of empty seats (especially at New York Knockout or whatever).

  170. I am about an hour into Clash of the Champions XXI, and there is a vignette where Johnny Gunn and Tom Zenk go and buy clothes, it is ridiculous

  171. I'll take Gorilla on green screen over no Gorilla any day

  172. What about countrys, where you can go to jail just for saying something against the leaders or religions? I think it's good that you can be anonymous on the net. If you want.

  173. Shane Douglas getting booed out of ROH was great

  174. Yeah, that team died a short and (relatively) painless death, and (almost) no one gave a fuck.

  175. Like Scott mentioned with the Hardcore TV episodes, you just gotta track down what supercards/ home video shows take place in between them. It's the same as just watching RAW and not watching the ppv's to see the outcomes

  176. Oh god I remember this, how embarrassing

  177. I haven't watched any of the Legends' House, and I can't imagine I'll get around to it, either. I have been watching some of the old Raw's (about 47 minutes, baby!), and some of the old ppv's that either I remember being really good or I skipped the first time. There have also been a few shows that I wanted to see if my memory was correct about the quality, such as Survivor Series '96 (still a great show, by the way.)

  178. "Obviously all the music is edited out plus you have to edit out crowd chants that are "inappropriate.""
    They aren't doing that. In fact, when they learned that some of the ECW PPVs still had profanity censored from when they aired on Classics On Demand, they removed the shows from the on demand library and put them back up with profanity not bleeped.

  179. Are you enjoying recapping these new-to-you RAWs, Scott?

  180. Was there a reason Shawn was wrestling less these days? Injuries and such? I remember not really understanding it when I was a kid.

  181. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 8, 2014 at 12:05 PM

    I asked this a week or so ago but is the WWE ever going to put these big ECW blowoff shows on The Network? I would love that.

  182. I'm sure Shane is just a delusional moron, but it doesn't it seem like quite a few guys have had issues with Flair over the years?

  183. Yeah, I know, but I'm definitely not convinced that having Luger carry the company instead of Flair would have changed that.

  184. Shawn was off for the majority of the rest of the year. Vince loved Nash, and Shawn recognized that's where the strap was going eventually. He backed Diesel because he knew he could ride his coattails to the main event.

    We're talking about a guy who barely worked after WMX (aside from accompanying Diesel to the ring)... yet won the Royal Rumble in '95 and got the main event slot.

    Smart dude.

  185. This perfectly sums up the WWF's problems in 1994: Irwin R. Schyster got more TV time than Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels and Bam Bam Bigelow COMBINED.
    Did Mike Rotundo have secret photos of Kevin Dunn fornicating with a walrus?
    Besides blackmail, what could possibly justify Vince devoting so much airtime to the most boring wrestler on the roster?

  186. Hadn't Captain Lou already issued the challenge on behalf of the team that would turn out to be the Headshrinkers at this point? The timing is a little interesting with regards to the 10-man...

  187. Just watched this an hour ago and thought all the same things, Green Screen was laughable, Quake/Bomb was terrible but the 10 man was fun.

  188. They shouldn't be censoring anything anyway, it's a premium service. HBO GO never censors anything.

  189. 45 minutes a night before bed? What's not to love?

  190. He did. In fact, you may say he....HAD THE WHOLE WORLD, IN HIS HANDS...

  191. good to hear. I've only watched the first 4 ECW shows. Then that leaves me wondering why so many missing episodes. Even if WWE has poor copies it isn't hard to track down decent copies. And I don't feel I'm speaking out of turn when I say fans are happier with rough quality footage over missing shows.


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