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Daily Network Thread - Sunday Edition - 5/4/14

The Network live stream schedule for today:

10:30 AM ET - Extreme Rules 2011 - John Cena vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz in a Triple Threat Steel Cage Match for the WWE Championship.

1:30 PM ET - Extreme Rules 2012 - John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar in an Extreme Rules Match.

4:30 PM ET - Extreme Rules 2013 - John Cena vs. Ryback in a Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship; Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar in a Steel Cage Match.

7:30 PM ET - Extreme Rules 2014 Pre-Show - El Torito vs. Hornswoggle in a WeeLC Match.

8:00 PM ET - Extreme Rules 2014 Live - Daniel Bryan vs. Kane in an Extreme Rules Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship; John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt in a Steel Cage Match; The Shield vs. Evolution.

11:00 PM ET - Extreme Rules 2014 Post-Show.

11:30 PM ET - Extreme Rules 2014 Replay.

Clash of the Champions I airs on the live stream at 6:00 AM ET Monday, with Clash II airing at 6:00 AM ET Tuesday. Looking ahead at the schedule for Wednesday, it appears that is all for now, as an Old School episode shows up at 6:00 AM Wednesday. Enjoy your Extreme Rules Sunday.

Also, there's some other sports going on or something.


  1. Massive upload of ECW Hardcore TV. The ones that were up a month ago are back and then some. Episodes 73-78 are up, then a few missing, and Episodes 83-106 are all up with none missing.

  2. Stranger in the AlpsMay 4, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    I caught that. That's pretty cool. Of course, most fans believe that ECW hit their stride in '95, so it's good to see those episodes added with no breaks.

  3. WeeLC match? Do I even want to know?

  4. Yeah, enjoy the huge upload. Didn't care for many of the earlier ones, watched a few. Now I can watch in order. Wonder why some are missing, maybe the masters were ruined or something?

  5. The ongoing theory is that they have to take them down to scrub any vestiges of copyrighted music and then put them back up again.

  6. Could be an interesting experiment. A lot of what made ECW stand out was the music. Curious if young people coming in blind to the product get as wound up. Or if Sandman would have any following whatsoever

  7. Good point. I was wondering more so starting with Episode 1. The first one available is in the 30s or something. Those ones were never up. You would think they would start right from the start, but there must be some reason why they are not.

  8. Some of the angles still hold up, but that original music was great back in the day. Loved the video packages they used to produce using it.

  9. TLC match between to little people... its not like that is secret code or anything.

  10. The "jump off the ropes and hit the guy's foot" spot is usually dumb, with two exceptions; Savage trying the flying elbow, and landing on Andre's boot, and HHH trying a fist drop off the middle, and Flair blocking it by putting his foot up.

  11. I am one of those who thinks 95 was the best. So much good there.

    Everyone need to watch the Evolution of the Franchise promo to start episode 96. It's still great, also different for it's time.

  12. I don't know if the move has an official name or anything, but that one where wrestler A is stood on the apron and wrestler B from inside the ring shakes the top rope which results in A flipping over into the ring.

    Looks stupid.

  13. It could be those tapes just don't exist. That they were copied over or something in a budgeting move.

  14. Battle royales where one guy press slams another inside the ring instead slamming him out of the ring. That just bugs me since the object of a battle royale is to throw someone over the top rope onto the floor.

  15. Paul Haymen took over as book with the first show available. That might have something to do with it.

  16. I think it has more to do with bad masters. They can, and have changed music and cut packages.

  17. That's what I figured, either did not exist or masters were terrible quality or unsalvageable. Either way, I really wanted to start with the post belt throwdown era anyway so this is cool with me. Wonder if they will eventually have the ECW on TNN shows on here, too. It's unreal how much content WWE owns.

  18. The Worm was the worst, because it was always set up by a DDT. Now, the DDT, by a 220 pounder, laid out the opponent long enough for these incredibly long histrionics instead of just going for a pin.

  19. That was my thought too. I assume that everything this point in will be fine. Definitely looking forward to watching these in order to appreciate the context. Just started with Episode 83 and will be working my way through.

  20. It's exactly what it sounds like: catheter bags and ladders and chairs.

  21. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 11:01 AM

    Great call

  22. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 11:03 AM

    The Worm, the diving headbutt, the People's Elbow. The hip toss and/or powerslam. I can buy the spinebuster, but not the powerslam.

    Cameras capturing things they should not. Backstage beatdowns, heel plots exposed, etc. You can't emphasize that "this is a show and this is a camera" then expect people to buy that the heel is not noticing the cameraman standing there.

  23. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 11:03 AM

    Lucha Libre, in general

  24. Well, there was this one time that the Ultimate Warrior wore a hat....

  25. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 11:04 AM

    When one guy can take out like ten guys, who just stand around like idiots waiting to get hit. Diesel's 2011 Royal Rumble entry comes to mind. Basically any nWo ending on Nitro in '97 as well.

  26. 100 percent on the second paragraphy, but I'm okay with Powerslams (Especially Orton's) and the Worm and Headbutts and such. Especially since Scotty rarely won with the worm, and the People's Elbow really only beat lower card guys.

  27. One of my favorites is from Judgement Day 2000 during the Big Show vs. Shane McMahon Street Fight. Big Show begins tearing apart the stage to attack Shane and he grabs one of the set pieces and seemingly exerts a great deal of effort to lift it over his head (grunting as he presses it in several moves). JR and the King sell Show's feat of strength as though it's superhuman. However it becomes significantly less impressive when Shane kicks the rig out of his hands and Test immediately picks up and begins pummeling Show with it as though it weighed no more than a steel chair.

    Check it out at 6:10--

  28. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 11:09 AM

    Can't stand lucha, and not a big fan of a high flying style in general.

    Never liked Taker`s rope walk either. All the guy has to do is lean backwards and that`s the end of it.

  29. Sting in 1997 for sure.

  30. I always hate when multiple people stand on the outside holding each other up as they wait on somebody to do a dive. Multi-person X Division matches have always been bad about this. It's such a contrived spot.

  31. Stranger in the AlpsMay 4, 2014 at 11:18 AM

    I can't stand the use of things like hammers to knock a guy out. I'm pretty sure that if I took a hammer to Scott Keith's head that I would kill him, or at the very least, give him some serious brain damage. I really wish they would stop using that as a weapon. That includes sledgehammers, Triple H!

  32. Orton slapping the mat setting up an RKO, you think the other wrestler would hear where he was. WCW not banding together to fight the NWO was always bizarre too.

  33. The Catapault and the Canadien Destroyer...fakest moves in wrestling...

  34. As far as the action in the ring, I feel some are just better than others at making it look real. Chris Benoit and Angle did a great job with that. Guys like Shawn Michaels and Rid Flair drew you in so you forgot it wasn't real even if their fake fighting wasn't always the most realistic. The thing has ruined it the most for me is the scripted interviews. I hate them, they take away a lot from the product. Some of the best moments of the 80's and 90's were the spur of the moment interviews and comments that added to so much flavor to guys characters.

  35. Regarding 2nd paragraph: That's why I liked GTV

  36. It is ridiculous Triple H covers the hammer with his hand instead of just winding up like he was swinging an axe.

  37. who would have ever thought that Dick Dale would be such a perfect fit for a wrestling program?

  38. When two guys are fighting outside the ring, sometimes a guy can roll back in and break the ten count, and sometimes the ref keeps counting.

  39. My biggest pet peeve is the flying set up--that spot where wrestler A dives off the top ropes with no conceivable game plan other than to let wrestler B hit his finishing move on him. I can't waste any of my love on any match that uses this finish. Yes, that means Angle/Michaels 2 is a dud as far as I'm concerned. That means the Bret/Shawn Iron Man match is starless on my scorecard. Orton/Christian--it made sense the first time, so I'll buy it (the flying sunset flip is a Christian move), but I wanted to swallow and then vomit razor blades every time I saw them reuse that spot. The only thing I hate more than a flying setup is a flying setup callback.

    Batista/Cena II, when they repeated the Flying Powerbomb Catch and it looked terrible--stupid, stupid, stupid! Why in the world would Cena go for that Legdrop again when that's how he lost last time? Just don't do the move; it's not like you've ever gotten a pin off it!!! I'm getting angry just writing about this. That's how much I hate the Flying Setup.

    Due to this, I have an insane amount of appreciation for the Evan Bourne/Orton SSP/RKO spot, because you can't say Bourne wasn't actually going for a move on that one.

  40. Biggest one that gets me is that there's almost never a decision during a commercial break today. If you do it just once a month, it lends more to credibility.

    Except for Bryan/Sheamus, all main event matches today are at least 10 minutes+. I remember one UFC fight with Liddell/Rampage that ended in 2 minutes. Numerous major boxing matches ended in the first round.

  41. Remember Chavo Kane?

  42. WWECW matches are not main event.

  43. They were to me!

  44. haha I remember some ridiculous documentary with Steve Allen where they tried to Kayfabe all that stuff "I'm not trying to kill the guy! He has a family, ya know?"!

    I remember Taker / HHH where Hunter tried to brain Taker with the sledge hammer and shawn stopped him. That was a neat little spot.

  45. Shawn setting up his superkick by stomping his boot was always kinda silly, because why wouldn't the guy hear the stomp, and jump out? I get the idea is to get the fans involved, though.

  46. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 4, 2014 at 11:33 AM

    Something I've wondered for a while now is in a no DQ match if the heel has the face in a submission and the face gets to the ropes, why does the heel let go of the submission? I get if the face does as he's a goody goody but the heel doesn't care, he won't get DQed and might win the match.

  47. If I was in a No-DQ match with my archrival, why wouldn't I just kick him in the nuts for 10 minutes or just bring a gun and shoot him?

  48. What's wrong with the powerslam?

  49. because shooting someone with a gun is not just against "wrestling rules" but a felony?

    you have a point with kicking someone in the nuts for ten minutes, though.

  50. For sure. Little things, like Anderson whispering in Blanchard's ear behind Heenan's back during a Heenan Family interview at a Survivor Series.

  51. A big gripe I've had for years: why is it that when wrestlers go to put their hated rival through the announce desk, they remove the monitors? If I'm Roman Reigns, and the Shield and I are putting Orton through with the powerbomb, wouldn't I be aiming Orton's head for one of those cumbersome objects?

    Big Show would telegraph it the worst over the years, because he'd be so winded before that point, that it'd look like he was making a show of removing the monitors, because he'd move so slowly. Then he'd chokeslam the man he hates onto the barely-attached, semi-reinforced plastic table top.

  52. One business exposing thing I can think of was an interview segment, not a move or match. During the middle of the Edge - Lita affair (before WWE acknolodged it and Matt was still fired), Lita had an interview segment with Trish. Both were faces at the time and it was some sort of comedy segment mocking some other wrestler or nothing. It was supposed to have the support of the audience, but the audience spend the time booing extremely loud and calling Lita a slut. Trish and Lita completely ignored it and continued acting like faces. They followed the script and acted like the audience supported them. I found it hillarious, but that was a pretty exposing segment. I felt bad for Trish having to be out there though.

  53. Trish was a heel at the time.

  54. Actually, you won't win the match, and that's why they let go. Grabbing the ropes while in a submission hold is no different than putting a foot on the rope while being pinned. Once your opponent reaches the ropes, you can't pin or submit him until you get him away from the ropes.

  55. Am i misremembering this? I thought she was a face. Anyways, I remember Lita was supposed to be a face at least, but was getting booed completely out of the arena.

  56. "[...] it's not like you've ever gotten a pin off it"

    as mentioned before that's the one thing I dislike the most.

    Randy Orton shouldn't even bother putting on the cover after his draping ddt because it didn't beat ANYONE the last I-don't-know-how-many-times before (or should we assume that he is thinking something along the lines of "after all those years I will finally get a win with this!" every time he goes for the pin?).

  57. Yeah, the segment you're referencing happened a couple weeks after WrestleMania 21 where Lita managed Christy Hemme against Trish.

  58. I always loved Sting's dazed falling nut headbutt

  59. Well that's stupid.

  60. I love it when managers or fellow heel associates are kicked out of a No DQ match by a ref. They actually follow the instructions. Sometimes they even sneak back in later, like they are afraid the ref will catch them. I'd actually like one heel manager or associate to stay in the match when told to leave and tell the ref "What are you gonna do about it bitch!" I mean really, why do they leave? Its no DQ and the ref can't do anything.

  61. Jesse: And that means out to the floor. [Ultimate Warrior grabs the IC title and hits Rick Rude in the back with it] Hitting him with the belt?! This should be a disqualfication! That's an disqualfication!! Where is the hell the referee?!Tony: That's outside of the ring Jesse.Jesse: So what?!Tony: As much as it can just be a countout here.Jesse: What are you going to tell me Schiavone? You can shoot somebody outside the ring? As long as it's outside the ring? You know, you're even dumber than Monsoon! I thought Monsoon what the stupidest guy alive.

  62. Jesse was so awesome.

  63. My guess is that they might have to pay for the monitors if they break them. I know it's a stretch.

  64. I'm sure Piper had to pay for the destroyed set of The Flower Shop

  65. The best variation of that spot was during the HHH/Batista Hell in a Cell match. HHH was going to fistdrop Batista from the top rope with the chain wrapped around his fist and Batista held up the sledgehammer to block it. Really cool visual and it was logical.

  66. When I was about 8 years old and still not sure whether it was fake or not, I saw a Brutus Beefcake match on Superstars. From then on I knew.

  67. Other than the damned good wrestling, the coolest thing about the now-defunct RoH Pure Title...

    3 rope breaks for the whole match. You can use them, or lose them for closed fists/other shenanigans. Once you're out, you're on your own... the other guy can USE THE ROPES to end you if he gets you in that position...

  68. Please tell me the gif was from a live show and they didn't consciously air that taped.

  69. It's TNA. Need I say more?

  70. No one has mentioned the magical powers of the orosh whip yet?

  71. Yes, wasn't it a live PPV.

    Even TNA would have picked a better angle at least of rhis was taped

  72. Just wanted to reiterate that "Extreme Rules, 2011" was a great PPV, with two fantastic title matches. I'd put it right up there with the vaunted 2012 edition.


  74. The .gif was from last week's LIVE TNA Sacrifice PPV.

  75. It would help the story of somewhere, sometime, some announcer said that. One of the things I loved about Gorilla Monsoon was the way he would talk about the purse money they were fighting for and the "heavy fines and suspensions" that guys would be facing if they touched the refs.

  76. I hate the People's Elbow, Five Knuckle Shuffle, Kofi's Boom Drop thing, they look all incredible weak. Especially Rock's People's Elbow for a finishing move.

  77. (Yakety Sax makes this 100,000% more watchable.)

    ... because I can say more. LOTS more.

  78. Part A) Everything Rey Mysterio does

    Part B ) The 619

  79. Which part of the 619? I like the spring board Hurricanrana!

  80. He's too tired to stop running!

  81. Canadian Destroyer looks like it would hurt like hell.

  82. Man, that Flair/Hogan one is hard to watch.

  83. But no hate for the Stink Face?

  84. I'm sure that really was painful.

  85. richard householderMay 4, 2014 at 12:42 PM

    Randy Orton's punt.

  86. This is a decent question Meekin. I don't mind "fake" spots because if they are done correctly, they are entertaining and add to the overall value if a performer...the people's elbow is example 1A.

    I hate everything about RVDS in ring style. It's so fake and contrived looking

  87. You hate Rey more than Abeyance hates asians. I'm not a huge fan of the guy but he was damn entertaining for a few years in his prime

  88. Repeating the spot.

  89. The "Guy in a submission hold has arm raised and dropped twice, but manages to keep it held up the third time." If it didn't happen EVERY FUCKING TIME...

    Also, Ric Flair climbing to the top rope. Became such a running gag that even Lawler was remarking on it during commentary during Flair's later years.

  90. Your best avatar yet

  91. When I was a kid we would always do that arm drop spot when we were goofing around. Even as kids we thought it was silly.

  92. The mandible claw was pretty fucking stupid

  93. Are they going to get adorable little concussions?

  94. No one hates anything more than Abeyance hates Asians

  95. Orton rko set up? He knocks the guy down, for a good 30 seconds while he waits for him to recover, and get all the way back to his feet, punching the mat the whole time, so that he can hit an rko and then pin him. Why not pin him earlier? Super dumb.

  96. If you're referring to the spot that I think you are, he's not 'shaking' the ropes, but rather using them as a slingshot (pushing them forward, and then jerking them back). I think the spot has its place when booked correctly.

  97. Nobody got fucked by that ever-changing rule more over the years than Bam Bam Bigelow.

  98. Weirdest instance was on RAW in 1993, when Perfect beat some jobber during the commercial break... of a taped show. Would like to see them do that again sometime on RAW though.

  99. Serendipity is tuning into the live feed right as CM Punk/Chris Jericho's 2012 street fight is starting.

  100. Not really exposing the business or anything but ref bumps in no DQ matches piss me off to no end.

  101. When they were first constantly pushing and pimping the app, I thought for sure they were gonna have a secondary title change hands on the app during commercial break. Shocked that they did not, actually.

  102. Unfortunately, that's just WWE style at this point. It really started to show up about 15 years ago with The Rock squatting...and squatting... and waiting... and squatting before delivering a spinebuster or rock bottom.


    Not as much as you'd think.

  104. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 4, 2014 at 1:49 PM

    The first business exposing spot I remember was a match where Hogan was going to give the legdrop to the Honkey Tonk Man. Honkey was laying on the mat but out of position. As Hogan hit the ropes Honkey spun his body into position to take the legdrop.

  105. Even before that with HBK "Tuning up the Band"...

  106. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 4, 2014 at 1:51 PM

    Most moves where you have to lay on the ground while the person does some complex dance/ritual before hitting the move is stupid.

    That includes the People's Elbow.

  107. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 4, 2014 at 1:54 PM

    They should consider flat screens.

  108. Honky did that way too much. Trust a guy to hit his move while you're in prone position, Honky. There's not a high degree of difficulty there.

  109. When I was younger a friend of mine was a big ECW and RVD fan. When RVD did that ridiculous Van Daminator spot, I would ask my friend why the opponent wouldn't just duck, or catch the chair and knock RVD out with it. That always pissed him off. I thought it was good for a one-time spot, but not every match.

  110. Jericho's stupid double powerbomb

  111. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 2:16 PM

    The physics of it. At least with the spinebuster, I can picture a guy letting the dude run into him and twisting him around for the slam part. The powerslam requires a guy to do a flip for you. Same with the hip toss. Minor nitpick, but it's just not something you could realistically do to a person (at least not seemlessly).

  112. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 2:17 PM

    Hell yes. Five-Knuckle, the Worm, People's Elbow, RKO

  113. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 2:18 PM

    Just bite his fucking fingers!

  114. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 2:19 PM

    he stopped doing that b/c it was taking too much of a toll on his back, and he could only reasonably deliver it to certain opponents

  115. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 2:20 PM

    say that again?

  116. Certain opponents who inexplicably held his hands so they could be powerbombed again?

  117. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 2:24 PM

    well, i meant certain sizes. for some reason i always remember him doing it to road dogg when he 1st arrived, and yeah, i always remember the guy taking the move holding on

  118. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 2:26 PM

    someone going for an axehandle off the turnbuckle onto an opponent laying on the mat. guy on the mat sticks his leg up and catches the guy jumping - who just happened to land standing up - under the chin.

    would love to see the guy on the mat forget to put his leg up and the jumping just land there like, "um, ok"

    also, i hate when someone is supposed to bump over/through the ropes and he messes up and doesn't go over (being clotheslined over the top rope is a prime example), and then he has to twist around and still roll out of the ring in a rube goldberg-inspired spot

  119. DDP vs. THE MACHINE (how not to do the 'crotch yourself on the top rope' spot).

  120. This is the only answer that matters.

  121. Good God, the Spurs are destroying the Mavs right now.

  122. Actually, didn't Foley in his first book explain the science behind that and how it is medically accurate?

  123. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 2:30 PM

    "I'm pretty sure that if I took a hammer to Scott Keith's head that I would kill him,"

    hmm, i find it interesting you specifically chose to use scott as an example, as opposed to a generic "took a hammer to some guy's head"...

  124. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 2:33 PM

    also, pretty sure certain moves would always result in broken bones yet never do: thrust kicks to the face, big show's punch

  125. Bret Hart. When he was going to hit the elbow, he landed on his stomach. When he was going to miss the elbow, he took a flat back bump. He never hit the elbow taking a flat back bump.

    Seriously, what the fuck was up with that?

  126. You can't because the nerves he's pinching on in the claw paralyze your mouth/body.

  127. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 2:35 PM


  128. Good. If it was on a TNA ppv, then nobody saw it.

  129. I remember Arn Anderson used to do that axehandle spot constantly. God, how I hated that spot.

  130. He may have...I somehow have never read his first book. Read 2 of his others but not his first

  131. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 2:46 PM

    the streak ending. that shit don't end unless taker allows it to end

  132. I see what you did there

  133. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 2:47 PM

    please don't tell my folks :(

  134. I always wanted to see someone do the arm dropping bit, keep it up at three, then the guy applying the submission hold tightens it a little causing the other guy to tap. That'd be funny.

  135. I posted this before but it's a really interesting concept to me: a former writer on a Keller shoot claimed that Vince toyed with the idea of running a "behind the scenes" pre show for ppvs. They'd show creative meetings, wrestlers talking to agents about their matches, tv production, etc

    Essentially like the 24/7 stuff HBO does for sports.

    What you think, interesting concept or going over board in exposing the business? I'd really like it assuming it was preplanned or scripted

  136. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 2:51 PM

    it's all fun and games till he doesn't raise it the 3rd time

  137. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 2:52 PM

    we already have a scripted behind the scenes show

    it's called total divas

  138. Ok, that one made me openly chuckle.

  139. Parallax just hates Mexicans. He's mentoring Abeyance in the racism department

  140. Canadian Destroyer, Spanish Fly, the Worm & Undertaker's ropewalk have all been mentioned... so I'll go with the Rock's seizure-like selling of the Stone Cold Stunner.

  141. Alternate question...What's the most legit looking move/combo? HBKS super kick is near the top of my list.

  142. Stranger in the AlpsMay 4, 2014 at 3:10 PM

    He's an understanding guy.

  143. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 3:11 PM

    another thing i just thought of that i hate: when the wrestler getting pinned pops up right after the 3 count. hogan did this in the wm vi match. at least let the dude look like he got a legit pin and not a fluke

  144. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 3:13 PM

    believable spears, where you can tell the guy taking it is like, "oof, ima just lay here for a moment while my insides get back into place"

    that goes for any strong body-on-body contact moves, like harper's clothesline

  145. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 4, 2014 at 3:14 PM

    Shining Wizard, Mafia Kick or Paul Orndorff's piledriver.

  146. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 3:15 PM realize you're talking to farva, right? he has a running top 3 of things he hates

  147. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 3:16 PM


  148. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 3:18 PM

    Truth. One of the most basic tenets is completely ridiculous.

  149. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 3:20 PM

    Hate the destroyer.

  150. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 3:21 PM

    Yeah, I`ve always hated the sledge. Pick something a little more plausible.

  151. Backstage skits that aren't interviews where the wrestlers pretend there isn't a camera nearby. Takes me out of it every time.

  152. I never thought of it until you mentioned it, but now it's going to BUG me.

  153. Yeah, the real life inspiration for the Fugitive became a wrestler and developed the move. It's kind of a wacky deal.

  154. that was no jobber, that was Rick Martel. Who *was* a jobber in 1993, actually...

  155. One other thing- a good DDT that doesn't result in an immediate pin. You're dropping the guy on his forehead. That should send him to the hospital, not lead up to your crappy two-cent finisher. Jake Roberts has me trained on that- a good DDT- cinched up nice, slap on the bag, kickout of the victim's leg, forehead plowed into the mat- should be the move that leads to the pin.

  156. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 4, 2014 at 3:37 PM

    Clothesline from Hell. Then again alot of him and Ron's stuff looked good because they went around stiffing everyone

  157. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 4, 2014 at 3:38 PM

    They all look stupid, even when Brock killed Spike Dudley dead

  158. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 4, 2014 at 3:40 PM

    The biggest business exposing thing is punches.

  159. lot of guy do stupid stuff like that. As has been discussed how many guys changed how they came off the top rope differently so they could take a raised leg/boot to the chin?

  160. Neidhardt's bump over the top rope at WM2.

  161. the stupidest thing about this was that if someone won with his submission hold (for example Ted DiBiase with the million dollar dream), they often (afair even: mostly) DIDN'T do the drop-the-arm-thing - which is especially silly because that way we would see that it doesn't always end with the guy getting his arm up on the third time.

  162. that's a perfect example for good commentary. guys like Monsoon or Ross would regularly "cover up" the plotholes in the program to make them look logical.

  163. I agree and disagree at the same time. most wrestling moves would not only result in a pin if they were executed "for real" but they would also injure the opponent - sometimes even to a life-threatening degree (how good are the chances to be hit by a piledriver and not have your neck broken?).

  164. Extreme Rules 2013 is such a forgettable show.

  165. I always hated how the Stone Cold Stunner magically caused Austin's opponent to immediately pop up to his feet to be clotheslined out in Royal Rumbles, but never during a normal match.

  166. The clotheslines by Hogan and Warrior at WM VI.


  168. Rerunning all the old extreme rules shows up to tonight's show is a great idea and exactly what they should do on the day of a big ppv.

    In face if they could, they should make it free to anyone the day of the show... Up to when the pre-show starts. They'd probably hook some subscribers that way.

  169. I get what you mean, but for shit like that I can believe, "Oh, Stone Cold hit the movie differently there. Well, he is the master of that manuever"


  171. Absolutely. I like when I occasionally see someone try to jump up after losing, but their body just being too tired and beaten to let them. You can still look brave and tough and ready to go, just sell the arduous beating you just took.

    Doesn't apply and doesn't bother me for your average 5 minute TV match though.

  172. I dunno, I see it more as watching fanboys in their own crazy universe, and a lot less business-exposing than WCW or TNA often have been, at their sloppiest. In terms of production values and screw-ups mainly.

  173. Warrior beating him for the title at Summerslam has a huge and famous example of that, too. Love it.

    I saw the exact same thing happen on Raw this week. Barrett is Honky Tonk and RVD is up for a frog splash. Barrett has to spin around and I think Cesaro fell of the apron. Heyman has his face covered like he's trying not to laugh. It's joyous. Hoping to see that on a future Botchamania.

  174. I have somehow never thought about that before and now the more I think about it, the more irritated I am.

  175. Even earlier, there's a long and fine tradition of a guy standing dazed for an inordinate amount of time, thinking he's getting a lucky break, gathering himself - while all along a bigger, meaner guy is holding out his arms to show that "Ho ho ho, I'm gonna bear hug you! Or maybe the dreaded... FULL NELSON! WITH fingers interlocked, Monsoon."

    I've seen that kind of thing in old Popeye cartoons. The Worm, the People's Elbow - they're all just innovations on that. Where they suck, for me, is that they always rely on the victim lying perfectly still, usually lying with arms tucked in (even worse is when The Rock, in particular, would kick their damn legs into place - to no reaction from the now dead wrestler beneath him!), before the running back and forth, or rolling like a worm or, whatever, begins.

    The RKO I don't mind so much, because at least half the time, the other guy is staggering, punch drunk, not aware of his surroundings, his vision, hearing and thinking all just a big foggy blur.

  176. Repeating the spot.

  177. I know exactly what you mean...

  178. I like the 619 but it the setup always seems fake to me.

  179. I have wondered before if it was that, or that they want to beat but not actually murder their opponent. Though it's a weak distinction.

  180. Ultimate Warrior pacing around his team also at a Survivor Series.

    Neidhart constantly just playing with his beard and occasionally others tugging on it.

    Mr. Fuji always looking so totally baked.


  181. Well, I bet you that if you took a hammer to Scott Keith's head, then it would NOT kill him!

  182. What pisses me off the most about this is Lawler bitching that Warrior wearing a hat was so out of character, it was thus the worst thing ever.

    Jerry Lawler, who is in the ring with a huge piece of self-drawn artwork, of the Warrior as I recall, which he is going to give to the Warrior as a present, because of his huge admiration for said Warrior.

    Isn't that kind of out of character? More-so than y'know, having something on your head?

  183. The People's Elbow. The way Nigel McGuinness does a weird back flip into the ropes. The Van Daminator when the guy just holds the chair.


  185. Wait....what?

  186. The most pointless, redundant shit ever. I was watching Angle/Rock from No Mercy '00 the other day and it's almost like halfway through the match the booker forgot it was No DQ.

  187. Triple H spewing the blood out and then doing the Flair fall was awesome, too.

  188. CM Punk at Royal Rumble 2013?

  189. When you go down that rabbit hole, though, it takes the fun out of a lot of moves. Any top rope move that requires more than three seconds to execute, for instance.

  190. I dunno, looked like Yoshihiko nearly killed that guy to me.

  191. The Ghost of Faffner HallMay 5, 2014 at 1:23 AM

    If the guy getting hit sells it like death, sure. But have you ever been sprayed in the face by one of those things? It's legitimately brutal.


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