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Fantastic Matches!

Somebody asked…

Are any other MXE vs Fantastics matches as good as this one??? The spot with Cornette holding up the table is hilarious/brutal/awesome.


The Midnight Express vs The Fantastics – (NWA... by zep81videos


  1. Ah, so it was the ex-wrestler who was the nitwit. It's been a while since I watched, and I rarely even bother to watch the vote tally.

  2. Didn't Lucas say all the star wars video games are non canonical? Because knights of the old republic, battlefront, and the rouge squadron games were fun as hell.

  3. And of course the cable companies cried FOUL! when the NWA did it, but not when the WWF did it.

    (In fairness, the WrestleMania buy rates were MONSTERS for that era, and Vince did have some clout...)

  4. Another throwback I always loved, the "standby" match. That could make sort of a comeback, if you wanted to "red herring" a long match (like Shawn/Cena years ago).

  5. My favorite part of House of M is how pissed off it made Spider-Man, to the point where he was willing to kill. He gets everyone that ever died in his life brought back to him, and it's such a huge shock when that girl restores his memory. It's a shame we didn't get a showdown between him and Magneto (before it was revealed that Quicksilver was behind it).

    Also, I love the one flaw in Quicksilver's plan, it gave everyone what they really wanted in life, including Wolverine, who only wanted his memories back.

  6. The Fantastics, seriously underrated among the great tag teams. I know, Midnights and Rock n Roll Express are what people know but the Midnights and Fantastics were just pure incredible magic EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Too bad Kevin Sullivan had to be a dick and push them out of the NWA in '89, they'd have torn down the house against the Steiners.

  7. Oh man I haven't seen this. Saving it until I get home. I was blown away by that clash 1 match, and this is 27 minutes??? I'm excited.

  8. At least it doesn't have gnomes kissing, polygamy, or poop.

  9. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 6, 2014 at 2:02 PM

    i was just gonna ask if stuff like 'age of apocalypse' counts

  10. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 6, 2014 at 2:03 PM

    that season of dallas without bobby

  11. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 6, 2014 at 2:04 PM

    apparently he just recently made that decree

    what a jerkface

  12. I really didn't know much about the fantastics or the southern boys until recently. Thanks to the network and YouTube and daily motion I've become a huge mark for 80's (and early 90's) nwa tag team wrestling. Just amazing stuff. Also retroactively Bobby Eaton is right behind flair hart and Shawn as my all time favorite. It sucks to know this stuff will never really make a comeback by thats one reason I'm glad for the network.

  13. The Star Wars Extended Universe (Novels), before around 2000? Fuck Disney for deciding to ignore it, and fuck the idiots who watered it down with kiddie shit/bad drama, to the point where Disney basically had no choice BUT to ignore it, because it was too damn complicated.


    Shadows of the Empire
    Star Wars: X-Wing (9 books)
    Thrawn Trilogy
    Black Fleet Trilogy
    Hand of Thrawn (2 books)

    The Corellian Trilogy isn't bad, but just about everything else can jump off the nearest cliff. (There might be a couple singles/short series I'm missing, but I doubt it.)

    Also, honorable mention to the newer Star Trek "alternate universe", basically the stuff set leading into/after Nemesis. It went off a bit of a cliff, but brought it back nicely. Some of the older stuff also holds up, but a LOT of it doesn't.

  14. Yeah, Lucas had made the books/games "canon", because that was the one big difference between Star Trek and Star Wars in print... NONE of the Star Trek stuff has ever been canon, while ALL of the Star Wars stuff was.

    Then Disney comes along... although I bet Lucas wasn't too thrilled at the cliff the Expanded stuff fell off of.

  15. That had to have been him addressing it while not really addressing it. Baba had sooo much pull to get that to disappear.

  16. Have you ever seen the clone wars animated series? My gf is a star wars fan (I'm not so much but its pretty cool) and I watched a few epsidoes and honestly liked them better than the newest movies.

  17. And you know what? It isn't like WWE couldn't at least somewhat go back to the old ways. I mean, God knows I wouldn't watch a three hour jobber fest every week, but after WCW was bought, they could have started mixing in some squashes. Some people claim fans wouldn't go for that after years of ppv-quality matc

  18. The gnomes kissing really fucking bothered me for some reason.

  19. MVP 2005 will always hold a soft spot, as does the older All-Star 00/01 and RBI Baseball series. But yeah, The Show is damn solid. Glad it survived over MLB 2K... that game's pitching had gone too damn gimmicky.

  20. No vote for the downvote squared.

  21. I gave up on Star Wars a long time ago. After the Heir to the Empire series, everything else was just sort of meh. Rogue Squadron was ok. The Tales books were ok. Nothing that recaptured my imagination.

    I think Trek is the 'adult' series.... DS9 remains one of the best pieces of TV ever.

  22. Upvote the down vote of the down vote

  23. Weird, cause it seemed everyone was way more bothered by the original pictures...

  24. The Al Perez promo on the same show isn't as bad only because Gary Hart saved Perez's ass. After a few words, the dude seemed lost. No wonder they put Dr. Death with Sullivan soon after this...

  25. I've seen bits and pieces... it's not bad, just not my cup of tea.

  26. I actually kinda liked the 'draw your pitch' mechanic, but I doubt it would have been viable long term. MVP 2005 is my favorite baseball game of all time. Roger Clemens MVP is probably second.

  27. I liked them because I thought the movies looked like a cartoon anyways so this just seemed like to the way to do it

  28. Wait a second that was the same Carl from outside Nakatomi plaza?

  29. The match where HHH tore his quad

  30. Relatively attractive man and woman in various stages of playful making out in their underwear

  31. Cable companies basically told Vince he'd better never pull a stunt like that again after the Survivor Series/Starrcade issue, which is why the Rumble was on free TV. They were mad about the Clash because it cost them a lot of buys from WM IV.

  32. DS9 is criminally underrated.

  33. I've gotten into heated arguments about this. I think Garak is the most interesting and complex character of any Trek series... ever.

  34. My apologies. I meant Austin and HHH. I've had a shit day.

  35. In order of release: (Not counting The Show. No PS4 yet, so I might wait until 2015)

    *RBI Baseball: The original classic, and it's aged quite well into a quick little time-waster. Also,

    *Baseball Stars: Solid game, if unbalanced a bit. But emulation is a BUST, as one of the game's best features is a dud... money doesn't accumulate after games, so you can't ever improve your team.
    *Super Baseball Simulator 1.000: The NES one is fine, but the SNES one is outstandingly fun. Especially when you kill the other team.
    *Super Baseball 2020: Underrated little gem, nice "future" version with women, robots, and power-ups. I don't care for the Sega version's mines, though.
    *All-Star Baseball 2000/01: Yeah, it could fall behind in the call (I always love the guy stepping to the plate, with the announcer saying "And he slides into second with a double"... which happened three batters ago, dumbass.), but it was another good game, especially with a friend splitting the hitting/fielding duties.
    *MVP 2005: Too bad EA's gotten out of some sports... baseball, college basketball and football (2014 was the last game for NCAA Football) were not bad. MVP 2006/07 (college versions) weren't bad, hell, they had a "create a stadium" option. But 2005 nailed it.
    *MLB The Show: It's seemed to improve each year, and the worst problems from the early games are (I hope?) a thing of the past. But I can't give it a solid rating just yet...

  36. I played MVP 2005 for 3 years, which is insane for me since I usually pony up for a new version of each sports game every year (or did before I got old and too busy). The Show is awesome in its own way, but somthing about MVP just made it amazingly playable and fun to continue a franchise forever.

  37. I still have 2005 for the PS2... one of these days I do plan to return to it and take a franchise far.

  38. Fair enough. I preferred Major League Baseball to RBI, and I'd put Bases Loaded ahead of both of them.

    I can't take Baseball Simulator seriously, due to the gimmicks etc.

    Baseball Stars was good but I didn't own it so I can't really rate it fairly.

  39. And the expanded universe has made it better. It's gotten the best treatment, TNG's been split up a bit, Voyager's been beaten silly it seems, and strangely enough Enterprise seems to be getting some nice treatment.

  40. they never acknowledged Harley or Dusty either. They just talked about Harley as being a big star for years and "elsewhere" but never specifically put him over a fomer world champ. For that matter they didn't do it with Terry Funk (or Dory) either. The first guy to get the former world champ treatment was Flair. Garvin did get to keep his hands of stone and his feud with Valentine was a nice mid-card feud.

  41. Robert Bradley CurranMay 6, 2014 at 2:23 PM

    When Triple H and Orton main evented Wrestlemania 25 and hit their finishers on each other at the beginning, I was really hoping they were actually going to finish that match in like five minutes and we'd get a standby match.

  42. I still own it too but my PS3 that played ps2 and ps1 games stopped reading games right (still read DVDs though) and my wife got me a new one, so I sold the system to someone who could fix it. Now I have some old classic ps2 games with nothing to play them on.

  43. Ouch. None of my PS3's ever played PS2 stuff, so I kept the old PS2 handy.

  44. my 'slim' ps3 died awhile back - I held off on replacing it until the local gamestop had a back-compatible one in stock. No regrets.

  45. I devoured Shadows of The Empire and the first X-Wing book, then about 6 years later stumbled upon the second one.

    Tried the Thrawn stuff but I think I was like 10 at the time or something so it kinda flew over my head / was really dense.

  46. I worked at Blockbuster so we had a sweet bundle deal that my wife took advantage of for me for Xmas when they first came out (of course buying it at another location and robbing my store of the sale...). The weird thing was that the system would freeze up on games....sometimes. It would work fine for weeks, then suddenly stop working and not work for awhile. I would check it out periodically and then one day it would start working again. I'm sure the laser was slightly out of alignment for blurays but I'm not nearly mechanically savvy enough to follow the youtube videos I found to go inside and move it. My wife heard me bitching enough that she bought me another one without being asked so I just decided to sell it to someone who thought they could fix it through CraigsList. I actually need to post my N64 (in the original box, played maybe 5 times), and two working NES systems with a couple games and see if I can sell them as well.

  47. Also, have we finally run off "blog otters"?

  48. Everybody's crying at the dread hypnotic flying of the bee of the bird of the moth?

  49. You know I almost completely forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder!

  50. Who was the wrestler that said the Western States Heritage title was created as a title for Dusty to win so he'd never be without a belt? It was so damn true with Big Dust: between the World, US, World tag, World TV (formerly just TV, but World TV when he got it), and six-man titles the guy never went a day without a strap in NWA until Turner fired him.

  51. The Ghost of Faffner HallMay 6, 2014 at 2:51 PM

    I remember when one of the WCW shows started airing at like 2:30 on Saturday mornings around 1990 (it may have been World Wide, I don't remember). I had been reading about WCW in the Apter mags for years but this was the first time I'd actually seen it, so I was on cloud nine, even if they were jobber squashes.

  52. richard householderMay 6, 2014 at 2:58 PM

    On that preview still shot, check out that mustache and perm on Pee Wee!

  53. I loved Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 - For whatever reason, I could never find the game for sale, but the local video rental place always had it, so I rented it at least once a month to play when I was a kid.

    Loved MVP 2005, also, was so sad when EA stopped making MLB games, but The Show is so top notch, it makes up for it. Just picked up 2014 for my PSVita a couple of weeks ago.

  54. btw: how awesome is the theme of the Midnights?

  55. Looks like this is a show I'm going to be watching in the very near future. 3 four star plus matches in two hours, holy shit that's awesome.

  56. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 6, 2014 at 3:07 PM

    Aren't the Firefly comics, Buffy Seasons 8/9 and Angel After the Fall all considered canon?

  57. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 6, 2014 at 3:08 PM

    I've heard about the books being good, I'll have to try a couple.

  58. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 6, 2014 at 3:10 PM

    I freaking loved Star Wars: Shadow of the Epire for the N64 as a kid, that game was so much fun.

  59. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 6, 2014 at 3:12 PM

    The comic Freddy vs Jason vs Ash was a lot of fun to read. I really wish they had made that a movie.

  60. cabspaintedyellowMay 6, 2014 at 3:14 PM

    I miss Randy Anderson.

  61. AverageJoeEverymanMay 6, 2014 at 3:15 PM

    Is this the Dr Death Clash interview where he is obviously obliterated and is wearing white gloves for no real reason? If it is then it is fucking hilarious.

  62. AverageJoeEverymanMay 6, 2014 at 3:16 PM

    If Im ever the deciding vote in something I will also split my vote.

  63. or at least: announce the matches a significant time before they happen!

    there's a huge difference between something like "the tournament for the intercontinental championship is starting tonight" or "just two weeks until the intercontinental championship tournament" (+ "and here is the bracket to show what matches you can look forward to in the first round").

  64. if something like that would have been on free tv it would have been talked about as being a classic for years.

  65. I was watching at that time and I can't even recall Little Boogeyman, wow.

  66. AverageJoeEverymanMay 6, 2014 at 3:25 PM

    OK I posted about that too, I couldnt remember which early Clash had fucked up, white gloved, Dr Death either.

  67. AverageJoeEverymanMay 6, 2014 at 3:26 PM

    Sounds like World Wide

  68. Does the All Star Cartoon Special count?

  69. AverageJoeEverymanMay 6, 2014 at 3:28 PM

    That is the first Clash I ever saw as it happened. Love it even though it was awful.

  70. Whenever there's a ridiculous edit like that, I always think of the 'Radioactive Man' video editor.

    "You're fired."
    "And with good cause!"

  71. I only know one guy who is hardcore into Star Wars (and also a good friend of mine). and this guy thinks the prequels are okay but the Clone Wars series is great.

  72. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 6, 2014 at 3:35 PM

    I never even saw that.

  73. What channel was the NWA airing on in Edmonton at the time Scott? I don't recall watching WCW on tv until whenever Shaw started airing TBS up here, which was what 92?

  74. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 6, 2014 at 3:37 PM

    I came in here just to mention "What If?"
    Fun series.

  75. AverageJoeEverymanMay 6, 2014 at 3:42 PM

    Michael Buffer would say - "I miss Randy Peterson"

  76. Yes. Joss Whedon is involved in all of them (not writing them all, but involved).

  77. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 6, 2014 at 3:50 PM

    Is there anything good in all the Star Wars non-canon books?

  78. Shadows Of The Empire is pretty great.

  79. The X-Wing books are fantastic (or the first 7 anyway, I thought the others after were fine but not as good...there are 10 now, btw). Thrawn obviously is great. I really liked the Han Solo trilogy too, and the Tales of the... were mostly really good. The rest could be hit or miss. I've never gotten the blame to Disney though. These were never, ever going to be canon. Lucas outright said they were essentially an alternate universe and not part of his canon, so I don't know why everyone is so surprised.

  80. The Thrawn trilogy is excellent. I really liked the first 7 X-Wing books too.

  81. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 6, 2014 at 3:58 PM

    Do you think any of the fan-based and/or non-canon work will end up in the new movies?

  82. I was in Vancouver until 1990. And then yeah, Shaw picked up TBS in late 91 in Edmonton, which was awesome because I finally got to see a live Clash and it was fucking Rick Steiner v. Lex Luger in a shitty main event. I was actually mostly without WCW from the time when I moved to Edmonton (late 89) until TBS got picked up (Fall 91). Thankfully, this meant I missed most of the Black Scorpion saga and had to follow it via Apter mags.

  83. No, that's actually another terrible Steve Williams live interview. You'd think they would have learned their lesson after the first one.

  84. That's not true. Lucas openly said from the beginning that the books and games were not canon in "his universe". He said they were essentially an alternate universe as far as he was concerned. The books were only "canon" in the same way the new Star Trek movies are "canon" to the original Star Trek's a "parallel" universe. Whether Disney considers it a "parallel universe" or not existing at all, I don't know, but the books except for perhaps Splinter of the Minds Eye and maybe Shadows of the Empire weren't canon. He tried to respect it to the extent that he didn't completely step all over them, but he definitely didn't consider them canon to his movies.

  85. I'm still surprised they went lousy reboots ahead instead of sequels to Freddy/Jason, if memory serves it made decent coin. Not a blockbuster but profited

  86. Clash 1 was absolutely epic. The crowd more then the action itself is what makes this show for me. Definitely a good lineup and stacked card. But this crowd was so hot and made this show so fun. They even stuck with a 45 minute draw. Little did we know that one of WCW's greatest feuds had begun.
    I can't remember for sure maybe its just me, but were the Fantastics that popular? A U.S. Tag run? I always looked at them as jobbers, even after watching them again. Tell me they are not NWA's Young Stallions? Shit, to me the Stallions were borderline championship material. The Fantastics look like two Cruiserweight jobbers.

  87. No Chance In Hell.

  88. Ten? I've never seen a tenth... one minute.

  89. (Looks it up...) Huh. Guess that's a side effect of Star Wars/Star Trek kinda falling off the "common" bookstore offerings... hell I got most of the first nine at Wal-Marts back in the day.

  90. ... Yeah, I can believe that. I might have been taking what he said about Shadows and applying it to everything... part of it is he went backwards in the movies, so the "alternate" stuff wasn't challenged or completely voided just yet.

  91. I think a surprise steamboat apperance followed by a 5 star enforcers-steamboat/Dustin match in addition to the rude-sting us title match makes that November 1991 Clash one of the best ever. Who cares if luger-steiner sucked?

  92. Yeah, it's alright but nothing to go out of your way for.

  93. I loved the angle that led to Luger v Steiner though.

    And you also get mystery partner RICKY STEAMBOAT and the birth of the Dangerous Alliance, so it's not all bad.

  94. Look below. I posted it up. The formatting didn't translate well.

  95. He removed them and changed them out about 5 min after someone chimed in and said "Scott's not gonna like these images..."

  96. By the way you can actually click that "Free text-based simulation" part. It's a link to the game. I'd check it out! It's weird in a cool way.

  97. It's crazy good though! It feels like it was written by Dave Barry.

  98. How the hell does the Twilight arc work with Angel: After the Fall? Considering... well, you know. Spoilers...

  99. Tony LaRussa II on the PC. Was a great game with AI/Stats put in by Stats Inc with a big thanks to Bill James in the game. Outstanding game.

  100. Agreed, one of my favorites ever too. Also the Rude/Sting angle and match are a ton of fun and had some seriously nuclear heat.

  101. Superman - Red Son, Kingdom Come, and All Star Superman. Disagree with that!

  102. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 7, 2014 at 6:26 AM

    Mx = Greatest tag team EVER.

  103. MyrtleBeachHappyHourMay 7, 2014 at 8:32 AM

    Yeah, I'm the one who posed the original question because I didn't get to really start watching NWA until about '89/90 so I guess I missed the tail end of them. Even then I was only 10 so my memory of watching them originally has long since faded. These are some great matches and I'm looking forward to the Network posting some of the old weekly shows.


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