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Hall of Fame/return question...

I know the Hebners were forced to leave WWE due to selling counterfeit merchandise, but is there any chance they make it into the Hall or ever return to WWE?


Only if they induct Earl and Dave swerves them by giving the speech, causing a distraught Hulk to burst into tears again.   


  1. How much did they pay for the plastic surgery?!

  2. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 5, 2014 at 2:31 AM

    whoever asked that question is such a mark

  3. Every Hall Of Fame Question Ever - Does Hall Of Fame inductee's induction sell tickets?

    If the answer is yes, then yes they'll be in the Hall Of Fame...eventually.
    If the answer is no, then...mebbe,

    Hey, they're going to run out of people eventually.

  4. wait. wait. wait. The Hebners were bootlegging merchandise? I need details.

  5. The hundred dollar bills were falling out his pockeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttttttttt

  6. They were just selling WWE stock and keeping the money. I think it was more theft than anything else.

    Vince fired them and said "Earl screwed Earl"(apparently a reference to some earlier incident involving Earl Hebner?)

  7. Richard HumphreysMay 5, 2014 at 5:22 AM

    Referees aren't people. They're stage props.

    If they start inducting referees though, I think Tim White would go in first because of his connection to Andre, followed by Joey Marella.

  8. Anyone who can survive that many suicide attempts deserves to be in.

  9. There are some things that get you completely blackballed by a company. The Hebners are probably never going to be acknowledged by the WWE again.

    Really, what kind of money can be made off of a referee (even a pair of them)?

  10. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 6:11 AM

    Tommy Young should go in.

  11. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 5, 2014 at 6:12 AM

    Can Bret do the induction speech?

  12. Yeah I can see someone like Charles Robinson going in... but the Hebner's fucked up big time and there is no upside to forgiving them.

  13. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 5, 2014 at 6:34 AM

    Unless there's a market for a Hebner DVD, then forgiveness is not forthcoming.

  14. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 5, 2014 at 6:38 AM

    I get it, because that's his NAME!

  15. No daily thread yet, but no slow roll out for Clash of Champions. Every one is loaded up.

  16. placetobepodcastMay 5, 2014 at 6:53 AM

    Yep, was just coming to post that... pretty cool they did the giant posting at once.

  17. I can't believe I'm saying this, but now I want Bryan/Batista.

  18. Daniel Bryan is gonna get BURRIEEDD (alive)!!

    Sorry, but this just writes itself... I could not resist.

  19. I just want to point out that Yesterday was without a doubt the best WWE Special ever.


  21. Beat me to it fucker

  22. Wait until Payback.

  23. If they ever book CM Punk in a Crybaby match, ala Razor/Kid in 1996, then I will officially know that WWE is trolling me.

  24. My head would explode. I'm 99% sure I'd be banned from this site

  25. Man, has there been a bigger clusterfuck return than Batista?

  26. If the authority wants the title off of Bryan, why not put him in a match where he cannot win. Copy the Austin playbook against foley: Bryan vs triple h or orton, ref is Stephanie, time keeper is kane, new age outlaws are special enforcers.

  27. Well at the very least, he is doing the right thing, and turned heel and is putting people over. I'm glad he didn't let his ego get in the way. And I have a feeling he will indeed be talked into that match next month (He was talked into 2 extra PPV matches against Cena after WM 26.)

  28. A Loser Leaves Town match would work, too.

  29. Yea, I'd be surprised if he didn't work it. The way he's going, it's hard to imagine him being more than an upper midcard player when he returns. Not really what the wwe or Batista wanted from this return.

  30. I can't think of one. Time to cut him loose and move on.

  31. But wait, this is the ONLY WWE Special so f....

    Ahhhh. *taps his nose* I see what you did there.

  32. "talk into"=pay him more money.

  33. He had much lower expectations. Dave came back amd immediately won the rumble and was booked into a WM main event

  34. That's the thing...he's signed for 2 years, is it even guaranteed he comes back after his movie hiatus? I could easily see them negotiating a buyout. Seems like neither side is thrilled with this

  35. I like that Batista went from...

    We're bringing you back so you can win the Royal Rumble, then defeat Randy Orton at WrestleMania 30 for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

    ... to...

    Well, Dave... pal... someone's got to do the job here.

  36. The fans rejected him and now he comes off as a bit of a joke


  38. Unless they book him on an epic heel run, I can't see him succeeding in any way. The Boo-Tis-ta chants were back last night and I would imagine shows would start to get "hijacked" if he were back on top/

  39. I had such high hopes for a potential Batista/Brock program during this run

  40. Just finished Extreme Rules and thought the show was solid overall but the Cena/Bray match sucked, as did the Bryan/Kane match. Even still, the six-man was incredible and everything else was fine. Acceptable "B" show

  41. Cut out the extended forklift bit, and Bryan/Kane isn't terrible. They should have gone with falls-count-anywhere for the match and they could have booked it basically the same way.



  43. Favorite part of Cena/Bray: Cena, after laying out all 3 members of the Wyatts, looks back through the open cage door to survey his victory....then gets scared because of a child. So, so stupid.

  44. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:19 AM

    I think that Batista was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Him coming back co-en sited with the Yes movement in full stride and the fans weren't going to accept anyone other then Bryan in the main event. To his credit after the Del Rio feud he rolled with it but things would have been different if he had just come back as hollywood dave to begin with.

  45. well to be honest... That freaked me the hell out too. I can sort of understand the reaction.

  46. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:21 AM

    I know that he is a suit now and all but why the heck isn't Hunter wrestling more? He still goes out and has good matches and he loves wrestling more then anyone in the company.

  47. TJ: I have lots of filipina friends, and there's apparently a new immigration law that might send lots of them back home in the near future. I BLAME ZEB COLTER FOR THIS.. :( :(

  48. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:22 AM

    you know what I mean

  49. Even if they put the strap on Bryan say at the Rumble and run Bryan vs Hollywood Batista for mania, this turns out a lot better.

  50. Well, it looks like they set up a rematch with Kane at the end of Extreme Rules last night, so I'm guessing they're not expecting Batista back for the next show? Between the Kane sit-up and fire show and Shield winning the match with Evolution, the booking decisions from last night seemed a bit odd. Not wrong, necessarily, but a little weird.

  51. I hate John Cena. I hate him. I can't take it anymore. His promos suck, his character sucks, he's the suckiest suck that ever sucked.

    Yes, yes...he's not bad in the ring. But he's not good enough to let everything else slide.

  52. A voice distortion microphone freaks the hell out of you? I'll remind my 3 year old not to play with her Dora the Explorer microphone if you're ever around.

  53. Come on, we all know you don't have friends

  54. I know...but dude, you were so far off from coincided!

  55. More than just a "bit".

  56. When I asked about the results for this in the live thread, I 100% thought people were fucking with me. What. The. Fuck.

  57. Not to mention his repeat offenses of being winded by the time he hits the ring...

  58. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:25 AM

    Actually where they really dropped the ball...and I think Scott pointed this out was not getting the title on Hunter, (the rumble would have been the best time) and having HHH vs Bryan as the main event of Wrestlemania...Though to their credit the answered the question of what happens when your main event can't go on last...they put it on first.

  59. Maybe it's because they don't understand me, so they think I am saying nice things. BOOM!

  60. You need to watch the Exorcist. :)

  61. I have. Last night was nothing like the Exorcist.

  62. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:26 AM

    I'm on pain killers what do you want from me?

  63. Maybe they could do a "Best of Earl Hebner's Slow Counts"

  64. "NOW TEHY R LITERALLY GOING 2 BURY BRYAN!!!" - Vince Jordan Mocking Everyone Else Even Though No one Is Saying That

  65. This company is lacking top heels in the worst way. It's time for Triple H to get involved again and at least make someone his proxy against Bryan, because otherwise we're two months away from Bryan vs. Ryback.

  66. I would have just yelled "DEMON CHHIIILLDD!!!" and then dive back into the ring.

  67. Well I would say the right person one every single match... just the way they got there with Cena and Bryan was a bit off

  68. Sheamus heel turn.

  69. The match layout was stupid as well. Harper and Rowan cheat throughout the match (explain to me again why Cena wanted a cage match) and Harper even ends up in the ring at one point. Why not just have all 3 members enter the cage and curb stomp Cena to nothingness? The wresting was fine, but the angle and internal "logic" of the match was terrible.

  70. But with the way they're running through candidates, maybe they eventually get desperate.

  71. Or to the floor, considering he was standing on the steps. What you are proposing would have been better than last night.

  72. I don't get it.

  73. I was thinking the other day when I was watching the network that a good hall of fame inductee would be Lord Alfred Hayes. Why not right?

  74. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:30 AM

    Why can't Hunter just wrestle himself? He can clearly still deliver the goods.

  75. I've never liked "escape rules" in cage matches, period. I think they take away from just about every cage match. That needs to change.

  76. The whole point of the cage match was ridiculous. This feud sucks and it started off promising too.

  77. Hmph. John Cena overcomes those odds on a house show in Poughkeepsie.

  78. but the DEMON CHHILLDD was in his way. I would not voluntarily get closer to Satan.

  79. I agree on that. Just let bray pin him after the Sister Abigail

  80. Hunter wrestling himself (HHH vs HHH) is his dream match.

  81. I actually like having him as a part time wrestler. It sells his authority role better and makes the match seem more epic. Even thou we all knew we were getting Bryan/HHH at mania, when he announced felt huge

  82. Bret Hart's? Although not a clusterfuck, it was disappointing.

    Although Bret's Summerslam performance in the big WWE vs. Nexus match was more fun than anything Batista has done so far.

  83. While HBK cries in the corner

  84. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:32 AM

    I remember back in the NWA, (late 80's early 90's) Jim Ross made fun of the WWF's escape rules. That always stuck with me.

  85. I think he is hurting physically and that is why plus he seems to be doing a lot more behind the scenes

  86. WWE overestimated his appeal. I mean, I liked Batista, but did I miss him so much that I wanted him to come back as a conquering hero? Not really, especially since he's clearly in awful ring-shape and was never a great wrestler to begin with.

    He was a main eventer during his first run for sure, but he wasn't on the popularity level of The Rock or even Brock Lesnar. If WWE expected Batista's return to be on par with those returns they clearly thought Batista was a bigger deal than he really was.

    At least Lesnar and Rock boosted Raw ratings and PPV buys in the short term. Batista popped exactly ONE big Raw rating for his return and then it was back to normal. Even Royal Rumble 2014 was down 45k buys from Rumble 2013 (though that had Rock vs. CM Punk to be fair).

  87. I guess, if Batista's not going to be around for a rematch, the Shield winning was good. But Evolution going over would have helped to set up another match.

    Looking at the booking of Cena-Wyatt, though, I guess that's not really necessary.

  88. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:34 AM

    Your right Farva to a degree. I am not saying he should wrestle on Raw every week but seriously he can get in there more then twice a year. Maybe 10 PPV's and a Raw every couple of months is all I'm asking.

  89. Terra Ryzin...ring announcer

  90. Bret probably shouldn't have even been in the ring, though. One bad bump and forget it, he may not have been able to walk.

  91. Friends don't let friends BOD when they're impaired.

  92. Has there ever been a Buried Alive match worth watching? Maybe Bryan can make some magic happen.

  93. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:36 AM

    Aren't we past the point of making fun of Triple H? The man clearly has done business on camera and he is working his ass off to make the product better behind the scenes

  94. Maybe his body can't go for more than a match a month.

  95. Meh HHH can declare that they get another match because "Fuck you I'm HHH"

  96. Filipino women are good in the sack in my experience. That's all I have to add to this.

  97. "Your right Farva to a degree..."



  98. You see, there used to be a rich guy that... Meh, forget it.

  99. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:37 AM

    the running knee to put Kane the the grave would be a cool visual.

  100. Cena in a buried alive match would be interesting, there is no way for cena to lose. Because even buried alive, he'd dig his way out and OVERCOME THE ODDS

  101. It depends on how you do it. Bret vs. Owen was fantastic and Hogan vs. Orndorff was classic.

  102. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:38 AM

    I'm on painkillers what do you want from me?

  103. Great cuddlers too!

  104. If that were the case Farva would have like 20 posts

  105. Well, that's a little different, due to all of Bret's health issues. With Batista, the fans have just dumped all over his return.

  106. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:39 AM

    I can think perfectly fine...just can't splle so good.

  107. I guess I mean more in terms of storyline, not physical performance.

  108. I actually think the match itself could be good. I would certainly take it over another Kane match.

  109. A couple of good months doesn't make YEARS of shitty product palatable.

  110. If GotG so much as breaks even we will never see Dave~! again

  111. I know. But the matches would be better than if DB faced Kane or Dave.

  112. Yea. Not to nitpick since I really liked mania XXX, but that was THE scenario.

  113. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:44 AM

    Hunter wasn't even working backstage much until 2010 or so.

  114. As I said elsewhere in this thread if GotG makes so much as a dime in profit and Dave~! gets even mediocre reviews and starts getting more offers we will (thankfully) never see him again.

  115. He's been on the booking team since 1997.

  116. I agree. It's ingrained into the IWC tho at this point. It's not going anywhere

  117. Cena would laugh it off and cut a smiling promo on Raw about how ghosts and cemeteries are really spooky and cool and that he loves Halloween.

  118. That is obviously what I meant... what else do you do in bed with women? :: Shrugs ::

  119. Poopy would somehow be involved. There is always poopy.

  120. Ok, this has bothered me for a while, when is the last time Cena has made a poop joke? Hasn't it been well over a year ago now? Why are people still obsessing over it?

  121. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:49 AM

    What was cool about Mania was that other then the divas match EVERYTHING felt epic. Just wondering since we're on the subject and I respect your opinion Farva...where do you think Hogan goes in the company from here? The Silverdome/Superdome flubnotwithstanding he looked great for a guy that can hardly walk and still has the energy and charisma to hold an audience, (unlike Flair and Piper who I just felt sorry for)

  122. Just go back and look at how many people honestly thought HHH was going over at mania was mind boggling.

  123. Even 1 poop joke is too much

  124. Same reason you and Farva obsess over CM Punk

  125. It's not the word itself. Poopy is the poster noun for the type of promo that Cena is historically known to cut when faced with what should be a dangerous situation.

  126. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:51 AM

    I didn't think it was going to happen, (I wanted it too cause my gimmick) but anyone with a brain knew that was gonna be Bryans night.

  127. Well, he DID win a match over Booker T about 11 years ago... You can't just ignore that...

  128. That , I agree with. I have always thought it was a Vince Mcmahon thing though. even back in the attitude era, tons of poop material was used.

  129. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:52 AM

    Just come no one gets mad that Hunter beat Booker T in his comeback match from injury in 07?

  130. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 7:53 AM

    Good point...Hunter did screw bret.

  131. Batista's physical performance hasn't exactly been that great either and he can't use "Well, I had a major stroke and I'm over 50" to justify his poor in-ring work.

  132. That's always been something nice been cur about actually. In this day of everything being super scripted, how much improvising does Cena do/how much is he allowed to do?

    Obviously if there's 1 guy theyll give a long leash to for that, it's Cena.

  133. Since nobody gets these on ppv anymore, it really doesn't matter.

    I'd go Bryan vs. Kane at Payback
    Bryan vs. Orton at Money in the Bank
    Bryan vs. Hunter at BattleGround
    Bryan vs. Brock at SummerSlam

    Give Brock the title, then build to Cena vs. Brock at Survivor Series, where Brock retains.

  134. It's funny that you typed this

  135. So if the big problem right now is the lack of killer heels, so much so that we're suggesting HHH should go back to wrestling full time, how do we solve that problem? Turning Sheamus may be a start, and figuring out a way to get Rusev over as a monster wouldn't hurt, but then what?

    People are completely burned out on Orton. The Shield is now a face team. The mid-carders like Titus and Del Rio and Ryback and Axel and Swagger and (sadly) Ziggler have no credibility as a top challenger. RVD could be good but I don't think it's possible to turn him heel.

    How about Cody Rhodes? Have him beat the unholy shit out of his brother, destroy some others, lay down the challenge to Bryan, then have a 30-minute wrestling classic at MITB?

    Or better yet, how do we build up Cesaro as a legitimate challenger without Paul Heyman overshadowing the whole thing?

  136. I think.they ONLY brought him in to pitch the network/mania deal. I don't really see him doing anything unless it's like national promotion for the network. He did look great though so maybe they'll trot him out every once and awhile to bump an hourly rating.

    Honestly, I'm pretty ok with Hogan being back in the fold. He can't take a bump so he won't get involved in any wrestling angles and he can still entertain a crowd in small doses

  137. I remember thinking the Smackdown Buried Alive match between Rock n Sock and Big Show/Undertaker was pretty good. Haven't seen it since so it may not be as good as I remember it.

  138. Cesaro/Heyman was a bad pairing to begin with and I don't see it getting any better.

  139. Didn't catch the PPV til today so decided to check out last night's PPV thread.

    Sooooo many people talking about what they hated and not enough talk of that awesome Shield/Evolution match. -__________-

  140. Cesaro with Paul Heyman will be great as soon as Heyman stops crowing about the streak and starts focusing on his current client. Although, I imagine he's doing it to lead in to a Cesaro-Lesnar match (I'm clearly overthinking, it's probably unlikely, but would be awesome).

  141. Kane lost clean to Bryan last night. Why should he get a rematch kayfabe-wise? Batista was pinned clean in the six-man. Why should he get a title shot?

  142. One match doesn't make up for an extremely marginal show.

  143. Why did Bray and Cena fight in a cage match last night?

    They book shitty feuds nowadays is the answer

  144. Agreed. Cesaro was getting HUGE face reactions, and Heyman squelches that just by his very nature. A year ago it would have worked, now... not so much. They needed to just let Cesaro be a face because that is what people want.

  145. AverageJoeEverymanMay 5, 2014 at 8:12 AM

    "Promotional consideration paid for by the following"

  146. Tommy Young or gtfo

  147. "Best of all the Times Earl Shoved Triple H," a ten hour, 3 disc set.

  148. So, we should expect Saturday Night's Main Event soon, too, huh?

  149. I wonder what Bret thought of that line?


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